I am joining Joan at Anything Goes Here for Vintage Christmas Monday. This is a fun event that Joan is hosting every Monday through Christmas. You can visit all the girls participating by clicking on Joan's button on my sidebar. Thank you, Joan for hosting this event!!
These little angels are from The Vermont Country Store,
which has a marvelous catalog and website that sells all things from the past. A lot of items like old fashioned sweets and confections, home and beauty products, and my favorite, old fashion flannel nightgowns for our cold Midwestern nights. Heaven! I remember these little candles from when I was a little girl. My mother had them and I think she may have gotten them at Woolworth's. She didn't drive and the closest town was about 10 miles away. So we walked, my mother leading her six little ducklings to a corner along the highway where a bus would pick us up and take us to this town. I remember that besides Woolworth's, there was a Sears where we bought our appliances, and a Fannie Mae, which was not on the itinerary. After shopping in Woolworth's for things like socks, underwear and toiletries, we were rewarded for good behavior by having lunch, which was inevitably grilled cheese, or hot cocoa at the snack bar. I think of those days when I see my little angel candles. In fact, I ordered three more because the head broke off one of them. She is not looking too appealing headless.
I also have these reproduction ornaments that are just like the ones hanging on my Dad's tree now, only his are the real deal. Again, I remember examining all of the ornaments on the tree once it was up and just loving the glittery pictures and script. Weren't the ornaments of our childhood just so fascinating? I took these pictures last Christmas as alas, I have not even brought my boxes upstairs yet. And...I am going to do a thorough cleaning of the house before I do. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with so many thing to be thankful for, but I had a lot of cleanup to do afterward. I got Abigail off to school yesterday (sniff sniff), and today I will keep busy with the cleaning and the boxes. Friday I will go buy our tree. :-)
Christine, my good friend from Christine's Home And Travel Adventures had a Pay It Forward Giveaway, and I was one of three people that won. Above you will see the gifts she so generously sent me. How I love getting packages in the mail from my blogging friends and you know, I got to meet Christine last April when she was in Chicago. We had such a fabulous time and I am so hoping we will get together again soon. She sent me a set of four gold chargers and you can see the ornate detail along the rim. The little gold ornaments are actually place card holders. How elegant!
Here you can see a pretty silver box with a verse on it that I love. Inside were these pretty peace dove ornaments that I believe you can put a picture in. Well, I will try. The crochet doily is also from Christine and in the back you can see a gold wreath she made that I put a candle in. It can be hung of course but I think it looks so pretty this way. All of the winners will receive the wreath. She also gave me a cute little ceramic candle holder with two birds on it and it got cut out of the picture. Sorry! I will post it another's SO cute!
And finally these cute letters. Gosh, I hope I smiled enough when I met her...I know I had a great time!
In my last post, I rambled on at the end about the progress of my kitchen at the lake. I had my new knobs and pulls put on. Well, I forgot to post the picture. I don't think anyone noticed!! So here it is, better late than never. As I said, my counters are full of stuff, but I don't stage too often, and I am a clutter bug. I was just sitting there one evening and it looked so pretty with just the pendant lights on, so I took some pictures. Anyway, you can read my ramblings below in that post.
Now I want to tell you that it is my turn to do the Pay It Forward. The first three people to comment on this post will win the PIF. I will send each person a gift(s) and in turn they will have a Pay It Forward and do the same. It is a lot of fun. I have to say that I will probably not get the gifts out until after the new year because of the congestion at the post office, but as you can see from the package I received from Christine, it will be well worth the wait! Now off I go to visit all the people in Vintage Christmas Monday and then I have to clean (ugh). I hope everyone has a great week!! :-)
I see I am first but I am not entering.
I just wanted to say how cute the ornaments are. I especially like the SMILE letters.
The color of your cabinets at the lake are beautiful. That is one of the only shades of blue I like.
You are quick! Your post is already up. I remember the originals of those candles! The Woolworth's always had a fun Christmas section with very inexpensive, impulse items! I also was a grilled cheese fan at the Woolworth's lunch counter.
Hi Jane, I love your little candles, they are just like my OLD ones from when I was a child made bu Gurley... Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie
Hello again, I really do know how to spell "by", I just type really fast and they need to put spellcheck in comments! PS You can let someone else have my PIF chance, I just wanted to say hi to you! xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane...
