We are well into a new week and I can't help but think how fast January had flown by. For a cold and uneventful month, it seems to have disappeared. All that snow that you see in my backyard has melted as the temps have reached the 30's. Perfect weather for flinging open the windows and letting the house have a good airing. It sounds like everyone is buying flowers lately and I couldn't stop myself while grocery shopping Saturday. These were in the clearance {Almost Dead} bins. I should have splurged on some healthy ones. Next time. They're not too shabby. Now you can see why I was a child who took in stray dogs and cats. A trip to Marshall's netted me some cute things for the house, like this piece of driftwood. And these terra cotta pots that I am going to plant some basil and thyme in for the windowsill. I also found a jute runner for one of my halls, some nice candles and a few other pretty things. Let's face it, I was bored but the prices are SO good. Retail therapy for sure. Some people love pillows and I am one of them. In fact, I wouldn't even let myself look at them yesterday. Well, like my love for pillows, I really LOVE baskets. The more different, the better. These came in small, medium and large. I bought 2 of each size from Wisteria. I need to clean out my china cupboard and the drawers that hold napkins and place mats, etc, and now I have a way to make it look pretty, too. My linen closet is on my To Do list also. Every time I open the door I shudder. Don't you love chicken wire? My new coffee table {not delivered yet} has a lower shelf and I thought the larger baskets would look cute underneath holding magazines and what not. Can you see why I love baskets?
If the weather stays this warm, we might take a trip to the lakehouse this weekend. It doesn't hurt to check up on things and of course we always need the change of scenery. A few long walks, a fire in the fireplace and maybe something warm and delicious in the crockpot. I think it sounds like a plan.
I hope you are having a good week. I am joining in on the party at Kim's of Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday, although I don't really see any big Wows here! Take care :-)
I love baskets too! At least you have a plan for them! I buy them with no clue whatsoever where I am going to put them, but I figure sooner or later they will be used. Hope you have a great rest of the week. It will be Spring before we know it and another season at the Lakehouse :)
I love baskets too! I have never ordered anything from Wisteria yet! Yes I do love chicken wire. Your coffee table sounds nice and it will look nice with the baskets under it.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr looks cold to me girlfriend!!!! We've been in the 60's & 70's mixed with some 30's. It's winter but, not a bad one. Supposed to have some rain tonight & tomorrow... Love your flowers & the containers for herbs (kitchen windows always look great with herbs growing). When I went to Market the other day I bought the coolest things called water beads. Have you heard of them? You put them in a vase, add water & the beads sweel up & are beautiful colored pearls of water for your flowers... Miss all my blogging buddies but, I'm trying to get back into the swing after the holidays. Come by for a visit. HUGS! Charlene
Oh Blondie, I absolutely love baskets and boxes. For keeping things organized. I think the chicken wire baskets are great. I'd like those myself.Just 56 more days till the official Spring, not saying we couldn't have some big old snows. Smiles to you,Susie(She Junks)
You cannot beat a good basket and chicken wire adds that wonderful layer of texture. They are lovely Jane. We have sun and I have been weeding the flower garden of all things. hugs, olive
Hi Jane, sounds like your retail therapy paid off, you got some great things!... I love the little terra cotta pots... I have basil growing in my windowsill right now and snip some off as I need it... (Tessy is fascinated by the smell of it!)... your flowers are pretty and they don't look half~dead to me, they look beautiful... my favorite is your baskets!... I place baskets all over my house too, especially full of magazines, then they are sooo easy to carry out to where I want them... have fun if you go to the lakehouse... we got dumped on again with a huge snowstorm... so now the only Spring in sight here really is in my dreams... love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Oh my gosh I buy my flowers from the dead bin too! My grocery store calls them "manager's special!" I saw those baskets in the Wisteria catalog. They are perfect for just about anything. Have fun if you go to the lake...Ann
Love the chicken wire on those baskets, Jane! It sounds like you got some good therapy! : ) I am still being good, but don't know how long I can hold out. I did realize, though, how I just throw things in a cart without really giving it much thought, so it has been a lesson in realizing I could live without some things this month!
