We are getting ready for Emily's graduation party on the 24th and today was the day we were going to trim the hedges, so that sort of shagginess, I apologize for. Just too rainy. I won't even share pictures of my back yard, oh my, this rain makes the weeds take off as well as the flowers evidently. If it weren't for the party, I'd let everything die off, but it is going to get a big clean up and I suppose it will be a little less weedy next year. Are you about burnt out on your gardening at this time of year? I start out with such enthusiasm but right now the ivy is choking out the oregano that choked out the chives and basil that choked out the morning glories. What a tangled mess I have.

So this is what is blooming around here. Other than this, it has been quiet. Just a lot of reading and cooking some bigger dinners {I feel that fall/nesting syndrome coming on}. News on the kitchen remodel: The carpenter is stopping by today with two sets of hinges to pick out for my cabinets {I am going to take some better pictures of the cabinets as they are, or aren't now...doors are missing, well stored away after falling off the old hinges}. Next week we are going to a place to look at stone for the counter tops and I was in touch with William Sonoma about the island. It is not available until November 13th, so I am ordering it and I should get a call after that date for delivery. Hopefully I will have it by the holidays and I can say I am done with the kitchen.
I hope you had a good week. Up to the lake we go tonight after popping in to a party for a little while. I am perusing the lake newspaper to see if there are any fall festivals or activities going on. It should be fun! Have a great weekend! :-)
I am joining Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday!
Your gardens are lovely and will be perfect for the grad party.
I hope you island comes in quickly, it would be so great to have it for the holidays, and break it in well.
I just love your all your flowers, I think it makes a house a home. I'm new to your blog, but I really enjoyed the visit.
what beautiful flowers,, i can't wait to see the kitchen photos,,
Hi Jane, your flowers are so pretty, and your first rose is just gorgeous... hope you find some fun fall festivals, my favorite!... xoxo Julie Marie
Your impatiens look amazing Jane! Everything has frazzled and faded here. Have fun at the lake this weekend:@)
Have a great weekend, Jane!
My hubs is going to be working on the floors, and I am going take my parents down to Oregon to visit some friends.
It sounds like your could have your island by Thanksgiving! LET"S HOPE!
Thanks for entering my drawing! Maybe you will get to select some new outdoor lighting...the odds are looking pretty good!
Jane, your impatients are prolific to say the least. That climbing rose will take over before long. We cannot keep ours out of the gutters of the house. I am terribly envious of your weekly rain. A WS island? I cannot wait to see it. I visit them in the store and moon over them. Have a terrific weekend. ♥O
Have a wonderful time at the lake this weekend, I bet it's wonderful to sit outside this time of year and enjoy the lake.
I think all of your flowers are beautiful!! You've got a green thumb!
Hi Janie, your flowers are lovely...so lush and full. Yep, I am a bit burnt out on outside flowers. Our flower beds need major work before the Fall sets in....another month for us.
Have a wonderful weekend. Janie, thanks for being such a steady and good friend. That means so much to me.
Love, Barb
Just popping in to say hello! I love your picket fence planters....soooo cute!! I haven't had problems with my roses either, although they're mini roses. I love them! Yours is a beaut!
Your flowers look beautiful...sorry that I can't help you out on that flower...I have no idea. Have a great time at the lake.
Well, I love your shaggy pictures...and thought for sure I'd see at least one SHAGGY dog in there. Love the impatiens up your steps..looks like an ad for MiracleGro!
Have a great weekend up at the cottage and think of me slaving away at work! xo Diana
I am loving your shaggy garden. It looks great. The abundance of rain is killing my flowers.. it's just to much!
I am looking forward to seeing your finished kitchen. It's going to be great.
have a great weekend
Your impatients look so nice. I planted pink and white ones this year....they have been beautiful as well. I couldn't believe how well they did, well until the deer got to some. They are all I can grow. This year with all the rain they were exceptional.
I have the urge to decorate for fall but don't want to get rid of my flowers. Hmmmmmmmorange and pink......it'll be okay.
Your porch flowers are so pretty! Wish I could help you, but I'm not sure what that pretty little plant is. So nice when pretty volunteers show up year after year! Hope your weekend is wonderful!
The impatiens are beautiful! Mine whimped out already.
Hi Jane - I have that plant too, and it's called Joe Pye Weed. I love it because it blooms faithfully at this time of year, takes no care whatsoever and the deer don't like it!
Meant to say - the link will tell you all about Joe Pye Weed.
Well if your garden in shaggy then mine is straggly! I don't know what that purple flower is called but it is cool. I always get happy when one of my roses puts out a bloom!
