Well, it's finally here. After many of us wondering if we would set a record and never have snow this winter, we woke up to some whispy little flakes that gradually became larger and soon we were in the middle of a real snowfall. I had to run out to the store for coffee and filters and cream {who knows if we will get snowed in, I need my provisions!}, and by then the snow was blowing sideways and since it is so cold {15 degrees} it was hitting me in the face like little ice drops. I had planned on going grocery shopping later in the day but I think I will wait and see if tomorrow is better. My little quails are happy they are in where it is warm. The nice thing about when it snows here in my neighborhood, people are out shoveling and helping out their fellow neighbors who might not be home. A neighbor just came and shoveled our walk and refused the money that Abby offered. I must look like I'm not home since my car is covered with a few inches of the white stuff. I'm still waiting for the new furniture so Emily and I are trying to reppurpose things in that room into other rooms. I find her in the almost empty family room quite a bit, looking around, measuring...things that designers do. I'd like to think of it as a collaboration, I told her what I wanted and she found it.She has it all arranged in her head. This was one of the tables we moved to the den. It is a little too elegant for the look I am going after. I have been wanting to take down this wallpaper but The Husband says it is the one thing in this house I can't change. Is wallpaper supposed to be making a comeback? My blog books came and I have to say that I am very happy with them. The Husband seems to be more thrilled with them than I am...he reads my blog sporadically, so it was mostly new to him. He likes how I have recorded events, vacations and trips. He thinks of them like a family album. I have to admit they are quite pricey, but I wanted to do 3 volumes. Hereafter it will just be one year at a time. They make a great keepsake. So I give them a thumbs up, since you asked.
Life has been slow here this week. Abby and I went out for Mexican food one night for dinner and that is about it. I knew this time of year would be slow for blogging, especially since I am not the crafty or furniture painting type. I have been seeing a lot of great projects though. Everyone is keeping busy! Have a great weekend and I will be back soon! :-)
I think its natural to slow down a bit in the winter, I hope you don't get the storm we did,it was a doozy, waiting for new furniture is exciting well for some, I just had toreplace a chair but there was no thrill in it, this aprtment is so small, I have no spark to decorate at all,
I'm looking forward to your new furniture arriving and yes some do say wallpaper is making a comeback. Does your hubs really love it or is it he just cant face the work on the walls if it came down..
Just seeing your snow gave me the chills and I grabbed a blanket. stay warm and safe this weekend.
Hi Jane, I am happy to see that your blog books came and that you are happy with them... I recently did a "farewell" post of sorts... going to quit posting... (not sure if I will post sometime in the future, Jack says "never say never") so I have made my blog into books as well, thanks to your link the other day... I have to do mine in 4 volumes as I had so many photos, but I am happy I can remember everything that way... and the price was much better than the place I priced a year or so ago... please keep in touch, I am already missing my friends... xoxo Julie Marie PS love your Quail...
WE are supposed to get 5 inches this weekend~just in time for the Patriots game! I want to do some blog books too, what a great way to have a record of things that otherwise we will forget!
in the upper 70's here in the DFW area! Short sleeves and short pants today!
I enjoyed seeing you blog in book form. I want to do that too! I just can't seem to get around to doing everything I want to do lately! I am making a list!
Have a lovely weekend all snug inside with the cold snowy weather OUTside!!
Oh, I'm jealous...enjoy your beautiful snow. It's still sunny and fairly warm here in LA. We do expect some rain tonight, but not the same as pretty snow. Hunker down and enjoy some candles and hot cocoa this weekend!
Jane, Thank you for sharing your blog books! Very cool!
I have been snowed in for 3 days now.It's hard to get anywhere with all of the fallen trees. The main freeway that I take to work has been closed for a day and a half now.
How nice to have your own designer. Perhaps she can approach "Dad" about the wallpaper. LOL I will say that I have always admired it's charming presence in your photos. Your home is very welcoming! Have a great weekend! ~Lynne [w/L]
Hi there Jane! NO snow here, just rain:) But that's OK! I sure would like to do the book but I KNOW it would be REALLY expensive! I am so happy to have all of the last few years recorded and I look back frequently at certain dates and events!