Oh just found your blog, how do you do?? We share a lot in common, apart from your current snow & my Australian Summer sunshine - but i adore baskets, farm house style, my husband & 4 children too. SO lovely to have found you, love Posie
Love the baskets and the drift wood. I see too many pillows I adore and hold myself back somehow and make my own. Otherwise the pillow payment here would be astronomical lol..
I think that trip to the lkae house sounds divine! I have never saw chicken wire baskets and I did not know you could buy drift wood, I live in another world and I need to get out more,
I love those baskets too, I never thought of the coffee table:) I also loved your blog books, how neat is that, I'd love to get them for when the granddaughters are older and they would appreciate them.
I love, love, love the terra cotta pots Jane. I love the baskets too, and I love those you came home with! They are the greatest for storage! hugs from here...
Please excuse me for having to say this, but "Are you kidding"? You said it warmed up to the 30's and now you can sling open your windows and air out your house. I need to relook at where you live, because the 30's are COLD!! I live in the south, so when it dips that low, I'm expecting snow! Ha! If that is a warmer temp for you, then what did it used to be? I love all your new things. I agree, if you've been cooped up in the house, retail therapy is the best!
too funny as I was just airing out the house today! anything over 32 and it almost feels warm! I love fresh air too. I agree, January is just blowing by. I think it especially feels that way since we've had such a quiet winter... so far;)
I love your new chicken wire baskets! The lining looks like burlap...so pretty! Can't wait to see your new room when do do the big reveal! Stay warm! Miss Bloomers
A trip to the lake, long walks, and sitting by the fire sounds like a great plan to me! Your baskets are the cutest! Retail therapy is always fun! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Hugs!
I am a basket lover too Jane and Trev makes fun of me constantly as I am always buying a new one and bringing it home. He'll say ~ now what are you going to do with THAT one!! I am off to Home Sense tomorrow (our version of Home Goods). I am on the hunt for new towels as I have some in the closet that can be bagged up and taken to the SPCA. Enjoy the rest of your week ~ it's been mild here too! xo
Jane, even on their last leg the flowers look pretty good and you gave them somewhere pretty to spend their "last" days! Can we ever have enough baskets, I don't think so! Love yours, they are fab! Rebecca
Those chicken wire baskets are fab, I don't know Wisteria, have to take a look! I laughed at your comment on taking in strays, hope your flowers surprise you and stay fresh! I cleaned out my linen closet recently and it was so liberating, some things I just couldn't let go though, like pretty quilts and the kids baby blankets! I'm just not a minimalist, sigh:-) Tracey
Blondie, those chicken wire baskets are to die for! I would love some of those. I can see them all over the house. I am in the mood for some flowers too. We finally got inundated with snow and flowers sound like the perfect pick me up!
I agree with you, I think the food in Vegas is amazing! My hubby has to go there in Feb. for a business conference and I am already begging to go just for eating and shopping! Have a great week.
Another basket-lover here. I have friends who call me when they need a basket for something because they know I have so many odd shapes and colours. I can't resist them!
Love the baskets with chicken wire Jane, ooh I think I need some of those! I think Galena would be perfect for this summer, wish it would hurry up and get here! We are still pretty cold although a warm up is coming our way. Have fun at the Lake, wish we could join you! Big Hugs, Cindy
I love baskets too!!! With all of my organizing I have been doing, I am happy to pull some of them out of my stash:) I just looked at the bargain tulips yesterday at the grocery store but decided they would last very long! Have a blessed day fluffing your nest! HUGS!
I love baskets and pillows to. I did the same thing while at ROSS'S the other day... I had to completely avoid the pillow isle. I did however find an awesome round wire basket ( that I didn't need.) hope you get to the lake house... sounds fantastic.
Your baskets will look great under your coffee table! I like chicken wire, too. Great find, Jane!!! You are getting prepared for your coffee table. Wisteria is one of my favorite catalogs. :D
Cute baskets...I'm lovin' the look of chicken wire too! Hope you get to make it to the lake house this weekend...I'm having a good time here at our beach home, but it would be better if I wasn't installing a new floor:)
I've sworn off retail therapy for the entire month of January - hard going though as, instead of being housebound with Winter type weather which makes no shopping easy, the lovely weather is calling me outside!
Did get lovely fresh flowers at Trader Joe's yesterday when 64 degrees just drew me from the depths of the house, and making another large pot of warming soup, again!
