I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Our weather finally cooperated with us and we had clear blue skies and sun. What a treat. Just the way June should be. The Husband worked around the outside of the house but I decided I was just going to relax this weekend. The shower we are throwing for Mary Clare is on Friday and along with decorating, I have to make chicken salad for 35 people. But that is another story.
The iris are in full bloom now and I made vases. They don't really have a smell but flowers brighten up everything. My day lilies and black eyed Susan's are getting huge. I love plants that just pop up on their own, like good old friends that you haven't seen in awhile. My friend, Barb, gifted me with some tomato and pepper plants that she grew from seed. I planted them in my little veggie patch and all I need are a few herbs to round it out. If the mommy bird on my front porch would ever kick the babies out of the nest, I could hang some baskets and put out some pots of flowers I am just afraid to startle them. I have a nest of mourning doves on my balcony and that's my excuse for not getting that in order. All in good time...
The good old dog poop stake has made it from Asheville to Chicago to Michigan. As you may remember, I was stopped by security at the airport as it looked like a concealed weapon. We mailed it home and when it arrived, the stake had poked through the package. Well, clumsy old me, when I took it off the work bench to put it in the garden, I dropped it and the stake punctured my foot. Nothing a few butterfly stitches and swear words couldn't take care of. I think it is cursed.
This is the end of the dock where I spent most of Saturday afternoon just chilling. An occasional splash from a turtle was the only sound around. I had my nose in a magazine when I caught something out of the corner of my eye and looked up to see a big white swan 3 feet away from me, just staring. I nearly peed myself. They are really huge close up and if it flapped it wings, it could have sent me into the water. Once it realized I wasn't going to feed it anything, it paddled away.
We met some new neighbors that just moved in 2 houses away. A very nice couple with kids the same age as ours. I love meeting new people. We invited them over for a drink and then a boat ride. It looks like we have some new friends. I love that.
I hope everyone of you had a nice, relaxing weekend. Did you do anything fun? I hope all of you had good weather, for once. I'll see you later in the week. :-)
Good for you for taking a weekend to relax. Now, you will be ready to tackle that chicken salad and all the other last minute details for the shower.
I had a busy weekend with an auction and birthday party on Saturday and laundry on Sunday. Ashlee got her Godson for the day yesterday so we took him shopping and bought him a wading pool and trunks. He was so fun to watching splashing like crazy.
Have a great week! La
Looks like a great spot to be lazy in, Jane! I think we all need to have a weekend like that every so often. I think physically and mentally we need to rejuvenate and slow down from our fast-paced, always-filled-with-something-going-on lives.
That sounds like the perfect weekend...well except hurting your foot with the doggie sign!
We spent the weekend with friends. Grilling out, going to a wine tasting, playing cards..
Jane, you and that dog stake are something serious. I love the iris. I bought a walking iris this weekend, it's similar to a spider plant in how it grows. It is nice to meet new neighbors and make new friends. Chicken salad for thirty five would be a chore for me but we do a lot for our kids! hugs♥O
Hi Jane, love that doggy sign, too funny. What a lovely relaxing spot too. Unfortunately it's already too hot here to sit out (unless I'm diving in to a pool, which I don't have)!
It sounds like you needed a Saturday at the end of the dock reading magazines... your week will be busy as you get ready for the shower!
Please post the event and recipes and decor!
what a lovely photo of the dock,, you made me laugh so hard,, when telling about the swan,, I love the thought of turtles splashing,, we use to watch, them when in the shallows in our boat or canoe,, sorry about the stitches,, gee,, I think that pooping sign was cursed,, it looks good though,, well not good in the fact its a dog pooping,, but you know what I mean,, great to deterr the others from joining him,, take care,,
With the busy weekend that coming, I'd say it was wise for you to take it easy, last weekend.
Glad you had such a lovely weather weekend. We did too, after the cool front came through and gave us perfect June weather, as you say.
I'm really enjoying less heat/humidity as I keep at keeping my little back yard all neat and ship-shape. :-))))))
Good luck with the massive amount of salad, to come. :-)
Oh, forgot the *cursed* yard sign! Hope you are sure, that isn't infected. We shouldn't take chances with such. Our feet are soooooooo important to us, ya' know. :-)
Sounds like a nice weekend. Sorry about your tiny punctured foot with that little dumping stick. It is cute!
Love your pretty flowers and now I'm craving chicken salad.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Just spent the same kind of weekend Jane, relaxing and lots of laughter with friends.
What a sweet weekend, meeting new friends and enjoying time together! Have a blessed day my friend and a happy week! HUGS!
The tales about your little poop dog stake are evolving into an epic. Ouch! I am excited about the shower. Will you be sharing your chicken salad recipe?
