In my head I have been setting my table, choosing napkins, glasses and pondering centerpieces. I've seen a few tables where the center is decorated with a weathered wood plank topped with greenery, candles, flowers, whatever you can dream of. I like that idea. We've come a long way since just having a vase of flowers!
Although the days seem to be flying by, I think I've had a good perspective about not getting caught up in the rush of the holidays. First of all, I know I'm easily influenced by others getting ready and the bombardment of TV commercials, magazines articles and just listening to people talk about their plans, and then having those fleeting feelings of anxiety that I'm behind the eight ball. Well, I'm not letting that happen to me this year...well, I'm going to try really hard! Thanksgiving is easy for me, Christmas just gets chaotic and I don't need to spell out why. Even when I have a head start, those last minute details crop up. By the time the celebrations start, I feel very exhausted. So, I'm going to try, really, really hard to relax, not fuss a great deal and try to let the season just unfold at an easy pace. Famous last words!
So...I really didn't do much all week. The Husband and I did get out for a nice dinner last Saturday which I was really hoping for. We tried a new Italian restaurant a few blocks away and had a great time. I forgot to mention that the weekend before, my sister in law had the whole family over for a casual dinner; chicken casserole, pulled pork sandwiches, baked mashed potatoes (my contribution), salad and pumpkin pie for dessert. It was a nice get-together, the wine flowed and we talked about our holiday plans. Good times.

Well, I am going to relax a little and see if I feel a little less queasy to go to the gym with The Husband tonight. He is SO good, he goes every night. I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
I'm joining Claudia's Favorite Things party at Mockingbird Hill Cottage.
Hi Jane, Love your new shoes. What a beautiful post and I love the idea about the dessert contest. It's nice to have a break before the preparation for Thanksgiving dinner.
That sounds like a lovely weekend plan in between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Wishing you a peaceful evening.
I'm so sorry to hear you've been ill, thats a shame.I like your attitude going into the holidays, just take things easy , no stress, Love the new shoes, very girly girl, I LIKE! I have a black pair like those!
Sorry to hear you had the stomach flu, that is the worst. Hate it. I think that little town fits the bill for a romantic getaway with hubby for your anniversary. I am cooking for T-day and haven't started a thing yet, not even a list. :/ xo
Ugh, I'm sorry to hear you had a stomach virus, Jane! When my kids were home from school with it, I knew it was just a matter of time before I got it. Usually the day after them, at about 3:00 in the afternoon! Good for you ~ I don't do my Christmas decorating until Black Friday and that's how it's been and how it shall stay. : ) I do want to try and get it all done that weekend though instead of dragging it out for a week. This way I can enjoy it more before I put it away on January 6th. I've been picking up little things here and there when I see them and think they'd be a good gift for someone, but right now they are mostly stocking stuffers. Hope you feel 100% soon!
It seems that the holidays come quicker and quicker each year. Your Turkey Day plans sound like fun Jane! I have to start giving gifts some thought... Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better-take care:@)
Jane, love the new shoes! A friend's daughter lived in Cedarburg for a few years before moving to AZ. When my friend went to visit she would come home with great reports about this quaint little town. Have fun!
Cute shoes.
Sorry you wern't feeling well. Hope you continue to improve.
Let me know how not stressing for Christmas works out, I say it every year.
I'm not having Thanksgiving . My son is having it but not til Sat. He is so funny. He is obsessed about the turkey. He even took a class. The funny thing is.....he is the only one in his little family that will eat it. Good thing he can invite Mr. and Mrs. COzy.
so sorry you arent feeling well. you need to keep some charcoal capsules in the house..They work better than any med I ever tried- even with a tummy virus..
that looks like a fab place to spend your winter vacation. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of great photos of it all.
cute shoes:) I know your footies thank you.
Hi Jane, sorry to hear you had the flu. Ugh. Tim had that 48-hour bug a couple of weeks ago, but so far Brian and I have been fine.
Your Thanksgiving sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to my mom's house, so no planning on my part - except for a side dish!
I think I suggested Cedarburg to you too, didn't I? I think I told you about a little B&B there that Brian and I have stayed at a couple of times.
