Today I thought I would show you a bit of the's almost completed. The counter tops are Italian granite and called Summer Wheat. I think that is the best description of them. My cabinets are pine. They have been refinished and I am loving the shine. The knobs and pulls are on, they are brushed nickel. You can see in the picture that 2 drawer fronts are missing, they are being made as well as another cabinet door. Otherwise we just need a few more knobs and pulls {I miscounted}. This is a closer view. I like that the granite has more marbling than spots. I kept my wall tile which is white with a few squares of French wine labels that I had hand painted years ago.
So that is where we are at. The carpenter is here now putting a few more doors on. Then I have to run to Home Depot for the rest of the hardware. I counted these knobs at least 5 times and still came up short! Only me! Tomorrow I am going to start putting my dishes and everything else back in. I am trying to show some restraint with what I put on the counters. I purged a lot so I have room for bigger appliances, like the KitchenAid Mixer to fit in the cabinets. I want fun, pretty things on the counters!! The Husband thinks I am going to keep them bare, ha ha! I have been laying a little low the last couple of days, I have an ear infection. I never get those and didn't even know I had one until I went to my doctor for a check up Tuesday. So I am putting in ear drops and then I have to lay on my side for awhile for them to get down in there. Okay by's my favorite position. Tomorrow is my hair appointment, grocery shopping and a lot of laundry for my son that is moving out. This weekend we will clean up the yard and patio and put the summer stuff away at this house. It's not easy having 2 homes and don't get me started on the double gas, electric, water and lawn care bills. Reality stinks.
I brought this English lavender plant home from where I bought it in Michigan. I know that it is too late to plant it in the ground and have it establish roots before the ground freezes, so I am babying it at home in my garden window. It's actually looking better than it did when I first brought it home. Has anyone ever tried this? With any plant?
Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing the counter tops...I will take complete pictures when the island comes, which by the way, The Husband thinks will not fit in the kitchen. That is if we want to get into the cabinets. I say tough! ;-D
I love that granite! I'm very interested because I'm still in the market for new counters and just can't decide between granite or a Silestone type of product. Granite moves more and feels more natural. Sigh, I can't decide. About how long did the installation take?
Glad to know I'm not the only one that has to re-trip a purchase because I didn't have enough of "whatever." I'm the queen of coming home minus the one thing I went for. More photos, more photos!! :)
Jane! Your kitchen looks warm, welcoming, and lovely! I would just love to place my hands on your beautiful countertops. Mine are 30 year old almond(remember how hot almond was?)formica. We are likely to tackle that part of our kitchen next Fall! I have been keeping our counters clear as well. I hope your ears are feeling better for your busy day tomorrow! ~Lynne [w/L]
Love your countertop!!!! Can't wait to see the finished product with the new mixer and the rest of the fun stuff that you will get :) If you find that you don't have room for the little white box, send it to Mississippi. Love it too!
Silly man! Bare counters? Love your countertop, Jane! I don't think I've seen this one before and I like the way it looks with your cabinets. I'm looking forward to seeing more! Hope your ear infection clears up soon. My daughter was prone to those when she was little; it caused her a lot of pain.
your counter top is lovely, very buttery.I also love the cabinets.I sway from having a clutter free counter back to having my favorite things out.I like the minimal look but find it cold sometimes.My husband likes the counters bare. me,,, not so much,, I like a bit of pre planned clutter.I hope your lavendar does well, I have planted some late in the past and I covered it with leaves just before the heavy frost and snow and it made it just fine,, thendied a couple of summers later.Lavendaer is a tricky plant this far north but if it sticks it does well.It must be hard work maintaining two house, such as yours, pour second home is a cabin and its very rustic,, (meaning old as the hills) leave shoes on, sandy dogs and popsickle safe,, not much work, not fancy smancy like your beautiful homes,, yours make me swoon!
Your kitchen is looking great! I love your granite color choice. I always intend to keep my counters bare, but I just can't resist decorating them. Enjoy your refreshed space!
Oh it looks so nice. Love the cabinets and counter top. It looks alot like my daughter's. Their's is really light like that and alot of marbeling. The "bills" were the big reason we sold out cottage. It was the cottage or flying to Colorado to see the grandkids. Good decision but I sure miss it alot. I can't wait to see the island.
We went today to buy mose primer and got the cottage white paint I wanted to paint the cabinets with, while there we looked at counters, yeah!!! There are so many to choose from! Yours look wonderful and so pretty with the cabinets, I bet your so happy and pleased! I hope your feeling better too!
I love your granite. There is a lot of movement in the stone-which I like. It is lovely!