Enjoy your weekend dear friend, can't wait to see your redecorated home! HUGS!
Congrats on getting some snow! All we got today was icky rain. I've never heard of blog books before. That's a great idea. I think you will really be glad that you got those. One day, you can pass them down as a keepsake (just like you mentioned).
We've got snow on the ground and ice on the way tonight. Good night to hibernate in front of the fire! Glad you're enjoying your blog books. Stay warm :)
Hi Jane, You can keep your snow and they can keep their black ice to the south of us. It is just cold and the air feels damp. If only the wind would die down. I came home early today because our furnace was not working right at work. We could not get it warm. I decided to take a little me time and catch up with my friends. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.
We don't have snow but it is so cold! Hoping that Sunday it will warm up. Love your blog books...I have thought about having mine printed but wasn't sure if they would look good or not so nice to know you are pleased with them! Stay warm! Miss Bloomers
We don't have snow but it is so cold! Hoping that Sunday it will warm up. Love your blog books...I have thought about having mine printed but wasn't sure if they would look good or not so nice to know you are pleased with them! Stay warm! Miss Bloomers
We got a little bit of snow today, so now we have about an inch...luckily it quit snowing. I get all stressed out and don't want to go anywhere at if the word snow is mentioned. Those blog books look great. I'm glad to hear you like them. They'll be wonderful to look back on. Have a good weekend :)
It's cold and we are under an advvisory til tomorrow. The problem for us is that we are on the line for snow vs. ice. Please let it be the snow. I can't stand it if the power goes out. My husband is loking at the three photo books I ordered last week-end as I type. He loves them. Now I need to look into the blog one. Have a good week-end and stay warm.
We've just had a few snow showers intermittently, Jane. I would be okay with no major snowfall this Winter! : ) Especially after the last two Winters we had in New York!
Thankfully we are still snow free, except for a light dusting, but February is often our coldest and snowiest month, so who knows what the future will bring. I love that you created books from your blog, my husband reads my blog all the time, so funny really! And do like I did, take that wallpaper down when your hubby's on a trip! ;-)
Enjoy your pretty snowfall. We just get rain, rain, rain! Can't wait to see the new room! Oh, love the dough bowl in the previous post - I've always wanted one! Linda
What a great idea the books are Jane! And what is it with guys? they just don't like change, but once we do it they like it. go figure. Got our first snow today too. The trees were so pretty this morning! xo
Hi Jane, what a great thing to have your blog book. I bet you will look back on that with great pride. I know I would. So you have snow! We have gray skies and rain, but it is ok. Today is a day for staying inside and cleaning, maybe watching a good movie. That is wonderful your hubby likes your blog. My hubby knows what I post and helps me with pictures and posts but doesn't really read them. But he is very much involved which makes me happy. Have a lovely weekend my dear, have a snow cone! Debbie
Hi Jane, hope you are not getting too much snow, love the books! I'm working on mine, he, i just found out two hours ago that picnik is closing in april, their premium is free now, (in case you need a photo project) anyhoo, off to bed for me, hugs! Maureen x
Of course I know snow. Also blizzards with ice and extreme cold. Coffee and filter would be also all-important at the moment ... so to speak, as a survival drink ;).
Yes, it's right. With white furniture it's possible to play. Today here, tomorrow there - with uni or colorful accessories ... that's always a funny game :)
yes, winter is here...and yes, wallpaper is coming back (but not to my house...because you end up taking it down at some point),....and your hubby is right, the blog is sort of a family album, especially if you show family pictures and vacations. I think it is a lovely way to gather memories. Stay warm, Evi PS. We had 8 " today...I think you send it our way.
Hi Jane, No snow here in Virginia yet but today was really cold and wet. I have been thinking of doing blog books so it is nice to hear you are happy with yours. Take care. xo, Sherry
I love snow days. We got just a little bit here in Baltimore .. mostly ice. It is still nice to enjoy from the warmth inside. I bet that you are super excited for that new furniture to arrive. hope you have a great weekend.
