Another perfect fall weekend at the lake. By now you know we spend every weekend there, so I probably don't need to say where I am at. But I am doing a lot of decorating and changing things around there that I don't do at home so I think I need to mention it. I got a lot of R & R in after being home from Las Vegas for only a day and then heading up to Michigan, which is nice. I was feeling the crunch of the time zones, but that's good. Keeps you on your toes. Or bum, as it were. While The Husband worked outdoors, putting away lawn and patio furniture and knocking down sand castles, I busied myself in the kitchen making a 15 Bean Soup with Chicken. Nothing special. You just purchase the bag of beans and use the little packet of flavoring inside. I added a fresh chicken breast cut in slivers for the last hour and it turned out quite good. If I were at home where my fridge is better stocked, I think some celery and green onion would have been great in it as well... So soup and some bread for sopping up all that juice was on the menu at Blondie's Diner and afterwards we sat by the fire...okay. Stop now, Jane. I sat by the fire. The Husband sat up in the loft in front of the Bears game. It sounded romantic for a second there, didn't it? My neighbor Susie came over and we had wine and some nice conversation. She picked the last of my tomatoes for me and most are the size of cherry tomatoes. I sliced them up and we had those on mozzarella cheese and crackers....oh, heaven! What ever variety I had that she picked, they were tart and sweet at the same time and so fresh!!!! The good old Husband was upstairs stomping and clapping and never knew what he missed!! ;-)
My favorite old pot bubbling away...The kitchen is not finished yet. I have no drawer pulls or knobs, thus no fingernails. I don't think Resident Carpenter is coming back now that he is no longer in residence. But let's not go there. I feel really at home with the way the house has turned out so far and somehow the details will be pulled together. I have so much more to show you and I think I will start taking pictures of the master bedroom which is just about finished other than some artwork I am framing. I will hint to you that a wonderful and generous artist/blogger has gifted me with an incredible amount of her work and I will be doing a post about it. In the meantime, please visit Karen at A Scrapbook Of Inspiration. Her work is fabulous and she sells quite a bit through her Etsy Shop.
I have been having a thing for chairs lately. A 'chair affair', if you will. Whether I am in a thrift store or antique shop, they beckon to me. And no matter what, like stray cats, I always have room for them. (Actually I have no cats, but I would if I weren't allergic). The chair with the basket on it you might remember from some of my summer photos. It sat under the oak tree on our patio with a pot of geraniums on it. It made it through the summer fine, but the paint had a yellow tinge from the iron in our water, so I painted it white again. I found the other chair with the rush seat at a little fleatique store in our lake town and I painted that white as well but left the seat natural. I have to touch up a few smears and I was running around the house like a madwoman trying to find my Mouse Sander to distress the paint a bit before I took the picture. Alas, my Merry Maid, Emily was at the house the weekend before and her idea of cleaning is to hide all my stuff. lol!! So I'm still stressing over the distressing... I have the chairs in the kitchen where my future Hoosier cabinet will go. What I like about chairs is how they can be used for little vignettes; holding a plant or something treasured, in a bedroom with a collection of pretty purses...well, maybe I just have weird ideas, But I do love these thrifty chairs that I paid no more than $20.00 for.
This is one of the pillows that Barb from French Elements made for me. Pay no attention to the lack of trim on the walls (and the crumbs for that matter).
I finally bought pumpkins!!!! Some are huge. Sue from the Farm Stand at the Lake had a neat assortment of all shades of oranges and yellows, in all sizes and shapes. I found a big one in the shape of a squash!! When I get my porch all arranged I will post it. I bought a few bunches of wheat from her. Isn't it nice how pretty something so natural and simple (not to mention wholesome) can look? I put the two bunches in a jar on the table.
