And that is my craft for this week. I am not very crafty ;-} but I hope to come up with something for next week. Visit Kathy and the girl's participating in this event and leave a nice comment. Think of all the ideas you will get and all the hours of fun!
This week I was given the Kreative Blogger award from both Linda at Coastal Charm, and Lou Cinda at Tattered Hydrangeas. Thank you to both of these sweet girls. The rule is that I am to name 7 things about myself that you may not know. That will be close to impossible if you are familiar with how much I can chatter. Then I am to pass the award on to 7 bloggers.
2) My cat had kitten's in one of my dresser drawers.
3) Both of my daughter's weighed 5 lbs. at birth.
4) I love chocolate and hate beets.
5) My mother's maiden name was Doll.
6) My husband is 8 years older than me.
7) I live on a lake but can't swim.
Now I need to pass the award on. I don't have the URL's but I will let you know. If you have received the award already, you can take a pass if you want. You can take a pass no matter what, but I am personally nosy by nature and like to know as much as I can about everyone.
1) BJ @ Sweet Nothings
2) Elaine @ Cafe Chatelaine
3) Cindy @ Applestone Cottage
4) Mary @ Across The Pond
5) Melissa @ Melissa's Heart And Home
6) Lori E @ Family Trees May Contain Nuts
7) Karen @ A Scrapbook Of Inspiration
FINALLY!! I am having a giveaway!!! Keeping with my Blonde roots, I missed my own 100th post and 100th follower! LOL!! I do have a one year anniversary coming up at the end of this month (can't remember the date~see what I mean?) so I thought I would have a giveaway. I had such a fun time with the Ugly Rooster Giveaway, I thought I would do something a bit more normal. One of the gifts is a package of note cards painted by Karen Harvey Cox. She so generously sent these to me specifically for the giveaway. All of you know how I love her work. If you haven't been to her blog, please visit. You will love it. The rest of the giveaway remains a secret and once I choose the winner, I will attempt to customize it just for you. The rules are the usual. Leave a comment for one entry, become a follower for two and blog about my giveaway with a link for three entries. I have a blog button on my sidebar. The deadline is Friday, November 20, 2009. Good luck ladies!!
Have a great week!!
Blondie my friend, I love your letters. I'm not crafty at all but might be able to do these. Was it hard to trace the letters and make it look good? They turned out really pretty with the papers you chose and that glitter.
I'm thinking you could do the same thing on wooden picture frames. I'm guessing they sell a simple frame that can be embellished at HL.
Oh I almost forgot the giveaway. I will follow all instructions to a T. :)
Very lovely creations, Blondie. TY for accepting my entry. Pop over & enter our TRIPLE GIVEAWAY. Have a lovely week. TTFN ~Marydon
Oh I really like the JOY one. Pink and sparkles. What's not to like, hu? :-)))
I admire you so much, because I'm totally not crafty. Not. Not. Not. But I just accept it now. ,-)
Aunt Amelia
Oh Sweetie you did a beautiful job.
I love the letters, and I am stopping at Michaels on my way home to see what I can find. I have a wall of mirrors in the dining room, and I have been looking for the perfect thing to hang on them. You just helped me find it. I could paint letters, and then put hook eyes in the top to run a ribbon through, and use suction cups to stick them to the mirror. It would be so pretty. I always have a small tree in the dining room and I was thinking it would be lovely to hang them by the tree. I will keep you posted.
Thanks so much for sharing, and I will go take a look at the blog friend who is hosting the crafting party.
Please enter me into your giveaway I would so love to have a set of Karen Harvey Cox's cards. She is so wonderful and I love the little tea pots. I am also a follower of yours.
Many thanks sweetie. Please stop by soon. Country hugs, Sherry
Well I can paint but I think this is such a fabulous idea. Funny thing is I was just thinking in the middle of the night that I need to do another JOY painting because all the ones I have done were for others. Serendipity or what.
Congrats on your milestones. It is a great accomplishment for sure.
I would love to be entered for your giveaway.
I am already a follower but I will post about it and I will post it on Twitter as well. How about that.
