I was reading the November issue of Country Living when I came across a DIY project that, yes...even Blondie could do. As you know from last week's post, Kathy of Kathy's Cottage is hosting an event called Handmade Holidays. I'm seriously not a crafty person, but I was able to participate last week and I was pleasantly surprised that everyone seemed to like it. (I say that humbly). So, feeling ambitious, I decided to try this project over the weekend. As you can see, it is a table runner. For those of you reading this that can sew, please know that I have had a brand new sewing machine for several weeks and I haven't yet figured out how to thread it.
Visit Kathy and see the list of all the ladies participating in this event. Find all sorts of ideas for thrifty holiday crafts. And if I can do something simple, anyone can.
This is a picture of the tablecloth in Country living. Unfortunately, I have a round dining table, so I decided to take the easy way out and make a runner. I think the 'easy' part of this would have flown right out the window if I had had to hem a round tablecloth by hand. As of yet I have not learned how to use my new sewing machine, but my sister~in~law has promised to help me. If you would like to enlarge the picture from Country Living, click it on and you can skip my directions below.
The project calls for a canvas drop cloth, grout tape and fabric paint. Off I went to our local hardware store and for some reason I asked the man for caulk tape. He searched and searched and had another man help him and I really had them scratching their heads for awhile. When they gave up the search and gave each other 'knowing' glances, I meekly grabbed a roll of masking tape and the drop cloth. I then went to Hobby Lobby for the red fabric paint. When I got home I realized the drop cloth was about 1000 yards long. My table is 46' in diameter. So I now have enough fabric to make curtains for the whole house and reupholster all the furniture. You must wash and dry the drop cloth about three times to soften the fabric. It came out gorgeous. I then measured according to a runner I already had and added 2 inches to all sides for the hem. I then taped where I wanted my stripes by measuring from the middle out. I just eyeballed the space between the stripes. The masking tape worked just fine but to be sure, I ran a warm iron over it so the paint wouldn't bleed under. Then I just dabbed the paint on lightly. After four hours I removed the tape (this is according to the directions on the fabric paint) and then I hemmed it with fusible webbing and pressed it with an iron. Voila!!
I even took a picture of it with the grapes like it is in the magazine picture!! I was really happy about the look of shock and pleasure on The Husband's face when I was finished. While I was working, he kept walking by and shaking his head. He asked me where I was getting these crazy ideas. He sounded like my mother! He was also surprised to learn the fabric was a drop cloth. Before the project started I said I might make some pillows because I had so much fabric and he said, "I'm not lying my head on drop cloth!" Well, we'll see about that!! Please visit Kathy after you leave a comment and have a happy week!! :-)
For not being crafty...this is terrific! I love red and simple stripes are always a hit. Great job :)
Jane~thanks for stopping by for a visit and the sweet comment. Your table runner looks great...always love red and white...it's so classic!
I'm going to tell you right now that learning to thread your machine is probably the hardest part. Because you have to thread the damned thing to get going. And so (and I know because I did it) you put it off. And then you have to do it over and over to get it in your head straight. If you're anything like me anyway. I have an old featherweight I bought several years ago, and have yet to use it! Why, you ask? Never could remember how to thread it. And every time my neighbor did it for me, I'd forget. So now I've done it for myself and think I have it down! Anyway, long comment. But your efforts were sooo worth it! You are now the proud owner of a fine pretty table runner. Tell The Husband to close his mouth before a fly shoots in.
it turned out sooooo good!!!!
First of all, I am giggling my head off about the caulking tape question. That is too cute! Your runner turned out beautifully and I love the artsy photo with the grapes! I am also giggling about the 1000 yards of fabric, hubby should just learn to love dropcloth! Your the best, Cindy
Well done and with humor, I like it.
I bet he would DROP off to sleep on the pillow if he didn't know, LOL..
It came out great!
Good luck with your new sewing machine. I know how to thread it, but not much else..
