Monday, December 7, 2009


Friday I went to my favorite garden center and bought our Christmas tree. This has always been one of the highlights of the season for me. Walking down all the paths surrounded on both sides by trees in all sorts of shapes and sizes, the Christmas music wafting through the air. I feel like I am in the proverbial winter wonderland. That day I stood examining a rather nice specimen when a tall young man in a red velvet cap trimmed with white fur came up to help. I gestured to the tree. "Oh," he said. "Fir Elton John?" I thought I hadn't heard him correctly. I looked around a bit helplessly. Santa's helper thought I was eyeing the tree across the path and darted over. "Spruce Springsteen!" he declared. I noticed we seemed to be the only ones in the tree section and it made me a bit uncomfortable. I took two steps back into..."Douglas Firbanks, Jr!" Santa's elf was beaming from his seven foot head to his toes. I quickly settled on Fir Elton John and while the elf made himself busy writing up the ticket and tying up my purchase, I walked toward the beckoning warmth of the shop, and stopped on my way to look at the wonderful array of wreaths, already decorated with ribbons and pine cones. "And that would be Wreatha Franklin!" a voice behind me said, pointing to the one I was holding. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. He was standing with my tree, wrapped in cording, the stem covered in burlap. It was then that I noticed the ears. Poking out from under his cap...they were baby pink and pointed. I gasped, but he didn't seem to notice. I pointed out my car to him so that he could begin tying it to the roof while I went inside to pay. A few customers milled about and the employees, though wearing the red and white fur caps, looked decidedly normal. I did a quick check of their ears. Everything looked fine. When I got to the counter I said I had a ticket for Fir Elton John and Wreatha Franklin and the shop girl started laughing. I joined in. Then she repeated it to the girl at the next register and she started laughing along with the customers in line. I was feeling pretty merry by then, garnering all that attention and all. I handed my ticket over. "See," I said pointing to where my friendly little helper had written down my order. Well," she said. "You have a Douglas fir from aisle 16 and a decorated wreath from aisle 2." She then picked up a microphone sort of thing and requested an employee to go outside and ready my tree for pick up. "Oh, no!" I said. "There is a nice, er... man out there helping me." The girl continued ringing up my order and said "I'm sorry Miss, we have only one person working this afternoon, his name is Earl and,....oh! There he is now!" I walked outside in disbelief. Earl was a short balding man with a cigar clenched between his teeth. "So where is your tree ma'am?" he asked in a gravelly voice. I told him it was probably tied to my car by then, but looking through to the parking lot, I could see it wasn't. He snatched my ticket from my hand and growled for me to follow him. There was my tree in aisle 16. It didn't look like it had moved. I looked around in all directions. No sign of a seven foot elf. "Yes, this is it," I said weakly. "Fir Elton John." Earl gave me a sideways glance as he started tying up my tree. "Yeah, and I'm the Earl of Spencer!" he said hauling the tree over his shoulder. He followed me to my car and after a lot of heaving and grunting, managed to get it tied to the roof. I got in my car to drive away and looked back at all the trees, the overhead lights beaming and making it look like a lit up forest, an enchanted forest if you will. Then I caught sight of something bobbling in and amongst them. The tip of a red and white cap over the top of the trees. And then a pink face with pointed ears poked out and with a wave of his hand I heard, "Have a magical Christmas!"
Hello snow!! I woke up to this beautiful sight. Unfortunately, it is the slushy type that will probably be gone soon. But the first snow is always exciting. And that is my little car that didn't make it in to the garage last night (and I just had it washed last week). But it is the first snow and that is always special. As long as it stays on the ground for a little while... And as you can see, I have my tree. It is a little loppy on one side but this actually works for me because I have that part near the wall where the radiator is and it doesn't block it. We had a busy weekend, including an Open House for my brother in law and his wife who are visiting from Vancouver, so we did not get the lights on. I say we but I mean HE. I do not do lights and until HE comes home tonight from work, I can't trim the tree. But I am going to do my decorating. I have invited said brother in law, his wife and her parents over for dinner (oh, why do I make things hard on myself?) so I really must rush. And I have heard some bloggers say that they are scaling back on their decor because of time constraints and so they can relax this season and I am going to pay some heed to that. So I am off to carry my boxes upstairs and start to decorate. Now, if only I had a seven foot tall elf to help me...


