We had a great weekend at the lake. The ride up to Michigan is wonderful at this time of year. I was a little disappointed when I got there and saw that the marina had taken our boat to store for the winter. No last joy ride.
We brought provisions with us...Italian meats and cheeses and fresh bread and just rented a movie Saturday night. Of course, it put me to sleep. Somehow, The Husband manages to stay up late and get up early.
I wish I had more to report on the kitchen. The cabinets should be ready soon, but we keep hearing that. I anticipated that this wasn't going to be a totally smooth ride, so I'm not that inpatient {yet}. The new dishwasher is in and we have ordered new counter stools. The island is going to be ready to ship November 13. It will be so nice to have everything in it's place. I hope you don't mind me going on and on about all of this. It seems to monopolize my life.
On a totally unrelated side note, the pumpkins are gone. The squirrels scooped out all the seeds to bury, and scattered the remains all over the lawn. Of course I knew this would happen but I just love seeing those sweet pumpkins on my porch for the little time I have them.
It is going to be a busy week. Son Jeff is moving out, it makes me a little sad. He's been living here at home since January and I am kind of used to having him around. He has an apartment on the north side of Chicago. Emily is decorating it for him and she is having a ball. Last night she went to Target and bought all of his sheets, towels, rugs and lamps. She and a friend had 3 carts. Can you imagine? I'll miss him though.
Well, I've rambled on enough...I'll be back later in the week. I hope you are having a good one! :-)
Everything looks so sunny and pretty!... you are having warmer weather and we have a cold front moving in, yuck!... sorry the squirrels got your pumpkins, but I love those little critters so! Enjoy your week, love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Sounds like you had a lovely day "fluffing"! The pictures are lovely with the light streaming in!
It's always sad when a child moves out. It leaves an emptyness, doesn't it?
Hope you have a great week!
Good morning Jane.....Oh your home is so lovely with the light filtering through those windows. Sixty degrees and sunny sounds PERFECT to me.
Have a wonderful week,
I love your house on the lake....Glad you had beautiful weather to close it up for the winter...
Our marina called last week about winterizing our boat, and I do not want them to yet! *sadface*
I love reading about your days... no matter what you're doing, it always sounds fun! Glad you are saving those beautiful plants. ":o)
Jane -- I love fluffing too :) Your fern and palms are gorgeous! I am determined to get a couple big ferns for my front porch next spring. So beautiful and old fashioned looking :)
Hoping you had a lovely time out running errands -- it is gorgeous here today too :)
I'm impressed that you got your cleaning done. I think I'd just take a nap in the warm sunlight streaming through those windows!
sounds like a lovely time even if you didnt get in that last joy ride.
Your lake home is beautiful. The light...the windows...you truly suceeded. The inside feels like outside.
I have never handled the empty nest thing well. That's one of the reasons that I started a blog!
Ah...so lucky are we to have Target to fashion old and new nests!
Hi Janie, so glad you had a nice time outside. I love the sun shining through your windows.
We won't bring plants in until January or maybe late December...boy that is a job.
Can't wait to see your kitchen.
Have a wonderful day, sweet girl.
Barb ♥
Hi! Hasn't it been gorgeous the past few days. I guess we are in for a big change later today, but it is 70 degrees here as I type. I think it is sweet that you are sad your son is moving out. I felt that way about my daughter, but I was very ready for my son to get his own place! He bounced back home 4 times and each time it was harder. We just aren't meant to live together, but I love for him to come for dinner or the occasional sleepover!
Your room looks so pretty with the sun streaming in. Your plants look like they love it, too. Too bad about your pumpkins. I never knew squirrels would do that to pumpkins. Our southern squirrels must not know about that. I still have my pumpkins by the front steps in one piece. Maybe it's because we have an over abundance of acorns in our yard. Hope so.
Those windows with the view and the sun streaming in are so pretty. I know you miss it over the winter months....but what a wonderful thing to look forward to...SPRING! It seems so far away right now, but you know it will be here before we know it! First up though...the holidays! YIKES~!
I have never had squirrels eat my pumpkins...I didn't know they did that! Maybe mine are so full from all the acorns they don't bother with the pumpkins! lol
Enjoy your day Jane!
Lou Cinda
You've got such a great view, Jane! The weather is beautiful here today, too. It will probably be the best one this week, right in the middle of rainy weather. Tomorrow the clouds move back in as well as the cold temps, so I'm enjoying today.
Wow! your view out the front window is amazing, Jane! It looks so quiet and serene.
