I awoke this morning to The husband making breakfast. He gets up really early, like 7:00 a.m. I like to sleep until about 9:00, so breakfast was ready. Is he sweet or not?
I'm not sure if I am ready for this daily blogging thing...but we will see as we go along. As always, I have my camera with me and it sort of chronologies my days whether I blog or not.
Off he went to run errands in his new truck and I went out to examine the wisteria that is taking over our house. You might remember last summer that I flipped my lid over The Husband fiddling with the wisteria in an effort to make it climb up the balcony. This monster of a plant has choked out my hanging petunia baskets and is reaching desperately toward the ceiling of the front porch. I think it would wrap around me if I sat there too long. What a job this will be untangling it. I was warned.
I wanted to sit by the shore and read my book {you can see what I am reading on my sidebar}, but I couldn't find the keys to the shed to get my beach chair. I came inside and blogged a little. Finally, we made it out for a boat ride. Milo is now First Captain. He has his sea legs for sure.
At the grocery store., The Husband was able to find a Vietnamese fish called Swai. I sauteed it in olive oil and butter with a generous sprinkling of Old Bay Lemon and herb seasoning. It was the most delicious fish I have ever had...firm, sweet and totally non~fishy.
I simply cooked it on the stove as I was afraid it would fall apart on the grill. Plus, it's been in the low 90's all day and I barely sat outside. Tomorrow...yes. I need the fresh air.
So far The Husband and I haven't gotten tired of lake life. He has all sorts of plans. The lake is crowded now with weekenders and as soon as they are gone, I can do some solitary things like take the wave runner out or the kayak. For one day here, I am staying close to home, reading a lot and making this house a home.
Should I come back tomorrow?
Please DO!! SOunds like you are enjoying yourselves!
I love a man who know how to cook breakfast! My Mr.Honey makes waffles every Sunday morning...he's been doing it for years. I think it's the reason our marriage has lasted as long as it has...L.O.L. Life by a lake must be bliss.
sounds perfect,, a lovely day and such a beautiful couple you make,, really nice,
Yes, come back tomorrow. I love reading about your daily adventures, Janie. What a sweet hubby cooking for you. I have yet to see that on John, lol. Enjoy!...Christine
What a wonderful way to spend time...water, sunshine, a husband who makes breakfast....yes, I could get used to that!!
Have a great time.
Oh yes I could get used to life at the lake... sounds wonderful~ Hugs, Diane
Hi Jane
Looks and sounds like a perfect day!
I read One Day earlier this year and enjoyed it very much. No spoilers but.........o.k. I won't tell you the ending!
oh all sounds heavenly to me-
see me turning green like kermit?
Hi Jane,
You look so lovely in the photo with your handsome hubs. I hope that you have a wonderful and relaxing week.
It sounds like you had a wonderful day! Your husband is a keeper - I'll bet that he enjoys making your breakfast as much as you enjoy eating it. Please post again tomorrow!
Sounds perfect so far!~Hugs, Patti
What a honey to do breakfast for you. I bet the smell through the house was enough to get you up. I hope he continues that during your trip. Sounds like you both are settling in and can begin to relax a little. Love the picture of you both and love Milo as captain of your boat. He looks like he knows his job. Debi
everything look so perfect. and i love seeing faces behind a blog :)
have a wonderful day
Yes, you should come back tomorrow:) For those of us NOT getting to spend time at that gorgeous lake and lakehouse, share it SISTA:) I am enjoying seeing the sights and traveling along with you on this getaway! SWEET picture of you and your sweet "breakfast cooking" husband! He's a keeper!
Have a blessed Sunday my friend, HUGS!
Janie, such fun pictures. I love the dog in the boat. We do that all the time....they like it so much.
You and your hubby look so sweet. Have a wonderful time.
Hugs, Barb
My hubby does breakfast too! Have a fun day!
Yes, please come back tomorrow. :) I'm enjoying your lake vacation. How lovely to have someone make breakfast for you. I doubt we'll go anwhere this late in the Summer so I'm living vicariously through you. LOL
Looking forward to your next post,
What a lovely time you are having at the lake. I've not had that kind of fish. I must look for that. I believe we would be best friends if we met. Our lives are so much alike. Please come back today and post. It's a joy to be on your lake vacation with you.
Delightful!!! I'm envious and am looking forward to my upcoming weekend at the lake - the water and slowed pace does make everything so delightful!!!
Yes come back. It reminds me of our cottage days. Oh, I miss them.
Should you write tomorrow? Of course! :-)
-What books are you reading and are you enjoying them?
-What did you decide, about your hair style, for the wedding?
-Mother and Father of the Groom...! This is a big happening, which is coming up, in your life! Now that you have quiet time, at the lake, what are your thoughts, about it?
-Any and all thoughts. There are no *Right* or *Wrong* ways to react to something like this.
And you thought you might not have any ideas, of what to write about?!? :-))))
Dear Jane, what a beautiful photos from you and your husband! It looks as you have wonderful day on the lake!!!!
It sounds perfectly wonderful, Jane. The peace and quiet.....and a husband to cook breakfast!
Being around water is a wonderful way of life. We just returned from Scarborough, Maine and are back to our real life working in the heat and then back inside to the air conditioning. Sigh. I enjoyed your photos and hope you are having a great time. Great photo of you and the Mr. Connie
Sounds wonderful. We are at the beach for a week. We have a house with another family right on the Gulf. I am in heaven! Seeing Milo though makes me miss the basset girls though. lol Enjoy!
Your husband sounds a lot like mine, but I get up at 6:30, make coffee... and check out the blog.
