So, what have I been doing with myself since I last posted? Absolutely nothing. I have a head and chest cold and I am spending every spare moment feeling sorry for myself. I was lying in bed yesterday afternoon staring at the jar of Vaseline on my dresser several feet away. I really needed it for my scratchy dry nose, but I didn't have the energy or desire to get up and get it. I made a mental list of all the things I needed and wanted; a box of soft Kleenex, the one with the aloe in the tissues for my sore nose. A big bowl of hot chicken soup. Someone to wash and dry all my PJ's because I am out of clean ones. Someone to clean my bedroom which still looks like Gift Wrapping Central. Some cough drops, hot fruity tea, a warmer's just no fun to be sick alone.
I keep remembering the scene in You've Got Mail, where Meg Ryan is sick and Tom Hanks comes to her apartment. He sits on the edge of her bed while she sniffles and pours her heart out. Why can't we all look that good when we are sick? Meg looks adorable in her cute flannel pajamas, with her snappy little hairdo, mussed up just so...and Tom is clearly taken with it and oblivious to all the used tissues scattered about {probably the ones with aloe}. Now me...I haven't had a shower in 2 days, my ponytail has moved to the side of my head and most of it is sticking straight out, I'm in sweatpants because of my lack of clean PJ's and the bed is covered with dog hair. Worst of all, my NOOK broke. I was happily playing with it the other night {prior to catching this bug} and suddenly the screen went blank. I did all the trouble shooting I could and now I have no choice but to return it for an exchange, which I can't do now as they would frown heavily on a scruffy looking person with a red nose and crooked ponytail, coming in and sneezing on them. A book, a REAL book would never do that to you, I argued with The Husband, the giver of the Nook. A real book is loyal all the way to the end.

So all was well in my world as I hunkered down back in bed with the dogs...still no soft tissues, paper napkins would have to do, and as long as The Husband didn't mind, I'd just sleep in my sweats with my ratty hair. :-)
Ah Jane, that was a great read despite you being ill...I hope you're a bit better soon. I have to tell you that your line about a REAL book would never do that to you cracked me up completely :)
Hope you have a very happy NYE whether it's in sweats (or what we would call tracky dacks!) or not. Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments this year. You're the best x
Oh, Jane! You poor thing! I hate having a cold {knock wood} and having that raw feeling around your nose from all the wiping and blowing. Definitely use the vaseline, that always helps me. A vaporizer would help, too. I found a little plug-in {maybe by vicks} and the cartridges are refillables. It really made me feel better a couple of years ago when I couldn't breathe through my nose at all. Maybe I should look for that again before, you know what hits me. Oh, and your comment on my blog made perfect sense! : )
Jane, rest up you poor thing. Drink lots of water and be kind to yourself. Hope your cold is better soon and you can leap into the New Year. Thanks for always giving me a good read on your blog when I visit. Deb.
I'm feeling your pain girl! I've had the same thing for what seems like the entire month of December...
I saw your paperwhites photo and thought I was back at my own blog... my photo looks just like yours! I think I have a bloom or two, but they've not made it to full bloom yet!
Happy New Year. Feel better! Dixie
Jane, sorry you are down with a cold and no Nook or book. Keep a small bell beside the bed and get the husband to bring you those necessities! ;-)
Hope you feel better soon.......Sarah
Awww, sorry you're not feeling well. Don't you wish you could sleep until all the symptoms go away?
I love my iPhone, iPad and Kindle but turn on them in a flash if they don't behave as I expect. The nerve!!
Hope you feel better soon and that your Nook comes back to life.
Oh gosh I had the same cold type thing this week. And oh yeah this is my vacation week. Didn't feel like doing much until yesterday.
I muddled through Christmas but did not feel well then either, it's been about a week and a half.
So I am trying to salvage the remainder of my vacation. Last night we did something fun and I don't have to go back to work unitl Tuesday.
BTW, I love that scene in You Got Mail. Hope you feel better soon. I think I have never gotten this much rest in my life!
Gosh,Jane, sorry to hear that you're "under the weather". It's no fun being sick and I hope you're soon well. I haven't accomplished anything either, and I haven't been sick. I'm totally in a non-creative state. Actually, I did clean out a bit in my closet, not that anyone would notice. Feel better soon and I hope your Nook gets fixed.
Janie, I'm just now getting back into blogging sent my computer went south, and I'm sorry to see you're sick. Just wanted to drop by and wish you a very Happy 2012. I hope your Christmas was great, too. Ours was hectic and crazy, but we made it. Yea!