So glad you had good weather for your trip north.
Sorry about those pumpkins. I know the deer around here have been fed good...on our tomatoes, melons and grapes.
I'm not getting tired of hearing about your new kitchen at all! I'm excited to see pictures of the room all finished and looking pretty.
Have a nice evening.
Glad you're having nice weather too Jane, just seems to put some pep in the step! Sorry the varmints got to the pumpkins, but they see things differently than we do:@)
Love seeing that sunshine stream through the windows at the lake Jane! Sounds like the perfect week-end and do not worry about going on about the kitchen ~ I want to do the same thing but my patience is veryshort!! Hope you are having a good week. xo
Hi Jane,
Your home is looking lovely. The big green fern looks so lush and healthy.
Have a wonderful week.
It is a beautiful day here today too! Enjoy, my friend!
These last days of warmth and sunshine are like gold aren't they? I love the view our your windows, and all that light!
Jane, I love your "ramblings"! I know what you mean about your son moving out. Mine did in March. He is such a delight, but he needed to get on with his life! Thank goodness they did not move across the country!
I could use some fluffing around here too!
Oh, the light looks so pretty there, just streaming through the window. I can imagine laying on the couch and gazing outdoors. I feel sleepy, can you tell? Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend...a little of this and a little of that :)
Sorry that you didn't get to go out on the boat, but it sounds like you had a nice fall weekend at your lake house.
Well, the ding dang squirrels ruined your pumpkin display, huh? Do you ever have pumpkins from them scattering & burying the seeds? Thought perhaps they might miss a few ~
I know you enjoyed your time at the lake. Such a pleasant way to spend time. Your plants are beautiful! I have a friend in St. Louis that moved all of her's inside...33 trips up & down the basement stairs...not counting what she put inside. She has an incredible green thumb and it is amazing to see all of them!
I understand when a child moves out...kinda bittersweet for parents. I LOVE Target! Wish I could go in there and use 3 baskets. :-)
Well, the ding dang squirrels ruined your pumpkin display, huh? Do you ever have pumpkins from them scattering & burying the seeds? Thought perhaps they might miss a few ~
I know you enjoyed your time at the lake. Such a pleasant way to spend time. Your plants are beautiful! I have a friend in St. Louis that moved all of her's inside...33 trips up & down the basement stairs...not counting what she put inside. She has an incredible green thumb and it is amazing to see all of them!
I understand when a child moves out...kinda bittersweet for parents. I LOVE Target! Wish I could go in there and use 3 baskets. :-)
Yes, you will miss him...my boy has been gone almost 30 yrs and I still miss him ....:) The cool thing is, tho, that he and my daughter both live right here in town. Hopefully, you'll get to see him often.
I know you are anxious to get your kitchen all finished...bet it won't be long, now. and, it's gonna be so so pretty.
xo bj
A happy, but melancholy, time for you-with a son moving out, your pumpkins scattered to the winds, and winter in the offing. I can remember when my youngest son moved out...I was happy/sad to see him go...and he struggled for a while to find his own way, but find it he did.
I am glad that you have the cottage to enjoy for the weekends...and I never get tired of hearing about your kitchen redo! I am right there with you! xo Diana
Love your big sunny room! Sorry about your pumpkins...I sprayed bug spray all over mine and they are still untouched! I tried this several years ago after all my pumpkins were eaten by those pesky varmits!! Can't wait to see your kitchen re-do!!
Miss Bloomers
Hi Jane, Isn't the beautiful weather wonderful. The sunshine and the fall color is so pretty. It was so nice that I would have loved to stay outside. In fact I would have liked to make my vacation longer. It does make us sad when our family leaves the nest. Our oldest leaves Thrusday for Kenner, Louisiana for a new job. He has been living with us for over a year while being unemployed. He put his resume on line and a head hunter found him. The company is willing to work around his chemical asthma which is a blessing. I will miss him but I am also happy for him. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.
Glad you have had fun despite not having your boat. My Great Aunt has a lake house. She and my Great Uncle used to have a boat until they got too old to be out there on their own, but now they fish on the shore. Even when they don't fish, they had a wonderful screened in porch to enjoy. Sounds like you are the same way with your patio.
Good luck with the kitchen remodel. I've never done that, but I've known people who have redone the kitchen and sounds like you have handled it better than them. Everything will turn out in the end, then you'll forget about all these delays.
Have a great day tomorrow!
Love seeing pics of the lakehouse Jane, sure brings back memories from our weekend this summer.
