I can't say that I have gone out much since I last posted. Abby now uses my car for school in the afternoons since The Husband put his sports car away in the garage for the winter. I don't mind, Emily is off on Mondays and Thursdays and we do things together...sort of like Driving Miss Daisy.
Have I mentioned that son Kevin and his wife, Mary Clare, bought a house? It's a Georgian located about 5 minutes from me. I am so excited for them. They have been living in the tiniest apartment ever and they have had to store all their shower and wedding gifts at her mother's house. It will be like Christmas morning when she can open all that good stuff up and put it to use. Last night they came over for dinner and we ordered out Italian beef sandwiches. A good time was had by all. I went to bed a little early though because I still have that cold in my head and chest and I feel a bit of an earache. I hope it runs it's course soon.
Yesterday The Husband worked from home and Em was off work. It was not my normal quiet day...and then we had all the kids for dinner. So, today is quiet, the snow has stopped and it doesn't seem like there is a soul in the world out there. I started a new book on my Nook and I am loving it. It's all about the comfort in holding it, I think. And I get Netflix on it and I am anxious to try a movie. That's what I think I will do today before I make the soup. We have no plans for the weekend, but I really need to get out. I'll come up with something! All of you have a wonderful weekend! :-)
That quote is from Mary Emmerson and I have it all set to go above my kitchen window. I have loved it for years and finally have it ready to go.
I have a turkey breast going on for tomorrow...you chicken soup sounds wonderful.
We got about 1/2 the snow that you did-although they predicted that we would get the same as Chicago...but it is COOOOLLLLDDD!
I hope you have a good weekend. I am the DRIVER in the Driving Miss Daisy scenari here! xo Diana
I think we posted almost the same time and very similar.......snow and comfort. Except I made potato soup the other evening. Love soup in the winter.
Have a good week-end and I hope you get out and about.
We got snow too after so many warm days in January, not as much as the weather man predicted but enough and it is cold outside:)
I was at the Pottery Barn store Tuesday and I saw those throws (so cozy looking)I think next year or maybe for my birthday I'll ask for a PB giftcard!
When my daughter and I go shopping she always drives but sometimes I get a little nervous because she either looks for something in her purse, or turns around to talk to the girls and it seems she does everything at the same time, LOL I just hold on to the door handle and wonder if I was the same way at that age
Snow, I am a little jealous considering we hardly ever see it round these parts! I love the new pitcher and I also love the song on your playlist by david grey,one of my favorites! hope you have a wonderful weekend~
Hi Jane!! Hope you have a great weekend and Stay warm!!! :)
No snow here but it is COLD! At least for Texas!
Louis Dean and I are working on laying the floring in or bedroom.
Hope to have that room all 'signed sealed and delivered' by week end's end!
Loved every one of your pics!
Debby, you and I posted about the same thing but I think you both said it better than me...I HaTE the cold! You both seem to have found good ways to cozy up and enjoy it...bravo!
Hi Janie... well, you can just keep your snow thank you... I don't want any more!... mmmmm, your chicken soup sounds delish though!... and I love your new pillow too!... so happy your son and daughter~in~law are getting a beautiful new home, and close by you too... how fun that will be for them to decorate with all of their wedding gifts!... it is still bitter cold here too but at least the sun is shining... and Spring is always on my mind... nesting is a nice things to do sometimes... nowhere to go, a good book, good food... sounds relaxing... xoxo Julie Marie
Oh you are the domestic diva taking on Susan Branch's stock! Good for you~ a two day process. Love the enamelware jug, how cool is that? Also happy your son will be living near you (not next to you like me and my hubs and mom)!!
Jane I LOVE LOVE your new pillow! Your lucky you had snow, we still have nothing here in NY but the last few days it has gotten very cold! Hope your feeling better! Your chicken soup sure looks good!
Ummmmm yummy stock! I bet your soup is delicious. THat is a bit of a bummer about your coffee table, but April will be here before you know it.
Sorry about your coffee table being on back order, that's a long time to have to wait! I love your pretty throw, the color is gorgeous, and your soup sounds like just what you need to beat your illness. My hubby got out of town before the snow hit. We've just had blustery cold weather here with clear skies, so we're not complaining. But there is something special about the quiet that comes with a good snowfall, enjoy and feel better!
Kat :)
What a cozy, fun post!
I'm loving all of your new accessories!
I was thinking about you when GMA was standing in the streets of Chicago this morn!
We have it in our forcast for the weekend! We'lllllllll see!
Happy Weekend, dear Jane!
Jane, your snowy day reading sounds great and so does the soup. Enjoy your time with Emily. ~ Sarah
Your soup sounds delish!
Yes, it seems that winter has finally arrived!
I'll bet that did smell good, Jane! Soup is always great to have simmering in the Fall and Winter months. Instant warmth! I had hubby working from home today, but yesterday when it started snowing here I had a nice, quiet day by myself.
Love that pillow and throw..
congrats to your son and dil on their home purchase.. Thats always an exciting time.
Cant wait to see your new family room furniture..
Chicken soup heals and chicken soup cures, so you'll be totally well in no time.
