Not a very pretty sight is it? it happens every year...I put out the pumpkins and the squirrels come running. This makes me sad. This is the guy I was going to carve. Guess I will have to make another trip to my nursery so I can have one all lit up on Halloween. Isn't it creeping up fast? I haven't even bought my candy yet.
The little varmints got at this gourd, too. Even Milo standing guard at the door doesn't help.
But I still have some pretty ones, they haven't gotten to these yet. I am trying to look on the bright side. And it happens every year, so I should be used to it. Do you have critters getting at your stuff?
The mums just keep getting prettier. We have had a whole week of rain and gloominess here. Last night while driving in the rain with the windshield wipers slapping away at the drops, I thought, well, here it is, the beginning of the dreary weather. But all my flowers got watered by Mother Nature and today it is sunny and gorgeous.
We took a ride to Home Depot and bought the knobs and pulls for the cabinets. They are the brushed nickel half cup thingies. The cabinets are supposed to be done next week. I think I finally have gotten the hang of things having only a partial kitchen. I am keeping the essential pots and pans, knives and spoons, cutting boards and can opener on the open shelves. Ordering out was getting monotonous, not to mention expensive. I never thought I would get tired of pizza!
nYep...it was a slow week. I received some the 'activewear' that I ordered online, but it's not making me feel very active. And I tried to go off coffee creamer cold turkey and made it 4 days. My friend Julie from Being Ruby happened to remark on the container of French Vanilla creamer in one of my photos, "It's death in a cup!" I know it's the sugar that keeps me heaping it into my coffee and with the needle on the scale not budging, I knew we had to part ways. Then I was in CVS yesterday and I was slowly being drawn to the coffee aisle, telling myself, "Don't do it". But I did. I am happy and guilty, and a very bad girl.
The rainy weather had me catching up on my romantic novels. This author is pretty good and her books always take place by the water or mountains or just about anywhere beautiful. We are moving from lakehouse weather to lodge weather so I better read this fast. Beach Read time is over.
Well, I am going to spend the afternoon sorting out my summer clothes to pack away and bring out the sweaters. It's a monstrous job if you knew what a clothes hound I am. Then off to the lake we go tomorrow morning to get more of the summer things put away. Hopefully the marina hasn't taken our boat away for storage and we can get one last ride in. What's up this weekend for you? :-)
your world sounds like heaven to me,, I put my summer things away this week but it only takes seconds,, I'm allergic to all but cotton and linen,, I don't have a huge wardrobe at all.I guess the squirrels think you put those out for them to eat,,how sweet of you!!
Oh those pesky squirrels, amazing what damage they can do...
LOVE Susan Wiggs, & the whole series of the lakeshore chronicles.
We took the boat & dock out last weekend, after one last ride around the lake, sad to see it happen, but now it is fireside reading for me for the winter...
& we are off to the cottage also... but it will be a work weekend, painting to be finished, as carpet gets laid this week...
& then possibly, we can finally stay at the new place...
Hope your weekend is sunny... : )
No critters around that I know of. I guess Molly and the three dogs next door intimidate them.:-)
I was just thinking about the summer winter change over a few minutes ago. We've used the little electric fireplace in our room a couple of times and today we finally gave in and turned on the furnace!
can i just take a second and dive into your lovely space? we have issues with squirrels too...comes from living out in the country. ours keep to themselves though:) i'm excited to catch up on my reading this weekend too! sometimes it's just too rainy/cold to be outside:)
Next year, put several Moth Balls in a sock or wrapped in fabric & hide behind the pumpkins, The smell will keep them away... Of course, you may get a wiff of the odor while passing, but it will chase away The Critters!
Hi, Me Again.... Moth Ball Queen, I hate when I forget to Log In ~ Have a Wonderful & Critter Free weekend!
I always think how much I miss squirrels....hmmm? maybe not....
Yes the squirrels did that last year. They were so bad I stopped feeding the bird as I think the seed was keeping them around my front door~but I miss the birds and will be loading up the feeders again, so maybe those tyrants will be back.
We had two days of horrible rainy weather here, too, Jane, but today is beautiful and sunny. I used to put down red pepper flakes to deter the squirrels from my plants, but I guess that wouldn't work for a pumpkin. I've got summer stuff out to be put away. We are thinking we would try those space bags, since storage is at a minimum.