Love to you and FEEL BETTER...
Sheila :-)
Oh, Jane -- sending healing vibes in your direction. When I am not feeling good I tend to throw a royal pity party for myself, lol. Glad to see that you are hanging on to your sense of humor :)
Happy New Year!
I love that scene in You Got Mail. So sorry you have a bad cold. I think they sneak in when our bodies have been going non-stop and then relax.
If I was closer I would make a whiney run for you. Don't you just love it when the husbands work so late.
Feel are still funny even when you are sick.
Sorry to hear you're sick Jane, hope you feel better soon! I just mentioned to someone else, the only good thing about being sick is it makes you appreciate how good you feel when you get better! Take care:@)
Oh you poor thing! I totally agree that it's just heaven to have a care giver when you're sick. I don't ever have that I know how you feel. Hang in there girl. If I could I would come and do your laundry!
Hi Jane - I'm so sorry to read that you are under the weather. I've just gone through your Christmas posts - it looked like such a happy Christmas...not fair that you should be ill and nook-less for New Years! I hope that you will be coddled and cared-for until you're back to yourself again!
You poor thing!! I want to swoop in with a box of those tissues for you and everything that you want. You are allowed to wine sweetie ~ I do it when I am sick too! Hope you feel better soon ~ that soup sounds heavenly. xo
I had that last month, so horrible to be sick over the Holidays. Hope you feel better soon, the soup sounds wonderful! Happy New Years, Jane!
aw you poor dear, I wish I was closer, I would go to the store for you, you have to get better soon, my wish for you is a healthy happy new year, take care of that nasty cold,
Oh Jane....even sick you are entertaining! I have been sick myself this week and so has the husband. I could feel your pain in your post and know too well what you have been feeling. It will be over soon, the cold virus, that is! Hang in there and keep doing what you are doing. Hugs and Happy New Year!~Patti
I hope you're feeling better! I so understand being sick and at home alone...that's the way I live. :-) I never mind being alone except when I'm sick and need someone to bring me soup, change the sheets and walk Forrester.
Take good care! Mix some whiskey with lemon & honey as a hot toddy and crawl under the covers.
Hi Sweet Jane
Hope you are feeling better soon
A jammie day is what we call it when the sniffles take over and soup and chick flicks always make the day pass so fast
Happy New Year Blessings
ugg. sounds like you have what I had from mid sept till almost nov 1.. Miserable. no one here but me 80% of the time anyway so I keep a good stock of stuff:) still had to get the daughter to pick up stuff and wash clothes n change my bed. I had zero energy and something about that particular bug made me cry and cry.
I hope I dont get that again.
glad you got your soup and I'm wishing you a quick healing so you can get up and do what ya wanna.
hot tea n barcardi 151 might knock it out of ya. course it just knocks me out and I wake up still having the cold- I just dont know it for a few hours lol..
Happy New Year
I like real books. Tried the Kindle, didn't like it. Left it behind in Texas. I hope you feel better soon. Happy New Year, my friend!
Awe Jane...I hope you are feeling better! It is no fun to be sick...especially when your Nook dies!
Hope you feel better soon...and yes, in answer to your question...I would love to see you again, if you head this way in 2012~
Yes, I love that scene in You've Got Mail. I just PREtend I look that cute when I'm sick. :) Clean pajamas, soup, and a re-watching of You've Got Mail always help. :)
Hi Jane, This is not the way to bring in the New Year, but I can sympathize with you as my hubby has caught the crap that is what I call it. He got put on a Z-pack and told if not feeling better in ten days come back to see the doctor. He may be in the hospital by then with pneumonia by then. With his immune system it seems to take forever to get him feeling better. I have off until Tuesday so I know how I will spend the majority of my weekend. I was told to make him drink liquids to help get rid of the themperature. It is going down, but not all the way. Have you had that. We made it through Christmas before he got sick for which I am very thankful for. It meant so much to have all of our kids and grandkids together. I send you Hugs and Prayers that you feel much better. He said his Chicken Noodle Soup helped and he doesn"t really care for Chicken Happy New Year My Friend from your Missouri Friend.
Been trying to come down with the dreaded bug too..but so far have avoided it.
It's been a great year getting to know you, Jane. I love your blog..
I want one of those so bad...I hope they are not delicate. I am now considering a Kindle Fire.
I hope you are better I hate colds! I keep stuffing down "Contac's" and hoping the symptoms go away.
Happy New Year, Jane!!
aww...feel better! I hate it when I'm sick. Nobody knows what to do and I just want someone to take care of me. Instead I get, "What's for dinner? Are there any clean socks?" lol....