Gosh dog it, I wasn't fast enough.
I love your post today. Thanks for sharing the pretty little SMILE letters. I love that so much. How special. A reminder that we need to do that more often.
I love your ornaments, they are so pretty with the little flocking on them. I actually have some too, Tony and I bought them 35 years ago when we got married. I think I have 3 left from the original set.
Have a beautiful day sweetie.
Country hugs and much love...Sherry
love the vintage ornaments...
Wow, Janie! I love your kitchen! You did a super duper job with it! You go, girl! Love the pendant lights, the style of the cabinets, and the paint color and hardware. Good work! I thought you were going to show us your cabinets in another post... or that's what I assumed when the pic wasn't there. I saw the corner of one in that post.
And I love Vermont Country store! Those are such ornies, and the sweet little candles harken to the time when I was a wee magpie. Love them ALL!
Sheila :-)
Ohhh I just love the green you used in your lake kitchen. So soft and sage-y-ish. Well, that's not a good description but it is so lovely a color.
Yes, aren't those vintage decorations marvelous. For the look. And for the memories. :-)
I so enjoyed your remembrances of shopping with your Mom! I miss Woolworths so much! But I'm pretty excited about the Vermont Country Store, because I have been wanting candles like that, but can't find any. I'll definitely check that out!
Happy Vintage Christmas!
I have some of those very same balls with Merry Christmas printed on them! They came from my grandmother.
Hey Jane,
I just love your new cupboards, they are just gorgeous! And Woolworths, oh my, I surely remember spending a lot of time there when I was little. My Mom would take us there for most of our Christmas Shopping! The angels are so vintage looking which means we must be getting vintage too! Oh what a thought! Christine is such a doll and I love the gifts she sent! Come by when you can, I haven't heard from you in awhile. Hugs, Cindy
Thank you for sharing the pics of those carolers candles. I have the same ones from my mom. We grew up with them on the side buffet table for a little vignette that she did every year for Christmas using other ornaments as well as fresh greens. Thanks for the memories.
Hi Jane! I love those little candles! Yes, I remember them and the glittery ornaments, too! What wonderful gifts you got from Christine! And I LOVE your pretty! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
Merry Christmas!
Everything looks beautiful...don't you just love this time of year!
Hi Jane,
Those angels are darling and you brought back such a fond memory. I remember something very similar to those from my childhood!
Your cabinets are fabulous...LOVE the handles and pulls and the cabinet color is fabulous!
Love and hugs to you sweet friend!!
Thanks soooo much for talking about the goodies at Woolworth's...I also have lots of wonderful memories of Christmas with Santa! I have that same "MERRY CHRISTMAS"'s from my MIL's collection. Hope you have a nice week Jane!
I have really enjoyed reading your blog today. I remember those little candles and I did not know you could get reproductions from Vermont Store. Thanks for letting me know.
Your kitchen is lovely too.
I'll be back to see you again soon.
Hi Jane. I loved looking at all of your little treasures...lucky thing!
I also just adore the kitchen. Everything looks so wonderful and I love the door handles. You must be so happy.
Hope you enjoy the week and best wishes always, Natasha.
My mom has the little candle carolers still that she puts out each year...thanks for sharing your vintage treasures.
Hi Janie,
Cute kitchen the color and the new knobs. Love the vintage look of candles and ornaments. I seem to always be drawn to that vintage look. I remember Woolworths...and loved it. I think my mom used to work at Woolworth in NY City. I will have to ask...
I was thinking to myself when I saw that tree decorated: surely I'm not the only one moving in slow motion this season! And thank goodness those weren't current photos! I've got glue and paper and a mess spread all around me. I feel like I'm going in ten different directions and not getting a lot done. But your "SMILE" made me smile. What a wonderful present! (You must have smiled quite a bit.)
I am envious of the vintage glass balls. Oh and the hutch you have in the previous post. Jealous!
Thanks for stopping by and keep coming.