Hi Jane, so sorry the flu bug hit you!... hope you are feeling much better now... your photos are all so pretty!... and how fun you have a dessert contest for Thanksgiving... and prizes for all... Cedarsburg looks like a wonderful place to spend your anniversary... and your new shoes are just adorable!... I am a bit ahead of the game with my Christmas decorating, but I promised myself I would really do a bit less this year... and enjoy the holidays more than when I spend sooo much time decorating... and most everyone has already seen all of my vintage Christmas in the past years posts, my tree always looks the same... so probably no vintage tree posts this year!... I love Thanksgiving and want to enjoy good food and being with family as well... thanks for visiting today... as you saw, we got hit hard with snow and it is still coming down... time for my jammies and some more hot chocolate... wishing you a beautiful, relaxing evening, xoxo Julie Marie
Love the creative dessert contest you have in your family! That sounds like a great idea to try!
Mary Alice
Hey there, hate that stomach bug hit ya, but glad you had an easy week other wise. really have me wanting to hitch a ride to Wisconsin. LOVE that picture! Ya'll will have a blast.
Those shoes are adorable, and ahem sensible, sorry, I meant they wouldn't hurt to wear them for a few hours...
Hope that you feel better soon, and you do take great shots, love the shoes.
I love the idea of your dessert contest and including the kids, too. How fun.
Hope your on the mend, Jane.
You poor thing! We've had the stomach bug come our way and it wasn't fun. I hope you're feeling better and stronger very soon.
With all of our weather issues I am really behind on holiday prep. I have a feeling this is going to be "one of those years"!
Your getaway sounds like such fun and the area is so sweet.
Have a wonderful weekend ~
Those shoes are adorable!
I love the dessert contest tradition...sounds like fun!
I hope I can take a page from your book Jane. I really want to enjoy this time of year and take my time and feel the peace that I really really want to accompany the season.
I think the dessert contest sounds like so much fun. What a great idea.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
Oh! You will LOVE Cedarburg. I go there all the time. Make sure to have at least one lunch in the little cafe that is in the Old Mill...where you will find shops and antiques. It is just a perfect getaway spot.
I am having a very early Thanksgiving here on Sunday because all of our kids can be here then. I think for the actual day MyHero and I might donate our services to serve at a shelter somewhere.
I am so sorry that you had the flu and hope it is all gone before the weekend is over. xo Diana
Hope you're feeling better! It's so easy to get caught up isn't it.
I still have nightmare's from last Thanksgiving. My mom had passed away on Sept 20, 2011, and being the oldest I felt obligated to have Thanksgiving for my 3 sisters, 3 brothers, their spouses, nieces, nephews, great-nephew and niece!
Exactly one-week before our septic backed up into our basement. Can you say NASTY!!! It had to be professionally cleaned. Anything on the floor had to be thrown away . . .
We had beautiful fireplace doors put on our fireplace that I had just painted and when I went up to take a relaxing shower on Thanksgiving before company arrived, I stepped out of the shower to the smell of SMOKE - the fireplace had backed up!!!
To top it off - we had uninvited guests, NOT a problem as I cook for a small army!
And after all that, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!
So, I'm with ya on not getting caught up in all the hysteria!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love your new shoes darling...have a nice relaxt weekend darling., love love from
adorable little shoes, jane:) have a wonderful trip, and congrats on your 26th year! (we just had ours in october:) happy weekend!
Hi Jane!
The town in Wisconsin reminds me of our Leavenworth here in Washington. We usually go the first week of December with another couple every year. This year we will be home to welcome baby Bennett.
We love the small town celebration, and the fact that we shout Merry Christmas to the mountain tops
without a worry of offending anyone. I wish you and the husband a lovely time. Perhaps your visit may grow into a tradition.
I am sorry to hear that you were hit by another bug.
...and your new shoes! It looks like you have an affinity for embellished flats like me. Darling!
Chrislyn and I are going to Ikea this morning. We'll hit Starbucks on the way home for our first holiday lattes, lay Holland down for her nap. and sit to plan Thanksqiving dinner.
The best of blessings to you and your family for the weekend!
Cute shoes! Sorry about that stomach bug, it's hit our school hard. I haven't even started thinking about the holidays yet! I am starting our feeling behind! But I'm enjoying fall so much it's been hard for me to think about anything else!
Morning Jane......sorry to hear about your stomich flu, no fun, but a night on the town is, love the picture of the town all lite up.....looks so beautiful.... love your new shoes, stylìn....Blessings Francine.
That dessert contest is a fantastic idea!