Hope you feel better soon...
Happy New Year, Jane!
Hi lovely lady.
I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year from my home to your's
XXOO Diane
Sorry you're not feeling so well! I hope you feel better in time for the new year! Happy 2012!
P.S. Sounds like you had a great Christmas, I read your previous post too!
Oh Jane, my hubby has been fighting the same thing since Tues. If you feel like him, I know that you are sicker than a dog. Don't tell the dogs I said that. lol! Sure hope you get feeling better soon. Yeah I bet Meg Ryan looked gorgeous in that movie with her cold. I remember the part, but not how she looked. They always look gorgy, even when they first wake up. Not really like that in the real world. However, I bet you look pretty darn cute with your pony tail and sweat pants.
Hi Dear Jane
Sorry to hear you've been unwell .. a miserable time of year to be so... Hope you are resting up and feeling better quick smart!! and that the tissues are a thing of the past..
Sorry I didn't get over earlier to say Merry Christmas.. and hope your New Year brings you joy!!! ciao ciao xxx Julie
Hi Dear Jane
Sorry to hear you've been unwell .. a miserable time of year to be so... Hope you are resting up and feeling better quick smart!! and that the tissues are a thing of the past..
Sorry I didn't get over earlier to say Merry Christmas.. and hope your New Year brings you joy!!! ciao ciao xxx Julie
Well Jane, I give you the Academy award for waxing poeticly about he common cold. I feel sorry for you but you are making me laugh with the realness of it all!
This is what I love about you and your writing style. You keep it real! I have enjoyed you and your blog this year and I'm looking forward to the new year.
I hope that you get to feeling better soon.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Awe, if I were closer by, I would gather the items on your whiney list for you, wash your pj's, and make you my famous homemade chicken noodle soup! Except wait, I have been in about the same boat as you. This crud has been awful, and I thought a few times, I was on my death bed! Two injections later, I am finally able to drag myself out of bed and onto the couch. I am so glad you have your fur babies to comfort you, and a good book to read. Sending you get well soon wishes, and a Happy New Year! Oh, and I sure hope your raw nose gets better, that hurts!
A cold is no a way to end the year! I'm sorry you are sick and hope that you are much better very soon. poor thing. I hope that you are feeling better. Have a safe, healthy and happy new year.
Sorry to hear that your feeling poorly, it's no fun being sick in bed all day with no one to bring you all the necessities like tissues and chicken soup.
Try some of my chutney soon, that'll clear your head cold and no mistake!
Happy New Year from Normandy.
Jane- Ah...the truisms of REAL life-No pretty paper doileys holding steaming cups of hot tea to soothe your aching perfect diecut little sandwiches to tempt a faulty appetite. Just the real you- in old sweatpants with ratty hair crying into your once-used-already paper napkin. I love real!
AND i want to wish you a REAL Happy New Year- Blessings- xo Diana
I hate colds...absolutely hate them...I can not breathe!! So sorry you have been battling it....just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful New Year...and get better soon!
Jane dear, so sorry you are poorly, thankfully you do have a warm, comfy spot to rest - and it's fun imagining how you look with a sideways ponytail, can't imagine you ever looking really bad!! Hope someone (like The Husband perhaps because the dogs don't drive) will go buy you the Kleenex with aloe, a good book, AND wash your cozy jammies soon!
Meanwhile, I'm over the cold I brought back from SE Asia recently and tonight it's off downtown to join in the First Night celebration. A French motif this year complete with giant ferris wheel and accordion music - sounds neat to me.
Happy New Year wishes - get well very soon.
Hugs - Mary
I read this post at work yesterday and I didn't have time to comment!
I hope, hope, hope that you are feeling better by now.
The best thing about blogging following those who aren't afraid to be REAL. I just want to skip through the house singing...I'm normal! ~ (I'll do it in my mind because you know that our place is not that big and it really wouldn't be pretty)
Just wrap that Kate Spade around your REAL book!
I'm betting The Husband is digging the ruffled 80's side ponytail!
I hope that you are cured and that the Paperwhites are peeking at you!
Happy New Year!
Get well soon. Have a very Happy New Year!
Get better sweetie :)
Have a wonderful year full of happiness and peace.
Happy new year!
even when sick, you still are a funny girl! Sad you are ringing in the New Year ill, but did make for a fun read! Just have to add, I can never give up my real books, just started a new Dean Koontz sent for xmas by my sister. At 2:30 this morning, had to put it a side, and go to sleep, a little spooky! Thrillers and Dean are my favs. It's been fun getting to know you this year and look forward to more chats and comments in the new year!
