Well, it's day 3 in Las Vegas and we have done a little of everything. We have been spending more time walking around outdoors and shopping than we normally do. I haven't made any big purchases, everything here is a little glitzy to me. I did buy a pair of flip flops as they are more comfortable than my boots. Yep, boots and jeans and cardigans have been my mainstay and I have been perfectly comfortable. The weather has been gorgeous, just a bit hot in the sun but perfect in the shade. I snapped some pictures of the outdoor favorite places to eat.
I could rave about the food here all day long. I've never had a bad meal. I've forgotten to take pictures of some of the food we have tried here, but it's all been out of this world. I have also been treating myself to Starbuck's lattes and chocolate eclairs every afternoon. The heck with the diet, I'm on vacation.
You might think this is an outdoor cafe in the above picture but it is actually in the Paris Hotel where the ceiling is painted like the sky. We stayed here a few years ago and I loved the French feel to it. But again, the shopping in the hotels is rather glitzy.
Our room at the Rio is plain and simple and clean. We stay here free with all the comps we win on our rewards's complicated. but we stay here pretty often. It's pretty wild here with people running around in masquerade outfits; masks and feathers and the waitresses in teeny tiny clothing. Yep, makes you feel a little bad that you are eating eclairs everyday.
The Husband and I have been enjoying sleeping in our own beds. No dogs either. I finally have room to stretch.
This is my dream hotel, the Bellagio. Someday. I think we are eating lunch there tomorrow. This and the Venetian are two of the hotels I would love to stay at. Can you tell how nice the weather is?
Today the Bears played and it was on in the Sports Room. All the guys met there and I took my sweet old time sipping coffee and getting ready. Then I joined them in time for the horse races and won $35.00 on my first bet. I haven't been doing too well on the slot machines so that is why I decided to stay in the room tonight and just get room service. As I mentioned before, 2 wives couldn't come so I have been hanging out alone. The Husband says the slots put me in a trance anyway. This is a picture of the Rio. It has pretty views all around and the landscaping is beautiful. I'll try to take more pictures outside tomorrow but it's hard with all the people milling about. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I have 2 more days here and then it is home sweet home. Abby keeps texting me pictures of the dogs and they have very mournful faces. I think they miss me! :-)
wow it sounds like a great trip so far!!
My daughter, Amber, always stays at the Bellagio. I shotel stayed at a hotel on Fremont. Something with a shamrock motif. We were there for a synchronized swimming meet and Amber's team won first place! They sang along with Queen's 'We Are the Champians' on Freemont Experience as they sported their gold medals!
Las Vegas was a little glitzy for my taste but my sister and her husband go several times a year. They stay at the Gold Nugget and I slid down the famous slide when I was there! (They went at the same time to see Amber swim!) It was Oct. and it SNOWED!! One day we were burning up....the next day it was FREEZING!! WEATHER!
Wow, what a great holiday you must be having. How luxurious to have a whole bed to yourself like that and you are staying for free too! That is my kind of holiday!
Have a great time and don't spend too much money on those machines!
Best wishes,
I would love to be eating eclairs every afternoon! I am glad you are having so much fun!!
Susan and Bentley
So glad you are having fun!!! I love Vegas!
I've never been to Vegas, it looks like a mind-boggling experience.. the buildings are incredible.
What fun Jane
Sounds like you are having a great time.. and you know I was in Las Vegas about 20 years ago and I did take photos of my food.. haha.. one giant waffle.. crazy.. and I also saw that ceiling painted like the sky... so clever..
Well have a great time and looks like you'll be getting some great sleep too in those cozy beds..
ciao xxx Julie
I've never been to Vegas and I'm enjoying reading about your trip. I thought your cafe picture was outdoors and would never have known that it was taken inside a hotel. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Looks like fun! Love the Paris Cafe, it really looks like it's outside!
Glad the weather's great Jane, sounds like you're having a nice time-enjoy:@)
I have never been to Las Vegas, but your post certainly puts me in the mood. Go ahead and enjoy those lattes and eclaires!
Love lattes and eclairs ~ with all the walking that you have been doing it should not matter! Love vacation and you know Vegas is on my list of places to go ~ enjoy it to the max. xo
What fun Jane. Looking forward to seeing your new kitchen.
Here's hoping you'll hit the big one Jane!
Glad you are having fun.
Looks like you're having a wonderful time, Jane! Vegas is fun--but you're right--too much glitz for me!
The Bellagio is fabulous! Was able to stay there once--it's been a while--so beautiful inside!
Hope the rest of your stay is just as nice--glad the weather's behaving for you!
Sounds like you are having a great time in Vegas! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
wow thats a beautiful hotel room, I love the simplistic clean lines,, its lovely.I agree through thast diet out the window for the holiday, lifes to short!Looks like you're having a wonderful time,, enjoy.
Jane, so happy you are having a good time even without the other gals. At times it's fun to be alone, wandering with one's camera, just enjoying freedom from conversation, not feeling one has to do what the others want to do!
Love that you have great weather to go exploring. Agree the shopping is often over the top on the street, and then so expensive in the hotels' designer shops! Was there a few years back, stayed at Monte Carlo, loved wandering thru all the beautiful hotels - the Venetian is probably my favorite!
Nice place to visit for a few days, couldn't live there though! Eat an eclair for me please!
