Things sure are quiet around here. I spent a whole weekend alone while The Husband was up at the lake. He left Friday to go to the Notre Dame game on Saturday. Notre Dame is just a half hour from the lakehouse. He called Sunday and said he was going to stay another day and just putter around and enjoy the quietness. I agreed, I said I was enjoying the peace and quiet and could use some down time. Actually I was bored out of my skull. Abby had gone to visit her boyfriend at his school for the weekend. Emily was at her boyfriends house and Jeff was also in Michigan. The hardest thing was sleeping alone in the house. Am I a baby or what? I am SO used to having someone here, I was restless and on edge. Milo growled a few times during the night and that unnerved me more. I was happy when the sun came up. How are you with spending a night or two alone? I don't know if I could get used to it.
I am in the middle of two books, just reading like crazy. Maine is a story of three generations of women that spend a few weeks at the family cottage in Maine. "By turns wickedly funny and achingly sad, Maine unveils the sibling rivalry, alcoholism, social climbing, and Catholic guilt at the center of one family, along with the abiding, often irrational love that keeps them coming back, every summer, to Maine and to each other." It really is a great read and I keep sneaking in a few chapters every chance I get. The last book I read was set near Seattle; these books have made me realize how little I know of the upper East and West coasts and has me thinking about our vacation next year. A few quaint towns or an island, it sounds heavenly.
The kitchen renovation is going slow. The carpenter is looking for hinges that will work for our cabinets and we are supposed to be out looking at counter tops, but haven't yet. This week is flying by with the holiday being on Monday. The island that I spoke of in my last post has a marble top, so I am looking for granite that has a marble look. I'm not in favor of a dark or busy pattern. In addition to what we are doing, I am going through all of my dish cabinets, sorting through what I want to keep. I want to at least start out with an uncluttered kitchen, but I don't think it will stay that way.
Labor Day was fun if not a little cold. We went to a BBQ and stayed inside most of the time. I made a fruit dip with frozen margarita mix, orange juice, powdered sugar, cream cheese and Cool Whip. It was really good and I think it will be a mainstay next summer. Let me know if you want the directions.
Back to the lake I go this weekend after 3 weeks not being there. The Husband seems to have had a marvelous time there without me...doing a little gardening, reading a Nook book, renting a movie ( that I am sure I would not have stayed awake for), and slept like a baby. He probably rearranged my furniture, too. So, that's all I have for now. Let me know what you did over the holiday. And tell me a secret: Can you sleep alone in your house?!! :-)
I CAN sleep alone, if my pom girlies are close by.. I do admit to checking every door and window and looking in the closets and under the beds though:)
maine sounds like a great read, thanks for recommending it.
Yes, I can sleep alone. Kent has traveled for years for business, so I am used to it. We are together 24 hours a day, because we both work from home, so it is nice to have a little time away from each. Though I do miss him when he is gone...
I also don't like it when the house is empty. Hunting season is soon to be upon us and mr d. has planned a couple "cast & blasts" that involve overnight stays.
I am excited about your kitchen. I cannot wait until you are REALLY standing at your own island!
Have a great day, Jane! Take care!
Jane what a great post and I must say that first picture is priceless!! I got used to sleeping alone because the hubby sometimes works nights. Now I said I got used to it nothing about liking it (LOL), and I have 3kids and a dog with me and I still jump at every little noise I here! Martina
Oh the weather sounds heavenly. I can't wait for it to cool down here. Yes, I was single for many years, so I can sleep alone. Hope you have fun at the lake and find the right counter. Hugs, Marty
I can sleep alone in my house but I am always a little uncomfortable! Luckily, my husband only goes hunting once a year for a few nights. Strangly, I stayed by myself for a few nights alone in a hotel a few years ago and that didn't bother me at fact I loved it!! Go figure!!
we had a great summe, visiting with family and playing in the park with our almost two yearold grand daughter,,, you sound like you had a good summer and I can't sleep alone anymore.The few times I have been alone since my husband retired I was awake half the night,,funny thing is he said the same.We are so use to having each other that we just don;t feel right apart,
So, HE did just fine, but YOU and Milo...not so comfy cozy.
I have been thinking about reading Maine (since it seems like everyone here in Maine around me is reading it too), but haven't checked it out yet. I'll wait till you finish...let us know.