I think it came out very nice!!!You can always make canvas bags with the leftovers, stencil a name on them, and give it as a gift...
I am joining Kathy too!
Hooray for you! We saw this and thought about doing it too....you get the A+ for following through!
Love this Jane! My daughter loves anything/everything French ... I should try this :-)
Blondie ~ you did good. Before you know it you'll be sewing too. :-) Won't that be grand!! Love ya!
This is amazing!! You are most definitely selling your crafty self short! ;-)
If it makes you feel better, it took me about a month before I was able to thread my sewing machine without looking at the guide book. Now...I can do it in my sleep (and practically have, lol!).
I saw this in the magazine too, and thought the same thing, "oh there's something I might be able to do". It turned out so cute1 Just like in the magazine. You did a great job. As far as the sewing goes, you might check out the shop where you bought it, or a local quilt shop. Lots of times they'll help you get started.
Great job! I really like your tablerunner. :)
Great job, Janie! It looks very nice, just like the magazine! You are getting to be a pro!...Christine
Hi Jane,
You are so funny! Your runner is gorgeous and I can't wait to see what you do with the other 998 yards!
I had to giggle at the caulk tape, glad to know that I have a fellow blonde out there that does the same things I do!
Oh hubby is a character too...I know all about the head shaking with a eye roll thrown in!
Hope your week is off to a fabulous start!
Love and hugs,
Hi Jane...
My friend...I love, love, LOVE your new tablerunner! You did GOOD, Girlfriend! I love the look of the canvas type fabric...so textural and adding the red stripes...gorgeous!!! And...your photo of your beautiful new tablerunner and grapes...divine!!! Thank you for sharing your creativity and talents with us today, my friend!
I also wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your "Luncheon in Paris"! Ohhh my...it's gorgeous and so french!!! You really have a talent for creating such beautiful tablescapes with real ambiance...this time...French!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
What a fun project...and it turned out great! Way to go!
You had me laughing a couple of times. Too funny about your hubby. Mine would have said the exact same thing, trust me!
Well..shoot! That is just darling!
And the red stripes!!! This is the third time I have heard of using drop cloths. Your runners looks so very country!
I love this! It really came out beautifully. And fuseable tape is my friend. I don't get along too well with sewing machines ever since the "Home Ec incident of 1973" as it has come to be known at Jefferson Junior High lol. Have a great week. Kathy
Hi Jane! Yes...I saw that project too and thought "How easy is that!" thanks for the reminder, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... Have a great week!
What a great post Jane! You did a wonderful job, the runner looks perfect. Love the country french looks. Very pretty!
that second picture is AWESOME!
and I love your little project - it's very much like French Musing's projects too.......check her out - you'll like her.
Jane, I love this! You did a great job eyeballing the stripes ( I would totally do the same thing). I have to get myself some dropcloths, I love everything I see made with them. Thanks for participating :>)
I love drop clothes. What a great bargain they are and you can use them for anything.
Make your husband some underwear.
You are so clever! That is so beautiful and stylish. I can't wait to see what else you create with that sewing machine!
Best wishes, Natasha.
Just like the magazine... FAB!!!
OMG Jane! This is fabulous! You did such a tremendous job! Well done!!
Hi Jane,
as a not very crafty person myself, who's sewing machine is draped in cobwebs (not a drop cloth) up in the attic, I have to tell you I am well impressed by your table runner.
It looks tres French, parfait, madame.
Yours was the first comment on my books blog today which means the bookmooch is yours.Please email me with your address and I'll pop the book in the post tout suite.
For someone who isn't very crafty.....This is awesome. I saw this and thought that it was a great idea. You did a great job with it!! :)
Love it!
gorgeous! i am very impressed.
Hi, Jane, thanks for stopping by, glad that you are still enjoying thrifting too. I love your red stripes, so pretty.