He gets up just a little later and makes the breakfast, and SERVES me!
Then of course I clean up the mess. Ha!
xoxo Bunny Jean
Hey Jane, how nice to wake up to breakfast! 7:00 a.m. is a decent hour to me, lol - I'm used to getting up at 6 for work. I hope you get a chance this week to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air!
What a happy post - love the lake and the good times you are having there. Enjoy! Linda
Yes, Jane, we want you back. Looks like you are enjoying your lake time like we are enjoying our camping time.
I'm liking lake life too!.. lucky girl to have a retreat like this to call your very own.
Never heard of that fish before, will have to look for it.
Sounds heavenly. Sleeping til 9AM, boat rides, just heaven!
I KNOW it's cooler there!!!! We are frying down here!!! Sned us some cool my friend! I have seen wisteria cover many things. It is beautiful but, it will take over your world. ENJOY that lake time (& breakfast cooking hubby). Cute photo of the two of you! HUGS!
Cute pic of your two!
We love hearing what your up to and now that I've been there it just looks so cozy and homey!
Hugs Jane and hi to Al!
Oh Sweetie, of course you should come back tomorrow. I tried to do that at first...them fell on my face..took most of my day to blog and then visit...NOTHING else got done and I gained ten pounds. :)
It's a nice goal to set and if you do in an a short amount of time, will you be sure and let me know how? :)
Thank you for your sweet comment!!
Enjoy your time.....your fish dinner looked great:)
Of course you should beautiful lady!!! :)
Sounds like youre having a wonderful time!
That fish sounds and looks terrific!
How nice of hubby to make you breakfast!
Have a great day!!
Deborah xoxo
Yes please! Oh, i would love to be able to sleep until 9am! Your hubby is so sweet to get up and make breakfast! You're one lucky girl:-). Beautiful pics too!
What a treat to be on the water. It sounds perfect!
I envy you. I would love to have a lake place to escape to, although as you said, with this heat I would probably be inside. We spent our entire summers at the lake when I was a kid and my dad drove in town to work. Now, I might struggle with getting in the water...but as a kid I didn't mind the slime or worry about snakes! Enjoy...sounds like fun.
You 2 look so good! Oh i so want to be by the sea...I love when my hubby cooks breakfast...What a treat for you :)
Thanks about the baby :)
It does look like a good breakfast your husband is cooking up for you. I hope your time has continued to go well and be peaceful, restful and relaxing. I don't see Day #3 so maybe you're having a really good time and too busy to post!
Hi Jane.
What a wonderful husband. Spending time on the lake on the waverunner sounds fantastic. Enjoy!
yes, come back :) That fish sounds sublime...mmmmm! Glad to see that you got your dress - it IS perfect Jane! Love the hair - not sure about the least THAT flower :) Sounds like you are enjoying yourself - the thought of relaxing and reading books for a week sounds like the perfect week for sure! Enjoy!
Hi Jane! Your lake house adventures sound like so much fun! Enjoy!
Hi Janie!
I have been catching up with your posts. I love the idea of your respite at the lake before the wedding.
I have news for you. You are every bit as chic as Adele! If you wish to pop some eyelashes on for the wedding, I say Go for it! Do you remember when you could have eyelashes adhered to your own back in the 70's? Well, they have refined the technique and are doing it again. And then there is Latisse and all the new lash growth options.
You and the Husband are a very cute couple! Enjoy your lake and rest up for the big celebration on the horizon!
Oh it really does sound lovely...I have been so busy this Summer that I have had no time to read....maybe soon..for that is usually my Summer joy. oxoxox Hugs.
Good for you!! I can only imagine how relaxing it must be. Continue to share, ok?
P.S. Love a man that cooks! :-)
Hi, Blondie..I hope you do post ea day you are on the lake. I love hearing all about the days and also love seeing photos of your adorable lake house. We all love to see each others rooms, I think. Just gives us a closer feel.
Keep enjoying your days...summer is on it's way out.
xo bj
Sounds so delicious in every way.
I love posts like this. Y'all are too, too cute! I am over here catching-up on your blog.
Ricki Jill
How cute is your dog??? The fish sounds mouthwatering.
Looking forward to your next post. It looks like you two are having a great time.
Oh Blondie Sweetie...
Love seeing the lake pics. So pretty.
Isn't it grand when the hubby cooks? I love it when DH cooks, but he only knows one temp. HIGH.
Now your little captain looks so sweet up front in the boat. He is keeping an eye on everything. They love the excitement of the boat don't they? Such a wonderful relaxing time for you two.
Please come back tomorrow. I can't wait to see what you do. Your lake adventure is our lake adventure.
Have a glorious evening sweet friend. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry
Sounds like you are enjoying yourselves!
San Diego Catering
yes, a wonderful hubby! I could tell when I met him he was sweet, especially for you :)
lake life..aaahh...a dream!
Anne Marie
OMG! I love your blog! You better come back tomorrow! LoL... let me know what ya think?
So glad you are having a wonderful time! Milo is SO darling!
LOVE the pic of you and your husband!
Janie, I love that shot of you two. Such a great pic!
And I love that shot of Milo on the boat, and the one of your kitchen. It turned out so cute. I know you must love it, and that Vietnamese fish looks delish!
I wish I was there with you.
Sheila :-)
HI Jane, I just stopped in to say steve and i finally found our dream lake home and have a boat and we just are enjoying it so so much! Hoping we never tire of it either! Much love, Dana
no, I'm not blogging, but you can find me or daisy on facebook if you want to keep up.
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