The weather was gorgeous this weekend as I'm sure it was all over. We spent the weekend at the lake, driving up Saturday morning. I missed the Na Da Farm event as The Husband couldn't get off work early enough to make the 2 1/2 hour drive before it ended. I was disappointed but I knew it was a long ride and I'm always happy with how enthusiastic he is about going to blogger events and supporting me when I want to meet bloggers. He is one of the few men that actually loves shopping and antiquing...I'm really lucky to have him. So, I will have to plan to go to the spring event at the farm.
Tomatoes are still on the vine next door at my neighbor Susie's house and she is always kind enough to bring some over. Here I served them with olive oil and some dried Italian spices. Yum.
Our fall clematis is in full bloom on the arbor. It's beautiful, isn't it?
These little blooms were growing on the other side of the arbor and I don't remember planting anything like it. It's another climber. Does anyone recognize it?
This is my one and only rose from the climber that we planted this summer. I was thrilled to even get one bud. At least I know what color roses I will have.
Roses blooming and acorns falling. I gathered some before The Husband swept the patio. The sweet guy also brought in all of the plants, including the palm trees and monster hibiscus. While the patio is looking empty, my house looks like a greenhouse. And can you believe I still have daisies blooming?
Our friends Craig and Snow got up late Saturday and as always brought gobs of food. We nibbled on meats and cheeses with focaccia bread before a big steak dinner. Then it was a long chat in front of the bonfire.
I mentioned the Under The Harvest Moon Festival in my last post. I went to it shortly after we arrived at the lake. There were all sorts of activities and vendors and fun all around. I met up with the sister in law of a blogger that I met in Asheville...Penny from Lake Lure Cottage.
Sister in law, Barb, is from Dowagiac, Michigan where the festival was held. We had lunch together at a wonderful restaurant right in town called Woodfire. We had a table by a window and we watched everyone enjoying the fest. What a sweet lady she is...we really had a nice time together. Hopefully we will get together again in the future.
This vendor was selling the most beautiful quilts...
...and this little guy was sitting outside the restaurant.
I took this picture for Lynn from Happier Than A Pig In Mud. I'm sure Earl is happy he is safe and sound at home with Lynn.
This week is CRAZY. Tomorrow the carpenter is coming to take all the cabinet doors and old counter tops. Wednesday the new counter tops are coming and being installed. Thursday the plumber {the sexy Irish guy} is coming to install the sink and faucet, etc., and Saturday the dishwasher is coming. Today I have to pack up everything in the kitchen and put it somewhere. This is not going to be a fun project and there is no one here to help. But I'm happy to say that everything will be done in a few days and all I have to do is wait for the island to come. I'll take pictures of the mess before and then after.
More fall decorating is taking place. My car is full of pumpkins and gourds that I bought at my friend Sue's farm stand. I also bought a lavender plant that I have to get in the ground today. The gourds are seriously cute...very big and shaped like swans. Well, that will be another post. I'll see you all when the kitchen is done. Have a happy week. :-)
I'm joining Marty's party, Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life.
Those tomatoes look yummy! I saw that NADA had over 1000 people come to it!!
Sounds like you are going to be busy this week, but think of how fab your kitchen will be!!
Hang in there, Jane! It will be so worth the packing up of your kitchen things. Your appetizer plate looks so delicious!
All of the photos are great! Keep in mind the end product... it will be worth it in the end!!
It is going to be a sad day when there are no more fresh tomatoes to be had until next season.
Packing everything from kitchen cabinets has got to be one of the worst jobs in the world...there is always so much little stuff!
Am anxious to see your new kitchen re-do, though.
Hey Miss Jane, yummy looking food! Hey are you busy or what? hahaha...Cheer up...look at all the stuff you get to post about....endless source of info...frustration...completed projects....fall fun...I see lots of writing in your future MIss Jane! yay...I'll be back for more visiting and to see how you are doing!
Janie, your weekend sounds heavenly! I just love fall!! Now you are all rested to get the kitchen tackled and moved out and then back in again and finished! Can't wait to see it!!
Lou Cinda
A re-do is always hard to live with, but I'm sure the finished look will be awesome! Oh my, those tomatoes look divine! All of your photographs are so nice, thanks for sharing!
Home grown tomatoes are always the best.
Looks like you once again had a lovely weekend. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen...and maybe a pic of the Irish dude.
Hi Jane, those tomatoes look delish!... love that you always show food, yum!... sounds like you had a wonderful weekend... enjoy your Autumn decorating, xoxo Julie Marie
Great post! Sounds like your life is going to be turned upside down over the next few days. Can't wait to see the final results!