I love these and I have always wanted to do some for myself, forget about giving them away, lol! I just can't decide what I want to spell and where I want to put them. Thanks for linking up with me today:>)
I love these letters! Now you know how craft impaired I am, but I might be tempted to try this. Loved your 7 things - I detest beets, it's the only vegetable I absolutely will not eat! And I'll go you one better on the kittens - my show dog started to have her puppies in my bed and ON MY LEG! Guess what - DH spent that night in the guest room lol. Oh please enter me in your giveaway, I love those note cards and I just know that anything you choose would be priceless. And of course I'm a follower, who wouldn't be??? Hugs, Kathy
Those are fabulous! I love em! : )
Hello Jane, I think your crafts are beautiful! And I do think you are very talented!!! I love seeing what everyone else makes... especially for the holidays... please enter me in your fun giveaway... I am already a follower! xoxo Julie Marie
You're a Doll! LITERALLY! ;-)
For someone who's not crafty, that's a pretty crafty project missy! I love it...upside down type or not. (Frankly, I think that just adds to it!)
And six weeks 'til Christmas? Seriously. How is that possible? Eek!! I better keep crafting myself. Thanks for the link to the Handmade Holidays...I'll check it out for sure. xo, Laura
Hey Girl!
Great post, and thrifty too, you should link up to Thrufty Thursday this week. Please enter me in your giveaway! I would be most honored!
Love your crafty letters! I followed a link from Lori E's blog over here and now can be counted as a follower. Lovely blog :)
What cutie-patootie letters you made! I have almost completely stopped buying gifts for holidays. I told my daughters, hey, you're in your thirties now. We buy ourselves what we actually want. How do you feel about skipping out on the presents except for the little kids? And they were actually relieved! About five or so years ago (before it was trendy) I made about fifteen people in my family/circle an entire basket each of goodies. Handmade, embroidered, jars of food, etc. filled to the brim of the baskets. I worked MONTHS on those baskets. Now it is actually chic to be frugal. How nice! I'll go visit Mrs. Kathleen.
I love your letters...so cute. Thank you for visiting me!
Great job! I have a LOT of scrapbook paper so this should be an inexpensive adventure...just gotta go and pick up some letters. I would love to be included in your giveaway ~
Jane your letters are GORGEOUS! You are so very taalented my friend. I am the least crafty person on the planet and I really do admire all the talented ladies in Blogland. Very pretty!
Thank you very much for thinking of me for such a nice award. I really appreciate it.
What a lovely giveaway as well.
Congrats on over 100 posts! Yay!
Can you belive I'm not even close yet? I'm only at 75. I blog at a snails pace. HeHe!
Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)
PS I'm working on a new post for later this evening. Check back if you have a moment okay.
What a precious new button you have. I'll take it! :)
Hi Jane,
First congrats girl on your 100th post and anniversary! It's pretty amazing isn't it! Thank-you for the award too, your sweet to think of me. I would love to be entered in your give-away and I think it's cool that some of it is a surprise! Now those letters you created are awesome! You are very crafty indeed and I bet they will look wonderful on your mantle or wherever you decide to use them. I like the blog party idea and I will check that one out. You always write such creative posts and I don't like beets either! Hugs, Cindy
Your letters are very cute. I have seen them at Hobby Lobby. I know it isn't the easiest thing to get that paper cut just perfect for the letters. Good job!
Definately add me to your giveaway...thanks for stopping by. Have a good week.
What do you mean, you are not crafty!?
Those are darling!
And I'm in on the drawing!
Going to go hitch us up.
I've been thinking about doing some letters like this but that's as far as I have gotten. :-)
I'm grabbing your button for my page. Hugs
The Noel and Joy look really nice. Can't believe we are getting this close to Christmas. Yipppes!
Yes Karen's things are really nice. I have an order coming from her. Can't wait to get it.
Nancy Jo
Thanks so much for the award dear. I believe I received it before so won't participate again - in fact I try to keep my blog award free now as I've been doing it for so long - 3 year next Feb.
Sounds like a fun giveaway though - pop my name in your warm Illinois hat please - love the notecards.
Warm hugs from still warm, but now wet, North Carolina.
I would like to know where you have your cards done or if you do each by hand.
Your letters are fabulous! I am going to Michaels this week and buy some and try this. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love the idea of showing off our handmade Christmas, and I love yours. I hope to get a few things done for Christmas too. I'm not going to commit though, because I am the world's biggest procrastinator.