I haven't blogged for a week, so will try to get back at it again. I'm crocheting an afghan for the newest baby coming in December, and it takes a lot of my "spare" time. I saw the runner in CL too, and loved it! Glad it was so easy. Did you get the book? I sent it a week ago last Saturday, so hope you did. Have a good one! Sandi
Oh how crafty, French and sexy you are! Totally awesome!
Yes pillows. I've seen something about making French looking pillows, with this stripe thing. Though of course, I never tried it.
You are awesome, my Dear! Tell husband I said so. ,-))))
You are amazing, this is perfect. I am beginning not to believe that you are not crafty. I still can't thread my machine. This came out beautiful, and it does look just like the magazine.
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the morning chuckle and that great project. I can't believe it's a drop cloth and I love the red stripes. About threading the machine. I have sewn since I was 15 or so and now the hardest part is threading that d@*#m needle. It is hell to get old. Good luck with the sewing machine .... I have a feeling you have unleashed the craft beast in yourself ;)
Enjoy your day.
It looks fabulous! Nice job, Jane. Watch out, your inner craftiness may take over!
Karen @ Elderberry Street
I NEVER thought of using a drop cloth for fabric. EXCELLENT IDEA! But you know, I would have skipped hobby Lobby and just asked for some red spray paint or latex paint. Cause I have noticed those don't wash out of fabric when I accidentally get it on myself.
It is pretty! I want one too!
Hi! Thanks for your visit to my "tree decorating" post. I do have the answer for your bows. Check out my past article http://ineedmom.blogspot.com/2009/09/turning-old-into-new-bow-making-101.html for a tutorial on bow making!
It looks great. I just might have to try this one. Thanks for sharing.
Jane, Great Job! I know what you mean about sewing... I used to sew a LOT but, haven't in ages. I have about 3 projects that need the sewing machine & I just put them off. Thank you so much for all the sweet things you said on my post today. I feel the same way about you. I think you & I both started blogging about the same time. I always smile when I see you name somewhere in comments on other blogs & think "there's my friend Jane" Have a great week my friend & stop by for another chat soon. Sure wish we could do this over a cup of tea/coffee & cookies. ~Charlene
Hi Jane,
You have been a very busy girl. I am catching up on blog reading. First of all, I love the holiday letters.
You are craftier than you think.
The tablescape is very fall like. I really do like the dishes. Always been a fan of black/white.
Girl, you can make a runner for me any day. Very classic, very French!
Thank you so much for your kind words for David. I love your blog. It's beautiful.
We had a neighbor in Southern California many years ago that had the last name Doll. I believe they were relatives of a family that owned a large toy company. Where did that memory come from??? Weird the things we retain.
Good job on the table runner. In my middle years I have taken up sewing and I actually love it. I love how I feel when I make something.
Hugs, Marla @ Always Nesting
Thank you so much for stopping by. You're so sweet. Appreciate your kind words. I'm new to blogging so every little comment encourages me! This post is so funny. So glad to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to thread a sewing machine! I would love to learn to sew but my few feeble attempts of having to sew, rip out seams, repeat, repeat has caused me to say, forget it! I love your runner. Simplistic and vintage looking. Keep us posted on your sewing adventure!
What a great craft project! Makes me wonder what I can make from a drop cloth!! I love red and white it is so cheerful...would be great for Christmas runners too! Fantastic job! Miss Bloomers/Sonia
Wow! You did a great job. I can only imagine what you'll create once you get started w/the machine. And...please don't tell anyone but I have a new sewing machine and I haven't even opened it. :-( I can sew but there is some sort of avoidance going on.
That's a terrific idea and you made it so pretty. Great job...
Hi Jane!
You are so funny! I totally cracked up w/ your drop cloth being 1000 yards long!!
The runner looks awesome! I have been wanting to try that myself & make a pillow or something.
Boy you are a busy girl...:-)
Take care
It is FABULOUS!!!!! Oh my gosh, I LOVE that look!! You did an amazing job and it looks just PERFECT on your rustic table!! It should be in the magazine!! Great job!!