Kitchens re-dos are a big pain in the rear as they are happening... but oh, the reward when it's done.
Sounds like everyone had a wonderful weekend.. weahter has been incredible.
So glad that you and Barb got to have lunch together in Dowagiac. I knew you two would like each other. Good luck with the kitchen redo. I know how stressful it can be.
Jane...You put together the yummiest appetizers...I can just visualize them in your new kitchen soon! We just went through stacking and piling and rearranging. For the time being the place is unfinished order!
Hang in there...
Hi Jane,
Those are some of the best looking tomatoes ever!
I can't believe how well your plants are still doing! Mine are kind of bye-bye.
Aren't you loving this weather we've been having?
Oh and that looks like a fun festival you all went to!
Can't wait to see your kitchen re-do and hear more about the sexy plumber! hehe.
Hugs girl,
Funny you still have daisies.....I did in September. They bloom late because of the shade they get.
You probably still had a good time without going to the farm......that sale does sound tempting.
Oh my a big mess is ahead for you.....but you will be so excited when it is done.
Can't wait to see it.
It must be dinner time, because your food photos are making me drool! So excited for you for all your kitchen changes. Can't wait to see it all! Good luck :)
Sounds like you have a lot going on. Just think how great the kitchen in going to be when it's all done. Maybe you could sneak us a photo of the plumber :)
Hi Jane,
Things are certainly very busy in your neck of the woods. I love to hear all about your trips to the Lake.
I cannot wait to see your new kitchen. I know you are so excited. So, be sure and keep us posted.
Sounds like you had a great weekend Jane! Weather was beautiful in Philly too. I know packing up the kitchen is a pain, but you'll be thrilled when the project's over!
About Earl... Actually, Cuisine Kathleen's witches pignapped him and he's MIA... So I'm hoping you didn't see him at the BBQ place:@)
The tomatoes look luscious! We haven't really had many from our plants - too cold and damp this summer.
Your weekend sounds like it was heavenly - good weather, good friends and lots of fun to be had!
Jane-It looks like you had a wonderful weekend..and look at all those wonderful tomatoes! YUM..
Just think-in a couple of weeks you will be looking back at this time as a short stretch of inconvenience because you will be so thrilled with your new kitchen. I can't wait to see it! xo Diana
Sounds like you had aperfect weekend, before the remodelling chaos begins again.
Came over to catch up on your posts.
All of your decorations are wonderful, Jane!
Sounds like you had a great time at the lake.
Awesome pictures of Vegas!
How exciting getting your new kitchen, huh?
Can't wait to see it all done.
Hi Jane, I have been trying to catch up with some of my reading tonight. I have been able to leave comments so far, they haven't ween poof after I get them all type. The weekend was beautiful and this next one is suppose to be also. We leave Thursaday for Branson. I am so ready to go and get away from everything for a few days. We have 4 shows scheduled. My hubby has to see Ann Margaret and Andy Williams. That is his anniversary present. 48 years the following Wednesda. With his health issues we didn't think we would make it this far. Now we will have to try for 50. Have a great day and enjoy the beautiful weather. Your Missouri Friend.
You are so lucky that the tomatoes are still on your neighbor's vine. They look delicious.
Oh, a new kitchen How wonderful. Packing is a drag, but when you have something wonderful to look forward to, it makes it worth the trouble.
Have a good week.
Hi Janie, those tomatoes look so wonderfully delicious! Makes me a bit sad summer is over....only a bit. Ha.
Have a wonderful and blessed day.
Barb ♥
We are building a guest bath and the water keeps beng turned on and off
crazy strange to want to wash your hands and find no water LOL
hang in there kiddo
I just keep imagining the thing all done
what were we thinking doing this now???
Sounds like you
are in the middle
of fluffing the
nest and you will
be SO happy with
it all when it is
done! I have an
autumn clematis and
it really makes me
smile to see it coming
into bloom when all
else is on the way
out. Good luck with
everything on your
plate, Jane!
xx Suzanne
With hub coming from an Italian/Greek home...the cheese/meat or antipasta platter on the other blog is what I prepare all the time here!! The tomatoes look so yummy! Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a new follower!
Those tomatoes really look delicious! MMMMMM.
I am looking forward to seeing the end results too. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment about my kitchen AND for following. I don't know how I just found you! I am following you too and look forward to sharing lake life with you. Oh, we have 4 children also..2 boys and 2 girls too!