Yes, I agree, Jane, "retail therapy" is the best kind! And usually cheaper, too! LOL
I love your new chicken wire baskets ...too cute! If you're going to be sliding them in & out from beneath your new coffee table and if they're going to be sitting on a lower wooden shelf, be sure to stick on some felt chair protector pads on those wire bottoms. I have scratches all over the sewing room's TV armoire (sp?) from the grandkidlets pulling the baskets in & out. I should have thought about prevention.
Warm hugs, Rett
p.s. Hasn't this been the BEST winter so far???!!! :-D
Do you think we are all wanting flowers b/c of the warmer temps? It's like spring time at my house today! I also love baskets. The ones you bought are so cute!
Are you saying 30 degrees is warm enough to open up and air the house out? Maybe it's all relative. 66 here and I did keep the door open for a good part of it. Like your baskets a lot!
I am a basket lover also. Did you get into the Longaberger craze a few years ago? Let's just say I was a very good customer! I still have my favorites from that line, but would love to find a good home for the rest. Now I like baskets with a bit more texture-especially wire ones! Enjoy your new finds-gotta love Marshalls and TJ!
I am a basket lover also. Did you get into the Longaberger craze a few years ago? Let's just say I was a very good customer! I still have my favorites from that line, but would love to find a good home for the rest. Now I like baskets with a bit more texture-especially wire ones! Enjoy your new finds-gotta love Marshalls and TJ!
I love that piece of driftwood, and those pretty pots, they will be so pretty filled with herbs. And I have a real thing for baskets too! I finally gave some away at Christmastime, I just didn't have a place for them anymore. I would find room for the ones you bought though!
Good day my dear friend..girl we have been so lucky on on mountain had snow on Sunday but it didn't stick ha ha!! I love looking at it but sure hate driving in it..I gave every basket I had to my daughter last I had a closet full of them and had not used them..I pray all is well in your world my dear sweet friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria
I tell myself that I don't collect baskets but as I look around the house, I think I am in denial. For awhile I couldn't pass up glass or porcelain bride's baskets. Hey! That could be a future post for me! :-)
HI BLONDIE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by and for all your kind words of encouragement during my long illness. I am taking my last anti-biotic today and after taking them for 6 long weeks all I can say is PRAISE GOD, I feel nearly 100%. My Sister and brother live in suburbs of Chicago, my sister is in Plainsfield, my brother in Channahon. And my niece is in Palatine. I love visiting Chicago and the next time I make it out there,, we will have to MEET somewhere in the CITY!!!!I love the chicken wire baskets you found, what store was it again????I also need to get some window sill pots to grow some herbs in, although it is in the 70's all week here in Sunny ARIZONA!!!this is why we put up with our long HOT summers, as our winters are quite nice, COOL at night for sure, still gets cold actually, my heat came on last night too!! Wish you all the best in 2012!!! have fun at your lake house, Do you know Cindy from Applestone Cottage???She is coming to Az!!! Hugs, jamie
I love chicken wire too. I love all of your touches and your flowers are lovely. Our winter has been pretty uneventful in general. New England has never been so mild. I guess Alaska got all of our snow this year. How about Chicago, has it been very cold?
Well have a lovely evening. I can't wait to see your new coffee table. Karen
Love your chicken wire baskets! I saw some chicken wire candle holders in a magazine yesterday that I'd really like to have. It was 75 degrees here today, and yes, I opened all the windows to let the house air out. Being from the south, I bundle up at 32 degrees.
I am glad your weather i getting warmer, Janie. It's way too warm here, it's been in the 80's at daytime. Love the chicken wire baskets. I have a few of them. I've even used a big round one for plates on the kitchen counter. I bet you can't wait to start going to the lakehouse....Christine
Just wanted to say thank you so much for your sweet visit to my little corner of blogland, and I am always happy to visit your blog. I love the idea of long walks by the lake, sitting by the fire, and of course, something yummy from the crockpot*! You paint a beautiful weekend in my mind. Love it*!!!
Like your baskets Jane ~ they're pretty cute! Bet you can't wait to get your coffee table, that will be fun! Hasn't this winter been crazy with the temps? We're nervous to see what February brings! Have a great weekend! Karla & Karrie
Hi Jane, Theres nothing like retail therapy! ; ) What wonderful purchases you made. I especially love the baskets. The chicken wire is perfect! Sending warm thoughts your way.