Sounds like a perfect weekend sitting by the water! Hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad with that stake! It does sound kind of cursed doesn't it? It's just the beginning of summer so I hope you have lots more of those relaxing weekends! Have fun with your new friends!~Hugs, Patti
Hi Jane- I am so glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. We were on call this weekend and MyHero got called in twice-We don't get much done on those weekends.
We had a pair of swans last year on the Bay but I haven't seen them this year. They can be pretty mean-so I kind of avoid them...but they are beautiful to look at.
I got a new computer-yea for me! A laptop which I am learning to use. It is all set up and I am having fun figuring it out. It has a movie editing feature so I can lop off the blurts at the end of my SweetCheeks videos now.
I hope you have a great week. I know you are busy getting ready for the shower. You want to know how I make chicken salad for that many people? I go to Sams Club-buy their chicken salad...cook 2 or 3 additional breasts to cut the mayo ratio- add pine nuts, cashews and either grapes (cut in half) or dried cranberries or cherries. It tastes great...and is soooo easy!;>)
Back to work for me tomorrow~ xo Diana
Hi Jane, your weekend sounds wonderful, sitting by the lake and reading and relaxing... my post this morning is about just that thing, doing nothing sometimes and loving it! Your doggie sign sounds like it really is cursed... I hope your foot is not hurt too badly!... now if a doggie poops by your sign, you will KNOW it is cursed, tee hee hee! The swan sounds so pretty, too bad you didn't have your camera to take a pic... they are such gorgeous creatures... glad you met some new friends at the lake... I am sure they are so happy to have you as a neighbor!... can't wait to see pics of your gardens too... what Iris do you have that does not have a smell??? I have never seen one that did not smell heavenly... xoxo Julie Marie
How nice that you have made new friends. That's always fun. We spent the weekend with great friends too. The weekend was not quite as laid back as yours but ours was fun too. Looking forward to some lazy summer days if they'll ever happen!
Lucky! You deserve a relaxing weekend! Hope you're having a fantastic Monday. I have some great news on my blog today...I'd love for you to check it out! Have a wonderful day honey! Kori xoxo
Sounds lovely Jane.
We are home again, waiting for Miss Gabi who told her mom, this morning, she is going to the condo. She is actually supposed to be staying here for a week. Maybe we will run back down. J has jury duty till July, but I think we might be able to swing a couple of days for little Miss Priss. She loves going to the lake.
Sounds like a great weekend Jane. I love your perch on the dock, looks dreamy! Here's to new friendships and summer relaxation.
Been staying in out of the heat! That's my plan for the summer.
Your weekend sound like pure bliss! Boating, relaxing, sipping wine with friends...what more could a girl ask for!
Hope your week is just as fabulous.
Best wishes,
We all need to take a week-end to kick back and do nothing ~ bravo for you for doing it! I was sick most of the week-end but managed to do a couple of little things!
We spent our weekend at the lake...melting in this heatwave. Your stake is so cute, but it looks like my Westie, Bonnie ;P
Janie, That poopie stick of yours really is cursed! I would've let loose a few curse words, as well! Glad you enjoyed a laid-back weekend with the hubs and your new pals. My plans are to neatly pack up the porch sale things that came back home with me. I still can't park in the garage! LOL
xo Sue
Sounds like a lovely weekend... Our Michigan weather was perfect this past weekend... : )
I did Chicken salad for 40 + for my DIL's shower... cut up chicken, cashews, celery, grapes.. & Kraft Poppy Seed dressing.... could not be easier....yummy & had many calls for the recipe..
AND we just bought a new cottage in NW Mi. ... we are all excited to get in... soon I will have the views that you have there in SW Mi. : )
Hi Jane,
Hurah for the sun!! I am glad you are having some beautfiful weather too! Ouch on the foot, the chaise in the sun looks like the perfect plact to recuperate:-)
I am crazy for my Eden Climber, the David Austin link on my post also has a climber section... that will make you want more trellis's :-))
Enjoy the sun!!
Sounds like a heavenly weekend! Making new friends is always fun. I did nothing today, but it was because I have a cold or something. Tomorrow is another day with lots to do. Have a great week!
Sounds like a perfect weekend, Jane.. and what, no swan pic???....