Jane your impatiens look beautiful!! Yes I am definitely over gardening for the season, I don't like the way things start to look towards the end of summer. Have a great weekend, Martina
You sure have one green thumb, Jane! Those impatience are just beautiful!!! Not quite sure what those purple flowers are...but they are pretty! :) Have fun this weekend - and I hope the weather cooperates for you! :)
xoxo laurie
I think everything looks amazingly beautiful and I think everyone who visits your blog will agree. You are a busy lady!
Hi Jane....just thought I would pop over and share some good news with you...you won my giveaway! Happy dance!
Pop on over and email me your address my friend and I will get your Where Women Cook Magazine out this coming week. oxxoxoxoox
Love your beautiful flowers ... such a beautiful welcome! It's nice to see more sweet splashes of Summer before Fall takes over! Have a wonderful weekend. xo
We have had so much rain this year I have barely had chance to weed so I feel your pain when it comes to gardening. Your impatients are gorgeous ~ I love when they fill out and look like a carpet! Have a relaxing week-end at the lake.
Jane -- your impatients are wonderful. My petunias have formed a similar carpet up my back steps -- mums are everywhere and i think I should be changing out for more fallen colors and such but I am still loving those pretty purple blooms so for now, summer is still here :)
Enjoy your weekend :)
Hi dear - have been enjoying all your great posts missed whilst I was away - wow you've been busy with the wedding, graduation, lake time etc. A hectic Summer I'm sure but everything looked like so much fun.
Love your flowers - always amazing what cooler temps. and some sunshine + Miracle Gro can do, ha! ha! I've been busy giving our sad garden some TLC since getting back from the West - so hard though with such high temps. Today we start a week of 80-90, a wee bit cooler, that will help. Still not much rain though since Irene left - while other areas are being drowned, so sad.
Have fun preparing for Emily's party - and congratulations to her. Enjoy these remaining Summer days.
Warm hugs - Mary
Send some of your rain our way. My garden is looking sad despite the sprinklers coming on three times a week. Have fun at the lake!
Susan and Bentley
Thank you for welcoming me to Chicago on my blog! We are loving it here!
I so enjoyed looking at all the gorgeous flowers at your home. Your impatiens are amzing! So nice and full.
I've been gardening alot this summer. There wasn't much color around our home so I've been putting in a lot of new plants. I'm hoping I'll have lots of lovely flowers to enjoy next summer. But I am getting tired!
Do you know that you're an absolute fortune child?
You live in my wish-country, you've a great house and a wonderful family, always (on your blog;)) good mood ... that's so much!!!
I hope, you can enjoy this weekend!
Your impatiens do look like a carpet! Your other flowers seem to be thriving too and the rose is gorgeous! It will be fun seeing pumpkins on your ledge!
I know you must be excited about the remodel of your kitchen!
Have fun at the lake and I hope you find some great Fall festival to attend!
I am so pleased that you linked to Potpourri Friday. Your participation certainly makes the party more successful . I appreciate you and hope you will make this one of your regular stops each week!
HI Jane! Oh, I love your pretty flowers walking up your steps! Your unknown plant is so pretty and dainty looking. I'm sorry I don't have a clue to what it is!
Yay on your kitchen island. I peeped at it and your beautiful self standing behind it! :) I know it will look great. Good luck on choosing your countertops! So much fun!
Well, I wish we could get a little of your rain. We're drying up in Texas and a big portion of our state is on fire!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Your impatients do look like a carpet of color. I became so tired of watering mine, I emptied all the pots.
your flowers are really pretty & I love the picket fence boxes they are gorgeous
LOVELY! My roses are blooming like crazy. Makes me happy (we hardly have any space for a garden).
Love that rose on the trellis. I am envious, I can't grow anything!
Hope the cleanup and the party go well.
Fall at the lake sounds heavenly!
Impatiens are so resilient and i love them. I didn't plant any this year, i planted vincas instead. However, i didn't go crazy with planting this summer because it was just way too hot! You were obviously very busy-i love all the flowers in your garden and it will be beautiful for the party. Take pics!:-)
Your rose is a gorgeous shade of pink. Tracie is so sweet to check-up on your roses! I also like your impatiens in the post that you can't see because they are so lush and pretty!!! I bet EMily is looking forward to her party. :D I want to see photos!
Your home has so much curb appeal Jane. Love your impatiens. Mine did okay this year. I usually use tons of Miracle Grow and they get huge. I was a little lazy this Summer. Enjoy the graduation party!
Beautiful flowers! Have a wonderful time at the lake! BIG HUGS!
lovely...we're enjoying cooler weather, too!
Pretty flowers! Love the ledge by the windows too!
