Well, that's another Christmas behind us. I'm sure everyone will agree, it went by too fast. It seems like just yesterday I was shopping and wrapping gifts. I took this picture of our tree with the load of presents underneath shortly before the whole family was gathered Christmas morning. There was something {and more} for everyone. Our group is larger now with DIL, Mary Clare and Emily's fiance, Mike. We opened gifts while we munched on cinnamon rolls, coffee and orange juice. There was a lot of noise, happiness and thank you's all around. Afterward we had a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage and mimosas. Then we played games. There is a popular one out now called Stumple and you have to find it. It's a blast.
At 4:00, we met at Mary Clare's family's home for dinner. MC was in charge of the appetizers and they were out of this world. I will share them another time. We played Stumple while we noshed and then dinner, made by Katie and Nora, was served. Above is a picture of the table. Dinner was their family's traditional lobster, beef fillets, mashed potatoes, asparagus and rolls. It was such a feast.
Coffee and cookies, including gingerbread men dressed in swimsuits, were for dessert. We played more Stumple. I was tired by then...Thursday night had been one celebration with the O'Hara side of the family...Christmas Eve was a party with The Husband's side of the family and it all wore out my little batteries.
My family was so generous, The Husband gave me the new Nook {I gave him a versatile saw!}, and son Jeff surprised me with a gorgeous Kate Spade cover for it. I was given a pretty purse from Kevin and Mary Clare, a set of Williams~Sonoma dishtowels and pot holders from Emily and Mike, and a beautiful Michael Kors scarf from Abby. Everyone was surprised and pleased with their gifts. It was so much fun, but the real happiness just came from being together and laughing and hugging. I thought that as my children became older, the spirit of Christmas would be different, and it is, in a new and joyful way. The old saying that it is not the gift but the thought that counts kept ringing in my ears. Often, I had a lump in my throat, looking at my adult children and thinking that The Husband and I had done a pretty good job with them.
Well, that's it for Christmas of 2011. As the year reaches it's end I think constantly about all the things I have to be grateful for. Doesn't this time of year make you a little sentimental, too? Now we head into January and the new year. I'm excited for what it holds. I hope it's a wonderful one...for all of us!
I'm joining Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday. Join in!!
what a wonderful day you had, beautiful photos and I love the KateSpade cover for your locely Nook!
EEEEK! Kate Spade! I'm near faint. My Mistah gave me a Coach purse and wallet. It's all I wanted!
Beautiful family pictures....lovely!
Happy New Year, Jane. Blessings and love~xoRebecca
I'm right there with you! Just did my Christmas 2011 blog post. WHERE did the time go??
Lovely post!!
Hi Jane! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and got lots of goodies. You must have been so good this year! ;0
I'd love one of those tasty looking cookies.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
So true! It is different as they are older and I love seeing them altogether, the same but yet different....I love the Kate Spade cover for your Nook, I wonder if they have any for Kindle? Just love it!
"...the real happiness just came from being together and laughing and hugging."
You nailed my thoughts precisely, Jane.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sounds like a fabulous day! Ours was too and over in a flash! I will have to look for Stumple! Wishing you the Merriest and Brightest New Year :)
Lou Cinda
Sounds like you guys had a wonderful Christmas Jane!! I agree it went by way to fast!!
Hi Jane,
I'm so happy that you had such a wonderful Christmas and you are right, it does go by too quickly.
Love your Kate Spade cover. My sister surprised me with a new Kate Spade handbag.
So very chic, Jane! You'll be reading in style! I love the stripes!
There were moments that we were silent...just mesmerized by Holland Grace.
Thank you for the tip on the game!
You sound like a very lucky lady Jane with all those lovely gifts. I agree it went by all too fast.
Hi Jane... looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas!... and that feast... yum!... love your Kate Spade too... yes, I get very sentimental this time of year for so many reasons... and it did come and go so fast... as you commented in my post this morning, I really do start dreaming about Spring now... must be the gardener and dreamer in me... xoxo Julie Marie
I agree, Jane, I can't help but look at my granddaughter this Christmas and remember when I was the young Mom and my daughter was the baby! The table looks wonderful and the menu sounds soooo delicious! You made out like a bandit ~ what a nice variety of gifts you got.
So glad you all had such a lovely holiday. I love the idea of gingerbread men in swimsuits, and I'll have to look for that game! It is funny how Christmas takes on a different feel when our children are all grown up. I often look at mine and get a lump in my throat too! And of course I'm always sad to see our daughter head back home a few hours away.
Happy New Year!
Kat :)
Sounds like you had a beautiful Christmas Jane-enjoy the special memories:@)
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas Jane! I hope you have a great New Year as well!
Blondie, sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! Oh, the feast of lobster and the other foods that you named off just made my mouth water. We have always had traditional dinners. So glad all was good for you and your family.
I can truly understand when you say how emotional holidays can be, Janie. We had a few tears at my parents' house, too, this year. It all comes with feeling so very blessed, doesn't it? :)
xoxo laurie
Merry Christmas Jane!
It was so lovely to hear your thoughts on Christmas with your adult children. It's so nice to have traditions and family to share those with. The dining room looks so warm and full of love.
Enjoy the holidays - Sonia x
Looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas. What fun! It is always a festive celebration here. Have a Happy New Year.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Hi Janie, looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Love the Kate Spade cover. Gorgeous! All the pictures are great.
Have a happy and blessed New Year!