Deb said...

What a great post Jane :-) I wish we had a Santa's Elf helping us with our tree ...loved all the names ~ enjoy decorating your Fir Elton John & Wreatha Franklin today & that dusting of snow ♥ Your neighbourhood looks so pretty!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

That's hilarious! Love all the names. (Now I'll be trying to come up with more....)

Debra@CommonGround said...

Jane, I definitely think you had a close encounter with the "elf kind". Love it! Your tree is gorgeous. Have a great day decorating!

Unknown said...

Great story and beautiful tree. Have a good time decorating!

Melissa @ Huckleberry Prairie said...

haha... loved the elf story! It had me cracking up! :)

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Great post indeed!! We are getting our tree on Sunday...can't wait! Thanks for coming by today,love your notes!!

Lori E said...

Jane I thought we had a chat about the eggnog? You know it makes you see things.
I am surprised you didn't pick up an Ernest Borgpine as I hear they are lovely too though rather rotund.
You did a fab job on this post.

Stacey said...

You clever girl! Your elf encounter sounds like fun. :)

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Great story and beautiful tree...thanks for sharing!

KTW said...

LOVE IT! :) Thank you so much for the giggle today! Can't wait to see Fir Elton John once he's all decked out.

Judi said...

Well you had me laughing so hard hubby actually came to see what was going on! Thanks for the laugh! Judi

Simple Home said...

I loved your little story. It sounds like you encountered a bit of a mischievous elf ;-) it's raining here right now and my kids are wishing it would turn to snow. It feels almost cold enough, so if it goes on until evening, we might have snow in the morning. Thanks for sharing.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Cute story Jane.....Now put some cloths on that bare naked tree! Lol, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That was good Jane! You have a lot of creativity running through them veins! Can't wait for Sat., we have 6-12 inches of snow coming our way tomorrow! Hugs, Cindy

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I love your imagination and your story and, of course, the names of the trees and the wreath.
I believe there really are elves out there among us, we just have to look around.
Your snow picture makes me home sick.

julie said...

Lovely story. You had me...julie

Barb said...

oh Jane, that was brilliant. I needed to laugh and girl you provided that.

Big hugs,

P.S. Your tree is lovely!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

It's a beautiful tree, Jane! I'm looking forward to seeing it all done up!

We had flurries last night. It was pretty, but didn't last.

Unknown said...

Jane...great story and great tree! Looking forward to seeing it all decorated and in it's glory :)

Christmas Blessings!

Gypsy Heart said...

Could you please send that elf my way? :-) Love to see snow!

April said...

Now, that's one GREAT story! Love your pretty tree! Hope you'll share pictures after it's all decorated!

Kat said...

Jane, this made me smile and laugh out loud. Fir Elton John! Priceless. Thanks for the big giggle today, I needed it! Can't wait to see Fir John in all his glory. Hugs, Kathy

anythinggoeshere said...

What a clever elf and a wonderful tale! Love the tree! I bet the "New Tree" smell is marvelous. xo Joan, your hostess.

My Grama's Soul said...

What a cute story!! It certainly brought a smile to my face!



Anonymous said...

Love the Story!..and thank you for the compliment and the visit! You have a wonderful way of writing, I'll be following along...from this old house to yours..


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh Jane! What a magical wonderful post! I had so much fun reading this....

Rhondi said...

Hi Jane
Cute story. We haven't bought a real tree in years and I do miss the fun of looking for the best one.
Hugs, Rhondi

Lynn said...

What a wonderful story!
I love it. Now don't go and make yourself sick over all the stress of the holiday!

Jane said...