Finally I have this wicker shelf thingie that the previous owners of the house left me. They literally left it hanging on the bathroom wall and I used it for soap and towels...nothing special. For 18 years!! It was thrown into a junk pile when the bath was gutted and for something that I just left hanging on a wall for 18 years, I scrambled to save it!!! It is in good shape, it just needed a bath and a good coat of white spray paint and now it is ready to go in to my freshly painted blue & white bedroom, which I will show you soon.
My bedroom has a combo beachy/garden theme if there is such a thing! lol!! Hey, maybe I have started a new style~Shabby Beach Garden Chic!! I wanted to do seashells and pretty sandy beach pictures and then I found a floral duvet cover that I had to have! Please do not read tropical. Just beachy and shabby flowers. So this is my shelf and on it I will have seashells and flowers and something old and something new...Shabby Beach Garden!
Visit Kathleen and Leigh and all the participants in these events by clicking on the links at the beginning of my post. I hope you enjoyed reading about my finds! Have a wonderful week! :-)
I always enjoy reading your posts, Jane. Because they just f-l-o-w so well it's like reading a good book! I know if I had a house at the lake we'd be really good friends, despite my little rooster comment... For which I was well compensated, I shall say! Brenda
Sooo very pretty Jane... sigh... we have a merry maid too (Moi!) and sometimes I am not so merry when I put things somewhere and cannot find them either! Your beachy shabby garden spot sounds lovely... I love your sense of humor too... always makes me smile! Bisous... Julie marie
I would have to share the wine with my husband because he would rather be by the fire yakking with the women than watching sports on t.v. Re your comment about blogland at Christmas I am excited like a little kid to see what goes on. It must be over the top.
Love the chairs Jane! Your posts are always so much fun to read, I feel like we're sitting together chatting away! And I love the sound of your new style for the bedroom! Can't wait to see more of this beautiful retreat. Kathy
Jane seems like your love affair with chairs works for you! I would love to go to the Lake House every weekend. :) I can't wait to see your pumpkins. Thanks for stopping by & getting a chuckle out of the nighbor & "Honey". And yeah that spreading one small pumpkin under a tree?????? We know better than that!!!! Sounds like you & your girlfriend had a wonderful evening with the wine & tomatoes. With your weather those fresh ones are over for this year. And in answer to your question I have never seen Candy Corn plants. Sound interesting. Do you have photos of one? Have a wonderful week.
I just think having two homes to decorate would be so much fun! Your chairs look great, and I really like the pillows you have in them. I can't wait to see the bedroom. I love Karen's work. Isn't it amazing how men can tune out everything but the ball game? laurie
Girl, I like your shabby beach garden chic! And I'm a nut about chairs, too. We would be dangerous shopping together. I'm always on the hunt for orphan chairs... or they are on the hunt for me. They know a pushover when they see one. ;-)
Loving the way the lake house is going. Get yourself a drill and go after those cabinets! You don't need a carpenter. Just a good power tool.
Glad you got back safe and sound from Vegas and are enjoying the lake before winter.
I am so glad you had a good trip to Vegas! What happens in get the drift!
Love the chairs and the saved shelves!! Fabulous!!
I also love your description of your evening sitting by the fire. Sounds heavenly. We are finally starting to get some cooler weather down here. But it is supposed to be back near 80 next week! I grow weary....
It sounded so homey and like a great way to relax after a vacation:) The soup smelled so yummy to my imagination and the fresh tomatoes and mozzerella cheese and crackers + a good friend = YUM! Your chairs are charming and your bedroom sounds like it will be delightful:)
Great post! I also love chairs, though I prefer upholstered ones, so that I can slipcover them. My favorite are free ones, either from a client or found in the alleys of Coronado. We just had big trash pick-up last week. That's when you can put anything out and the garbage men take it. I didn't go alley picking this time, as I really have no room for anymore furniture. In the past, though, I have gotten amazing stuff. Next one isn't until April. Oh well. I'll just have to make do with those I've found before.
It's nice that you go to the lake every weekend. when I lived in Chicago, we went to Sagatuck a lot. Of course, we always got lost because, as you know, in Chicago, the lake is to the east. Not so in Michigan. I've been here nearly 10 years and occasionally I still think of the ocean as being to the east. Ten years in Chicago will do that to you.
