My geraniums refuse to let go. And I can't toss out a live plant. To the right of the plant you can see a new pot of lavender I bought. What a deal I got and look at the size of it. When my geraniums finally succumb to the frosts. I will plant the lavender in the pot to winter over. Then I think I'll keep it on the patio where I can smell it. Mmmmm!
What a funny guy this is, on his swing. I think he loves fall. I think I do too. Soon I will be replacing these decorations with some balsam wreaths and Christmas lights. But the old crow says "Wait. What's the hurry? I'm having fun!" So that's the way it is. I'm slowing down. The days may be shorter but I still have 16 hours. And now I am going to throw another log on the fire and curl up with a good book.
Have a wonderful weekend! :-)
Hi Sue,
I just left you a long comment on your White Wednesday were probably posting this one as I was writing! Love your pumpkins and scarecrows...I haven't purchased anything yet, and if I don't hurry, it will be over! Your home looks so autumny and ready for the falling leaves...we are still in the high 70's and my roses are still blooming, so its difficult to get into the mood. No doubt, it will change overnight, and we'll go right into winter!
God bless,
I meant Jane! Sometimes, I don't even know my own name...when we blog hop, it can get sooooo confoosing!
God bless,
I guess I was always an old fuddy-duddy. I had my first child at 17, and when others were busy going out to bars and I was home, I never resented that. Because I thought of going out at night as sort of depressing. I still do. I've always been a hermit and a homebody! I love to read your posts, because I do feel as though you're talking to me. I know I've said this before, but you just have a way of writing that is casual yet intimate. Yellow and blue always looks good together. And it's very sweet of you to think of the school children. Have a nice weekend! I'll be here reading too!
Ok....I won't say it looks cute...althought those 3 scarecrows together are kinda cu....nice! You did a great job decorating and I say...let's not hurry Christmas. In fact, I could take another 2 months, even 3 of Autumn....but then thats just me!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Since I obviously do "cute", I'm loving your scarecrow family-so cute (sorry). I don't do "pretty" or "elegant", but I sure wish I could. laurie
Too cute! I love the idea that you are making things sweet for the children that pass by. I love, love, love the Fall! Have a great weekend.
Beautifully said my friend... I love that you dance to your own time clock... You are just to precious for words..
have a super w/k..hugs ~lynne~
Hello Jane, I love this post, so many of your sentiments are the same as mine... although I did decorate a bit earlier than you... I love that the little children walking by point and smile at your decorations, that is soo sweet...I have no children, so sometimes even though Jack is right in the next room, I feel sort of lonely... then I make myself snap out of it and realize how many blessing I really do have in my life... I love sitting by my little fireplace too with a good book or lovely magazine... thanks for sharing your special memories about your mama too... love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie
It is 'cute', you underestimate yourself. Everything blends so nicely & has a warm seasonal touch for all to enjoy.
Have a warm wonderful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon
Hey, Janie... I really like what you did, and that trio of scarecrows with the little crow are darling. Pretty mums and pumpkins, too.
Sheila :-)
Hi Janie. Boy do I love those blue shutters...they are stunning. And then the blue planter you have your mums in just pulls it all together. What a gorgeous look for your front door area! I love it. Everything looks so is still hot here but not in the 100's anymore...thank goodness. I have been sipping hot chamomile tea in the evenings dreaming of cooler weather! ha!
Ok, Jane...I have my own "old crow" story. We had a very old Llahsa Apso named Kenji, he must have been about 12 or 13. He was nicknamed "the old man." I get home one day in the late afternoon and Kenji wasn't there to greet me and I said to my mom "where's the old man?" To which she says "he's taking a shower!" OMG! She was talking about my dad - haha!
Love your pictures and I LOVE the blue and yellow combo. How sweet you put up "cute" Halloween for the little kids and I'm lovin' that crow on the swing.
Hey, it's the weekend ~ Bonnie
PS - Sadie sents a shout out to Milo!
I really love this post. It sounds like you have found your "new normal" and are comfortable with it. That's a very good place to be, my friend. I love all of your fall decor and I think the front of your house looks lovely, not shabby at all. Has hubby grown to love the blue shutters yet? I think they look wonderful. Have a great weekend, Kathy
You are so right about the blue pot with yellow and white mums, Janie! They make the blue shutters pop, very pretty together. I also love your scarecrow trio. So cute with the uniforms. Well, I am still planting, believe it or not, although it is cold today, the high was only 61....Christine
HI Jane
Well although Australian seasons should be the norm for me, I must have watched to much tv as a kid, as it always seems a bit about face. We are about to hit summer.. so no fall decorating leading up to christmas.. and although it is spring it is not marked by any special holiday to welcome in the season [eg Easter].
