This weekend nothing got planted. It rained and howled Saturday and Sunday until it seemed to wear itself out come Monday. At one point on Sunday we actually stood in the hallway while the wind and rain blew like crazy. I think we are all a little on edge with the weather we have been having.
So Monday was beautiful. We got the patio furniture out and the hanging swing. I put my little bistro table out under the big maple tree and we sat outside reading our books and having a few refreshments. It was good to just relax.
Today I am back home and it is off to the nursery to buy flowers and plants for here. After all the heat we had yesterday, it is going to be good to get outside.
Now I want to hear what everyone did for the holiday weekend. I know everyone was having a problem with blogger and commenting last week so it will be nice to hear what your plans were and how much fun you had. Did it rain on your parade? How are your gardens doing?
I'll be back later in the week and hopefully I'll have some pretty flowers to show you! :-)
Well, you know I was apartment sitting for my sis, so I spent most of my time watching the birds and taking their pictures, it was so relaxing.
Then I tried researching the blogger commenting problem and wrote a post today that should help some still having problems.
AND, I told all my friends on the phone about your "No pooping" stake and how you had to mail it from the airport. They said to say thanks, they would never have thought of that when shopping on vacation. Thanks for sharing such good info and if you need help with the FBI watching you, we'll all be there for you.
Oh, and I love the pig with wings, that is one of my favorite sayings, "When pigs fly!"
Your weekend sounds similar to mine. First my company cancelled and then rain. But we enjoyed the leisure time and even tackled cleaning out our garage. Sometimes the unexpected brings great accomplishments!
btw, your flowers are gorgeous!
Your iris look so beautiful! Mine have done well this spring, them!
I'm STILL having problems with Blogger--can't comment on everyone's blog...but yours works for me!
Wishing you a wonderful gardening day!
Your irises are sweet of hubby!!
Sounds like you got a lot done while it rained!!
And still had time to relax and read and enjoy!!
Deborah xoxo
How lovely your iris are and sounds like you got a lot done. I painted all weekend except Monday, which was BBQ day. Yum!
It was so hot and humid here, Jane! By Monday when the forecast called for rain, I was delighted! Of course, that never happened and it was just another hot and humid day. I didn't get to start my headboard with chalk paint and basically, as everyone else is in retail in my house, had the house to myself. I lazed around on Monday and rented The Tourist, which I'd been wanting to see for awhile now.
What gorgeous iris in your garden! Their color is so beautiful! sounds like you had a nice weekend getting things done. We had a busy, busy week with my dad and daughter flying in for my youngest daughter's graduations and party! Really enjoyed it, but after dropping my dad at the airport on Sunday morning, I spent the rest of the day and part of Monday in bed!!!
the rain has really helped your Iris,, beautiful,, I spent time cleaning as well,, not fun but so nice when finished,,
I got so motivated reading your post! I love to clean but rarely have time to do it the way I like... emptying everything out and going for broke! I need to get Bob out to powerwash...
We had our annual Memorial Day Cook Off. Ashley's chicken and chorizo burger won! The recipe is on my blog.
I am totally in love with irises, too. I am very fond of your yellow ones. I have deep purple.
Have a good week.
Pretty irises...
We had friends over for steak on the grill on Saturday and our son that lives in Charlotte came over Sunday and Monday. We grilled again, this time ribs.
Today we had a man come out and pressure wash our house. We don't have the equipment or ladders to do our 2 story. He just left and I am going out to see how pretty and clean it all is!
Our veggie garden is going crazy good....except for the bunnies trying to eat half of it. We never had that problem last year. So we either need to fence it or find some kind of repellent.
Hi Janie... sounds like your weekend was a nice, relaxing one, I wouldn't even have minded the cleaning... I would love to sit outside and just chill out and read by the lake... on Memorial Day, we got SNOW! Can you even believe it??? So we grilled out hotdogs on our George Foreman grill... they still tasted yummy!!! Your Irises are gorgeous! Their scent is so Heavenly and I love how much they multiply!... Please post what you buy at the garden center to plant... then it will be even more fun to see your posts of them when they bloom!... xoxo Julie Marie
Lovely flowers. I spent the weekend doing my normal stuff. Since I'm retired I'm afraid the days all run together for me. Oh well!
Not a big fan of cleaning, but I love it when it is done, don't you? Treat yourself to a big glass of wine for that chore Janie!
I was just admiring some iris blooms by the old forlorn chicken coop next doors....they are so pretty.