HI Jane I'd love to have a lakehouse.. or a beachhouse. You must enjoy being able to perhaps decorate in a totally different style to your usual residence? Or is your style the same in both? Maybe I would know this if I read through your back posts. Everything is too busy over my way.. so I am very slow to get back to ppl.[sorry]
So... I love your chairs and your white wicker basket/shelf thingie!! Thingies are always handy to have.. hehe
Love your chairs and the lake house. I would love to have some place like that to go..especially to have another house to decorate. Everything is lovely!
What a cute post, Jane. I love your chairs..I have the same love for little tables. They all seem to gang up on me when I visit thrift stores and they all wanna come home with me. I am loving the sound of things you have planned for that lake house.. xo bj
Your chairs are cute. I love love love the rooster pillow. Did you read The Nester's post about chairs last week? You should if you haven't. You are kindred spirits.
I echo the thoughts that your post are such a joy to read and I too feel like I'm sitting having a lovely conversation with you...where's my wine!
Your lake getaway sounds divine and your chairs and pillows are lovely. I have a thing for chairs too amongst many other obsessions such as old silver, old dishes, see where I'm going?!
I just love when you take us to the lake. I love reading about the relaxing time you spend there. Today I felt like I was there to, as your writing was so discriptive and fun. Your chairs are great. I can't seem to turn down a chair bargain either. Hugs, June
Jane, I'm so glad you stopped by and enjoyed my Mums. I put them in the ground about 4 years ago, and they just get bigger and bigger every year. I adore you Chairs and your blog is so sweet, I enjoyed my visit.
Hi Janie, Great post as usual! The chairs are charming and boy do I want to see your bedroom make-over now! I think the 5th might work. I'll talk to hubby and if its ok I'll know for sure when we get back from AZ on the 2nd. You should be a writer my dear, your posts are always so interesting and insightful. Hugs, Cindy
You should have took a side trip and come and said hi to me in AZ!! I love Vegas. We try to go at least once a the Venetian! I have a thing for chairs also. My husband doesn't want me to find anymore...but, well...that is what HE wants!! I like them even if they don't have a seat!! Have a great week!!
From one Blondie to another, the name was given to me from my dh too :o) I found your blog tonight and fell in love with it, I look forward to returning.
I love your chairs! The decor with them is adorable. Comfy cozy feel. Your coffee table is beautiful! Didn't everyone have one of those wicker shelves?!
Hi Janie,This is the 3rd time I am visiting this site but I never finish reading until now, lol. It's been so busy here. I like your white things, even the chairs but especially the wicker shelves. It will be good with the shells...Christine
Its always sad when the last tomatoes of the season are picked....but new things are in store, huh?
I too have a chair affair. And tables. And doors......LOve yours! I also LOVE those pillows. I have been wanting to order some myself. Waiting for the money tree to bloom. Those are beautiful in your chairs! Love your wicker shelf! Thanks for linking up to thrifty Thursday, sweet friend! Leigh Tales from Bloggeritaville
I love the shabby chic beach motif you have going on! I hope to find one more chair to add to our own lovely collection! :) The pillows are adorable...amazing workmanship!
I have a husband that watches games upstairs stomping, clapping and yelling too! It's pretty entertaining, actually. I stay downstairs most of the time in order for the volume to be a little quieter. Your soup sounds yummy!
I have a 'problem' with collecting chairs too...hubby says um, can't you collect SMALL stuff??? I just bought some ladderbacks and will be doing a makeover on them for my (soon to be)revealed dining room. I joined up as a follower! peace.
I also have a chair thing, and we would be in alot of trouble shopping together, there are alot of places to get into shopping trouble in california...
No door knobs = no finger nails. ha! I'm about to start stripping wallpaper in 3 rooms and I thought about that the other more nice nails until it's all done!
