The above original watercolor was sent to me several weeks ago. She wrote a post on flowers and asked what our favorites were. I answered "Daisies." I will always be a daisy girl as opposed to some of you who may be roses... ;-) Several days later I received this watercolor. Isn't it beautiful? (I am going to be asking this quite a bit in this post!)
This is how the painting arrived, in a beautiful handmade envelope of quality paper along with a card printed with one of her watercolors.
I was prepared to order these prints from Karen when I received an email from her. She wanted to send them as a gift. She didn't want me to ask questions or make a fuss. So I didn't. I am proud to own these pieces. And I am ready to have them framed.
Please visit Karen at her blog and have a look at her Etsy shop. You will be filled with wonder, as I always am. She is so very talented.
At the lake last weekend I was driving home from town on the road that goes around the lake. The fall colors were bursting out all over and I thought I would take a few pictures. Sorry about the hood of the car...the roads twist and turn and I didn't want to get whacked by a car coming up behind me!
Now this would be inspiration for a painting...
This is just a little cove with shore stations but I wanted you to see a tiny bit of the lake in the background. You can click larger. The next time I am there, I will take a walk along the lake and take some pictures. I can't believe I haven't done that already. Too busy spray painting everything in sight.
I thought I'd show you some of the little cottages along the lake. Okay, big cottages. Now, these are pictures from the road and at the lake the roadside of the homes are called the back and the lakeside is called the front. When I take you on a walk along the lake, you will see how magnificent the 'fronts' of these homes are. The gorgeous patios and decks, elaborate docks and beautiful landscaping.
I have always loved this house for the olive green color of the shakes. I think it's daring of people to choose these 'new' never really know what it is going to look like from a paint sample. This home is lovely.
This is what you do when you are building on a very narrow lot, which is about all that is left on the lake now. This home is just down the road from me. Again, I love the color and I am partial to black wrought iron fencing. So classic.
The next few pictures are really old homes. If you can't tell this is an A frame... I wonder how the people stand up straight in it.

Behind the rustic fence and trees is a log cabin. There are two more tucked away back there. I'm not sure if it is the same owner...
Can you spot the yellow house?
Aren't these pink chairs precious? I forget what they are called but I do know they get awfully hot in the summer!! Do you see how they match the flowers in the flower box? So cute...
And this house has a lawn that really needs to be raked. I am not sure of the name of the pretty red bush but I do know a maple when I see one. Love the front porch and balcony above it. Hey, this looks familiar! Oh yeah, I think I'm home!!
Behind the rustic fence and trees is a log cabin. There are two more tucked away back there. I'm not sure if it is the same owner...
Thanks for coming by today. I wish everyone a spooky Halloween. We are going to a costume party tomorrow night that is also a birthday party for my friend Snow, as in Snow White. Yes, we have a lot of nicknames around here. If you guessed, she has black, black hair and alabaster skin. I promise some pictures. I will be the one not dressed up.
Oh Jane, I'm sighing at the beauty of Karen's artwork. I will definitely go to look at her Etsy shop. The washday picture reminds me of my childhood too, playing hid and seek among the sheets with my brothers and sisters while my mom hung out the clothes.
Your lake tour is so interesting to me. I vacationed at Lake George in NY for years and some of the older homes look so "familiar." I can imagine children growing up spending summer vacations in them and now coming back with their own children for summers on the lake. The fall colors are just lovely, I never seem to tire of them.
Have a nice weekend and a fun party.
Hello Jane... oh how beautiful all your treasures are... I just visited Karen's site this morning... everything is sooo lovely and how sweet of her to make them a special gift to you, so well deserved! Your lakeside photos are beautiful, the red bush is called a Burning Bush, you can tell why! I have five in my yard and they looked gorgeous until the yucky snow and frost came the other night... have a Happy Halloween! I think you should dress up for the party! Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie
Wow Jane, what a wonderful gift. I have been to her site many times and just oooohed and aaaahed at her amazing talent. What a treasure!
Have fun Halloween nite!
Karen's artwork is gorgeous! Such a lovely and generous gift to receive - I LOVE Daisies too :-) and the Washday picture is lovely.
