I can't believe it is Thursday already. I am trying not to think about my vacation time running out. It has been such a big treat to be up here day after day, sipping my coffee while looking out at the bay...letting the day unfold any which way it wants. I am truly spoiled, but...back to the city we go on Sunday. I do miss the kids, especially Emily as she wasn't able to come up to visit. We will all be back for a Labor Day celebration and then the lake will significantly lose it's summer people as they head back home. Luckily, our home is year round.
Yesterday we took an hour ride north to a cute little beach town called South Haven. I love that name. I didn't take one picture...the sidewalks were crowded with tourists visiting all the cute shops and restaurants. You might remember we went last year as well. I've been here many times and always enjoy it. We had lunch on board the Idler, an old ship docked on the river leading to Lake Michigan. Then we strolled around town, stopping for huge ice cream cones. The only thing I bought was a clutch purse for the wedding that is the exact shade as my dress {now I just need shoes}. The Husband bought a Frisbee. He's such a big spender.
Have I mentioned that our grill died? I have been making dinner every night in the kitchen. Somehow it's different here, the fridge is overflowing with fresh vegetables from the farmer's market and I'm able to cut herbs from my little garden patch. No tomatoes yet, but I am ready to swipe a few from my neighbor's garden. Hmmm...big juicy tomatoes and cottage cheese. Lunch?
This is the little pelican I picked up at a thrift shop the other day. Isn't it cute? It looks like it is smiling. And only $2.00.
And this is the big Jade plant I found. It needs a bigger plant stand but I fell in love with this, too.
So this may be my last post as we wind up things here on the lake. We have a quiet weekend ahead with no company, but that's a good way to end it. Things are going to be crazy at home for the next two weeks before the wedding, but it's a good crazy.
How are all of you winding up summer? I suppose it's a relief for some because of the horrendous heat. We have been so fortunate, the days have been in the 70's with nice breezes. Again, I am so spoiled. If I do anything spectacular before we leave, I'll be sure to post! :-)
Oh yes, it is TOUGH to say good-bye to the sweet (too fast) days of summer. You're lucky that your place is a year 'round house. Ours is a true camp and not meant to be used during the really cold weather. We have a big fireplace and a heater to take off the chill, but the ocean moisture seeps in some nights it is wet sheets, but we LOVE the coolness.
So good keeping tabs on you.
All joys,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Hi Jane,
What an idyllic time you must have had, your days by the lake sound just the way life should be!
Sounds like a great vaca Jane! Lovin' your cute new pelican, enjoy the weekend:@)
OK I love that pelican and such a bargain too. Yesterday I counted a flight of 30 pelicans as I walked along the bay; I love those birds. Actually it is our "family bird".
Your lake home sounds very welcoming.
Oh, Jane -- you've made it all sound so dreamy :)
Enjoy your last days there. Your jars for vases is just my style -- loving it all :)
Oh... what a lovely, restful vacation. & isn't South Haven the sweetest little town? I don't live that far from there & I hardly ever go... Guess I am going to have to make a point to visit there soon... maybe this fall...
Enjoy your last few days of rest, before the fun & chaos begins. : )
Then you can go back to recuperate, after the wedding... : )
You have such a restful spot for your vacation. Your pelican treasure is a cutie, however we've have them here on the lake and they aren't friendly little guys.. I've tried and tried to get a picture. Enjoy the rest of your time. hugs ~lynne~
So happy that you have had a restful vacation at your lakehouse. How wonderful it is relax and let the days roll by.
Enjoyed this post!! Feel like we have just had a chatty little visit together! Still triple digits here in DFW area! Heading to the first scrimmage Dallas Cowboy football game this evening. That makes it feel a LITTLE more like fall is around the corner!
It sounds like you are having the most wonderful time! But all good things must come to an end and that includes vacations:) Have a blessed day dear friend, safe travels! HUGS!