Good luck in not getting exhausted around the holidays! is that POSSIBLE for us women!! ? :)
We always say we won't, though, don't we? :)
I'm glad you're starting to feel better, Jane! I can totally relate about being exhausted by the time Christmas is here. I'm going to try to avoid that this year also. Your getaway in Wisconsin looks wonderful ~ I adore little towns like that and congrats on 26 years!! My husband and I will celebrate our 20th next fall so we'll have to find a cute little town to get away to.
Ugh, the stomach virus is like that - it just comes out of no where and knocks you for a loop. I hope you feel better this morning.
I am staying calm about the holidays too. Not working makes a big difference. We are so much closer to family since we moved to Texas so traveling in heavy traffic isn't as big a deal as before. It is still 85 degrees here everyday and the grass is still green. :) They say it will get cold this week and that's when I'm going to start some serious shopping.
We have our 25th anniversary this coming February. Planing a trip to San Diego, I think. We love to get away but dont' do it as often as you. I'm learning!
Hi dear Jane, sorry I've been remiss in visiting (Internet was slow and so expensive whilst away) and then finding you've been sick - hope you're much better by now. Arrived home yesterday and so much to get done this weekend.
Love the pretty shoes - I treated myself to a pair of gorgeous boots in Venice, my big splurge!
You are very organized already for Thanksgiving whereas I've done nothing yet!
Your anniv. weekend away looks special - such a welcoming looking town - know you will have a great time.
Hope all is going well.
Warm hugs - thinking of you.
Mary X
What a quaint town for a get away. Love your shoes - enjoy them!!
Hope you get to feeling better soon, Jane. Love your Anniversary & Holiday plans... just remember to breathe!
And thank you for your comment over at my little blog. It's so refreshing to hear that others think that the little scratches and scars on the dining room table tell a loving story of wonderful times with family and friends! :)
Love your shoes, Jane! Thanksgiving sure sounds like fun in your family. I'm so sorry about the stomach flu - that is miserable, isn't it? But you are on the mend and that's what matters. My sister, who has inlaws in WI and used to live there, loves Cedarburg. I never got there but I would love to visit. Thanks so much for joining in this week!
Happy almost anniversary to you! Cedarburg sounds like a lovely town to visit for the holidays. I miss all the sights and sounds of the season by being over here in desert country. Hope you are feeling much better by now. Take care and have a great rest of the weekend. Tammy
Sorry to hear that you have been sick Jane. The flu is not fun at all. You are way ahead of me in your holiday planning! We are moving the Monday after Thanksgiving, so most of my decor will be packed...hopefully I will get unpacked quickly at the new house so I can decorate for Christmas!
I am sorry you had a bout of flu but glad you are feeling better. The shoes are so cute! They look comfy too.
Oh my ~ where to start? I'll start with the shoes because I have loved shoes more than anything else fashion wise since I was a little girl. I still longingly remember a pair of red patent letter shoes from Marshall Fields at Old Orchard. They were Mary Jane's and I wore them to bed the first night (Mommy did not know). So, I love your new shoes! I too stress out and am easily influenced by all the ads for a perfect Thanksgiving and Christmas. Finally, what a charming little town in Wisconsin. I don't think I have ever been there. Have you ever read about or visited Leavenworth, Washington? They turn the whole mountain town into a Christmas wonderland. I still have not been. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I had the stomach flu this past week too.
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Hi Jane, hope you are feeling better. Do force fluids as that will help a lot. We are happy to spend Thanksgiving at home this year. Just the three of us. We still will cook way too much. Love your shoes. I find shoes at Marshalls too. xo, olive
Terrific new shoes. I like. And I also think your vacation destination looks so quintessentially Americana. It reminds me of Stockbridge, Massachusetts somehow.
It's not my turn for Thanksgiving so I have no worries there. ☺
Hi dear Jane.....get our that flu can really be nasty. Sounds like you are already getting ready for the holidays ahead...and you get away spot sounds just right for you two!
Have fun.
Love the shoes... it is hard NOT to buy ourselves a little something:) I sure hope you feel MUCH better and can get on with your week! I TRY really hard to get things done early but I have to admit, it sneaks up on us! Have a blessed and HAPPY week ahead, HUGS!
Loving your new shoes and I always forget about your American is so much later than ours. Enjoy!
Glad you are feeling better...
Love your new cute.
