When not out and about and enjoying the warm weather we have been having, I have been playing with vignettes that were inspired by some of the pieces I picked up at the store where Emily works. Not only do they have gorgeous furniture, the accessories are out of this world. I really have to stay away.
I have been playing with my mantel and it never fails to frustrate me. It is deep and long and although some would find that great to work with, I get overwhelmed. Any suggestions would be welcome. I found the mercury glass piece at Emily's shop. Love at first sight. I kept a lot of mercury glass out of my Christmas bins to use year round. It's great for a sparkle here and there. I'm just not sure what I am dissatisfied with...everything looks lined up although it isn't. More touches of greenery, maybe? I also bought this at Emily's store, I just love it. It's so beautiful when it's all lit and I have tried different candles, too. These are from Homegoods and they smell heavenly. I also pulled this little antique candle holder out of my stash to add more sparkle. I wonder if I am missing the blinginess of Christmas! I hit a few white sales and found this comforter at Kohls. No coupons but it was marked way down. If you asked me months ago if I would ever have so much brown in a room, I would have laughed. This is a soft brushed corduroy with a sheep skin reverse side. The dogs are loving that part! The throw is from Pottery Barn, my son gave it to me as a birthday gift last year. I love the texture of all of it. I found the pillows on my trip to Homegoods. I have a sisal rug on the floor that has red around the edges so it all ties in. So, this is what I have been playing with this week. I didn't get out much this past weekend, other than to do the grocery shopping. That was a riot in itself. The Husband was bored and decided to go along. Since I hadn't stocked up since all the holiday shopping, I thought it would be nice to have an extra set of hands. I truly wish I had video taped it. When he wasn't complaining about the price of things, he was throwing odd things like Ovaltine and graham crackers in the cart. He kept complaining how slow I was. And why did we have to hit each aisle? I explained to him that as a shopper, I was not only comparing prices, I was planning meals, replacing things we were out of, and of course examining the labels for all the terrible ingredients they put in things. He still wasn't convinced this was time consuming and halfway through was whining to go home. I was ready to stick a sucker in his mouth to keep him happy. Never Again!
Well...I have load after load of laundry to do today and I realized that I haven't baked a thing since my frenzy over the holidays, so I thought I would do a little of that. I am also making homemade chicken stock that I saw on Susan Branch's blog. It takes about two days to make and I bought a little chicken so I am ready to go to town. It sounds like we are going to have some wonderfully cozy meals this week.
Take care and I will see you later in the week! :-)
Your bedding is so nice....So you will be busy baking/cooking? What are you going to make? Homemade soup? I love making soup especially with homemade stock...That is the best!
You sound like you are on the mend. My husband loves to do the gorcery shopping at Walmart. Me not so much. I go to the local IGA where everyone else thinks it is over priced. I value my time. They have the gluten-free products that I can't get elsewhere. We both are complaining about the high prices of groceries. Oh when my husband shops he brings home all these bags. He will spend $100 and I can't even make a meal out of what he buys. I love the new comforter. Love the cordoroy and the fleecy side. I am going to paint and redorate our bedroom. I went today for paint charts. Have a good week.
You sound like you are on the mend. My husband loves to do the gorcery shopping at Walmart. Me not so much. I go to the local IGA where everyone else thinks it is over priced. I value my time. They have the gluten-free products that I can't get elsewhere. We both are complaining about the high prices of groceries. Oh when my husband shops he brings home all these bags. He will spend $100 and I can't even make a meal out of what he buys. I love the new comforter. Love the cordoroy and the fleecy side. I am going to paint and redorate our bedroom. I went today for paint charts. Have a good week.
Oh.. Comforter looks divine.... & I am laughing over Sonny's comment & thinking about something we always say, "Men, can't live with them, can't ship them all to Canada" : ) We did the grocery shopping thing together last week also... proving that great minds DO NOT think alike. I am still putting Christmas away... kind of hate to lose the bling : )
I love the bedding! I also like your mantel the way you have it arranged. Photos make things look flat. The candlelabra is wonderful. I love that it is silver. Gorgeous.
