I realized that I have been posting about once a week, which is way too slow, but I sort of feel just like the plants that are withering up and slowing down in the heat. Here in the Midwest, we have been hovering around the 90's all week long and I have become a recluse, even as far as putting on cotton jammies after my shower in the morning...heck, I'm not going anywhere. I decided today after going shopping for groceries, that I needed to take a look at the jungle growing out in my backyard. Rather than a jungle, it is more like a forest, surrounded on all sides by giant, old walnut trees. When you walk in the old gate you are greeted by a little pot with this sign.
No amount of water makes these guys perk up if it is sweltering. We have been getting a little bit of rain almost every evening but the petunias just won't bloom in the high temps.
These are weeds I think. I an expert on growing them. Ask me how to grow weeds and I will tell you. Better yet...don't, I could mess that up, too. Anyway, I pick these weeds and they dry up nicely for flower arrangements.
Now, these are some type of berries that grow on bushes that are as tall and full as trees. The kids used to eat them when they were younger {and lived}, but I don't know what they are. The Husband says mulberries {?}. Anyone want to guess? They get really dark when ripe.
My hosta's are ready to bloom. I have these everywhere because of the shade, most are huge. The variety with the white flowers, which I have at the lake, smell heavenly. Put some in a vase if you have them...they will perfume the whole room. These lavender colored ones don't smell.
Some people say day lilies are weeds because they grow so profusely by the roads here in the Midwest, but I love them. I have them in several colors, but I think I like these yellow ones best.
Part of my forest...
And here is Milo, waiting to go to the lake. He wants to visit Simba, Gabby and Missy...he lives for these neighbors/dogs.
No company this weekend for us. I splurged at the store and bought thick steaks and Littleneck clams for a little feast tomorrow night. Also some things to make Cole slaw and a new pasta salad that I will share with you one of these days. Last weekend I was also introduced to a new drink...we named them Diamond Lake Margaritas. They are made with tequila, Corona beer and frozen limeade. I don't know the exact amounts but I will get them because I am going to make them again this weekend. They are dangerous because they are so refreshing and light. I don't drink mixed drinks other than the occasional Bloody Mary or Lemondrop martini, but I will vouch for the Diamond Lake Margarita...Delicious!!Now off I go to pack up. This weekend is supposed to be in the 80's. I have my book and favorite beach towel. Hope you all have a marvelous weekend, too. :-)
I hear ya Jane on the plants....we are going on vaca Monday...I will have a friend come water, but I think at this point, they are just withering away before my eyes because of this heat! You enjoy yourself! Debbie
Have fun Jane!
Your berries might be blackberries, if they get dark when ripe.
I have not been getting out in the heat to tend my flowers ... the weeds are growing and the blooms are so thirsty.. I feel bad to neglect them but we have had temps in the 90s and well, too darn hot to weed and all. Your margaritas sound yummy, but would knock me on my but I fear. ha!
Stay cool:)
Yes, I'll tell you -- I live in the midwest also and this has been one of the worst summers ever -- not only for the plants, but for me. I use to be able to spend so much time outside, but now it's just too miserable. It is so frustrating because it's too hot to work in the garden or enjoy the plants, etc. Yech -- When it's not burning up and making me sweat like crazy, it's raining and bringing the humidity up even further. I've never had my yard look as bad as it has this year.
Did you say littleneck clams? I am coming over for dinner. Steak and special clams, yum. The berries are mulberries, I planted a graceful weeping mulberry. The berries are very sweet, and every year a flock of cedar waxwings visits to dine on them.
Hi Jane...I think those are mulberries. My neighbor had them and that is what they look like to me. It has been just too hot here too to do anything! Between the mosquitos this year and the humidity it is not too enticing to be outside in the evening. We are way behind on our weeding. Your weekend at the lake sounds do your steaks! Have fun!~Hugs, Patti
Enjoy your weekend! My poor flowers also take a huge beating in the heat. In California, the super hot days aren't until Sept. No amount of water can save the flowers.