I would love to enter your giveaway!
You are so generous! Thank you for all the wonderful words of encouragement. I didn't have the best day today, and I popped over to see that you had joined Kathy's Handmade Holidays. OMG those letters are beautiful. I have never attempted to do anything with unfinished pieces, but I long to. I think I am going to try this. Thank you for sharing this, and for always making me feel so good. Congratulations on your award, and thank you for passing it on to me.
Our lake is just down the block, I can't swim either. Yet I taught both my girls when they were little in swimming lessons. I didn't want them to be fearful of the water, so I never told them. Years later they found out, and were amazed. I was happy that they both love swimming. My youngest daughter works part time at the Sports Club here teaching little children how to swim.
Jane, thanks for being you.
Jane, you & I are sooooooo on the same path... I forgot my Blogaversery (Sept) & I need to do a giveaway too. I am at 187 (or something like that) posts. But, before I start mine I want to say that I would LOVE to win those cards from Karen. But, most of all I would love to be supportive of my friend so, I am a follower, I have commented, & I will post about your give away. Congratulations on your Blogaverary & you almost have 200 followers!!!! You go girl. PS... I love your letters for the holidays. GOOD JOB!
Hi Janie,
Love the letters and I think putting some of the paper upside down just adds to the charm. There is so much darling scrapbook paper out there (I don't scrapbook) but I would love to use some of it....so you have given me the inspiration to do just that. I once china painted a porcelain box and mispelled Christmas...I laugh every time I see it.
Love your giveaway. I will have to go back and read the instructions again... one thing at a time for me ;)
PS - When you are house hunting ... I have a charming house down the block and then you can come to all my parties. Or just come anyway.....thanks for stopping by.
Janie--Love these letters! I am going to feel so left out--not a crafty bone in my body :) Can't swim, love choc., hate beets, and had a 5 lb daughter!
What a great craft idea! I LOVE it! Guess what, I just got nominated too for a Kreativ Blogger award so stay tuned for my 7 "things!"
O, Blondie girl...those letters are adorable. I did some (which I will post about..again) but they don't come CLOSE to your cuties here. I will do some for Christmas..you inspired me!!
Thanks so much for the sweet award..
Now, let's see, I am already a follower, I will put your button on my sidebar..and...now what was the third thing? I'll go back and see.
Beautiful cards..thanks so much for the chance to win them.
thank you for stopping by my site. I really enjoyed visiting here at your site.
I love the letters! Been meaning to do some myself and I just haven't. Yours are so pretty!
How sweet of you to stop by and mention the giveaway! I'm a follower too!
Janie... the letters look fabulous! GREAT JOB! Who says you can't craft??? You could sell those they look so good!
And I wish you a Happy 100 and 100! And I would love to be entered to win those notecards. Karen is SO talented! :-)
I'm so glad you decided to blog and we met!
Sheila :-)
What clever letters -- great holiday decor! I love what you did to them!
Thanks for visiting.
I'm not much of a crafter as there are hardly any craft stores near me to buy supplies, but I think I can make your pretty letters!
Happy 100 post! I love karen;'s art work!
Good evening Jane...You forgot your year anniversary ha ha!! don't feel bad I forgot my 200 post one until 205 ha ha!!...Love the letters and what do you mean your not creative these are great...and I know what you mean about scrap book paper there so much of it to choose from...We don't have Hobby Lobby here in Ca. so I have yet to be in one...we do have Home Goods but not the same...I hope all is great in your world my friend...from by side of the mountain to yours hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love your project; you made it sound simple. Still, I'm sure that I could make a big mess trying it. I might just take a big breath and go for it! I'd like to do JOY because it's one fewer letter! (See how lazy I can be?)
Congratulations on your award and on your BIG 100th post, blogiversary, and thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Jane...
Girl, your Christmas letters/words turned out beautifully! I've been seeing the wood letters at Hobby Lobby and keep thinking that they would be fun to do something with! This would be a great project! Can't wait to see where you hang them for Christmas!!! Thank you for sharing the "how to's"!
