It was so good to get out. Today I have to go grocery shopping although I am more in the mood for spring cleaning with this gorgeous weather. I wonder what it is about the sunshine that makes us want to clean and fluff. Maybe because we can see the dust bunnies better! What have you been doing these past few warm days {and hopefully you have this wonderful weather, too}. Happy Weekend! :-)
I see you have some excitement coming up, a room redoand most of all a wedding!
We don't have that store here but it loks great, its freezing here with lots of snow, along way from spring I'm afraid.Wonderful photos, those jars are amazing!I'm glad you're feeling better, take care.
We are having some warm weather here too. Today it is 64. I like this kind of winter :-)
Love your new lamp.
Glad you are feeling better. I am looking at wedding ideas also...although my daughter's is going to be very small. I hope pretty though!!
Hi Jane,
Everytime I go to HomeGoods my cart looks just like yours! LOL!
Great deals though.
Love your daughter's idea for the candy bar.
Glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to see you new room.
Oooolala, you are in for some fun! Love a re-do! Glad you are feeling better, take care!
It's always such fun to redecorate...makes everything feel so new and fresh. I am way past needing to do that in our home, but we continue to wait on a job for Chris. The weather here has been gorgeous lately, too...no complaints from me!
Oh- I can't wait to see your room redone, Jane! It is going to be so wonderful. It is all those little touches that make it that way. I am glad that you were feeling well enough to at least get out and shop a little. Hopefully, you are over the worst of it.
I love the idea for the Sweet Table at the reception. What a cute idea.
It is in the 40's up here today-unheard of for us. Even the ice out on the Bay looks "watery".
I hope you have a great weekend. xo Diana
our weather can't make up its mind, either! i love your paperwhites! sorry you've been feeling yucky, dear. i went through a bout of that recently myself--a nook sounds fabulous--i've got to get with the times and purchase one! and homegoods is fabulous! is yours with tjmaxx? ours is and it's a one-stop shop for EVERYTHING! hope your first week of 2012 is off to a great start!
Hi Jane! I saw those wood framed iron gate things at my home goods..they were in green i think. and on clearance! I love home goods~looks like you got some nice things for your family room.
Hi Jane,
I have those exact same wood framed gates from Home Goods that I put in front of my fireplace - except they are a greyish brown color. :) I love that place!
I feel you on wanting to "spring clean" when the sun is out. Today is especially sunny in SoCal too...although it never gets below a certain number of degrees over here, so the sun is mostly out even in the winter. :)
Looks like you are having tons of fun helping plan for the wedding - enjoy! :)
Hi Janie Pooh! Glad to hear you're feeling better! Don't you love Home Goods? I have to travel about 30 miles to one, but I go every chance I get! Great ideas with those jars and can't wait to see what you'll be doing!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Same weather here in NJ and I'm loving it. Love the paperwhites, I'm still in trouble with my wife for forgetting to get them in prep for Christmas. Enjoy the Nook!
well, glad you're getting over the cold! And Home Goods is one of my favorite places, been there today even!... but didn't find what I was looking for.
That is a clever idea for the reception with jars and candies and treats and bags. Your paper whites are beauties; it is oddly warm, sunny and dry here too, and yesterday I had a touch of spring fever and planted some cilantro outdoors.
you are way ahead of me on the buying for the family room redo. I went yesterday to look at sofas and was totally bewildered. We have this place here, locally owned, that has warehouses and warehouses of the best furniture but there is so much to see you get overwhelmed. I did "kinda" pick out two sofas and a sectional but still undecided. Going back tomorrow to look again. And I am totally stumped on what rug I want. ..... At our wedding this past Fall we had a Love is Sweet sign because chocolate kisses were the favors. I found the sign on Etsy. All the jars of candy will be adorable. xoxo
Anxious to see your new room!! Your ideas sound wonderful and I am a huge fan of Home Goods!! So much fun to re-do and yes, it makes you feel like spring! Have fun and will watch for the new pics.
Hi Jane, so glad to hear you are feeling better. Your room re~do sounds wonderful, can't wait to see it all... our weather has been in the 50's here too, no snow, but maybe a skiff tomorrow... typical weird Utah weather... I didn't know anything about Pinterest, until some mean woman (who does not blog) stole all my photos and text of my sweet Tessy that I had posted for New years and put it on Pinterest without my permission... I honestly was going to quit blogging it was so disheartening... but I posted again today... but now I put the copyright symbol and blog name on everything... anyway, I love your pretty flowering bulbs indoors... soon our tulips and daffodils will be appearing!... xoxo Julie Marie
It's amazing how the weather can affect our mood. Glad you're enjoying some uplifting Spring-like cheer.
