Today I have linked up with Faded Charm Cottage for White Wednesday. It has been a gray, blustery day here in Chicago and I spent it in my jammies; blogging, straightening up, blogging, a little nap, blogging, a shower. This really is a great way to do it without getting that numb feeling in your bum and wondering when you last spoke to a real person! It was so depressing outside, I decided to make a nice meal in the crock pot. This is another great thing to do while blogging~let the crock pot do the work. I cleared out the vegetable bin; potatoes, carrots, onion, squash and tomatoes. I threw in a few pork chops for protein and some curry, cumin and nutmeg for a sweet little twist. Oh, it smelled so good. I put the tomatoes in whole and they just sort of burst and went everywhere. It was a very good meal.
So I thought to myself this evening, as the wind was blowing like crazy, this is a good time to just walk around the house and take some pictures and do a post, and then I thought White Wednesday would be fun. The news said we are having 40 mph winds. Wow!! If my picture is not in the Weatherpixie icon, it means I was blown right out, along with that little Golden Retriever that is not mine. So here is what I have:
It still looks messy, but it is an organized mess!
I have a thing for birds like most everyone. These are little white chippy birds that I keep on a chippy table in my living room. They are so cute!
This is a little pitcher and jar of shells that I made. Abby brought the shells home from Florida after this last Christmas. I noticed a bad odor coming from her room about 2 weeks after getting back home and discovered her shells in her half~unpacked suitcase. Ooooh...(nose wrinkling). I cleaned them up a bit in some bleach and water and decided to display them in a jar but instead of layering them with sand, I used strips of crinkled, recycled packing paper. I am not 'green' by any means and I need to work on that, but I was appalled that the bags of sand that they sell at Target are 'Made In China'. I'm not political and maybe I need to work on it. I guess I did. When it is 'Made In America', I will buy it!!!
This is a pretty little vignette on a cabinet in my living room. The pitcher needs to be changed out for fall (it is still doing it's spring thing!!), and I have St. Francis there, who I believe I am a true follower of. Someday I will do an animal stories post. I like this photo because of the reflection (I was on the floor). The lace curtains are white, I made them from a vintage tablecloth years ago and you can see one of my favorite pictures by the front door. It has white matting.
This is a pretty dove lamp on the upper level of the cabinet. I fell in love with this in Naples and had it shipped home.
My good china stacked in a glass cabinet.
These candles are actually vanilla and are a creamy color, but the lighting is making them yellow. Hope I'm not cheating! I bought these fleur de lis candle pillars last week at a local gift shop. They were marked down to $22.50 for the set. They are heavy silver plate. The candles should be pillar but I need to find a good drip less candle before I trust anything on these candlesticks.
I want to thank you for joining me on White Wednesday. Be sure to visit all of the other participants showing off all of their pretty whites. It is a nice reprieve from all of the bright fall colors we are seeing now. Have a wonderful day!
you're up late, I'm up early ... the wind is cruel here in the nw burbs, too.
anything "white" goes down in my adoration book!
felt like I just spent the evening at your house
we really should hook up for lunch or junkin or somthin"
Hello Jane, your White Wednesday is wonderful! Your St. Francis is my favorite, of course... I love your jewelry too, and how you said it is an "organized mess"... love that! A friend of mine once told me I had the neatest stacked dirty dishes he had ever seen! (that was years ago, now I have a dishwasher!) hee hee Bisous... Julie Marie
White Wednesday, hmmm hadn't heard of this one. I'll have to take a look.
It is always surprising to me to see a meme and then realize you have lots of stuff that would qualify for it once you start looking around.
You have some really great pieces there. You also photographed them well without getting that white glare. Good job.
Love the white wednesday. The jewelry is so pretty. Yes they are boxwood by the barn and thank you for coming over to visit.
It's all so pretty. You are right, a nice break from so much color. I'm not sure that I have anything white...maybe one or two platters.
Love your whties! Love seeing a little bit of your lovely home too.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Ooohhh...that jewelry, those candlesticks, the dove lamp...awesome. Everything is so pretty. Yes I definitely have a thing for birds too and I sure do love your chippy little white ones.
So glad you joined WW today.
Jane, I love all your white things, cutie pie. I just put my dinner in the crock pot.....what a wonderful invention.
Have a wonderful day, sweet girl.
Love, Barb ♥
Oh the lamp is my favorite! Thank you for your good wishes.
HI Jane! Long time no "see"! I've been MIA but now I'm out and about reconnecting. How I've missed everyone! I'm really digging your whites. Especially those chippy birds and that lampshade...yahoo!
Sorry your weather is so cold, I heard on the news that most of the eastern half of the country was experiencing cold fronts. We are too (finally) but our cold means 75 degrees. It's lovely and so nice to not have the suffocating heat anymore.
I hope all is well with you and yours and I hope you have a great day!