Oh Jane, I just love seeing someone's flowers looking so beautiful, ours are scarily near death with our unusual hot summer and very little rain. In fact while we were gone over the weekend, our maple tree out front shed its leaves. It is just the driest summer I have seen in years and years.
WOW they look great even after the rain. Your entry just looks so welcoming.
I love the little picket fence pots are so cute. I love how landscaping makes a house, a home!
Your impatients are so luch and gorgeous. ou certainly have some beautful curb appeal. nd the rose is such a beautiful shade of pink.
how in the world do you do it? how do you make such BEAUTIFUL flowers and greenery? i'm trying like crazy to get my little houseplants to thrive and not die, but so far i'm having such a difficult time. you've got a gift!
What an absolutely lovely garden. I love the lavender colored plant!
Your impatients are so pretty. For some reason, those are the only flowers that I can keep alive. They grow perfectly on my front porch. Have a wonderful time at the graduation party!
Oh Jane,
Your impatients did wonderfully!
I am a bit jealous...hehe.
Love the picket containers too!
And the rose...wonderful!
What else can I say but you have a green thumb!!
We had a beautiful sunny and warm day today.
Cooler weather coming, so I am sure you will be seeing it too!
Oh and your kitchen sounds really wonderful!!!!
You lucky,ducky gal you!
Big Hugs,
Dear Jane,
I could just sit on your steps for hours watching the world go by enjoying your impatiens. I also love your picket flower boxes. very pretty.
Your flowers are still just beautiful! Everything burned up here long ago so it's refreshing to see these beauties. Love the color of the rose too! When we lived in Amarillo, I had 22 rose bushes and they all were beautiful! I put red climbers on the outside of the fence ~ we lived on a corner lot. That was my success story with roses. :-)
Hope you had a good weekend! Sad here yesterday...
Beautiful Jane!! Sure looks a lot prettier in your neck of the woods.
Just about everything is brown here. I really had to hunt for something pretty for my Friday post. Cooler temps are here and after a little warm-up this week it will cool down. So ready for Fall!!
Love your flowers. I'd show you mine but they are ALL DEAD. Too hot in Oklahoma for anything to LIVE!
Your flowers are beautiful. We pulled ours out of the pots and put out the mums over the weekend. It was hard to do as they looked so pretty...but, I had the fall stuff on the porch and my pink petunias and white baby's breath just didn't look very nice with the pumpkins!
I know you think your impatiens are overgrown, but I think they are very pretty lining your porch like this. We've had the opposite problem of no rain where I live, so the flowers are just taking off now that summer is just about over. Go figure!
Loving that gate with the rose. I love roses, but there is no good sunny spot in my yard. I do have some knock out roses that I need to take better care of though. Just didn't bother this year because of the heat! Hopefully next year will be better.
Have a great week!
Your flowers are just incredible. My impatiens sort of dried up last month. I have to admit that I pooped out watering them so it's not a surprise. No idea what your mystery plant is. Hope you found out! I am so looking forward to your kitchen posts.
Your flowers are gorgeous, Janie....Christine
"Fall nesting
syndrome," aka
FNS....I've got
it big time, too
Jane!!! Love that
sweet rose. So
pretty it almost
doesn't look real.
Have fun nesting!
xx Suzanne
A graduation party following a wedding with a kitchen remodel thrown in between???? Good Grief, Jane...talk about mega stress levels!
I just got a chance to stroll through all the BEAUTIFUL wedding photos. Super good time, but I didn't see any of you & your pretty new dress. :-( I hope somebody captured it for you.
It looks like it was a fabulous wedding!
Your flowers look wonderful & I know you are enjoying the cooler temps we both have right now. Me too!
p.s. Do you still like your straightened hair? How it is holding up? I'm considering it.
Hey Jane, your flowers look great! And I envy your cool weather, or so I heard from other friends in your area. We are promised 70 degree weather by the weekend which will be lovely, but probably only a tease! Hope you had a good weekend at the lake!
Jane -Your flowers are unbelievable! LOVE hot they look like carpet on the steps!
I also feel the nesting/fall syndrome coming on! I want to bake something so badly!!! But, I am NOT going to! I have 60 pounds to lose and peanut butter chcolate chip cookies will not get me there!
Thank you for the comment on the seamed stockings! Hence - no cookies! heehee!
Have a pretty day my friend!
Our front bushes look like they are choking the entire house. They rainy summer sure has made things grow...except my garden. I am pulling mine out this weekend.
Hi, Maybe you already know this- I just checked out your blog for the first time - that plant you asked about is a perennia ageratum, I have it growing in my garden also - check out my blog to see a picture of it in a recent post - love it! Jan Powers
you can e-mail me at stonewellgarden@yahoo.com
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