We actually enjoy the lake more, when Fall rolls around. It will be just the "regulars" then. We consider ourselves as regulars, as we are there all seasons. After summer the place is quieter and we just love the solitude.
Jane it sounds like you are savoring those last few days at the lake. I'm glad you found a clutch, and I'm sure you'll find shoes soon too. Our tomatoes are finally ripening and I love fresh tomatoes and cottage cheese for lunch, yum!
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Kat :)
I am so sad about the end of summer! At least you have something to look forward to :D
The little pelican is too, too cute. What a whimsical find!
Enjoy what remains of your summer vacation.
Ricki Jill
Hi Jane,
It all sounds wonderful! You sound like it has been a restful time. I am glad that you have had this time before the big event.
I think lunch...go for it!!!
hugs from here...
Enjoy the rest of your time at the lake. It sounds so relaxing! I have never been to South Haven, but lots of people around here vacation there. I'm hoping to check it out next summer. Have a great day :)
Hi Janie, so glad you are enjoying your lake time. There is nothing like water to soothe the soul.
Your pictures are lovely!!
Hugs, Barb
This summer seems to have flown by with lightening speed. Love your little pelican...he will keep the summer spirit alive all year! Enjoy the rest of your week!
Have a wonderful last few days Jane, maybe find a few more treasures?
It's been such a wonderful Summer.We will have a couple more family gatherings and before you know it,Fall(my very favorite season)will be upon us! Thanks for sharing your Lake House stories and treasures with us.
Enjoy your weekend, Jane.
Enjoy you time of peace & quiet. And as you said... the next 2 weeks will be a roller coaster for you! Enjoy each moment for these are what dreams & memories are made of my friend! Have a great weekend. HUGS!
Sounds like your summer is drawing to a peaceful end, and that is nice. :) I'm glad your final weekend there will be spent relaxing. That's a good way to get yourself ready for the busy weeks ahead of you.
My summer is nearing an end, too. The kids start back to school a week from today. :( I dread it so. However, we are currently enjoying a little taste of early fall temps. Just a teaser, I'm sure. August is usually sweltering here. I do enjoy the lower humidity and temps in the 70s. :)
Let's see...well, I hurt my back climbing ladders taking things down from the high garden room shelves. So now I'm reading blogs on the heating pad. Enjoy your last weekend!
I am so glad that you were able to relax and enjoy your time away. It sounds like you had fun in South Haven..the diner sounds like it is lots of fun to visit.
No shoes yet, huh? I suppose you don't want to know that I ended up spray painting a pair I already had to match one of mother-of-the groom's dresses? They looked great and, best of all, were comfortable.
Glad you found a purse to match-xo Diana
Wow, I can't believe it is that time to wind up Summer already, Jane! I am looking forward to feeling a bit of the cooler weather though. I feel like I am always stuck inside when it is so hot and humid. My remaining days of summer will be spent packing up my house as we have gone to contract! Down-sizing here we come!
I am sl glad you are having a wonderful time!! Enjoy sweet girl!
It all sounds wonderful.
I don't blame you for not wanting to leave.
And yes-
tomatoes and cottage cheese sounds great!
White Spray Paint
I do not want to think about winding up summer as it feels like we never had one ~ rain rain rain.... Oh well ~ I should be thankful for days when the sky is blue and the temps are warm but not too hot. It sounds like you have a perfectly quiet week-end planned before the hustle and bustle of the wedding. I cannot wait to see pictures of it! xo
Hi, Jane. So glad you had such a nice vacation.
Sounds like you are totally relaxed that's what vacation should be.
Today was a gorgeous day here, no a/c needed. Wish I had the day off.
Have fun at the wedding.
Enjoy your last few relaxing days at the lake. It sounds like you've had such a nice vacation!
Hi Jane! it's been awhile since I've been over, so I had to catch up on all of your previous posts, as well as the current one.
The dress for the wedding is beeeautiful! It will look perfect on you!!!
LOVE the picture of you and hubby...looks like you are both enjoying the time at the lake.