Great post Jane AND welcome back from Vegas. Would love to someday see Cher's show, I just think she's awesome.
I thought of doing a beachy theme in my room for the summer but somehow never got around to it. I have a few Halloween things scattered about right now though.
Hi Jane, I have missed my visits. It is so hard to come home and play catch up. Loved your post and I look forward to seeing the unveiling. Can I come by for a glass of wine sometime? Maryrose :) Enjoy your day
What a fabulous post, Jane! I would have loved to have spent the weekend sitting in front of the fire with you drinking wine and eating those fresh tomatoes w/mozzarella and crackers...perfect! Your lake house is really looking fine! What a great retreat! I love odd little chairs, too...they are pretty and practical! Thanks so much for your prayers, Jane...they are greatly appreciated! Have a fabulous weekend! ;-D
I felt good on your behalf that you rescued that shelf & remade it lol. I haven't overlooked something for quite as long as 18 years but doesn't it feel good when you finally do remake some old thing you have :)
oh girl...your post today was just lovely. I must say...I do like the chairs you shared...I wish I had a cabin at the lake...that was rustic and fun! I might even collect roosters for it! lol have a great weekend!
There is just something about a chair that is the perfect accessory. Love them myself...and benches...and small tables. Oh well, you know what I mean. Looking forward to see your new bathroom! Debra
Hi Blondie! OMG! I am having the same issue with chairs lately - can't seem to get enough. Oh and accent tables too- small anywhere tables that I can stick just about, well, anywhere. Your comment to me was just too funny girl! It never occured to me that I didn't mention what my P d R was! It's a tray! Ha! Now go back and look - it will make perfect sense! LOL! Kim
Jane, thanks for visiting!! I love your pillow! thanks for sharing all of your whites. I enjoyed viewing. I just got a little wallhanging wicker cabinet/shelf/towel bar with two little doors that open up for storage> for a future bath/bedroom redo. (goodwill) A little shabby, but fresh white paint will do her good, ....or....hmmm...maybe I'll just wipe her down and leave her that way. amazing what we accumulate when we have a vision or image in our head for a future project! I still remember reading your post about the feather on the table. It was thought provoking. :-) Have a good one! Yes that doggie has my heart in his paw. He is my angel, Gideon. He even has two tufts of hair at his shoulderblades that have always stuck up like 2 wings ever since he was a puppy. Gotta love 'em.
I am really, really late in viewing all the White wednesday participants, but its one of my favorites "parties", so wanted to see them glad I came here...I always enjoy your blog, even if I don't have time to leave a comment... I also seem to have an affair going with chairs...I just love them, but don't enough space for all that I see. They're like puppies...I see a cute one and want to bring it home.
I appeciate your visits to my blog, too...I always love to hear from like minded women...its chicken soup for my soul!
I always enjoy reading your posts, Jane. Because they just f-l-o-w so well it's like reading a good book! I know if I had a house at the lake we'd be really good friends, despite my little rooster comment... For which I was well compensated, I shall say!
Sooo very pretty Jane... sigh... we have a merry maid too (Moi!) and sometimes I am not so merry when I put things somewhere and cannot find them either! Your beachy shabby garden spot sounds lovely... I love your sense of humor too... always makes me smile! Bisous... Julie marie
I would have to share the wine with my husband because he would rather be by the fire yakking with the women than watching sports on t.v.
Re your comment about blogland at Christmas I am excited like a little kid to see what goes on. It must be over the top.
Sighing and wanting to be at the lake Jane. Thanks for this nice visit in the middle of the work week.
Love the chairs Jane! Your posts are always so much fun to read, I feel like we're sitting together chatting away! And I love the sound of your new style for the bedroom! Can't wait to see more of this beautiful retreat. Kathy
Jane seems like your love affair with chairs works for you! I would love to go to the Lake House every weekend. :) I can't wait to see your pumpkins. Thanks for stopping by & getting a chuckle out of the nighbor & "Honey". And yeah that spreading one small pumpkin under a tree?????? We know better than that!!!! Sounds like you & your girlfriend had a wonderful evening with the wine & tomatoes. With your weather those fresh ones are over for this year. And in answer to your question I have never seen Candy Corn plants. Sound interesting. Do you have photos of one? Have a wonderful week.