I think your mantel looks beautiful, and your bed looks so cozy and inviting! And too funny about grocery shopping with your husband. My husband and I started shopping together a few years ago, since we drive almost 2 hours to Whole Foods. We usually divide and conquer, so we make a pretty good team. But shopping with my 19 year old son is painful, he complains and picks up random stuff too, lol.
Oh my goodness, Jane! those candlesticks are soooo beautiful!!! I've kept a lot of mercury glass out too. I like it with all the white I decorate with. I think the mantel looks great!!! Your bedroom is so cozy and inviting. Great job floofing, girl! Shopping with the Mr. sometimes fun...sometimes, not so much. Enjoy that soup!!! xxxooo
Your home looks like perfection. it is as if everything was made just for YOU. Everything is so classy. Gorgeous. Thank you so much for the comment on the abandonment post... you are so right... Have a pretty day! Kristin
Your mantel looks lovely! And I love your mercury glass. I keep 3 candlestick holders out all year. The bedroom is gorgeous and the husband story cracked me up!! xxDaniella
I love your huge fireplace girl..I think that would be a blast to decorate...however I get in a runt and leave things way to long around here ha ha!! Your bedroom looks real warm and cozy my dear friend..Your son has great taste..Hope you have a wonderful week my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Love the mercury glass and candlesticks-things do look bare after Christmas and need to be cozied up.I bet that comforter is cozy, my dogs would love it too-they like to get under the cover.
Dear Jane, Everything looks beautiful.....I LOVE all of the candlesticks ..... there is nothing better than candles is there ? .....oh and I LOVE mercury glass. I have a few pieces. Thanks so much for your lovely comment today and sorry that I haven't been around too much lately....as you know, I've been a bit busy !! XXXX
Hi Jane, I think your mantel looks just beautiful!... and your bedroom is so pretty, love the red birdie pillow!... too funny about taking your hubby grocery shopping with you... so, did you stick a sucker in his mouth or not???... I have to ask... does he really like Ovaltine???... sounds yucky to me!... enjoy your time "fluffing"... xoxo Julie Marie
Jane, the bedding is pretty and cozy and very appropriate for winter. The mantle is pretty too. I have been playing with our buffet and I do not know when to stop-I put too much stuff on it I think. I am in the more is more camp I think. Hugs,Olive
There is nothing better than comfort food. I love your mantel and especially the mercury glass. I don't own one piece but I may have to change that very soon! Have a good rest of the week...
If you can imagine, my mantel is even longer than yours, so I feel your pain when it comes to decorating it! We hit 53 degrees today, but the freezer blast is heading our way, tomorrow.....Sounds like a good chicken stock day here, too : ) Enjoy your cozy day!
It ALL looks lovely!! You might like a little green garland on your mantle to soften it up. I use garlands a lot! Year round. OH - that bedding looks simply delicious!!
How about a few books, Jane. I always like to add books into lots of different vignettes and used to use them on the mantels I had in my old house, too. I hate going food shopping with my husband because it always winds up costing more! I try to go without him! I am more the type to stick to a list and he will be swayed by sales {like 10 for $10.00 things}.
Beautiful! I love candles and I can just imagine that multi-candle holder all lit up. :) And I do imagine that your dissatisfaction with your mantel must just be from missing the bling of Christmas because it looks LOVELY! :)
I saw that chicken stock recipe too. I laughed about your mantel when you said it all looks lined up but its not. I call that the shooting gallery to my clients when thing are in a row...on shelves and on the mantels...I think if you do little groupings and leave some spaces you might like it better. Taller things on the outside edges...groups in threes...try playing around.
You could not pay me to grocery shop with MyHero. He drives me absolutely round the bend with all his whining and complaining...and why don't you buy the store brand instead of THAT one so you can save 5 cents....ummmm....because the store brand on that particular product has stems in with the pears!
