Just a little post before the BIG holiday weekend. Are you ready for it? {Insert fireworks here}. I am really looking forward to another 4 day weekend. But before all the festivities start, I wanted to share some things with you. I received a nice big box in the mail the other day, a giveaway I had won, from Michele at {Primp}. I am serious when I say go visit her. She is wonderfully creative and her blog is interesting. You'll be happy to add it to your list. Anyway, I won the goodies in this picture: A cute handmade card, the latest issue of Romantic Homes, a darling change purse, a ring {which Abby promptly snitched from me}, and...
...this tray turned chalkboard. I love it! I am so inspired to use some chalkboard paint of my own.
And last but not least, I won this gorgeous burlap pillow from her. I love toss pillows, I can never have too many. By coincidence, it landed in a room that daughter Emily just cleaned out, my hoarder room or simply known as the den. We have a living room, family room, office and for lack of another name, the den. It rarely gets used, so it became a catch all for all of my thrifty finds and seasonal change outs. I also keep all of my dishes but for everyday in there. Emily went to town cleaning things out, packing up boxes of this and that for me to bring to the lakehouse.
So I tried out my new pillow in there and I think it looks good. Then I realized since the room was always a my sneaky little hoarding room, I would show you some pictures of the new improved den.
My pictures are dark as it only has one window. I keep a lot of books in there as well. I wish I had straightened them out a little for my photo shoot.
The wallpaper is very old and I'm hoping that this fall we can remove it and paint the walls a soft gray. I think it will open the room up a lot.
These are some of the pretty things I keep on the sofa table behind the settee. The table runner was just placed along the top since I like to see everything sparkle. I'm weird. Now, you can't see the wall behind me as that is where I have the dishes piled up on a table and shelves. I am hinting around to The Husband that I would love a chippy white armoire. ;-D
So this is my den. I think you have now seen my whole house. Well, maybe not Piglets room.
So we are off to the lake again tomorrow. The Husband bought a new truck for us to keep up there. He has visions of hauling the boat with it, picking up sand and fire wood and I, of course am thinking of The Worlds Longest Yard Sale next month. No more excuses that we don't have room in the car!! So...we have 26 people coming for the holiday festivities, most are staying at a nearby motel. Emily has made up the menu's and is keeping everything organized. This is what she does best and it really takes a load off me.
So, tell me what you are doing for the 4th. Parades? Fireworks shows? Picnics or BBQ's? Or just hanging out with friends and family. It's going to be a good time!! :-)
I'm joining Sherry at The Charm Of Home for her party, Home Sweet Home. See ya!
Your home is beautiful Jane. I love the new pillow!
Have busy, lovely 4th of July holiday weekend!
Hi Jane, love all your giveaway wins, that pillow is fabulous!... wow, 26 people at the lake... I hope you have a happy Fourth of July... we are having an old~fashioned celebration at home, which I posted about yesterday... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
Have fun at the Lake Jane. Love your win of the pillow. Enjoy the 4th!~
Congrats on your win! :D Neat prizes!
Wow, you are having a *crowd* for Independence Day! We are only having four guests and I am stressing about it!
Ricki Jill
What a lovely lot of goodies you received, the pillow is delightful. Loved taking a peek at another room in your home too.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend, I can't imagine entertaining that many guests myself but I know you'll all have a great time!
Our celebration is the 1st of July and I will spend it trying to coax our scared dog out from under the bed. Fireworks are not his friend. Have a great July 4th weekend - sounds like it will be wonderful filled with so many family and friends.
By the way, your den does not look like a hoarders room, it is lovely and cozy.
Love that pillow...darling!!!
Happy 4th of July Weekend!
Have fun sweet Jane
Loved seeing pictures of your den
Pretty giveaway treasures too
Love all your giveaway wins, Jane. That pillow sure is cute. Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend in store for you. We plan on having a bbq with my family. The weather is supposed to be nice which will make things even better :)
Hi, Blondie...your den is beautiful, as is the rest of your home. Love all your goodies you won..especially the little pillow.
Part of our family will be going to a lake for the holiday..part of the family will be here for hamburgers and a parade. No fireworks here this year...too dry and too big a fire hazard.
Ya'll keep it safe..and have a blast.
xoxo bj
I love all of your new goodies! And your den looks wonderful. I think gray walls in there will look beautiful. Happy 4th of July, it sounds like you guys have big plans! We will be hanging out, just the 4 of us and hopefully watching the fireworks over the river!
Kat :)
Have a Happy Fourth of July,, what a lovely home and thats a brilliant give away you won!
Wonderful giveaway goodies!! I loved seeing your den. It looks cozy. I can see it painted grey too! Have a great weekend.