Hello Jane! The snow is so pretty and nice to look at after not having any for a while, don't you think? We just got several inches yesterday and it's looking pretty. Nice time to curl up & read those neat blog books of yours. I'll have to look into that some day. Thanks so much for your nice comment on my table runner - too bad it's too long for you. :) Take care, Susan
I love being inside when it's that cold but there is just something magical about the snow. Our dog is a Husky/Collie mix and she loves the snow. We heard all about snowstorms in your area on the news. We got a bit of snow but nothing compared to you. Be safe!!
We had snow on Friday and it was so pretty ~ but I was on the inside looking out too! I think I am going to sit down and price out the books for myself ~ I would love to have one for each year that I have been blogging ~ a great keepsake for sure! Are the comments printed too Janie?
Thanks for leaving your sweet comments...you are always such a kind friend.
The books look fabulous! Wish I could send you some sunshine. Eighty degrees today....had one of my Christmas sweaters on and it is a bit too much. Yikes.
No snow for us yet either. We need some just to kill the bugs off. However, it was cold and sleety and icy and rainy and just downright miserable here today. The kind of day that chills you to the bone. I made a pot roast which we will be digging into in just a few minutes. Love that you did the journals. Well worth the price I am sure! Keep Warm Jane. xo
I found you via Julie Marie! I too have a blog book and am in the process of making one for 2011. My husband loves them and I found him reading it and he was quite taken with this process I call blogging. Have a great weekend! Kit
Hi Jane, I am trying to get caught up with my blog reading! And of course your's is one of my faves! It's been so bitter cold here and plenty of snow too. I want some spring already! I've got one blog book so far that I won in a give-away and I love it! They are pricey but what a treasure to keep for our grandkids to read someday! Can't wait to see your new furniture, so fun! Hugs friend, Cindy
Hi Jane! OH, how fun getting snow! Hope you stay warm. I'm excited for you and can't wait to see your room. I would love to have a blog book! I'm so glad to hear they turn out great! Be a sweetie, Shelia ;)
I actually like your wallpaper... and yes it coming back! :) Love your books. I want to do the same. CeeKay has been saying that she likes them too. My mom doesn't have or want a computer... but I think that she would love to see all the posts. So I am seriously considering it.
Stay warm! I'm having a hot cocoa...I'll pour you a cup! :) ~Liz
Jane, I hope you don't get too much snow and you're able to go grocery shopping. Down here in GA, at the first snow flake everyone runs to the grocery store for bread and milk. We always laugh, because we don't get snow very often and then it's usually gone in a day or two. Have a great week, Babs
I hope it warms up there soon, Janie. The snow sure looks pretty. It's been too hot here, 81 earlier today at 9:33 PM right now, it is still 72 degrees. IYou blog books look good. I love mine too and so far I have my first year in 3 volumes too. I will have to start putting together my second year. I can't wait to see you new home decor. John would not let me take down wallpaper either....Christine
Snow is so pretty and we are all so excited to get our first/if any snowfall of the year. If it's going to be cold, there might as well be some snow on the ground! It's so nice that your neighbors help each other out. So glad you received your blog books. What a neat idea.
I'm curious about your blog books. Did you send your posts to someone to turn them into the book form? Did you do a post about this? I missed it if you did. I think that's a wonderful idea.
Thanks for visiting my blog and taking a look at my organized pantry. I'm still lovin' it! CAS
Brrr! Sounds like you finally got our snow! Back home in MI, they hardly have any snow either. Wallpaper is indeed making a comeback! And you could always put a pretty tablecloth over the table that you mentioned was too formal. Just a thought! Keep warm!
I'm soooo hoping that we get snow this year. In England, where I live, it's not a sure thing so it feels like a super-special treat when we are lucky enough to get snow.
In the meantime, I will have to dream through your lovely post!!