Your room is looking great and I love those pillows. And your candles are looking good, too. Nice job of "winterizing"...xo Diana
Love that new bedding ~ it looks so cozy. I too am having issues with my mantle ~ I have not put a thing on it yet since I took the decorations down. My biggest challenge is the cat ~ he jumps up there all the time and I have put down 2 sided tape to hopefully deter him from doing it. After writing off a bottle of red wine and a mirror I am attempting to come up with something pretty but not too breakable. I laughed at your grocery shopping trip ~ Trev came with me this week because I was not feeling 100% and most of the time he is just the cart pusher ~ this week he was actually helpful! Have a great week sweetie.
Hi Jane, Aren't husbands fun to take shopping? I can do mine much quicker if I leave mine at home so I usually stop on my way home from work. He usually adds to the cart the snack food which he doesn't need. The weather has been unreal and I will take every good day that we get. I like your bedroom. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Your mantel is so pretty, and those candlesticks are gorgeous!! I love The bedroom, I don't think I've ever seen it before. Hope your having a great week! XO Kristin
HI! As I am looking at the mantle and seeing that you are not really pleased, might I suggest some LARGER items on there. It seems like tghere are alot of smallish items and I would do something with HEIGHT, even higher than the drapes. You may think I am crazy, but try it and see what you think. Just a thought..... I love your bedding and the pillows!!! I NEVER bake, noone here (but me) would eat it and I sure don't need it;):) XO, Pinky
I'm having issues with my mantle too. Part of my problem is that the ceiling is ten feet tall so everything seems unbalanced. I love those candlesticks and that bedroom, oh it looks soooo cozy!
I know how you feel - I think I used up all my baking and cooking during the holidays! It has been pretty uninteresting around here!!
Your bedding is lovely, I can just imagine how it feels to snuggle with that comforter. The multi candle candlestick is killer too. What fun finds for your lovely home.
I love mercury glass! I don't blame you for using it year-round and not just for Christmas.
Jane, I really like your mantel. *LOVE* the knotty pine...it is so pretty! I must say I was more distracted by liking your mantel/fireplace surround than looking at what you have displayed on it.
Your bedding is so pretty...I would love to have bedding like yours!
I just did the same kind of rearranging in my bedroom, fluffing up and adding stuff... Love yours! Our beds are very similarly dressed, and I just did a post on that print on your wall, my header is my attempt at the same..lol...
Your bedroom looks really pretty and cozy. Your mantle looks great but since it's so big, maybe keep an eye out for a few larger items to place on it ~ I know that can be hard because larger items tend to be expensive too. I have a couple spots like that too that are hard to decorate. I saw that post about the chicken stock so you'll have to let us know how it turns out.
Love the new bedding, pillows and comforter look so cozy. I like your mantle very much maybe all it might need is something with a little height, a statue or topiary perhaps?
Happy New Year to you my friend...your home is just so lovely! Enjoy your soup...sounds amazing. You can come and fluff for me any old time! xoxoxoox HUGS
Everything looks so wonderful and soft. I just adore the candle holder on the bedside table....actually, I am drooling over that! Gorgeous.
I let my hubby grocery shop occasionally. He loves it, can you imagine! But.....he comes home with nothing to prepare for lunch or dinner. It is ALL junk like cookies, ice cream, pudding. Eeeekkk!
Jane, maybe add one more taller item, and remove some of the small ones beneath the mirror - so the others make more of a statement. But it's really looking nice and, like you, I'm still using mercury glass candle holders on my mantel - they do brighten up that space on these cloudy days - we don't get sun in that room.
Had to laugh at the grocery shop with hubby along. Mine is just the opposite - loves to spend time looking about and make decisions, and he doesn't have one cooking bone in his body!
Eeek! I see that Sachet I made and you WON on the wall! That made me sooooo happy!
Love your bedding sweet lady! LOVE IT ALL!
The weather is going to get cold tonight and I'm whining loud and strong. My Cali-side is fighting to stay true to it's love of warm weather! I will NEVER like the cold. NEVER!
I love that bedding...so pretty. I also love mercury glass touches here and there.
