This is the mess I awoke to today, a leaking kitchen sink. The cabinet underneath would have been destroyed if it weren't for the bin holding cleaning supplies. So everything had to come out and be rinsed off and now I have to call a plumber. That's okay, he is Irish and sexy. Oh, and remember the clogged garbage disposal I had? It managed to clear itself out on it's own. I am wondering if it cleared a path for the leak. Woe to me. And I saw my first mouse of the season.
Plans for going to the lake were dashed when we realized all the work we had to do here to get ready for Emily's graduation party. The hedges and mulberry bushes were so overgrown it looked like a forest in the backyard. The Husband tended to them like a true lumberjack and I weeded the garden beds.
Can you believe how much was cut down. The neighbors next door must be enjoying the sunlight! ;-D I was thrilled while pulling weeds to find plants and flowers I forgot I had. The Sedum is just now turning a deep blush, and I have a ton of those elephant ears plants {I can never remember their name}.So a lot was accomplished last weekend in between the Notre Dame and Bears game. We treated ourselves to dinner out after all our hard work, The Pit, one of our favorite spots. I had the Greek sausage, Texas toast and pasta salad. I think I then went to bed at 8:00 p.m., a very satisfied girl.
I took a few shots of the patio after I had it all spic and span. I have a lot of bird houses and some I just display because they are getting so old. I have an old chippy baker's rack on my patio, that I love to decorate for the season. Almost time for some pumpkins and gourds.
These boxes would look pretty with some dried or faux flowers in them, but I cleaned out my stash and need to restock. I feel a trip to Michael's coming on.
Yesterday was busy, a hair appointment, grocery shopping and a trip to Target with Abby. I am making some decorations for the party tables and saw a cute little candle holder someone made on a blog. I would give the blog credit but it slips my mind. Sorry. Anyway, I bought about 6 jars of salsa and 10,000 pounds of pinto beans. I poured all the salsa in a big container and soaked the labels off the jars. These jars are shorter so you don't have to use so many bags of beans. In went the beans and I tied a piece of raffia on and popped in a candle. Voila!
I am really an all thumbs sort of person, so I was quite proud of myself.
So, our party is next Saturday, I am doing a lot for it as Emily is working and Abby is at school most of the day. I don't mind, I am SO proud of her graduating. We are supposed to have great weather in the 70's. We've have tents and tables coming and we are going to decorate with my candles and vases of sunflowers. The food is being catered by the same restaurant that did my son's wedding. Pulled pork, smoked chicken, beans and rice and all good Southern food that we don't often find here in the upper Midwest.
Next week we leave for 5 days in Vegas. I have already done my prerequisite shopping online, torn between the hot weather and the cold casinos. It's all so confusing, even though we have been going at this time of year for what seems like forever. I'll keep you posted on my plans and of course, everything that goes wrong or gives me a headache. See you soon! :-)
I am joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday.
I remember you doing this every year. Is this the one with the husband's colleagues and their wives? Or a different one?
Loved our morning 'chat!' The little bean/candle jars are so cute!! I am going to have to ake me a couple of them! Have a good week and pace yourself! You have a lot going on!
Love the little bean and candle touch Jane. You are nesting for sure. I am trying but keep getting side tracked.
Girl, you have been BUSY! Can't wait to see the Party pictures, I know it will be perfect!
VEGAS, love that place! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Cute beans and candles! Love the boxes with herb names on them. Hope you have a great trip! Linda
That picture of the yard work reminds me of the mess I have outside! I need to quit looking at it and remove myself from the computer for a few hours!
This year I did a couple of the bean candle holders, they are so cute and easy.
Oh, my Lord, Jane! I'm worn out just reading! Sounds like you've gotten lots done. Your little bean candle jar is so cute! Love seeing your pretty back porch with all the birdhouses! Have fun, no matter what you do!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh, my Lord, Jane! I'm worn out just reading! Sounds like you've gotten lots done. Your little bean candle jar is so cute! Love seeing your pretty back porch with all the birdhouses! Have fun, no matter what you do!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I see you are keeping busy with the leaking sink, yardwork for the grad party and the clever bean candle holders. Well done.
I'm so happy to read that you're a Notre Dame fan! I knew I liked you :) Sounds like you were quite busy this weekend. This is my favorite time of year to weed... when it's not so stinkin' hot! Love your candle!!
Well done, Jane! And what lovely birdhouses you have... can't wait to see the pumpkin decor. Enjoy your trip!
Monica xo
P.S Many thanks for your sweet words! :)
Love all of your bird feeders and the salsa pinto bean candle holder is great!
Girl.. you have such a wonderful outlook on life.. the mouse would have freaked me out, I don't do mice.. lots of stuff out in the garage so they'll hopefully stay away.. I'm sure you were whipped after all the yard work.. the graduation party is going to be awesome, take lots of pictures for us... Vegas. haven't been in almost 38 years, sure things have changed a tad, lol.. have a great time ~ hugs ~lynne~
I'm exhausted just reading this, you are very very busy!
