My camera is still missing, but I think I am getting some pretty good shots with my phone. I haven't started decorating for fall yet, that will have to happen after I get back from my trip, but I have spread out some of the decorations from Emily's party until I know how I want to arrange everything. It has been fun looking at all the blogs and the fall and Halloween decorations. Do we like to decorate or what?! I saw a front porch idea that I love and I am getting anxious to do my mantel differently. Fun, fun, fun.
This is a small slab of granite that I picked out for my counter tops. I didn't want anything with speckles or a muddy color, so this worked out perfect. My back splash is white tile, so I've picked up that and my cabinets are unfinished pine, the goldish color in the stone. My back ordered kitchen island has a black and white marble top, so I think this is going to compliment it. Today the fabricator is coming to measure and then we will have it in about 10 days.
After I nearly lost my lunch over the first quote we got on the kitchen, we decided to do things ala carte. We found a Kohler sink at Home Depot on sale and bought it. We also got the fixtures and garbage disposal {online}. A carpenter has one of my cabinets and is trying to match it up with new panels. Then I just have to wait for my island. Oh, we are getting a new dishwasher, too, as it's my only appliance that isn't stainless steel. I am excited to show you pictures because I have always avoided that since some of the cabinet doors had cracked and snapped off. It was really unsightly and I think I got the burner under The Husband lit by announcing I was going to have a Christmas Party with all of his friends and colleagues. ;-D
Anyone need sunflowers? I have 18 of them scattered around in various places. And all the bean jar candles. Those I may just wrap red ribbon around and use for Christmas.
So, I think I am ready for Vegas...just a little laundry and a trip to the drugstore for sample sized products. Two of the wives can't join us, one of whom I became pretty good friends with, so I'll be wandering around the casino alone most of the time. The Husband plays poker, sometimes at other hotels. I don't mind, it just gets a little boring. We all meet for dinner and sometimes a show. I'm not sure if we are seeing anyone this year.
I went to my doctor yesterday and I have bronchitis. I figured that from the 10 minute coughing fits. So I have antibiotics and I should start to feel well soon. Thanks so much for your well wishes.
Now I'm off to de~clutter my counters so the guy can get to them to measure. How would a vase of sunflowers look sitting on top of a toaster? :-)
Hi Jane! I'm just getting over my bout with bronchitis. Inhaler, antibiotics, steroids, and breathing treatments. ICK! I hope you feel better soon! Have fun in Vegas!
Jane, maybe you could let those sunflowers dry and you could use them for a long time. Do take care and rest up. I am pacing myself these days too because of the weather causing acute flares of joint pain but I am blessed to be able to stay home and talk to you and others. Have much fun in Vegas. hugs♥O
your kitchen colors are beautiful,, have a wonderful weekend and take care of that cough,
Oh my goodness, so many people have bronchitis right now. Do take care of yourself and get lots of rest. I hope you feel better soon. A cough is so exhausting, isn't it!?!
I love your sunflowers. They certainly are a "happy" flower. I can't think of another thing that speaks fall more than sunflowers and pumpkins.
Have a wonderful time in Vegas.
Oh Jane, the granite you have chosen is gorgeous! Love the sunflowers!
Dying to see when you are done ... love the colors, Jane.
Enjoy your trip & have some fun.
Have a great week ~
Jane, away from my computer with limited time to check in, but I've enjoyed catching up this evening. Always fun to see what you are up to. Hope you feel better soon and have a fun time in Vegas. ~ Sarah
Hi Jane, hope you get better really soon. The coughing will wear you out for sure! Your kitchen is going to look wonderful. I can't wait to see the redo - kitchens are my favorite redos! Linda
Do be well for Vegas dear - and hopefully The Husband will win a bundle and take you away somewhere more relaxing and quiet so you can recuperate, ha! ha!
Love what you're doing in the kitchen reno and will be anxious to see it completed later.
Safe travels - have fun.
Hugs - Mary
Jane so sorry to here you have bronchitis, hope your starting to feel better! LOVE LOVE the granite you chose for your kitchen! Martina
Lovin' those pretty sunflowers Jane! The counters will be pretty, the reno is so exciting! Rest up, hope you feel better soon:@)
Kitchen are so exciting to redo. its gonna be great.. Have a great trip and YES, put those sunflowers on top of the toaster. We'll probably see that next fall in the pottery barn catalog:) and we can say we saw it first at Jane's House~!
have a safe trip, gonna miss ya.
I'm sorry you're sick! Hope you're better in time for the trip.
OH Jane your counters are going to be gorgeous!!!!Can't wait to see finished photos:) If you are in the area next September you are more than welcome to come to our Oktoberfest! Feel better.
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
I love the granite. The blue/gray is so different. My daughter and her husband went to a granite place and picked from a slab. Theirs' is really different and I love it too.
Feel better. I would be happy in the hotel room reading a book......or better yet go to the hotel spa. If your Hubby plays poker you should do that. Mine plays as well
Love that granite and can't wait to hear more about your renovations. Have fun on your trip and I hope by the time you go that you feel good.