I'll just have to suffice with the lovely decorating efforts of yourself and other bloggers.
Love the little crow!!
xx Julie
cute cute cute cute cute!!!!
Love it all!
barbara jean
Right now I have two hydrangeas and two day lilies waiting to go into the garden before winter. Nothing has been cleaned up and I don't care. I totally give up about August.
You know as I watch the young people flit around before going out somewhere, answering tons of phone calls about what they are all going to do I can't help but feel they are trying too hard to have a good time. You know just so they can get together and all talk about what a GOOD time they all had. Sounds like work to me.
Very pretty. Sounds wonderful, lighting the fireplace and the spiced cider candles.
I know what you mean about the anticipation of a holiday and then getting tired of it. That's because some people start their holidays too early. Like doing Christmas before Thanksgiving.
My pet peeve is listening to people say "I'm glad it's over" the day after Christmas. If they didn't rush the season they wouldn't be tired of it.
It's never too late for holiday decorating. Many people decorate for each season way too early, imo. The weather around here has been very nice, too. You'd better enjoy it while it lasts in Chicagoland because you know that it will be cold before you know it!
"I like to live in the moment even if I'm late for the moment" ....laughing but how true! What a poignant post this was and I can relate on many levels. I always enjoy a visit here, Jane. Well written. xoxo Nancy
Hi Jane,
You Fall decorations look very pretty! I am sure the kids walking by with love them too!
You are not an "old crow" !
So next week get out the Cmas decs, because before you know it it will be here!
I have to start earlier and earlier to get done in time!
Have a great weekend!
Ok I think it's "CUTE" ha ha!! there I said it...and girl I also have my own time clock I march to...And you know what I did fall way to early this year and am thinking about taking it down now ha ha!!
And Jane I never do fall otside my house..First year I moved up here I did and the deer's thought I put out a buffet for them...ate every pumpkin I had ha ha!! Really I never has to throw food out...I just toss it in the yard and the deers and racoon will have it gone before the morning light comes up...They also eat every flowers I put in the yard...
Now Jane I love finally having my time alone without my children...But then I had my first one at 15 and last one at 20 so I had kids all my life and now I can do what I want to do and still enjoy the grands and great grands...Girl I have a daughter older than you ha ha!! I also like knowing where all my stuffs at without looking in there rooms for it...I never could find even my blow dryer when they were all home ha ha!! it will get better my friend...just take some time to do something for just yourself..Like sit and read that ggod book take a nap...Hope you have a great weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I don't do "cute" either, but I love it that you did it for the kids who pass by - Cute! Linda
What a wonderful post. I love how you cut straight to the chase about feelings.
I was outside working in the yard fighting worried feelings. What is that about???
You know, Milo and Layla would look adorable in some of my discarded sweater sleeves! ha!
Your fall decorating looks wonderful! I love that mother nature helped and scattered real leaves on your front stairs...
Hi Janie girl... can I call you that?
I can understand your pensive mood. It is always difficult when the last one leaves. In my case, it was the only one... It was hard to realize that things would never quite be the same again for me- an only child, doing everything for and with him... They grow up and we grow older. Now THAT is a melancholy thought- yikes!
I like your outdoor decorating. And just think of how much pleasure it gives the school kids who walk by your house. Love the crows. I hadn't heard the expression "the old crow" for so long now!
I need to go out and finish my Halloween decorations. It's actually nice out today- no rain. yea! I wait til the last minute-I don't like lights and pumpkins glowing until a couple of nites beforehand.
take care, my friend, xoxo Sue
Hi jane,
what a nice decoration with those lovely pumpkins and scarecrows for passer-by schoolkids to see. That's a very sweet and CUTE idea.
We do not celebrate Fall in Italy, and Halloween itself is quite new, but love so much what you've done. It's truly a way of celebrating Fall.
Your decorations are lovely and crows are darling and I love the pumpkins with the mums!
Hugs and love,
Hey Blondie, Don't you worry one little bit. The kids will back at the lake before you know it.....I promise you. :) I will be up your way in December. Sure hope the weather is good to me. xo Lynn
Blondie, your place looks great. Love all of the fall touches. That crow cracked me up!
love the mini pumpkins and those scarecrows, just too cute!
Good morning, Janie. I was just thinking about you. When are you going to visit us? Our guests left last Friday so I am able to relax now but I still have lots of work to do, changing bedsheets and doing laundry, etc. Kerri uses all 3 guest bedroom when she is here so I have to clean all 3, lol. Come visit our yard and see if you like our new fence!...Christine
I love every bit of this beautiful post, Jane!