What a fun story! Those were great names for the trees and the wreath!
We're supposed to get our first snow tonight and then more on Wednesday. I'm secretly hoping for a snow day!!
Have fun decorating.

The Lazy Peacock said...

very cute story! i can't wait to see what you do with decorating fir elton john!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi sweetie, What a wonderful post. I enjoyed your story as always. You are great at it. You should be writing books.. did the elf's finally help you get your lights and decorations on? Girl I've been at it a while and still have "quite" a ways to go, Keep me posted on any further elf adventures...hugs ~lynne~

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi sweetie, What a wonderful post. I enjoyed your story as always. You are great at it. You should be writing books.. did the elf's finally help you get your lights and decorations on? Girl I've been at it a while and still have "quite" a ways to go, Keep me posted on any further elf adventures...hugs ~lynne~

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Janie, did some strange man really help you, or are you teasing us??? Those names were a scream... wreatha Franklin??? LOL!
Loved the story.

Have fun with your company. I haven't done the first thing to decorate. Not the first.


Sheila :-)

Domestic Designer said...

Great story and beautiful tree! Your snowy yard is lovely too!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I could use one of those "7 ft helpers" right now too! lol

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Marianne said...

What a lovely and fun story! We could all use the help of a little (or better yet tall) elf in our lives. Have fun with the decorating!

Monica said...

Jane, your Christmas story gave me chills! Thank you for spreading some good cheer!
Have fun with your decorations,

Sherri said...

What a CUTE story! Can't wait to see your tree decked out. Oh so wish we had some snow.

stefanie said...

love your silly story!!! oh the snow looks beautiful on your street, makes it really feel like Christmas time

susan said...

Jane-It is a cold rainy dreary day here and your post was EXACTLY what I needed!...aren't you the clever one ? :) Good luck with your dinner and thanks for coming to see my "wreatha franklin"!

Barb said...

Jane, have fun decorating your tree. Isn't this such a wonderful time of the year?

Loved your made me smile. Have a wonderful and blessed day!!!!

Hugs, Barb ♥

Pondside said...

Thanks for the early morning smile! I loved your story, and your photo of first snow. It was cold enough here to snow yesterday, but the sky was clear and nothing was about to fall. I don't mind waiting a week or two for the white stuff!

Erica (Irene) said...

Great story and post.....have fun decorating your tree. I'm way up in the Great White North and we haven't seen one snowflake yet here in the city. Have a great day!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Great story Jane...even naked it still looks good! Hope you have a FUN day!


Brenda Pruitt said...

I had a heck of a good laugh from this one, dear Jane! You tell a really great story. (I bet he's bobbing about your backyard hiding in the greenery. After awhile you may hear him calling for Blondie to please come out and join him to make a snowman! With elf ears!)

Winchester Manor said...


You just made my day! I'm trying to busy myself as Papa Calentino is in surgery as I type this and your post warms my heart and is the dose of magic that I needed!

I just adore you and a visit with you is always good for my heart and soul!!

Thank you for your kind words, they mean more to me than you could ever know.

Love and hugs,

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

What a fun story - I loved it! Hope you have fun decorating that tree! Linda

Anonymous said...

Wreatha Franklin...that one really takes the fruitcake. Lori says you have been in the eggnog again? hmm. Okay, I will have a sip or two and toast Bow Diddly. Great tree. Now finish that decorating.

Dana and Daisy said...

what a delightful story! I went back up and re-read thinking I had missed the line that said, "I had a dream the other night." ha ha!

I love a Frasier Fir!

SmilingSally said...

I could use that seven-foot elf myself to pack some boxes to ready for our move. Happy decorating, Jane!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh you are so cute! But Honey Bun, I'm just glad you didn't run into a [naked] elf, while getting your [still naked] tree. -giggggles-

As to Mincemeat Pie, just look for a jar in the Pie Makings section of your grocery store. And you can try one yourself. It's not "meat," minced or not. It's fruits. And you can add some Rum to it, to "kick it up a notch." >,-)


Picket said...