We have soapstone here in Maine and love it. It is very forgiving and just needs an occasional oiling (I use olive oil). I can set burning skillets on it, drop things on it, etc.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Funny you asked, Jane, because I was going to tell you - I'm the same way! My hubby is out of town and last night I couldn't fall asleep for anything. Then I was up at 5:00 this morning! I mean really - I should be getting the best sleep of my life, but whenever he's gone the first night is always the worst for me.
Milo does look very comfy! It's just me, so no problem sleeping alone. The weekend was nice, BBQ'd on Sunday. Looking forward to fall, I've brought out a few things, that makes me happy:@)
Hey Girlfriend...
I DID hear you say Hi and seen you waving! wink! Hehe! So glad that you came by, dear friend! It sounds like ya'll are having the same kind of weather that we are! It's wonderful, isn't it?
Sounds like you enjoyed your "down time"...even though you didn't sleep real well! Sorry! I am the same NOT enjoy staying by myself at all. Before I met Russell, I was by myself for seven years. I never did get used to doing that! Oooh...white marble looking granite sounds awesome for your kitchen island! Can't wait to see your changes, sweet friend! Take care and I'll talk with you soon!
Love ya,
I never sleep totally alone.....there always seems to be a doggie in the bed.
I am okay sleeping alone, although it's not often.....but if the dog growls, I would be jumping out of my skin.
It's nice to have alone time but I do like having the hubby next to me.
Didn't do much at all over the week-end. I was waiting on a new baby to arrive......he did but not til yesterday.
I am loving the cool temps. I will not turn on the heat though since last week was a scorcher.
Have a good rest of the week.
Alone in the house ?? Yes, yes, YES! Please....
When the boys were younger & husband took them all hunting, I would get chinese, some movies & lock the door... : ) Still love alone time...
We spent our long, 6 day weekend at our new lake house.. painting, painting....every once in a while I would sneak a peak at the beautiful water & say, "Next summer I am just going to sit with a book on the deck & enjoy" : )
(Did I miss pics of you at the wedding?? )
Hi Janie, I am okay with being alone. Ron had to travel a lot the first 15 years of our marriage and I adjusted. I am a huge reader and can always get lost in a book.
I have a lot of longtime friends and feel really blessed...I'm talking 30 and 40 years....holy cow.
Love your darling doggie.
Sending you hugs,
Love this newsy post. It's like catching up via phone with an old friend. I admit I do not like to sleep alone and if hubby has to work a night shift upon occasion, I toss and turn. When the girls were little they used to take turns sleeping with me when hubby worked at night. They thought the treat was for them, lol, little did they know it was cuz I didn't want to be alone :)
I learned to sleep alone when MyHero took a job that kept him in Milwaukee a couple of nights every week. Once I got over the weirdness of it all I was okay...and we do have a security system so I felt safe. It is amazing though all the little things you HEAR that were probably ALWAYS there you just don't hear them unless you are by yourself. I am finding that I sometimes like a day or two just to myself...something that never happens anymore~
Have fun up at the Lakehouse this weekend. I'll be working-send smiles my way, will ya? xo Diana
I usually enjoy a few days away from Mr. Sissie, but about the third day I start missing him.
Can't wait to see your kitchen.
Jane, I have no problem sleeping in the house alone...doesn't bother me in the least.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Ugh! Kitchen renos always take way, wayyyyyy too long~
I do not sleep well when Mr. Art @ Home is traveling. Nope.
It was cooler than 66 degrees here today...we hit a record low, actually. Nice, fall-ish weather, although I wish the thick clouds would go away. I have not decorated anything for fall lately!!!
Ricki Jill
I can sleep alone now, but when we were first married I was in Chicago on business and Earl was home. First time apart since our wedding and neither of us could sleep a wink. He cleaned the basement and I lay awake wishing I could call him but thinking I would wake him up. I do better now, but it's those first few moments crawling into bed without him that un-nerve me.
My hubby goes away on business usually several times a year and sometimes it is nice to spend a little time away from each other but I usually don't sleep as sound as I would if he was right there next to me. I keep my chi chi's right there next to me all night too! They love it when he is gone...they take over his side of the bed!~Hugs, Patti
Funny you should ask about sleeping alone in the house. I too had that experience for the first time last week. My husband was out of town for work, my daughter just went off to college and my younger daughter was at a sleep over. Thank goodness for the dogs. I do find that I stay up later when I'm alone at night. I guess I'll get used to it but not loving it right now.
Hi Jane,
I haven't slept alone in 38 years !