Love jars; what a great collection.
The weather is great here too..very strange this time of year, I think we hit 70 today. Looks like you have some great things on the horizon.
Temps in the 50's???!!
It must be lovely Jane!
It sounds like you are going to have such fun decorating the family room and the ideas for the wedding sound so cute!
Love that lamp!
So glad you are feeling better!
Deborah xoxoxo
Well, that full cart looks like you got some fun stuff.... Another room re-do for you... how very fun. We have been renovating our cottage... What a LOT of work, but it is coming together, finally...
Our weather on the other side of lake has been nice also... washed the car outside today & took down the outside Christmas...Usually we have lOTS of snow about now... I'll take this weather anytime..
Feel Better...
(Did I miss pics of you someplace?? at your last wedding ?? : )
Glad you are feeling better!! I think I have some allergies. I have been sneezing all day!
It has been in the 70's here. Truly spring-like! Rain coming in Sunday and we need it!
Enjoy every step in the re do process!! Thanks for taking us along with you!
The weather IS amazing.
I am a long time big fan of Homegoods go in Portland, Oregon.
(It is rather a dangerous place ... I always find things I love.)
Homegoods and great weather on the same day. Can't get much better than that!
I'm glad you felt well enough to get out for a little while.
you found great STUFF.. its gonna be terrific when it all comes together.
So glad you are feeling better. I had to take my son to the doctor today. Seems like so many are getting sick and it takes a long time to feel better.
The sunshine sure helps. I wish it would stick around. We had so many gray rainy days before Christmas.....this is welcome.
You have so many fun decorating plans ahead. Getting new furniture would be fun, too.
Have fun and take it slow.
Everything looks so beautiful, Jane! I'm afraid I'm a Pinterest addict, too--too much beauty there to resist!
It's really spring-like here, too...even had some windows open this afternoon!
Hope you get feeling back to normal very soon, my friend!
It was gorgeous here, too, Jane! You'd never know that it was just snowing a few days ago! You must be excited about your redo. Home Goods usually has some great jars and at great prices. I'll be putting my Christmas stuff away this weekend and I hope it goes quickly!
Your paperwhites are so pretty. Mine are gone now. Nothing like a shopping trip to make you feel better! I think HomeGoods is the best, but I have to travel 1 1/2 hours to get to one. How exciting to be redoing a room and planning a wedding at the same time.
I have been cleaning clutter:) It feels good to get it done! I can't wait to see the room when you are finished! I know that the wedding plans are exciting too:) Have a blessed weekend dear Jane! I am so happy that you are feeling better! HUGS!
I loved reading your post... it sounds like you're busy, but in a good way! I love the wedding ideas...how cheerful! Glad you're feeling better!
How fun to have a wedding to plan for. Wedding get my creative juices flowing...trouble is I haven't had a wedding to plan in ten years,l.o.l. Can't wait to see what you do with your den. I love Home Goods, what a fun store!
Jane, glad you are feeling better and that you have your Nook working. ;-) Feels like spring here too. But I haven't noticed any daffodils popping up. Emily's idea of a candy station at the reception is cute. I'm sure it will be a big hit. Good luck withe the family room redo. Sounds like a big project. ~ Sarah
Hi Jane,
I sure hope you get better soon. I think a trip to Homegoods would make me feel better if we had one close. I went through the one in Salt Lake last time I went to see my daughter, and wow was that fun. It sounds like you are enjoying the same weather we had last week. So Spring-like. I loved it.
I can't wait to see what you do to your home. I know it will be gorgeous!
hugs from here...
So happy to hear you are feeling better! Looks like you are going to be busy with the room update and the wedding plans!
Aah...HomeGoods, they have such fabulous things!
Thank you for sharing this lovely post at Potpourri Friday!
Love to plan to plan me a wedding! How have you been girl! Had to stop by now that I am back in the land of the living (I've been busy with a project)!
Hope to see you this spring!
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Parisienne Farmgirl Magazine
Glad your feeling better Jane! I see you made a trip to my favorite store!! I was there today:) LOVE your new lamp!
