I'm happy to be back in a new frame of mind, happy again and just letting the good times roll. After I wrote my pity party post the other day, I got to work organizing and cleaning my house. The Husband came home and asked if the cleaning ladies were here that day {I have 2 girls come twice a month}. I guess I did a thorough job, especially in his Man Cave Corner...think laptop, Nook, notepad, coffee cups, cigars and ashtray, and basket of Fantasy Baseball magazines. I did everything but the laundry, but as some of you said...it'll still be here tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support and if you took the opportunity to vent as well, I hope you feel good now.
My camera is still MIA. I hope I find it at the lakehouse tomorrow. If not, maybe it's time for an upgrade. ;-D. I was able to get some good shots with my cellphone and I thought I'd share the recent rearrangement of my summer mantel. Given that I am a total summer girl, I haven't hauled out the fall stuff. Not just yet.
I took away some beach pictures I had up here and added some mercury glass votive holders to give a little sparkle. It's definitely candle time with all those juicy berry and apple pie smelling candles out now. And the flickering light looks so pretty early in the evening now that it gets dark so much sooner.
I've had these dried hydrangeas for months and they have faded from pale green to pink. Since I don't grow hydrangeas myself, I ordered them dried from a farm through eBay. It's pretty cool, you can get lavender, peonies, whatever you'd like. In a few more weeks I will add some fall decorations. I've been getting so many ideas from blogs and magazines. My biggest love has been burlap pumpkins that I have seen in Etsy shops, and lighted branches, which I hear Kirkland's has on sale.
My reading frenzy continues. I finished Maine. It had an ending that wrapped things up pretty well, but still left you hanging a bit. I liked that, sort of made me think. This is the author's second book and since I liked it so well, I ordered her first book, Commencement, from Amazon. In the meantime, I picked up this book at Target and I am really loving it. It's a beach read but really well written and it moves along fast. This weather just makes me want to curl up at night and read, sort of the way it motivates some to bake. At least I don't get the calories, although this story is set in a bistro and the food is outstanding. After reading Maine, I suggested to The Husband that we check out the upper east coast on our springtime vacation. He countered with Quebec City. I think I need to brush up on my French.
The temps are in the mid 50's today. I am wearing my heaviest sweatshirt since it seems just crazy to turn on the heat when I had the A/C on earlier in the week. After my shower this morning I put cocoa butter oil on and it sucked right in. My skin is the first sign that colder weather is on the way.
Tonight we are going to look at stone for the counter tops. We received our first quote on the kitchen reno and it left us speechless to say the least. We have another estimate scheduled for Monday. I really dislike this whole process, it frustrates me and I don't like that. Hopefully all the decisions will be made in the next week or two.
Thanks for stopping by and I will see you next week! :-)
Your mantel looks nice and fresh! How exciting about your kitchen but yes, frustrating all the same. The cost, the details and getting someone to just show up and do the work- ugh!
SO jealous that you're having cool weather, we're still in the 100s here.
Beautiful mantel Jane!!!
Its getting alot cooler here..and I think fall is definitely coming quickly.
Im sorry you cant find your camera..but lets hope it shows up safe and sound!
Renos?! How exciting!
Deborah xoxo
Jane your mantle looks so pretty! I love the mercury glass. I'm so not ready to put Halloween decorations up yet. Summer went by wayyyyyyyyyy to fast!
Hi Jane- The mantle looks great! I am like you- I am having a hard time hauling my Fall stuff out-when I so desperately want it to be warm just a bit longer. I will say, though, that Fall is my favorite Season...but I feel like we in the Midwest got cheated a bit on Summer this year.
I love Maine and had hoped to go this Fall but it looks like a wedding in the midst of our vacation time is going to prevent us from taking the trip. Just tell THE HUSBAND that Quebec is NOTHING like Maine...NOTHING!!! And with that statement my mouth started watering for REAL Maine lobster...oh my!