I love the pig with wings too! Your iris are beautiful, as was the sentiment. The husband and I had a great weekend, B-B-Q's with our parents, a motorcyle ride along the shore, work done around the garden.. good weather.
You sure were industrious, but company usually gets me motivated too! Other than that...well. By the way I forgot to add the other day that I loved you pig with wings.
We sure need some rain. It is hot and dry and the wind has been blowing like crazy for weeks.
Your iris are gorgeous!
The weather has had everyone on edge, hasn't it? I'm sorry your weekend weather wasn't all you'd hoped but glad you accomplished so much. :)
Your irises are lovely. :) I have lots of purple ones, and a couple that are a sort of salmon color...very unusual. Mind have multiplied like crazy, too, and need divided again. We just divided them 2 years ago.
Hope your weather has mellowed and that you're able to enjoy some time outside. :)
I am getting use to the crazy weather. And we really enjoyed the storms over the holiday.
Aren't you glad you got all that cleaning done . . . and since your company didn't come . . . you got to enjoy it yourself.
It sounds like you had a nice, quiet (without company) but scary weekend. This weather is nuts, isn't it? Today it is blowing so hard here that we have wind advisories out...seriously?
I haven't done much outside yet. I have a big perennial bed to move but first we need to get a section of picket fence installed...and then have to replant the area that is being "robbed" I am going for a cleaner, less maintenance look for the front of the house.
Hope you found some wonderful plants and were able to get them planted-have a great week. I am working for the rest of the week- boohoo! xxoo Diana
Jane, in regard to my post today, to explain.. No, this had nothing to do with my Follower numbers going down or with comments in my blog(s), being less or anything. This was a daily-updated-blog. Known quite well by a few Readers. Always, always, always being updated.
Then... Poof... Nothing... And we don't know why. So yes, I and others are worried.
Also yes, I know I can do nothing. Other than mentally send the blogger good wishes. And hope that I and her other pals will someday hear something from her.
But I took this sad happening, as a prompt to blog about... "Have you ever considered what would happen to/on your blog, if you could not post to it?"...
Some have. Some have not. Some have experienced a blogger going missing. Some have not.
But it is a rare thing, that a blogger decides to stop blogging, and does not tell her Readers that, ahead of time. So when a blogger "goes poof", Readers are concerned.
Hasn't blogger been horrible lately!! Even though the weather was horrible I am glad you had Monday to relax and enjoy some sunshine. Since our holiday week-end was the week before yours we got some cleaning ~ must needed chores done on Sat. as it was miserable here ~ alas Sunday the sun came out and it was off to the garden center for me. I got some things planted and pleased to say that I have a couple more things to buy then I can sit back and relax and weed!! Hope you are having a wonderful week. xo
Ooh Jane, hubs really planted some beautiful flowers! How sweet!
Glad you had a nice weekend at the lake. We had a very quiet weekend.
Just a little cookout and rest.
Hello beautiful! Rain here too. No planting. We have floods right now in Utah. Your week end sound peaceful though. I love Irises....:)
Our labor day week end was wet.
I am moving in 5 weeks so i am doing a lot of cleaning and selling.
Oh don't forget my giveaway!
Hi least you had one day to sit outside and relax over the weekend.
I worked outside most of the day on Monday, then took the kayak out for a nice ride.
It's VERY windy here today, and I mean VERY windy! My kayak blew across the canal, and is now under the neighbors boat hoist...crazy.
Hope the wind eases, and the sun shines again tomorrow...even tho I'll be at the pharmacy until 7:00.
Enjoy your Thursday.
Hugs to you.
The daffodils are wonderful!!! Nice surprise, too.
It feels good to get cleaning done! I have been on a roll for over two weeks - and still have a bit more to do. The weekend was filled with family, a birthday party and then the Memorial Day event at the cemetary. Busy, but so worth all of it.
Jane we have had so much rain, everything is as green as can be though and the flowers beautiful!
Art by Karena
Come and enter my Giveaway from Tracy Porter
Well, it sounds like you had a great weekend after the plans got changed! Clean as a whistle is what you made everything!
We hung out by the pool, did some planting and enjoyed the Grandkids!
Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!
Hi Jane,
Sorry your weather was so bad over the weekend.
My weekend was pretty uneventful. Bruce and I got out a little bit on Saturday. He needs to use a wheel chair now so it's not as easy to get out and about. We did enjoy a couple of nice evenings on the patio.