Hi Jane, sorry about your pumpkin!... You should still make it into something fun though... like a haunted squirrel hotel or something???... your mums are so pretty... I went to our local pumpkin patch yesterday and everything there was so cute!... I just love this time of year so much... now, as for the coffee creamer and someone saying it is "death in a cup"... it is not the sugar in it that is so bad for us, it is the partially hydrogenated coconut oil (or other partially hydrogenated oils)... I have researched this extensively, I am such a health nut, and even asked Jack's cardiologist about it... and those icky oils are just one molecule away from being plastic, seriously... they are to give the product a longer shelf life and bind ingredients together... SO, the good news... you need to buy International Delight coffee creamer, in the dairy case... yummy flavors, I like Amaretto the best, and NO hydrogenated oils! It is the only coffee creamer I have found yet that does not have them... you can buy it at Fred Meyers (Smiths here) or Wal Mart... let me know if you get some!... wishing you a blissful weekend at the lake... by the way, thanks for stopping by earlier, my posts are gone who knows where, but I did a new one that hopefully stays!... xoxo Julei Marie
I really do know how to spell my own name... JULIE MARIE
Hi Jane... I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! You can check out the details on my blog :)
Dang those varmints for getting to your pumpkins and gourds! Reading on a rainly day is the best way to spend one, so enjoy!
Speaking of varmints (you know I digress easily), we have a variety including garden snakes, which sometimes get into the house. Yesterday morning, hubby said one was in the utility room but had slithered under the washer. He hasn't been seen since. So I'm a bit on pins and needles as to when I'm going to reach for something and find him there or step on him. Actually, maybe I should put some of these digressions into posts. ;)
Looks like the squirrle had a great time! Your home looks wonderful,Thanks for sharing,Joann
Those darned squirrels...you would think they would finish one before they start in on another!
Have a fun weekend at the lake, Jane.
Wellllll, then I guess I don't need to share with you the tales of our squirrel trevails! The little squirts are being trapped & we take them to the park downtown. We are truly inundated this year ... I can't remember ever them being this heavy in our area. Looks like an interesting winter.
Love the decor that WAS ... chuckle.
I have a book GIVEAWAY if you'd like to take a peek & enter, Janie.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Those naughty squirrels! We have them also and when the tomatoes are ripe they take them in a corner and eat out the inside of the tomatoe and leave all the skins in a pile! Have a great weekend!
Sorry about your pumpkin Jane, but an extra trip to the nursery is never a bad thing! It turned cool here in Philly too, I even put the storm window in the screened door last night. Have a great weekend:@)
Why those little stinkers! They do not bother my pumpkins, just one year my pillows they ate, I would rather the pumpkins. Have a great weekend Jane!
Oh my Jane....that was one BIG squirel.......we don't even have any trick r treaters anymore....let alone any critters. Sounds like you are getting ready for winter in Chicago....I'm still sporting summer clothes here....and will be doing so all winter. Although I did buy a darling little wind breaker for fall weather. Guess I'll have to go looking for some....LOL LOL
stay well,
So sorry about the squirrels getting into your fall decorations! Our woods are out back and we have 3 cats, so the squirrels don't come near the house and definitely not in the front. We do get bunnies, but the cats take care of them. Hope you have a nice weekend!
Jane, I haven't put any pumpkins or gourds out because I'm sure the squirrels and other critters would do just this. Going to hear Philippa Gregory tomorrow at the Book Festival. Have you read any of her books? I think you would like them. ~ Sarah
My goodness, I just cannot believe the damage to your pumpkin and gourd. We have critter issues, but I have never had that. Thats just amazing a squirrel does that. I know you would like to meet the little guy personally who did that. I bet the kitchen is really taking shape.
Hi Jane, Your pictures are so pretty. I love the fall of the year and it is when we like to travel. We took our mini vacation last Thurs to Sunday in Branson. Enjoying the beautiful weather and shows. It was part of our 48th wedding anniversary present. Your little critters do love their snacks. We don't have near as many as when we first built our home. Our weekend will be full. We have our grandson's 7th birthday lunch, the last weekend with our son before he leaves for New Orleans to start a new job. We are thrilled that he has found one. They are willing to work around his chemical asthma,which we are very thankful for. We have a little last miniute shopping for him. Hope you have a wonderful weekend at the lake. Your Missouri Friend.
Hmmmmm....me thinks it's time for you to purchase some plastic pumpkins, Jane! lol! Just think how happy and healthy those squirrels are right now. hehehe! I know what you mean about craving sugar. Now they're saying that we shouldn't even have DIET sodas!!! Good gravy.....a gal's gotta have a little sugar in her life, right...? Hope you have a great weekend at the lake, sweetie!
xoxo laurie
I'm with Judy - time for the plastic or resin pumpkins at your house!
I put my summer clothes away two weeks ago - I love the look of the newly-organized closet!
Can't wait to see your kitchen.