Karen is amazingly talented, Janie. I have long admired her work. She just has that amazing ability to capture beauty on paper. Love what you have from her. SO beautiful.
I also loved seeing the lake and the trees. I mentioned to someone earlier that it would probably be December when we get our week's worth of fall. ;-) But then we have a fabulous winter and spring!
Sheila :-)
That yard that needs to be raked looks just like mine right now. :)
Karen's paintings are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. How sweet she must be!
what beautiful paintings, i will go look at her etsy shop. your photos are gorgeous, you live in a stunning area. i think your red bush is called a burning bush? whatever it is it's beautiful!
Jane, Your friend Jane does a paints so well and your daisy picture is just so cute! I'd rather have something simple besides roses, too. I'm marveling at how sweet she was to have sent all those things to you. But then, I think of what a sweetie you are, and know you deserve them all. Loved seeing all the pics of the houses at the lake.
And what? No costume?! ~I would be right there with you! Have fun, toots.
hugs, Sue
Enjoyed our walk today together, Jane. Lovely guided tour.
The artwork is exquisite, she is a fantastic designer.
Have a BOO-tea-FUL weekend.!
TTFN ~ Marydon
You definitely have a very talented friend! What beautiful creations she's come up with! I could never choose a favorite.
Love looking at all those gorgeous lake homes. I'll have you know that the A-frame wouldn't be a problem for me. I stand 4'11"...and that's on a good day! :)
Very pretty artwork, what a nice surprise to find that in the mail. The lake looks lovely. I love all the colors.
Beautiful post, Jane!!
Hi Jane,
I have several of Karen's beautiful works and some of her lovley notecards. Everything is such excellent quality paper ad the images are so beautiful! I have the cottage print with the lush garden too!
Karen is sure a talented lady. Can you imagine how much we would miss in this world without these blogs. They have opened up a whole new world to me.
Thanks for sharing.
Jane, I was so.. happy to see that you stopped by my blog. I have missed you so much. Karens' work is amazing. She is a very talented woman. I will be sure to stop by her blog. I loved the tour of your town. We missed out on beautiful fall colors here because it got too cold so early. I can't wait to have more time to read more of your blog. But, I need to make my rounds tonight.
Luv Ya! Terrie
What gorgeous watercolors and autumn pictures! Thank you so very much for sharing such beautiful things with us. Two of my very favorite things.
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for posting my artwork. This was so nice to see today, and your kind words. I have been feeling a bit sick this week, and this made me feel so much better.
I love the tour of the lake, I have always been curious about where your lake house is, what a pretty ride. I loved seeing all the cottages.
Thank you again, you made my day.
Hi Janie! How have you been, haven't seen you for a while! Anyway, the trees in your lake neighborhood is gorgeous! I wish ours would turn as colorful as them. Karen sure is talented, so creative and so good with that paint brush. How lucky of you to possess some of her works...Christine
Jane-- thanks for sharing Karen's artwork -- she is a rare combination of talent and generosity! I will definitely visit her Etsy shop!
And Please Please Please take some pictures of yourself in your duck costume, squired by your Drake.
I read Rue's post, too. :-)
Hi Jane,
What a talented and generous lady Karen is. I love all of the photos you showed of her work! Her talent is truly amazing, I will definitely check out her site.
What a gorgeous lake tour! Isn't nature amazing?!
Have a fabulous time at your party!!
Love and hugs,
I love Karens work and I am fortunate enough to have a piece! Your pictures of fall are wonderful.
Karen's art work is beautiful. I love the house and the wash day..
Beautiful scenery, Blondie!
Hi Jane,
Loved seeing your friend's artwork. Yes, it's all very beautiful, and I know from experience that watercolor is not the easiest medium to master (not that I've mastered it!) ... but it's fun and expressive.
Thank you for sharing her gifts with your readers. Thank you for the tour of the lake area at such a lovely time of year.
Hope your weekend goes well. Have fun at the party!
I really enjoyed the tour of the houses, Janie. Thanks for linking to Sightseeing Sat...Christine
Hi Jane, your friend is surely talented! I love the garden gate and the laundry blowing in the wind, especially.
I loved seeing the trees and this time of year.....ooooooooo!
Thanks for your visit and your kind are so sweet.