You totally scored!!! I love all the goodies you got! The lamp is my favorite!!!!!!!! yummmmy!!
We had a couple lovely spring like days but today it definitely felt like winter again...:{ poop!
We didn't have weather in the 60's though ~ that would've been amazing....I'm dying for spring!
Hi Jane...glad you are getting over your cold...I just love all of those fantastic jars. Her table will be so much fun! Happy New Year!
What a great idea. The homegoods store looks like fun, we don't have them here. I am so glad to hear you are on the mend.
Gonna be in the 70's here again. i have been cleaning my deck and working in the garden.My paperwhites are blooming and the broccoli is almost ready to harvest.Glad your cold is better.Wow a wedding, congratulations to your daughter.
Hi Jane,
How fun to be redoing your family room!
I love your paperwhites! I'm still coaxing mine to grow - I planted them around Thanksgiving and they are now about 2". :)
The weather has been nice here too - so I've been getting out as much as possible to walk, enjoy the gorgeous Colorado blue skies and catch little glimpses of the sweet, tiny birds.
Wishing you a lovely one,
Hi Jane ~ Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! I'm trying to get caught up on my blog visiting. I'm excited about your family room ~ the furniture sounds beautiful and how nice to have a daughter that can help you. The candy bar is a "sweet" idea for a reception ~ love that! We're having warm weather and sunshine too. It does put me in the mood for cleaning. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm glad something does : ) !
Have a great weekend!
Hi Jane,
A very healthy (glad you feel better) and happy 2012! Always good to come here and catch up what's going on in Blondieville, enjoy the sunshine, nothing here, only wet snow... see you soon, hugs, Maureen xx
What fun, Jane! I squealed so loudly when I found some perfect plates the first time I went into Homegoods that the manager came over to see what was wrong! lol Love the candy bar! We had one at my daughter's baby shower and it was a huge success! I hope that your 2012 is off to a great start! Happy Saturday!...hugs...Debbie
What a fun post !! Oh! The closest Homegoods is three hours away from me. So I can't go often. I love that store. Glad you are doing better!!
Have a pretty day!
I love Home Goods although the Canadian version is called Home Sense. I could spend hours in there along with quite a bit of $$. I think I am due for a little outing since I was such a good girl last time I was there before Christmas. Glad to hear your Nook was not broken ~ can't wait to hear how you like it ~ I am still on the fence about getting an electronic reader. Have a great week-end Janie. xo
Hi Jane
Glad to be back. The sounds and sights of Spring are apparent hey? We call those flowers John Quills and they start to appear at the end of Winter. Yeah!!!
Looking forward to following your family room makeover.
Here's to a wonderful 2012 for you!!!!
Carolyn xx
I love the grey, white and yellow combination you have planned Jane...and that lamp is fab! Great idea for the wedding reception too. That sounds like a lot of fun :)
Your paperwhites are so pretty. I have some also and they smell soooo good. The jars are fabulous and will look so great grouped together. Glad you are feeling better.
We've had crazy warm weather here in MN too...love it :) Enjoy! Laurel
Oh Jane, your kitchen came out so awesome, I can't wait to see this family room next!!
Also glad your feeling better!
It's been warmer here in northern IL too, with temps in the 40's and sunshine! Sure doesn't feel like January. I think I'm holding my breath, wondering when it's going to be 50 below with 2 ft. of snow. :-o
I love HomeGoods...that's one of my favorite stores. Can't wait to see how your family room progresses.
Okay, now I have to plan a trip to Home Goods and soon! I was actually just thinking of that store as I've been wrapping up the completion of our guest room. I'm sure I'll find just the right finishing touches there.
Can't wait to see the family room. That lamp base is one of those you can fill with your own choice of goodies, right?
Thanks for visiting my blog. I thought our January "Fall" color was unique because of our desert climate, but apparently not. As for my cutting back on blogging, I totally agree with you about how much fun it is, but it seems that for me, less is more. I really feel I am enjoying it more. There is happiness to be found for everyone in blogging, I think.
Keep feeling better!
Love it all.
I used to do a Homegoods run every time I dropped DH at the airport - it's close by. Now a new one has opened just a few minutes up the road but I never seem to go anymore! I think I got away from it once I started spending time on my booth (now closed though - no time with so much travel going on!) and finding real treasures at SuzAnna's Antiques. Must go by and see what Homegoods is offering these days - something Springy perhaps - as it feels like it's here already!