I love day lilies too, Janie. Does the berries have thorns? We have similar ones and what we have are blackberries. They are very thorny. The berries start out red and turn black when they are ripe. Your garden does not look bad at all, love the welcome sign. Enjoy your trip to the lake and drive carefully!(or maybe I should direct that to Al)...Christine
Jane, it was 102 here today and was 105 on our deck! Plants and grass are suffering. I love daylillies...the more the better. Have a great weekend! ♣olive
dear jane,
the hot weather is sapping everyone
except for our friends 'down under.'
enjoy some cool lake breezes and
your new yummy drink.
Hi Jane... I think all your flowers look pretty... do you pinch your Petunias back when they are spent? We are in the 90's here now and will go into the 100 degrees later this month and into August, and my Petunias keep on blooming as long as I pinch back the spent blooms... I see several in your pic that need pinched!!! Don't just take the flower off, pinch off the entire stem the bloom was on... them they will bush out and bloom, I promise!!! Have a nice time at the lake... Milo looks so cute! xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane,
My plants are looking pretty droopy too! Poor things, they just don't stand a chance in this heat.
Your poor little doggie looks so sad. Maybe he cheer up once you get back to the lake house.
Have fun and enjoy your book.
I love the very first photo the best, because it's how I always feel when I drop by — welcome.
It has been hot here also, but not nearly as hot as when I lived in Florida. The mornings are nice and cool and my little porch is nicely shaded until about 3 in the afternoon. I love that!
I do hope you'll post that margarita recipe after you get the measurements down, it sounds delicious!
Have a fab weekend, it sounds like you're ready for it!
Oh Jane sweetie...
What a beautiful garden you have. I have been wanting some hostas, but so far my bulbs are still not in the ground. This is what happens when you get sick. No gardener to do the gardening.
I have never seen the yellow lillies. Moma has the orange tiger ones, but your yellow ones are so beautiful.
Yes Sweetie, those look like mulberries to me. We have mulberry trees that are female and they have these darn berries on them. The birds eat them, but we do not. I don't know if they are healthy or not, but your kids survived by gosh.
We had 116 in the shade today. It was so bad. I keep our Rottweilers little pool filled so that she can lay in it, in the shade of the trees. She is so happy like that.
I guess for me it is a good thing I can't be outside anyway it is to darn hot. I would just like to go to the craft store, but the doctor said no. No talking either for 1 week. Boy they sure are testing me with this darn illness.
Have fun at the lake. I can sure taste those steaks. Yum... Enjoy a little bit of that beautiful weather for me will you?
Talk to you soon. Thanks for sharing sweetie. I love it when you do.
Country hugs...Sherry
Jane, Thank you for your sweet comments & offer of prayers! I so appreciate all the support of my friends during this scary time. And yes, I am sooooooooo glad I am going to go to the event because I DO NEED IT!!!!!!!!! And will need to come back refreshed & filled with happy to be able to face the 2 to 3 months ahead of us. AGAIN, THANK YOU! I hope you have a wonderful weekend at the lake. It sounds heavenly & looks like Milo needs it too. You guys are indeed having Texas Kind of Weather. Stay cool. HUGS! Charlene
Your "forest" looks beautiful. Nice and green and lush. We have finally been getting some desperately needed rain, so hopefully the plants will perk up. Have a wonderful time at the lake this weekend, relaxing near the water with a good book sounds like heaven! Kat
Oh hot here too..same sort of high temps here. I tend to be watering my plants twice a day!
Hope your weekend cools down a wee bit for you. xoxoxo
Another glorious weekend on the lake! Your flowers are holding up well....the heat has got to give sometime.
There was a margarita we used to maked with tequila and beer. We got the recipe out of the Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love. If you haven't read that series by Jill Connor Brown, do...they are hilarious!!
Mombo Margaritas is what they were called. My bff Jamie drank so many she got sick and was sick for 2 days! We haven't made them since...I think it is time we break them out again! Jamie may not agree....LOL
Have a great weekend!
Lou Cinda :)
Oh Jane, you lucky lady to have such gorgeous mulberries! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy that warmth. Seems funny that I am typing this whilst huddled next to our fireplace! ~ Tina xx
We have to water and water to get anything to grow here, but I love having a little garden. My mom told me about eating mulberries alot when she was growing up in Missouri, but here they have fruitless Mulberry trees. Doesn't that sound pointless too?