I too love baskets! They are definitely versatile and can be used to store/fix up clutter, while still being beautiful & decorative! And your market blooms look beautiful to me! :)
And I laughed to myself when you said that it was warmer to have the temps over there in the 30's! And here I complain that I'm cold when it's in the 60's over here!!! :)
Hey Jane, hope you made it to the lake this weekend. My son is just amazed at the weather you all are having....not much snow to speak of. Usually by now they are planning a warm weather trip because they are so sick of the deep cold. LOL...they are still planning the trip but not because of the bad weather up there. Love your chicken wire baskets!!
I DO love chicken wire baskets. I have an old French one (a fishing basket) in my bathroom holding towels and new ones by my bath tub holding bubble bath, etc.
Hi Jane, Those baskets are really great! The chicken wire is so unique. I'll have to check out Wisteria. Have a great week:) ~Debra xxx Capers of the vintage vixens
I know what you mean about time. Seems like this month just started, and I was shocked to look at the calender the other day to realize Febuary is almost here.
I'm more of a pillow girl and can't stop buyint those, but my Mom is like you. If she is shopping, she's always finding unique baskets and trying to figure out a way to use it in the house. Doesn't matter how many we have, but she usually finds a place for them.
I really like your flower pots. Those with be cute with those toparies made from herbs. I don't usually manage to keep herbs growing that long, but a girl can dream.
You're welcome to share this or any other post at my party starting tomorrow if you'd like.
Thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend and saying hello!
Hi, Blondie...you always find the neatest things. I wish we had that melted snow you speak of...we are sooo dry here. The city said, unless we really got some awesome amts of rain, they would be rationing water this spring and summer. I won't plant a garden this year...maybe a few containers...
Oh, I love pillows, and baskets too...especially the wire ones. I hope you found some time to spend at your lakehouse over the weekend, Jane. The flower pots will be perfect for your herbs. Enjoy the rest of the week. xxoo
Love your chicken wire baskets and I realize I need some retail Marshalls or TJM/Homegoods therapy right about now too! Your description of the lakehouse time sounds perfectly dreamy. Take me away!!!!!
Love baskets..can't wait to see your new table. Sounds like a get away to the lake house would be nice. Food in the crockpot, fire, does not get any better than that. Have a wonderful week, Melissa
Hi Blondie! Thanks for your visit. It's nice to know I still have blog friends after my absence. Oh! I should have mentioned on my post how much chicken wire we saw at market too. Your baskets are adorable and very much IN! They will be perfect for so many things. I did giggle over your trip to Marshalls and buying just becuz! :) Sounds like the January blahs to me even though we are enjoying a lovely winter, huh? We reach 69 yesterday!! Donna
I love baskets too, my favorite are the old metal heavy ones! Usually if I like it, there is a hefty price tag on it...which means I don't have very many!
Retail therapy is always a great way to spend the day! You found some amazing goodies too! Can't wait to see your new coffee table :o) Have fun at the lake! ~Des
I do love those baskets! I also bought pots for basil and rosemary over the weekend. I haven't planted them yet. I don't have a place on my kitchen window wide enough to put them, so I hope they will get enough light on the counter. I thought they would make the house smell good!
I love baskets too! At least you have a plan for them! I buy them with no clue whatsoever where I am going to put them, but I figure sooner or later they will be used. Hope you have a great rest of the week. It will be Spring before we know it and another season at the Lakehouse :)
Lou Cinda
I love baskets too! I have never ordered anything from Wisteria yet! Yes I do love chicken wire. Your coffee table sounds nice and it will look nice with the baskets under it.
I love baskets have lots of them filled with alsorts.Love Jill xx
I love pillows and baskets too!! The chicken wire is such a cute touch on them!
I think a bit of retail therapy is a great way to beat the Winter Blues.
Also I think those baskets and the pots are a definate 'wow'.
Have fun at the lake house if you decide to go.
