My pretty pic starter, as always. I decided to try out this trendy succulent garden thing and to be honest, in four weeks my plants have doubled in size. Home Depot is really going all out with sales on houseplants with spring and summer coming. I think I have my daughters motivated in having a few little victims of their own. One of my favorite IPhone apps is Picture This. Perfect for identifying plants, weeds, trees, what have you. Download the app, it's free unless you want add ons. Briefly, you can take a snapshot of said plant, weed, etc., and it will identify it for you along with added pics of it and some background info. I LOVE it. I thought I had poison ivy at the lake last summer. Thanks to this app I found that I had random English ivy which I pulled out pronto. I learned the names of all these little succulents as well as how to care for them. How cool is that?

Of course, there is a pandemic going on. I have all the same feelings as you. Our state is on a stay-at-home order. All non-essential businesses are closed except grocery stores, pharmacies, medical clinics, etc. Chicago is one of the 'hotspots, which means we have a huge number of cases, deaths, and the numbers are rising. The news is ominous and I've always been a news fanatic. I'm getting better in staying away but still staying informed.
Poppy is not facing anything different as I am a stay-at-home dog mom on a full time basis. Some pets are overjoyed that their humans are home all day. Layla sleeps, but Poppy is in full antics mode. She loves to snatch my clothes out of my hamper, it must be my familiar "scent"! She doesn't chew anything up, just leaves it all strewn about. Here she is color coordinating herself with one of my bras. π
Our fam keeps it going through text threads. They are all funny and uplifting, lots of pics of the kids. And we FaceTime. We did selfies one day, so here was my mood. Does anyone put on makeup anymore? Or get out of pajamas? So many small changes from everyday life. Should we have the cleaning girl come? Sounds a little like an oxymoron as far as germs. Hair salons are closed, hence my disgusting roots and grown-out cut. I actually cleaned up a little and put on some makeup (lest I forget how) the other day to go out in the backyard to clean up doggie doo-doo. I try.
I've taken Poppy for walks and she's getting super good on a leash. It's amazing to see people out on nice days, just taking walks or walking their dogs (and staying very far apart). Last Sunday it was raining like hell but still warmish, and people were out with umbrellas, laughing and having a very obvious joyful time of it.
And I have these jarring thoughts once in awhile. We need to replace flooring in our family room--I've got to make some calls. Oops, no one coming in my house. I have blinds on order from Home Depot. Where are they? Welp, doesn't matter, they aren't coming in my house to install. Okay, we wanted to have a new backyard fence done in the spring. No prob, it's outside work. No, have to look at styles and material, fill out forms,, no one coming in my house.
It's all small stuff actually.
I made a quick trip to a small grocery store last week just before our mandated shelter. Of course I have the freedom to go, yet I know better with my lung problems. I was defiant and really wanted certain things. I wore a hat, buttoned my coat to the neck, and wore fingerless gloves. I almost hyperventilated trying not to breathe. I saw one person with a mask on, just one. And there were people doing big shopping-full carts, and laughing and smiling and chatting like it was an everyday thing (and yes, Chicago is like that normally). Not sure about that logic, but it was before the order to stay home.
My kids have been really firm about The Husband and I not leaving the house. Both Emily and Abby have picked up items we need from the grocery store. I try not to burden them with things I know I'm out of, like brown sugar or yogurt. Maybe that's a sign of what's to come when I'm really an elderly lady, not wanting to put anyone out, being dependent. It truly frightens me. I did find a few stores that deliver. Tonight I ordered online with a store I generally shop at. I was actually looking for a delivery time tomorrow afternoon. I received a text fifteen minutes later that they were on the way. I texted back that my preference had been tomorrow. The reply was that they fill and deliver orders in 1 hour. And then there it was on my porch.

Fruits and veggies that can be kept out of the fridge and actually stay fresher this way, can be so, so pretty. I'm more inclined to use them when I have the visual. I keep onions, shallots, garlic, and potatoes in bowls and baskets on another counter. Looking for what to refrigerate or keep at room temp? Have a peek at this link.

I climb into bed most nights about 9-10:00 p.m. I read a bit, check out the news, Facebook, and Instagram. It's all probably "stimulating", but when the words get blurry and my eyes are closing, I turn off the light and I'm out. I have more books than I can read. This is the stack on my nightstand. Yes, I'm aware it's a lot of fluff, but I get caught up in books that are humorous and that's nice. Next on my list are mysteries and thrillers, self-help books have always been interesting to me, and I try bestsellers often. I usually have two books going at once, sometimes I want the drama, other times I want something light. What are you reading? I'll get back to you on that.
So, besides reading, I'm cooking. I'm still not on board with taking and sharing hideous photos of my dishes. Perhaps I can share recipes without the pics? I'm also on a cleaning kick, I feel germy all the time. The smell of Clorox is enticing. I wash my hands after opening the mail. It's a neurotic thing for a lot of us. I read a funny, but pretty on the mark line somewhere...Another productive day: 8 hours of watching TV and 4 hours of thinking I have coronavirus.
I leave you with a few questions related to this pandemic, please feel free to weigh in:
I'm staying sane at home by...
The biggest change in my day to day life is...
I'm stocking up on these foods and items...
We are under these restrictions/mandates...
I'm reading...
Hobbies that keep my hands busy...
I get outdoors and do...
If you have anything else to add or ask, feel free.
Sending love and good wishes to all of you, along with prayers that you and yours stay healthy, safe, and well. Prayers going out to our whole worldπ
Jane x