I was so excited to have Cindy {from Applestone Cottage} and her husband, Dan as guests at the lake. After driving 6 hours from beautiful Black River Falls, Wisconsin, they arrived in Michigan in the early evening on Friday. We had a great time catching up on everything since our last visit in Lake Geneva, WI. back in December. And catching up over dinner we did. This is the 3rd time we have gotten together. If you have ever met up with another blogger or had the chance to really get to know one, I can tell you that a lasting friendship can be made. Cindy and I have loads in common, yet two years ago we didn't have a clue who each other was.
Saturday was gorgeous and after a lunch of chicken salad {I am on a chicken salad kick}, we took a long boat ride and showed Cindy and Dan the lake.
The Husband and Dan also get along like old friends. They stayed up late each night talking while Cindy and I konked out a 11:00. I took Cindy into our tiny little town where we went to a plant nursery. I bought a few herbs and more tomato plants and she bought a foxglove. She kindly oohed and aahed over my little vegetable patch. Saturday night The Husband made a delicious steak dinner with baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Now that I think of it, we really did a lot of talking and eating!
Sunday, after a lunch of BBQ chicken, Cindy and Dan routed there trip home with The Husband helping to maneuver them around Chicago and lots of traffic. Although we are hoping to visit them at their home, or meet up in December again for what now seems like our annual Christmas shopping trip, it seemed very quiet after they left. We took a little boat ride and then I took a bath and went to bed early. We got up at 5:30 a.m. and came back to Chicago today. Need I say we had fun? To see more pictures, visit Cindy at Applestone Cottage.
I took some pictures of my wee little cabbage patch behind the Summerhouse. I lost 2 tomato plants to rabbits that seem to just pop them out to let them shrivel up in the sun. Naughty rabbits.
I do have a tiny little pepper on my pepper plant. Isn't it the cutest?
I picked up some chives, rosemary, basil and oregano at the garden nursery and planted that on Saturday. Hopefully the bunnies will find something else to amuse themselves with.
It was a great weekend and it seemed to go by in a flash. Next weekend we have a ton of company coming for the 4th of July weekend. I think we are going from Friday until Tuesday night. After I rest up from this 4 day weekend, I will be ready again!
I want to announce the winner of my Pottery Barn giveaway, Sweet Bee Cottage has won the $50.00 gift certificate. Please send me your address via email. Thank you to everyone that left a comment. I wish all of you could have won! See you soon!
Jane, you had such a lovely weekend on the lake. We too have to constantly defend our plants from critters. I love chicken salad and make it often. Have a great week! xoxo, olive
Hi Blondie,
Such a lovely spot there and how lovely to share with good friends.
I have made some really good blogging friends and because we have so much in common it is so hard to stop chatting when we get together!! We could go on for hours. I guess we inspire each other:)
Have a wonderful day.
Pam x
It sounds like you had a great time, Jane! I always like to read about bloggers connecting in real life and becoming friends. It just proves that something virtual can become a "real" friendship.
Talking and eating is the best way to spend time with friends. Looks like y'all had a great time. :)
I love it Jane! I so enjoyed hearing about your get together and seeing the photos. I have been fortunate to meet a few bloggers. Wonderful time every time!
Hi Jane,
That sounds like a lot of fun. I think the garden center sounds like the best part, and of course, looking over your garden and the chicken salad too. I go on a chicken salad kick every summer too, think it's the warm weather!
I can tell from your wording what a lovely time you had, how nice you've been able to visit with one another a few times.
Mmmm... corn on the cob, that sounds good too!
what a special day!!!
Sounds like a lot of fun and relaxing at the same time! Your menu sounded good too!~Hugs, Patti
That sure sounds like a whole lotta fun! I had to work but I am hope to get a house in Escrow soon so I can relax a bit oxox, Diane
So happy you had such a lovely weekend with your friends.
What a lovely weekend you all had. Looks like a strong bond has been formed with all of you.. hugs ~lynne~
What a great weekend. Blog world is a marvel.
Love the colour of your summer house and the vegie patch next to it. Pesky rabbits! Yes the baby pepper is gorgeous. We call them capsicums in Oz.
Such a nice get together with your friends! :)
Your green pepper is so cute!!!
Hope your July 4th weekend is a fun one too!!
Love your garden!!!
Deborah xoxo
Jane, that is such a wonderful thing, friendship, no matter how it comes along! My grandmother told me that she was warned about the kids in the neighboring town... how they would not be nice and you didn't know anything about their bringing up. She would be appalled at my internet friendships! I think I am just very very lucky!