Well, here's hoping your camera turns up and to let you know that you sound SO MUCH BETTER in this post! Kicked those blues to the curb! xo Diana
Love your mantel jane! It is very fresh and simple yet makes a statement. I struggle with mine year after year.
I love how mantel's are so fun for playing about with. I've never had one, so make do with the top of my cupboards or dresser.
I feel your pain in the reno process and quotes etc. All I can say is get as many quotes as possible, keep them in a folder, and then out of the two or three you like best, see if you can get them to beat your best price. It worked for me on a few occasions, and can mean savings of hundreds-thousands of dollars. Good luck! x
Your mantle looks great Jane! Hope you find your camera tomorrow, but it does sound like you have a good Plan B if not:@) That cold weather is blowing into Philly as I type. Have a great weekend!
Looks beautiful Jane!
I am happy that you are happy Jane! I love a good read so I will jot down that author for future reading. I think that you will adore Quebec City! We only got to spend an evening there a few years ago but I loved it. I feel for you when it comes to reno quotes ~ I got one for the stairs and before he gave it to me he asked if I was sitting down! Enjoy the rest of your week and the week-end.
Jane your mantel is BEAUTIFUL and I love how you have it accessorized!! Martina
Jane your mantel is BEAUTIFUL and I love how you have it accessorized!! Martina
Your sweet mantel is so pretty. I'm really trying to welcome fall but it's been hot and humid here ~ bring on the beach! :) Maybe tomorrow I'll feel a little more fall like as the temp is going to drop.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead ~
You will love Quebec City.My daughter and husband have been living there for the last 5 years while he studies at the University there. I visited in early December and it was just beautiful. The Old City is especially great. I loved all the pastry shops and candy shops. And you will feel like you are in Europe instead of Canada. While it is a French speaking country-shop keepers(especially young ones) will know some English. It will be a great experience for you both.
Jane, the mantle is perfect for this between the season time. We have no mantle on our stone fireplace so I shall enjoy yours! hugs♥O
I know you must hate taking your summer things off the fireplace mantel. I don't have one and know its a nice place to display a lot of pretty things. Can't wait to see what you put up there next.
Oh...I of course miss the last post so I had to jump down and read it too.
We are living the same life!!! Only difference is our kitchen remodel was two years ago and it nearly killed me.
We go to the camp on the weekends, and I have to call the kids and tell them to get the house straight before we get back, and when I walk in it is still a mess.
I can only imagine what it looked like before I called.
Sorry for venting!
Our trip to Vegas was so much fun. We had never been before. So much to see and eat. LOL
Have a great week,
I like your mantle and sure do agree about being a summer gal and needing a heavy sweatshirt right now. This is way too early! I got a pedicure a few days ago and a friend told me I should have gotten a "fall" color instead of Japanese Rose Garden (who comes up with these names?) which is pink with a mauve cast. I told her I was hanging onto summer with everything including my toenails!
I hope you find your camera unless you really want to upgrade. ;-)
Hi Jane
Oh I missed your pitty party but it sounds like you snapped right out of it.. can you come clean my place too??? it's quite a dismal prospect after travelling..
Well your cell phone shots are great... and everything looks fresh and new.. ready for the cold weather? .. You know the weather has been up and down here also.. bounces from 16c to 26c and back.. hopefully spring will spring into action..
Have a great weekend and thanks for the kind comments.. ciao xxx Julie
O, we are having cool weather, too, and I just want to run nekkid thru the rain. :)) Oh, my...it sure wouldn't be a pretty sight !!
Burlap pumpkins? O, I haven't seen any yet and I am already in LOVE.
And, I'm gonna ck out Kirklands to see if the branches are on sale here. Hope so.
I haven't done fall decos yet, either. Maybe a little later.
I am so excited that you are getting new counter tops. Sooo expensive.
xoxo bj
oops...forgot to say I LOVE YOUR MANTEL...BEAUTIFUL
Today was the first day of cooler weather. Not ready for it. Your Mantel looks lovely and how fun to get a kitchen redo.
