It's time to go home...the car is being packed for our two hour trip back to Chicago. The Husband called me over to the window to look on to the front porch at this cute little chipmunk hiding under the wisteria, and I was able to get a shot. Isn't it cute?!
It's quite a big deal to clean out the many things that we didn't finish, and so much more to bring home. We ate a lot of fruit and veggies while up here {ignore that 52 oz. bag of M&M's}.
And yes, I cooked in the kitchen until the end because we never got the part for the grill. Still, it was fun and satisfying. Last night we had steak shish kabobs and broiled tomatoes. Every night was really a treat, but I think we are going to order a few pizza's when we get home.
Milo looks at my duffel bag. I don't know if he is anxious to go or feels bad he is leaving. After 2 weeks, this begins to feel like a permanent home to a pet, I'm sure.
I took one last stroll around the grounds...the daisies are doing wonderful. The little critter agrees...
...And this has always been our motto here.
My climbing rose has taken off since I planted it last month...I am so excited...
See the little bud...I wanted pink roses, so I have my fingers crossed. Next week, maybe I will see it blooming. Little things make me HAPPY!!
The Husband's rock garden is doing well, too. He has a few little purple blossoms and it looks really cute. He's proud of it.
And I have a few little cherry tomatoes...very late in the season, I guess, but I am just so glad that I have something!!! I planted so late {as usual}. But, some things never change.
The chives and herbs have been used with much love. And that's all that counts.
So I have also packed up my pretty flowers that have done me so well these last two weeks and they will brighten up my city home which I just love to pieces and miss so much.
Thanks so much for following me along on this little adventure. From me, The Husband, Milo & Layla...thank you!! :-)
Safe journey home, Jane. You have some good times ahead, and it's lovely that you've had this restful holiday.
It is so nice that you have TWO places to visit, decorate and enjoy!
Have a safe trip home dear Jane! Thanks for sharing your trip with me!
Looks like you had a wonderful stay at the lake, Jane! So nice to see plants doing well! Here...everything is frying in the heat! :-( Thanks for taking us along! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
such a beautiful post,, happy home coming,
Looks like you have really enjoyed your summer home. Jane, you seem to make everything you touch come to life! Have a safe trip home!
What a cute chipmunk. The barefoot motto is a good one. I'm still in ugg boots, and my toes are craving some warm weather. Goodbye lake. x
How cute is that chipmunk, Blondie! What a great shot, too! Your not done for the year at the lake though, are you?
Hope you have a smooth transition home. The weather is perfect today.
Kinda sad Jane to leave. It will be nice to get back home though too, Fall should be coming soon.
Sounds like you had a great couple weeks Jane! I know there's a lot of excitement just ahead at home too-enjoy:@)
ahhhhh, I bet you are sad!!!
It was bittersweet walking around with you saying goodby to your things to come home. I hope it has been a really good and relaxing time away. Welcome back home.
Hi Jane, that rose will take over. All my climbers do. I love the barefoot sign! I am so glad you two had a fun and relaxing time. We have a grill and hot tub at our yellow house and we seldom use them. Yes, we have issues. hugs♥O
Oh Jane....I have scrolled down to read about your wonderful summer "respite" sounds like you had a heavenly summer.
Ah, I feel sad for you that you have to leave the lake Jane! It always takes me a couple days to find my groove again after being away. Thanks for taking us along and sharing your lake home with us!
So glad you had that time away from the usual business of life. Great photos!
So glad you enjoyed your stay Jane.
It must be hard to leave and yet, theres no place like home :)
Did you say to ignore the m&ms'?
How can we do that?! Lol
Love m&ms'!!!
Have a great week!!
Deborah xoxo
Have a safe trip home, Janie. I am sure you will miss the lake but I know you like to go home to Chicago too. But I know both are homes to you which is so nice. Love Al's rock garden!...Christine
Welcome home...glad you had a wonderful vacation. It sounds like it was everything you hoped for!
Jane, what a blessing your lake home is. That would be sheer joy to me. It's so hard for us to get away even for the weekend. My husband's job is good, but so demanding. Love hearing about your day to day activities there. xo Debra
Oh, I'm so glad that you all had such a good vacation at your lake house, Jane! Even your writing sounds relaxed. :) Prayers for a safe trip home - and nice big pizza for you for dinner. lol!
xoxo laurie
How nice that you had the time you did! I haven't even had my vacay yet...but soon! {my niece just moved to Chicago on Friday...can a Cali girl survive "real" winters? ;}
m ^..^
Have a safe trip home!