Snow, I miss it. We just have had a bit of a dusting today. I love throws and pillows, you can never have enough. Enjoy your dinner and nesting.
You are THE woman for making homemade stock. I have done it but not in a coon's age. Your soup will be divine I am sure. hugs♥O
Hi Jane,
Sounds as though you are making the most of the cold weather with chicken soup, a good book and the thoughts of your newly redecorated room.
I'm happy for your kids too. There is nothing more exciting than your first home.
No snow here, though it has been cold to me. It will be 60 tomorrow. Hope your cold is getting better, though I know you are probably getting cabin fever. That chicken soup should fix you right up. I always send the hubby to the chinese restaurant for chicken soup when I have a cold.
I love the clock and PB throw! I'm making tater soup tomorrow; it's freezing in GA...just no snow. :(
Your pitcher, pillow, and throw are all so pretty! And that stock sounds delicious. We don't do chicken here-the hubby is allergic to chicken! So today my sister-in-law and I went shopping, and I ordered chicken noodle soup for lunch! Got to get it whenever I can. We have cold weather in SC but no snow.
I hope you feel better......Chicken soup really is good medicine, isn't it? I crave juice and soup when I'm not feeling up to snuff....
Snow.....whew.....they're saying we could get some of that next week. Usually it is only a dusting and doesn't last too long here in the PNW. We don't have a fireplace or any other heat source so if the power goes out we're doomed.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Janie, how nice that you got Emilie to shop with all the time. I sure don't miss the snow when we used to live in Waukegan. I like your jug and the other stuff you bought. Can't wait to see your living room set. I hope you feel better soon, maybe that good looking soup of yours will help....Christine
Hi Jane, You have more snow then we do, but we have the bitter cold. Your chicken soup sounds so yummy. It would definitely hit the spot today. Did you get the high winds before your snow started. Hope you are feeling better. It sure does take time to get over it. Have a great weekend. Stay warm and safe. Your Missouri Friend.
Ok First Congrats to your son and daughter in law on the house and what a blessing they are close.
Second the blue jug is lovely.... chippy and all. I reckon it will look beautiful with lavender in Summer. How's the plant going. Has it survived?
The stock looks superb. I bet the soup tastes good, when you do it.
And as for getting out. How about some snowy photos. I would love that if you get a chance to have a walk. Maybe it's too cold. I need to be educated in such things.
The book nook sounds lovely too.
Have a great weekend
Carolyn xx
I just saw that pillow recently and debated on buying it...now I could kick myself!!
I love your collection of treasures for your new room. That pitcher is beautiful!
I can almost smell your soup from up here...mmmmm.
Have a wonderful weekend, Jane!
HI Jane,
I love your new pillow, pitcher and throw, you have such good taste girlfriend!
We got about 7 inches of snow too and of course it's just way too cold! Bring back the 50's!
Dan and I have been hibernating at night and I think we better get out this weekend before we turn into hermits!
Hugs friend and stay warm,
We finally got some snow too. The kids can't wait to go outside and play. I hope you are feeling better.
A snowy weekend at home sounds like a good plan. Have a great weekend!
You have my mouth watering at 7:15AM with that soup! Lol, I put a turkey breast in the crock pot yesterday, along with some celery and onions, and I can't tell you how good my house smelled, even with all of the paint fumes. I don't think I will ever put turkey breast in the oven again, the crock pot is the way to go with it! I can't wait for your family room changes, I am really wanting new ideas now. I know all of your new furniture will be beautiful, and can't wait to see that either. Sorry for the book, I have had too much coffee this morn, sure hope you get to feeling better soon.
There's nothing like homemade chicken stock, it cures all ills!
The Senior Partner is playing chef today, he's making a classic English beef stew with blood sausage and beer! Delish!
Hope you start to feel better soon, this cold of yours has gone on too long, bon weekend.
I thought I smelled something yummy coming from your house:) Hope you get all back to normal soon! Getting out helps me when I feel bad!
Can't wait to see your room all redecorated AND don't wait for the coffee table:) I wish I lived closer to shop where your Daughter works!
Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Me again. YOu have to come back to Cozy Blanket and read the post you left me. Made me laugh out loud.
Stay warm.
Sounds like a lot of fun around your place- snow and family. Two of my favorite things but we rarely see snow here. Congrats to your son and daughter in law on their new house! 5 minutes away! You must be a great mother in law!
I want to be hanging out at your house, with the snow, afghan, chicken soup. It sounds so cozy.
Sounds like you are in hibernation mode but snow and cold can do us all in can't it?! I adore that new pitcher ~ I can see it in my home too if you ever want to get rid of it *wink*. Sorry to hear that your cold is still hanging on ~ mine came back on Thurs ~ sneezy and blowing ~ yahoo (insert sarcasm font here). At least I am feeling better today so I hope to get my house cleaned and put back together. Enjoy your week-end Jane. xo
Hello Blondie-I have just stumbled on your delightful blog--What a treat!! I have added you to my favorites-Beth
Hi Jane, always fun to read what you're up too. My son, who lives your way, said it was just enough of snow to go have fun in. They are really loving the mild Chicago weather this year. I can almost smell your stock simmering now. :) After tons of stores, I finally ordered our sofas too. It will take two months for them to arrive so that gives me lots of time to redo some other things. I sure had a heck of a time finding two simple white sofas like I wanted. Now I am having trouble finding a new rug. I'll know it when I see it though. Love your new pillow. Hope you are having a fabulous weekend. xo P.S. I found the most amazing cable knit soooooo soft creamy throw at Big Lots all tied up with a grosgrain ribbon. It's gorgeous. Do you have Big Lots?
