It's been quite slow this week, the weather not cooperating with anything I wanted to do garden wise. The Husband has worked late every night so I STILL have not gotten my vegetable patch rototilled. I'm not so worried because out temps have dropped so much in the evenings that I would have just lost sleep over those baby plants. Better to be safe and lazy than busy and sorry.
I am slowly getting my house back in order, Emily has a tendency to move things around and hide things when company is coming so I keep stumbling upon random items like floor fans in the closet and dirty pots in the oven. Actually, I give her credit for keeping the house so clean, she even instructed the cleaning ladies to clean the refrigerator and laundry room. She is controlling like that. I am usually apologizing when they come or I use the old standby, "I forgot you were coming today!"
June is an incredibly busy month for us. I have three wedding showers to go to. Two of them are for Mary Clare {son Kevin's fiancee}, and one of those I am actually hosting with my daughters and 2 sister in laws. It's not the chicken salad I have to make or the 10 round tablecloths I have to come up's more about what I am going to wear. The worrisome things. And don't even get me started about what I am going to wear to the wedding. As the mother of the groom, I know I have to wear something elegant and sparkly, not too young and not too old... not too sexy, not too matronly. I will probably find something the week before.
Today is Emily's last day of school. She is no longer FIDD {Future Interior Designer Daughter}. She is IDD!! We are SO proud of her. Her graduation ceremony comes later as well as a party. The Husband does his own happy dance at times like this, looking over his saving account and watching it stabilize for the first time in 4 years. I am just happy that she can slow down a bit now and just enjoy life before getting out into the working world. Life is scary when you are in your twenties. I don't think I would want to go back to that.
Well, that is about it for today. I have plenty to keep me busy in getting ready for the holiday weekend. I hope all of you have a good one. I'll see you next week, hopefully with some great outdoor pictures. :-)
You sure have a busy month. I think I need a lake house for the things I love but can't find a spot for in my house - what a great idea. Congratulations to your daughter for officially becoming an IDD. That sounds like a dream job to me.
Your June sounds like what my last month has been. I leave for an art event in Dallas on Wednesday and can't wait to get back home so I can rest for a whole month! I am going to veg out! I feel like I have been on a Merry Go Round since February!
I would use those and put some lovely white flowers in them!
Hi Jane....sounds like a lot going on in your world! Nice that you had your vacation to recharge your batteries! Great news on your daughter becoming official! Have a great holiday weekend!~Hugs, Patti
Enjoy your lake weekend Jane. It sounds like you have a busy month ahead. Congrats to Emily. I wish her well in the desigh field.
Congratulations to Emily. How wonderful to have all four out of college now. There were four in my family as well, and at one time three of us were in college at the same time. I always felt sorry for my dad having to pay the bills for three of us all at that time. Ouch!
Sounds like life is busy. The upcoming wedding will certainly fill the time with joyous occasions. Good luck with finding your dress. Look forward to photos of everything. ~ Sarah
Ah Jane good luck with the wedding outfit conundrum ~ it is so difficult isn't it? I thought Kate Middleton's Mum looked great and you woud suit that powder blue/grey, any help?
Love Sarah x
you make me feel lazy,, lol
Lovin' your new flying pig Jane, it's so cute! I know you'll be busy, but it all sounds like a lot of fun too! Congrats to your daughter, how exciting to graduate and get ready to go out into the world! Have fun at the lake:@)
Congrats to your daughter on finishing school! Seems May is the busiest month of the year with weddings and graduations, etc. I'd hate to be choosing a dress for mother of the groom or bride just for the reasons you describe. But I'm sure you'll be as beautiful as always. Have fun!
Congrats to Emily!! What fun she is going to have starting her decorating career.
It sounds like you are going to be one busy woman for a while. I am glad you got to come here to Asheville and relax a little.
Busy, busy month coming up for you.. Just rest at the cottage this weekend & enjoy it. We are going to our place & that is exactly what I plan to do..
I hate the dilemma on "What to wear"... (usually it is my weight that gets in the way :...if I was thinner there would be plenty of choices )
My mother worked in a bridal shop most of her life & always says, the mother of the groom has to wear beige & keep her mouth shut.. : )
I was Mother of the groom 3 times... & searched & searched... I wore what they asked... black twice & brown once... all sparkly though... : )
Have a fun weekend!!!
HI Jane Blondie girl! I love when you speak of your lake house and different ramblings...always interesting...never dull!
Hi Jane, love getting caught up with you... congratulations to Emily!... love your cute little pig with wings at the top... so cute!... I know you will find the perfect dress for the wedding and look just stunning!... your posts are always so much fun, as you always just "tell it as it is"... have a wonderful weekend at the lake... and take lots of pics!... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
I am trying to figure out what to wear to my Sons wedding next year too. They are getting married on a beach so probably a sun dress but how dressy does it have to be. Can I just go to any store and buy one or does it have to be bought at a bridal shop. Hope you find something wonderful to wear:) Have a great weekend.
