Here in the Midwest it's business as usual. I do want to thank everyone who commiserated with me after my last post and gave me advice about the high cholesterol problem I am having. I learned a lot from you ladies. I really hope that getting in shape and working on my eating habits will help. As for the Big 'Ol Spider, I think he succumbed to the cold, and the mice...well, after I found some droppings (a nice word for poop) in the cabinet where I keep my pots and pans, let's just say I pulled out the big guns. You know how I hate to wash pots and pans. So far, so good. As for Mr. Squirrel, he seems to like the garage and comes and goes as he pleases. I'll think about that another day.
-The foliage on the trees was so pretty and I loved the lush carpet they made on my lawn, but I am so sick of cleaning up wet leaves off my floor, and worse, the dry ones that crumble and go everywhere.
-Last night we sat by a roaring fire that took the nip out of the air while we snuggled under our quilts, and today I am shoveling out all the sooty ashes to haul out to my barren garden as a fertilizer of sorts.
-And this morning I was thinking of how great that hot cocoa with marshmallows tasted last night in front of said roaring fire, until I realized there wasn't a clean cup in the house for my coffee.
-As I straightened up the house today, I admired the spooky little pumpkins we had carved for Halloween, and as I moved one, it collapsed in a rotting mess.
-And finally, a very honest blogger related that she told her daughter to go make herself a sandwich for dinner because she was writing a post about her cozy little home!
Enough said.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I hope that I can get The Husband to take me out for dinner sometime between the Notre Dame and Bears games. Wish me luck! :)
Hi Jane... your post made me smile... love your little thoughts after each quote... I am one of those who is still loving Autumn... I want it to last as long as it will... Layla looks so cute!... way to go at the gym!... and you deserve that reward of pumpkin pie!... love seeing all of the creams you use, I want to try that eye cream now... where do you buy it?... I too am praying for all affected by the hurricane... I have set up some links to the best sites on my blog sidebar for anyone who wants to donate to help the animals that were affected as well... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane, I really enjoyed this post. Straight from the heart, and so real. Love it. Hope you do get to go out to dinner. It is so cold here, I am so grateful for power but another storm is looming for mid week. xo
I'm enjoying the cooler weather, Jane. I just wish the wind was a bit calmer so I can take my walks again after all the rain we had. I was just getting into a routine, too!
Oh- I love your random posts. Good for you for working out- you will put me to shame- I should go and do something...and we have a full gym downstairs that keeps calling my name...Hello...Chubby-come on down.
Love your little dog with the tender paws-poor thing. Just wait till winter hits. You may have to train her to use the toilet!;>)
Have a great night- it is fun catching up with you again- xo Diana
Hello Jane,
This post is so lovely. I love random posts!
I am sorry about your cholesterol. It runs in my family so i will get it sooner or later too. Sandy was horrible, horrible still. I am glad you are going to the gym. I need to start running.
Love ya!
I enjoyed hearing all about your days and nights.. It was a very honest post and quite refreshing.
I love the air in fall but I hope I dont see any more Orange for awhile-oh wait-Thanksgiving is orange for many folks lol.. what was I thinking..
I think you are doing well with your gym visits.. One day at a time, as they say.. One morning you'll wake up and notice amazing results. I wish it for ya~!
Hi Jane! :) It sounds cold but cozy there already! By the way, I love your "blondie's beauty department" stuff...
I have enjoyed our warm autumn here in the South-it was 85 here today and will be the same tomorrow.I feel so sorry for those people that are cold and have no heat after Sandy.I am kind of tired of the fall look,but it won't be long till it's time to do Christmas-I dread that-am I turning into a scrooge.? My Sadie is like your layla-she can't stand the cold!
Hi Jane,
I love this post! You always keep everything so real. And yes, I've got the dry skin problem too and love the cheap products the best.
I have to laugh at the truthfulness on all the warm and fuzzy things about fall. So true.
We got about six inches of snow but nothing we couldn't handle. Some of the other counties in WV got tons of snow and power outages, so we feel fortunate.
Best of luck on your exercise program. I for one hate exercising...I'd rather be run over by a mack truck! LOL!
Hope you go out for a nice dinner.