It's getting chilly here too and I have nothing to wear for the fall! I guess I will be dragging out all my gift cards I have been hoarding and get something to wear!
Those silly squirrels!!! All the pumpkins around here people were growing were all rotted due to all the moisture we have had. My plastic one will have to do this year.
Darn squirrels messing with your pumpkins:( I have lots of critters in my neck of the woods but no pumpkins out for them to destroy! Enjoy your weekend with all of your gorgeous plants and good reading:) HUGS!
Is it weird that I had NO idea that squirrels ate pumpkins? I guess we just don't have all that many squirrels around here, as I have never had that problem. Lots of crows right now though, all day I had my window open and they were making a racket outside.
I envy you the great wardrobe, I hang everything but jeans, and my entire wardrobe only takes up 1/3 my closet space. If I removed the stuff I don't wear I'd only need 1/10th! On the bright side, I never have to put anything away, lol.
Hope you enjoy the weekend and your coffee creamer!
I love the colors of your mums, so pretty espcially the first one. Sorry about your pumpkin and gourds. And yes, although we did not plan it, we noticed we matched while walking the Charleston streets, lol. I guess we think alike, after all, we have the same birthday too..Christine
Those darn squirrels...maybe you could rub a little chili pepper or something on the pumpkins and see if that helps. My husband is taking the boat and the dock out this weekend. I get so sad just thinking about winter. Hope you have a great weekend.
I just spent a day exchanging all the summer for winter! Good thing because we are in the low thirties again tonight! I cannot believe your pumpkin!! I leave mine out here, and we have tons of squirrels, but they have never eaten my pumpkins. Now, I did put out Indian corn one time and they got that. Thanks for stopping by! We are really trying to enjoy this little window of fall here!
I can't believe the squirrels got into your pumpkin and gourd! Bad little rodents, lol. I've never had that happen with the pumpkins I put on my porch. I'm surprised, as we have lots of squirrels around here. They DO dig in my potted plants though.
As far as your coffee creamer...do you like just plain cream? You can always use that. No sugar or hydrogenated oils (eww). Land O' Lakes even makes a low-fat version.
My weekend...we met up with some "old" friends at a restaurant/pub tonight...tomorrow I'm going out to breakfast with my best friend, running some errands, making a big pot of veggie soup and a loaf of pumpkin bread...Sunday, we're going to church. Have a great weekend at your lake house!
Oh my goodness...we have squirrels but they have never found my ooooodles of pumpkins on my porch..thank goodness! Happy weekend.
Squirrels did that? We have some crazy squirrels in our backyard, but fortunately, our pumpkins are in the front! Those photos are funny!
Thanks for the book review. I will explore her books next library visit!
Ricki Jill
Pretty pictures! Well except the half -eaten pumpkin and gourds..the squirrels did that to mine and I starting spraying all my outdoor pumpkins and gourds with bug spray...I then took a paper towel and rubbed the spray into the pumpkins and so far so good they haven't bothered them again...maybe they don't like the smell! Looks like a great book too! As always thanks for sharing!
Miss Bloomers
Lovely decoration!! Thanks for your lovely comments..I really enjoy reading them!
xoxo Rozmeen
I don't put pumpkins or gourds outdoors in case they attract rats or mice. You never know what might come into the garden from the fields all around.
Your flowers look very pretty though!
My summer clothes are but a pleasant memory, I've been wearing a fleece jacket outdoors and sometimes indoors (!) for a couple of weeks now.
Hope you have a wonderful last weekend at the lake.
":o( I was so sad to see what the squirrels had done to your pumpkins. They looked so pretty on your porch from the previous post. Loved reading your post ... always fun!
Hi Jane!
What a bummer that you can't put out pumpkins without them being eaten! My 3 have been sitting on the porch for almost a month & nothing has bothered them.
HOWEVER, come read about the other critter we had at our house!!
p.s. I actually made stew last week, too. GMTA It was *comfort food* weather, huh?
Have you tried the pumpkin flavored coffee creamer? My sis is addicted to it & like you, said it HAS to go.
I have never had squirrels do that!.. and I have to say, we have plenty of them.
I had to stop putting pumpkins out on my porch...the squirrels just went to town. We have black squirrels which I think are worse. I have thought about switching over my closet but that's as far as I've gotten! Happy Weekend.
Hi Jane! Oh, those little stinkers! I'm sorry the squirrels get to gnawing on your pumpkins and gourds! You need a bb gun! :)
Your mums are so pretty too! Now I'm not familiar with that author so I'll have to check her out.