I just think having two homes to decorate would be so much fun! Your chairs look great, and I really like the pillows you have in them. I can't wait to see the bedroom. I love Karen's work. Isn't it amazing how men can tune out everything but the ball game? laurie
Girl, I like your shabby beach garden chic! And I'm a nut about chairs, too. We would be dangerous shopping together. I'm always on the hunt for orphan chairs... or they are on the hunt for me. They know a pushover when they see one. ;-)
Loving the way the lake house is going. Get yourself a drill and go after those cabinets! You don't need a carpenter. Just a good power tool.
Glad you got back safe and sound from Vegas and are enjoying the lake before winter.
Love to you...
Sheila :=)
I am so glad you had a good trip to Vegas! What happens in get the drift!
Love the chairs and the saved shelves!! Fabulous!!
I also love your description of your evening sitting by the fire. Sounds heavenly. We are finally starting to get some cooler weather down here. But it is supposed to be back near 80 next week! I grow weary....
Have a great day!
Lou Cinda :)
It sounded so homey and like a great way to relax after a vacation:) The soup smelled so yummy to my imagination and the fresh tomatoes and mozzerella cheese and crackers + a good friend = YUM!
Your chairs are charming and your bedroom sounds like it will be delightful:)
Great post! I also love chairs, though I prefer upholstered ones, so that I can slipcover them. My favorite are free ones, either from a client or found in the alleys of Coronado. We just had big trash pick-up last week. That's when you can put anything out and the garbage men take it. I didn't go alley picking this time, as I really have no room for anymore furniture. In the past, though, I have gotten amazing stuff. Next one isn't until April. Oh well. I'll just have to make do with those I've found before.
It's nice that you go to the lake every weekend. when I lived in Chicago, we went to Sagatuck a lot. Of course, we always got lost because, as you know, in Chicago, the lake is to the east. Not so in Michigan. I've been here nearly 10 years and occasionally I still think of the ocean as being to the east. Ten years in Chicago will do that to you.
HI Jane
I'd love to have a lakehouse.. or a beachhouse. You must enjoy being able to perhaps decorate in a totally different style to your usual residence? Or is your style the same in both? Maybe I would know this if I read through your back posts. Everything is too busy over my way.. so I am very slow to get back to ppl.[sorry]
So... I love your chairs and your white wicker basket/shelf thingie!! Thingies are always handy to have.. hehe
Have fun...and have a great week. xx Julie
Love your chairs and the lake house. I would love to have some place like that to go..especially to have another house to decorate. Everything is lovely!
It looks great! The chairs I saw in Douglas would look great - want me to UPS them to ya?!
Oh I made soup recently too. Even thought it was 100 degrees! :) I refuse to not have a fall.
I can't wait to see what you do with the wicker shelving.
What a cute post, Jane.
I love your chairs..I have the same love for little tables. They all seem to gang up on me when I visit thrift stores and they all wanna come home with me.
I am loving the sound of things you have planned for that lake house..
xo bj
Your chairs are cute. I love love love the rooster pillow. Did you read The Nester's post about chairs last week? You should if you haven't. You are kindred spirits.
Hi Jane, I love your pictures especially the pot cooking away on the stove. The pillow is really lovely.
Keeping you and your family in my prayers!
Hugs, Barb ♥
What beautiful white vignettes. Your home on the lake is stunning. Have a beautiful day.
Hi Jane,
I echo the thoughts that your post are such a joy to read and I too feel like I'm sitting having a lovely conversation with you...where's my wine!
Your lake getaway sounds divine and your chairs and pillows are lovely. I have a thing for chairs too amongst many other obsessions such as old silver, old dishes, see where I'm going?!
