Friday, September 12, 2014


Yesterday I was running errands and drove by a brand spanking new Deals store that I wasn't aware of.  Yes!  My car nearly steered itself into the parking lot.  This was double the size of our usual one and it was so clean and well stocked.  I found these little lanterns that were darling and just a buck a piece.  I also stocked up on Halloween pencils, erasers, stickers and spider rings that I love to throw in the big candy bowl for the trick or treater's.  I just loved walking up and down every aisle and seeing all the bargains.  Usually I shop at Deals for my cleaning supplies but I didn't have a list. so this was just a little fun on a rainy morning and didn't cost more than $15.00.

1 c olive oil
3 T Balsamic vinegar
3 chopped garlic cloves
1 T of apricot preserves*
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 T finely snipped chives 

*I used the preserves to make the stickiness you need to coat the meat.  You can actually use any type of jam or jelly, or even honey.  

I cut two chicken breasts horizontally, from side to side so it's as if you are opening a book.  Cut all the way through so you have four thin pieces. Put them in a zip lock bag with 3 tablespoons of the marinade, work it in and then refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes. Divide the remaining marinade into two small separate bowls.  When you are ready to make the chicken, spray your grill pan and turn the heat up to high.  Spread the chicken pieces out on a cutting board and use one of the bowls of marinade for brushing on the breasts.  Grill each side on high about 3-4 minutes, basting with the marinade as it turns a nice golden color.  Remove to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.  Wipe down grill pan when cool.  Lightly butter the bottoms of four English muffins.  Place on grill and toast over medium heat for about 3 minutes.

 To assemble the sandwiches, I made a small bowl of mixed baby lettuce and tossed it with the marinade I had reserved in the last bowl.  Be sure this marinade has not come in contact with any of the uncooked chicken, this should have been set aside.  Place a chicken breast on the bottom of the toasted English muffin, add a nice handful of the mixed lettuce and top with the other half of the muffin.  We had these with chips but they would be great with soup as well.  

This is really very simple, I just sort of walked you through it.  The main point is you have a nice marinade to use three different ways.  Next time I will double the recipe and store half of it in the fridge for another day.  I'm sure it's good on all sorts of things.  Hope you try it!

Hand sewn by Pamela of One Paisley Pig, it's chock full of every sort of necessity you may need when out and about.  Kris from Junk Chic Cottage introduced us to Pamela last week, she had ordered a bunch of these cute bags for a group of ladies and even had a sweet giveaway.  I just had to order one for each of my daughters.  They can be tucked in your carry~on bag for a trip or you can have one in your desk drawer or glove compartment.  There are 40 items alone in this cute little thing, from first aid items to post it notes, pens, tweezers and paper clips!  These would make great Christmas gifts, too.  Emily and Abby loved them!  Check out Pamela's website if you get a chance.

As I write this I'm in a real pickle.  Funny, I can just sit here tapping away while disaster is all around me.  The Husband woke me up about 5:00 a.m. to tell me the toilet and bathtub was clogged.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I'll call the plumbers at a reasonable hour.  Thank goodness we have another bathroom.  All was well in my world.  I got up, had my coffee and took my time.  When ever I call those cute Irish plumbers, they are usually at the door in 15 minutes, so I thought I would get my day started first.  I straightened up the house, started the dishwasher and threw a load of towels in the wash.  As I stood in the bathroom doing my hair and make up, I heard  gurgling noises and turned to see black water bubbling up in the toilet.  The tub was making the same babbling brook sound as it, too, filled with the putrid stuff.  Egad!  I ran for towels, opened the windows and lit a brand new pumpkin candle I was saving.  I called the cute Irish plumbers and left a message.  I got everything cleaned up. luckily the toilet didn't overflow onto the tile.  I finished getting ready and was heading back to the family room with my coffee to write this post when my bare feet made contact with a wet floor in the hall.  I opened the bathroom door to see more black water spilling out of the toilet and this time I had to stop the flow with about 6 bath towels.  Double Egad!  Now I did an emergency call to the cute Irish plumbers. I think it was the washing machine usage that broke the camel's back. So I wait.  And I'm finished here so just imagine me and my big bottle of Clorox having quality time in the bathroom as you read this.  

If all goes well we will be on our way to Michigan in a short while.  A big fire in the wood stove and some coffee with a shot of Bailey's will be in order, I'm sure.

Happy Weekend!

Jane xx


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now that we're related, Jane, I just had to tell you that using the flowers from your own garden is THE BEST! Now, like you, I love deals and the napkins are perfect...I am always hunting for deals on napkins. Heading over to check out Pam's goods...:)JP

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Oh Jane...I'm so sorry to hear of your plumbing problems! At least you'll get to see the cute Irish guys though! ;) That is the cutest little bag and I can't believe how much it holds! I've been thinking of getting a cute coffee mug from Anthropologie and you've just reminded me to check their clearance section first. Thanks!

Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Oh my, hope you don't have too much of a problem with your plumbing issue. Yes Anthropologie is one of my favorites! I have some gorgeous stuff from there for my home and clothing too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I too love my coffee with Irish Bailey's Cream.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Why didn't you use those pretty new napkins to sop up the black crud?? And you're just going to leave town and not tell us the rest of the story?? Really, you need to finish this story - maybe after a little nip of Bailey's. I'm sure the story will get even better then. :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, NO!!! Hope you got it all fixed, Janie!



Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Jane, hope everything is fine now.
Have a wonderful weekend in Michigan and enjoy your self. That drinks sounds mighty good.
We are having temperatures over 100 so I am not going out of the house much - to darn hot for me.
I will be so glad when FALL arrives as we have had over a week of high temps and all next week too.

Brenda Pruitt said...

These plumbing dilemmas are why I will no longer live with carpet. YHEW! I use to love Baileys, but it would flare my reflux up.

Debby said...

Oh yuck to the plumbing problems. I hope the Irish guys came soon.
I love those little bags. I'm thinking of getting some for my adult kids.
Have a great weekend. Its cool here. I even turned on the heat.

Debby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie said...

Love those napkins! I got a 15% off coupon from Anthro for my bday and never used it. I didn't see those on their web site. Oh well, I certainly don't need anymore napkins - I have plenty. The chicken you made sounds really good, especially used for a chicken sandwich. Oh my gosh on your plumbing issue - how awful! I hope the cute plumbers were able to fix it. Update?

Lulu said...

My comments may. Be as random as your post. M about hydrangeas, thanks for the tip. I have some that are a little crispy so I will try the water thing and see what happens. Love special finds at Anthropologie. Like yyou wee att lots of chicken, so a new recipe is always welcome. Carry on!

Stacey said...

OK that plumbing problem sounds gross and scary. You'll have to let us know what caused it.

NanaDiana said...

Hi Jane- I am trying to catch up after being gone this summer.

What a bummer that you needed a plumber (oh-that rhymes SO nicely!;>)

Love your napkins and that little bag is just wonderful. I saw that Kris has a giveaway for some of them. She is just a doll.

Have fun up at the Lake- enjoy every moment of it. It is cold and rainy here tonight. We didn't get to the high 50's today- Ugh- I am NOT ready for this weather yet- xoDiana

Linda said...

Hello Jane,
This is my first visit, popped over from Jacqueline's at Cabin and Cottage. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope your plumbing dilemma has long gone.
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

That chicken looks great, Jane. We eat a lot of chicken but I get tired of the same three recipes I have. Hope your plumbing issue has been taken care of by now. That is not fun ~ cute Irish plumbers or not! Love your dishes. I have those same ones stacked on the top!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Weather in Michigan was perfect last night for a fire and a few sips of a cocktail. I did the same :-)

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Hi Jane,
First I want to thank you for visiting me by way of Victoria's charming blog. I truly appreciate your kind comment. I too hope we become blogger friends.

I enjoyed seeing your impromptu recipe, I too enjoy cooking and delight in the challenge creating with only in-house ingredients.

Love your Anthropologies napkins. I always check their sale section.

I entered Kris's giveaway from the Paisley Pig but wasn't the lucky winner. I am going to purchase 2 from Paisley Pig unfilled. I have ideas for them ... my Grand Gabby is 18 and Grand Dane 12 so I think it would be fun to come up with items to fill their emergency bags.

So glad to have met you and look forward to reading your past posts.

Linda said...

Nothing worse than UGLY plumbing problems!! I remember last year when Louis Dean was putting down new flooring in his bathroom.....the commode sat on a dolly in our living room or dining room for TWO WEEKS!! Praise God for more than one bathroom!
I scored on some faux hydrangeas last week at the Goodwill. That's the only kind I can ever get to 'live' here!!

Junkchiccottage said...

Jane your Hydrangeas are gorgeous. My fave flowers of all time. So sorry to hear about your plumbing issues I hope that was taken care of and not a big ole mess for you. It is always something!!!!!

Mary said...

Love it all Jane - your post, as always, gets me energized and I sure need some of that these humid end of Summer days.
Glad you have cute plumbers and hope they saved the day. Washboards at the river bank were much less worrisome I'm sure!

Hugs - Mary

Anonymous said...

kya hai ye be?
basic cooking classes houston

Leslie said...

Oh man.. sorry to hear about your plumbing issues. Hopefully they are fixed now.
I didn't get any hydrangeas on my bush this year.. The bush looks full and healthy.. but no buds.

Hope that you have a great new week.

Unknown said...

Oh Dear! I hope the cute Irish plumbers got there in time. That sounds like an awful way to start the day.
That marinade sounds really good. And easy too. I'll be trying that. :)

Hope you had a good trip and enjoyed your cute little irish plumbers...I mean coffee. :)


TexWisGirl said...

plumbing trouble - yuck! :)

Revi said...

Lovely hydrangeas! I wish we could grow them here...Your chicken dish made me hungry. go scavenge some dinner!

Kit said...