Thanks for popping in to see me and I'll be back to blogging soon.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Those squirrels are so pesky. How about spritzing your pumpkins with olive oil and then sprinkle some cayenne pepper on them? I know people who do that in their gardens and it seems to work!
Consider that pumpkin CARVED!!!
(Love your music!)
Oh, that's just not right Jane! Those mischievous squirrels! I do love your mums, though. Such fall vibrancy. I can't wait to see your kitchen reveal. I'm sure it will be worth all the patience!
I'm doing the same thing this weekend - putting away summer clothes and taking out the dreary winter ones. I need colors other than brown and gray in my winter wardrobe!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my post about my dear friend Maria. She's looking forward to making new blog friends!
- Susan
I am so sorry about your pretty pumpkin! Naughty squirrels! Ours have survived so far, probably due to Winston always being in the front door looking for them! : )
Hope the Fall is being sweet to you!
I am amazed that the GAZILLION squirrels that live here don't eat my pumpkins! That is such a shame! I, too, am a total clothes hound and hvae clothes in .....are ya ready.....4 closets! Talk about a PIA changing for the seasons:) Have a great weekend!!!! XO, Pinky
Give the coffee sweeteners to the squirrels and switch to Agave syrup for your coffee. Add a drop of Vanilla extract if necessary.
Those little stinkers! I had no idea that squirrels have a thing for pumpkins! I'd best keep a close eye on mine! Your rose colored mums are to-die-for!
I get a kick out of watching the squirrels play here among the trees, however, they are so destructive! Not sure about yours but these are very bold too. :-(
Your flowers are so gorgeous! Thanks for the review of Susan Wiggs' books. I've been reading more ~ mindless activity for me as I'm not reading any earth shattering books. :-)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm working on my bedroom...again. I can't remember ever having so much difficulty with my bedroom in the past. So weird...
I get a kick out of watching the squirrels play here among the trees, however, they are so destructive! Not sure about yours but these are very bold too. :-(
Your flowers are so gorgeous! Thanks for the review of Susan Wiggs' books. I've been reading more ~ mindless activity for me as I'm not reading any earth shattering books. :-)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm working on my bedroom...again. I can't remember ever having so much difficulty with my bedroom in the past. So weird...
So nice to see the sun again isn't it? Your poor pumpkins! Our squirrels don't bother with them since one of those big nut trees leans over our fence...it keeps them munching for weeks. You guys had a nice day for one more boat ride today. Chilly/cold weather here we come!
Jane- Thanks for visiting my newly minted, blog yesterday at PinkFrenchBride! I LOVE your beautiful, journal and I noticed you visited Naples my home town! Hope the critters stay away from the rest of your squash and look forward to visiting your journal again soon. m.lisa
That squirrel really did a number on that pumpkin! We mosty have a problem with deer eating everything where I live. I already did my switch to winter clothes in the closet. I had got rid of a whole bunch of stuff and this year even the stuff I saved looked a little tired so I felt the need to go get a few things at Kohls the other day. Just enjoying these waning days of Fall color while it is here..Have a great weekend!~Hugs, Patti
Oh your mums are fantastic! Mine sadly have turned brown from the heat.
Here in AZ we don't have squirrels to contend with. It is the javelina's eating the pumpkins. :)
HI Jane!
I hope you are having a nice weekend and get your boat ride!
We went to the Pumpkin Jubilee at one of our favorite nurseries today! It was the perfect place to take Holland Grace since it was a rainy day. Everything is under cover and in a giant greenhouse. I'll most likely post about it this week.
Your new knobs and pulls sound fabulous! I love brushed nickel.
I am looking forward to the kitchen reveal!
Oh, those little squirrels are stinkers aren't they?
It is such a lot of work changing seasons, but there is an excitement to the change too. I think the only thing I like about winter is fun sweaters and boots! Hope you get to use the boat another time!
I remember the first time I visited my in-laws at their Chicago home noticing the crazy activity of the squirrels. It's hard to believe that those little critters can be so very destructive!
I'm so happy your kitchen is almost done!!
And we have the same pupmpkin problem!! We thought it had to be a wolverine on our roof!!!
Listen, I drink coconut creamer with my coffee, and it is like 15 calories a teaspoon! I drink many teaspoons in my coffee, but it isn't as bad as drinking soda! I could never give it up!!
Grrr...the deer ate our melons, tomatoes, and all of our grapes again this year. It's so frustrating, but when you live at the lake, and near the woods you have to expect it. They have to eat too.....I guess.
You must be sooo excited about your new kitchen...won't be long now.
