It's been a very slow week...okay, it's only Tuesday, but it's rainy and gloomy and I'm waiting for Sears to come and repair my dryer. I love how they give you a 5 hour time frame...that's 5 hours that I could be doing something constructive, like reading in the bathtub. So I wait and I thought I'd do a quick post.
All is quiet on the wedding front...the lull before the storm I guess. I want to thank everyone for the compliments on the shoes and all the tips for breaking them in. I'm still traipsing around the house in them, I guess I just like pain...or being tall. I received a lot of tips from a great blogger named Andie. She is a make up artist and knows quite a bit about weddings and how to keep the bride looking good. I now realize that I definitely need a larger purse for all the stuff I have to bring. I found a Bandaid product called a friction stick that glides on your feet and helps prevent blisters. Andie also recommended practicing with the shoes with wet feet, as that helps to stretch the leather. She really is a smart girl. Thanks, Andie!
I made a trip to Target yesterday for bar soap. Of course my cart was full when I left. I decided to add some pretty sheers to my bedroom windows...I have noticed how pretty they look in some of the rooms I see in blogland. I'd like to replace my blinds with bamboo like I have had forever in my living room, but the house next door is like 2 inches away and we need privacy. These are made of voile and they were only $4.99 a panel. I really wanted the crinkled voile but that was $3.00 more. Maybe I will change my mind. I feel a need for more bar soap coming on. I also picked up a new shower curtain and 2 books and a necklace and a candle. I bought the cute table runner in the first picture. I love the texture. Anyway...the retail therapy got my mind off things.
I forgot to mention that when I was out antiquing/thrifting on my vacation, The Husband fell in love with this picnic table. It's sort of petite and will look wonderful once we paint it a nice cream color. I'm not keeping it here, we have another area of the yard that is a bit empty. My bistro table will go here. Isn't it darling?
Well, that's all I have for now. I am just going to sit around waiting for Sears to come and then I may make that trip back to Target. I'm really having 2nd thought about the crinkled voile curtains. ;-D
I'm joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday.
Oh the old "going to the store to pick up 1 thing" routine. Lol. We have all been there.
I love the look of the sheers blowing in the wind. Lovely look.
Good luck with the shoes. Nothing will ruin an evening faster than sore feet.
go for the curtains! they sound lovely! i often find myself in the same predicament at target..there could be worse things! smart move wearing those shoes in first...i did NOT do that little step before my wedding and i was feeling it and paying for it all night!
I love your hubbie's thrift find! What a pretty picnic set! Those crinkled curtains would be nice...glad you thought of posting while you wait on repairmen...I hate that too! Have a great time at Target...love that store!!
Miss Bloomers
Has there ever been a time when the repairman showed up at the beginning of that 5-hour time frame? Usually it's at the 4-hour 55-minute point.
Happy to know that your are working ways to prohibit blisters!
I'm on my way out for some bar soap.
Spring for the crinkled ones:) I think if you don't, you'll be wishing you had at least tried! I know that the cable TV people do that too, give you 8-12 or 12-5. I think they should narrow it down a bit! We girls have more to do than sit around and wait!
Enjoy your day dear friend, go to Target... HUGS!
Hang in there, Jane! It always goes slow in the time leading up to something exciting. I know ~ my last day at the day job is this Friday and I can't believe it's still Tuesday right now!
I read your bar soap post to my hubby. We both got a chuckle out of it. Go get the ones you really want...it isn't worth 'settling" for such a little amount!! My advice..take it or leave it!! Good luck on the shoes...I hate shoes that hurt.
Oh, I LOVE that picnic table Jane! Nice find, and I'm sure your new curtains will look pretty, too. It's all so exciting about your upcoming family wedding.
I need to introduce you to my friend Maria, who just started a blog. She's been in the bridal business for many years and can give you any great advice you need.
Her link is www.pinkfrenchbride.blogspot.com. I'm going to post about her new blog soon. She's terrific!
Take care and hope the sun shines for you soon,
Gosh Janie!
I feel like I just had coffee with you.
Have a good day, and spring for the crinkles if that's what you want!