I love the warm, comfy, cozy look of at the lake. :-)
And look forward to your beachy/garden theme bedroom.
And oh yes, I do think it's wise to surround ourselves with the colors and 'feel,' which make us feel at peace.
Beautiful post!!
I just love when you take us to the lake. I love reading about the relaxing time you spend there. Today I felt like I was there to, as your writing was so discriptive and fun.
Your chairs are great. I can't seem to turn down a chair bargain either.
Your lake home is fabulous! It must be so relaxing to spend the weekends there. I love your pretty chairs and that lovely rooster pillow!
The chairs are just wonderful!!
What a lovely, lovely blog you have here!
:) T
Jane, I'm so glad you stopped by and enjoyed my Mums. I put them in the ground about 4 years ago, and they just get bigger and bigger every year.
I adore you Chairs and your blog is so sweet, I enjoyed my visit.
I love your love for chairs. I use to have one of those wicker shelves. It was a 70's thing.
happy wednesday
Hi Janie,
Great post as usual! The chairs are charming and boy do I want to see your bedroom make-over now! I think the 5th might work. I'll talk to hubby and if its ok I'll know for sure when we get back from AZ on the 2nd. You should be a writer my dear, your posts are always so interesting and insightful. Hugs, Cindy
You should have took a side trip and come and said hi to me in AZ!!
I love Vegas. We try to go at least once a the Venetian!
I have a thing for chairs also. My husband doesn't want me to find anymore...but, well...that is what HE wants!! I like them even if they don't have a seat!!
Have a great week!!
From one Blondie to another, the name was given to me from my dh too :o)
I found your blog tonight and fell in love with it, I look forward to returning.
Peg x
I love your chairs! The decor with them is adorable. Comfy cozy feel. Your coffee table is beautiful! Didn't everyone have one of those wicker shelves?!
I love chairs too. I have a few too many in my house and of course ones in my garden and on my porches.
Boy, you have been super busy ! I love your post about the chairs...LOL !
Hi Janie,This is the 3rd time I am visiting this site but I never finish reading until now, lol. It's been so busy here. I like your white things, even the chairs but especially the wicker shelves. It will be good with the shells...Christine
Hi there, sugar plum! I'm making my second round through for Thrifty Thursday. Still loving those two chairs, Janie. Seriously could steal them.
Happy Thrifty Thursday...
Sheila :-)
Sounds like such a wonderful place. I think a pot of bean soup may be in my near future. Lovely post!
Its always sad when the last tomatoes of the season are picked....but new things are in store, huh?
I too have a chair affair. And tables. And doors......LOve yours! I also LOVE those pillows. I have been wanting to order some myself. Waiting for the money tree to bloom. Those are beautiful in your chairs!
Love your wicker shelf!
Thanks for linking up to thrifty Thursday, sweet friend!
Tales from Bloggeritaville
I love the shabby chic beach motif you have going on! I hope to find one more chair to add to our own lovely collection! :) The pillows are adorable...amazing workmanship!
Happy Thrifty Thursday!
The wicker shelf is just too cute!! I enjoyed your post.
Happy thrifty Thursday!
♥ Chaitra
I do like to see the sheaf of wheat. I don't think they have any around here.
Your bean soup sounds so good that I'll have to try it soon. I'm going to the store today, so I'll buy the ingredients. Thanks for the tip.
I have a husband that watches games upstairs stomping, clapping and yelling too! It's pretty entertaining, actually. I stay downstairs most of the time in order for the volume to be a little quieter. Your soup sounds yummy!
hehe, I too have a love for chairs, even if I have no room I bring hem home! Yours are adorable, the pillows look great on the chairs too.
I have a 'problem' with collecting chairs too...hubby says um, can't you collect SMALL stuff??? I just bought some ladderbacks and will be doing a makeover on them for my (soon to be)revealed dining room.
I joined up as a follower!