Loved your post. I wanted to give you the name of a lotion that the dermatologist told me to get for my EXTREMELY dry skin. I've always had little dry skin 'bumps' on the back of my arms. He told me to get AmLactin lotion and use it twice a day. It is amazing. I have smooth arms for the first time in my sixty years! It is behind the pharmacy counter at Wal Mart, and here it costs around 23.00. I have found coupons for $3.50 off in the All You magazine. It's worth every dime! It has Alpha Hydroxy. Works so good. Just thought you might want to know about it.
Hope your weekend is splendid!
You are hysterical! This post had me laughing (which I needed today after having dental work done this morning - my mouth is still sore). As for your dry skin, try using an all-natural lotion or body creme. You can find them online or in specialty shops or probably even a health/vitamin shop. Ever read the ingredients of the drugstore brands?! It's interesting that they put alcohol in the lotions too, since alcohol is drying. They do that so that your skin still remains dry so that you buy more lotion! Anyhoo, I know about this stuff because my mom has had a business for about 20 years now, making all-natural soaps, cremes, etc.
You are awesome for going to the gym. Maybe you can inspire me to walk more often on my dreadmill! ;-)
Jane, I should go to the gym but really I could just rake my two acres of pine straw and that could work. I admire your working out tremendously. It is getting cold here now and I still have my summer clothes in the closet. I am not together at all. I will check out your book. Have a splendid weekend, Olive
Yes Jane, the thrill is over. I think it loses its joy pretty early here in the midwest. I'm already sick of the cold and it's the first week it has been cold. I'm slathering on the moisturizer too, I like the Nivea lotion because it seems to leave a nece layer on my skin without being greasy. I'm rooting for you going to the gym, Way to go!
I enjoy posts like this. The thrill of fall isn't over here because it hasn't exactly happened yet. The AC is still running and it was about 85 or 90 today! Sheesh..I forgot how hot Texas is. :)
Same here with the dry skin. As soon as the heat comes on, my skin gets tight and itchy.
I do love the cooler weather here in NC. I remember living in upstate NY for ten years and the last couple of years, I grew tired of the cold, cold gray days.
Oh My gosh! I was cracking up at your comments on the "cozy season" and was shocked to see my name in your post! :) THANKS! for the shout out. I'm so glad that you liked the books. I haven't started the rest of the series but I plan on it.:) I always love it when someone likes my reading recommendations.
I'm just about ready to get serious about the work out too. sigh... It's a never ending fight.
I'm watching the news every night... I am terribly afraid that things are going to get worse for those folks on the east coast before they get better. I am praying for them daily.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
I am certainly not over Fall. I love it until the day after Thanksgiving. I will change out some scarecrows for Turkeys this weekend.
Your doggy is so cute. Those little paws get so cold mommy....poor thing!
Hello Jane, always enjoy your posts, so so sad out east with that darn storm Sandy....terrible.......oh sitting by the fire sounds it with hot chocolate to, yum yum.......Cool and dreary here, no sun for days, calling for flurries this weekend..... Blessings Francine.
Jane - Enjoyed your post. I love your random thoughts - you think like I do!! ha It shows you are a real person and not make believe! I like that!
well that was all good ...randomness.
I am sure everyone has had heavy hearts for the people on the east coast.
Yeah, fall has certainly LEFT US here. We have had temps only in the 20's all week and it has been very Grey and Foggy. I could sure use a dose of sunshine right about now.
Sometimes we do tend to "romanticize things,"
ha ha...I had to laugh at your "bringing it real" comments about fall.
I hope you do get to go out to dinner with your husband.
Your post made me laugh! I loved it! I wish I could write so well. I will be going out to dinner tomorrow but to a friends, not a restaurant, which I think is even better. The roaring fire sounds good to me! We had one going during dinner but then I had to go to the grocery store to get the ingredients to make a salad for dinner tomorrow. Moment lost.... Have a good weekend. I am not ready for Winter, it is too cold right now for me (in the 40's). To top it all off, they are saying we (on the east coast) could get another noreaster on Wed.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God hel those poor people who are already suffering. XO, Pinky
Autumn never really happened here. I don't think so, anyhow. We don't have any trees in our neighborhood! Just a few, but they are the cheap ones with crappy little leaves. The city ran out of money after our house was built. What a GYP!