WOW, we are all enjoying each other's celebrations! It sounds like you all had a wonderful time SEVERAL times:) I get a little sentimental after it is ALL over! My out-of-town Grandkids will be here on Saturday... So the fun will continue for us! Can't wait to see them! Have a blessed evening dear friend! HUGS!
Hi Jane, I'm happy you had a wonderful Christmas. I know what you mean about all the celebrating with all of the family, I'm exhausted and need a good nights sleep! My children are all adults too and it was nice to have them all under the same roof for Christmas. I am feeling very blessed and thankful for the life we share with our family and friends. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!
Jane- It sounds like you had a wonderful day of food and fun and games with your family. I love the cover for your Nook! It does seem like the day just rushed past though, doesn't it?
Love to you and your wonderful family- xo Diana
You are making wonderful memories Jane just as you made wonderful kiddos.
It sounds like y'all had a wonderful Christmas with family all around. I love that best. Our son, DIL and grands live out of state, so we have to visit by Skype. It's not quite the same as being together, but we do get to talk and enjoy gift opening time. Thanks for sharing your lovely Christmas.
Everything looks wonderful! How very fun!
Sounds like you had a wonderful tie! It really is that satisfaction looking at the grown kids and watching them isn't it? I felt the same way. Your Kate Spade cover is just classy. I haven't heard of Stumple, but my son and his wife just love games so I am going to have to look it up!
You must be worn out, but what a fun time doing it all. Sounds like the family showed their love for you; what beautiful gifts. Someone had been a good girl all year. I love your tree and all the gifts under it - the calm before the family wakes up. It is hard to believe another year gone by so fast; I do agree. You will have to tell us more about stumple.
What a wonderful Christmas...hope the joy last all week long for you and your family. Love your Kate Spade! xoxoxo
Hi Blondie! Looks like a fun Christmas had by all! Thank you for stopping by my blog and following. I a Blog "newbie" and I am having so much fun. Happy New Year Hugs, Cindy
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Have fun with your nook, I love the cute little cover. Happy New Year. Alaina
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas Jane. I think we all get a little sentimental over the holidays ~ I then look around the dinner table and feel blessed that all the family is so close and able to be together at this time of year. I will be on the lookout for Stumple as we are always looking for new fun games to play!
Jane, I wanted to stop by to let you know how much your own blog has inspired me this year too! I'm always so encouraged by the support you've given my blog, and wanted to tell you although I don't get 'round to comment as much as I should I do peek in often and am so inspired by yours, hugs, tami
Sounds like a lovely Christmas, Jane. You received some wonderful gifts from your family, girl!! So happy that you enjoyed the holiday.
What a wonderful time you had with ALL your family.A true blessing!
Wishing you much happiness in the New Year. Feel free to share this post or any previous one that you may wish at "What's It Wednesday" as we wind down the year.
Merry Christmas Jane...Nice to drop in again and see what you've been up to!
Your Kate Spade cover.....the BEST!
Blessings to you and your sweet family,
Hugs, Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Beautiful Jane...what a lovely Christmas you have had. I love the photos. Sending you warmest wishes for a very Happy New Year!
Jeanne xx
Sounds like a wonderful warm family time you had this Christmas,Jane, thanks for sharing with us. Enjoy your gifties:-)
What a lovely day you had! Beautiful!Happy New Year!
I can tll how much fun Christmas was for you. Somehow my Christmas was different this year. The unborn babies ruled, lol. We couldn't all be together because the unborn babies did not allow it. But it was still fun. How of you all to be all together and you got some awesome presents!...Christine
Hi Jane,
Oh I really enjoyed reading about your Christmas gathering. Looks like it was a happy fun-filled day with love and laughter all around - just the way Christmas is supposed to be! You also scored some lovely gifts too - love them all! :)
The New Year is just around the corner - Happy New Year to you!!!
Jane, it all goes by quickly. Glad you had a wonderful holiday with your family. Happy New Year! ~ Sarah
You sure had a wonderful day with all your lovely family. Love the Kate Spade cover for your nooky! Lovely pictures of your dear family, you all look sooo happy. I just posted my hubby's gift too and I just dropped from TT at Susan's. Wishing you and yours the happiest of 2012!
I sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas...I love the Kate Space cover table looks so inviting and delish....Have a Happy New Year...see ya next year...Phyllis
Wonderful Christmas' for everyone, I think.
Happiest New Year, Blondie girl.:)
Hi Jane, Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Your home looks so cozy! It all did go by way too fast. Scary how fast the days go by. Happy New Year to you!
What a wonderful Christmas! Your tree is gorgeous and so is all of our decor! Oh my, I'm loving that Kate Spade cover, it's truly awesome! Anything Kate Spade is special!
Happy New Year to you and your sweet family, Jane!
Sounds like you had a great Christmas, Jane! Lots of lovely presents and tons of good food...mmm.
So pretty Jane! Your living room looks so festive and lovely!
What a nice post, I love hearing about your family, especially since I feel like I know them in person too!
Thanks for being such a good friend and I am so darn happy that Dan and I have been able to meet up with you and Al so many times!
Here's to more great memories my friend!
Hugs and Happy New Year too!
Nothing beats a wonderful Christmas gathering with family Blondie! We have soooo much to be grateful for and yes it is a sentimental time for sure. Bittersweet since my little sweetpea went back to the west coast:( Thanks so much for stopping by. Lots of love and happiness for 2012!! xoRoberta
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