What a wonderfully perfect week-end you had!! I wish I was closer to some of my blog buddies ~ someday ~ someday. Have a great week and rest up for your long week-end! xo
It sounds like you had a great weekend Jane, it's so nice that you made such a good friend through blogging! Best of luck fighting the rabbits, it can be a battle:@)
Jane that is so awesome you and Cindy and the husbands became such great friends. Chicken salad sounds good, funny I have been on a kick of that lately!
That looks like great fun Jane! I think it's awesome that blogs can bring friends together. Glad you're enjoying your Summer, xxx
You had all the right ingredients for a wonderful weekend.
So glad you could spend time with each other.
xoxo~Kathy @
sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Jane,
I'm so glad that you had such a good time with Cindy and her hubs.
Looks like lots of fun on the boat.
It looks like you had a lot of fun. It's always nice when the husbands' personalities mesh as well.
Be sure to stop by my blog tomorrow to enter my giveaway.
Have a great week! La
I have met some bloggers in person and it has been a treat.
I look forward to meeting you one day too. I know you have been up to the Vancouver are before and I hope you come again.
So glad you had a lovely weekend! Sounds like the ultimate in relaxation! Lake life sounds wonderful!
What fun! So glad everyone had a great weekend and safe trip. Love the little pepper on your plant. That is too funny.
Hi Jane, congratulations to your winner, lucky lady!... sounds like you had so much fun with Cindy and her hubby... a perfect weekend with good friends, what could be better? Your little garden looks great and I love your baby pepper!... I even love the naughty rabbits you talked about!... I will visit Cindy and look at her post too... xoxo Julie Marie
You are just the best host. I'm just know they had a great time with you and your husband. Sounds like you will need a rest before the next celebration for the 4th. Debi
Isn't it fun to meet another blogger? I met a blogger that you've met too - I'll have to get busy and post about it tonight.
Hi Jane, It is so much fun to get away from the city go boating. You wouldn't do much boating in our area at the present time with all of the flooding. Part of our city has flood water where they closed streets. According to the news they open one of the high schools as a red cross shelter. We had heavy rain last night and early this morning. When is it going to end, a very good question. Your boad ride looked so inviting. Have a great week. We are going to our daughters for the 4th of July. Take care Your Missouri Friend.
A wonderful time with friends! That's what it's all about ♥
Dear Jane,
You and Al are the hostess and host with the mostest! Dan and I had such a great time and we are so thankful that you invited us and for your generosity! You are the warment and nicest couple, and so much fun too! I can't wait for our next get together!!!
I feel so blessed to have met and made such good friends through blogging!
I only wish we could have stayed the extra day. But soon, it will be time to get together again!
Love Ya girl!
Me again. I will get a post up tomorrow!!!
Jane- I am so glad that you and Cindy had fun! I can tell that you are comfortable together-like old friends! I used to go through Black River Falls sometimes when visiting my daughter when she went to UW EauClaire. It is such a small world, isn't it? Your little garden area looks pretty good -especially considering you are there only part time. I am working the next 6 days in a row-right through the 4th of July. Only bad part about working in a hospital...there is never an off day~ xo Diana
what a lovely weekend and such a wonderful example of how blogging can enrich our lives,, nice boat too!
How fun that you have become such wonderful friends and it all started through blogging. It looks like you had a great time. I have just started blog hopping, but feel as though I am getting to know a few of them. Darn those bunnies. They're too cute to get too mad. Hope your garden flourishes!
What fun! You've been meeting lots of friends around Blogville. Lucky you!
Hi Jane,
It looks like a lovely time! Your garden looks much better than mine here in Southern IL it is drowning with all of the rain we keep getting. I love chicken salad! It is a favorite! Thanks for stopping by!
Glad that you had such a fun time together! Making bloggy friends is a wonderful thing!
Hi, Blondie, so glad you had such a great time. Your lake house and the lake must be a perfect spot for company. I know they enjoyed it very much.
Now, that is one cute little green pepper. I do hope the rabbits find something else to eat other than your cute little garden. :)
Congrats to the winner of the gift card...a very generous gift, indeed.
xoxo bj
Hi, Blondie, so glad you had such a great time. Your lake house and the lake must be a perfect spot for company. I know they enjoyed it very much.
Now, that is one cute little green pepper. I do hope the rabbits find something else to eat other than your cute little garden. :)
Congrats to the winner of the gift card...a very generous gift, indeed.
xoxo bj
I love the garden. What a beautiful day!! Hoping my garden takes off soon too :)
Jane, it looks and sounds like you all had a lovely visit. You must be on the fast track with all the company coming and the summer's wedding events! {still no baby ~ she's fashionably 8 days overdue today!}
So glad you had fun with your friends! I have met so many Blogging friends and they all have turned out to be the bestest girlie friends!!