Have a great time in Vegas, Jane! I really like the aqua tint in the granite, or at least that is what it looks like on my monitor...
I really like that granite, Janie, I like the pattern and the colors. It's not like the others that I normally see, which I really like. I can't wait to see your new kitchen. Enjoy your trip to Vegas....Christine
Hi Janie, your kitchen plans sound really good. Have a wonderful trip and take good care of yourself.
Hugs, Barb ♥
The granite is beautiful, Jane!!
Oh Janie ~ feel better soon and have a wonderful time in Vegas! Love the countertop ~ everything will come together and I love the way you lit that fire ~ smart smart woman. xo
How exciting Jane! Your granite is beautiful. Sure hope you get to feeling better!
Love the granite! Can't wait to see the whole kitchen. Have fun in Vegas!
Hope you are feeling better soon, Janie. Have fun on your Vegas trip and post all updates of the kitchen, yay!
What a job renovating a kitchen, isn't it? All those decisions. I love your stone and will be anxious to see it in place. We went with Venetian Gold granite because we knew we would be selling within 5 years and that would still be popular here. Because we have done so many houses we always buy with resale in mind. Next house is my own to love for good-and I will make different choices.
What kind of dishwasher did you get? A good dishwasher makes so much difference...we had to get a quiet one because of MyHero's hearing.
I hope you have fun in Vegas. No sinning! Or..if you DO sin make sure you chronicle it for your readers!;>) Get well don't want to be flying with bronchitis...xo Diana
Sunflowers look good anywhere!! I love the way they brighten up a space! Can't wait to see your new countertops and will have to give us advice too! I've been thinking about new countertops just can't make up my mind which way to go! Would love some help. Love the color granite you picked ..very unusual with the blue in it! Hope you take before and afters!!
Miss Bloomers
Jane, Your kitchen will be absolutley gorgeous. I'm with you - I don't want anything muddy for my new kitchen counters either.
Oh! Bronchitis- ) :
I feel bad for you!
Take it easy.
Sunflowers on the toater- hhahaha!
Have a pretty day!
Fell better and enjoy your trip.
O, gosh..when I got to the "I went to the doctor today...." I thought you were gonna say your pregnant. lol lol lol...
Your counter tops are going to be sooo pretty. The whole new kitchen sounds amazing.
Take great care of yourself..that ole bronchitis can be a bugger to get rid of.
I had more fun in Vegas than anywhere I have ever been (until I went on my first cruise with family) Hope you will be feeling much better by the time you go.
I do hope you are doing better, I had it twice last year and it is the pits! I hope I don't get it again this year:(
Those sunflowers are gorgeous and have a wonderful trip, I'd love to visit there!
Your kitchen is going to be beautiful. I can't wait to see it!
Oh! Feel better soon!
Your kitchen will be so lovely! I am so excited for you!
Oh honey, I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!! Bronchitis is AWFUL! Please take good care of yourself ~ and btw, the granite is gorgeous!!! Hope you have the most wonderful time in Vegas Jane! hugs and love, Dawn
On a toaster? Hmmm..not bad I would say. I think you should try it. I hope you feel better soon. I have to go to the Friday farmers market for my sunflowers..but..I think I might just do that.. :)
I am so excited to see your finished kitchen!
Right now I don't have any projects in the works..except for Halloween decorating..
Maybe paint those kitchen cupboards?
Perhaps put in glass.
Vegas! I always loose my shirt money!
Bromchitis? Oh poor lovey. I hope you're haing plenty of rest, and someone to take care of you and tuck you up in bed!!
I hope that you are starting to feel better, bronchitis can sometimes be a challenge to kick!
Your granite choice is lovely. It's going to be fun watching your kitchen transition! I am looking forward to the post where you are really standing behind that amazing Williams Sonoma island!
Safe travels and get well!
That is gorgeous looking granite. Sometimes a lecart style is better Jane LOL. Hope you feel better, lots of crud going around.
Hi Jane, I love Fall decorating too, and just posted my new vintage picnic basket all fixed up for Autumn... sorry to hear you are sick, hope you feel better before time to leave on your trip... enjoy Vegas... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane~~I'm just getting over an upper resp. infection myself. I hope you feel better real soon.
That granite is gorgeous! I LOVE the blue in it!!!!
How exciting to have a whole new kitchen look.
Have fun in Vegas, sweetie!
Beautiful granite! I'll take some of the sunflowers! We are also picking new counters for a little kitchen love. My sink has been in my shed for 2 years, just waiting for college graduations to free up some of my decorating dollars. Picked our countertops but haven't yet decided on an install date. Have a vacation coming up and well, you know :)
Hey Jane, Can you email your mailing address so I can get the white marigold seeds off to you. They are ready! My email is on the sidebar of my blog. Thanks a bunch and have a great trip! xoxo
oh, that is the prettiest!!!!! granite ever...can't wait to see!!!!