What a relaxing weekend. Its so fun to just sit and relax and look leisurely at magazines, and not have a care in the world until you remember "the chicken salad"!! OMG, enough for 30!! I would go to Costco, open it up and throw it one of my bowls and tell the crowd it was homemade! Busy here at 7 Gates w/lots of horse stuff; our store was busy which is good. Stay true to your local small business folks. They help the economy too. Debi
Oh, Blondie, it sounds like your summer at your lake house is going to be awesome. I am so glad for your new friends. Invite them over for brunch one morning, make pancakes or french toast, adding a capful of vanilla to either one, and they will love you forever.:)))
I just LOVE you lazy spot...and the large swan would have made me p, too. :)) We are titty babies.
xo bj
Oh, it is so HOT here already! Glad you took some time to relax! My daylilies are in bloom and are beautiful already. Hope you have a most lovely week!
Hugs and Blessings,
Hi Jane.....we did have a nice weekend. But it is getting hot mine was not nearly as lovely as yours.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
That chair on the dock says it all - what a perfect place to relax.
I had to laugh at the 'cursed' dog poop stake!
That chair on the dock looks like the perfect place to spend a summer. How wonderful to have a body of water close to your house like that.
Lazy weekends are the best, I should 'make myself' have them more often.
Good luck with the chicken salad!
The story of that poop stake has turned into quite a saga! I'm sure it's destined to become a family heirloom and family members will be laughing about its history for generations to come.
I am glad that you're okay and that despite the injury you had a relaxing weekend. Oh wait, there was that swan incident…
Love the relaxing chair on your dock...
I would spend mucho time there too!
Reading...tanning...soaking up every bit of summer.
xoxo~kathy @
sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Jane,
That sounds like a great weekend. Nice and relaxing. That is going to be some large chicken salad! Hope you are having a great week:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!
I wish I could join you. :)
Love your cozy corner, Jane, your quilt and little chair!
Glad you managed to relax, I am enjoying some lazy days too, after the surgery!
Sending hugs and smiles your way,
Monica xo
Glad you took the time to relax and enjoy a little "me" time....and in the perfect spot :o)
Glad you were able to take time to relax and enjoy a little "me" time.....and what a perfect spot too!
Yay for relaxing weekends, especially spent by the water! I can't believe that dog stake pierced your foot - yikes! Glad you're OK.
Jane, it sounds like you had a good weekend. I could be very comfortable sitting on the dock reading. ~ sarah
Sorry about your foot - the sign seems to be causing a lot of trouble!!
Glad your weekend weather was good for a relaxing time at the lake. We're still much too hot and gardening is not pleasant, so I worked on my booth at the antiques shop, went to the theatre Sat. night, and just had a fun weekend here. I'm home until end of July then will be traveling again and hope to get some water time in Northern Calif.
Enjoy your week Jane.
Hugs - Mary
So nice the warm weather has finally arrived . . . it is now hard to remember that 27" snowfall.
Sitting on the dock sounds heavenly, swan and all. I'm glad you had a chance to relax. Chicken salad for 35 is a lot of chicken! As for meeting new friends...I love that too, it doesn't happen here often. Sounds great that they have kids the same age!
What I wouldn't give to be hanging out with you on that dock Jane. My legs are in such bad need of some sun! It sounds like such a nice time and then to meet the new neighbors was icing on the cake!
Wishing you more of that kind of fun all Summer long.
There wasn't any fun to be had here Jane, just alot of rain and me with a flu bug.
Sorry you got an owie from that mean ol doggie poo sign, but Im glad your weekend got better for you though. Things are much better here also. Today was a beautiful sunny day, and I'm feeling much better too!
Hugs, Sherri:)
Hi Jane,
Sounds like a good weekend for you two!
The shower sounds like fun and it sounds like you will be busy with that!
So looking forward to our weekend together!!!!
It hit 100 degrees here yesterday! We have been breaking records like crazy!
I hope your little foot is healing up!
Hugs to you dear,
What a wonderful weekend. Sorry to hear about your little accident. That sign has quite a history already!
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
Glad the good weather has come for you. Glad you had a lovely weekend. Love the dog sign, sorry to hear the mishaps along that went with it. Sometimes it just goes like that. The end of the dock - what a gorgeous setting to unwind in.
Mercy need to be careful with your decorating!! I think the sign is cute though!!
It looks so relaxing there, Janie. The flowers are beautiful! Good luck in your preparation for the bridal shower! Hope your feet is healing..Christine
Hi Jane,
I think you need to come to Farm Chicks next June :) It's right up there with Disneyland as a happy place to be but much better shopping!
Your lakeside relaxing looks divine
Glad that your weather is great. It is freezing here as we head into our winter months. We are having a 'cold snap' the weatherman tells us. Brrrr!!
Best of luck with hat huge salad and have a fabulous weekend.
Pam x
What a great way to spend the day. It looks like everyone had a blast! I'm really jealous of your spot at the end of the are one lucky girl! Have a great weekend...~Ann
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