I'm so sorry that you have an ear infection. That must be just miserable! Hope you can get everything set to rights in the kitchen and show us some more pictures! Your cabinets look lovely all shined up! xo Diana
Very nice!! When I have redone things in the past I like the less cluttered look......for a LITTLE while and then I slowly - and sometimes NOT so slowly - load it all back up! That's just ME and the 'less is more' line of thinking is so NOT me!! Whatever you do will look just like YOU!! And it IS your kitchen!! Enjoy the process and we will enjoy it along with you!
Your counters are pretty Jane! I haven't seen that granite and it looks great with the honey pine. I just came back from the doctors...he said I had fluid in my ears~and gave me a script. I have never had an earache either!!
I'm loving the granite, Janie! And the cabinets look super. You are going to just love the new look. I'm laughing about the knobs because I've done the same thing, but I'm not laughing at you having to go back for more. However, it's a good excuse to buy some new decorator mags at their checkout. LOL!
Hi Jane... love your beautiful countertops and kitchen!... I bet you are so happy and excited with it... isn't it funny how the guys want the counters bare???... not in my house!... your lavender will do fine inside for the winter... so sorry to hear you have an ear infection... hope you feel better soon!... thanks for visiting my vintage Halloween post and your sweet comments... happy to hear you are off the icky creamer!... did you find the good one? Enjoy your gorgeous new kitchen... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane! I hope you feel better soon! I've come down with an upper respiratory infection and feel like poop! Now your kitchen is looking wonderful. I love your pretty new granite! Love the colors and motion in it. Your cabinets are just gorgeous! I know you're loving it! Be a sweetie, Shelia ;)
Hi Jane, I really like the progress of kitchen and like the granite counter top. I still have butcher block on mine so that will tell you how old it is. My mother had the green thumb and she had her plants in the south window. Her Christmas cactus would bloom all year long. She had beautiful Africain Violets, but I sure didn't inherit it from her. Our son left this morning for his new job. The house seems so quiet with him gone and not having to share my computer or tv with him, but you do miss them. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.
Jane that granite is a show stopper, and your cabinets and new hardware look amazing! I'm sorry you have an ear infection...I hope you feel better soon!
I love the color of your counter tops. I think they look great. It is so exciting to get something new, but I am like you. I cleaned all the stuff off the counters, only to add more than I had before. LOL Can't wait to see the bar. Have a great weekend and don't work to hard in the yard, Melissa
Wow...this is going to be a wonderfully inviting kitchen when completed, Jane! I love your honey-warm colors & that granite is TDF.
Of course its consuming all your wonder...its a major overhaul.
I hope your ear infection goes away quickly. I remember them from childhood...miserable. Have you been swimming??? I wonder if some bacteria laden water got in there??
Your kitchen is looking lovely, Jane! I also love that little chippy, white wooden box for coffe and tea. It's nice to be visiting with you again. :) xo, Jo
I love the granite. I don't know about you, but once I had mine in...I just wished I'd done it sooner. I couldn't believe that countertops could make me so happy! Everything is coming together beautifully, you must be so excited.
I LOVE the kitchen! It is looking SO good! LOVE the granite! AND the cabinets AND the hardware!! Girl, does your husband not know that a flat surface is a decorator's dream?? LOL Can't wait to see the island, which I know will fit beautifully!!
Hi lovely lady. Your granite counters are Beautiful. I hope your Ears are doing better today sweet lady. I also hope you have a great weekend. XXOO Diane
O, your granite is beautiful. You are going to love it so much. It sure looks great with your backsplash. We so need new counter tops's not in the Social Security budget so I am trying hard to take really good care of what I have. :)
Hope your ear is a lot better..and hope you have a good weekend. xo bj
Kitchen is looking wonderful. Good pattern choice in the granite, very pretty. I know what you mean about bare counters, but its so hard; I need my stuff. Have fun picking out and accessorizing your new and improved kitchen. Sorry about ear infection. Ugh!
I love the granite, Janie. I loe the color, so much brighter than what I usually see so it brightens the kitchen. Good choice! Love the pattern too, not too common...Christine
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
It must be something about the season Jane, cause I just got over an ear infection too and I never have them, ever! I was just feeling dizzy and went to the dr. and there it was.
I love the granite...WOW, it is beautiful! hugs from here...
I am so happy to see your countertops, gorgeous! I know it takes a lot of work to pick out just the right color... it isn't like you will change it if you don't like it! GREAT choice! Enjoy your weekend, hope your ear is all better! HUGS!