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hey Jane !
Once a week ?? I have been once a month lately, LOL !
I love your "forest" - are there any bears ??? Please be careful...
Happy a super weekend !
Hugs ~ Kammy
Hi Jane, love the pics especially the one of Milo. Sadie says Ruff!
Don't forget the exact measurements of the Diamond Lake Margaritas!
As for the weather, would you believe it's been cold and overcast here for about two weeks now. I am praying for a little warmth from the sun.
Enjoy your weekend, Bonnie
poor plants, they still look beautiful! stay cool and enjoy your big steaks...yum
Yes Hon, I've noticed that you only post about once a week.
We each have our own blogging rhythm though. Which fine. Our blogging should be first, for us. :-) Imho.
But when one blogs less frequently, if one has a loyal following to begin with, one gets a whole lot of comments on each entry! :-)
Stay coooool...
I hope you're having a great weekend at the lake -could those berries be Tay Berries?
Your worst day with plants looks like my best day. I have also become a hermit this week due to the heat. A trip to the lake house sounds wonderful. Hope you have a marvelous time!
Love that photo of Milo! How sweet. He's ready and raring to go!
Beautiful posies blondie....Have fun at your lake house!!
Hi Jane~~~looks to be a great weekend for you at the lake.
Your little white flowers are feverfew...they dry well for arrangements. They are used for migraines...but don't eat them, because too much is deadly.eeeeek.
Have fun with the husband at your lovely home on the water.
The yellow lillies are my favorite also!
Hi Jane,
I've missed you! I understand about the heat and the flowers too. I get so excited each spring to plant flowers and then by July the heat is so intense they wither...along with humans. We've been having quite a bit of rain, however, I think that is ending too so we'll go back to the intense heat.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend!
It gets miserably hot where I live. I too wither like the flowers. I haven't been blogging much lately but I do always enjoy reading yours even when I don't comment. Sometimes the heat takes the thoughts right out of my brain! Hope you have a lovely summer...heat and all!
Your Milo is precious! I know you are having good fun at the lake!
Lovely flowers, Jane...cute picture of Milo waiting patiently for nice cool car ride. Being in the east/central part of Kansas has been no picnic this summer, very hot and extremely humid.
Your flowers are so pretty, Jane! Milo does look so cute gazing out of the window! My sis makes similar Margaritas and uses the small can of limeade and then measures tequila and beer using the same little of each...blend and pour...yummy! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie
It must be 500 degrees here and our little flowers are just so weak looking.
Actually our highest heat this past week was 101...that's bad enough!
Bring me a Lemondrop please!!!
Deborah in NC
I enjoyed seeing your flower pictures, especially the lilies. I can't grow them because of the deer. I'm pretty sure that the berries are Mulberries. My grandmother had a tree outside her door and I remember having purple feet for half of the summer from stepping on the berries. I make the same beer Margarita recipe that you use. My friends smile when the pitcher comes their way. That stuff is so good!!
Your flowers are beautiful Jane! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
We are hot here in Cincy too but you know this Florida girl is loving it. Hope you have a great weekend.
The margarita sounds so good. I can just see how this is going to end up. Jane sitting in her cotton jammies drinking margaritas fanning herself with a big hosta leaf.
Awesome photos.
Yup, those are mulberries.
I learned that while at cub scout camp this summer.
Janie, I can so identify with this post. It is so hot here, and I am very reclusive when the temps are in the 90's. If it gets down into the 80's, I'm okay.
Hope things cool down for you soon.
Sheila :-)
blackberries have thorns, these look like mulberries to me. I've picked them from trees and eaten them before. not the tastiest berry but edible anyway. Birds love them!
my garden is a real disaster this year, no pics worth posting. sad thing going on, hopefully it will be fixed soon!
I have dwindled to about one post a week too.
Hello, :)
nice your blog Jane.
These berries that you show in this post in my country is called 'amora' and yes, it's mulberry , is really good!
greetings from Brazil
Cintia ( Tin ) Fumagalli
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