Oh my! That is horrible, the toilet problem, not the cute napkins and candle holders. I hope you got it fixed. I can handle almost any emergency but a toilet one. I have such a distaste for anything poopy....LOL You have a great week! Kit

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh gosh Jane,
I just read both your past two posts and its been a joy! I love seeing the baby shower pics and I can't wait to hear all about your new grandbaby to be.
I loved seeing your recipes. And your mantle looks amazing! Great job gf. Oh I want to meet somewhere this autumn. The way you describe it has me very in the mood now. Cedarburg was pretty cool last year.
So dear, I just wish you could send me those cute Irish plumbers to kill snakes. hehe.
I think Dan has fixed..oh I hope, or I am moving for sure.
Love ya gf and yes it's the middle of the night or very early morning.
Big Hugs,

Unknown said...

Well that sounds like something that would happen in my house - ewwww - poor you !
I'm loving having flowers to cut from our garden too !!!
Have to buy some mums - that's it !
Hope you had a great weekend - and the blob has been cleared up lol

Carla from The River said...

Hi Jane,
What a mess. I do feel for you. I had a bad deal like that once too. YUCK!

Enjoy your week.

Carla from The River said...

Forgot to say, thank you for the fun recipe ~ a fun idea. Thank You!

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh my gosh! I sure hope those cute Irish plumbers showed up quickly, what a horror to deal with! I have hydrageas for the first time this year too, love them! The emergency kit from One Paisley Pig looks fabulous, thanks for sharing:>) Hope your weekend in Michigan was a good one.

Vel Criste said...

I hope you straightened out your toilet problem by now dear, that truly sucks, in a way, your lucky to have that getaway!

I scored something recently too in Antrhopologie clearance, I'll show it someday, when I get to it.:-)

Love learning about new recipes esp. ones that have been tried already, I might try that once I get the energy to cook again. :-)

Kelly said...

Oh I know all about plumbing problems too well! We used to have septic tank problems and it would back up in the house! We forked out several thousand dollars to get a take out valve installed so that would never happen again. We've also expanded our field line to help it drain properly. That is an unpleasant requirement of homeownership with a septic tank. Wish we were on sewer instead. Your chicken recipe looked good. I just made baked lemon chicken tonight from Ina Garten and it was delicious.

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

That chicken sandwich is sounding good about now. Love your hydrangeas. They're my favorite flower! Oh my goodness, the septic tank horror! You poor thing!
I hope you enjoy your trip. Sounds like fun!

bj said...

Every thing looks so pretty at your your pretty flowers and new napkins..sorry about the plumbing problems...I just hate those.
I think I'll go look at the sale at Anthropologie...they have such cute stuff but sooo pricey.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Jane. Chicken looks wonderful and the marinade sound delicious. See, even if you can't paint you can cook and that's more than I can do. At least, not without a recipe. Done the bathtub and the toilet thing too many times. We just had to have all our pipes rooted out. Not cheap! Next time you had better forget the clean house and the makeup and make that call first!!..Hope you can say Happy Tuesday now..Judy

Jacqueline said...

Oh Jane, that is just terrible! Putrid is the perfect word for it. Hope they get it fixed. We had that happen once when roots had gone into the pipes. What were they thinking?!!
Your hydrangeas look great. I hadn't heard that was how to keep them. I will have to try that.

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

Oh UGH I could have told you when at least two things are clogged it's the entire system...ask me how I know :(

Meanwhile I had to chuckle earlier on in the post, thinking Those Lucky Trick or Treaters...all the kids probably have you on their list of one of the best houses to visit and get goodies at!! :)

chateau chic said...

Your hydrangeas are beautiful...I don't have any to dry this year. What a nightmare in your bathroom. Hope that all gets fixed and working again.
Mary Alice

Karen said...

Your chicken and marinade sound delish and those anthro napkins are cute and a great deal.I hope the winter doesn't kill off my hydrangeas this year, I sure do miss them. The plumbing issues sound horrible, isn't that the most helpless feeling when things back up and overflow. I hope you got it all sorted out. That coffee with a shot of Baileys sounds good to me, a cure for everything lol.

Poppy said...

Oh my goodness, Jane! Hope you are in the clear now re: that bathroom blunder; sounds pretty scary, but I'm sure those cute Irish plumbers came to your rescue!

Your chicken recipe sounds scrumptious, your bouquet is beautiful,the napkins are adorable and your fall mantel from your previous post is pretty and a lovely welcome for the upcoming season.

Enjoy your time at the cabin with that perfect cup of coffee by the fire!

Happy Wednesday,


Elaine said...

Ooh I love the clearance section at Anthro! Found some cute teacups and teapots there in an after Christmas sale.

I envy cooks who use whatever they have in the fridge and then come up with a fabulous recipe. That would not be me!

I would be sunk if I had black water bubbling from the toilet. I have only one bathroom in my small condo. I would have to use the bathroom at the restaurant around the corner.

Where's the photo of the cute Irish plumbers?

Traci said...

Oh no!!! I hope the plumbing nightmare was easily fixed! I have had one bloom on my hydrangea & it lasted the entire summer. I was shocked that it even bloomed because I really thought it was going to die. Yours are gorgeous!