Hugs - Mary
Your so lucky Jane I love Vegas! We stayed at the Rio years ago and my mom stayed at the Paris just last year and loved it! Have fun:) Martina
Oh yes, one of my favorite cities EVER! We spent our Anniversary there last year and had an amazing time! Makes me wanna go back! Enjoy the rest of your time there my friend, HUGS!
Sounds like you're having a wonderful trip darling, it's been like a ga-zillion years since I've been to Las Vegas.. hugs ~lynne~
It looks like you are having a wonderful time. I haven't been to Vegas in years. I think it might be time for Mr.D and I to plan a trip!
Thanks for sharing the journey!
P.S. I'm with you on stretching out in those comfortable beds. My favorite beds are the "Heavenly Beds" at the Westin Hotels...they even sell the whole bed on line LOL!
Hi Janie, so glad you are having a great time and treating yourself to some need to do that on vacation.
The weather looks wonderful. I hope you both continue to really enjoy yourselves.
We have to leave our dogs for a short vacation soon and I am so dreading that. I worry about them. Yikes.
Hugs, Barb
Jane, looks like you are enjoying the trip. Glad you are having beautiful weather. ~ Sarah
I'm so glad your having a great time! I've never been there so I can just imagine the hotels and how neat they are!
Can't wait to see more pictures!
Yes, yes .... more photos please! Have fun, you can diet when you get home.
What a great adventure you two had! I saw some blues too.
Have a great week, Jane.
So glad you are having a good time and that you are feeling well! Keep it up!~Hugs, Patti
Oh, it looks like a fun time. I hope you have booked some shows.
Have fun, Janie. So much to do there and you are right, the food is excellent and so reasonable everywhere you go..Christine
Hi Jane
Well , its 60 degrees here :) Glad you found some sun and chocolate eclairs. And Starbucks.... sounds a bit like heaven on earth
It has been over 20 years since I've been to Vegas... WOW it has changed. I bet you are having a blast. Don't worry about the kids or the dogs... that is a guilt trip Momma. HAVE FUN!!!!! Charlene
Hi Jane!
I'm glad you are enjoying your time away. Have an eclair for me!
Hi Jane,
To me Vegas was all about the beautiful hotels, and the food, so I completely relate to your post! It's a shame you have no other gals to hang out with though, I travel alone frequently and it's just not nearly as much fun as having a buddy. Did you go see the fountain? I love it! Here's hoping you get lucky on the slots!
What fun to be in Las Vegas. I've never been but it sounds like a lot of fun and very different from day to day life here in GA. Have fun!
Looks like you are having a great time! Sometimes it's fun to be on your own a little! I haven't been there years, looks like a lot of fun!
What a great time you are having.
If you get a chance check out the Wynn.. thats where we stayed. It was really nice.
How fun! I love the weather there. I agree, the food is incredible wherever you eat. I would love to have a chocolate waterfall like they have in the Bellagio right in my kitchen.
Ooh, you made me think of Serendipity. We need to come back just for the food!
Oh man I HATE to lose money but I love to eat and hang out by a pool with a magazine and a book and Ipod. Enjoy, Thanks for giving me a little LV vacation.
I always thought that what happens in LV stayed in LV but here you are spilling the beans!
Great pix, glad you won $$ on the horse race.
Friends from Texas always stay at the Bellagio and maybe one day I'll join them there.
Wow the weather looks perfect...I haven't been to Vegas in 25 years....I would love to go see the Bellagio and all the flowers...I hear the landscaping is incredible! Hope you get a chance to share some photos of the gardens!
Glad you having a great time.
Miss Bloomers
We went to Vegas last Feb and stayed at the Paris hotel. We loved it there, with the cafes and ambience! Have fun!
What a fantastic trip!!!!! I can't wait to go to Vegas!
Have fun.
Hi Jane......looks like you are having a great time....and eating quite well...too. We haven't been to Vegas in over 30 years....thanks for these photos...I can't even begin to imagine how much it has changed.
Oh wow! I have never been, and most likely won't so I am going to see things thru you. Get lots more pics, and enjoy!
This sounds wonderful! Have a nice time!
Sounds like fun Jane! If I go back I want to stay at either The Venetian or Paris!
So glad you're enjoying yourselves, Jane! We went to Vegas several years ago and stayed at the MGM Grand...loved it!
Hey Jane,
Oh, you lucky thing! I'd LOVE to go to Las Vegas one day. It looks JUST as I imagine it to!!
Enjoy every moment!
Sounds like a great trip. I love the Bellagio buffet. Yum! I took Paul a few years back for his 40th. We stayed at the MGM and visited as many hotels as we could. So much fun. Thanks for stopping by today. xoxo
Nice that you are having a great time. I've never been to Vegas but it looks like there is lots to do. Have you seen the white tigers yet?
Don't feel bad about the eclairs, you are on vacation. Enjoy every minute!
I've never been to Vegas...but it sounds like fun! Enjoy every minute and I'll be watching for your next post!
Sounds like you're having a good time. I'm not a huge fan of Vegas but the food definitely can't be beat. Enjoy your stay!
My daughter and I last stayed at The Paris...and I absolutely LOVE the water shows at the Bellagio. Her favorite is the MGM Grand a friend's favorite is the Venetian. Funny how everyone's taste is different, huh?
So happy you're having fun ~ that's what it's all about. My friend that lives there said the weather has been really nice with lots of rain the past couple of days. I asked him to send it this way!
Viva Las Vegas baby! Looks like perfect weather there Jane. Glad you are enjoying! Come back a winner:)!~
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