Hi Janie, those little squirrels are truly pests, aren't they? They are so destructive in our area. They drop the nuts out of the cypress trees that contain the MOST sticky stuff you can imagine. I could just swap them. ;-)
Isn't this time just flying by....I am just zonked. I have never seen a Fall pass this quickly.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Hugs, Barb
Errrr... pesky squirrels!! Yes, we fight with them always. Now, not only are they enjoying my gardens but they have moved into our roof. I'm gonna get um!! : )
I love sweater season!
We used to have the same problem with deer. They would even try to eat the plastic ones!
Very frustrating...
Hope you had a good week end!
Have a super week!
I've never had them eat my mumpkins, but they were brutal on my garden.
Your mums are so pretty.
I hope all is well with you. La
The squirrels never seem to eat the pumpkins, but they do take their fair share of bird seed though. Makes me so mad! Last year rabbits made a mess of my flowers, but didn't do much damage this year thank God! I so dread taking out the sweaters and winter coat! I hate winter!
Well I guess the kitchen upgrade is moving along nicely. Can't wait for the big reveal!
I love squirrels so I can't sympathize with you. They're just too cute to get mad at. I have a black one that hangs out in the neighborhood.
I went to a flea market today, early this morning. It was cold but then it warmed up nicely.
Hi Jane,
Oh my word! Those pesky squirrels sure have snuck up on you!!! We have squirrels over here too!! Although, I haven't put out anything on our porch yet...I feel that it's still too hot in the afternoons (over here in the hills) to put gourds out...so I am just leaving them inside! And I've still yet to get the Halloweenie candy too!!! :)
I'm excited for your kitchen redo - can't wait to see pics! Ahhh, if only our projects would go a little faster... **sigh**
Anyway, enjoy the season - those mums of yours are amazing!
Good Morning Jane Sweetie...
Oh Iknow about those pesky squirrels. They have now emptied practically all of Momma and Daddy's pecans from their trees. No pecans this year. I think all they have gotten is about half of a coffee can. So sad. (Usually all freezers are full as well as mine and the siblings, and they always had plenty to sale for the holidays.)
I had no idea they would go after pumpkins and ghourds though. For pity sakes, there is nothing sacred I see. I think the one they chewed the hole in, I would simply add another little carved one inside of it. Make it work. Open the hole a little smoother, cut the top out, place the smaller one inside. Have a double decker sweetie. You might be starting something here.
Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous. I love seeing the mums this time of year. I have yet to put any out, but I am working on it in my mind.
We are still having 98 degree weather, but they tell us a cold spell is coming, we might make it down to 90 this week. I guess I had better get out my coat and mittens. Ha! Ha!
Have a glorious week sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Sorry about your pumpkins and I'm sure that mine will look like that in a matter of days. Right now mine are covered in bird poop from the nests up above. ;)
Damn Squirrels!!
Hi Jane
Your flowers are still so beautiful...I love impatiens as well..but aren't those squirrels naughty??? I've never seen them do that. I hope you get a chance to make your pumpkins before they attack again. Cute story about your kitchen and the plumbers..*s*... I bet you can't wait to have your kitchen back.
Have a great evening..
I'm so sorry to see that your special carving pumpkin has been destroyed! Your critter friends must love you though!
Hope you enjoy the lovely Fall weather. It is finally getting warmer here...summer is coming!
Best wishes,
Janie! I can't believe that the squirrel ate your pumpkin!!! And where on earth did this post come from??? I have no idea how I missed it! I know I posted on the last one, but I sure am glad I just dropped by for a visit!
Sorry about your pumpkin. Hope you find another one to carve that you like as well as that one.
Just coming by to ck on ya, Blondie...:))
While I have never done anything to cause the demise of furry rats (aka squirrels), the only reason is that I don't want to deal with the evidence. Crime scene tape might add to the decor on Halloween, but fall decor starts well before and extends to Thanksgiving for me.
Those rotten critters even tried to chew a fake pumpkin! Even squirrels should not marry their first cousins as the blood line apparently does weaken along with intelligence in their offspring.
I've heard that rubbing WD-40 on the pumpkins will keep them away but I don't want hubby to come home and find me using his WD-40 on pumpkins. He might go to Ancestry dot com and look up my lineage!
Darn critters! He didn't do such a swell job at carving either! No critters here, just ants that love to find a crack to invade the kitchen. What a mess!
Hope you had an enjoyable weekend!!
I'm kinda liking the "squirrel art"! Looks scary!
Your mums are beautiful!
happy week!
The squirrels always take my Indian Corn, but not the pumpkins! I read Susan Wiggs too. I just started The Help and I'd like to sit and read all day!
Those dang squirrels. None of my dad's white pumpkins made it past July.
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