Hi again Jane, thanks for visiting me... I just had to come back for a second look at those little angel candles... I can't find mine... there are here somewhere! Have your tried putting that poor little angels head back on? I have put many heads back on some of my witch candles, etc... just light a match under the head till it starts to melt and stick it on her little body... it will hold and she will be happy! Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie
Every year the kids laugh at me when I pull out the old-fashioned ornaments from my parents' tree, but I love them (kids and ornaments!)Isn't it lovely, how the sight of a familiar old candle can take you on a memory ramble. I loved the image of you and your mum and siblings waiting for the bus - lovely.
Hey Jane, thanks for stopping by. My daughter's red hair came from her grandfather.
And oh my goodness, the little angel candles bring back such memories. My mom had some too! I haven't thought about them until I saw yours. I'm so thankful for the many memories of my wonderful childhood. Thanks for reminding me today.
Hi Jane, what a lovely pay it forward gift you recieved! I had ornaments like yours when I was a kid too, do you suppose there were only a few different kinds made back then? lol. My mother-in-law has an entire choir of those little choirboy candles that she puts out each year:>) It is so funny to see the things I grew up with coming out now in blogland!
Hi Jane, I love your vintage things and your peice about Woolworth's. I always loved Woolworth's and Kress'es, that's where we had lunch. Those were the good days. I love your blog and your header is wonderful...julie
I love, love, love your kitchen! The cabinets are beautiful, and those are the perfect pulls for them. Those candles are adorable, I love the Vermont Country Store, such neat things that are hard to find anywhere else. Congrats on your win from Christine, such beautiful things! Have a wonderful week. Kathy
lovely blog! thanks for stopping by mine...I have had so much fun meeting new people from the vintage Christmas Monday event! I used to live in Elmhurst, and often think of Chicago fondly!
hope you are having a great holiday season!
Hi Janie, I LOVE your kitchen cabinets and the pretty cabinet pulls. I really like the color. What do you call it? It's like in b/w turquiose and robin blue. It matches your blog background. Is that coincidental or did you get the color from your blog? Lovely vintage ornaments and candles. I wasn't born here but been here long enough to remember Woolworth. I used to go to one in Philadelphia where I first lived in this country. Love your story about your wonderful memories with your mom and siblings. I am glad you like my PIF gifts! And you DID smile a lot!:-)...Christine
Hi Jane, I just love hearing your memories of Woolworths, and about lunch at the counter. We had one here also, and I remember all the fun it was. The candles and ornaments are a wonderful reminder!
Blessings, and stay warm in those flannel gowns!
I love your vintage angels and ornaments. The kitchen looks wonderful too. I remember going to Woolworths too. Eating at the counter was a treat. I also remember eating in the basement restaurant in May Co. I guess there weren't as many fast food places then, so they had eating places in the dept. stores. Thanks for reminding me of that. Those are good memories.
Hi Janie, your little candles are adorable. What special memories of going into town to shop with your mother. I think that's why we all still love the vintage items so much, they bring back such great memories.
I love the little candles and I LOVE the link you provided! Your home is a beautiful backdrop to all of your fabulous decorating! Thanks for sharing. Judi
I have an obsession with those real deal ornaments like your dad has!
ALso love the color of your kitchen cabinets!
Hi Jane, love the little angel candles so cute!
Here is a link for the yo-yos they ae soo easy honestly!
Have a lovely time making them!
Rachel x
Whoops, that didn't link properly, sorry, but if you go onto the Heather Bailey blog you''ll see the Yo-yo tutorial.
Rachel (again) x
Hi Jane, what lovely gifts you received in the mail! It is beautiful, though sometimes a little sad, thinking of childhood ornaments... Sooo many sweet memories come to my mind! I remember my childhood home with the faux fireplace all decked out for Christmas (and now I have 2 real ones!) and my dad and I putting the tree up each and every year... my mother was always in the kitchen preparing yummy food and baking cookies, and then she came to see the finished job and we lit it!
Your new kitchen is fabulous, love the color.
Hi Jane...loved your visit! Sounds like your Thanksgiving was wonderful...I think we have the same kitchen pulls on our drawers...can't really tell from that distance.. I have to polish mine occasionally, (which reminds me!!!!) but really do love them. Well, get that cleaning done and have a ball bring out Christmas. Your right...there is nothing like the old ornaments!, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I remember those candles too! We have some of the authentic ornments. They were J' mother's. I have them in an old fashioned jar. The jar is a reproduction, though.