Such pretty pics too!
Sure hope we can get together in December I always look forward to it!
Our weather was crappy and cold today when it was supposed to be like yours.
Oh well, I will get through it as usual.
Hugs girlfriend,
Looks like a gorgeous day to be out and about. Have fun!
so so pretty.
Love the look of plants indoors...but my staff doesn't allow that! Too tempting to eat and dig in! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
My garage turns into a jungle when we bring all the plants in! My daughter moved out and in several times and each time I had to get used to it! FUN to decorate a new place, he is lucky to have the help!
Have a wonderful day in your gorgeous city! HUGS!
I really love your big, wide open windows, Jane! Let's the sun shine through! My heart goes out to you with your son moving to an apartment. Letting go is never easy.
Hi Jane, funny to see all the plants come inside for the season. Kind of nice and sad at the same time. I just let my ferns go because I have no where to hang them inside. I also hung some mandavillas (spelling?) outside this Spring and they have done beautifully. I keep thinking I may try to save them over the winter but probably not. I am bad bad bad about watering. I have never had a squirrel bother my pumpkins. So sorry they like yours so much. Hope you are having a great week. xoxoxo
Ahhh, it looks gorgeous there! It is snowing here, so I'm visiting my blogs. :)
It may seem like a long wait for it all to come together, but your kitchen is going to be gorgeous!
My kids moved out years ago, and I still miss them. Mommies. We just can't help how much we love them.
Have a lovely day, Jane!
I love your big window with the beautiful lake in front of it! I know it is sad to have an empty nest but if you get to see them often, it helps. Enjoy these waning days of Fall!~Hugs, Patti
Hey Jane, a beautiful picture of the outdoors through your windows! Glad you are having such good weather. here as well, though 60 would be chilly for us ... we're getting there!
I can't believe the squirrel damage to your pumpkins! They must be hungry...
It all looks so peaceful, Janie. I love that house. It has such a great look, and I can understand you wanting to linger and enjoy it all.
As to the cabinets at home, do you anticipate them being through soon? I never seem to be able to get done what I need to get done when I need to do it. But I'm hoping for better timing for you!
It's exciting to think that you will soon have a new kitchen. I know that is going to be fun.
Be sure to take pics of your son's apartment. I'd love to see it!
Haven't we had the nicest fall in the midwest? Love your pictures. I don't like bringing in my houseplants because they don't seem to fit in and I have to remember to water. My husband waters them when they are outside.
I have to comment on your previous post. My daughter and I were taking a walk in her KC neighborhood over the weekend and we saw pumpkins that looked just like yours. We could not for the life of us figure out what was going on!! Never once thought of squirrels!! Funny, but SAD!! I love having pretty pumpkins out for fall.
I can't believe the squirrels ate your pumpkins. I have squirrels and pumpkins and they never touch them! Wonder why?
Everything looks lovely sweets. LOVELY!
Sounds like a lovely time up at the Lake House. And I love the shot of what the squirrels did to those pumpkins in you lasy post. They are so clever, if a little anti Halloween.
I love hearing your sweet ramblings!
Your plants look gorgous...now you get to enjoy them indoors.
I know how you feel about your son..hugs.
Love to see pumpkins too!
Have a great week my friend!!
Deborah xoxo
beautiful photos, such a lovely setting, I don't blame you for wanting to stay outside its lovely outside,, have a lovely week,
So beautiful the sunshine & outdoor setting, Janie. We brought our plants in today & stored all the terrace furnitures.
We are infested with squirrels this year. The first snow is coming this weekend they say ... we haven't even had a frost yet.
I get lost when watching movie at home, but not at the theatre ... go figure.
Have a beautiful day ~
Oh, to have a house on the water somewhere... peaceful setting.
The moving out, I'm not looking forward to it.
How grand your home is!! Such lovely light coming in and wonderful temperatures!!
It is getting colder here. I actually had to use the heat today! yuck!
Have a wonderful week!!
It looks so pretty through your windows, Janie. I love all those windows with the plants....Christine
What a lovely way to bring the season to a close. Your description of your afternoon of cleaning and enjoying the sun was just like being there.
I've been gradually bringing the plants in from the porch and patio where they've happily spent the summer. We haven't had a frost yet, but I don't want to be lugging them all in at the same time. Wish I had a lovely sunroom to put them all in!
I hear you about your son! I miss my son so much since he last moved out! He just lives a short few miles away, but it's just not the same as the late night talks when he returned home!
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