It's raining here, in the StL area again! It flooded in November, 27 years ago. I remember that, because it was the week, J and I had our first date and we had detours all around, to work and homes, because of flooded roads. Wonder if all this precipitation will cause flooding this year!!
your front door sreams come on in!!
isn't there the fall-est feeling in the air ...
Hi Jane, I love it all. Every picture made me smile.
You should write!
Hugs, Barb ♥
I very much enjoyed this post. I am right there with you in wanting to live for the moment even if I'm late for the moment.
I think the idea that you may have been the one "moved" and not your children is one of those "light bulb" moments. For so many years our lives totally revolve around our kids, but then that slowly changes as they develop their own lives and as parents we "reinvent" ourselves and pick up the threads of our own adult lives. Saying goodbye becomes a process, not a moment in time.
Everything looks fabulous and I adore your pretty blue shutters...
xo bj
Oh who cares about the "late" part, Janie. Your decorations look great. And it's not Halloween yet is it?
Can't wait to hear what you think about the "Green Tomato Cake"...just chop the tomatoes real small. You are going to love it...just make sure you have others around so you don't eat the whole think. It is that good!
Enjoy, Carrie
OK, you want to talk late? do you k now when we finished decorating our two big Christmas trees last yesr? ON Christmas Day!
My girls came home, I had been decorating the trees for about a week, but I have more than a thousand ornaments -- I needed help! And didn't get it till they got home and pitched in. And you know what? No one fainted!
I laugh at our pictures of Christmas Day, with the halfdone trees!
Go at your own pace. As holidays approach, I usually pick a date, and say to myself, OK, what's done by then is done... and the rest can wait till NEXT YEAR. :-)
And I do think we leave our kids as much as they leave us. But don't worry -- THEY COME BACK.
Loved this post!
PS everytrhing looks great -- I don't have mums yet !!!
Hi there! I came over from Linda's blog (LindanJake). Any way, you have a lovely blog here and I love all your fall decorations! I would love to invite you over to my blog for a cup of coffee and a good 'ol hen talk!
Hugs, Sharon
Jane, I can relate to the "leaving the nest" syndrome, even though Seth is living at home this year and commuting to the college he attends which is about 40 minutes away. Next year, however, he wants to go to Ole' Miss. Yeah, Ole' Miss! 4 hours away AND in another State! Out of State tuition! I told him I just didn't know if I could pull that off! He better be getting some scholarships!!
Your pumpkins all look wonderful! Thank you for yor diet support! I hate to diet, but alas, the time has come when I MUST do something, or I am going to have to buy a new wardrobe!!
I will keep you posted!
Have warm day!
Lou Cinda :)
Jane, your autumn decorations look great! I like the shabby look for fall, too. It just looks more natural.
Hi Jane,
I just found your blog and have been enjoying my visit. Everything looks so festive! I'm sure the kids will just love it.
Happy Halloween,
Hey, Jane, that guy on the swing having fun ... he's and "old crow"!
I love your decorations; you KNOW I love the blue and yellow.
Hi Jane,
You are deep girl! I so enjoyed reading this my friend. We leave for AZ early tomorrow morn and my son told me to bring a coat. It's only supposed to get up to 65 tomorrow in Phoenix! It's going to be 60 degrees here in Wisc. I e-mailed you too, I am so bad about checking my blogger e-mail. Sorry to be so late. Talk to you soon, Hugs, Cindy
Hi Jane,
Can you send me a little of that brisk fallness you are enjoying in Chicago and then when you have snow I'll send you a little Ca sunshine. Good trade dont you think?
I remember several years ago feeling the same way you do. One day the holidays were approaching, my kids were living their own lives and I thought wow, life is so quiet. I am no longer the center of the universe to my kids, thankfully my husband still liked me ;) tee hee. And then it seems like the very next day I became a grandmother to 3 very different little girls and I became the center of the universe again (maybe in my own mind) but boy does life change. I loved your post and related totally. I better think twice before saying my life is boring or I may end up with 3 more grandchildren.... sorry to ramble ... thanks for the visit, it is always my pleasure.
Maryrose :)
it is all just so warm and welcoming!
Hi Jane,
I just so enjoyed this post. I got so engrossed in your writing that I had to go back and look at the pictures. lol I don't know which I enjoyed the most. You have such a way with words, it's like I am sitting right there. You are truly gifted.
Your decorations are beautiful, And like you I have decided that I am going to slow down and enjoy the moment. Such freedom !!!! I will enjoy it without guilt if you will. LOL
Oh I so enjoyed your post today.Wish I could write all my thoughts down as well as you do !