I say...for not be crafty, you sure did prove yourself! Very nice!
What a cute and simple craft! Girl, you can't say you're not a crafter...the proof is in the picture. Also like you previous blog on table scapes. I haven't done one yet...still lurking, but MAYBE one of these days....LOL!
Happy Fall Ya'll from Houston, TX
I bought a fabric pen to do the very same idea!! Love it!! And your table is absolute perfection!!
I cracked up at your husband's comment about not "lying his head on no dropcloth!". Oh Blondie...how cute! I love your runner. I think that gal in the article is a fellow blogger. I did a white wednesday today. Hope you can visit. xo Lynn
It looks wonderful, Jane. I love red and white. Unbeatable!
Hugs, Barb ♥
You did a fabulous job! This is so in keeping with what's going on right now...you're sooo stylin'!
Hi Janie :)
That turned out really cute!! I love your tablescape in the last post and that table of yours is wonderful :)
Thank you for always leaving me such sweet comments. I love hearing from you and visiting you when I get a chance :)
Janie, Janie, you have been a busy girl, and I am delighted to catch up with all of your goings on. You did a beautiful job with that drop cloth! I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of it. You are good. I have missed you, and now I am just enjoying going over your posts. I see you still have your wonderful sense of humor. You are the best.
XO Sue.
Hi Jane,
Thanks sooo much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet message...I really appreciated it!
Your table runner turned out great!
Good luck with threading your new sewing machine too, I sure you'll figure it out in no time!
Oh Jane this is wonderful...Girl I have 2 sewing machines and I use iron web every chance I get ha ha!! Now I love that table tell me its an old oak one...you know that kind that will break your toe and it won't move an inch ha ha!!
Is it snowing yet in your part of the world...we have been cold enough to snow here but so far NOT...YAHOO!!! I hate it when I can't get out my drive way...Iknow shovel it...hey my drive way like a block long...Guy coming on Friday to dump new gravel on it to get it ready for winter time...Other wise its all mud you drive through...Many mountain hugs to you my friend...and Smiles Gl♥ria
It looks so nice on that great table. I'll bet it makes the room even happier with the red stripes.
~Debra Capers of the Vintage Vixens
Hi Jane
With all these handmade projects you've shown us lately, you need to stop saying you're not very crafty, because obviously you are! Thanks for you sweet comments on my blog today. I count you as one of my good friends in blogland.
Hugs, Rhondi
Men don't understand us sometimes.
I think this looks great and the grapes you added; so lovely just like the picture
i love how this turned out! and it looks pretty easy and do-able.
love your table, adore the cloth!!!!! I always wanted to weave one and napkins to match, maybe when I better. Yours its so wonderful, Great Job!
Great job Jane ! Hubby will never know it is drop cloth, LOL ! Besides with about 1,000 yds.he had better get used to it.
Oh I got it ..... make him some towels to dry with, LOL !
Very pretty,warm and welcoming!!!Thanks so much for coming by,going to have a peek around!All the best,Chrissy
Janie!!! This is SO neat! I'm proud of you. I love this project!
See you've given me the courage to takle something similar!
Sheila :-)
O, Blondie...I saw this in my issue and wanted to try it. Looking at yours makes me want to do it...TODAY..well, maybe after Thanksgiving...t'would be perfect for a County Christmas Table !!
You did so so good !!!!
OOO, Blondie...I think I am in trouble already on this project and I've BARELY got started. First of all, I wanted mine out of burlap...I washed it and...just about had a heart attack...it just about frayed it's silly self all to pieces...I trimed it all up and now...I am ready to tape..GOOD GRIEF..whatever made me think I can do this? I am SOOO not crafty, one single bit...
Your runner turned out great! I think it looks even better than the magazine photo because you can see the rustic table underneath. Very French country.
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