It is warm, muggy, and we suffered yet another tornado outbreak over night here in Central Alabama!!! There has been lost of life, at least four fatalities. Once the son comes up, I am scared of what else the EMF folks will find.
At least someone is experiencing winter!
And YES!!! Wallpaper is BACK!!! And I am so happy. We papered one wall in our art studio, and i still love it!
I did a giveaway on my blog once for the blog books and was supposed to get mine done at the same time but I never got around to it. Now there is so much more to add the costs would be crazy. I guess I should just start.
Oh my goodness...your blog book is amazing.... seriously that is an amazing idea! You are so lucky to have it & that your husband likes it! Great great Idea! WE had snow last week and now we are dealing with slush & ice...Take care.
You got the snow, we got the ice. I wrote about our interesting weather today too. I think your books look great. I really must put that on my to do list. I think my daughter would love having a hard copy eventually. I wish my mom had something like these that I could have now...sort of like hearing our voices in book form.
I think wallpaper is coming back, but not for me. We had so much of it in a house that we did a complete renovation on (even the ceilings were papered) that after that I only used it in bathrooms. Now, with what was a new house when we moved in...with walls that have never been papered...I'm not touching the stuff!!
ohmygoodnessthereisthesnow! lol We are still sporting temps in the upper 60's and tornados! It is making me crazy!! We NEED a little chill for pete's sake!
Oh Jane, those blog books look amazing, what a wonderful physical keepsake of all your wonderful life moments and projects! I love that your husband likes them! I love the idea of snow...it is the middle of summer here and it is cold and raining (I have the heater on, but not quite cold enough for the fire!). Stay warm and I am looking forward to seeing your room come together, it will look wonderful, I have no doubt. Happy week ahead, Jane ~ xx
Oh enjoy the snow..I never get to see that wintery white stuff. HAHA I am so glad to hear your books turned out great. I was just telling my daughter about them and she said I should do that. That just might have to be an upcoming project. Have a great week, Melissa
Jane I enjoyed a look at your storm through your window! And I'm glad you got your blog printed. I have done three books so far. Years ago I would print each page and put it in a notebook. That was a pain but there is a desire to preserve what you have written and photographed (as you said it's like a journal of your daily life) ... and who knows how long it will last on blogger! I am about to do 2011. Pricey, yes, but probably priceless for posterity!
BTW I have heard that wallpaper is "back" or coming back. I even heard a hint that brass may be coming back in vogue, just as I get rid of a bit more in my house!
Hope you are staying nice and cozy indoors wtih the book blog :) lots of rain here today but it's going to warm up by the end of the week, can't wait! XOXO Kristin
Hi Jane, What a great idea to publish your blog in the form of a book! They look very well done, and I'm sure you are very proud of them. We've had rain here. I'd much rather have your pretty snow. Love your new dough tray, too!
Jane, we've had temps reaching 80 lately, but today is cold and rainy. Strange winter everywhere. Seeing your blog books reminds me to get some of my own. ~ Sarah
So far this season, we have had 2 inches of snow which arrived last Saturday and quickly melted the next day. Now, my flowers are already popping up since it was 50 yesterday. What the heck!
Okay, I'm sure you've said it on here somewhere, but I can't find it. What company did you use to make your books? I've thought about this over and over and just haven't taken the plunge.
That snow storm is headed our way, but feel free to keep it in your neck of the woods! LOL! We've got a big football game on Sunday! Go Pats!!!
Can't wait to see the new furniture! Love that chair! Looks like you're going to have to work on hubs and that wallpaper! LOL!!!
Have a great weekend!
Have fun in the snow! They say we may get a few inches here in Philly... I'll believe it when I see it:@)
I think its natural to slow down a bit in the winter, I hope you don't get the storm we did,it was a doozy, waiting for new furniture is exciting well for some, I just had toreplace a chair but there was no thrill in it, this aprtment is so small, I have no spark to decorate at all,
I'm looking forward to your new furniture arriving and yes some do say wallpaper is making a comeback.