I thought of you, Jane, when the snow started falling. I know you have been missing it.
Great quote and wonderful touches throughout. I too think there is nothing like a pot of stock on the stove. It would be great to have you join me at Seasonal Sundays.
- The Tablescaper
Oh you have snow...must be so pretty!
Your new picher is very nice Jane.
Hope you get better quickly...I know I am just getting over a cold too!
Some of that soup sounds wonderful!!
Have a great weekend and I hope you can get out..even for a bit!
Deborah xoxo
Girlfriend...that pillow is 2die4. I want one! Bah! Here I make pillows but I can never have enough!
It was 60 degrees here today in Oklahoma. The doors were open and the FRESH AIR was streaming in! LOVED IT!
Can I tell you I HATE SNOW?
Cali is forever in my blood!
Hello Blondie, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment about our Mollly. Your post today is beautiful, so glad you got the snow you wanted. We had several snows here. I have a long weekend, snow day on Friday and Monday is a holiday. Enjoying my time off!
Have a wonderful week! Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Happy new year to you! I've vowed to trying to get around to everyone. I hope the chicken soup helps you feel better, it sure looks and sounds delicious.
Jane, I don't know what I love more...the thought of the smell of your homemade chicken stock or your new blue pitcher!
Enjoy a cozy weekend!
There still isn't much for snow here, but I have to say that I'm pretty happy about it. It sounds like you're keeping cozy. Hope you feel better soon...maybe the soup and an outing will help :)
How exciting that your son and DIL will be living five minutes away...that will really be fun when those grandchildren come along:) Glad that you got that snow that you have been waiting for and hope you are having a wonderful weekend my friend.
Love your little quote! We got a spattering of snow ..not enough to even stick! Your stock looks incredible...makes me hungry ..now I'm in the mood for chicken noodles homemade! Hope you are feeling better. I know what you mean though ...I don't get out in the snowy roads...would rather my hubbie drive me around! Stay warm!
Miss Bloomers
Love your little quote! We got a spattering of snow ..not enough to even stick! Your stock looks incredible...makes me hungry ..now I'm in the mood for chicken noodles homemade! Hope you are feeling better. I know what you mean though ...I don't get out in the snowy roads...would rather my hubbie drive me around! Stay warm!
Miss Bloomers
Hi Jane! Oh, I love that pretty new blue pitcher of yours! And that pillow! ;) Snow snow snow! Wish we could have just a little it of it!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Being in the midwest...we've only seen 2 days of snow this winter...and 40 degree days...kinda feels like I'm back in California ;o) and may I say...your chicken broth looks yummy!
How exciting to get beautiful snow! We're getting clouds and recently had some rain. But, I'm not complaining since it isn't as cold as it is where you are. I don't handle bone chilling cold well. Speaking of cold, I hope you get to feeling better soon. That chicken stock that you made looks like it will do the trick! That looks really good.
HI Jane! I hope by now you are feeling alot better! I am on the way to the Dr. along with mu hubby: he has swollen glands and I have a UTI....YUCK! So, we both need antibiotics! We don't have any snow and I am praying we continue to get MOSTLY warm temps so our daughter and SIL's new house wioll start construction! Your stock looks GOOD! I ahve a Kindle that I love, especially for traveling. We are leaving for Fl. 2/3!!! Can't wait! XO, Pinky
you know how jealous I am that you got snow!! How exciting for you to have your son and DIL close by! You will have so much fun when those grandbabies come along!! Your pillow is adorable, perfect! Hope that soup knocks out the last of your sickness, it looked devine!
PS> FYI, it's 2:30pm, I'm watching General Hospital and have both the tree and mantle lights on and am lovin it!
The chicken photo is so good! Magazine worthy! Yum....
I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I so love it. I have read and read and read....that and those dang ANGRY BIRDS! My name is Lou Cinda and I am addicted to Angry Birds....
Stay Warm!
Lou Cinda
I love the soft colors you are using...such pretty things. We didn't get nearly the snow you did, just an inch or 2, but we did get the wind and cold. Of course we were back up to almost 60 today and they say snow tomorrow. You never know how to dress around here!
That looks totally delicious ... you are making me very hungry!
I have just fallen in love with your blog! So happy to have stumbled across you & your gorgeous blog! I have just signed up as your latest follower! I look forward to popping back for some more inspiration~
Melissah from Country Style cHic
Hello. For some reason I wasn't able to see the comment link on the post regarding the mantle. I love the items in the mantle. I believe the reason you are seeing a straight line is because your drapes and mirror are hung at same height. Is it possible to move the drapes up? Easy fix is lower mirror Hope your day is great.
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