I think the mantel looks fine as it is, but I wonder if you need some larger pieces on the ends or maybe a larger, heavier mirror?? You have such beautiful wood and it is somewhat massive, so in my opinion (and I know nothing) you need to balance it with some larger "things"???
My husband always grocery shops with me. He never says a word because food is at the bottom of his list and at the top of mine. I am trying to do a bit less eating...so no fun baking around here for a while.
what a gorgeous fireplace and mantel you have! Bloggers all over make decorating a mantel seem so effortless, but I definately struggle with it! Love your room!
I'm glad your nook was not broken as I have been considering. ... I think your mantle looks great...but I guess you could add a plant at one end, and maybe more open space..lol... I often take a pic of my mantle and send it to a friend or my sister for advice. They aren't as easy to decorate as one would think.
I believe you are finally getting some snow?
As far as your husband shopping with you, yes the rare times mine goes along there are always extras in the cart, and they do not "get" that we can plan meals as we see things, or sale items!
I love all that silver you're using. You can't go wrong with that! The throw that your son gave you is so pretty too. I would make sure I had it sitting out when not in use too. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog too!
The bedroom looks so inviting. I love that throw! Thanks for sharing. Maybe the mantel needs some height? I find when I'm not happy with something, I need to add size.
Love your bedroom. It's very cozy, which is my favorite decor, especially in my bedroom. That PB throw is fabulous - the texture. I had to laugh at your hubby throwing things in the cart. Yep, Here too. I hate shopping with Steve because he just throws stuff in the cart also. I can't manage his health if he wants to live on Fritos and chorizo :)
I was just talking with some clients today about men's attitude about shopping. Most of them want to get what's needed in a store and get out. Most women want to walk around and look at everything and are busy creating while doing so. Ah well ~ viva la difference! I love that PB throw by the way!!
I have the same pillow from Homegoods! A friend gave it to me as a gift. Don't you just love the down filling? It'd be a dangerous thing if I worked at a home decor store. I'd spend my whole paycheck. Love all your fluffing!
"halfway through was whining to go home. I was ready to stick a sucker in his mouth to keep him happy" LOL Jane, I think our guys are related! I NEVER take mine along anymore, esp. to Sam's Club!! No fun at all!
I like your soft, creams in your bedroom with those splashes of red accent color. Very pretty!
Let me know how you like that soup & doncha' just LOVE Susan's blog?
You are so right. My house is looking a little bland without the bling of Christmas. I love the throw your son gave you. Your room is looking great. My hubby actually loves to shop and I am the one that is rushing him. LOL Soup sounds like a great way to get back to cooking. I am sure it is pretty cold up there.
Yep, the house looks a bit dull when all of the Christmas stuff is gone!
I laughed really hard about your husband shopping with you, I take a lot of time looking too:) They have NO idea what we go thru to keep the kitchen stocked!
My mantle is thin and I wish it was deeper:) I think yours looks perfect! Have a blessed evening, HUGS!
Jane, I saw some tall lanterns at Hobby Lobby that would look great on your mantel. I love that bird pillow and all of your new bedding. It looks so warm and cozy. And my husband is so distracting when I take him food shopping, too. I'll have to remember to take along a sucker!
Hi Jane, I read your blog on my Ipad but it won't let me comment on there? For some reason the words don't show up at the bottom of the post? Just wanted to say I'm still reading a lot just can't comment until I'm on my main computer. Have a great weekend.
Your mantle looks perfect Jane - I don't think you need our help. And I love the tray with the candles - so pretty! The only thing I would change is maybe using white candles on the mantle instead of the yellow ones. It might make a difference. Have a great weekend girl! xoxo, Kim
Your bedding is so nice....So you will be busy baking/cooking? What are you going to make? Homemade soup? I love making soup especially with homemade stock...That is the best!
Your vignettes are beautiful!
Your fluffing looks so fresh and the bedding is terrific. The room is cozy and warm looking!
Love those candlesticks and your bedding.
men and shopping.ugg.. ahh remind me again why we cant shoot um. oh yea- illigal, dang . lol
You sound like you are on the mend.