I was thinking about sneaking into the old part of town at midnight and stealing piles of leaves...but I remembered the reason we didn't move into the old part of town was the high crime rate. leaves. Plus, it would be really embarrassing if my husband were the one who had to arrest me.
I have been away from the Land of Blog for a while so I didn't see your post about your cholesterol. You will be in my prayers, Beauty!
I love a little trivia in someone else's life. Takes my mind off my own family chaos. Yes, it is getting colder here too. I refuse to put my winter coat on yet...will wear layers under my lighter weight coat until at least a few more weeks. My one little chi chi refuses to go out no matter what the weather...she likes to stay inside only but she knows she HAS to sometime. Your dog and my dog look very similiar. Hope your weekend is a good one!~Hugs, Patti
Jane, you make me smile. I love your honesty! Enjoy your weekend........Sarah
Hi Jane! What a lovely post. I missed your cholesterol post and I'm going back to read it after I post here!
Layla is adorable! My Duke is the same way about his paws in the morning! LOL!!! We were thinking of trying boots for him! As it is we have to put a rain coat on him to go out in the rain! Talk about pampered paws!
Have a lovely weekend!
HI Jane,
I love getting caught up over here!!
I love the idea of that crackling fire and hot chocolate too.
Here I sit in the middle of the night, wide awake and reading blogs.
I swear, sometimes it's the only time I have.
I wish I could go to the gym with you, we would have a blast!!
Hugs to you and Al.
You know I am ready for Autumn to move on and the holidays to begin!!
What a wonderful post! I enjoyed every word! We had a cute little pumpkin that did the same thing, only it was on my dining room buffet, ick, all over my hands:) But I just love everything about fall, mush, leaves and all (of course, it's hubby who deals with the leaves:)).
Oh I can relate to the skin, I use Oil of Olay "Quench" Works for me:) Enjoy your weekend, hope you get to go out for dinner! BIG HUGS from Georgia!
Great post, Ms. Jane .. it's been a while since I visited! I spent most of October in Minneapolis caring for a family member and forgot how much I enjoyed the good old Midwest, where I grew up. Back to Bend where the air is clear, there is snow on the mountains, traffic is sparse compared to the big city ... and thankfully we are not dealing with the tragedy of a hurricane.
I am so dreading winter. And like you since the pretty leaves are gone, fall is not so pretty anymore. :-)
hahhaa....I do love your adorable personality, Blondie girl....:))
Hi...I checked a few times this past week to see if you had posted. Love what you call your "ramblings" just little snippets of your life.
I wonder if your husband listens to WGN? We were a WGN household just a few years ago. It was always on. I tried to listen to it while walking at our gym...but couldn't music is what I hear in my ear.
Have a great weekend...hope you get "him" to take you out for dinner.
I can identify with so much...the dry skin, being tired of wet or dry leaves, agreeing with Layla that my feet should never be cold and laughing over cozy comment!
I just bought some St Ives and need to get into the habit of using it. Dry skin is a recent problem of mine and I've not developed a moisturizing habit.
A million years ago I successfully lost weight at Weight Watchers by giving up everything I should except coffee cream. I reached my goal and celebrated by buying donuts.
Now I drink coffee black and am far, far from goal and not going to WW. I need to work on my attitude and priorities. One of these days....
Love all your realities of Fall. Yeah, I hear you about the beauty and then the mess. My gorgeous red and orange leaves, gracing my front yard, turned into a wet mess when our Oregon rains hit hard. Yuk.
As a gym rat that has been forced to slow down, I don't feel so frantic about getting in my workouts 5 days a week. I still workout but this is one of my OC issues that has been happily taken away.
Hi Jane,
Just had the best time catching up on all your ramblings after almost 4 weeks of being awol from blogland.
We managed to leave Washington DC on Sunday afternoon before Sandy blew in, our vacation in HHI was amazing.
Sorry to hear about your cholesterol problem, mine's high too and so I take statins to control it.
Have a wonderful weekend
Lovely post. Your photos are beautiful.
My skin and eyes have been so dry lately, too. I can always tell a difference when we turn on the heat! You're so funny about your "realness" of the season! So true. I've been on my hand and knees picking up crumbled leaf after leaf in the living room! I think it's high time to get the rake out now, lol!
Thank you so much for coming over today and leaving me such a nice note. Stop by again soon!