Loved the Elf story!!! LOL The tree is so pretty even 'naked'! lol We really scaled back on our decorating this year also....I'm just looking forward to being with my family and knowing that mama & daddy are doing so much better...the first snow is always so beautiful but after that I am ready for it to be gone by lunch time! lol Merry Christmas girl! ~Picket~

Sharing with Sherri said...

Thats quite a clever and magical story Jane!! I only wish I had a clever comeback!

The snow looks wonderful! We were actually supposed to get some snow here in the Cali Valley...but none yet!! Now that would really be magic if we did!

Have fun decorating your sir Elton John tree! I can just picture it covered with a bunch of crazy FAR OUT looking glasses!! hee hee!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane! You're just so wonderful today! I'm loved hearing about your elf encounter! :) Now your Fir Elton John is looking so fine. Where's his glasses? :)
Take it easy and enjoy your family! Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Joyce said...

I love your magical reappearing elf story. Too funny. Enjoy trimming the tree.

Kathleen said...

Loved the story, Jane..
Reminded me of a line from Stuart Little..For you I PINE, for you I BALSAM! :)
And your tree is a beauty.
Have a fun weekend..we have a busy one too! 2 parties in one day and tomorrow night a dinner party.
I would rather stay home in my jeans and get my house finished!

Beth at Aunties said...


Hey, Sir Elton John even looks good in the nude!!!:)
What a fun post and with magical touch of Christmas! I am sure Sir Elton John will be charming. I too wish I would have had a seven foot elf or at least a ladder to do ours! It was quite comical! Take it easy and enjoy this beautiful season.

June said...

Jane what a great story...have you told your husband about the elf? I'd think twice about it if I were you! So funny! Happy tree trimming.

FranE said...

Such a vivid imagination. I could see the entire story in my mind. It was such really a laugh out loud experience related, that I could relate. Thanks for taking time when you are so busy to share such fun thoughts.

Maggie said...

I loved your tale, I believe you!!
Made me smile on a wet & cold Normandy morn.

Sue said...

Janie, I believed you!! It WAS a 7 ft. elf who helped you. tee hee What a cute little story...
That tree will be gorgeous all done up. I may have to buy a real tree again, one day. I still have this crazy penchant for putting up so many trees throughout the house. They are not all big, though. I will not get the prettiest one up this year. I am reeling from what I've done so far. You asked about my magnolia leaves in the dining room. These are artificial. I've seen some muted ones like this that are real, however. I do have a natural wreath that I need to do something with. I feel that I'll never get done with the stuff I've already taken out of boxes. Dan comes home this weekend and I had wanted to be completely done. Oh well, I cannot kill myself. I am a little dizzy today, but I think it has something to do with this crazy weather we are having. High winds and lots of rain. Ick.
Hope this finds you well; I seem to have written a book....
Many hugs, my friend.... Sue

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I know you don't want to reply, Dear One. But I'm going to ask you just to look, anyway. :-)

May I please ask you to take a minute and read my latest post? Please and thank you.

Penny said...

Oh Jane, That is such a great story. I am laughing. Thanks for visiting my blog - I look forward to coming back here. I am from SW Michigan. Which lake are you on? I grew up water skiing on Diamond Lake, Sister Lakes, and Indian Lake. Thats why we fell in love with Lake Lure. It reminded us of home.

red.neck chic said...

Oh my goodness - that's a great story! I'm laughing!!! Love your tree!!!

;-) Robelyn

Julie Marie said...

Jane, what an adorable tale from an adorable lady... you always make me smile... I guess I am not one of the bloggers you read about who is "paring down" on decorations this year... I think ALL of my Christmas things I have gathered over my lifetime want to come out just once a year so they do! It is a bit crowded here and alot of work... maybe your 7 ft elf will help me put it all way after Christmas! Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie said...

