The weather has been cold and rainy and windy all week long. The sort of weather that makes you want to go to bed early and wear woolly socks all day long. It is not close to how cold it will get this winter, but sometimes the first couple of days or weeks are hard to get used to. In this kind of weather, my mood swings back and forth between "Do I want to stay inside, all warm and cozy, read a bit, watch a little television, bake or make a big dinner?" to "
I am losing my mind, I need to get out of this house, I don't care if it is to go to the post office and look at Most Wanted posters." Today was one of these days. I already feel the walls closing in, probably due to my ever enlarging bum. Why do we head for the refrigerator every time we are bored? It is a known fact that people do it mostly during commercials on television, so obviously, when there is a break in the action, time to head for the fridge. I do it in the evening when I am lying on my bed reading. I get a little cramp in my side from my changing of positions or I reach the end of a chapter and I think,
"Well, let's go see what is happening in the kitchen/refrigerator." (same thing). This can go on all evening long and since I am a well known 'Night Eater', all it takes is a snore or shove from The Husband and I am wide awake, wondering what is going on in the refrigerator. The kids used do do it quite a bit when they were young, the boredom/looking in the fridge thing. I didn't have the affliction back then, being quite skinny from chasing their little butts around all day. But it irritated me because I was in charge of the meals. So after the fifth time one of them would stand letting the cold air out, I'd say, "Nothing has changed since the last four times you looked." (And they usually muttered,
"That's because we never have any good food.")
So back to my specific boredom/foodie problem, I thought about putting a lidded jar in the refrigerator with little notes inside such as 'Clean me!' or 'Fold the laundry!' But those are more like commands. I need something like 'Play with the dog' or 'Ask The Husband if he has heard any good jokes'. Nooooo...this would never work. I'll have to think about this.
So in the spirit of keeping myself from going stir crazy this afternoon, I went to Borders. I really didn't need to buy any books, but it sure beat the post office. I'm in the middle of one book and have a small stack. I cannot go to the library as I have, er...abused my card. So, I parked as far away as I could to get exercise, which I personally think would have added up by now and I could just jog to the book store.
The whole time I chanted under my breath,
"Just one book. Just one book." I don't do well with rules, especially ones I make myself, for myself. But I was determined. Like eating from the fridge when I am bored, buying books is like feeding my appetite another way. However, I did really well. I picked books up, read the front, back, inside jacket, about the author, the reviews, and then judiciously made my decision. And above is the prized book. This is a debut novel written by an author from Jackson, Mississippi, who went to the University of Alabama and now lives in Atlanta. And it has to do with a young woman who graduates in 1962 and comes home to find that her beloved maid is missing. The story also involves two other black maids living in hardship and "...Seemingly as different from one another as can be, these women will nonetheless come together for a clandestine project that will put them all at risk....
because they are suffocating within the lines that define their town and their times." One of the reviews called this book a "...button pushing , soon to be wildly popular novel." So I think I did well. And sometimes when your appetite is big, you just have to have one thing, but make it the best. I will let all of you know what I think of the book if I have it finished by next week.
But I'll give no hints to ruin it!
My appetite for books was also fed this week with the arrival of the above book and an email from my good friend, Brenda, at A Cozy Little House.
She is just the best. I don't think she knows how much I enjoy reading cookbooks! And this is a good one to read because I did spend a bit of time going through it. And I saw it displayed at Borders today, so it must be new and selling well. Thanks so much Brenda!!
And finally, I won a giveaway that I am so pleased with. Sandi from Small Town Living At It's Best pulled my name out of the hat and I won a copy of Mary Carol Garrity's, O Christmas Tree! How excited I was! Best of all, you can see, the book is autographed by the author! How cool is that? Sandi did the tour of Nell Hill's last summer and had two copies signed. She is SO generous! So I have a lot of reading on my hands, a lot to whet my appetite. Now if I can just stay out of the refrigerator...
No use depriving yourself at night, when you like to
eat most. Maybe, just plan for evening eating. Prepare snacks that are tasty but not heavy in fat or calories. Try to take a walk, if possible.
I am grazer which means....I eat all damn day. I struggle too.
Hello Jane... I think you are just beautiful! Those books all look wonderful... congratulations on your giveaway win too! xoxo Julie Marie
It's truly difficult for me to feel any sympathy for the fridge issues when I'm sitting here, stuffed, from crock pot veggie beef barley soup with thick italian bread with roasted garlic butter. We must be kindred spirits.