Carolyn xx
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr looks cold to me girlfriend!!!! We've been in the 60's & 70's mixed with some 30's. It's winter but, not a bad one. Supposed to have some rain tonight & tomorrow... Love your flowers & the containers for herbs (kitchen windows always look great with herbs growing). When I went to Market the other day I bought the coolest things called water beads. Have you heard of them? You put them in a vase, add water & the beads sweel up & are beautiful colored pearls of water for your flowers... Miss all my blogging buddies but, I'm trying to get back into the swing after the holidays. Come by for a visit. HUGS!
Oh Blondie, I absolutely love baskets and boxes. For keeping things organized. I think the chicken wire baskets are great. I'd like those myself.Just 56 more days till the official Spring, not saying we couldn't have some big old snows. Smiles to you,Susie(She Junks)
yes... baskets...
yes... chicken wire...
I'm with you girlie all the way!
You cannot beat a good basket and chicken wire adds that wonderful layer of texture. They are lovely Jane. We have sun and I have been weeding the flower garden of all things. hugs, olive
I love baskets also and those chicken wire one's are so cute!!!
I agree with you! I am a closet "basket-a-holic"! There, I said it out loud! Love the chicken wire baskets. Linda
Hi Jane, sounds like your retail therapy paid off, you got some great things!... I love the little terra cotta pots... I have basil growing in my windowsill right now and snip some off as I need it... (Tessy is fascinated by the smell of it!)... your flowers are pretty and they don't look half~dead to me, they look beautiful... my favorite is your baskets!... I place baskets all over my house too, especially full of magazines, then they are sooo easy to carry out to where I want them... have fun if you go to the lakehouse... we got dumped on again with a huge snowstorm... so now the only Spring in sight here really is in my dreams... love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Oh my gosh I buy my flowers from the dead bin too! My grocery store calls them "manager's special!" I saw those baskets in the Wisteria catalog. They are perfect for just about anything. Have fun if you go to the lake...Ann
Love the chicken wire on those baskets, Jane! It sounds like you got some good therapy! : ) I am still being good, but don't know how long I can hold out. I did realize, though, how I just throw things in a cart without really giving it much thought, so it has been a lesson in realizing I could live without some things this month!
Oh just found your blog, how do you do?? We share a lot in common, apart from your current snow & my Australian Summer sunshine - but i adore baskets, farm house style, my husband & 4 children too. SO lovely to have found you, love Posie
Love the baskets and the drift wood.
I see too many pillows I adore and hold myself back somehow and make my own. Otherwise the pillow payment here would be astronomical lol..
You can never have too many baskets, right? We had such warm, sunny weather here in GA. today...highs in the mid-60's. No complaints from me!
I think that trip to the lkae house sounds divine!
I have never saw chicken wire baskets and I did not know you could buy drift wood, I live in another world and I need to get out more,
I love those baskets too, I never thought of the coffee table:)
I also loved your blog books, how neat is that, I'd love to get them for when the granddaughters are older and they would appreciate them.
I love, love, love the terra cotta pots Jane. I love the baskets too, and I love those you came home with! They are the greatest for storage!
hugs from here...
Good scores...I have a chicken wire basket like that, and I love it too. I agree this month flew by. Now if only SPring would get here.
Lovin' your new baskets Jane! Hope the weather stays nice and you can get away this weekend. Yep, the snow has melted here in Philly too-enjoy:@)
ooh, I love all of your finds here....
Please excuse me for having to say this, but "Are you kidding"? You said it warmed up to the 30's and now you can sling open your windows and air out your house. I need to relook at where you live, because the 30's are COLD!! I live in the south, so when it dips that low, I'm expecting snow! Ha! If that is a warmer temp for you, then what did it used to be? I love all your new things. I agree, if you've been cooped up in the house, retail therapy is the best!
It's me again. Chicago! Say no more........
too funny as I was just airing out the house today! anything over 32 and it almost feels warm! I love fresh air too. I agree, January is just blowing by. I think it especially feels that way since we've had such a quiet winter... so far;)
hope you are well! oh, and fun finds!!
I love your new chicken wire baskets! The lining looks like burlap...so pretty! Can't wait to see your new room when do do the big reveal! Stay warm!
Miss Bloomers
A trip to the lake, long walks, and sitting by the fire sounds like a great plan to me!
Your baskets are the cutest!
Retail therapy is always fun!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.