P.S. Your recipe sounds fab. Can you please share?
hello Blondie :)
I really enjoyed your sweet comment on my blog and reading your profile. I am very busy at this time sewing a bunch of muffinpies for a client, so did not really take the time to read your last post in your blog. Will have to come back though. Of course i do ship in the US. My muffinpies have travelled all around the world as far back as autralia. You can check out my etsy shop, i still have some listed there, but will be listing more in a few weeks.
Of course, you are most welcome to come back and visit my blog. It makes me very happy to read people's comments.
Have a lovely day :)
Wow, what lovely white. I love white on white, it really gets my attention. White Wednesday, what a lovely idea. I must look at the other ones too, lots of pattern ideas here.
Great White Wednesday. Your dinner in the crock pot sounds soooo yummy. I love a cozy day indoors.
Love all of your white, Janie! It's so neat. And I love St. Francis, too.
I can't believe you all are having those high winds! I guess they don't call Chicago the Windy City for nothing, do they??? I have never been, but my parents (long deceased) used to go all the time when they were younger. If I get up that way, you KNOW I will contact you!
Sheila :-)
Okay, first of all - you are SO adorable! Too bad you live so far or we would def be getting together for coffee. I so LOVE that dove lamp and those silver candlesticks. Glad to "meet" you and I'll be back fer shurrr! Kim
Btw, Heirloom White, Rustoleum Painter's Touch, Home Depot
you have gorgeous whites, i love your day, sounds perfect, thanks for the visit, i will be back to visit again
After Pink Saturday, I really enjoy looking at White Wednesday. I may just have to join this fun day. Your photos are stunning Jane. xo
I love your whites!!! I have to remember this party!
Hi Blondie,
Is it ok if I call you that or do you prefer Jane? I love nicknames and your is very befitting to you. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment. I also wanted to compliment you on all your whites. I especially liked you little dove lamp...too cute. I have a sweet obsession with little birds too. You can find them all over our petite cottage. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed my visit very much. Have a wonderful evening.
Hi, I could only see the last 4 pics, but they were great and your story was wonderful.
Hi Janie, I love all your whites! Your jewel tree looks really good and organized and I love how your little picture frames are also bejeweled. Ooooh! I REALLY, REALLY like your pair of fleur de lis silver candle holders. I have a pewter fleur de lis plate chargers and they will go well with them. The room reflection looks so nice in the mirror with the white lace curtains. Beautiful photo!
LOL! I cheat when I make an omelette. I cook what is inside and then I scramble about 5 eggs and flop it over the cooked inside. I don't wrap it and I just make a big one that we all share.
Fried green tomatoes are good. I use store bought ranch dressing for sauce. I think remoulade will work too. You really need to try the Bananas Foster. It was so good!
We all sing and dance but it does not mean we are good. We just have a lot of fun and we are all good friends. 2 of them are doctors' wives and the other one is the hospital CEO's wife. It's just the 4 of us who hang out a lot here. When we moved here, I was the only one with a karaoke machine and everybody was so shy and no one will sing. Now, 2 of them have one and we all fight over the microphones, LOL! Oops, sorry for the very long comment!...Christine
Hi Jane,
Oh your white post is just gorgeous! Love, love your fleur-di-lis silver candlesticks. ~Lovely!
I have thought about calling my doctor about my B/P getting so low so fast. I researched it online and it says anything below 90/60 is considered very low. I'm watching it closely twice a day.
I feel so much better lately it's amazing!
Thanks for your sweet visit.
~Blessings, Melissa :)
Your home looks so peaceful. A refuge from the wind!
Hi Jane! What a great post. And I love love love the picture of your four blessings on the right side of your blog. What a beautiful family. Your comment made my day. I always try to do something serious (family, or God) something funny on my blog...and it touched me that you recognized that...thank you. Now, I absolutely adore those stacked china plates, big smile, dishes get to me!!! hahaha...and I love your little chippy white birds, those incredible candle holders you just got. Wow. I loved your white Wednesday!
PS...I love our visits!
Hi Jane, my dream house is done in shades of creamy white with muted accent colors of sea foam green, powder blue and tan. But let's get real! I have a dog and cat who would make sure it didn't stay white for very long!
Loved your post and just love that pretty dove lamp. Is it still windy?
I love your house, Jane. You sound pretty relaxed and "getting it done" to me. LOL That bird lamp is just wonderful and I love the way you displayed the shells with the shredded paper. Your pile of jewelry just looks so inviting and lucky you to have girls to share with. Wonderful job on White Wednesday.
My "tip" for setting up your craft/office/art room would be:
1. Label everything...I spend soo much time looking for stuff even though I think I'll remember where something is I always forget!
2. Don't share space with your husband LOL. He has his office in that room now with me and it's a lot harder to get anything done.
Really enjoyed your post today.
xoxo Nancy
Perfect way to spend the day. Hope your weather is better. Love all your whites. Have a great week.