We do Thanksgiving here at our house and on the day after, I put up our small Christmas tree. We are drawing names this year....our family has grown so much, we all just simply can't afford to buy a gift for every one....with the adults, 10 grands and two grands-by-marriage, it is waay too costly for Mr. Sweet and I on our fixed income.
For the first time in years, I am feeling so much more relaxed about it all. I am doing baking every few days, putting Peanut Butter cookies, Banana Bread, etc in the freezer that I will wrap pretty and give out to the family and friends.
Keep feeling better, dear one..
xo bj
Just yesterday I realized how close Thanksgiving is....where has the time gone? Now that I know it's around the corner I'm ready to start cooking as it is my most favorite food day of the year. From now until then, I better cut way back on calories!
The flu, yuk. It's exhausting.
Love those shoes. When I see cute flats my heart goes pitter patter. Do you have a DSW near you?
I've been to Cedarburg. I love it there. We didn't go at holiday time, however.Feel better soon.
Hugs, Balisha
Hope you are feeling better!! That little town in Wisconsin looks so charming! We have cold weather coming in tonight! Oh how I hate to see my flowers freeze...always next spring to look forward to!
I love your cute shoes!!!
Miss Bloomers
Hey Jane,
Sorry you were sick last week. But I am so happy you two get to go to Cedarberg!
Sounds like you have the right attitude for the holidays this year.
I think that we both know the most important things in life for sure.
Dan and I were in Cedarberg during the summer months but it looks so cool for the holidays!
I can't wait to hear all about it!
Al sure is dedicated..good for him!
Big Hugs to both of you,
Hi Jane,
Your trip sounds wonderful. Sorry you've been under the weather! This year for Thanksgiving, the hubster suggested we all go to the Cracker Barrel, and let them do the cooking and cleaning. I'm all for it, but can't help but feel a little guilty. My daughter and her family will go too, but when my grandson is home from college, I feel I should cook for them. So, I may just cook on the weekend, but have something rather than turkey/stuffing. He's a healthy one, and loves salads and grilled chicken, so he is so easy to cook for. The others like "all the trimmings". Oh well, that will take care of itself.
I hope your week is wonderful, and that you feel much better. Thanks so much for your visit!
Jane - So sorry you have been sick. That is one of the worse kind of sick!! Yuck!! Sounds like you are planning a fun anniversary. That looks like a fun place to go for an entertaining three days. Enjoy!!
I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week! Guess I should start planning my menu, huh? I'm always a "fly by the seat of my britches" kind of gal...when it comes to Christmas, too! Sure hate to hear you've been sick with the stomach bug...I can't think of much worse. Stop by if you can...I'm having a giveaway today!
What a fun idea to have the most creative dessert contest! Then everyone is thinking and planning and putting their best effort forward! I love that. We had the stomach flu run around our family too. Your trip looks so fun. I grew up in Madison, WI but never heard of Cedarburg. It looks wonderful.
My daughter and I were just talking about how to make Christmas less anxiety ridden and more peaceful. I agree, even when I think I have everything under control something pops up.
I've got to get to Marshalls STAT for those shoes! :) Then pick up some pears.
Hi Jane! Gosh,the stomach flu is no fun. Hope you're feeling better by now. Love your new cute!
It was super warm here today Jane, but it all changes tonight and the rest of the week is 40' you all. For the first time in years, I have no idea where we will celebrate Thanksgiving. It's always been at my home out in the country but I am just not up for it this time. ha! But I'll probably change my mind by next week. I love the dessert competition you guys have. Sounds like a fun time plus you get to sample the entries. :) Love your cute shoes and your anniversary get-away sounds fabulous. xo
My Thanksgiving table is still in my head too. I need to get busy though and put something on the table. :o) Love the spot in Wisconsin you picked out. Looks perfect for a winter getaway. The new shoes are fab!
I am going to be taking your philosophy to the holidays this year too. I am not going to go into great stress over it. I can't afford to with my health right now anyway. I will look at pretty photos and nod and say that's pretty. But in my home, I'm going simple. Each yr I seem to do less and less. I will focus on what decorations will really make an impact and not do every nook and cranny. Because what goes up must come down! So sorry to hear that you were sick recently. Yucky, yucky! Who has time to be sick....right? I'm glad that this is a slow week for me so I can continue to recover. Glad that you're back to feeling better.