The shops you visited are awesome!
I miss going to the big lake and strolling on the boardwalks.
I know what you mean about summer slipping away...I am holding on with both hands!
Enjoy your quiet weekend.
Big hugs to you sweetie.
Hi Jane,
Sounds as if you've been having a wonderful time. That's what life is all about. I love the fact that your husband bought a frisbee !! That's about the extent of my husband's shopping !!
Sorry that I haven't been around much. I seem to have been busy this summer and I keep missing lots of posts from my fabourite bloggers.
Thanks so much for your comment today.....I think that I might lose a few followers after that post !!!!
Have a great weekend, whatever your doing. XXXX
jane, always so nice to stop by. you always inspire me so much with your lovely pictures and beautiful word. just easy and no fuss. enjoy your last days at the lake and safe journey home :)
Steal of a deal on the pelican! I love it!
Hi Jane,
sorry if I haven't visited in a while. I still have to thank you for the strawberry salad recipe. It has become a must-have each week over here! Better if with focaccia ;)
Love your Crassula, I've some of those too. It is one of my favorite indoor plants.
Monica xo
Hi Jane! I always get so depressed after a much anticipated vacation is over with! ICK! It's sounds like you had a wonderful time with the hubby!
Nice jade plant you have! I love them, and have far too many for one home.
I can't imagine temps in the 70's ~ sounds like Heaven to me! We had a brief reprieve yesterday for a couple of hours...overcast, about 4 drops of rain and temp fell to 86! I stayed outside the whole time. :-) Of course, it went back to 100+ and that's the forecast for the next 7 days. Talk about old ~
So glad you've been having such a peaceful, relaxing time. I'm glad!
I can't imagine temps in the 70's ~ sounds like Heaven to me! We had a brief reprieve yesterday for a couple of hours...overcast, about 4 drops of rain and temp fell to 86! I stayed outside the whole time. :-) Of course, it went back to 100+ and that's the forecast for the next 7 days. Talk about old ~
So glad you've been having such a peaceful, relaxing time. I'm glad!
Sounds like you've been having a wonderful time. You make it sound so nice and relaxing there...that would be wonderful. I loved all the photos from your previous post :)
It sounds like the perfect holiday, Jane. You'll be nicely rested for the wedding!
You've been having so much fun! What a nice vacation to laze around and let the day be as it turns out! Now that's a cute little pelican! I love seeing them in flight.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Jane Sweetie...
A really beautiful share. I love seeing your travels about the lake home during the summer months. Such a peaceful place to be.
Love your little pelican and the roses and fresh flowers look so lovely. I could smell the scents as I opened your blog today.
I imagine you are truly missing your grill, that will have to be replaced soon. You all grill so much of the time. I love seeing the wonderful food sizzling when you show it.
Thank you for sharing your time at the lake house with me. I so enjoy seeing and reading about it. So beautiful Jane, just beautiful.
This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.
Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry
So love vacations but enjoy getting back home, Janie. Your photos of your travels arealways beautiful & I enjoy going along with you.
Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Love that pelican!
Hey Jane! Hope you're enjoying yourself this weekend! Lucky you going to South Haven :) we're hoping to get a cottage next year there for vacation....we waited to late this year and everything was booked! What luck that you found a purse!! We are winding down summer by 1. school shopping and 2. starting to put fall out in the store - if that doesn't kill the rest of your summer, I don't know what else will - lol!
Have fun relaxing :)
It's been a good one though Jane. Sorry about the grill dying..that stinks!
Hi Jane!
Nice to read about 'slow days' .... we all need those from time to time. Aside from three hot and very humid weeks in St. Louis, I am also quite spoiled by weather in Central Oregon and the high desert! Enjoy those lazy days.
We just spent the weekend in Traverse City,isn't the west side beautiful? You are one lucky couple to have a vacation home there:>)
So glad you enjoyed your time. August means cold weather is just around the corner.
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