I am a basket lover too Jane and Trev makes fun of me constantly as I am always buying a new one and bringing it home. He'll say ~ now what are you going to do with THAT one!! I am off to Home Sense tomorrow (our version of Home Goods). I am on the hunt for new towels as I have some in the closet that can be bagged up and taken to the SPCA. Enjoy the rest of your week ~ it's been mild here too! xo
even on their last leg the flowers look pretty good and you gave them somewhere pretty to spend their "last" days! Can we ever have enough baskets, I don't think so! Love yours, they are fab!
Those chicken wire baskets are fab, I don't know Wisteria, have to take a look! I laughed at your comment on taking in strays, hope your flowers surprise you and stay fresh! I cleaned out my linen closet recently and it was so liberating, some things I just couldn't let go though, like pretty quilts and the kids baby blankets! I'm just not a minimalist, sigh:-)
Blondie, those chicken wire baskets are to die for! I would love some of those. I can see them all over the house. I am in the mood for some flowers too. We finally got inundated with snow and flowers sound like the perfect pick me up!
I agree with you, I think the food in Vegas is amazing! My hubby has to go there in Feb. for a business conference and I am already begging to go just for eating and shopping! Have a great week.
Another basket-lover here. I have friends who call me when they need a basket for something because they know I have so many odd shapes and colours. I can't resist them!
Great looking baskets, your retail therapy sounds like you had a good time and the trip to the lake house sounds wonderful, too.
Love the baskets with chicken wire Jane, ooh I think I need some of those!
I think Galena would be perfect for this summer, wish it would hurry up and get here!
We are still pretty cold although a warm up is coming our way.
Have fun at the Lake, wish we could join you!
Big Hugs,
I love baskets too!!! With all of my organizing I have been doing, I am happy to pull some of them out of my stash:) I just looked at the bargain tulips yesterday at the grocery store but decided they would last very long! Have a blessed day fluffing your nest! HUGS!
I love baskets and pillows to. I did the same thing while at ROSS'S the other day... I had to completely avoid the pillow isle. I did however find an awesome round wire basket ( that I didn't need.) hope you get to the lake house... sounds fantastic.
Love those baskets!
Your baskets will look great under your coffee table! I like chicken wire, too. Great find, Jane!!! You are getting prepared for your coffee table. Wisteria is one of my favorite catalogs. :D
Cute baskets...I'm lovin' the look of chicken wire too! Hope you get to make it to the lake house this weekend...I'm having a good time here at our beach home, but it would be better if I wasn't installing a new floor:)
I've sworn off retail therapy for the entire month of January - hard going though as, instead of being housebound with Winter type weather which makes no shopping easy, the lovely weather is calling me outside!
Did get lovely fresh flowers at Trader Joe's yesterday when 64 degrees just drew me from the depths of the house, and making another large pot of warming soup, again!
Nice finds Jane - enjoy!
Mary X
Yes, I agree, Jane, "retail therapy" is the best kind! And usually cheaper, too! LOL
I love your new chicken wire baskets ...too cute! If you're going to be sliding them in & out from beneath your new coffee table and if they're going to be sitting on a lower wooden shelf, be sure to stick on some felt chair protector pads on those wire bottoms. I have scratches all over the sewing room's TV armoire (sp?) from the grandkidlets pulling the baskets in & out. I should have thought about prevention.
Warm hugs,
p.s. Hasn't this been the BEST winter so far???!!! :-D
Jane, baskets are fun, they can go anywhere and I do love them! Have fun creating with them!
Do you think we are all wanting flowers b/c of the warmer temps? It's like spring time at my house today! I also love baskets. The ones you bought are so cute!
Are you saying 30 degrees is warm enough to open up and air the house out? Maybe it's all relative. 66 here and I did keep the door open for a good part of it. Like your baskets a lot!
I am a basket lover also. Did you get into the Longaberger craze a few years ago? Let's just say I was a very good customer! I still have my favorites from that line, but would love to find a good home for the rest. Now I like baskets with a bit more texture-especially wire ones! Enjoy your new finds-gotta love Marshalls and TJ!
I love baskets, too. I use to drag them home from Europe. My husband would just roll his eyes ... another basket?