WOW! You have been busy! And being sick certainly doesn't help!!
But you are getting it done! Your gorgeous kitchen, packing, all of it!
I hope you feel better by the time you leave, and I hope I feel bette soon too!!! lol
There is nothing happier than sunflowers!
You are going to be so happy with that granite. I just love mine and wish I'd done it sooner. We had to take off all the old countertop before the granite people would measure. So we had 2 weeks with no countertop, no sink, disposal or dishwasher. Ugh. But, it was all worth it. Have a great trip!
LOVE the method to your maddness of getting new cabinets!!!! Threaten that party baby as it seems to have worked. GOOD FOR YOU!!! And yes, the cost of this type work will take your breath away. Have a great weekend.
Hi Janie,
I completely understand where you are coming from...your granite you chose is amazing love the colours. Thank you for visiting me today and becoming a new follower!! I really appreciate it! I'm happy to be following you too! Have a great trip and I hope you feel better very soon!
All the Best,
Hi Jane...
Ohhh can't start your trip to Vegas with bronchitis, sweet friend! Sending prayers your way! So sorry that your good friend won't be making the trip with you. You know...there is no reason to be bored in Vegas! Don't forget...there is always shopping! Hehe! Gloria and I seen some really nice shops out there!
Ohhh...Jane, I am sooo excited for you! Getting your kitchen remodel! I'm still crossing my fingers for a kitchen redo at my place! I love, love, LOVE that piece of granite! Love all the grays in it! Ohhh yes, I think it will compliment the white and gray marble beautifully! I can't wait to see photos! Hurry up and finish! wink! Hehe! Well dear friend, have fun with your kitchen remodel and also have fun in Vegas! Praying for your health and a safe trip, dear friend!
Love ya,
PS...thanks so much for stopping by and taking a peek at my autumn table. You always make my heart smile, my friend!
Love the granite:) Great job on picking out the color! Hope you feel better, I am struggling with the coughing too!
Have a blessed evening my friend, fun trup ahead! HUGS!
So sorry you are sick. Get better soon you need to be well for Vegas!
Love the granite you picked. I do not like the pattern on mine but it was fairly new when I bought the condo so I won't change it. It has dark speckles in it which are not my taste, oh well I do love the shine at least.
I bet your sunflowers really brighten up your home.
My camera went missing for a week and I was lost without it! You took great pix with your phone though Jane. Feel better and get you some rest!
Hi Jane,
Well, Vegas is always nice, been once and loved it! Hope you will feel 100% soon again, looking forward to see more kitchen pics, if you can find your camera, but these with the phone are pretty good too, I still haven't entered smart phone world...anyhoo, enjoy your trip, love reading your posts, as you know, you are a great woman! Cheers honey, Maureen xx
have a blast Jane ... you world traveler you!!
Hi lovely Jane,
I just realised that I'm not a follower of your blog any did that happen? Grrrr to Blogger.....anyway, I'm firmly back on now!!
I am excited to work on my countertops, but they won;t be the real deal like yours Jane! But all in all a fresh look, and it is going to be nice.
Jane, I love the granite you have chosen for your countertops. Kitchen renovations can be expensive. It sounds like you're getting some good deals shopping around. I can't wait to see it when it is done!
Jane at
Join us on Facebook!
First, I hope you feel better soon! Best to get treatment for brinchitis right away and it sounds like you have done that. Second, a new kitchen is always exciting. It is such a well used part of the home, and cooking in a pretty kitchen is so much more fun! I can't wait to see it finished. Have a great time in Vegas:>)
I love sunflowers :) They grow wild here:)
Have a super week end!
I so love your kitchen ideas's going to be just fabulous!
And I hope your having fun on your trip! Tell Al you two need to come visit us, we will find some fun things to do!
Big Hugs,
Oh, Jane - I'm so sorry you're feeling under the weather. Prayers for a quick recovery, sweetie! And your counter.....AWESOME!!!! It's so unique and beautiful! I can hardly wait to see the BIG reveal!! :)
xoxo laurie
Jane, I love sunflowers, great idea from Olive to dry them! Your granite is beautiful, I know you can't wait to get it all done! Take care, I know so many people who have that awful nagging cough!
Aren't kitchen projects fun? (total sarcasm). The granite you picked out is beautiful! I love how each piece is unique. Have a fun vacay!
Janie, I love the pattern of what will be your new counter tops!! How exciting to be getting a new kitchen! I have to laugh because the money that was supposed to be allotted to both bathroom renovations went to the outdoor landscaping project! Every last penny. LOL I am gonna have to save up so I can do them and my kitchen. It might be a few years, at this point. :-) Hope you are enjoying the weather in Vegas. Win some more money, ok? hugs, Sue
I love what you have picked out Janie! It is going to be beautiful! Maybe they will get the island REALLY quick! I hate it when I have to wait on something...I am SO impatient!
I know you will have fun in Vegas!
Lou Cinda
I bet you can't wait to see your finished kitchen...and neither can I ;o)
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