I know how much you enjoy your lake place and I know how much you hate to leave. We get to our place more than you get to go to yours, yet we always feel the same way.
Love the chipmunk. The bag of m&m's made me smile, because they are a pantry staple at our lake place too.:-)
Thanks for inviting us to the lake house. I had a great time. :)
Love the photo of Milo and your duffle bag. Wouldn't you just love to know what he's thinking?
Have a great week.
It's always sad to leave a vacation home behind and head back to "real life".
Luckily you can head back to the lake quite often which probably confuses the heck out of Milo!
Hope you got home safely
I know how you feel. I always HATED packing up and leaving our lake house...
Your post was so touching. I felt like I was leaving the lake house as well. You were so kind to take us with you.
Janie, Unfortunately, all good things have to end and we have to get back to the "normal, everyday life." Don't you go into withdrawal! LOL
hugs, Sue
That is the cutest little chipmunk! Packing up to go home is always bittersweet. It sounds as though you all had a wonderful stay.
Susan and Bentley
Hi Janie, so glad you had a great time. Have a great trip home.
Hugs, Barb
I know it has been wonderful! Thanks for sharing your trip!
I got a text from my Seth who arrived in Chicago last night...he says, "I could see myself living here...." to which I replied ":0"
I will keep you posted.l They are staying at the Ambassador. He loves where it is located....
Lou Cinda :)
Looks like you have a GREAT time! The chipmunk is adorable. I'm surprised your dog didn't find it for you. We have two dachshunds (and a chihuahua) and those two have that hunting instinct due to their breed. We have seen them stalk chipmunks all day long in the backyard.
After 2 weeks of cooking during vacation, I think you deserve a break too, so enjoy those pizzas!
Leaving the lake home must be so bittersweet! Even after just one week away, it is so hard to come back to the plugged in world.
I LOVE your sign and if I visited you I would be so appropriately barefoot.
Safe trip home!
xo Yvonne
I am always so sad when it is time to pack up and go but it is always nice to get home. You have a busy time ahead of you and I cannot wait to hear all about it. xo
It's sad to end the Summer and close up shop, BUT you have the wedding to look forward to! Now you can start stressing about that! ;)
oh, that makes me so sad. brings back all those childhood memories of summer wrapping up.... It looks like it was a fun time though, so lot of good memories.
bon journey home!
You had a great vacation and now it's back to the city. Well I'm sure you'll be back many times before the snow falls. I'll bet Autumn is beautiful by the lake.
Hi Jane, Hope the journey home was an easy and good one and glad your time at the water was so restful. It's the little things that make me happy too like a new rosebud. Seeing your new bush reminds me to go check on the climber I planted. It's out of the way so I forget to check. Going outside now to check. Stay sweet. xoxo
It's always nice to get away but I usually find that by the time it is time to head home that is most where I want to be!
What a wonderful 2 weeks! But there's no place like home and I know you'll enjoy being back (once the laundry is caught up and the routine settled!) ha.
I envy your time there...don't envy your leaving!!!
Hi Jane, I have so enjoyed your post each day. It made me feel like I was on vacation with you. Your sentiment about the barefeet I definitely agree. The first thing I do when I get home from work is take my shoes off. I love going barefoot. I don't know if anybody else is having problems with blogger at times to where they wouldn't let you leave a comment or a post. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Coming home after such a relaxing holiday is always hard isn't it? Especially when you love the lake as much as you so obviously do. I hope the holiday vibe stays with you in the city for a while yet Jane.
Amanda x
Going home is bittersweet after enjoying the lake home so much.
We're going to our place for a week and I'm trying to remember what I stocked in the freezer and what I'll need to buy. Recently we've been out of things at home and I'm pretty sure I overstocked at the cottage. I could picture a new bottle of pancake syrup on the shelf, but apparently it was the cottage shelf.
Happy to hear you had a great vacation! Hopefully you can get back for Labor Day weekend!
What a lovely time at the lake house! I enjoy the slower times for sure. Enjoy your time back in the city too!:)
Oh, it's so sad when the holiday is over isn't it? Still, it sounds as if you have had a wonderful two weeks. Time to get back to reality now !!!! It's odd when you get back home after two weeks isn't it? Two weeks isn't a long time really but, it feels as if you've been away forever.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I reAlly didn't imagine what sort of reaction I would get.
Have a lovely day Jane. XXXX
How nice to have two wonderful homes to enjoy. Glad your garden is thriving. Ours is wilting. :-(
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