I am a basket lover also. Did you get into the Longaberger craze a few years ago? Let's just say I was a very good customer! I still have my favorites from that line, but would love to find a good home for the rest. Now I like baskets with a bit more texture-especially wire ones! Enjoy your new finds-gotta love Marshalls and TJ!
Hi Jane!
The day are just flying bye! Does that only happen as we get older?
I love Marshall's/Home Goods/TJMaxx! I have put myself on shopping restriction. No MORE stuff until I can downsize what I already have.
I hope you get some warmer weather... we are in the low 80's today, but a little breezy.
xoxo Bunny Jean
I love that piece of driftwood, and those pretty pots, they will be so pretty filled with herbs. And I have a real thing for baskets too! I finally gave some away at Christmastime, I just didn't have a place for them anymore. I would find room for the ones you bought though!
Kat :)
Good day my dear friend..girl we have been so lucky on on mountain had snow on Sunday but it didn't stick ha ha!! I love looking at it but sure hate driving in it..I gave every basket I had to my daughter last I had a closet full of them and had not used them..I pray all is well in your world my dear sweet friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria
your baskets are adorable! the chicken wire
looks so country and homey!
Oh me too, me too! I don't have any wire ones like the ones you have shown. They are calling my name, I think!!! So pretty!
I tell myself that I don't collect baskets but as I look around the house, I think I am in denial. For awhile I couldn't pass up glass or porcelain bride's baskets. Hey! That could be a future post for me! :-)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by and for all your kind words of encouragement during my long illness. I am taking my last anti-biotic today and after taking them for 6 long weeks all I can say is PRAISE GOD, I feel nearly 100%. My Sister and brother live in suburbs of Chicago, my sister is in Plainsfield, my brother in Channahon. And my niece is in Palatine. I love visiting Chicago and the next time I make it out there,, we will have to MEET somewhere in the CITY!!!!I love the chicken wire baskets you found, what store was it again????I also need to get some window sill pots to grow some herbs in, although it is in the 70's all week here in Sunny ARIZONA!!!this is why we put up with our long HOT summers, as our winters are quite nice, COOL at night for sure, still gets cold actually, my heat came on last night too!!
Wish you all the best in 2012!!!
have fun at your lake house, Do you know Cindy from Applestone Cottage???She is coming to Az!!!
Fresh basil and oregano from the windowsill... sounds delightful.
Don't give up on the snow just yet, I'm sure there's plenty around the corner.
Hi Jane,
I love chicken wire too. I love all of your touches and your flowers are lovely. Our winter has been pretty uneventful in general. New England has never been so mild. I guess Alaska got all of our snow this year. How about Chicago, has it been very cold?
Well have a lovely evening. I can't wait to see your new coffee table.
Love your chicken wire baskets! I saw some chicken wire candle holders in a magazine yesterday that I'd really like to have. It was 75 degrees here today, and yes, I opened all the windows to let the house air out. Being from the south, I bundle up at 32 degrees.
I am glad your weather i getting warmer, Janie. It's way too warm here, it's been in the 80's at daytime. Love the chicken wire baskets. I have a few of them. I've even used a big round one for plates on the kitchen counter. I bet you can't wait to start going to the lakehouse....Christine
I do LOVE those baskets. The wire and liner make them functional but kicky.
Hi Janie, I love the driftwood and the baskets and of course, flowers are always a must for me. Yours are so pretty.
We have had temps in the high 70's...gorgeous but a bit too warm for me. I would like it somewhat cooler.
Have a great weekend,
I'm such a basket girl too...actually...if it can hold something...i love it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Just wanted to say thank you so much for your sweet visit to my little corner of blogland, and I am always happy to visit your blog. I love the idea of long walks by the lake, sitting by the fire, and of course, something yummy from the crockpot*! You paint a beautiful weekend in my mind. Love it*!!!
Dear Jane,
I love your flower decoration!!!!
Have a nice weekend,
Like your baskets Jane ~ they're pretty cute! Bet you can't wait to get your coffee table, that will be fun! Hasn't this winter been crazy with the temps? We're nervous to see what February brings! Have a great weekend!
Karla & Karrie
Hi Jane,
Theres nothing like retail therapy! ; ) What wonderful purchases you made. I especially love the baskets. The chicken wire is perfect!
Sending warm thoughts your way.
Awesome finds, Janie. The baskets will be perfect. Anxious to see the finished entire home.