Whether it's just going for one thing or not grabbing a cart as soon as you get there... both seem to be the formula for a big shopping trip:@)
Go get 'em...you know you want them..and you will always wish you DID get them! This is your mother speaking!;>) I hate waiting for services...5 hour time frame? Seriously? xo Diana
ps. I STILL say take a pair of comfortable shoes to slip on late at night!;>)
Yes, Target can be dangerous like that! One item becomes several and the credit card gets a good work out!!
Sorry about the dryer....hope they didn't wait until 4 hours and 55 minutes had gone by before they showed up!
Retail therapy always works for me!!!
I love the picnic table!
Have a great week.
Funny Jane, I thought the shoes looked like they would be comfy. Oh well, like you said you have to endure the pain to look beautiful. Don't you love the window span of time? I had that yesterday, they were on the closer to the later end too. Love that picnic table, love it lots in fact!~Hubby has good taste.
Hi Jane, thanks for stopping by and before I forget I'm your newest follower!
I have the same runner you just bought, I love Target but haven't been in a while. If you love the crinkley sheers I'd go for it!
Love your home on the lake, I've never been to the windy city but it sure looks beautiful!
Enjoy your quiet time! A candle and quiet.....
It's raining here too, amd I love to shop.
Repairmen should at least call one hour before arriving.
Hi lovely lady.
I love your new shoes..I would live with the sore feet to look Beautiful.. I would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my new Tablescape with my First Rooster. I hope you have a great week, and keep cool.
XXOO Diane
I don't like waiting for the repairman or deliveries.
I have that runner here at home and the lake too. Love it!
I've been saying I need a trip to Target. Maybe I'll do that this week.
I can never get out of Target under $100. Love that place :-)
Blondie you are killing me. Your comment on my blog about it getting too cool to paint is classic. It never gets too cool to paint in Texas. I envy your access to cool damp days now. We are dying down here. Love your beautiful blog. Thanks for visiting.
Hate waiting around for repair men. Hope you didn't have to wait the entire window of time.
You can send us some of that rain, please.
I had to laugh about the full cart at Target. That place has the same effect on me too.
Layla looks perfectly content waiting for the repairman. Enjoy the calm before the whirlwind.
I hope your dryer's fixed now. I love the picnic table and the sheers....Christine
I love you hubby's thrifty find! It looks great! I am the same way at Target. Somehow, my cart fills up way too quickly! I love what you chose!
First of all, your dress and shoes are beautiful. I know just what you mean by tight shoes. I hope they've stretched a bit so you are comfortable.
Waiting for a repairman is so frustrating. You were smart to use the time blogging. Your new picnic set is perfect. It has such graceful lines. You know, I think your heart is with the crinkle curtains and you probably won't be happy with anything else. Maybe another trip for another bar of soap would help...in fact, I feel a need to go get a bar of soap tomorrow!
Hi Jane...thanks for visiting my blog. It is a drag waiting for the repairman...I hear ya :)
Go right back and get the exact sheers that you want. Life is too short for second choices!
If I come home from Target with only 5 items more than the one I went shopping for, I consider it a bargain day. :D
My husband has the same shopping habit, he goes to the village store for a baguette for breakfast and brings back at least 3 other things!
Don't you just love Target? I go in for one thing and come out $200 poorer! They have such great stuff for awesome prices!
Love your hubby's find!
LOL...too funny! I never, never come out of a store with only the item I went in for. I know the curtains you are talking about and love them. Go back and get them. Love the picnic table too. Can you send the bistro table down here? I need one for the patio and haven't had any luck finding one I like. :) Went back and read the tips the former makeup artist gave you. Excellent. Loved the super glue tips. In answer to your question about the marigolds, yes I planted the seeds right in the ground mid Spring. It takes a little longer to see the blooms that way but they are blooming so beautifully right now when everything else is waning. Soon as the seeds are ready I will write for your address. xoxoxo Have a fabulous and fun weekend.
That's exactly how I shop at Target. One item turns into 20! Oh, and the wedding shoes? If you have a friends who wears the same size you do and will be there wearing similar shoes (in color) you can trade shoes now and then and it gives your feet a surprising rest. You AND the friend!