Feel Better! Happy New Year!
Oh, you poor thing! I'm so sorry! I know how you feel and believe me, when I'm sick I look sick - pale, red, chapped nose, the whole thing. Certainly don't look like Meg Ryan!
I hope your Nook gets better soon and that you get soon even more quickly!
Happy New Year!
LOL! Oh, you poor girl! Even when you're sick, you are hilarious! I know I shouldn't be laughing - but this post was so funny! But rest's perfectly ok to have a big ol' pity party when you're sick. I hope that hubby tended to you this weekend and that you're on the road to recovery. I just got spending 4 days playing nursemaid to my hubby because he was over Christmas. Not fun..... Get well soon, my friend! :)
xoxo laurie
Oh Jane,
I hope you're feeling better now. My husband has just come down with the crud today. I guess I didn't get that yogurt into him fast enough. And I hope your paperwhites are blooming for ya now. Mine started blooming the week of Christmas. Yesterday I cut them and put the blooms in water because they were falling over. I've enjoyed getting to know you this year through your blog posts. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Feel better soon, Jane.
No fun being sick during the holidays.
Wish I could send you some tea I recently found and have become completely addicted to from Teavana.
I know you would love it, if you could taste or smell it!
Happy new year!
Oh Janie, sorry you are sick, hope you feel better soon. Sorry your Nook broke but at least it can be replaced. Hope you get to enjoy NY eve in spite of everything. Thanks for your nice comments about my grandbaby...Christine
I am sorry you have a cold and hope that you feel better soon. Wishing you a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
Susan and Bentley
Sorry you're sick - yuck! I feel your misery right through the computer. Don't worry about how you look - I doubt Meg Ryan looks cute when she's sick in REALITY! That stinks about your Nook, but I'm with you - real books are better. ;-) Anyway...sending you healing and healthy thoughts. Happy New Year!
So sorry that you are feeling bad...hope you get well SOON!!! Happy New Year my friend!!!!
Oh POOR Baby! I have been away from blogging for a few days and SURE hope you are feeling better on this first day of 2012!!!!! If you don't get any soft tissues, let me know and I will ship you some! HUGS and GET WELL wishes!
Hope you are much better by now, Jane.
Wishing you all the best in 2012!
Hi Janie, I do hope you feel better really soon. Wow, this is such an awful time to be sick.
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend this past year and all your sweet and encouraging comments.
I wish only the best for you and all your family in 2012.
Jane Happy New Years and I know you will be much better soon! The good think (since I am recovering from surgery) is this is probably the time of year where we can take it easy!
All the best in 2012!
I hope you will enter my Giveaway From Serena & Lily!
Art by Karena
Oh I hope you feel better soon Jane. Happy New Year to you, keep resting and just take it easy til you feel better.
Oh Jane......even when you don't feel are cute and funny!!! Get well soon dear lady,
Hope you are getting well!! We had a quiet holiday at home with our sons..lots of eating need to diet now. I love your paperwhites sitting on your beautiful countertops! They get me ready to start thinking about I long for my flowers! Take care and hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday! Happy New Year!
Miss Bloomers
Oh man, I sure hope you're feeling better. My Kindle went belly up a couple weeks ago. I sent it back, got a new one and the new one did the same darn thing. I now have my 3rd one. I was feeling so bad for you while reading this, I was ready to overnight you some chicken noodle soup! aren't suppose to welcome the new year in with a cold :( Hope you are feeling a wee bit better today! Stopping by to wish you a Happy New year! (and yes, Meg Ryan DOES look fabulous sick ~ hate her! Not really :) lol!) Feel better soon!
Oh my hope you're feeling better very soon. Love your visual of being "sick" in bed. We never look like the cutie pies in the movies do we? :) Take care and have a happy new year.
Poor poor Blondie, with the pony tail on the side....
You are so funny, girl. You really need to write a book. We ALL love reading your posts. It's like sitting across the table (or as in this case, lying on the side of the bed) with you and listening, just like Hanks did. :))
Hope that ole bug flies South soon.
Oh My poor thing! Being sick is the worst. I hope you are all better soon. You definitely needed some good old homemade chicken noodle soup. Our fur babies are always so comforting. I too came down with the stomach flu, so I feel your pain. Rest up!
Thank God for understanding husbands who love no matter how you look and feel.
You are funny when you're sick! I do hope that by now, you're feeling decidedly better.
Happy New Year, Jane.