Does your hubs really love it or is it he just cant face the work on the walls if it came down..
Just seeing your snow gave me the chills and I grabbed a blanket.
stay warm and safe this weekend.
Hi Jane, I am happy to see that your blog books came and that you are happy with them... I recently did a "farewell" post of sorts... going to quit posting... (not sure if I will post sometime in the future, Jack says "never say never") so I have made my blog into books as well, thanks to your link the other day... I have to do mine in 4 volumes as I had so many photos, but I am happy I can remember everything that way... and the price was much better than the place I priced a year or so ago... please keep in touch, I am already missing my friends... xoxo Julie Marie PS love your Quail...
WE are supposed to get 5 inches this weekend~just in time for the Patriots game! I want to do some blog books too, what a great way to have a record of things that otherwise we will forget!
We are getting ready for ?snow? or a mess tonight. Boy! I wish I were getting your snow ... wanna share a wee bit?
Have a beautiful weekend ~
in the upper 70's here in the DFW area! Short sleeves and short pants today!
I enjoyed seeing you blog in book form. I want to do that too! I just can't seem to get around to doing everything I want to do lately! I am making a list!
Have a lovely weekend all snug inside with the cold snowy weather OUTside!!
Oh, I'm jealous...enjoy your beautiful snow. It's still sunny and fairly warm here in LA. We do expect some rain tonight, but not the same as pretty snow. Hunker down and enjoy some candles and hot cocoa this weekend!
Thank you for sharing your blog books! Very cool!
I have been snowed in for 3 days now.It's hard to get anywhere with all of the fallen trees. The main freeway that I take to work has been closed for a day and a half now.
How nice to have your own designer. Perhaps she can approach "Dad" about the wallpaper. LOL I will say that I have always admired it's charming presence in your photos.
Your home is very welcoming!
Have a great weekend!
Hi there Jane! NO snow here, just rain:) But that's OK! I sure would like to do the book but I KNOW it would be REALLY expensive! I am so happy to have all of the last few years recorded and I look back frequently at certain dates and events!
Enjoy your weekend dear friend, can't wait to see your redecorated home! HUGS!
Congrats on getting some snow! All we got today was icky rain. I've never heard of blog books before. That's a great idea. I think you will really be glad that you got those. One day, you can pass them down as a keepsake (just like you mentioned).
Look at all of that snow! I love being snuggled inside when it is snowing out.
Glad you got your snow too...enjoy :) Laurel
We've got snow on the ground and ice on the way tonight. Good night to hibernate in front of the fire! Glad you're enjoying your blog books. Stay warm :)
All the snow freaked me out a little and I took my son out of school early. I didn't want him stuck on the bus later. He didn't mind. :)
What a lovely gift to your descendents your blog books will be! Such a beautiful idea! I very much am glad I stumbled upon your blog.
Have a great weekend,
I look forward to seeing the changes - lucky you, to have a designer in the family.
Hi Jane, You can keep your snow and they can keep their black ice to the south of us. It is just cold and the air feels damp. If only the wind would die down. I came home early today because our furnace was not working right at work. We could not get it warm. I decided to take a little me time and catch up with my friends. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.
We don't have snow but it is so cold! Hoping that Sunday it will warm up. Love your blog books...I have thought about having mine printed but wasn't sure if they would look good or not so nice to know you are pleased with them! Stay warm!
Miss Bloomers
We don't have snow but it is so cold! Hoping that Sunday it will warm up. Love your blog books...I have thought about having mine printed but wasn't sure if they would look good or not so nice to know you are pleased with them! Stay warm!
Miss Bloomers
We got a little bit of snow today, so now we have about an inch...luckily it quit snowing. I get all stressed out and don't want to go anywhere at if the word snow is mentioned. Those blog books look great. I'm glad to hear you like them. They'll be wonderful to look back on. Have a good weekend :)
It's cold and we are under an advvisory til tomorrow. The problem for us is that we are on the line for snow vs. ice. Please let it be the snow. I can't stand it if the power goes out.