I do go to the gym, almost daily, to exercise but mainly to meet up with my friends. They keep me going back. Otherwise I'd never leave the comforts of my dry, warm home.
It's not as cold here in Oregon as where you live but it's certainly wet. Oh, and gray. Both of those make me hungry for carbs and naps. I also have the curse of the Hispanic hubby who loves curves. He's always asking me if I want a snack. Yikes! I'm doomed.
Oh how cool that you won a signed book, congrats, Janie! The new novel that you bought sounds really good too. Let me know after you read it if that is so. And yes, you left a comment on my
200th post and you're entered 2 x, being a follower. Thanks. And I am so glad you are joining "Pay It Forward" and that you are one of my first 3 commenters cause I think I know what you will like and it will be easy for me to buy for you....Christine
That book you bought sounds wonderful! Let us know what you think at the end. I'm so glad you like the cookbook. I read a comment of yours once about cookbooks. That's why I chose a cookbook for you. I just had this idea that you might be the type to like to read them. The Nell Hill book sounds delightful. Especially one autographed!
I'll join you at the refrigerator.. I'm not sure when this habit began, but like's mostly at night..I simply have to stop. :). All the books look great..I also love reading cookbooks.. and have quite a few. It's what I collect most of.. Congratulations on your win..
Oh Jane for a while when I wasn't sleeping for most of the nights I would eat a bowl of cereal at 3 in the morning. Basically an extra meal.
I look forward to a review of your new book. I have a new John Irving to read, a new Barbara Kingsolver, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and the book The Story of Pi. The last one just isn't grabbing me. When will I ever get these read. I tend to spend one whole day devouring a book and ignoring every thing else. Well except the fridge.
Hi Jane,
Your new books sound wonderful. I'm sure they'll provide many enjoyable hours of entertainment. Plus, you can pause whenever you like to go see what's new and interesting in the fridge! You don't have to wait for a commercial!
I'm always running late, so I've only now found the lovely tablescape you and your daughter created. Well, I suppose she technically created ... you tweaked. Anyhow, I think it was a great collaboration!
Hope your weekend goes well!
Oh dear Jane, I always seem to be looking in the fridge at night too. It's the most difficult part of the day for me. I have tried going to the bookstore, but the goodies lurking in the cafe part of the bookstore almost always tempt me beyond my best resolve. I, in fact, am full right now from having fish tacos for dinner at my daughters house. Still, I am thinking about what I could eat. That's crazy, I know. I think I will make myself a cup of tea. It helps to know that there are people like me taking one day at a time!
Your're banned from the library??? That sounds like a predicament I could get into! I'm on a peppermint ice cream roll--I keep telling myself--"it's okay; it will be gone in January--hope it's not too late for me! Enjoy your books ( and whatever is in the fridge :)
What a great read this post was...I didn't go to the frige once. You are so funny girl, and I am always entertained when I come here. I loved the part about not following the rules when you make them for yourself because that is so me.
Congrats on winning that great book!
Hi Jane,
I enjoy your posts so much, I feel like I'm sitting with you. I remember those days when I lived in NY and getting cabin fever. You're welcome to come visit me here in California, the daytime temps are in the 70's and I have plenty of projects around here that will keep you busy and out of the fridge...just let me know!lol
Enjoy your books and congrats on your giveaway!
Love and hugs,
Congratulations on the win. All the books look wonderful. I love reading cookbooks too. I can go all day and not snack, but come nighttime, I get hungry and want to snack, and they say that's the worst time.
Hi! This post was so funny - I kept bursting into laughter - probably cause I'm all too familiar with the fridge problem. I also went to Borders today, just looked, no purchase. Not that there wasn't about 1,000 that I would have liked to have.
How fun that you have three to entertain yourself with...
Cynthia K. Beauty and Blessings)
Hello Jane! I totally understand about the fridge issue, but my time is in the afternoon when I get home from work and before I start dinner. Once I hit the sack, there is no getting me up, not even for food lol. The book sounds good, I'd be interested to know what you think of it. Geez, I hope I never get banned from the library, I'll go broke! That's got to be an interesting tale! Have a wonderful weekend. Kathy
Oh golly Jane, I do the same thing! Must stay out of the fridge at night! I usually tell myself "you had a perfectly good dinner tonight you don't need this!" as I grab that snack:>( I am quite envious of the Mary Carrol Garrity book, lucky girl:>) I would be more likely to buy a new decorating book at Borders (along with a latte and maybe a cookie) lol.