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Hi Jane, you are busy in June. My friend and neighbor just got finished with two weddings in her family and I thought we would never find shoes and dresses but we did! You will find the perfect dress I know. We are off to Athens, Ga. I hope we find some good thrifty finds on Saturday. I am very happy for Emily! ♥O
Hey Sweetie! You have had one busy month. And another one ahead. Good look with the wedding attire!
Hiya Jane!!! Glad to see you had a great Carolina trip. It looked like a blast.
Seems like you will have another busy month ahead ~ makin me feel that I am not as busy as I think that I am. : )
Congrats to your daughter. Well done.
Have a fantastic summer weekend.
I a so happy for the wedding coming up! I would use them as vases?
Glad for your daughter! Yay!
I am tired just thinking of your busy month, isn't that a sign of getting old, when fun things begin to sound like work? Congratulations to your Emily on her upcoming graduation.
Have a great weekend, Jane!
I've always been fascinated by her too.. even visited her compound and family farm on the Vineyard!
There is a Kennedy miniseries on tv here at the moment. Katie Holmes is playing Jackie. I have only seen one episode so far but the Kennedy s are an intriguing bunch.
Congratulations to your daughter! To the parents too. :) A friend told me her daughter graduated and it was having a sudden big raise. With two in college....I can't wait!
lots to be really proud of!!!
I wish your daughter the BEST.
now get out there and get shopping!
Being a lab. scientist, I like those graduated cylinders. I am sure you can find a lot of uses for them, like as a flowwer vase or even to hold silverware. How about flowers in one and flatare in the other? Congrats to Emily! How exciting for you all to have a newly graduate in the family. Weather here's been nice. I have been swimming and floating in the pool while reading in the pool every morning....Christine
Your busyness with wedding showers sounds like my busyness with graduation parties - we just got invited to 6 of them! I like those white pitchers you about if you put fresh flowers in them to use as vases - would that help? You have a cleaning lady? Wow, you're lucky! I've never had one - or any kind of cleaning service - in my life! What else...I'm doing a ramble comment...oh yes, mother of the groom attire. My aunt's son (my cousin) is getting married in August; she just found a gorgeous dress at Dress Barn. You might want to check there. Congrats to your daughter - dream career!
What a bust time Jane! Hope you get to kick back and relax a bit over the week-end ~ enjoy your time at the lake. It has warmed up here so I hope it has done the same for you. Happy Memorial Day!
Hi Jane, I have enjoyed your trip so very much. It made me feel like I was on it with you. Doesn't it make you feel good when the last child finishes school. I know when our daughter and son got married hunting clothes for the occasion was time consuming. You feel like you are on display as much as the bride and groom. Enjoy your trip to the lake. I know I will enjoy my three day weekend. Take care Your Missouri Friend.
Hey Jane,
I am getting so excited about our trip to see you guys! Won't be long because of course while winter drags, summer just flies!
I love your angel pic, so cute!
And congrats to you daughter! That is quite the achievement and I know you two must be very proud!
I remember hunting for my Mother of the Groom dress and I had the same criteria as you. Not easy but there are some great dresses that aren't matronly and but they are still classy! I finally found mine at a shop in Baraboo, Wi (not far from Madison) Just a wonderful Wedding store full of neat dresses!
Ok well I rambled enough. Enjoy your fun weekend too!
Always a pleasure reading your ramblings, enjoy the weekend!
Maureen x
I love weddings and it sounds like you will be all in the middle of this one! It will be wonderful and you will look gorgeous in whatever you decide to wear!
Have fun at the lake! We are so busy with Graduations here, I am looking forward to Monday laying by the pool and reading!
Congratulations to Emily...IDD extraordinaire! How exciting! I hope he has a wonderful, happy and successful future. Just wondering...Has she got a blog?
It looks like you will be a busy bee next month? I hope you enjoy this special time and have fun at all of the parties. Good luck with organising and hosting your party too!
I just had a quick look at your previous post and I love all the pictures you took. How wonderful to meet Penny as well.
Well, I am ready for bed's been another busy week here and I have just come back from a function at our church and am exhausted. I have to be up early again in the morning to get Big Al and Mr Attorney out the door by 8am for a school football game....there goes our Saturday morning sleep-in!
Hope your weekend is gorgeous Jane!
Best wishes,
Catching up on your blog ... you were in our "neck of the woods!" Loved seeing your pictures of NC and familiar places from a midwesterner's lens! We love Lake Lure--had a house there when our kids were growing up. Such a beautiful place.
Sounds like you have very busy days ahead! Have a good weekend!
Dear Jane,
I wish you a happy weekend,
Big Hugs,
June is such a busy time of year! Congrats to your daughter on her graduation and have fun with all of the wedding prep!
Such fun to travel, see new surroundings, meet wonderful people & find fabulous treasures. Glad you enjoyed yourself ...
Have a beautiful weekend.
Wow! You're one busy lady, but it's all with fun stuff:-). I haven't been to a wedding in a while. Congrats to your daughter too:-). I planted my vegetable garden(last week)-finally! Have a great long weekend! XX
Congrats to Emily! How exciting. I have some great chicken salad recipes I saved from Southern Living if you need ideas!