My husband loves to do the gorcery shopping at Walmart. Me not so much. I go to the local IGA where everyone else thinks it is over priced. I value my time. They have the gluten-free products that I can't get elsewhere.
We both are complaining about the high prices of groceries. Oh when my husband shops he brings home all these bags. He will spend $100 and I can't even make a meal out of what he buys.
I love the new comforter. Love the cordoroy and the fleecy side.
I am going to paint and redorate our bedroom. I went today for paint charts.
Have a good week.
You sound like you are on the mend.
My husband loves to do the gorcery shopping at Walmart. Me not so much. I go to the local IGA where everyone else thinks it is over priced. I value my time. They have the gluten-free products that I can't get elsewhere.
We both are complaining about the high prices of groceries. Oh when my husband shops he brings home all these bags. He will spend $100 and I can't even make a meal out of what he buys.
I love the new comforter. Love the cordoroy and the fleecy side.
I am going to paint and redorate our bedroom. I went today for paint charts.
Have a good week.
Oh.. Comforter looks divine....
& I am laughing over Sonny's comment & thinking about something we always say, "Men, can't live with them, can't ship them all to Canada" : )
We did the grocery shopping thing together last week also... proving that great minds DO NOT think alike.
I am still putting Christmas away... kind of hate to lose the bling : )
I love the bedding! I also like your mantel the way you have it arranged. Photos make things look flat. The candlelabra is wonderful. I love that it is silver. Gorgeous.
I think your mantel looks beautiful, and your bed looks so cozy and inviting! And too funny about grocery shopping with your husband. My husband and I started shopping together a few years ago, since we drive almost 2 hours to Whole Foods. We usually divide and conquer, so we make a pretty good team. But shopping with my 19 year old son is painful, he complains and picks up random stuff too, lol.
Enjoy your yummy soup once it's done!
Kat :)
Everything looks so beautiful, Jane! I'm cleaning & fluffing today, too...doing a little blog hopping for my break!
I love mercury glass, too, and keep it out all year, as well...it's just so gorgeous!
Hope your day continues to be beautiful, my friend!
Oh my goodness, Jane! those candlesticks are soooo beautiful!!!
I've kept a lot of mercury glass out too. I like it with all the white I decorate with.
I think the mantel looks great!!!
Your bedroom is so cozy and inviting. Great job floofing, girl!
Shopping with the Mr. sometimes fun...sometimes, not so much.
Enjoy that soup!!!
Your home looks like perfection. it is as if everything was made just for YOU. Everything is so classy. Gorgeous.
Thank you so much for the comment on the abandonment post... you are so right...
Have a pretty day!
Your mantel looks lovely! And I love your mercury glass. I keep 3 candlestick holders out all year.
The bedroom is gorgeous and the husband story cracked me up!!
The bedding is so pretty! I have the "The" pillow in khaki, but I sure love the red...and the birdie pillow and gorgeous PB throw! Linda
I love your huge fireplace girl..I think that would be a blast to decorate...however I get in a runt and leave things way to long around here ha ha!! Your bedroom looks real warm and cozy my dear friend..Your son has great taste..Hope you have a wonderful week my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Lovin' that really cool multi-taper candle holder Jane! Baking... sounds heavenly, wish something would inspire me. Enjoy the weather:@)
Love the mercury glass and candlesticks-things do look bare after Christmas and need to be cozied up.I bet that comforter is cozy, my dogs would love it too-they like to get under the cover.
Dear Jane,
Everything looks beautiful.....I LOVE all of the candlesticks ..... there is nothing better than candles is there ? .....oh and I LOVE mercury glass. I have a few pieces.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment today and sorry that I haven't been around too much lately....as you know, I've been a bit busy !! XXXX
Cute post!