Great goodie bags, Jane! You received such a nice group of treasures! Love that chalkboard tray! And your room is beautiful, by the way.
Sounds like you have a great Holiday planned, so Enjoy!!
What a great win, Jane! Especially that pillow - looks great on the sofa. That truck will be great - eliminate all excuses! Sounds like you'll have a great fourth. We'll be with family, so that's always a good thing! Linda
You have a beautiful hoarding room.. love the silver tray. I hope you have a beautiful 4th.
hugs ~lynne~
Some nice things... great pillow...
I have a Hoarder room, & I doubt I ever show it off.. : )
& 26 for the weekend, you are brave... will you be serving your famous Chicken salad ??? : )
Have a fun weekend!! The weather promises to be great here in Mi.
We are off tonight, to our up north place... we signed on a new lake house, but do not have possesion of it yet... so we will just ride by & dream of the weekends we will have like yours... soon we hope.. : )
Enjoy the lake girl... I soooooooo wish we had a lake house. But, I guess the RV is our lake house as we can pull it anywhere. LOVE the goodies you showed us especially the tray they turned into a chalk board. DARLING! Enjoy the weekend. HUGS!
Fun wins Jane! The chalkboard tray is adorable! Have a great time at the lake, sounds like it will be a blast:@)
Well it's so dang hot here I'm not sure what we will do. We normally hang out with our friends, go to the parade, eat, and see the fireworks. It's always fun!
Your home is beautiful!
Have a wonderful weekend Jane!
Your home is just lovely-
I love that pillow from your giveaway win!
White Spray Paint
Oh my goodness! What a glorious haul. Well deserved.
Happy 4th!
Hi Jane,
What a lovely prize- lucky you! Sounds like a big weekend for you over there...enjoy it. Emma.
Happy 4th of July weekend Jane. I loved seeing your den. I think I'd be spending a lot of time there curled up with a book or three :)
I like your den and the pillow looks very nice there. Emily comes in very handy for these holiday weekends!
Have a wonderful time and thank you for linking with Home Sweet Home!
Hi Jane! Oh, I've missed coming to see you these past 3 weeks! I'm glad to be back and I see I've missed so much of what has been going on!
Man, you hit the jackpot with all of your wins! Love that sweet pillow.
We'll have a very quiet 4th and I wish you a wonderful one!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
It has been far too long...I have seen your blog name everywhere I go and I thought I would come say BONJOUR!
LOVELY PICTURES and I too love all things shabby and chic!
Enjoy your summer! Anita
Sounds like so much fun! Happy 4th of July and congrats on your giveaway win!
Very cool win! That's a nice haul you got! :) Your home is just lovely. I envy that little 'den'. Very pretty decor and full of books...two things that speak to me.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! :)
Such beautiful gifts you won!
I love Romantic Homes Magazine!
Oh that pillow is really cute too!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend Jane..our Canada Day is tomorrow and we're hoping to go see the fireworks. Im off for two days!
Your den looks so pretty!
Deborah xoxo
Well I'll miss hanging out with you two for sure!
Love your beautiful den Janie and the pillow is so frenchy and cute!
We are heading to s. wisc. to visit some friends with Adi in tow. It's supposed to be 103 degrees here tomorrow!!!. I like warm but not that warm.
Hugs and have a wonderful weekend too! And thank Al again for us.
That pillow is just darling...and we love where you put it Jane - it's perfect! Sounds like you will have a wonderful weekend Jane - do enjoy!! We've got three cookouts so it looks like we'll be cooking some side dishes - lol!!
You really won BIG, Blondie! That was quite a giveaway. Congratulations on the win. ;)
Hope you have a fun 4th!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Enjoy your holiday weekend, Jane! It sounds like you'll have a grand time.
Have a fantastic week-end at the lake Jane ~ Happy 4th!
Wonderful room and wonderful goodies! I've been seeing those chalkboard trays around town and at some craft shows, they are so cute.
Have a wonderful time at the lake, sounds like a good time will be had by all. I'm staying low key this year, I have one guest coming for lunch on Sunday, but since it's my best friend Karen of the Essential Beachcomber, I know we'll have a great time!
Precious Jane,
THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER!!!! And I just noticed on your sidebar, your gorgeous sister....bless you look so much like her...what two beautiful blonds...may she always shine in your heart.
I really enjoyed my visit with you! Happy 4th of July weekend! HUGS!
Have a great long weekend Jane! You deserve lots of fun. :)
Wish I had a hoarder's room, and yours is so pretty - books and all!
- Susan
Aaaah, Jane, I so wish I could pop over right now and have a lovely cup of tea with you. I sooooo wish that!! Your home looks lovely and warm and inviting....just like you!!