LOL That was great! We woke up to snow this morning too. Soooo pretty but the driveway and roads must be clear in the morning as I have to go out and my car is very tiny. Maybe your elf can pick me up:)
Nice tree too.
Blog: The Capers of the Vintage Vixens

Anonymous said...

I'de love the dog biscuit recipe! and I'm looking more closely at your blog.. love your music choices, and also the sayings on your side bar, beautiful.

Your friend, who I will assume passed away, had such warm and joyful eyes. You must miss her dearly.

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

Wow! That's some tree. It's so pretty. I love the look and smell of a real Christmas tree, I just don't like the work that goes into them. I love your little story with all of the names...very cute.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Jane, what a darling post!! Magic of all kinds happen at Christmas.
xoxo Lidy

FrenchGardenHouse said...

ps. I love how the Birds Paintings you bought from FrenchGardenHouse look in your room!!

Kathy said...

hehe A nekkid Fir Elton John and an Elf with pink ears, pass me that eggnog Jane :-). thank you for the giggle and the welcome back sweet lady and that sounds like a great idea to scale back and enjoy the festivities, one that I am certainly going to adhere to. happy decorating and remember we will expect Fir Elton to live up to his reputation and be the most outrageous tree on the block. Kathy.

Maureen said...

Sweet story! (Ear to ear grin is currently present!)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

LOL! Thhis was a great post! LOVE it. LOve you, sweet friend. Your a good friend to Bloggeritaville!

Tales from Bloggeritaville

Elaine said...

Cute post. Love the names of the trees.

Hope you post a photo of the finished product.

We had our first snow on Sunday. It is so gorgeous before the snow plows and sanders get to it.

Lori said...

Oh I love this story ~ I was thinking to myself that these guys were really in the spirit ~ more spirit than where we got ours!!

Unknown said...

Did you write this story? It is brilliant, and if you did...well, you just wrote your first Children's story. I can see every detail of this lovely tale in the writing. How imaginative and what a fun idea. The names are the best. Can't you just see little kids going to look for a tree after reading this, and naming each tree?


Susie Q said...

Oh how I miss the smell of a real tree! *sigh* Between my asthma and a very naughty car named Henry, no real one for I will enjoy it vicarously through yours.
You are so stinkin' funny sweet always put a smile on my face.
Douglas Firbanks Jr. indeed!! Tell Fir Elton and Wreatha hello from me.

Have fun decorating!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love your story and the "Real" tree is just perfect. I can't wait to see the finished tree. Hope you are having a Blessed Christmas Season. Hugs, Marty

GwendolynKay said...

Fir Elton John looks right at home. too bad he doesn't sing... I bet him and Wreatha Franklin could get a good carol going. Ha!! Loved your story. Blessings!

Lisalulu said...

WHAT A GREAT BLOG glad I found it!

Ticking and Toile said...

that is hilarious! I love Christmas! Your neighborhood does look lovely!
Thanks for coming by today! I always smile when I see your name!!
I think it's from that first time you ever left a comment for me & you kept making mistakes & ended up leaving like 3 or 4 separate comments!! I knew I liked you then! :)


Anonymous said...

LOL! Super post! I wish we could do "real"...but I'm allergic. However, I can do a real wreath on the door, so we do that!
And the vintage ornaments...yay!
Have a blessed day Ms. Jane!!

Unknown said...

I am our Santa's elf ... or it won't get done. Loved your write. You are so humorous & cute ... have fun decorating.

Merry Christmas, TTFN ~ Marydon

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Maryrose said...

Hi Janie,
I love this post. I think I am going to walk around with a stupid grin on my face all day thinking about your 7 foot elf. You have a great gift for storytelling. I may just have to borrow some of those cute names so I can be witty too. Enjoy the decorating...I am finally done (amazing what you can accomplish when you are having a progressive dinner) of course the gifts are still a problem. Oh well, I guess it will get done somehow.
PS. I am still chuckling

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Jane,
Long work day, I just got home! I just e-mailed you. Hope your day was good! Hugs, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Oh Blondie, I so loved that story or was it a story? Did it really happen to you? Wreatha You know I think one of my very favorite things during the holidays is seeing a car traveling down the road with a Christmas tree tied to the roof. xo

Teresa said...