Hi Jane! Are the books really that good? I went on Amazon and did read about them:) I love to read!
Cold here too in the low 40's, thank goodness the rain stopped though.
So great that you are going to the gym, I work out at home sometimes that's good but you do get to comfey at times:)
The cold weather sure is approaching fast but we lucked out this weekend, 50's at night and
80's daytime. I wish I was more motivated in working out. Good luck to you especially in lowering your cholesterol. I am taking cholesterol pills myself but have not checked my blood test for over a year...Christine
you always make me feel as though I'm right there with you, best wishes on the healthy journey, you can do it!!
Your sweet and fun to read! Layla is such a cutie!!! Hope you got some supper...tee hee!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ah she's telling it like it is, and I love it!
Especially the part about the rotting pumpkin. Hey, maybe you will start a trend, reality blogging.
Realities of the fall - good post. Love the rotting pumpkin - we've all had those! Linda
Jane-Your posts are so "calming" to me. You seem like the perfect person for friends to come to if they are stressed out. Sounds like we have been on the same diet plan lately! I am going to check out the book series you mentioned. Thanks, friend!
That is so funny about the blogger telling her daughter to make a sandwich. Kind of like the old days for me of feeding my kids frozen pizza or spaghetti with sauce from a jar so that I could be a "good" mother and be active in PTA events. Ha.
Hi Janie and you're so cute! I love these kinds of posts. I wish you well with your new lifestyle. I mean to exercise but I don't seen to get to it! ;) Wish we had some of your cool weather. It's 78' here today.
Thanks for popping in to see me and be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
OMG ~ you made me laugh!! I too hate washing pots so I feel your pain. I loved how you called a spade a spade ~ I have nothing against fall but it's getting near done ~ the trees are almost naked here and I want a little but of heat back! My Molly aka sugarcube is just like your Layla. She does not like it too hot or too cold or windy or rainy... lol Hope you had a fabulous week-end! xo
You always have the BEST posts. Hope you got your dinner out with the hubs:)
I love a good rambler of a post, Jane, and you delivered! I have a sense of what's happening in your life - good for you with all the gym business and giving up that deadly 40 calorie cream - you'll be so happy. Like you, I'm slathering on all sorts of moisturizers these days - and believe me, I have WAY more wrinkles than you!
Sorry about the cold weather, Jane. I always hated it when I lived up north. That fire, warm quilts, and cocoa sounds mighty good, though.
I don't blame Layla for not wanting to go out. Build her an indoor potty! (Hey, wouldn't THAT be a good idea?)
It's getting cold here too!! Your dog is so cute! I love this post.
Hi Janie... thanks for visiting... you looked at my yesterday post... if you get a chance, take a peek at my Autumn tree... I posted it this morning... xoxo Julie Marie
LOL at the coffee cream and pumpkin pie. That's how I think. It's all in balance...
This post has a bit of bite. =) I don't like all those wet leaves all over the place either. I got up from my computer chair and screamed because I saw a dead mouse all crumpled on the carpet. It was only a crumpled wet leaf, but it really looked like a dead mouse. All the best with your eating plan. As one who refuses to give up the cream in her coffee, I'm impressed. Oh and with the gym...all the best with that, too.
Layla is adorable! and if one must go to the gym (as we all must) i only wish it were in such a lovely setting as yours!
It is always so nice to stop in to visit you. It just feels like we had a chat over a cup of tea! For some reason I want to take down all the fall stuff and get going on Christmas...and it is way too soon. I put away the Halloween things immediately, but left out the the fallish things. I came up with my "theme" for the holidays and now that I know what I'm going to do...I want to get started. I'm sure this feeling will pass and I'll be complaining about how I don't want to decorate!
I'm so proud of you for exercising. I have some foot thing going on, so I quit my walking a while ago and I can certainly tell by my thicker thighs, lack of sleep and energy. I just can't be on my foot very long. I finally made and appointment to see the doctor next week and hopefully will get a shoe insert that will bad whatever I hurt.
I'll have to read backwards about your health issue...have a great day!
Dear Jane,
First of all I'm so sorry for neglecting you ...... I am getting used to my new computer and we have just returned from Rome !!
You seem to have been doing all sorts of things and I'm so sorry to hear that your cholesterol is high but it seems to happen to many people and sometimes has nothing to do with weight. If you are being treated for it then all is well.