Beautiful photos. I just discovered your blog and I'm really enjoying it. I've joined your followers and I'll be checking back soon.
Hi Jane,
Oh everything looks so pretty and Fall-like. Love your adorably fun decor'! ~Precious.
Thanks for your sweet encouragement on my healthy lifestyle and weight loss. You are the first one to clap for me! I appreciate it so much my sweet friend.
Happy Halloween! ~Melissa :)
Fun decorations for fall! Everything looks very festive and it really doesn't matter when you put things up. I keep changing things around and adding to them until I take them down. Like you said - it's fun!
I have the same scarecrow trio! I think your home looks very warm and welcoming.
I know it's hard to see children grow up and go off on their own. Been there, done that. I'm thrilled to be a grandmother now --a long distance grandmother, but it's still good :-)
Every stage of life has it's blessings and is as good as we make it. Enjoy it all and have a happy weekend!
Well....I saw nothing in your Fall display that said "late"..nope not a single thing! Always better late...then never! It all looks wonderful and that you had fun doing it is what is important! We have fun looking at it! :)
Hi Jane... Loved your analogy of Seasons and Growing older!!! The reality is as we grow older the seasons come faster...nothing we can do about that though! Your preparation for fall is darling and I'm sure the little ones do stop and point...and you say you don't do CUTE!Ha! Your yard looks great, personally I like the Shabby chic yard! Love leaves in the yard. My man is forever blowing leaves..they make him crazy messing up his yard!!! We... I'm looking forward to getting out the Christmas decorations...I purchased a new little scraggely tree last year after christmas and am anxious to put it up....but...I'll least until Nov. First...Ha! Ha! Have a cozy fall by the fire, you old ----...sorry I just can't say it!!!, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Your Halloween decorations are wonderful. I love the pumpkins cascading down the steps. Is the lake house far away? My dream has always been to have two homes so that I could change the backdrop. It must be so much fun to decorate the two homes.
I love the idea of those spice candles and the fire lit in the fireplace.
Hi Jane!
Everything looks so festive. I love the old crows and the scarecrows. With the pumpkins it all looks so Fall(ish). I just love it. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog this morning. Amy was such a vibrant, beautiful young woman,and she touched so many hearts in blogland. I am so thrilled we were able to share with all of you. Your cards and letters made her so happy the last months of her life. She loved reading each one, and so loved the colors. She was an artist and loved color in and everything. Thank you Jane for stopping by to share your love. Country hugs and love, Sherry
Happy White Wednesday. Love those beautifully shaped pumpkins. Did you grow them?
come by for a visit
You make me smile....:D
Wonderful Fall decor!!! The kids will love it. So many times the fun of the holiday is disappearing... ALL kids need it even the BIG ones!
Your scarecrows are so darling and I just plain love this time of year too and all the smells and sights which go with it!
Hi Jane! Oh, my goodness, I love your Fallness of decoration! That trio of scarecrows are darling and love that you dressed them in your girls school uniforms. The pumpkins are really nice and those mums! I just love mums and do wished their blooms would last a little longer.
You're not too late! You're right on time!
Thanks for popping in to visit me.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
What a wonderful post. Some of it so explained some of my feelings - it was amazing. But we do what we do for the Holidays because we love to do it. When we stop loving it, we should stop doing it. Because a simple candle and a star will suffice. Because a smile on the neighborhood kids' face - will suffice. but we do more because . . . well, because we want to.
The "reason for the season".
HAGD! Karen
Janie, dropping back by here to say that I'm just so excited about something I've been doing with burlap. If you get a chance, please come over to my blog and check it out. You might want to do it, too!
Sheila :-)
I've so enjoyed looking at your decor for Fall/Halloween - just know the kiddies must love passing your lovely house.
Your trip to Vegas looked fun. Like you, I too feel I've been there enough - enjoyable, but one only requires a few visits, too many other naturally beautiful places to see in this big old world!
Glad you are comfortable as Fall envelopes us - leaves falling, cool weather, garden sleeping and time slowing down. Enjoy those early evenings as the light changes - my favorite time of day too.
Oh what happiness! I adore the crows.
Jane - your post is wonderful as well as your decorations! We must have the same inner-clock! We just started to decorate the outside of our homes (of corse the store has been done since August...but that's the retail curse!) We are so in love with the thought of a log on the fire and a good book....perhaps after the holidays!
Enjoy your week!
I just wanted to stop by to say hello and thank you for your kind words. Hope you are having a wondeful day!
Love and hugs,
Hi. Super site usa weather today
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