Hubby is always here at night.Lordy he can get on my last nerve, and I only had 1 left !
We didn't do anything for Labor Day.
Your book description kind of reminded me of "Ya Ya Sisterhood".
Thanks for stopping by sweetie.
It was hard to sleep WITH him when he retired & decided to STAY @ HOME, he traveled so much.
Dying to see your completed kitchen ... aren't you so excited about getting it done.
We are looking for some changes in ours but I can't make up my mind yet, tho they aren't major changes ... well, yet anyways.
I will red her your note tonight. TY
Have a beautiful eve ~
Hi Jane, oooh, Milo looks just like a mini Tessy laying there, too cute! I love relaxing time alone to do whatever I please... can't wait to see your new kitchen island all set up... the book on Maine sounds interesting, I will look for it... as for staying alone, I lived alone after I got divorced and before Jack came into my life... my daddy took me and bought me a gun, and I had already learned to shoot as a young girl... (my family never hunts though)... he did not want me living alone and not being able to protect myself... I'll tell you, I think every woman who stays alone should own a gun and know how to use it... okay, I am ready for the comments from the anti~gun folks out there!... and with Jack being a police officer his entire career and me working at the PD as well, some of the reports I would type and the cases Jack went to made me even more happy I know how to use a gun... I will get off my soapbox now... enjoy your upcoming weekend at the lake, xoxo Julie Marie
We are staying at the lake over the weekend, also. It is just a few miles from my old hometown where our reunion will be held. Will be going back, in a couple of weeks for a longer stay. We are both ready for a little cool weather lake time.:-)
I can just feel that breeze in your window and your Milo is just like my pups, they always find their 'sunny spot'. I just started decorating the cottage for fall. With all the palm trees outside, I have to put my fall leaves and pinecones inside. I have them in glass jars and surrounded by lots and lots of candles. I love the cinnamon scented ones because that really makes it feel like Fall to me.
I never get a completely alone night. Once in a while hubby goes to a convention but, there are always kids here. That book you recommended sounds so good though, I believe I will go download it onto my Nook and lock myself in my room for the rest of the evening and pretend I'm alone!
Can't wait to see how your kitchen remodel comes along. By the way, re reading your profile and the reason for the name of your blog, Blondie's Journal was a fun reminder of something for me. When my first daughter was born and until this day, my dad calls her "Goldilocks" for her blonde hair:)
Jane, YOU are soooooooo funny! I learned a long time ago to sleep in the house alone. The kids have been gone a long time & hubby travels from time to time on business. I turn on the alarm. Lock the bedroom door & sleep like a baby.
That picture of Milo was adorable. We also got a cool spell with temps in the 80's nights in the 50's what a WELCOME relief from the 68 days of over 100 degrees. NOW, if we could get rain it would be heaven on earth! There are so many wild fires burnign every where. In fact down by Austin (where I'm going hundreds of acres & homes have been destroyed). Thanks for the sweet words on my jewelry. HUGS! Have fun at the lake. Charlene
Our weathere is PERFECT here! I am happy to have to wear a sweatshirt, just because it has been so hot!
I don't like to stay in the house alone at night! I just have trouble sleeping! My Husband worked in Mississippi after Katrina hit and it was AWFUL!
Sounds like you are and have been doing some good reading:) Reading makes me sleepy!
Enjoy your evening and the upcoming trip to the Lake! HUGS!
Hi Jane, If I am home alone, I usually sleep on the opposite of the bed where hubby would normally sleep. It is hard to be home alone because you hear every little noise that probably wouldn't bother you. It is beautiful weather, cool in the mornings warming up in the 70's in the evenings. I like a little down time, but then I still work full time besides being a primary care giver. I have to stay busy to keep my mind occupied with other things beside my hubby's illness. Hope you have a great weekend. I had a great time at the wedding and seeing family. My pictures sucked because it was to dark at the reception for good pictures. Her dress was beautiful and I so wanted a picture. It is late so I had better close. Take care Your Missouri Friend.
O, I can sleep like a baby when I am alone. Mr. Sweet worked away from home for years and I got used to being there with just the kids. Then, when they moved, I got used to that, too.
We have an alarm and if that thing went off during the night when I was alone, I am sure I would flat melt into the mattress, I'd be so scared. I am as afraid of a gun as I am a man coming in, I I could shoot if he just wouldn't stop.
If I ever start checking windows and doors and closets, by the time I get finished, I am a raving mad I just watch tv or read until I get sleepy.