Busy happenings at your spot....sounds like you are going to need that vacation.
Lovin' your cute candle holders Jane! Wouldn't mind putting a dent in that salsa either:@)
yeah, who needs the gym when you have yard work like that? No wonder you were tired, you had a well deserved dinner with your lumberjack!
Your a hoot Jane, that is one thing I love about you!
I love the line about the sexy, Irish plumber! hehe.
You know me, with bears in my neighborhood mice don't freak me out... although I don't want them in my house!
Sounds like your party is going to be wonderful! We need to plan our next get together soon!
Big Hugs,
Sounds like you have a great party planned :)
and have fun in Vegas, I know what you mean about the hot weather v. cold casinos. I would usually just have to carry a cardigan with me:)
If it's not one thing it's another, Jane! Part of the bonus of moving to the condo is that they do all the landscape maintenance. I did so much gardening in the past years, but I just can't keep up with it anymore. I did always fall in love with my yard all over again when we did a good clean up!
There is so much to do to prepare for a party but it is always so much fun. And of course, the graduate is all worth it! The candle jars you created are so cute, Janie....Christine
Get some rest after all of your hard work! Congrats early to the graduate. Have fun in Vegas - and remember this: anything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. ;)
OOO, Blondie, I just love you...:)
You just 'fly by the seat of your pants' and so do I.
I just made a jar of the best smelling coffee beans to hold my candle..yours is cuter.
Take it all one day at a time...don't get stressed or you'll get one of those headaches.
Go get cinnamon, first thing in the morning, make that bread pudding..(don't overcook or it will be dry) warm that curd as you are taking the pudding out of the oven, drizzle it and ENJOY. It's so good, I am making more tonight. Oh honey.....
Wow, you have been busy! Nothing like an event or party to get us all moving, right? I think you did a great job on your little candle decorations, too! Good luck on all the festivity preparations & congratulations to your daughter!
:) CAS
Hi Jsne, Your bean/candle reminds me of mine except it has clear marble that shows different colors when the candle is burning. I hope you have beautiful weather for your party. Last weekend was a little yucky, but the weekend before was beautiful for the last horse show of the season. I would love to be a stow away in your suitcase and go to Vegas with you. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.
Jane-Wow! You got a lot done with that weeding and whacking! I gotta say-he is good at whacking!
Love your little bean pot candles and I did see them somewhere else and can't remember where either. I thought I was bad but hey you are a LOT younger than me...and YOU don't remember either!;>D
Have fun in Vegas...just remember if you pick anything up in Vegas-leave it there...unless, of course, it is a big pouch of money! xo Diana
Hi Janie, whew, I can't keep up with you! Ha. Where did you get all this new found energy. Please share your secret.
Love the candle idea and I know you are looking forward to your Vegas plans.
Have the best evening ever.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Simple little Fall things...YES! Exactly what I like!
You are so funny. Love the pics of the spic and span patio...very nice. Love your 10,000 pounds of funny. I like candles too this time of year. It is just nice to smell the fragrance in the house and know that it is fall!
Sounds like you have been quite busy! Vegas sounds like fun - I have never been there! Thanks for stopping by to say hello!
Yeah for parties and Vegas! Loving the jars ~ I also like that you could use any type of bean. The party sounds wonderful and the menu delish. Have a good week Janie.
Busy Blondie - can see you are going to continue running in circles for the coming weeks!
Hope the party is a blast, and have fun in Vegas dear. Win big!!!!!
Hi Jane! Busy Bee! Good luck with your party. You SHOULD be proud of your candles! They look sensational!
Love that Rosemary for faithfulness box!... and the bean candle, very cute.
Ok, you are making me feel like a slacker! You really accomplished a lot. Can't wait to see the party!
It sure seems like you are always so busy, moving from one activity to the next. Good luck with your party :)
Cute deco! Vegas is fun :)
Have a super day!
Everything looks fabulous, Jane!
Such productivity! (We finished another phase of our floors and were having dinner and a couple Ibuprofen at 9pm on Saturday!)
Have a wonderful party!
Congratulations to Emily!
Holy Moly! You sure are busy!! I love the salsa, pinto beans and candle idea!!
Have fun in Vegas!!
Jane, you are one busy woman, wow! I can't wait to see photographs of the big event! Thanks for stopping in to see me, I love your visits!
When everything need trimming or a haircut, it's a lot of work!
I'm sure things will look great for the party!
I like the idea of the beans in the jar!
Jane, I hope the weather cooperates, and that everything goes well for the party. What a special day! I know you are so very proud. :D
I want to see lots of photos from the party ;P
Ricki Jill
Love the candle and using the beans is so clever. I also loved the mantel post before. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
I loved the boxes. Sounds like you have quite a busy life! I hope your trip to Vegas will be a blast.