Linda from www.moonon.com
Hi Jane, I think your mantel looks just beautiful!... and your bedroom is so pretty, love the red birdie pillow!... too funny about taking your hubby grocery shopping with you... so, did you stick a sucker in his mouth or not???... I have to ask... does he really like Ovaltine???... sounds yucky to me!... enjoy your time "fluffing"... xoxo Julie Marie
Jane, the bedding is pretty and cozy and very appropriate for winter. The mantle is pretty too. I have been playing with our buffet and I do not know when to stop-I put too much stuff on it I think. I am in the more is more camp I think. Hugs,Olive
There is nothing better than comfort food. I love your mantel and especially the mercury glass. I don't own one piece but I may have to change that very soon! Have a good rest of the week...
Your new things from Emily's store are so pretty. I've never seen a candle holder quite like it.
Hope you have a great week!
If you can imagine,
my mantel is even
longer than yours,
so I feel your pain
when it comes to
decorating it! We
hit 53 degrees today,
but the freezer blast
is heading our way,
like a good chicken
stock day here, too : )
Enjoy your cozy day!
xx Suzanne
Jane all your fluffing looks great! I love your mercury glass pieces and that little antique candle holder is so pretty!
It ALL looks lovely!!
You might like a little green garland on your mantle to soften it up. I use garlands a lot! Year round.
OH - that bedding looks simply delicious!!
Some men are shoppers and some are not!
How about a few books, Jane. I always like to add books into lots of different vignettes and used to use them on the mantels I had in my old house, too. I hate going food shopping with my husband because it always winds up costing more! I try to go without him! I am more the type to stick to a list and he will be swayed by sales {like 10 for $10.00 things}.
Beautiful! I love candles and I can just imagine that multi-candle holder all lit up. :) And I do imagine that your dissatisfaction with your mantel must just be from missing the bling of Christmas because it looks LOVELY! :)
I saw that chicken stock recipe too. I laughed about your mantel when you said it all looks lined up but its not. I call that the shooting gallery to my clients when thing are in a row...on shelves and on the mantels...I think if you do little groupings and leave some spaces you might like it better. Taller things on the outside edges...groups in threes...try playing around.
You could not pay me to grocery shop with MyHero. He drives me absolutely round the bend with all his whining and complaining...and why don't you buy the store brand instead of THAT one so you can save 5 cents....ummmm....because the store brand on that particular product has stems in with the pears!
Your room is looking great and I love those pillows. And your candles are looking good, too. Nice job of "winterizing"...xo Diana
Love that new bedding ~ it looks so cozy. I too am having issues with my mantle ~ I have not put a thing on it yet since I took the decorations down. My biggest challenge is the cat ~ he jumps up there all the time and I have put down 2 sided tape to hopefully deter him from doing it. After writing off a bottle of red wine and a mirror I am attempting to come up with something pretty but not too breakable. I laughed at your grocery shopping trip ~ Trev came with me this week because I was not feeling 100% and most of the time he is just the cart pusher ~ this week he was actually helpful! Have a great week sweetie.
Hi Jane, Aren't husbands fun to take shopping? I can do mine much quicker if I leave mine at home so I usually stop on my way home from work. He usually adds to the cart the snack food which he doesn't need. The weather has been unreal and I will take every good day that we get. I like your bedroom. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Your mantel is so pretty, and those candlesticks are gorgeous!! I love The bedroom, I don't think I've ever seen it before. Hope your having a great week!
HI! As I am looking at the mantle and seeing that you are not really pleased, might I suggest some LARGER items on there. It seems like tghere are alot of smallish items and I would do something with HEIGHT, even higher than the drapes. You may think I am crazy, but try it and see what you think. Just a thought..... I love your bedding and the pillows!!! I NEVER bake, noone here (but me) would eat it and I sure don't need it;):) XO, Pinky
Love your bedroom. Looks so serene and a peaceful place to sleep.
That Provence pillow is fantastic!
Maybe some twinkle lights for the mantle? Hopefully it wouldn't be too Christmasy.
I'm having issues with my mantle too. Part of my problem is that the ceiling is ten feet tall so everything seems unbalanced. I love those candlesticks and that bedroom, oh it looks soooo cozy!