Hugs, Barb ♥
What a beautiful post and tribute to Karen! I have been a fan of Karen's for awhile but dont have anything yet. I really want Wash Day, I just love it so, it reminds me of hanging laundry with my grandma as a child. I loved that so much. I also just love the new item she has on her blog today!! So vintage beautiful!
Your autumn photos are just gorgeous!! I love the pink chairs and the red tree!!!
Hi Jane, thanks so much for sharing Karen's work. I love the sheets on the clothes line! I will go by and check out her shop.
Well, Karen is very talented! I love her work...just beautiful! The photos at the end were wonderful...looks a lot like autumn here in Ohio.
Yes, Karen is quite talented. I always wished I could draw or paint. Those too are beautiful fall colors there in your photos. So you will be the one not dressed up, huh? That would likely be me too. Well, have fun. Take pics and stroll by the lake. Feel the breeze. Inhale the essence of it. And tell us about it next week. Have a good one.
Hi there Blondie!
Thanks so much for coming by my blog! I always love reading your comments!! It feels like we've been friends for years! Wow Karen's artwork is so amazing...I am totally in love w/ the washday print too. She is very talented.
Also love the lake tour. We have a lake around here w/ the most awesome "cottages" like that. Lots of cedar shake & white trim & rolling green lawns~ sigh~
Happy Halloween!
Hi Jane
Thanks for stopping by...yes, I am going to put up my workshop schedule for the first of the year shortly. I think the first one is a Junk Jewelry necklace and then the following week is a Lampshade. I had requests on that one :)
Your pictures of the lake are fabulous... the trees were so beautiful this year but our weather hasn't been very good. Now with this wind they will all be gone.
Have a good evening
Karen has been a favorite of mine since I started blogging. I first saw her work on flicker and am lucky to have a tiny page of her work in an Itty Book Club book.
Loved your guided tour around the lake...such beautiful trees and colors. Is it hard to leave for the city after being here? :) Nancy
I'm such a fan of watercolor paintings as it is. Her artwork is really beautiful. My favorite artist in the world is Jane Dyer who illustrates children's books. All she uses is watercolors. I love the magic an artist can weave with that medium. What an incredible gift that you received. Amazing.
Hi Jane, what talent.. I always admire some one that can pick up a brush, have a vision and put it on paper. Thanks for sharing her talent with us.. What a beautiful drive. ahhhhh I miss the lake this time of the year..
Happy Halloween hugs ~lynne~
Happy Halloween!
Hi Jane, just wanted to come by and visit and thank you for stopping by my blog. I felt a need to let you know that the view of the mountain that you thought was from my house is not. We were on a vacation in NH. Too bad that it wasn't though! :) Happy Halloween!
Hi Jane
How clever and talented your friend Karen is. I do love that little bluebird you picked out.
I've been fortunate enough to be sent presents too!! It always blows my mind how generous ppl are on blogging. It is also a good lesson in accepting gifts and compliments which I always found hard in the past. To not accept takes the pleasure away from the giver.
So... of course i am terribly envious of your beautful shots of the lakehouses... still a dream of mine.
Thanks for you lovely comments and concern... work will continue to be hectic till the end of the year now..
Take care xx Julie
Lovely watercolors. Watercolors are my favorites, I prefer the lightness of a watercolor as opposed to an oil or acrylic painting.
Love your foliage shots. It must be so breathtaking by the lake. You must never want to leave there.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Hi Jane,
Karen does such beautiful work, i so enjoyed all that you shared, and i really like your daisies, and the wash day one is great too. She is so generous with her artwork. Avery remarkable trait.
thank you for sharing the beautiful fall colors around your lake, fall has so much to give us.
Thank you for visiting and as always leaving such a
sweet comment Enjoy your week-end .
Hi Jane, thanks for sharing Karen's art with us. i love the picture of the flowers and wash day. The sheets on the line remind me of home and "back in the day."
Loving the photos of Milo and Layla they are adorable.
Have a great Sunday, Bonnie
Oh isn't that funny?!? What you pointed out to me, about my new Header... More feet! -giggles-
I did love my last Header pic, of the little girl and her red shoes. And I also fell in love with these old fashioned looking socks, from The Victorian Trading Co. site. But didn't think -- Both of feet!