I also have a chair thing, and we would be in alot of trouble shopping together, there are alot of places to get into shopping trouble in california...
Everything looks so pretty!
No door knobs = no finger nails. ha! I'm about to start stripping wallpaper in 3 rooms and I thought about that the other more nice nails until it's all done!
Great post Jane AND welcome back from Vegas. Would love to someday see Cher's show, I just think she's awesome.
I thought of doing a beachy theme in my room for the summer but somehow never got around to it. I have a few Halloween things scattered about right now though.
Have a great day! Bonnie
Hi Jane,
Loved reading about your projects & the new decorating style sounds super.
Wine, fire & girlfriend talk, count me in.
Hi Jane,
I have missed my visits. It is so hard to come home and play catch up. Loved your post and I look forward to seeing the unveiling. Can I come by for a glass of wine sometime?
Maryrose :)
Enjoy your day
What a fabulous post, Jane! I would have loved to have spent the weekend sitting in front of the fire with you drinking wine and eating those fresh tomatoes w/mozzarella and crackers...perfect!
Your lake house is really looking fine! What a great retreat!
I love odd little chairs, too...they are pretty and practical!
Thanks so much for your prayers, Jane...they are greatly appreciated!
Have a fabulous weekend!
I felt good on your behalf that you rescued that shelf & remade it lol. I haven't overlooked something for quite as long as 18 years but doesn't it feel good when you finally do remake some old thing you have :)
Hi Jane,
I think the Pink rooster looks right at home. I'm so glad you are enjoying it. I have a thing for chairs too. Now I just need to get hubby on board.
I loved visiting your lake house. Fall in Michigan is so beautiful with the leaves changing. I miss that. If you ever need a housesitter...hehe.
Once it cools down, I am going to make your bean soup. Sounds delicious.
oh girl...your post today was just lovely.
I must say...I do like the chairs you shared...I wish I had a cabin at the lake...that was rustic and fun! I might even collect roosters for it! lol
have a great weekend!
There is just something about a chair that is the perfect accessory. Love them myself...and benches...and small tables. Oh well, you know what I mean. Looking forward to see your new bathroom!
I love your white chairs. Your kitchen is looking nice and vintagey...even though you say it isnt finished! Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Hi Blondie! OMG! I am having the same issue with chairs lately - can't seem to get enough. Oh and accent tables too- small anywhere tables that I can stick just about, well, anywhere. Your comment to me was just too funny girl! It never occured to me that I didn't mention what my P d R was! It's a tray! Ha! Now go back and look - it will make perfect sense!
thanks for visiting!! I love your pillow! thanks for sharing all of your whites. I enjoyed viewing. I just got a little wallhanging wicker cabinet/shelf/towel bar with two little doors that open up for storage> for a future bath/bedroom redo. (goodwill) A little shabby, but fresh white paint will do her good, ....or....hmmm...maybe I'll just wipe her down and leave her that way. amazing what we accumulate when we have a vision or image in our head for a future project!
I still remember reading your post about the feather on the table. It was thought provoking. :-)
Have a good one!
Yes that doggie has my heart in his paw. He is my angel, Gideon. He even has two tufts of hair at his shoulderblades that have always stuck up like 2 wings ever since he was a puppy. Gotta love 'em.
Funny. I have a chair thing, too! I am even drawn to pictures of empty chairs!
You have been a busy girl!
Yes! I totally have noticed the similarity between Milo and Sadie. I'm convinced they were separated at birth! I also just love your little Layla.
Is it Friday already? Have a great weekend!
I am really, really late in viewing all the White wednesday participants, but its one of my favorites "parties", so wanted to see them glad I came here...I always enjoy your blog, even if I don't have time to leave a comment... I also seem to have an affair going with chairs...I just love them, but don't enough space for all that I see. They're like puppies...I see a cute one and want to bring it home.
I appeciate your visits to my blog, too...I always love to hear from like minded women...its chicken soup for my soul!
God bless,
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