OH you picked such a pretty granite pattern! Love the soft gold tones and how warm it looks with your cabinets! They did a wonderful job refinishing them..they look brand new! How wonderful that you are getting that island you've been dreaming about! Hope hope hope it fits! Nothing worse than when they are right!! LOL. Get well soon! P.S. I overwintered my 'grosso' french lavender in the garage last year...I was afraid to plant it late in the season. I just put it near a window and only slightly watered it when it got dry..I planted it in the garden this year and it's done great! I just love lavender! Miss Bloomers
Your counter looks super cool - can't wait to see the island! Lavendar might do well for you - you should be able to plant it outside though - cut it back a bit & it should come up next year. Last year I brought in my rosemary - it did well, and this year my Cuban oregano is growing like MAD! That is ever so easy to grow!!
this is so exciting. I feel like I am getting a new kitchen too watching yours come together Jane. Love the colors you are going with. Now with that pretty granite counter top you can make us lots of pies. Great place to roll out dough. :) xo Happy Halloween
Things are really moving along in your kitchen! It's looking just great! I like the brushed nickel pulls and the granite and cabinets all blend colors so nicely. I'm sure you are looking forwar to it being finished! Sorry to hear about the ear infection. Take care. Linda
Just stopping back by to say thank you for linking for beautiful kitchen progress to Potpourri Friday! You must really be getting exciting about it's completion!
HI Jane, the new granite is BEAUTIFUL! I so wish I could redo our kitchen! It is so dated since we built this house in '84!!! BUT, that is not to be right now. Hope you are feeling better. XO, Pinky
I love that granite! I'm very interested because I'm still in the market for new counters and just can't decide between granite or a Silestone type of product. Granite moves more and feels more natural. Sigh, I can't decide. About how long did the installation take?
Glad to know I'm not the only one that has to re-trip a purchase because I didn't have enough of "whatever." I'm the queen of coming home minus the one thing I went for. More photos, more photos!! :)
Love the granite you chose! I'm sooooo hoping my guy and I can swing getting something similar. If not my island will be granite.
Everything is so lovely Jane!
Your countertop looks really pretty Jane! Putting it all back together and accessorizing are the best part ~ can't wait to see it all completed!
The countertop is gorgeous! You must be very pleased with this beauty! Hope you will consider linking to Potpourri Friday today!
Pretty counter top Jane! Love the boxes too, cute! Can't wait to see the FINAL!
Your kitchen looks warm, welcoming, and lovely! I would just love to place my hands on your beautiful countertops. Mine are 30 year old almond(remember how hot almond was?)formica. We are likely to tackle that part of our kitchen next Fall!
I have been keeping our counters clear as well.
I hope your ears are feeling better for your busy day tomorrow!
Hi Jane!
Your kitchen is looking beautiful!!! Love the granite! :)
So sorry about your ear infection! Owie :( Hope you get better soon my friend!
P.S. Didn't you know it's a law that anytime you do any remodel of anykind you will make approximately 182 trips to Home Depot?! hee hee ;)
Love your countertop!!!! Can't wait to see the finished product with the new mixer and the rest of the fun stuff that you will get :) If you find that you don't have room for the little white box, send it to Mississippi. Love it too!
I love the color and pattern of your granite!
The granite counters are a beautiful color or mix of colors. The yellow wheat color is very warm.
Silly man! Bare counters? Love your countertop, Jane! I don't think I've seen this one before and I like the way it looks with your cabinets. I'm looking forward to seeing more! Hope your ear infection clears up soon. My daughter was prone to those when she was little; it caused her a lot of pain.
your counter top is lovely, very buttery.I also love the cabinets.I sway from having a clutter free counter back to having my favorite things out.I like the minimal look but find it cold sometimes.My husband likes the counters bare. me,,, not so much,, I like a bit of pre planned clutter.I hope your lavendar does well, I have planted some late in the past and I covered it with leaves just before the heavy frost and snow and it made it just fine,, thendied a couple of summers later.Lavendaer is a tricky plant this far north but if it sticks it does well.It must be hard work maintaining two house, such as yours, pour second home is a cabin and its very rustic,, (meaning old as the hills) leave shoes on, sandy dogs and popsickle safe,, not much work, not fancy smancy like your beautiful homes,, yours make me swoon!
Your kitchen is looking great! I love your granite color choice. I always intend to keep my counters bare, but I just can't resist decorating them. Enjoy your refreshed space!
You are really coming along with the kitchen, Janie. Love what you are doing.
I used granite for our island, not the counters.
Love these sneak previews.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Oh it looks so nice. Love the cabinets and counter top. It looks alot like my daughter's. Their's is really light like that and alot of marbeling.