How exciting to be getting your kitchen redone. All the work and mess will be well worth it. Plus, you get to see the sexy Irish plummer. You must show us a picture since you have mentioned him before. : )
Thanks for visting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I am a new follower.
Jane, it's always fun to run over and see what you've been up to. Although Bobby G. doesn't do blogging or facebook or any of that stuff he supports me too. I have had some bloggers spend the night with us and he loves it. He's a keeper like your sweetie. Love your acorns...so simple and classic and fun!
I don't believe that I've ever been to your blog, but I will now. The color of your lone rose is just gorgeous. And I have wanted to plant that autumn clematis for a while now. Can't wait to see how your kitchen turns out.
Getting that new kitchen up and running will be SO worth packing it up all alone. Hang in there. hugs♥O
Boy oh boy...how exciting to be getting a new kitchen. It is gonna be so pretty, I just know.
All your flowers are pretty..I love anything that climbs.
The tomatoes look so delicious..I am hungry for some now and not a one in the house. We used the last in our salad at dinner.
Have fun this week, don't work too hard and know thAmLsvZVkHcJCMdO9sKj-9nNCbIvM4QBMs7EcxIz1XD72Ewe2yjI698mebqMPDatCv909NSZ9GiV_tkQBvJYpB9TGRmObiBQmRhWwTLHvJ-gxY7ah5juauigXomment
Really enjoyed your post... packed full of goodies. Loved every word and every photograph! Can't wait to see your kitchen... you will feel like a queen when you're in there putting out all your Autumn decorations.
I know packing up the kitchen is a chore, but think how much fun you will have unpacking everything in your new kitchen! It's going to be beautiful. Sometimes you have to make a mess to make something beautiful:>) The weather really has been amazing, I have enjoyed these past two weeks so much, I wish every day of the year could be this lovely!
Your tomatoe salad looks scrumptuous! Homemade tomatoes are the absolute best!! This was the first summer since I can remember we haven't had fresh from our garden and I missed them! I like the bowl of acorns and your pretty pink rose. Good luck with your kitchen redo this week!
Hi Jane, those tomatoes look absolutely yummy and all your pictures are so gorgeous... love that clematis vine! I wish I had a clematis growing in my garden. I love your beautiful rose bloom and how you took that shot with the lovely candle holder. Wonderful display of the acorns in that yellow bowl... all the colors look so vibrant! Sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you but once it's all done you can sit back and enjoy all the hard work that went into it. Will be looking forward to to the end result.Thanks for your loving thoughts on my autumn tea. A pleasure having you over.Hugs~Poppy
who hoo! for sexy irish guys! How awesome for new cabinets and counter tops! I can't wait till my day comes! Esp. for new flooring!
Take care!!!
Sounds like a nice weekend despite the disappointment of missing Anne
Marie's event. I wish I could have gone too but of course I live too far.
You must be so excited about the new kitchen! It is tough to pack everything up but it will be so worth it!
I can't wait to see your new kitchen. I know you are beyond excited. I WOULD BE! And the granite... I'm so glad you loved my story about the quary. It was so interesting. And you are right, our ground was parched. Thank goodness we got rain over the weekend. Those tomatoes looked soooooooooooo yummy. HUGS!
How nice it is to have a neighbor that shares! I can't wait to see your kitchen. I think everyone feels the same way! Hugs.
You have made my hungry my friend....your kitchen will be amazing. xoxo
Oh, how I wish I had some of those scrumptious looking tomatoes! So going to miss summer! Beautiful photographs, the flowers look soooo pretty!
Loving the antipasto plate. Simple tasty things are the best.
What a perfect weekend you must have had! Happy to hear you had nice sunny weather. My tomatoe plants were hit by hail earlier. They have recovered nicely and are full of blooms but I think it will freeze before any tomatoes are ready for picking. Good luck on your kitchen reno! The kitchen and bath are the two worst renovations to go through.
Take care,
Hi there Jane, been missing my visits with you! I took a vacation with some of my Grandkids and only opened the computer today:) Those tomatoes look mighty yummy! Sounds like you have been busy and enjoying time with friends! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Such a fun post today Jane. Love seeing bits of what you are up too. There is nothing like a vine rippend tomato is there? Cant't wait to see pictures of your kitchen:) All the work will be worth it:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Hi Jane! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my fall tables! It is definitely fall here, although it has seemed like winter a couple times! It's been really nice this week so we can enjoy the last of the leaves.
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