What a delightful way with words you have Jane!
It's no wonder you have some many wonderful followers.
Thanks for popping over and for the oh so kind words.
Happy Decorating...and don't feel a bit guilty about scaling back this season!

Melissa Miller said...

What a wonderful post Jane. I was truly enchated by the elf. He!
Your new tree is beautiful!

Thank you very much for your sweet comment last night. It really made my day sweet friend.

Enjoy this joyous season!
~Melissa :)

Decor To Adore said...

Jane, I am SO stealing those names! You crack me up!

Penny said...

Jane, I have been reading over your blog. Good stuff. I see you like White Pigeon like me. What is the name of that shop. Three Sisters? or something like that. My sister-in-law in Dowagiac is a friend of the owner and we go there whenever I am in Michigan. My SIL has antique booths in Niles. She loves primitives.

blueberries in the fields said...

this is such a wonderful and magical story. if only it were true...was it ? ( smiles ) love the name by the way, i have to remember them. Fir Elton John looks fabulous in yourliving room, love your fireplace by the way. I wish you a beautiful wonderful and cozy christmas.

KarenB said...

You are so funny! I want to go to that tree lot!

Karen @ Elderberry Street

koralee said...

Thank you for visiting me...your tree is so lovely..can't wait to see all the decorations. Happy weekend.

Laura said...

Dear Jane-
Each year when we went out shopping for our tree, we always seemed to have some sort of special experience.

I guess it is just a majical time.
Enjoy your decorating!


Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

What a great story! Love the snow in your yard! How I wish for snow! Enjoy decorating your tree!

Bonnie said...

Absolutely FUN story! pls let us see pics of Fir Elton John when you've decorated the fine fellow.


Kathleen Grace said...

You are a step ahead of me, I still don't have my tree yet! We plan to get it Monday, I don't think I have ever in my life waited this long to get the tree! I love the elf story, too cute:>)

CurtissAnn said...

What a memorable experience! Just wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

Kathy said...

Oh, Janie, what a cute story - you clever girl you! I imagine your tree is beautifully decorated by now. Don't you just love the way a fresh tree smells? Nothing else like it!

Merry Christmas my friend.

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

What a funny post! I've had quite a serious week and was in need of a good laugh, thank you.

Your tree looks fabulous! I can't wait to see it decorated.

No snow here yet, but I have my fingers crossed...
Take care

Warm wishes
Isabelle x

Mary said...

Enjoyed catching up with your elf shenanigans - and seeing your first snowfall Jane.

Looks like Christmas can't be far off in your neighborhood.

Sarah said...

What a wonderful story and such clever names! You're a great story teller. Happy Holidays ~ Sarah

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Janie
That is the first good laugh I've had all week..I was lost in the world of rows of trees upon trees [don't have that abundance here] and then ... ooops... got lost in the world of fairyland... great story... and fabulous I said .. just not the same here. Our trees are pine.. but not as stylish... more a bush tree. Well that will certainly make it sound like the outback.. I have to get your a pic...

Have fun decorating and thanks for the laugh... xx Julie

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

What a cute post Jane!! Loved it!! I need an elf too!

I am trying to move into chill out and enjoy mode, but I am not done shopping yet! Enjoy your snow girl!! I am jealous!!

Lou Cinda xoxo

Charlene said...

I LOVED YOUR ELF STORY!!!!!!!!!! You are such a CLEVER GIRL! Have a great one. Enjoy decorating that pretty tree. And for the car... mine is a mess & needs a detail so badly. Another day my dear no worry be happy. Hugs Charlene

Anonymous said...

What a great story! The Chistmas tree names are just wonderful. Thanks for visitng me and appreciate your kind comments.


Anonymous said...

Fir Elton! That's too funny!!! I'll be giggling over that for days :)


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