The "bills" were the big reason we sold out cottage. It was the cottage or flying to Colorado to see the grandkids. Good decision but I sure miss it alot.
I can't wait to see the island.
We went today to buy mose primer and got the cottage white paint I wanted to paint the cabinets with, while there we looked at counters, yeah!!! There are so many to choose from!
Yours look wonderful and so pretty with the cabinets, I bet your so happy and pleased!
I hope your feeling better too!
Blondie....your kitchen has turned out beautifully. Granite is the absolute best in a kitchen.
The kitchen looks great Jane! Lovin' your pretty new counter top, not much longer now and it will be complete-enjoy:@)
Sorry about your ear:( infection
Love the kitchen redo very warm and beautiful
Love your granite.. the whole room has taken on a different look and feel and I am so happy for you..
empty counters? surely he jests .. lol
I love your granite. There is a lot of movement in the stone-which I like. It is lovely!
I'm so sorry that you have an ear infection. That must be just miserable! Hope you can get everything set to rights in the kitchen and show us some more pictures! Your cabinets look lovely all shined up! xo Diana
Jane it's lookin good and that granite is GORGEOUS!! Have a great weekend, Martina
Very nice!! When I have redone things in the past I like the less cluttered look......for a LITTLE while and then I slowly - and sometimes NOT so slowly - load it all back up! That's just ME and the 'less is more' line of thinking is so NOT me!!
Whatever you do will look just like YOU!! And it IS your kitchen!! Enjoy the process and we will enjoy it along with you!
Your counters are pretty Jane! I haven't seen that granite and it looks great with the honey pine. I just came back from the doctors...he said I had fluid in my ears~and gave me a script. I have never had an earache either!!
The counter is so lovrly Jane and your cupboards too!
I hope that ear infection clears up quickly :)
Deborah xoxo
Loving everything so far and the island will just be the cherry on top!
I'm loving the granite, Janie! And the cabinets look super. You are going to just love the new look. I'm laughing about the knobs because I've done the same thing, but I'm not laughing at you having to go back for more. However, it's a good excuse to buy some new decorator mags at their checkout. LOL!
Thanks for sharing with us. Great job!
Looks lovely Jane! I love the light colour granite. Beautiful choice!!
Pamela xo
Hi Jane... love your beautiful countertops and kitchen!... I bet you are so happy and excited with it... isn't it funny how the guys want the counters bare???... not in my house!... your lavender will do fine inside for the winter... so sorry to hear you have an ear infection... hope you feel better soon!... thanks for visiting my vintage Halloween post and your sweet comments... happy to hear you are off the icky creamer!... did you find the good one? Enjoy your gorgeous new kitchen... xoxo Julie Marie
Love the counter tops! They are gorgeous.
Hi Jane! I hope you feel better soon! I've come down with an upper respiratory infection and feel like poop!
Now your kitchen is looking wonderful. I love your pretty new granite! Love the colors and motion in it. Your cabinets are just gorgeous! I know you're loving it!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
That is beautiful granite! I love the wave running through there. So pretty!
Hi Jane, I really like the progress of kitchen and like the granite counter top. I still have butcher block on mine so that will tell you how old it is. My mother had the green thumb and she had her plants in the south window. Her Christmas cactus would bloom all year long. She had beautiful Africain Violets, but I sure didn't inherit it from her.
Our son left this morning for his new job. The house seems so quiet with him gone and not having to share my computer or tv with him, but you do miss them. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.
Jane that granite is a show stopper, and your cabinets and new hardware look amazing! I'm sorry you have an ear infection...I hope you feel better soon!
Kat :)
I love the color of your counter tops. I think they look great.
It is so exciting to get something new, but I am like you. I cleaned all the stuff off the counters, only to add more than I had before. LOL
Can't wait to see the bar.
Have a great weekend and don't work to hard in the yard,
The kitchen is looking great - and I do like the granite you chose. We still have the original counter tops that came with our house - very sad!
Wow...this is going to be a wonderfully inviting kitchen when completed, Jane! I love your honey-warm colors & that granite is TDF.
Of course its consuming all your wonder...its a major overhaul.
I hope your ear infection goes away quickly. I remember them from childhood...miserable. Have you been swimming??? I wonder if some bacteria laden water got in there??
Gentle, Healing Hugs,
Your kitchen is looking gorgeous! Much too pretty to mess up by cooking so I think a month or two of dining out is in order. ;-)
Your kitchen is looking lovely, Jane! I also love that little chippy, white wooden box for coffe and tea.
It's nice to be visiting with you again. :)
I love the granite. I don't know about you, but once I had mine in...I just wished I'd done it sooner. I couldn't believe that countertops could make me so happy! Everything is coming together beautifully, you must be so excited.
