It's hard to believe it's been more than a week since I posted. I usually try to at least twice a week. It seems the whole weekend was spent working in the garden and I love doing that more than anything. We had gorgeous weather but for a big thunderstorm on Monday that had me cowering in the hallway again. Afterward I drove around and there were limbs and branches scattered all over. Our paddle boat completely flipped over. Otherwise we lucked out with temps in the 80's and a lot of sunshine. Camera in hand, I took some pictures of things I have growing. I am joining in with Tracie of Fishtail Cottage for Cottage Flora Thursday. This is my hibiscus that I bring in over the winter. It takes a few weeks, but after some sun and rain it looks wonderful and healthy.
The blooms are as big as my hand.
Down in the pot I plant impatiens and petunias, just a mix of color, but mostly in the pink/purple family.
This is a new flower bed we worked on this weekend. I had planted a climbing rose {and I think I have asked everyone in blogland about them}.
It's that tiny little thing in front of my vintage trellis. I didn't know what I wanted to plant around it and finally decided on daisies since I can cut them, too. The Husband drove around looking in farm fields for rocks and he happened to meet a sweet old farmer that told him to help himself. This is how our field stone fireplace was made, too. Then we mulched it with dark shredded bark.
I actually cut some and made a cute vase.
This is what the bed looked like before the stones and mulch. What a difference a little fussing can make.
I haven't spent much time on the front porch as I have a family of robins on the light fixture. Tuesday morning I got brave and went out to water my plants, camera in hand. The mother squawked and dive bombed me, but I managed to get a picture of her babies. Look at those hungry little beaks!! This is the 2nd little robin family we have had in this nest so far this summer. I worry that I am going to startle the babies and drive them out of the nest too early. After nursing many little birds and releasing them, I don't mess with Mother Nature anymore.
We have been sprucing up the home front a bit, too. About two years ago, Emily painted these shutters a bright blue. I really loved them, but then she thought they were too bright and painted them this:
Not much difference, but more subtle. What do you think?
And the porch is all decked out with flowers that are really filling out like crazy after a late start in planting them.
I have been told these are some sort of mini petunias. If you know the name, let me know because I get them every year.
And this is my favorite little chippy window box. I like it the way it is but am wondering if it needs a coat of paint and some distressing before it completely falls apart. Maybe I should weatherize it.
Well, I hope I didn't overload you with pictures. I am constantly in awe of the colors around me. I have another garden bed I am working on and I'm happy to report that the bunnies are leaving my tomatoes alone for now.
We have company again this weekend. At least I have the sand swept up and the beach towels washed since our last group. Summer is in full swing I would say! See you all soon! :-)
I like the new color on the shutters better! And I might add alittle more white solid stain to the window box but still leave a little of the chippy part~
The new bed looks great Jane, love the border of field stones! All of your flowers look happy and healthy! Have a great time this weekend:@)
Jane, your house and gardens are beautiful! I love that chippy picket fence window box. The new paint color on the shutters looks nice, too.
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Beautiful garden, Jane! Love the shutter color.
We had barn swallows on our porch at the farm. They routinely dive bombed us.:-) Never a dull moment.
Looks beautiful Jane - love all the splashes of color!
I love the new color on the shutters, soft looking against the hardscape of the brick. Your flowers are amazing. Your chippy picket fence window box is absolutely darling.. hugs ~lynne~
What a cheerful lovely garden. It's great to see such a mass of colour. I too love your chippy window box!
Have a great weekend you sound as though you will.
So many cheerful flowers! I LOVE your daisies!! :-)
Some of the smaller petunias are called Million Bells, so that might be it.
Whata lovely cottage garden you've created this year Jane.
How are your vegetables coming along?
How lucky you were to get a shot of the birds nest, I can't get anywhere near the house martins nesting in our garage roof space.
Sadly I've found two nestlings, who didn't make it, on the gravel beneath
those are beautiful photos,, I love those shudders,
Hi Jane,
Your garden is so lovely, just like you!
I like the new color on the shutters and the color on the steps to your home. Lucky you with temps in the 80s and rain. I've forgotten what it looks like.
Jane, the new stone flower bed looks wonderful and I adore that trellis. I too am happiest in the garden. ♥O
Hi Janie, your flowers are lovely....that is a lot of work. We have duck's nests everywhere around here. Ron is rebuilding the dock and we have to check the top each time we go out to work for nests. Yikes.
Those summer storms scare me to death, too.
Have a great day.
Hugs, Barb
I adore that little window box. That is so cute....just like we dream of...picket fence!
Love your garden and the blue shutters.
Just wondering why you have to take your hibiscus inside?
Pam x
Your garden is looking so pretty, Janie. I like the new paint on the shutters. It's more like a country blue now. I wish I had an Emilie here too...Christine
Hi Jane,
Your new garden looks great, I enjoy having daisies in the house. I planted some 2 years ago but they seem to have gotten pushed out by my bully daylilies. I love the weathering on your picket fence planter, I wouldn't paint it but maybe you can seal it to protect the wood from rotting. All your porch flowers are so pretty. Sounds like you are having a lovely summer.