My husband is loking at the three photo books I ordered last week-end as I type. He loves them. Now I need to look into the blog one.
Have a good week-end and stay warm.
Enjoy your snow! :)
Your blog books looks wonderful! I've heard really good things about the quality.
We've just had a few snow showers intermittently, Jane. I would be okay with no major snowfall this Winter! : ) Especially after the last two Winters we had in New York!
The snow is pretty to look at but can make traveling in it a pain.
Your albums are great keepsakes!
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
Thankfully we are still snow free, except for a light dusting, but February is often our coldest and snowiest month, so who knows what the future will bring. I love that you created books from your blog, my husband reads my blog all the time, so funny really! And do like I did, take that wallpaper down when your hubby's on a trip! ;-)
Kat :)
No snow here-in the seventies. I like snow maybe once a year cause it's pretty, but all the time-uh-uh not for me.
We are in the throes of an ice storm in downstate Illinois. I think printing your blogs into books was a great idea!
Enjoy your pretty snowfall. We just get rain, rain, rain! Can't wait to see the new room! Oh, love the dough bowl in the previous post - I've always wanted one! Linda
What a great idea the books are Jane! And what is it with guys? they just don't like change, but once we do it they like it. go figure. Got our first snow today too. The trees were so pretty this morning! xo
We had freezing rain earlier today but no snow.
I have thought about having my blog put in book form. Yours looks wonderful.
Happy Weekend!
Enjoy your snowy weekend!
I think a blog book is a great idea. I must have missed your link this week and am off to find it.
Hi Jane, what a great thing to have your blog book. I bet you will look back on that with great pride. I know I would. So you have snow! We have gray skies and rain, but it is ok. Today is a day for staying inside and cleaning, maybe watching a good movie. That is wonderful your hubby likes your blog. My hubby knows what I post and helps me with pictures and posts but doesn't really read them. But he is very much involved which makes me happy.
Have a lovely weekend my dear, have a snow cone!
Great books - great reads ahead for the grandchildren....some day!!
Lucky you having Emily to help - know she's loving having mom as a client too!!!
My final 'penguin post' is up today Jane - go see more of those adorable birds - bet THEY wouldn't mind all your snow, ha! ha!
Happy weekend dear.
Hugs - Mary
brrrrr...it sounds mighty cold there. It was 75 here yesterday....awesome weather for the middle of January.
I am thinking of doing a book, too. Gosh, I am already almost into 5 years of blogging. May be too expensive for me.
O, we LOVE fried green tomatoes. Just haven't had them in awhile. :))
Your blog in book form looks lovely and official. That your husband is so enthused is wonderful too. Keep warm.
Hi Jane,
hope you are not getting too much snow, love the books! I'm working on mine, he, i just found out two hours ago that picnik is closing in april, their premium is free now, (in case you need a photo project) anyhoo, off to bed for me, hugs!
Maureen x
Of course I know snow. Also blizzards with ice and extreme cold. Coffee and filter would be also all-important at the moment ... so to speak, as a survival drink ;).
Yes, it's right. With white furniture it's possible to play. Today here, tomorrow there - with uni or colorful accessories ... that's always a funny game :)
Hugs and have a nice weekend
yes, winter is here...and yes, wallpaper is coming back (but not to my house...because you end up taking it down at some point),....and your hubby is right, the blog is sort of a family album, especially if you show family pictures and vacations. I think it is a lovely way to gather memories.
Stay warm,
PS. We had 8 " today...I think you send it our way.
Hi Jane, No snow here in Virginia yet but today was really cold and wet. I have been thinking of doing blog books so it is nice to hear you are happy with yours. Take care. xo, Sherry
Hmm.. I'm thinking of doing the same thing.
I love snow days. We got just a little bit here in Baltimore .. mostly ice. It is still nice to enjoy from the warmth inside. I bet that you are super excited for that new furniture to arrive.
hope you have a great weekend.
Hello Jane!