I love your lake kitchen! Beautiful!
Hi Jane !
Goodness, I am sooo behind on reading your posts - you have been busy !
I adore your kitchen cabinets and knobs at your lake house ! That color is a dream !
I loved seeing your vintage ornaments - does bring back memories...
I am now going to catch up with the rest of your blog.....
Hugs ~ Kammy
Hi Jane, those little candles take me back...way back! I love them! I used to go to Woolworth's after school with my girlfriend and we would gab for hours at the soda fountain. Your post makes me long for a really old timey Christmas!
PS - Sadie sends a shout out to Milo
Oh I feel your pain of cleaning after Thanksgiving! I have been trying to clean & decorate. Did the tree today. Love how it turned out.
Your kitchen turned out great! Love the new knobs. Charlene
Oh know we love your vintage Christmas! We'll have to try to join in the fun some Monday! We found a lot of vintage last weekend on estate sale hunts - yippee!!
Have a wonderful week!
ps...saw you like Mrs. daughter is 10 and LOVES Mrs. Pigglewiggle books - what a hoot! :)
I love vintage ornaments...yours are great!
Oh those are the sweetest little angel candles! My mom gave me my grandmother's little porcelain angels...and I just love their sweet little faces. The SMILE sign is so festive too! Your lake house kitchen knobs are fantastic..they look like vintage handles I've seen on hoiser cabinets! Hope your holidays are wonderful! Sonia/Miss Bloomers
Oh, those candles evoke such nice memories!
Your kitchen looks great and I don't considered that cluttered. It looks like people live there and use the kitchen. :)
Jane-I was looking for you on my blog roll to see what you were up to and you weren't there--I never clicked to follow you! I don't know how that happened but I remedied the situation! I love how Christmas decorations bring back so many memories--some wonderful;some bittersweet. I could almost taste a fountain coke at the Woolworth's snack counter as I read your post--lots of memories for me there. We had a Kresses with a snack bar too! Loved my visit!
I love the cabinets and pulls! My kitchen has VERY little cabinet or countertop it's ALWAYS cluttered. Just no where to store it all. Maybe after the holidays I'll do another clean out. Uh huh.
If you make a wreath be sure to let me know!!! I can't wait to see. mine took all of 10 minutes.
Hi, Jane, thanks for stopping by! What pretty things on this post, you are getting ready. Oh my, those little angel candles brought back memories from my childhood, my mom had some like those.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!! xo
Hi sweetie...
Thanks for stopping by and viewing my little snowman.
Moma hasn't seem them yet. I will be sending her one for Christmas.
All of my family lives in Oklahoma. Tony and I live out here, and we are fortunate to still have all of our children living out here as well, with grands. Moma and Daddy live back home, and I send their box to them at Christmas.
She will know as soon as she sees the little snowman where the chenille came from. She sat and watched me launder and then cut it all up. I had so much fun working with it. It was a queen size, so I have lots of pieces. I also made pumpkins at Thanksgiving. These little snowmen I love though.
Have a beautiful day sweetie. Country hugs...Sherry
Remember Woolworths? :) Those angel candles are so cute. Your ornaments are pretty too. Love what you did with the kitchen.
The capers of the vintage vixens
Love those little angels! I think my grandmother had a set just like them when I was a child. :) Sweet memories.
I am really enjoying your blog! Always interesting and always pretty. :)
Hi Jane, I love the little angel candles and the ornaments.....such sweet memories.
Your kitchen is the calmness of it.
Hope you are having a blessed December, sweet girl.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Hi Jane,
Thanks for your sweet comments! Only a little over a week to go, I can't wait! Your right about following a lot of blogs, sometimes I look at my dashboard and get dizzy with all the posts to read. Talk to you soon! Cindy
Thanks for the sweet comment about my angel.
I love your little vintage carolers. I get that catalog, and love it, too. :)
Just getting back to you with dimentions of the pillow. It is
16" square. The chocolate color is like the burlap used to cover my chair (see blog) and the vanilla is also very pretty. I will be making longer ones too. Thanks for asking.