Glad you're better and able to get out and about dear.
Hi Janie,
I love the paperwhites and the big jars....I have some of those. :-)
Isn't HomeGoods just the greatest? I love that store and visit often.
All your pictures are so sweet and inspiring.
Hope you are having a blessed Sunday,
Oh Honey, you are going to be sooooo BUSY but what fun! I don't get to our HomeGoods often enough either but maybe thats a good thing. LOL
Love the colors you've chosen & I can't wait to see the transformation. Be sure to take "before" & "after" photos for us to see, k?
What a great day out that must have been.
I wish there was a Home Goods Store near here - must google and find out where there's one in WA.
I guess the weather is putting a lot of us in the mood to clean. I've been going through drawers, closets, and cupboards....getting rid of stuff that has been in them for heaven knows how long????
When the cold weather hits, at least the house will be a little cleaner...
Those jars will be wonderful for your daughter's wedding, Jane. I'm sure with your combined talents, everything will be amazing.
Have fun doing that family room.
How exciting! Can't wait to see your new room and all the wedding goodies! Those jars are great!!
Miss Bloomers
Jane sounds like a fun outing. It's been unusually warm here too. Our Roses are blooming again, today was gorgeous. Great finds. Love the jars!
Awww man I wished I had a Homegoods! Maybe its a good thing. You think? lol
The weather here has been very warm and I noticed the green stems were quite high on the daffodills. We may get some colder weather and they may get a shock.
Have fun planning that wedding!
I can get lost for hours in Home Goods. That sweet table looks adorable for the wedding. Lots of great ideas on Pinterest.
I had a nice night in with some friends this weekend. Oh I think you already know about it!
Jane, Glad you're feeling better and your Nook is working. Our weather is crazy too, because it's so warm, but I don't mind as long as we don't have storms...either thunder, or ice as we usually have in January.
You found so many great things at Homegoods. Have fun and happy Monday.
Thanks for sharing,love your post.We are having warm weather too in Ky. Beautiful jars and cute dogs!
Can't wait to follow your progress...so exciting!! Happy Monday ~
I am more sad you have a Home Goods Store and I do not than I can SAY! :(
I LOVE THAT STORE! Every time I go to California and shop at one I jump for JOY!
The weather is fab here, too! Now I'm bracing for the horrible stuff that generally comes in February!
Hi Jane..
My daughter did a candy table at her son's wedding and it was gorgeous..the big jars of candy and the little candy bags for guests to fill.
The only problem was that very few guests helped themselves and we had a ton of candy left over! Maybe they felt self concious filling up bags to take..but whatever the case I hope it works wonderfully for this wedding! :)
It certainly was lovely to look at and was a great conversation piece!
I have never been to a Home Goods store as there isn't one near me..but I have heard they are great.
Our weather has been in the high seventies and gorgeous!
It looks just like spring is in the air where you are. Your flowers are so pretty :) xx
I agree about the weather. Seems strange.
Homegoods is just about my favorite store! Love the idea Emily has for the sweets table. Pinterest is great for gathering wedding ideas.
Thanks for stopping by..those sugared pecans would be neat in one of those jars with a scoop.
I just went to a wedding that had a candy bar. The adults loved it more than the kids.LOL
They had lots of old fashioned candies on it.
I wish we had a Home Goods store here.
Well better go get ready for the LSU game tonight.
Thanks again for stopping by,
Isn't the weather wonderful! I don't think it is going to last...but, I'm certainly enjoying while we have it. I walked the dog today with just a sweatshirt!
You have a HomeGoods near you and you've only been twice! I don't have one (I think that is a good thing) but when we go to Florida, I plan space in the car for my HomeGoods shopping!
I love the candy bar table. If I had a wedding or even a big party, I would do that. So much fun for everyone.
Our weather is up and down too, been warm, now raining, cooling off and now maybe snow for the weekend! A bit crazy! Homegoods is one of my favorite stores! Unfortunately we don't have one close by. I love your lamp, have seen some similar ones at Marshalls and TJ Maxx. Love the shape.
the weather has been very unpredictable here too! now, we're back to unseasonably warm temps. i didn't know that a wedding was on the horizon, how exciting!
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