Jane I love your mantle. I just picked up a couple of mercury glass votives. It has finally turned cool here as well, really nice!
Art by Karena
I hope you will join my special Giveaway from Interieurs!
It sounds like you were one busy girl! Your mantel looks beautiful, a really nice transition between summer and fall.
Enjoy your weekend.
It's so good to get everything spruced up - and even better when the husband notices!
It sounds like you have had a great week. Reading, decorating, cleaning . . . all things I love.
Glad to hear you are feeling better again and that your house feels like a home again. Cleaning it and puttering around in it really does make it so much more homey doesn't it.
Glad you are feeling better. I missed your last post so had to go read it. It happens to us all. I feel like I'm drowning in some things over here too. Does it ever really all come together? We will press on!
Wow, you have a lot going on. I wish I could redo our kitchen, but that would just lead to others things , so I'll just look at your new kitchen and wish it was mine.:) Would you send me some of that cooler weather, Please?
Hi Jane!
This is the first time that I can remember that I have waited to embrace Fall. It's my favorite season, but I just cannot let go of Summer. Maybe it is because we did not have Summer until September this year!HA!
Have fun at the lake! I hope you find your camera!
Thanks for the heads up on the reads!
Love your mantel also. I always love it when Steve notices how clean the house is and I'm not sure why that makes me feel good.
We are in the process of getting estimates for new kitchen counters and wowza are they expensive. Seems like every time we add something big to any of our homes we get a transfer.....hmph! :)
Hi Jane...your mantel looks so pretty. I finally gave in and did a Fall scape on the diningroom table. I'm still hoping for Indian Summer tho.
Your phone sure takes good pictures. I definately need an upgrade on a camera.
Enjoy your weekend at the lake!
Hi Janie, so happy to hear that you are feeling better. Having a clean house always makes me feel I can do anything.
Your mantel is lovely and there is nothing wrong with hanging onto summer a bit longer.
We are still in the 80's and I am really looking forward to some cooler weather.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Barb ♥
Glad you ditched the "funk":) We all have it and thankfully it moves on down the road! Love your gorgeous mantel! SOOOOOOOO pretty! Have a blessed weekend, hope you find your camera! HUGS!
Hi Jane! I missed your pity party post but just went and read it...too dang funny girl. I loved it, it's as if you could read my mind:)
Cooler here today too...so sad to see summer slipping away:( Good luck with the stone shopping!!
Hi Jane,
I just went back and read your last post.. sorry I haven't been on here, I have been having my own pity party.
First of all, your mantel looks just elegant and pretty!
And boy girlfriend, do I ever understand that overwhelmed feeling.
Makes you want to pull your hair out sometimes!!
I have had Adi so much lately that I am literally exhausted!
My daughter has worked and worked to try to get her bills paid.
However, I need to take care of myself too.
Anyhoo, enough about me.
Keep your chin up Janie, so many of us feel your pain.
It's dreary and yucky here today. I want some sun...although yesterday was sunny but cool.
Hugs to you,
Oh boy I remember that 'speechless' feeling when we redid our kitchen. It was crazy, but so worth it now.
I'm so glad you are feeling better. I read your post and thought well everything you've had on your plate(wedding, etc) and then it all is over, so I bet you are going through the letdown part like after Christmas. I go through that after big events in my life too.
So I'm sending you a bigger than usual hug today sweet Jane...
I love that you are reading...I love your decor...so relaxing and beautiful...must be the blue on the walls...it is fine that you vented in the last post...makes you human and i know how frustrating about the camera..i broke mine 3 times this year but i had a warranty...so yes...cell phone pictures work:)
Have a super week end :)
Jane, I HOPE you find your camera!!!! Oh what a bummer! I bet it's at the lake just waiting with those photos in it.