Great post Jane...and you done hit the Motherlode with Christines gift...I loved seeing your lake house kitchen...that colors is just beautiful my friend...Sorry I haven't been here sooner...I know I'm a brat and proud of it ha ha!! May you have a great day my friend....Many mountain hugs to you girl...Gl♥ria
I enjoyed reading about some of your Christmas memories. We have a few things in common...both Janie's, both raised in the Midwest and both one of six kids. And apparently we both love vintage Christmas items as well. I remember those reminds me of something my Grandmother had.
Woolworths brings back memories for me also. I remember getting a coke at the deli or lunch counter after school. I can't remmebr much shopping othr that nickle and ime stuff. That sounds like so long ago...
Your kitchen is pretty...without the staging. I love the warth that flows from it!
Your Christmas Ornaments are so pretty:-)
enjoy decorating and this wonderful season:)
Jane, Congratulations on the PIF. Christine is a generous soul. I like your kitchen knobs.
Thanks for popping by Blondie!
Adore the vintage ornaments!
Every ornament on my tree is vintage. Makes for such an old timey Christmas feel!
Happy Happy Season!
Yup...a headless angel is never a good thing, lol!
I love, love the cabinets!! We're about to embark on a mini-kitchen reno...we actually like the cabinets (which long story short we recently found out were hand crafted by the Amish in the 1970s) but need to replace the counter tops and potentially (gulp) raise the ceiling. That's one of our big winter projects...we've got a few lined up so hopefully Santa stuff our stockings with Benjamin Franklins, lol!
Oh My, I used to have angel candles like that when I was young. I love your vintage Christmas. Thanks for the memory lane.
How gorgeous Jane!
All of your vinatge ornaments are so unique and lovely. I adore the letters!
Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)
The ornaments are darling! I love the color of your cabinets ~ very pretty.
How sweet. I love everything and those little angel cangles are bringing back some sweet memories to me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Lovely kitchen! I love kitchen pictures...and always check them out so closely.
I had never heard of the event you joined "anything goes." My old ornaments are so precious to me. Yours are beautful!
I'm smiling!!!
How are you blondie, I miss you
I enjoyed reading all this! I remember going to Woolworth's when I was a child!
Hi Janie, Greetings from Fort Lauderdale. We are waiting for shuttle bus to pick us up from the hotel to go to the cruise port. I see that you just stopped by. If you get a chance, stop by again and look at my tablescape last Thurs. It is my favorite and I just want you to see it before it goes way down below. Have a nice week!...Christine
Hi Jane,
Love your treasures. I used to love to wander around Woolworth's especially the lunch counter.
The kitchen looks like it is filled with love. I know you all worked hard.
have a wonderful weekend.
big hugs,
Hey Blondie!!
You are some popular girl... 73 comments and counting....
Well I love your xmas ornaments but my favourite.. [and it would seem everyone else's too] is the SMILE letters.. just love them...
Now if only I could send you some Bougainvillea I would. It is very common here in Australia in the hot months.. which of course is NOW.. No white Christmas for me unfortunately...
Take care and I will catch you again soon.... xxx Julie
Ooooh how I LOVE the holidays!!! FAB vintage!!!
Hi, Blondie girl..I love all your ornaments...and the SMILE is just perfect!
Your lake kitchen...I just love it!
Also wanted to say your sweet name is mentioned on the post I just put up...
Hey Jane, I love your vintage Christmas decorations and ornaments. Thanks for sharing and linkin' up to Frugalicious Friday!
Jane @ Finding Fabulous
those candles are too vintage-y cute!!! all your photos area great.
Hi, I just noticed that you have me listed as one of the blogs that you read!!! That is sooo sweet of you. Thank you. I am still working on getting my blog to look nicer but I will add you to mine too. Thanks again!
Blog: The Capers of the Vintage Vixens
Hi Blondie~ ~I'm looking for silver birds like the ones you have. They are so pretty. When you see my Christmas tree you'll understand. I too remember the little wax choir girls from childhood. Isn't it fun when a memory comes back like that. That's why I love vintage!
Your kitchen is beautiful, I love the color of the cabinets. Did you paint them yourself?
I remember those choir candles too and we have some Merry Christmas balls on our tree.
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