Jane, I'm so sorry you are sick, and I hope you are feeling better soon! It's bad enough to be sick, but missing she clearance sales is just a shame! Your paperwhites look so much better than mine, which grew tall but started looking spindly and fell over and shriveled up a bit. I am not sure if I over-watered them or if they got too cold in the windowsill, but I'm about ready to give them up. I got a Kindle for Christmas from the kids and I'm loving it, I downloaded all sorts of old classics for free and just finished Wuthering Heights at 2 this morning. I hadn't read it in about 25 years and I forgot how unlikeable all the characters are, and I really didn't mind that nearly everyone died. I'll have to find something more cheerful to read next!
I'm sorry to hear you are so sick....I hope you feel better VERY SOON!!!! Aren't dogs the best at laying around and keeping us company? They never complain that you are too whiny or that you don't look smashing like certain other individuals do...such as husbands! LOL
Happy New Year :o)
Hi Jane, so sorry to hear that you have been so ill. Hope you are feeling better now. Happy New Year. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
Hi Jane,
I read this post the other day from bed on my ipad, I have been sick too. Went to the doc, but still don't feel great.
For some reason on my ipad, your comment section words don't show up. Strange.
Anyway, hope you are feeling better by now.
I got up and cooked tonight as I was so bored. Of course, now I am exhausted.
I watched all four episodes of Downton Abbey yesterday. Loved it, killed the day
Happy 2012!
My heart . goes out to you Jane! I've been sick too and I heartily agree about the wonders of hot and sour soup. It's the best when you have a cold, although the beef soup you got sounds divine! Feel better soon dear:)
I hope you are feeling better in the New Year my friend...
Rainey @ The Project Table
I am so sorry you are sick-a cold is miserable company! You are such a good writer-maybe you should think about writing short stories-this was a great one!I felt your misery in being sick, but laughed that you still have a sense of humor about the situation. I always say a good story lets you experience lots of emotions-and yours did.
Oh, bless your heart, your sick little heart. I feel for you and I'm loving this post because I can "feel" your cold and "feel" your home and messiness.
Misery loves company. I've been housebound going on day 4 after picking up a stomach flu/fever bug. I smelled like dirty wet towels after sweating into my PJs and my hair - don't even get me started. Couldn't even get enough energy to put in my contacts and I lose my know, I can't see to find my glasses without my glasses.
Be well and take care of yourself.
Big hugs, Marla
I am so sorry you are sick! There is nothing worse than being sick and wanting stuff, that you are too sick to get!!! I hope you get tissues soon!
And you are so creative! Your photos, your baking and your home are as creative as can be!! Which is why I can't stop visiting you!!
You are awesome!!
Feel better!!!!! :)
Hi Jane!
Oh your poor thing!!! I can imagine myself in the same boat....ugh! hate getting sick. :{ So I'll get on my soapbox and give you my schpeel.....airborne!! it's the most amazing stuff ever. It's an herbal, vitamin thing you get at any drugstore....take it the minute you feel any kind of cold symptoms....slightest plugged nose, slightest tickle in your throat....and if you feel something major coming on (like you have now) take 6 a day till it only recommends 3-4 but we've got this down to a science over here!! Every family member takes it & we don't get sick anymore! You end up buying a lot of it but it's soooooo worth it. So you can still take it now ~
BTW: since I didn't fully explain stops a cold dead in it's tracks by pumping up your immune system. And if you're already sick it will shorten the sickness dramatically ~ but you have to take 6 a day till it starts to get better, then 2-3 a day, then 1 or 2 a day to make sure it stays gone. Take one or 2 a day if you feel a slight cold about to start...
K...I told you I was on my soapbox right?? hee hee :) Send hubby out today!! Get pink grapefruit & take 2 at a time morning, noon & night.
oh and breathe right nasal strips are great to open up your airways too....:) k, done.
Guess I wasn't quite done. Just so ya won't work on something that needs antibiotics ~ it'll still help your system but won't kill something that needs antibiotics like strep or a sinus infection. K now I'm done :)
Hi Jane! Happy New year to you. Sorry you were illen, and I hope you are on the mend now. I love that movie you've got mail, that is a great movie and now I want to see it again. Have a great week.
Feel better Jane. Happy New Year.
I actually think you were in worse shape than I least I showered every day! I also got up and out for a few hours because it was vacation and Christmas and it was 80 some degrees in Orlando. I was really lucky to be with my daughter who babied me with orange juice and backrubs. Of course she wasn't all that happy after she caught it! I'm glad you are feeling is miserable isn't it??
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