Hey Jane! Just
eating up all of
the posts from your
trip! Blogger has
me in stitches so I'm
way behind in blog
visits. So glad that
I didn't miss these;
looks like you had a
wonderful time! Yes,
you need to get Na-Da
on your radar for next
year : ) Hopefully I
will be back as it is
such a special place.
Enjoy your lake place
and this long weekend!
xx Suzanne
sounds busy ! ; ) love those pitchers : )
Miss Jane, you do have a busy month!!! Girl, you should have called me when you was down here! I'm only a hour away! You look so pretty too!!!
Wow, Jane, life is busy for you these days, with a graduation and all those wedding showers plus the big wedding. I am sure you will find something awesome to wear.
Lucky you going to the lake for Memorial Day. I hope you have a blast!
I love this sort of post, Jane. It's all about life. Lovely news about your daughter - you must be proud!
Jane- Well, I read your whole post but the one thing that jumped out at me was...WHAT am I going to wear??? For the weekend? For the showers? For the wedding? Would you believe (oh yes-I know you would) that I bought the dress I wore to 3 of my kids weddings the week before each wedding? I know, sad, isn't it? I kept thinking I would be a size smaller...NOT...but always the optimist!
I think it is funny that the stake went through the packaging. Just imagine the weapon of destruction that could have been on a plane that hit an air pocket...excuse me sir...could you remove MY stake from YOUR ear?
I LOVE...LOVE...LOVE Jackie O. Do you know I just re-read the Kennedy story that was written in the 1980's about her and Jack? She was always a lady..fascinating..a bit mysterious and warm and welcoming to those she knew well. And her whole life was touched by tragedy, wasn't it?
Okay..enough blather from me-off to bed- I am up at 4:45AM and off to work for 5:45 tomorrow. UGH- I need to quit! xxoo Diana
Hi Jane! Now you had better get some rest as you start the new month! :) Aren't you glad you took some time off to play first? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I always love your posts, Blondie. It's just like sitting down at the kitchen table with you while we just talk and talk. You have a quality about you that makes me feel at home. Even with our age difference, we would be good friends, I think.:))
I am DYING for some white measurement cups with black lettering. Your's should look good ANYwhere.
I want to read that book..I always liked her and felt a little sorry for her, too.
xoxo bj
Congratulations to your daughter, what an exciting field to be entering. Sounds like a very busy month. Enjoy your time at your lovely lake home. Have a beautiful weekend.
P.S. You look stunning in that photo of all of you on the boat in North Carolina.
Congrats to Emily! Wow, you have been busy this month! I like your little white thingies you bought. I would use them as vases, I guess. Let us know what you do with them. They are great!
Hi Janie! I just took some time to go through your post,and the previous ones, as well. I enjoyed seeing all of your pics that went with the writings.
Looks like you have been busy, and it isn't even June yet.
I don't know what those little measuring pitcher things are, but I would try planting a little rosemary plant in one, and maybe some thyme in the other. They would look cute in a kitchen window.
I hope you are having fun at your lakehouse. Your kayak looks just like mine!
Hugs to you.
What a busy time ~ Stay Focused!! Debi
Hi Jane,
I'm late commenting, however, it's a lazy weekend for sure here. I do hope that you're having fun at the lake and relaxing some at least. You have a busy month coming up so take some precious time for you when you can.
HUGE congratulations to your daughter! That is quite an accomplishment.
Jane, I have to tell you when my oldest son got married (10 years ago) I worried myself to death on what I was going to wear. Just like you said..."not too young, not too matronly", etc. I ordered two outfits. When I got them they were ho hum...okay...but not exciting. I hated everything I saw in the bridal shops. One day I was rushing through a big box store on the way out the door and there was the outfit on a mannequin. A very elegant soft pink to the floor suit. I loved it at first sight. It was satin with a little jacket and an inside vest that had just enough sequins on it to be wedding like but not too overdone. It fit perfectly and the same store even had some matching shoes. I was thrilled silly. I still love that piece and vowed I would wear it to my youngest son's wedding which is at the end of this summer. But I gained 10 pounds and the outfit is snug. Thankfully this wedding party is classified as "elegant casual" (whatever that means?) so I get to wear some comfy pants and cute top or something like that. point is, you will come across the perfect outfit totally unexpectedly. I promise. xoxoxo
Congrats to your daughter. She must be thrilled to be done with school and starting her career.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend at the lake house.
Best wishes on the what to wear thing. That sort of thing drives me crazy. I have sort of a uniform of classics and wear what's dressiest for special occasions. And dress it up with jewelry. Congrats on your daughter's graduation. I hope you had a great weekend!
Hi Jane!
I hope your holiday weekend was fun and that you had awesome weather.
Lynn is going to love your flying pig. Congratulations to IDD! She must be very excited.
Congratulations to your daughter...and to her parents! Good job! We still have one left to go.
I haven't planted a thing yet Jane. I'm so behind in my gardening. I'd use those for vases. Maybe stick some flower stems in them and use in the powder room.
Have an awesome day!
You are busy...that book looks amazing. Enjoy your time at the lake. HUgs.
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