I LOVE the kitchen! It is looking SO good! LOVE the granite! AND the cabinets AND the hardware!! Girl, does your husband not know that a flat surface is a decorator's dream?? LOL Can't wait to see the island, which I know will fit beautifully!!
Hope you are feeling better!
Lou Cinda :)
Just started following you from a visit from Honey's Potoporri Friday Party. I love your counter tops, beautiful and the wine rack! WOW!
Your countertops are so pretty. I do not like my granite because it is too dark!
I am sorry about your ear infection. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Ricki Jill
Hi lovely lady.
Your granite counters are Beautiful. I hope your Ears are doing better today sweet lady.
I also hope you have a great weekend.
XXOO Diane
O, your granite is beautiful. You are going to love it so much. It sure looks great with your backsplash.
We so need new counter tops's not in the Social Security budget so I am trying hard to take really good care of what I have. :)
Hope your ear is a lot better..and hope you have a good weekend.
xo bj
Your counters look great! And I love those little tea and coffee boxes. And lavendar, too!
Your post is full of lovely things!
Happy weekending,
Beautiful countertops and I love the cabinets. I bet you are just itching to get it all done. Enjoy!
Kitchen is looking wonderful. Good pattern choice in the granite, very pretty. I know what you mean about bare counters, but its so hard; I need my stuff. Have fun picking out and accessorizing your new and improved kitchen. Sorry about ear infection. Ugh!
What a lovely kitchen and those little boxes to store your teas etc. are sooooo darling.
Happy weekend to you sweet friend. xoxoxo
I love the granite, Janie. I loe the color, so much brighter than what I usually see so it brightens the kitchen. Good choice! Love the pattern too, not too common...Christine
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Those counters are amazing! I LOVE the color. We went to another granite showroom & saw more examples. NOW I am even more confused! I don't know what to choose. We can't decide if we are going to stay in this house or sell it so I can't decide how much to do/upgrade. If I stay MORE! If we sell... less. Enjoy that new kitchen as I KNOW you will. Thanks for sharing. Charlene
Your granite countertops look so nice - I love the color. Bare countertops?? Wouldn't look like anyone lived there or cooked there!
It must be something about the season Jane, cause I just got over an ear infection too and I never have them, ever! I was just feeling dizzy and went to the dr. and there it was.
I love the granite...WOW, it is beautiful!
hugs from here...
I am so happy to see your countertops, gorgeous! I know it takes a lot of work to pick out just the right color... it isn't like you will change it if you don't like it! GREAT choice! Enjoy your weekend, hope your ear is all better! HUGS!
Hi Janie, it looks fabulous. We are now in the process of considering our new kitchen....after the dock is finished. Ha.
Love it!
The granite is beautiful!
The countertops are fabulous, they are so rich and I love the color of the cabinets. How fun, almost there! Get better soon. That sounds miserable.
OH you picked such a pretty granite pattern! Love the soft gold tones and how warm it looks with your cabinets! They did a wonderful job refinishing them..they look brand new! How wonderful that you are getting that island you've been dreaming about! Hope hope hope it fits! Nothing worse than when they are right!! LOL. Get well soon! P.S. I overwintered my 'grosso' french lavender in the garage last year...I was afraid to plant it late in the season. I just put it near a window and only slightly watered it when it got dry..I planted it in the garden this year and it's done great! I just love lavender!
Miss Bloomers
Your counter looks super cool - can't wait to see the island! Lavendar might do well for you - you should be able to plant it outside though - cut it back a bit & it should come up next year. Last year I brought in my rosemary - it did well, and this year my Cuban oregano is growing like MAD! That is ever so easy to grow!!
this is so exciting. I feel like I am getting a new kitchen too watching yours come together Jane. Love the colors you are going with. Now with that pretty granite counter top you can make us lots of pies. Great place to roll out dough. :) xo Happy Halloween
Things are really moving along in your kitchen! It's looking just great! I like the brushed nickel pulls and the granite and cabinets all blend colors so nicely. I'm sure you are looking forwar to it being finished! Sorry to hear about the ear infection. Take care. Linda
Just stopping back by to say thank you for linking for beautiful kitchen progress to Potpourri Friday! You must really be getting exciting about it's completion!
Hope you are feeling better!
HI Jane, the new granite is BEAUTIFUL! I so wish I could redo our kitchen! It is so dated since we built this house in '84!!! BUT, that is not to be right now. Hope you are feeling better. XO, Pinky
Jane your kitchen is looking wonderful!!! I love all the pretty accessories, especially the canisters, they're awesome!
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