Aunt Amelia
HI Jane! Oh, Karen's artwork is just so beautiful! I'll have to go and check out her work.
Love going along with you on the drive - such lovely Fallness.
Oh, I'm so glad you like that yellow color on my walls. I do think you'll be pleased with it. To me it looks like creamy yellow butter.
Be a sweetie and have a beautiful day,
Shelia ;)
Hi Jane,
Love Karen's artwork, so precious...
And I absolutely enjoyed the stroll! You captured the Fall atmosphere so beautifully!
And thank you for your sweet comment about my journals- maybe I'll prepare a tutorial, sooner or later!
Oh, Jane, those colors! Your friend, Karen is quite talented. I do hope she paints some of your suggestions.
Thanks for all your encouragement. I really appreciate it. What beautiful paintings. Daisies are a fav or mine also as I had them for my wedding bouquet. And my china is decorated with daisies!
That picture of the sheets on the line remind me of my mom and grandma. Even after my mom had a dryer she still would hang the sheets outside for the smell! Wonderful! You really have some beautiful pieces of artwork from Karen. Have a great week!
Thank you for the lake tour! I was out of town this weekend With my sisters and my mama and had no time to visit, but I'm home now.
I love the watercolors and I am off to visit the artist!
Now. Tell me about Leslie.
Hi Jane....Thanks for stopping by and giving me a visit! I checked out your little Layla and she is so cute! Our little angels do look similiar! I wanted to tell you that I was so touched with your post on your late mother in law. What a sweet story and how wonderful for your family how it all turned out. Hope you visit again....I will be returning to visit you!~Patti
Pretty artwork and I LOVE the neighborhood!
Hi Janie,
I started reading this the other day while in AZ and got to finish it today! What beautiful watercolors, I will check out her shop because I just love these! I am still trying to figure out the Chicago trip and if it will work. How far are you from Galena? We are only 2.5 hours to there and I know I could talk hubby into that or you and I could meet there and I wouldn't be afraid to drive there by myself. I am afraid I am chicken to drive in Chicago. Let me know what you think, we will work something out. It is so fun meeting bloggers and we're going to do it! Hugs, Cindy
HI Jane!
Wow! What a dear friend and generous person to share her artwork with you. Karen's work is certainly beautiful! I plan to order some of the wash day prints, so lovely-and yes I can feel the breeze in those sheets and just imagine they smell like sunshine!
LOved your lake tour! So beautiful and quaint! Enjoy your stay, my sweet friend. HUGS!
Karen's work is absolutely wonderful!
I will have to visit her shop a bit later today.
The tour was great. I love the variety of homes and colors.
My day has improved with each break that I take and blog hop. Stopping by yours is always a treat. :-)
Hi Jane,
I am heading over to look at Karen's Shop. That is some serious God given talent going on.
The lake tour was just what I needed. I think I could move into any of them. Well, I am kind of tall so the A-frame could be a problem.
Hope the party was fun.
Back again.
I went to buy the laundry on the line, but I kept doing something wrong and I couldn't get through!
I'll keep trying.
Hi Blondie~ ~Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments. It sounds like you got a great buy on silver too. You really should do a post about it so we can admire it too.
I adore the washday watercolor. I'm going over to Karens right now.
Hey Blondie!! I'm enjoying a very thorough catch-up with you. :-)
I just love the artwork. Amazing detail and incredible colors. I have to say, I think I love that precious blue bird the most.
Thanks for taking me to the lake house with you. :-) I love the "cottages" (isn't it great that's what they call them? ;-) and that A frame is adorable. The weather's been so wild by us (it's like 70 today) that the leaves changed, but it seemed rather short before they all turned brown and fell to the ground. I'll still take the burst of fall matter how quick!
Hope you are well!!
xo, Laura
Isn't Karen's artwork delish? I loved the laundry print too....Although, when I think of laundry on the line I remember a time, many years ago, when I was doing that little chore and a bee flew up my shorts and stung me on the fanny. OUCH....
Have wonderful day and Happy Thanksgiving!
Warm blessings,
I have found it on this website called [url=]tip swift[/url]. You can find it there.
edit: wrong post
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