Sending Love!
What a fun time you have had with Cindy and Dan, Janie! I am sure they had a lot of fun too with all that good food that you served and the gorgeous lake view and the winderful boat ride. Thaks for sharing this even if I am getting kinda jeaolous, lol...Christine
Sounds like a lovely weekend! We didn't do a garden this year, but when we do we definitely have to defend it against rabbits. We see them in our yard constantly! I hope you have a wonderful 4th!
What a wonderful weekend, all round!
Hi Janie...
I'm just coming over from Cindy's, my friend! Ohhh...what fun you guys had! I'm just tickled pink for both you and Cindy (and the guys too...hehe!) I told Cindy that I would have loved being there with the two of both are such sweeties!!! Loved getting to see all of your photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! Girlfriend, I LOVE...LOVE your kitchen at the lakehouse! It's fabulous!!! You have such a beautiful home there...and how much live right on the lake! The boating and wave runners look fun! Did you and Cindy take the wave runners out? Just seen pics of the guys. I also enjoyed seeing more photos of your sweet guest cottage...ohhh my's simply divine, Girlfriend! What a talented designer you are!!!
Well my dear, I really enjoyed hearing about ya'lls weekend...thanks again for sharing it with all of us!
Love ya,
Hello dear wonderful you have been able to hook up with another blogger and her husband. Sounds like you had a great time eating and visiting with each other.
I'll tell you....if I am ever in your area while traveling I would love to meet you ....... I know you are a doll!!
I think that it is awesome that you have made such a great bloggy friendship. ( and the husbands too.. ) It sounds like it was a fun visit.
I hope that you have a great week
Oh your so lucky to have met a fellow blogger...what an awesome time you must have had!!! x0x0
Sounds like you had a great time!! I am just waiting for a groundhog to come after my peas, but so far, so good! Thanks for stopping by!!
Jane congrats to the winner so great to be the recipient of a cert to PB!!
Aren't lake weekends the best!
Art by Karena
Come and join my fashionable Giveaway from The Shabby Apple!
What a fabulous weekend with sweet new friends. I'm more jealous than I can say! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time.
Love to you~
What great fun! So glad you had that time at the lake ~ the water looks so refreshing to me. Good luck with your herbs...nothing like homegrown.
Sounds like you had a great visit, Jane! Fun looking photos!
I sure wish we'd had your hubby's help routing us through & around Chicago two years ago. The stupid GPS took us right through downtown at quitting time on a Friday night. OMGosh, I though I was going to DIE, waiting to get out of traffic & find a restroom. NEVER AGAIN!
Did you ever find out what your basket was for? I'll have to go back & read the comments to see if the mystery was solved.
Have a nice 4th of July holiday, Hon,
I am new here, but Cindy at Applestone is just such a doll that I had to POP over and meet you!!!!
My family live in the Chicago area. I have been to Galana once and fell in love with that charming river town!!I love U.S. History so I was sad we arrived to late to tour Grant's home there. I hope one day to get back there. Your Lake House is LOVELY!!You were great hosts to Cindy and Dan. I live in AZ, so luckily I get to see Cindy a couple times a year. You should come to warm AZ with her some time, like in Jan-Feb-March!!!DO not come now, it is brutally HOT!!!
Well so nice to chat with you, I will pop in more often now!!!Friends of mine are my friends!!!
Wow how fun is that!!
I am meeting up with some bloggers next Saturday!!
I can't wait to meet everybody!
Oh and what a great place!!
I am so glad y'all had a nice visit!
I hope the bunnies stay away from your cute little garden, too! I am also expecting out of town guests for Independence Day Weekend. I hope you have a Great Fourth!
Ricki Jill
What a wonderful weekend. Isn't it just great when you find someone you click with.
Oh what a wonderful time! I know there were so many laughs and happy stories to tell and remember! Have a blessed day dear Jane, HUGS!
Jane, you have cultivated some great blogging friendships. What a great personality you have. I look forward ton seeing your comments all the time. You always take the time to praise and encourage others while at the same time being honest and open and showing your vulnerable side. You are a treasure!
Jane, you have cultivated some great blogging friendships. What a great personality you have. I look forward ton seeing your comments all the time. You always take the time to praise and encourage others while at the same time being honest and open and showing your vulnerable side. You are a treasure!
That looked like a fabulous weekend visit with your good friends - yes I agree, meeting people through blogging is always so much fun!
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