Oh, I love all your whites, Blondiel. Everything so pretty!!
Great post! You have such pretty things. I especially like the birds, the bird lamp and the birdhouse.
It was windy here yesterday, too. I also spent the day blogging on and off in my pj's with supper cooking in the crock pot. It's a great way to spend the day!
I love that ticking lamp shade. It is so cute. And your vignette is very pretty. The flowers are lovely, summer or fall. Oh, and I received my gift from you! Thank you so much. I am having a ball just looking at it all! And to think I won all this for making a "somewhat tacky" comment...
I love your whites. Truthfully, I love almost all whites!
I really love this White Wednesday post. Those chippy birds are so cute. And I adore those candlesticks, what a wonderful find. Hope you're having a great week. Kathy
Love all the white... cute cute cute bird lamp...
Your White Wednesday post is awesome. I loved looking at your photos. They are so creamy and delicious.
I saved a bird this evening, right out of the cat's mouth. Poor birdie. I put him up in the pecan tree. Hope he makes it.
Oh do I ever need a day like yours. I want to lounge in my pj's and blog while the crock pot is making dinner...sounds soooo relaxing!
You have many beautiful white accessories. I especially love the birds. My Aunt just gave me two ceramic white birds...I can't wait to show them off. :-)
I enjoyed seeing all this! Nice photography too!
Crock pot meal sounds delicious!
Stay warm! It's still hot here in FL!
Hi Jane, sounds like a perfect day to stay in your PJs and cook up a delicious crockpot meal! I really enjoyed all of your White Wednesday photos--fun to get a peek inside your house!
I love days like that...terrible weather but you are snug inside, puttering around and enjoying your 'nest'. :)
As always, Jane, a gorgeous post! It sounds so cozy in your home on a cold Chicago day. I love your St.Francis and look forward to your animal stories post.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jane, I throughly enjoyed your tour. I love all your pretties. The dove lamp, so sweet! Thanks for dropping by today to visit. I always enjoy having you stop by!
Have a great weekend. Stay warm! We are expecting rain....again!
Tales from Bloggeritaville
Hello Jane, I love your white Wed. I especially love the two white birds and the white pitcher with flowers, well I guess I really just love it all. It is all so calming and peaceful, sometimes that is just all we need. Thanks so much for sharing, I will be back for more
Hi Jane......thanks for always stopping by the farm.......and please forgive me if I don't make it over here enough!
all your white looks great - and I hope you are enjoying Fall :)
Oct. 10... 10:30am ET.... Have a great time in Vagas. Enjoy your own form of "a great time." :-)
You will. You will.
Aunt Amelia
I can almost smell your soup. Sounds delicious. Your whites are great and I have a thing for birds too. Have a great weekend!
I am one of 7 kids too, Janie! We all shared mostly everything, right. I fall smack dab in the middle. We had 5 girls and two boys...and now I am mom to 5 kids! How about you? Thanks for stopping by my "toy tour".
Have a great weekend...and by the way...I am all for "organized messes" haha
Stay Cozy,
~WOOHOO! Jane have fun in Vegas! It's one of my favorite places too.
Take Care, ~Melissa :)
This is one blog party that I haven't joined yet. But I love your photos especially those picture frames. Hope you are having a great weekend.
Hi, Jane, all your white things are soooo pretty! I have a thing for white myself.
Thanks for stopping by. Your question about tea towels is pretty funny, since I really don't OWN any tea towels myself. I guess they were used more in the past for teas, but I certainly didn't grow up going to teas & such, so I'm not an expert. I guess using them in the kitchen as dish towels would be the next best thing.
Maybe I'll have another question day, I did that last year & it was fun!
Thank you for stopping by to visit. I was out & about all weekend with company & today I had a "jammy" day like you did the other day. Made a huge pot of vegetable beef soup & cornbread. YUM. Your crockpot meal sounded good too! Have you gotten snow yet? Do you still have fall color or is it all blown away? If you had trouble linking the Breast Cancer site let me know. Have a great week.
Muy linda tu casa, yo veo que tendré que crear un blog para mostrar la mia, porque esto lo haciendo desde mi blog donde enseño a reciclar, bueno, pronto estoy aprendiendo un poco, te dejo un abrazo y nos seguimos viendo en Chari, con afecto Chana Tzera.
Thanks for sharing all of your "white" beauties....enjoyed the tour! I adore the birdie lamp....want it...pack it up and ship directly to me NOW!!! Very nice fleur de lis candle holders too. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
OT, and I don't do this often but.. Would you please go to this entry in my blog, and scroll to the bottom of it.
A blogger is suffering through a long bout of her husband being hospitalized and... Another sweet blogger told me of her sadness. We both are asking people to go [her link is there] leave her a comment of good wishes.
And a big Thank You!
Gentle hugs,
Aunt Amelia
Ohhhhhhh, stacks of dishes always make me giddy!
m ^..^
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