Seems the weekend went too fast...I was back to work before I knew it!
Hope you're having a great week.
Hi Jane, Your iris are so pretty. The weather has been crazy. We did get to enjoy our grandson's t-ball game. It stay cloudy and there was a breeze. On Sunday we went to my husband's aunt's 100th birthday party. It was still was nice other then breezy, but on Monday we had some sprinkles and the wind was horrible. We had thunderstorms earlier yesterday and we had rain this evening. I think we are going directly to summer without Spring. I have been reading post, but blogger doesn't always let me leave a comment nor would it allow me to edit my last blog post. Have a great rest of the week. Your Missouri Friend.
Hi Jane!
I'm sorry the weather didn't cooperate for the first half of the weekend. It sounds like you got quite a lot done.
I decided about mid week that I was going with a non-plan plan for the weekend. I slept in and only did what I felt like doing. I didn't sweat the small stuff. It was a true holiday weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it....with no guilt!
I hope you are having a spectacular week! La
Hi Jane, I have just discovered your blog via Kerry's - and had to visit because we obviously have a shared love of those beautiful masons jars.
Your iris look so beautiful en masse like that. Winter here in New Zealand, so I must live vicariously through images such as yours for now. Cleaning is one of those necessary evils that always feels rather satisfying once done! Amanda x
I love Irises!! We didn't do much for the holiday, it was super hot here in Baltimore.
Have a great week
Oh your flowers look so pretty. That's too bad that your friends cancelled, but hey, it's pretty good to have the cleaning done isn't it? I'm dreading going to our cabin to clean. I'm sure it looks hideous :)
Okay, does it sound terrible that I already can't remember what I did last weekend? Oh wait, on Monday I went to my parents for a bbq. That was pretty nice :)
hugs ♥ tricia
I'm loving your yellow irises Jane. It must have been wonderful to see them that first year, and the years since. Not good about your weather but at least Monday sounded perfect, except for the potatoes :)
So nice to be able to relax once in a while, Janie. I was busy in the garden myself and went to a friends' barbecue afterwards.....Christine
Hey there~ I worked on projects on the long weekend! We are cold and rainy here yet... strange weather! SO mainly indoor projects. Your flowers are beautiful. Hugs, Courtney
Ohhhh your iris border is beautiful Jane! We bet you have thos flowers all planted now don't you? Today all of the farmers are out planting since it is dry enough now! We enjoyed a relaxing weekend...well, two graduation parties and another memorial day party, but cooking on our part - ha!!
Hoping for a great weekend this weekend - do enjoy yours!
pretty iris jayne... what a sweet husband ; )
I know it feels good to get the cleaning all done and everything ready for family and friends to have a good time at the lake. I've always wanted a place at a lake but lakes out here in West Texas are few and far between. The closest big lake is not all that pretty. You have to drive for 6 hours before you get into the pretty areas.
Have fun with planting new flowers. I am going to plant some pots sometime this week or weekend.
hugs, bj
We had similar weather at our cottage and did a lot of cleaning too. Our daughter-in-law was plagued by allergies and asthma Friday night through Sunday. The weather and her allergies improved Monday morning when they had to return home.
I had way too much food because I prepared for variable extra guests who didn't make it. Guess what we're eating this week at home? ;-)
Beautiful flowers!
Well we are waiting for some warm weather here maybe this weekend but hot here is high 70's !!!
Enjoy your lake house Jane!
Pamela xo
Blondie: Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! You made my day. I can't wait to explore your site. Have a great weekend!
What a gem your husband is. Love is a yellow Iris....or any color for that matter. Sorry it rained on your weekend but look at the work you got out of the way. If you had been home you would have been doing what everyone was doing, trying to find your followers and posts, that were coming and going. From all the post I've seen everyone was bbqing. Hope your rain free this weekend. We are just shy of 100 degrees......
The French Hutch
I love it when I get things done! Your little iris border is cute. I have an iris border and I am wanting to pull it out and remodel the whole fence row to be little cottage garden. Have a great weekend!
Your lake house, even in the bad storms, sounds fabulous!
I give you a whole lot of credit for cleaning, I would be blogging or reading or making a cooking mess somewhere.
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend dispite the storm.
I am just a little jealous... in the very best way!
xo Yvonne
These are beautiful! We bought a new grill the weekend before and we grilled everyday during the long weekend:-)
Hi Jane,
Your Iris are so pretty. That's what happens when us old married couples have history. :) Glad you survived the storm.