I had to go back and see the dress and shoes! They are lovely and they do match perfectly. What wonderful tips. I could use that wet foot tip for a couple of pairs of shoes that I have. You can't pass up a great pair of shoes just because they are a little tight!
Glad you used your time while waiting well. I hate the time block thing - don't we all have cell phones! Yes, we do and they can call me when they are 15 minutes away and I will be sure to be there!
I love your new table.
I have the same problem in my guest bedroom. I have blinds there that open and close 'cause the house next ;door is also about 2 inches from my windows...so...I will keep the blinds but going to put curtains over them, I am thinking.
Just keep working on the shoes...if they aren't totally comfy by the wedding, buy some different ones. Believe me, if your feet hurt, it will show in your pretty face. No one is going to remember what shoes you were wearing, ...only if you had a good time or not. :))
Sending you some hugs...I love Target and everytime I visit your country...that is the first store I hit.
Sometimes retail therapy is the only answer! I hate waiting for repair people. Sometimes they won't even tell you if they are coming morning or afternoon...so frustrating!
Oh my your wedding is just around the corner! I love your shoes and they look good with the dress. I hear you about the trip to Target. That happens when I run out for a couple of food items from the grocery...how could the bill be 70 dollars?
I hope the wedding is wonderful and I know you will shine! No blisters please!
How does that happen when we go shopping...that things we didn't plan on buying, jump right in our cart? ;-)
I like that runner...and the picnic table.
If the crinkled curtains are the ones you REALLY want, you'll never stop thinking about them while you're looking at the sheers you originally bought. Take those back and get the crinkled ones!
oh how we hate waiting for repair men...or delivery men for that matter :) Love the cool picnic table - nice find - it will be a perfect addition to the cottage :) Hope you didn't wait too long for the repair man today so that you could do something fun!!
Repair men...ugh!!! Love your picnic table, he did good!
I hear you Jane. Waiting on repairs is the worst.
Precious doggie!
Retail therapy is wonderful, isn't it? I'm loving that picnic table. It will look great painted, too.
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I hate that too, why do company's do that 5 hour time frame really. where's the customer service.
Hi Jane...
Anxious to see your sheers.... crinkled or not in their new home.
Love you shoes... I hope they're super comfy soon. Oh, how I hate hurting feet....and can't walk in anything more than a flat, so I'd look really drippy as the Mother of the Groom... :-)
Hope the Sears fella finally came and you had time for a bubble bath too.
Jane, Nothing is worse than sore feet! So break those new dancing shoes in!!!!! Thanks for the friction stick idea. I always get the most horrid blisters.
How nice of Andie to give you lots of great ideas to keep everyone looking picture perfect!
I had to laugh... you went to Target for soap and came home with a cart full! My kind of girl!
It's impossible to go into Target for just a couple items! The basket fills itself as you walk through the aisles...I know that's what happens. :-) I hope you do get the crinkled sheers...I'll bet you'll be much happier with them.
Wishing you the best this weekend! I know it will be wonderful and full of treasured memories.
It's impossible to go into Target for just a couple items! The basket fills itself as you walk through the aisles...I know that's what happens. :-) I hope you do get the crinkled sheers...I'll bet you'll be much happier with them.
Wishing you the best this weekend! I know it will be wonderful and full of treasured memories.
Repairmen and cable guy... always show up when I give up on them while waiting... lol!I love the picnic set your hubby picked up and I think those sheers will look very pretty and elegant in your room. Retail therapy always works for me and gets my mind off things. Good luck with the shoes, sounds like a good plan.. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a sweet comment. Have a nice evening!~Poppy
You have no idea how badly I want your picnic table!! It is perfectly adorable. What an awesome find. Lucky girl. <3
Annnnd....I do the same thing when I go to Target. lol
Thank you so much !!! maybe one day !! i really love to decorate !! Thank you for your comments!!! Have a great day !
Ugh! I hate waiting for the repair man. I hate more when they are scheduled between 10 am and 4pm and show up at like 3:59.
Hopefully thought you got your dryer fixed.
Love that puppy!
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