The snow is so pretty and nice to look at after not having any for a while, don't you think? We just got several inches yesterday and it's looking pretty.
Nice time to curl up & read those neat blog books of yours. I'll have to look into that some day.
Thanks so much for your nice comment on my table runner - too bad it's too long for you. :)
Take care,
The blog books look great, I will definitely have to check them out for myself.
Have fun in the snow!.
I love being inside when it's that cold but there is just something magical about the snow. Our dog is a Husky/Collie mix and she loves the snow. We heard all about snowstorms in your area on the news. We got a bit of snow but nothing compared to you. Be safe!!
We had snow on Friday and it was so pretty ~ but I was on the inside looking out too! I think I am going to sit down and price out the books for myself ~ I would love to have one for each year that I have been blogging ~ a great keepsake for sure! Are the comments printed too Janie?
Hi Janie,
Thanks for leaving your sweet comments...you are always such a kind friend.
The books look fabulous! Wish I could send you some sunshine. Eighty degrees today....had one of my Christmas sweaters on and it is a bit too much. Yikes.
Big hugs to you, sweet girl,
Barb ♥
No snow for us yet either. We need some just to kill the bugs off. However, it was cold and sleety and icy and rainy and just downright miserable here today. The kind of day that chills you to the bone. I made a pot roast which we will be digging into in just a few minutes. Love that you did the journals. Well worth the price I am sure! Keep Warm Jane. xo
I found you via Julie Marie! I too have a blog book and am in the process of making one for 2011. My husband loves them and I found him reading it and he was quite taken with this process I call blogging. Have a great weekend! Kit
Hi Jane,
I am trying to get caught up with my blog reading! And of course your's is one of my faves!
It's been so bitter cold here and plenty of snow too. I want some spring already!
I've got one blog book so far that I won in a give-away and I love it! They are pricey but what a treasure to keep for our grandkids to read someday!
Can't wait to see your new furniture, so fun!
Hugs friend,
Hi Jane! OH, how fun getting snow! Hope you stay warm. I'm excited for you and can't wait to see your room. I would love to have a blog book! I'm so glad to hear they turn out great!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Brrrrr! It is actually cold and gray here too.
I actually like your wallpaper... and yes it coming back! :) Love your books. I want to do the same. CeeKay has been saying that she likes them too. My mom doesn't have or want a computer... but I think that she would love to see all the posts. So I am seriously considering it.
Stay warm! I'm having a hot cocoa...I'll pour you a cup! :)
Jane, I hope you don't get too much snow and you're able to go grocery shopping. Down here in GA, at the first snow flake everyone runs to the grocery store for bread and milk. We always laugh, because we don't get snow very often and then it's usually gone in a day or two.
Have a great week,
I hope it warms up there soon, Janie. The snow sure looks pretty. It's been too hot here, 81 earlier today at 9:33 PM right now, it is still 72 degrees. IYou blog books look good. I love mine too and so far I have my first year in 3 volumes too. I will have to start putting together my second year. I can't wait to see you new home decor. John would not let me take down wallpaper either....Christine
Snow is so pretty and we are all so excited to get our first/if any snowfall of the year. If it's going to be cold, there might as well be some snow on the ground! It's so nice that your neighbors help each other out. So glad you received your blog books. What a neat idea.
I'm curious about your blog books. Did you send your posts to someone to turn them into the book form? Did you do a post about this? I missed it if you did. I think that's a wonderful idea.
Thanks for visiting my blog and taking a look at my organized pantry. I'm still lovin' it!
Brrr! Sounds like you finally got our snow! Back home in MI, they hardly have any snow either. Wallpaper is indeed making a comeback! And you could always put a pretty tablecloth over the table that you mentioned was too formal. Just a thought! Keep warm!
I'm soooo hoping that we get snow this year. In England, where I live, it's not a sure thing so it feels like a super-special treat when we are lucky enough to get snow.
In the meantime, I will have to dream through your lovely post!!