I hate to get those blah..moods....and you just want to run out and do something don't really want to go out....glad you found a good book
Hi Jane...I'm reading the Help ...right now too, about 1/3 of the way through...I started my diet again this morning for the 300th time this year! What to do!!!!You figure it out and let me know! Have a super fall weekend, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
The Help sounds very interesting. Especially since a Southern Gal is the writer! Ohhhh I so want one of those PW cookbooks.
There is NOTHING better than a stack of new book just waiting to be read! Lucky you!
m ^..^
"Cold and Hungry"
THAT has to be a classic post Title!
Lately I've fallen back into my old habits of eating popcorn at night while we're watching tv (and before I pass out on the couch!).
I try to kid myself that because it's air popped it's better for me - until I cover it with melted butter! lol
I love books! When I lived in Chicago I had a library in my house. I moved out here with 600 hardcover books, which a couple years later, I donated to the library here. Realistically, I knew I'd probably not have space to put them out again. Don't get me wrong, I still have 100s of books and always will. I just try really hard not to buy them like I used to.
Both my book clubs read 'The Help.' Everyone loved it. The book told it like it really was. I know, I lived it. I grew up in Atlanta and we always had a live-in black nanny/housekeeper. When my mother finally remarried in 1972, we no longer had 'help' after that. In some parts, the South is still very much like the book describes. Not so much in Atlanta or the larger cities, but in the more rural areas, some things have never changed.
As for the cold, well, I can't help you there. It has gotten cold here, as well. Of course, cold here is nothing like cold there. (It's all relative.) I am freezing while typing. The temp in the house is just below 60. I'll turn the heat on when I take my shower and then off it goes again. No insulation means the house doesn't hold the heat, so why have it on all day? Plus it does warm up during the day. I think it's supposed to be about 68 or 70 today. Anyway, try to stay warm and dry. Cuddling up with one of your new books sounds like a good plan to me!
I understand completely!
One of my sisters-in-law, in a fit of exasperation over her kids raiding the refrigerator of items intended for later meals, put a hasp and lock on her refrigerator door!
The gray days are the worst for stirring up hungry or restless feelings. We're having a damp, gray day here but I am about to leave to clean out cabinets so I won't be bored. Since there aren't any appliances in this son's kitchen yet, there is nothing to raid. :-)
Have fun with your books. And you do know cookbooks are not for reading.... They are for cooking. (but I read them all the time too, and rarely cook from them)
Oh I get stir crazy and snack too. AND I have an ever growing bum! You are not alone but now you have good books to read. :)
Oh, I wish I knew the secret of keeping the fridge locked at night!
You were cracking me up thinking of my own habits, kindred spirits I 'd say!!!
Congrats on winning the Pioneer Woman's cook book from Brenda, and the Christmas giveaway. A kinder person couldn't have won!
Now hurry and bake something yummy from the cook book and I will email you my!~♥
Hi, Janie!
I'm finally back online after an exercise in frustration. Thanks so much for being so sweet to Mr. Magpie. He was happy that people spoke to him! LOL!
I want to read all of those books. Let me know what you think of THE HELP. I keep hearing about it.
Sending a lot of love your way as I head to the kitchen to peer in the fridge. ;-) No kidding, going there next...
Sheila :-)
Jane! Lord knows I hate to diet too! I have been plundering along on my Weight Watchers and have lost 7 lbs, but it has taken 4 weeks to get that off!!
I predict sometime early summer I will have lost 15!! I HATE being old!! Life is too short to have to diet!
Lou Cinda :)
Oh, what a fun post. My kids stand and longingly look in the frig, too! ha! Hope the sun comes out over there! We've had mild temps this week and the grass is turning green! What's up with that? LOL!
Don't you adore your new book? I still pour it after recieving it in September. Both her shops are with in an hour of me, I hope to get there this holiday season. Thanks for stopping by the holiday open house event. I wished you could have been here as well.
hugs ~lynne~
I totally relate to the cold, rainy weather mood swings. I never thought of going to read the Most Wanted posters though, so I'll have to keep this in mind for those times when I feel desperate! I think the flight to Borders was a far better choice!
I can also sympathize with the desire to eat--especially carbs--that comes upon me with a vengence when the weather turns cold and it gets dark early. I'm sure it's a throw back to the urge to store up fat before hibernating for the winter. I have found a little trick that is helping me to combate this--the acronym D.I.E.T. which stands for "Do I Eat This?" When I pick up something to eat, I think D.I.E.T. Interestingly I am able to put quite a few snacks back on the shelf or in the refrig after instead of mindlessly snacking away.