I know what you mean about the summer seeming to linger & linger it has until yesterday(earlier in the week we were back at 107). It cooled off & today it RAINED!!!! I had to Google it to be sure I identified it correctly! I don't remember the last time it rained!!!!!! WHAT A BLESSING! And how good it smelled. So, I think we will all be like you wearing long sleeves one day & short the next until the seasons get their act together. ENJOY! Charlene
Dear Jane,
you have a wonderful fireplace!
I wish we would have a fireplace in our home!
Your mantel looks lovely -- really like the mercury glass. I always think I'm going to do "simple & maybe sophisticated" decorating, but guess that just isn't me. I go for the bold, fun & over-load-look....lol! Enjoyed your "venting" post. I think we all go through those "it's all too overwhelming" times, so it's great to have a "boat-load" of sister bloggers to share with, right? I'm a new follower & look forward to reading and seeing more on your blog.
:) CAS
I hate it when I misplace my camera. I think it must be the feeling an old boyfriend seemed to have when he ran out of cigaettes in an isolated place. A little bit of panic in there for sure.
Glad you are back on track.
Your mantel is the perfect "in between" summer and fall, lovely!
Mecury glass adds just the right amount of sparkle any time of year. I just found your blog and have enjoyed browsing! Am you newest follower and will be back often!
P.S. Jane, I clicked on follow and it wouldn't come up, a little yellow thing came up. Luckily I read once on someone else's blog about the follow at the top which I hadn't noticed before so I was able to go ahead and follow, the same thing happed when I went to check out a few of your favorites that I hadn't seen before, they wouldn't go, the yellow thing came up? I haven't seen this before.
Hey Jane! Love the addition of that mercury glass and zinc pieces on your mantel. Just the right amount of chic gray! :) I've been wearing my sweatshirts, too. Just love it! I'm jealous that you get a kitchen reno AND a spring vacation to Quebec! :)
xoxo laurie
It's very cool here too. I did break down and put the heat on tonight. A kitty is sleeping on me so I am warm.
Pretty Summer mantel. Do show photos when you switch to a Fall theme. That's my favorite season.
Your mantle is very pretty! It is cold here this weekend, fall is definately in the air. Hope you find your camera!!!
Great music, I don't always have the volume turned on, but I happened to today. I may just leave your blog on all day so I can listen to the music. I read your rant, I think I might just have to sit and have a cry. That is going to be me in a couple of years and I don't have any cleaning ladies.
Your mantel looks great, it is really starting to look like fall here and I am even working on my corn stalks today. I hope you find your camera.
reading your blog is like sitting down with you in person, such honest heart felt words.I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, renos are some upsetting business, wonderful when completed but the journey sucks,, your photos are lovely and the candles sound yummy!I love the dried flowers,, I've had those in a basket for several years and they still look good, I guess they are ever lasting, I didn't know you could buy them online,thats good to know.I don't have my yard with a garden anymore,, take care,,
Jane, I always love reading your posts! Especially the last one. Yes, really!! Life isn't always beautiful and happily ever after, and your post was a good one. Glad to hear that today things are looking brighter. And FALL. I love fall, your mantel is perfect for this time. xoxo Lidy
the mantel looks inviting.
I wish you lived close by, I have hydrangeas to spare this year, in so many colors. But it is getting cool and we had tons of rain, so they are changing color fast.
Boy, I know...countertops can give you sticker-shock. My kitchen is not even that big, but I had them honed and the price was about 8000.00. It also depends on the quality. Hope you will recover from that chock and get to enjoy the result. Have fun on your trip. Thank you for your good-wishes with my still bad upper back.
Hugs, Evi
Hi sweet Jane.....glad you are feeling a little more like your self now. We all need to throw a little "hissy-fit" now and then. Lovin' that mantle....and I LOVE that paint color on your living room wall.
Remodeling the kitchen...hugh.....we did that several years ago it is a pretty daunting endeavor....but I know once you have everything picked out and it is finished you will be in heaven.
Enjoy this fall weather we are having...it is cool my way in Montana too.