O...and yes, Lemon Curd is by the jams and jellies. It is sooo good.
I don't know about the sleeping alone too....with no motor boat snoring next to me...could be unnerving! Big smile. How fun finding counter top...yay for you. Well sorry you were bored...but enjoy your books. I am trying to read more and just set aside time to do that and not feel guilty that I'm not running continuously. So enjoy your books!
OH to have a lake to escape to..let along lovely temperatures that you are having!
I thought I liked to sleep alone now and then...and then I had no choice. I hope I never, ever, have to do it again.
Construction...sheesh! It will be wonderful when your kitchen is all finished and back to normal! :)
Hey Jane! Nice catching up with you. I don't like sleeping alone either but I have had to do it a lot lately while hub was working out of town. I can't just turn the light out and lay there or I'll hear every noise and creak. So I usually watch something until I get too drowsy to care. ;)
As a light sleeper I actually love to sleep alone but it rarely happens.
The Maine book sounds so good.
So-so ... sometimes I sleep like a baby and othertimes it's not possible. Then I hear funny noises, think someone is looking into the window, and so on.... ;)
Nevertheless ... I have more and more the need for a small house on a lake, in which I can be, if anything is too much ... ;)
I don't get a lot of sleep when hubby is away either! Once when he was out of town I was reading a book about Ted Bundy...Big Mistake!
I love, love your new kitchen island and I'm almost green with envy. You deserve it and the refurbished kitchen!
I hope you will bring one of your fun posts to my second Potpourri Friday party, linkup starts this afternoon. It will help make it a big success!
Oh Jane...I can SOOOO relate to how you felt, spending the night alone at home. DH is here 24/7 except for the few times he's been in the hospital & I just HATE coming home to an empty house & sleeping by myself.
He's going in for a, HOPEFULLY *MINOR* bladder stone surgery today & I'm praying they don't keep him overnight & that he doesn't have any complications. Ugh~~worry~~worry~~worry.
Hi Jane,
I had to laugh about the comment of Al having fun at the lake by himself! hehe.
That's a good one but I bet he misses your great cooking among other things.
I do not like staying here along but I have, (bears and all) and it is bit freaky!
I sleep on the couch when Dan is gone which is only a couple times a year to go for a guy weekend.
Hugs to you,
Come and visit me dear!!!
Well I can sleep alone in the house alone ~ the first night is always a bit dicey ~ by the 2nd night I am just fine. Your book sounds good ~ will have to add it to my reading list and I would love that dip recipe ~ please post it! We spent the week-end at the cottage and it was gorgeous! I am on vacation right now and it is raining today ~ isn't that always the way?? Have a fabulous week-end at the cottage! xo
I hate sleeping in the house alone too and I have an alarm system! I am a baby too and I am OK with it! Having a dog growl would put me over the edge!
Hope the remodel picks up, I know how hard that can be, but it is wonderful when finished.
I am not looking forward to too much cool weather, but I do like the cooler night! Have a great day.
Love your title . . . randomlings.
Here is my secret . . . when my husband travels, I sleep with a big wooden rolling pin under his pillow. Silly, but it makes me feel better.
Nope-I can't. My son always comes over to spend the night when my husband is gone. I went from my parents house, to dorm, to marriage and never really spent the night alone. I could do it when the kids were home (that wasn't alone actually) but now when it is just me...panic! So see? You are better than I am!
We had a nice weekend. I put away summer and started getting out fall, we had a work day at home and then our winery visit and movies. I love this weather!
I sleep alone five nights out of seven, and I must confess...I love it!
The photo of the breeze coming through your windows is so pretty! I can just feel the breeze. It's still in the 90's here but as soon as it cools some I do the same thing and open my front and back doors and let the air blow through the house. Sounds like a good read! Have a great weekend.
I will NOT see a temp off 66 degrees til Maybe Nov or Dec. it was 100 degrees at 8:45 p.m. tonight!!!NO kidding!!!
I so wish I could feel and see and smell fall, I so do...I need a trip to Michigan or Minnesota or Wisconsin one year right in the middle of Sept or Oct.
How nice would that be!!
It used to bother me to sleep alone , but V travels so much for his business that had to get used to it!
66 degrees - that is perfect for me!
Have a pretty day!
I leave all the lights on downstairs and bring 2 dogs up to sleep with me. I can get right much stuff done during the day, but night time is pitiful.
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