I hope you feel better!!!! Your trip sounds like it should be great!!! Sounds like a wonderful place, and maybe we will get there one day. We are having dinner at my daughter and SIL's on Thanksgiving; first time in 45 yers I am not cooking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO antsy to decorate for Christmas, can't wait to see what will fit and where! Have a BEAUTIFUL Thanksgiving, Jane. XO, Pinky
Very cute shoes!
We will have 20-24 people here for Thanksgiving dinner. We set up folding banquet tables end to end after moving furniture in the living room. All the food goes on the tables which aren't very wide, so centerpieces don't happen, much to my dismay.
You asked about me including Biotin in my daily regime. I started taking it to see if it improved my hair growth. Aging has thinned my hair and with it much longer than it was when I worked, the daily hair loss is more noticeable because individual hairs are longer.
I think Biotin has improved my hair and nails. There doesn't seem to be any harmful side effects from taking it, so I was willing to give it a try.
I love the plank idea for the centerpiece. You are right about the vase of flowers for sure and now I think we spend less money to do it than when we would buy pretty flowers.
You know what I discovered the last few years since I went back to work full time? Whatever I get done for Christmas is enough. When I let go of some of it no one really cared or noticed.
That little town sounds so charming! I'll bet you'll have lots of fun. Maybe you could do a little Christmas shopping while you're there and perhaps sneak in a little something for yourself. Hope you feel better soon. xo
Jane, the first thing I stopped to see on your blog was the lovely photo of your sister, and your beautiful tribute. I'm following. xx's
Hooray for dinner out with the hubby...and new shoes!!
Sorry you got the flu bug. I just got my flu shot. Hope it's not too late in the season.
Love the new shoes. Great find.
The holidays. I agree. May this be the year that we all chill out and let the holidays unfold.
Not sure why it has taken me so long to get over here until I realized I did not read a blog post all week-end!! Our Thanksgiving is so much more low key than yours ~ of course yours is the kick off for Christmas too so that makes it more exciting. I am making lists and planning like a mad woman as I have the 1st week of Dec off which I plan to have everything done (cough, cough) so I can enjoy Dec and everything the season has to offer. Hope you are having a good week and that bug left you for good!
Creative Dessert Contest - how fun!!
And those shoes - I think I need a trip to Marshall's!
Hi Jane,
Oh sorry you've been sick, yuck.. hope your all better :-) Happy upcoming anniversary, that town is darling, it will put you in the good old fashioned Christmas mood... I hope for a quiet and slow paced holiday too:-)
Hi Janie! OH, I'm so sorry you've been sick. I've been so busy and we've been out of town so I missed your post. Glad you're feeling better. I want to be like you during the holidays! I always get a little bit in a huffy and I don't like to do that!
Now I love your new shoes and yeah, you needed to 'gift' yourself. :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi, Jane! Happy early Anniversary to you and your hubby! Have a wonderful time on your trip {and don't forget your pretty new shoes!} xx
Oh I hope you are so much better by now! Darling shoes! I'm a step ahead of you family wise, and the holidays are not so stressful anymore, but it still takes effort to keep things simple and let them flow. A few years ago we stopped shopping for Christmas for our huge family and asked them to do the same. Pressure is off, and we focus on get togethers and fun traditions. Not everyone can do this, and there are still personal exchanges going on here and there, small gifts and gestures that are very nice, but the holidays are so much nicer now. I'm sure your Thanksgiving will be wonderful! What a fantastic getaway too!
Hi Jane, Glad you're feeling better and I love your new shoes!
Love,love, love your new shoes! Enjoy your trip with your hubs-the little town sounds adorable. Also love your idea of the dessert contest. That sounds like an idea that our family might enjoy, too. Hope you feel 100% soon!
Hi Jane! I hope you are feeling better!! That town you are going to for your anniversary sounds like something out of a Hallmark movie (I'm sappy and LOVE those movies!) Can't wait to see your photos from the trip!! Rest up!!
XO, Jennifer
Hi Jane,
I am sure your Thanksgiving will be beautiful as well as delicious. What a fun idea with the desserts too. It is so easy to get stressed for the holidays, especially Christmas as you said. It all works out in the end though, even though I sometimes feel I need a vacation afterward:) Take care and have fun:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Feel better soon, and I love your new shoes.
I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving. This hurricane really threw us for a loop. Have a great one. Lots to be thankful for.
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