I so relate to your entire post. But books are my weakness, I actually bought so many that the house wall started cracking (the house was on stilts) and my husband made me move my books else where. Thanks for the warm post.
I can definitly relate to the possiblity of an expanding bum at this time of year - it's too dark too early for a good walk after work, and it's raining all the time anyway!
Those books look wonderful - nothing like a long afternoon browse in a good bookstore to get one out of the doldrums.
Hi Jane. It sounds like you have got some great things to read for the next few weeks and perhaps even some new recipes to try out and share with your blogging friends!?!?
Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend, Natasha.
your posts are always so fun and interesting! I hear you on every level girl! I won that book O Christmas Tree during a give-away and it is got some amazing pics! Hugs and Happy Sunday, Cindy
Hi Jane,
...what about having fruit and yogurt?? Lucky me, I am not a evening/night eater!! On the contrary, I use to eat less in the evening and more for breakfast.
Wonderful signed book, I looove bookstores, I could spend entire days in there!
I enjoyed your post and can certainly relate to the swinging fridge door at night. That door gets more action between 7 to 9 PM then it does all day:) Old habits are hard to break. My daughter read the book and loved it also. I have it on my list of books to read. The Prarie Woman will be here in Atlanta soon for a book signing and I can't wait to go:) Happy Thanksgiving and I know your fridge door will be on over time next weekend with all those left overs calling your name.
Woohoo! Someone else loves reading cookbooks. I read them like they are novels. This Fall, one yard sale I went to was selling tons of know the kind the ladies of the church put out. I bought about 10 of them, left them on the kitchen table and would read them as time permitted. One of them had a corn pudding recipe in it (supposedly from the Mayberry RFD) show, that I plan to make for Thursday's big feast. Happy Thanksgiving Blondie. xo Lynn
you know the Pioneer Woman might be Oklahoma's best claim to fame since Will Rogers. (my home state!)
Jane! Love the idea of the can of notes in the fridge - how perfect! Your book choice looks good...we'll have to check it out. We just had a customer give us "The Summer Kitchen" and two other customers suggested it as a good read - they said it reminded them of our store - so sweet! Love the Nell Hill book...she's our favorite. Looks like you'll be doing a lot of reading (after your daughter goes back, that is!) Enjoy your Thanksgiving if we don't chat with you before!!
O, I can not WAIT to get my hands on the new Pioneer Woman Cooks..I stalk her blog, as it is...
Isn't Brenda a sweetie. She sent me a Gooseberry Cookbook and I have read it from cover to cover and all my Thanksgiving dishes are coming right straight out of this cookbook...:)
Hi Jane! Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my new kitchen reno.
You asked about my floors...they are 9 inch New England pine wood floors. We used Minwax "provencial" stain. They are a softer wood, so they can get dents and knicks easier, but I love it. I think it adds character. I've had the laminate wood floors, and I love these soooo much more!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Morning girl...congrats on winning the book...I love a good book also..those that you just can't seem to put down and my Country Sampler also ! lol
My kids are grown and they still come over and stand with the door of the fridge wide open looking for something to 'call them'!
I want to wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving sweetie...may it be filled with much love and happiness oh and lots of good food of course! lol ~Picket~
Oh I adore Mary Carol Garrity! I have heard good things about the Pioneer Woman too.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Oh my goodness, I am the same way with food! At night! As soon as I sit down on the couch, I think I need something to eat! I have been trying to force myself to go to bed instead of eating, lol! I have gained weight lately and I just dont feel good about myself. And it does NOT help that the holidays are here, lol!
Congratulations on winning the wonderful book!! It looks like a really good one :)
Dear Jane,
If there was a club for women who snack during commercials, it would be so huge as to be unbelievable! So many of us do it ... I have even been known to crave a snack when my favorite daytime show comes on! And only that show!
However, today is the day for wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! You can begin your 'between holidays' diet on Friday!
ps ... I have a thing for cookbooks too.
Hi Jane,
I was "cured" of eating late due to digestive issues and bad dreams if I ate too much right before bedtime. However I nosh and graze enough during the day to make up for it. You are so right about the boredom eating. When I'm busy, the thought of food doesn't even enter my mind. I LOVE your new antique cabinet/hutch!
Books & slow cookers I wonder what else we have in common?
I hope you enoy both "Gentlemen & Players & the goulash.
I will be ordering The Help from Amazon soon, as you are the second friend to recommend it to me.
I loved this book and love your style of decorating .
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