We are actually starting to look for property up north.... So we might have a nice weekend place too. :)
Have another great weekend!
Hi rain here. None. It sounds like you had a nice holiday. The flowers are just is your yard! Beautiful!
Family came over and we cooked out and visited. No babies anymore...all grown up and the ones we do have do not live close.
It was nice.
how sweet a husband with a green thumb, what a great surprise.
I spent a lot of time with friends and relaxing. It's great to have a long weekend.
Hi Jane! Your iris's are beautiful!
Hi Jane! what beautiful iris'~ I worked..the yard, the signs etc:)
but Monday we went to the beach..what a treat!
Your iris are gorgeous! What a sweet surprise. :)
It finally stopped snowing here and the aspen leaves came out this week, so we are out cutting down some huge pines. I guess I'm not a gardener anymore - I am a forester. :) But it's soooo wonderful to be working outdoors again!
Enjoy your day!
~ Zuzu
I am living the
24/7 baseball life,
it seems! My son
plays on a 12U team
and it's either practice
or games many nights
a week : ) Just trying
to embrace it all as I
know it will be over in
the blink of an eye.
School ends on Tuesday and
my daughter is off to
Italy the week after with
her Latin class. Life is
busy busy oh
so GOOD. Love your irises.
I'm putting in a cutting
garden this weekend which
will include some iris that
are very similar. Just
wish they were at my lake
place, which is a long term
dream! In the meantime, I
will enjoy YOURS vicariously.
Have a wonderful weekend,
xx Suzanne
Beautiful photos Jane. I went home to visit friends. I really needed the little get away, and caught up with laughter and hugs, did come home with the flu though, a small price to pay xxx
Hello Jane.....Weather has been a little scary of late around our beautiful country. Glad summer is almost here and we all will be taking our little summer journeys.
Your lake house is such a special place and I know how much you and your beautiful husband enjoy it. Happy planting!!
Your irises are beautiful! No wonder you keep falling for the Husband all over again. SOunds like you got alot done, it is the best feeling isn't it. Working on our garden and starting to see lots of blooms now!
Wishing you a happy weekend,
Hi Jane! Too bad about your long weekend weather. At least you accomplished something with the cleaning and could relax a bit on Monday.
It was HOT here. I don't like when it gets hot too early in the season. My husband laughs that I'd never survive in Texas (where he's from).
Your irises are gorgeous! Hope you can get back planting now.
TAke care, Susan
Hi Jane!
We had a lovely holiday weekend! We drove from Tacoma to Lewiston, Idaho to visit my son Jay. He was covering the NAIA World Series. On Sunday, we drove to Walla Walla, WA to one of our states's many wine country locations...There are 20 boutique wineries at the airport and many that dot the country side.
It was fun weekend, and almost 1000miles of rural driving for my mr dreams.
I love the photograph of the Irises at your lake home! (You have a charming and romantic husband as well!) Such a lovely retreat!
Have a nice weekend!
Just wanted to say "hi" ~
Just wanted to say "hi" ~
Your flowers are beautiful darling. I had one very lonely bloom on mine...
We spent the holiday w/k finishing up the roof. The last big storm that blew through here tore off some of it and some other damage. Due to weather moving it they worked on Monday. I'm happy to report they are finished.. YEAH! I'll have pics soon to share of all that. Hope you're staying cool this w/k. We are suppose to hit 100 tomorrow... hugs ~lynne~
we had some awful wind here too! Had to go buy some plants to replace a few annuals that didn't do well. As for Iris's my husband has tried many times to kill ours....weed whacker, tiller...weed spray...they persist. He cannot beat them! LOL!!
Those iris' are very lovely. How thoughtful your husband is to have planted them.
Have a great weekend
Best Carolyn
Yes, Jane, Spring or Autumn cleaning makes a lot of work and is not funny. But in the evening I'm happy, what I've done. Today I've cleaned the bottom of the creep and washed and ironed the many hite cotton-curtains from the garage. Now it looks sooooo great!
I hope, you'll have a fantastic Sunday and have time to enjoy the day!
Your irises are beautiful!! I love the color combo! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Miss Bloomers
Just coming by to check on ya.
xoxo bj
Your Iris looks so beautiful!
Hi Jane,
I am so behind on blogging but I just wanted to get over here to say hi!
We went to a graduation party on Saturday and that is about it. Yah, boring I know.
Look forward to visiting you two soon!
Big Hugs girlfriend,
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