These mantel displays are gorgeous! Love the bedroom design too. :)
Philippine properties
I know how you feel - I think I used up all my baking and cooking during the holidays! It has been pretty uninteresting around here!!
Your bedding is lovely, I can just imagine how it feels to snuggle with that comforter. The multi candle candlestick is killer too. What fun finds for your lovely home.
I love mercury glass! I don't blame you for using it year-round and not just for Christmas.
Jane, I really like your mantel. *LOVE* the knotty pine...it is so pretty! I must say I was more distracted by liking your mantel/fireplace surround than looking at what you have displayed on it.
Your bedding is so pretty...I would love to have bedding like yours!
I just did the same kind of rearranging in my bedroom, fluffing up and adding stuff... Love yours! Our beds are very similarly dressed, and I just did a post on that print on your wall, my header is my attempt at the same..lol...
Your bedroom looks really pretty and cozy. Your mantle looks great but since it's so big, maybe keep an eye out for a few larger items to place on it ~ I know that can be hard because larger items tend to be expensive too. I have a couple spots like that too that are hard to decorate. I saw that post about the chicken stock so you'll have to let us know how it turns out.
I don't think I've had a proper snoop around your house so this is LOVELY!! I really love the colour of your walls in your living room. Yum!!
And the bedroom is gorgeous!
Love the new bedding, pillows and comforter look so cozy.
I like your mantle very much maybe all it might need is something with a little height, a statue or topiary perhaps?
Happy New Year to you my friend...your home is just so lovely! Enjoy your soup...sounds amazing. You can come and fluff for me any old time! xoxoxoox HUGS
Hi Janie,
Everything looks so wonderful and soft. I just adore the candle holder on the bedside table....actually, I am drooling over that! Gorgeous.
I let my hubby grocery shop occasionally. He loves it, can you imagine! But.....he comes home with nothing to prepare for lunch or dinner. It is ALL junk like cookies, ice cream, pudding. Eeeekkk!
Have a wonderful day,
I was just at PB last night and their throws are so nice and cozy! Love your bedding and I bet the pillows and rug match beautifully!
Jane, maybe add one more taller item, and remove some of the small ones beneath the mirror - so the others make more of a statement. But it's really looking nice and, like you, I'm still using mercury glass candle holders on my mantel - they do brighten up that space on these cloudy days - we don't get sun in that room.
Had to laugh at the grocery shop with hubby along. Mine is just the opposite - loves to spend time looking about and make decisions, and he doesn't have one cooking bone in his body!
Love, Mary
Eeek! I see that Sachet I made and you WON on the wall! That made me sooooo happy!
Love your bedding sweet lady! LOVE IT ALL!
The weather is going to get cold tonight and I'm whining loud and strong. My Cali-side is fighting to stay true to it's love of warm weather! I will NEVER like the cold. NEVER!
Love you Miss J~
I love that bedding...so pretty. I also love mercury glass touches here and there.
I think the mantel looks fine as it is, but I wonder if you need some larger pieces on the ends or maybe a larger, heavier mirror?? You have such beautiful wood and it is somewhat massive, so in my opinion (and I know nothing) you need to balance it with some larger "things"???
My husband always grocery shops with me. He never says a word because food is at the bottom of his list and at the top of mine. I am trying to do a bit less eating...so no fun baking around here for a while.
Your home looks so pretty, Jane! Gotta love that unusual candle holder...so unique! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
what a gorgeous fireplace and mantel you have! Bloggers all over make decorating a mantel seem so effortless, but I definately struggle with it! Love your room!
Love what you've done with your mantle! Your bedroom looks so nice that you might never want to leave!
I'm glad your nook was not broken as I have been considering. ... I think your mantle looks great...but I guess you could add a plant at one end, and maybe more open space..lol... I often take a pic of my mantle and send it to a friend or my sister for advice. They aren't as easy to decorate as one would think.
I believe you are finally getting some snow?
As far as your husband shopping with you, yes the rare times mine goes along there are always extras in the cart, and they do not "get" that we can plan meals as we see things, or sale items!