...... and, a very exciting day in America today. Have you voted yet ? I know who I would have voted for !!!!
Thank heavens Notre Dame won that game. My family would have been heart broken. :o) I loved this post from start to finish. Thank you for sharing your life...
Hi Jane! Thanks for the moisturizer tips! I really grease up too! I am always looking for great eye creams! I will give yours a try!
One thing I LOVE in the winter is Palmer's Cocoa butter. I put it on everywhere... especially my face and hands.
And I smell like chocolate! Last week I went to a store the on of the salespeople told me I smelled like a cookie!
Hi Janie! Oh, I hope you can find the perfect scale! I just love them.
Thanks for popping in to see me and I hope you're having a great day.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh, you are so cute! I empathize with the gym thing. I love to walk & would much prefer to just do that. We are supposed to get into the 60's this weekend -- that will mean long sleeves and sweaters -- YAY!
Jane - I am there with you this year! I couldn't wait to get those darn leaves out of our yard, and this is the first year that I am pulling out Christmas right after Halloween. Not sure why I feel this way but I'm going with it!
LOL....ha ahaha....OMG Jane...I was laughing so hard by the end of this post. The election did not have me in the best of moods this morning but your post has me ready to get my day started with something old fashioned farm auction. Thanks so much for the funny and so true take on autumn weather. (crushed leaves are all over my back door mat right now) Love ya girl....Lynn
LOL, what a post! Poor Layla, do I need to send for her? I love fall, but I do think I am ready to move on, and I will be crying and whining by the time winter is over and we see green again.
I love your random post! Thanks for the visit today!
Jane, I enjoyed reading about your skin care products. I am always on a quest for something better and have tried those that you show. Mostly they work but it's a constant working with them. As soon as our humidity drops a bit, the cracks appear around my thumbs and they are so painful. But I do like the cold weather!
I also am doing better at the gym and feel so much better when I am consistent. The more I go the more I want to go, if that makes sense. All the best in your endeavors. The exercise will make a difference in the cholesterol.
Hi Jane,
Your posts always give me a chuckle!! You are awesome!
I can't tell you how much your comment on my blog means to me. You are so sweet, and to know you thought of us means the world to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are such a dear friend!!
Jane, I love your beauty tips. I go back to basics too. We are so dry hear. I can't believe that NY is getting hit again. We had a beautiful day here (70) so I worked in the garden as quickly as I could because it is supposed to rain, maybe snow on Friday.
I am already in desperate need of a great hand lotion as my fingers begin to crack(like they do every fall & winter). I am a wimp and dread the cold of winter, so fall can hold on a bit longer for me. Layla is adorable!
Hi Jane...I love this post. I really enjoyed your thoughts after each quote. I'm with you when it comes to the leaves all over the floor. I'm constantly vacuuming up those things too!
Layla is adorable and good for you for working out!
I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.
Beautiful post. The temps seem to have jumped from one extreme to the next here. I would've preferred a bit of a transition period:-). It's very cold here too. However, I do love the coziness factor that come with Fall. No hubby to cozy up with right now, but I do have my lovely boys and my many candles:-). XX
The Hurricane sure was scary. We did not lose power but had downed trees in the driveway and water in the basement. I consider myself lucky. We had flooding and high tides in Boston, some people on the South Shore still do not have electricity. I have never heard wind like that, truly frightening. I closed the bedroom door for fear that a tree was going to crash down at the back of the condo and hit my bedroom. The kitties and I spent the entire day in the living room at the front of the condo- no trees on that side.
Love your photo of your dog- she is a cutie! And good for you about the gym. I plan to go back to playing tennis soon. Indoors of course. It's been cold and windy and rainy lately and last night we had snow.
I hear you, Jane. I am glad the leaves are all down, and off the trees. I was frustrated trying to keep them swept off the floors from the dogs tracking them in, and hubby bringing them in every time he walked in the door. Now it's so bare when I look outside tho. Everything looks so grey, and barren.
I haven't decorated because we are trying to sell the house. I'm keeping things packed away, so it's looking pretty bare inside as well as outside.
Good for you with your diet, and exercise, girl!! Even cutting out the little things will add up in the end, and you will notice a difference.
Enjoy the weekend!
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