What cute little candles!
You are one busy woman! It is so much fun to see what you are up to!
A graduation and vacation! What great things to look forward to. You will certainly need to get away for a little R and R after your busy couple of weeks!
Nice to catch up!
I love the candles with the beans. I think I might be able to do that...I'm not very crafty at all. Sounds like the party will be great and the menu perfect.
We are getting ready for a fall trip and while it will be hot, the restaurants are always so cold. I do lots of sweater sets and t's with jackets these days. I've turned into my mother:)
Whew! This post made me tired. lol The Pit sounds delish. Love the beans in the jars. I use popcorn kernels in the Fall and coffee beans in Winter. Have a fun trip to LV! Yard looks great. Love the boxes.
So great about Emily.
The graduation party sounds like it's going to be a ton of fun...hats off to the special grad!!
CUTE IDEA!! ♥ the little candle surrounded by pinto beans, Jane...thanks for sharing, 'cus I'm going to copy it soon. ;-)
You had to be exhausted after cleaning up the back yard like that. Whew! I was tired just looking at it all.
The menu for the party sounds WONDERFUL...wish we had some place that would cater such foods. Must investigate that further.
Don't overdo & kill yourself so you won't be able to enjoy Vegas. Its been YEARS since we've been there. We had dear, dear friends who lived there & once they died, visiting the city just wasn't the same anymore. *sigh*
Wow - you've been so busy! The party is going to be fantastic!
Have a great week, Jane!
Hi Jane!
Been a long time, hasn't it? I'm just doing what I can to make sure that things around here are running as smoothly as possible. You sure have been keeping busy, I see! Those little candle decorations turned out so well! Love the idea!
You have been busy!! It's great.
Have a great trip to vegas!!!!
We just chopped down some overgrown mulberries and bushes as well. it's amazing how much room they take up!
Hi Jane,
You have been one busy lady!! First the wedding and now the graduation will be ready for a trip to Vegas!
Have a great weekend.
busy busy busy! my gardens were a mess too. My lawn guy felt sorry for me and came and weeded and cut them back. I am forever grateful to him. are the elephant ear plants called caladiums?
Seems you can always expect something to happen like the leaky pipe when there's so much to do. I think you have your hands full. At least the yard is getting done and you had some help. It's going to look great.
Great idea to empty the great glass jars. I just did that on some drinks that I am going to do for Halloween. They wanted a fortune for the jars online! The candle holders turned out cute.
I love your outdoor table that you decorate for the seasons. What a great idea.
Your patio looks so fresh and pretty! Wow, you've been working hard. It feels so good to get things done like that. And...ahem...I agree, those Irish men are sexy. ;)
Jane, you are one busy woman--a wedding, a graduation party ... looks like you and your husband accomplished quite a bit in a short amount of time. The yard is looking good. Love those candle centerpieces!
Jane at
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You are not busy are you, lol??? LOVE the little boxes you have hanging, and the candle votive holders are too cute! Have fun on your trip...sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for stopping is always nice to see you:-)
Hi Jane
I've been off the grid fro a couple of weeks because of vacation time & having friends here to stay so am just now catching up with my favourite blogs.
Sounds like life is still hectic over at Blondie's there's always some fun thing happening at your place!
Have a great time in LV and keep us posted!
Wow! You have been really busy. The beans & candle looks cute. Always good to get the yard ready for fall. Here's to cute Irish plummers. : )
Love the little candle holders...great idea to use beans. Very cute!!!
I love the jars you created!!
Have fun in Vegas! I am getting ready to fly home to NC to be with my family for my birthday so we are both going to be off on adventures!!
Hi Jane!
Wow! That was quite a morning! A mouse and a leak!
We have a leak this evening too!
(In our bathtub.... constant dripping, and we almost never use the tub! Go figure. :)
LOVE your bean candles.
Too cute~
ugh! hate it when you get a leaky sink....the only plus side is you get to clean out - if that is a good part! Love your birdhouses - too cute :) Hope you have a lovely day Jane!
I love the box that says's my favorite herb. Everything is looking good. Sorry about the leak...I hate it when things like that happen. Just throws you off. Have a great week and enjoy the fall temps. You mentioned the Notre Dame game...did you go? My husband and son are alumni so we are, of course, big fans. The first song my daughter learned as a 2 yr. old was the ND fight song. Seriously!
Wow, you are a busy woman! The wedding and now a graduation party?
Lots of fun family events!
Have a great time in Vegas and take lots of photos to share!
Hi Janie,
Wow, looks like you got alot accomplished lately. :) It must be sooo exciting gearing up for a graduation party. Let us know how it goes! The day my eldest graduates (just 2 1/2 yrs from now)...well, I know I'll be in tears! Hope you had a wonderful weekend - enjoy your new week!
So many great things! I love the birdhouses!
And I see, you was very busy! I should do the same ;-)!
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