What an awesome mantel and your bedroom is just delightful! Your fluffing and changes there, beyond perfect, Miss Blondie!
I love all that silver you're using. You can't go wrong with that! The throw that your son gave you is so pretty too. I would make sure I had it sitting out when not in use too. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog too!
The bedroom looks so inviting. I love that throw! Thanks for sharing. Maybe the mantel needs some height? I find when I'm not happy with something, I need to add size.
Love your bedroom. It's very cozy, which is my favorite decor, especially in my bedroom. That PB throw is fabulous - the texture. I had to laugh at your hubby throwing things in the cart. Yep, Here too. I hate shopping with Steve because he just throws stuff in the cart also. I can't manage his health if he wants to live on Fritos and chorizo :)
I was just talking with some clients today about men's attitude about shopping. Most of them want to get what's needed in a store and get out. Most women want to walk around and look at everything and are busy creating while doing so. Ah well ~ viva la difference! I love that PB throw by the way!!
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Gorgeous changes Jane! Wonderful vignettes.
I have the same pillow from Homegoods! A friend gave it to me as a gift. Don't you just love the down filling? It'd be a dangerous thing if I worked at a home decor store. I'd spend my whole paycheck. Love all your fluffing!
I leave hubby in the truck with a book. :)
Love your bedroom - very cozy and pretty!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
~ Zuzu
Hi Jane! Happy New Year!! Your shopping escapades made me laugh! And I LOVE your cozy looking bed nook. SO inviting!
"halfway through was whining to go home. I was ready to stick a sucker in his mouth to keep him happy" LOL Jane, I think our guys are related! I NEVER take mine along anymore, esp. to Sam's Club!! No fun at all!
I like your soft, creams in your bedroom with those splashes of red accent color. Very pretty!
Let me know how you like that soup & doncha' just LOVE Susan's blog?
You are so right. My house is looking a little bland without the bling of Christmas.
I love the throw your son gave you. Your room is looking great.
My hubby actually loves to shop and I am the one that is rushing him. LOL
Soup sounds like a great way to get back to cooking. I am sure it is pretty cold up there.
Yep, the house looks a bit dull when all of the Christmas stuff is gone!
I laughed really hard about your husband shopping with you, I take a lot of time looking too:) They have NO idea what we go thru to keep the kitchen stocked!
My mantle is thin and I wish it was deeper:) I think yours looks perfect! Have a blessed evening, HUGS!
I saw some tall lanterns at Hobby Lobby that would look great on your mantel. I love that bird pillow and all of your new bedding. It looks so warm and cozy. And my husband is so distracting when I take him food shopping, too. I'll have to remember to take along a sucker!
Wow, Jane ... you have been finding some beautiful bits for your home. I love Homegoods.
You finally got your snow today. I thought of you as soon as it began.
I got that same big pillow at Tuesday Mornings last month! :)
Love the bedding...the whole room is so warm and pretty.
Your mantel looks amazing....you did a great job on it. You are a talented lady.:)
I have loads of laundry too. Love all your pretty candles.
Hi Jane, I read your blog on my Ipad but it won't let me comment on there? For some reason the words don't show up at the bottom of the post? Just wanted to say I'm still reading a lot just can't comment until I'm on my main computer.
Have a great weekend.
Your mantle looks perfect Jane - I don't think you need our help. And I love the tray with the candles - so pretty! The only thing I would change is maybe using white candles on the mantle instead of the yellow ones. It might make a difference.
Have a great weekend girl!
Hi dear Jane.....you have certainly made your nest nice and cozy....even down to cooking some mighty tempting meals for this wintertime weather.
Stay as snug as a bug in a run....sweet lady.
Love the silver candlesticks! I LOVE candlesticks! Everything looks so warm and toasty!
And NEVER take a man shopping! It is a cardinal rule! lol
Lou Cinda
I just love that candlesticks holder. That is so sexy and must look just dreamy lit.
These mantel displays are gorgeous! Love those candle stick too. :)
real estate ph
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