Your mantle looks so pretty, Jane. And I hear you on contractor costs - our basement flooded last year & we had to have the whole thing redone. This year, we just had 3 new windows put in (can you believe the windows cost $700 each??!) and now hardwood flooring is being installed in the 3rd bedroom this week. Both our bathrooms need total overhauls and so does the kitchen. One room at a time!
Looks great there Jane and I know the big clean and moving a few things about always helps a lot! I'm ready to do similar here before heading out for several weeks - just dread seeing it when I return, DH will also be traveling for business so nothing much will get done! Oh well, that's life right now and I'm definitely not complaining with all these adventures looming.
I'm not planning any real Autumn decor this year as I won't even be here for Halloween. I drooled over pumpkins by the the hundreds yesterday, especially the white ones which are now easier to find - but passed, which was hard!
Bit cooler here too - was able to pull weeds yesterday after the Sat. rain. Just drove DH to the airport for a 6 AM flight - felt lovely stepping out into just 60 degrees!
Happy week dear Jane.
Hugs - Mary
Beautiful fireplace and mantel, Janie. Love the swan and all the other accessories. Can't wait to see your new kitchen! We did some shopping in FL but mostly for AJ. For me, I just bought a few tops and little things, really. We were there for only 3 days and between John's and my children, it was so hard to organize dinners, shopping trips and just meeting up...Christine
Hi Blondie!
I found your button on Ricki Jill's blog and decided to check your blog out!! Ricki Jill is a sweetie, so knew you would be too!
I love you blog and your beautiful home! I am following you now!I can't wait to see what you do next!
Hi Jane, pretty mantel. I haven't been down to the basement yet to haul up the fall stuff. We are having some cooler weather down south, too! Love it! It feels like you can breath again! Linda
Hang in there Miss Jane! We are preparing to roof our house. Everything seems stressful when your busy! I love your tin pedestal, btw!
Very pretty! Love all the Fall decorating that's going on out there. The temps. have been a little cooler here but are going to get warmer in the next few days.
Have agood week!
Hello Blondie, your mantel looks so pretty, how nice that you are doing a redo in your kitchen. It's been cool here too. I hope you find your camera. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
Hugs, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hey sweet friend, I missed your other post and just read it. So sorry you came home to chaos. I think maybe you're a bit too nice ~ :-) I hope that everything got sorted and they've learned from their mistakes.
Your mantle is lovely. I am such a lover of fall and cooler temps! We even had a tiny thunderstorm last night...at first, I didn't know what it was. LOL Seriously, I haven't done any fall decorating so I'm prolly one of the few that hasn't.
Hello Jane! I've been a bit absent from blogging time, but am now catching up on your posts. The wedding looked gorgeous! Such beautiful blue flowers and happy faces. Thank you so much for sharing that lovely day.
I chuckled at your 'photo' in Williams Sonoma. Hope the kitchen reno won't be too challenging for you. Hang in there, and ask those wonderful kids for help with cleaning up. :)
Take care, Susan
I need to remove the summer decor too! That is horrible about your camera. That is my nightmare. I agree with some, it is hard to put out fall. I think I will skip straight to Halloween and do Fall for Thanksgiving.
The reno is so hard, but when it is done it is so worth it. It took us 5 years to get up the nerve to do our reno but I am sure glad we lived thru the 9 months to have what we have now! It WILL be worth it!
I just finished Maine too. I was disappointed. What a dysfunctional family. I thought Alice would change her mind after she saw her grandkids having so much fun but she has a cold bitter heart. Even before her sister was trampled to death, she was a bitch. For someone who went to church so much, she sure treated her family like crap.
I really want to do the New England trip too. We've talked about it for years, but there are so many places I want to see and since we know nothing about the area, it has been overwhelming trying to figure out where to go. We may save that for retirement so we can wander around a bit. I just know I'd love the cottages, the shops and the lobster!!
I'm glad you are feeling better. I've had my own bit of blues going on lately, but things are looking up a bit I think. I much prefer being happy!!
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