This weather has been soooooooo nice this winter ... bulbs coming up, buds on everything.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Oooo, those baskets are wonderful! I'll have to check Wisteria out.
Happy, Happy weekend!!!
~ Zuzu
Hi Jane,
I too love baskets! They are definitely versatile and can be used to store/fix up clutter, while still being beautiful & decorative! And your market blooms look beautiful to me! :)
And I laughed to myself when you said that it was warmer to have the temps over there in the 30's! And here I complain that I'm cold when it's in the 60's over here!!! :)
Wishing you a most lovely rest of the weekend!
Hey Jane, hope you made it to the lake this weekend. My son is just amazed at the weather you all are having....not much snow to speak of. Usually by now they are planning a warm weather trip because they are so sick of the deep cold. LOL...they are still planning the trip but not because of the bad weather up there. Love your chicken wire baskets!!
Hi Jane,
Some retail therapy indeed girl!
I love my trips to HomeGoods and TJ Maxx.
I DO love chicken wire baskets. I have an old French one (a fishing basket) in my bathroom holding towels and new ones by my bath tub holding bubble bath, etc.
January did seem to fly by!
Baskets are my friend since they keep all my mess tidy!!
Hope your snow goes away quick!
I adore chicken wire! Someday I would love to have a cupboard with chicken wire fronts.
I like baskets too. And Alstromoeria. Your flowers are beautiful.
Hi Jane, Those baskets are really great! The chicken wire is so unique. I'll have to check out Wisteria. Have a great week:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Great finds, Jane, but my favs are those cute baskets! ♥ Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie
Lovely finds...those baskets are adorable. Happy new week to you.
I know what you mean about time. Seems like this month just started, and I was shocked to look at the calender the other day to realize Febuary is almost here.
I'm more of a pillow girl and can't stop buyint those, but my Mom is like you. If she is shopping, she's always finding unique baskets and trying to figure out a way to use it in the house. Doesn't matter how many we have, but she usually finds a place for them.
I really like your flower pots. Those with be cute with those toparies made from herbs. I don't usually manage to keep herbs growing that long, but a girl can dream.
You're welcome to share this or any other post at my party starting tomorrow if you'd like.
Thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend and saying hello!
Such fun stuff! I haven't been to Marshalls in ages! I need to go!
Hi, Blondie...you always find the neatest things.
I wish we had that melted snow you speak of...we are sooo dry here. The city said, unless we really got some awesome amts of rain, they would be rationing water this spring and summer. I won't plant a garden this year...maybe a few containers...
Oh, I love pillows, and baskets too...especially the wire ones.
I hope you found some time to spend at your lakehouse over the weekend, Jane.
The flower pots will be perfect for your herbs.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
I love the driftwood;
imagine, at Marshall's!
I'm a sucker for the
chicken wire, too. Your
time at the lake sounds
perfect ~ hope you made
it happen!
xx Suzanne
I am a big basket fan myself! Love the wired ones. Hugs, Sherry
Love your chicken wire baskets and I realize I need some retail Marshalls or TJM/Homegoods therapy right about now too!
Your description of the lakehouse time sounds perfectly dreamy.
Take me away!!!!!
Love baskets..can't wait to see your new table.
Sounds like a get away to the lake house would be nice. Food in the crockpot, fire, does not get any better than that.
Have a wonderful week,
Hi Blondie! Thanks for your visit. It's nice to know I still have blog friends after my absence. Oh! I should have mentioned on my post how much chicken wire we saw at market too. Your baskets are adorable and very much IN! They will be perfect for so many things. I did giggle over your trip to Marshalls and buying just becuz! :) Sounds like the January blahs to me even though we are enjoying a lovely winter, huh? We reach 69 yesterday!!
I love baskets too, my favorite are the old metal heavy ones! Usually if I like it, there is a hefty price tag on it...which means I don't have very many!
Retail therapy is always a great way to spend the day! You found some amazing goodies too! Can't wait to see your new coffee table :o) Have fun at the lake!
I do love those baskets! I also bought pots for basil and rosemary over the weekend. I haven't planted them yet. I don't have a place on my kitchen window wide enough to put them, so I hope they will get enough light on the counter. I thought they would make the house smell good!
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