Whoa!!! 26 people??? You'll be having a grand weekend, girlie! lol! Have a wonderful time at the lake! Looks like the weather's going to cooperate!:)
xoxo laurie
Love your den! Looks like the pillow has found the perfect home.
I often wanted to turn one of my silver trays into a chalkboard tray. That one is very cool!
Hope you have a great weekend at the lake. I am hosting my annual Wimbledon breakfast on Sunday morning and probably will attend fireworks on the 4th.
I always love seeing pictures of your home. It is SO pretty. Oh yes! Your new pillow is perfect sitting right there! Congrats on your great win.
My Emily from Chicago is coming home as well as my other daughter and my one who lives near me will come too....along with about 15 other people! BBQ, homemade ice cream and fireworks!
Happy 4th!!
JANE! I just knew we'd be at the Lakehouse this weekend. To heck with the motel...I'm staying with you. I love your lake stories but now I have a new fav. Your "den" is so wonderfully cozy. I love the channel back chair and settee and books and pictures. I could so spend time there - reading and dozing and dreaming of the lakehouse. I love your blog, Jane!!! Much too long since I've been by. Have a wonderful weekend and get together. xoxo Nancy
What a fun parcel - know you had a great time opening all those lovely gifts! The pillow is really neat.
Have a fabulous 4th - that's a huge house party but I know you guys will ensure everyone a great time.
When you have time Jane, stop by and enter my guessing game - they'll be a little prize from far away!
Hugs -Mary
Oh my, Jane!
So many things to comment on.
Love the room and that settee is gorgeous. I am in shock that you have 28 coming to tha lake house for the holiday!
You go girl!
I cannot believe you even had time to blog at all.
A new truck? You are so lucky! I need and want one of those very much for hauling my "stuff" too.
Have a lovely fourth weekend.
Your home is so lovely and looks like it would suit you perfectly. Hubby and I are at the cottage for the weekend. Our son, DIL and grandson leave tomorrow so the 4th will seem pretty quiet. It may become a working day for hubby as he has more of the deck to seal.
No matter where we are or what we're doing, we always pause to celebrate the real meaning of this glorious holiday. :)
Jane, that's a great assortment of gifts. You're a lucky girl! ;-)
Sounds like you have big plans for the 4th at the lake. We are celebrating with neighbors and other friends here with a picnic at our home. Expecting about 40 guests and looking forward to a good time.
Happy 4th to you! ~ Sarah
Such treasures ~ good for you for winning! You're lucky to have an organizer around ~ having that many guests and food to plan, etc., would be challenge. Hope you have a sparkler of a weekend!
Such treasures ~ good for you for winning! You're lucky to have an organizer around ~ having that many guests and food to plan, etc., would be challenge. Hope you have a sparkler of a weekend!
love the room- pillow is perfect in it!
love that mag- I am in that issue in my first add for my shop (pg 34)!
still thrilled...
Happy 4th.
You lucky woman! We are doing a clam bake tomorrow...just 12 friends. Happy Fourth!
Hi Jane! We will be going to our friend's house for a pool party, cookout and fireworks watching. There house is up in the foothills above Boise and we can see the fireworks all over the valley. Have a very happy 4th!!
Susan and Bentley
Thinking of you having fun on the 4th! Enjoy.
Hi Jane ~ hope you're having a great weekend at the lake! We got together with family yesterday (BBQ). My hubby is working today, but will be home soon and then we'll be grilling bratwurst.
Lovely giveway that you won - the pillow looks great in your den!
we had fire works in front of the house and lots of food! Love the pillow and pictures :) Looks like you had fun!
You have won some fun giveaways and this one is no exceptions. What a great package to open.
I thought you would be up at the lake, enjoying family.
oh i do hope you had a FABULOUS weekend at the lake! and i agree with the other comments-your home is GORGEOUS. so classy and tasteful.
What a great win! I love your room and the pillow is perfect. I haven't entered my "dish" room since my husband brought home things from his parent's house. I figure once we get through the auction I will venture in and try to organize the chaos again.
Hope the holiday was great for you. I'm still getting over a bug, so we had a quiet day and watched the city fireworks from our deck. Nice...sort of dull!
Happy 4th of July, Jane! It looks like you hit the jackpot with this fantastic giveaway. I love the pillow.
I planned to paint the kitchen but my plans were unavoidably derailed.
Have a wonderful week!
I hope you had a wonderful 4th, Jane. The den would look great in a soft shade of grey. What a great win you had too!
your den is beautiful. wish i could have a little room just for me, i mean, for all my finds. hanlie
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