Also...Congratulations on your blogging milestone, my friend! Sending you my very best wishes for continued success and blogging bliss!!! The note cards designed by Karen are simply gorgeous! I really did enjoy looking through all of her artwork that she gifted you with!!! She's a very talented lady!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Your letters look great! I especially love the extra touch of adding the glitter. I just may have to copy this project!
Congratulations on your 100th post. The notecards are a great give-away prize.
Hi Jane... I love your sparkly christmas letters...Those are fun to make and so versatile. You can use them anywhere! xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Blondie! What a wonderful post! I LOVE the letters!!!! I have been wanting to do some of those :) Yours turned out perfect. I had so much fun reading your meme too!!!
Hi Jane
Great job on the letters thay are wonderful! and I think putting them on a ribbon is a great idea.
Hi Jane, I love your letters. I think you did a great job on them. I like the one that has the snowflake paper and then it looks like you sprinkled a little snow or glitter on it....I LOVE THAT! Great job. Have an awesome day!
your letters turned out sooooo pretty..i may have to copy you
Jane thank you for kind encouragement on my healthy weight loss and lifestyle! It is amazing how much it helps to read the words of others going through this as well. Believe me I understand. Some days are much harder than others. I MUST eat dinner. If I try to skip it I feel much worse the next day and it makes it harder. I eat a smaller portion and try to have it done by 6pm so I'm not eating very late. Brushing my teeth signals I'm done for the night. It really helps me.
Let me know how you are doing! ~Melissa :)
Loving your Christmas Letters!thanks for comment on my blog x
Blondie, I love those letters - how charming! I especially love NOEL because I love the French language. You really made them look so pretty! Linda
Hi Jane!
I absolutely LOVE the letters you made! I'm going to have to give that a try myself! Thanks a bunch!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Have an awesome day!
I am a faithful follower of yours now! :)
Hi Jane
The letters are wonderful. What do you mean you're not crafty! I love Karen's artwork and hope I win.
Hugs, Rhondi
Love the homemade Christmas decorations!
I love the Kathy's cottage idea..and your letters are very pretty!
The note cards are beautiful!
Jane, thank you so much for stopping by. I can't wait to see the cloche you do for your Husbands office. Be sure to take a lot of pics. I am really excited about the "Holiday Cloche Party" I think it will be tons of fun. Hugs, Marty
Hi, again, Blondie...for the life of me, i do NOT know why, but I have wondered all day long about something...may I ask who Leslie is? A sister, perhaps?
xo bj
Hello Jane!
I love to see your comments! Thank you so much for stopping by my site today! Love the letters! I might be able to handle that too! They turned out so cute!!
My hubby is 8 years older than me too!
Please enter me in your contest!! I'm already a follower & I'll put you button on my sidebar announcing your giveaway.
Oh Sweet Blondie...your letters are amazing! I love the patterns you choose thae are absolutely beautiful!
Congrats on the award and your
100th post and follower!
I want to thank you for your lovely comment, I turly adore you sweet friend!!
Hi Janie! We're back and guess what! I found the Country Living magazine, finally, at London Gatwick airport, before boarding. I am not sure if you gave me your address already but if not, email it to me please. Your letters are fabulous, they will be so pretty displayed during the holidays. And sign me up for the giveaway and of course, you know I am a follower....Christine
Your letters are great! I see a trip to Hobby Lobby in my future.:-)
I love your letters. What a great idea, you could spell out anything! {Like paris}:)
xo Lidy
great job! you totally gave me an idea.......
Oh what a GREAT blog you have! And your header is to DIE for! :) Thanks for doing a fun giveaway! I am now a follower of yours and just blogged about this on my blog!
Yay, three entries -- and I have to admit..you are the first person I've blogged about (and linked back to)!
Hi Jane, I love your letters and think I will have to try this. They are just so cheerful looking and so pretty.
Your giveway looks wonderful. I already follow your wonderful blog and have grabbed your blog button also.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Hi Jane
Love the letters!
Have a great weekend.
I love the letter..the paper is so sweet and this is my taste also. I love the softer colors.
I am new to your blog ( I was reading the Holiday craft things and will join in next week)and I so enjoyed reading along...and would love to enter your giveaway. And as interesting as you write, I will also become a follower and post on my blog. :). Whew, that was a mouthfull.
Have a great next week...
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