It is warm, muggy, and we suffered yet another tornado outbreak over night here in Central Alabama!!! There has been lost of life, at least four fatalities. Once the son comes up, I am scared of what else the EMF folks will find.
At least someone is experiencing winter!
And YES!!! Wallpaper is BACK!!! And I am so happy. We papered one wall in our art studio, and i still love it!
Ricki Jill
I did a giveaway on my blog once for the blog books and was supposed to get mine done at the same time but I never got around to it.
Now there is so much more to add the costs would be crazy. I guess I should just start.
Beautiful post, Jane. The bird looks as if it is sitting on the window sill looking in.
Oh my goodness...your blog book is amazing.... seriously that is an amazing idea! You are so lucky to have it & that your husband likes it! Great great Idea!
WE had snow last week and now we are dealing with slush & ice...Take care.
You got the snow, we got the ice. I wrote about our interesting weather today too. I think your books look great. I really must put that on my to do list. I think my daughter would love having a hard copy eventually. I wish my mom had something like these that I could have now...sort of like hearing our voices in book form.
I think wallpaper is coming back, but not for me. We had so much of it in a house that we did a complete renovation on (even the ceilings were papered) that after that I only used it in bathrooms. Now, with what was a new house when we moved in...with walls that have never been papered...I'm not touching the stuff!!
Hi Jane,
I'm glad that old man winter is late coming to visit this year. Stay warm.
Yes, I've heard that wallpaper is coming back; however, I will never again use it. It's WAY too difficult and costly to remove!
ohmygoodnessthereisthesnow! lol We are still sporting temps in the upper 60's and tornados! It is making me crazy!! We NEED a little chill for pete's sake!
And yes, wallpaper is making a comeback! YAY!
Lou Cinda ;)
Oh Jane, those blog books look amazing, what a wonderful physical keepsake of all your wonderful life moments and projects! I love that your husband likes them! I love the idea of snow...it is the middle of summer here and it is cold and raining (I have the heater on, but not quite cold enough for the fire!). Stay warm and I am looking forward to seeing your room come together, it will look wonderful, I have no doubt. Happy week ahead, Jane ~ xx
Oh enjoy the snow..I never get to see that wintery white stuff. HAHA
I am so glad to hear your books turned out great. I was just telling my daughter about them and she said I should do that. That just might have to be an upcoming project.
Have a great week,
Jane I enjoyed a look at your storm through your window! And I'm glad you got your blog printed. I have done three books so far. Years ago I would print each page and put it in a notebook. That was a pain but there is a desire to preserve what you have written and photographed (as you said it's like a journal of your daily life) ... and who knows how long it will last on blogger! I am about to do 2011. Pricey, yes, but probably priceless for posterity!
BTW I have heard that wallpaper is "back" or coming back. I even heard a hint that brass may be coming back in vogue, just as I get rid of a bit more in my house!
If we get snowed in ... at least we have our blogging books to read. :-) I am so pleased with mine, too. I am about to order my third one.
Hope you are staying nice and cozy indoors wtih the book blog :) lots of rain here today but it's going to warm up by the end of the week, can't wait!
Hi Jane,
What a great idea to publish your blog in the form of a book! They look very well done, and I'm sure you are very proud of them. We've had rain here. I'd much rather have your pretty snow. Love your new dough tray, too!
Hi Janie, thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my last post.
The best part of blogging is dear friends like you!
Jane, we've had temps reaching 80 lately, but today is cold and rainy. Strange winter everywhere. Seeing your blog books reminds me to get some of my own. ~ Sarah
So far this season, we have had 2 inches of snow which arrived last Saturday and quickly melted the next day. Now, my flowers are already popping up since it was 50 yesterday. What the heck!
Our snow in western, PA has melted, too. I keep hoping for more so I can savor being cozied up at home.
Love the blog books! Great idea!
Love the look of your Blog books! I want to do one for 2011, but haven't done it yet.
Okay, I'm sure you've said it on here somewhere, but I can't find it. What company did you use to make your books? I've thought about this over and over and just haven't taken the plunge.
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