It all looks so pretty..wish I liked to garden,wish you would pop over and do mine!! x0x0
I think Emily was right and I love your window box..but then my last name is Pickett. :)
Hi Jane, everything looks just beautiful!... I hope your climbing rose does well,... which one did you end up getting??? I love baby robins too!... and the little Petunias... those are million bells and I love them, have baskets full of them... they thrive in all this heat clear into fall!... your porch full of pots looks so pretty too... xoxo Julie Marie
Jane, your flower bed and all of your flowers are so pretty! I never get tired of seeing pictures of beautiful yards and flowers. And I love the new shutter color!
Glad your summer is going so well!
Kat :)
Love the blue shutters, but do like the muted version better. I also really like how you have the pots of flowers lined up on both sides of the steps.
You've been busy, Jane! I like the softer blue for the shutters, but I'm sure that time and sun would have taken the first paint job to a more subdued colour in time.
love, love the hibiscus. i have another type that i cut back in the winter, but it comes back in the summer. the type you have is more common in my native Jamaica. Love the colour of the shutters too! XX
Hi Jane, I like the lighter blue shutters, but then I like blues and purples which you can tell. I think I would just distress your window box, but leave the chippy part. I enjoyed reading your blog tonight. I have been a little busy, but I am taking some me time away from a wedding present I am working on at the moment. I started to put a wrong color in the wrong spot so I knew it was time to stop. They are to hard to take out when I do that. We have a horseshow this Sunday, but how long we stay depends on how quick the temperature goes up. I think this will be the last one until September when it will be cooler. They only take the boys to the ones close to home. The arena is only about a mile from the house. We enjoy watching the boys. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.
Your flowers are so lovely. I love getting my had in the dirt, too. It is hard to blog with dirt on our hands, eh?
Makes me feel like summer might actually come here too. Sigh. Pretty flowers Jane.
The daisies will pay you back with so many flowers. Well worth it. Here they don't bloom all summer though so you may want to fill in with something that blooms a little later if you want color there.
You can NEVER show me too many flowers:) I love them all! Your flower bed looks beautiful and I couldn't tell that much difference in the shutters... both are pretty!
Have a blessed day and get ready for more company! HUGS!
Love the detailing you did on the little flower bed! It does make such a difference. :-)
Also love your home front entry way... Love the look of flowers on steps. Precious.
Oh my! I love it! My beds look horrible right now. The neverending heat and a 10 day vacation has pretty much ruined them. I am so glad to see a pretty garden right now!
Isn't summer fun!!!! I love to be in my yard. After's my favorite place to go. Your flowers look great. I like the new paint on the shutters!! Enjoy your day:)
Hi Jane! Everything looks lovely. I like the softer shade of blue on the shutters. All of your hard work has paid off because everything is so charming!!
Susan and Bentley
Looking good dear friend!
You've been a very busy gal and your gardens are really nice!
More company? Oh you and Al are going to be all worn out.
Did you by chance send my card?
It's my check card and I am really missin it. Just let me know when you get a chance.
Miss Ya,
I love the blue shutters...and what a difference the mulch and stones made...looks great.
Love the Flowers lining the walkway to door- My Fav...
I wish i had a green thumb...
Looks WOnderful
Hi Jane,
There in no nicer place to spend a summer's day than in the garden and yours is just lovely!
Jane your home and gardens are beautiful! all your flowers are so pretty and I love the new color on your shutters! Have a great weekend, Martina
I think you have a green thumb. Such pretty color!
gosh you have them all over the place!!
i love them, you are lucky they grow, here in this heat, we only can grow vincas right now.
I need to do some gardening...maybe I could get something else to bloom!!!Doubt it...
I might get heat stroke too!!
Enjoy your birds, they are cute!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I really appreciated your comment. The flower beds are looking great and I would leave the window box the way it is. :)
Hi Jane!!! it's been awhile since I've been here, so I had to go back through your previous posts.
Looks like you are having a busy summer, and lots of fun!
I like both shades of blue on the shutters. Your chippy window box is so cute. Try spraying some Krylon sealer on it to keep it from falling completely apart.
The stones around your flower bed look very nice and neat. I LOVE the vintage trellis!!!
Enjoy the weather. It's been perfect here at the lakehouse.
Hugs to you.
Your flower beds are so pretty...I also love how the rock border frames your climbing roses. Your home is filled with charm inside and outside! I plan to go outside this weekend. My garden has been neglected for a couple weeks. I have a lot of clipping and deadheading too do!
Have a lovely weekend!
Love your gardens, Jane.... and the little petunias are called Million Bells... I have some of those too.. :-) I LOVE having yellow in my pots and yellow flowers are harder to I always use Million Bells.
Have a wonderful weekend... hopefully, with no more bad storms!
I'd love to
borrow your
green thumb;
girlie, you've
GOT it!!! It
all looks so
fresh and lovely.
The shutters are
a perfect blue!
xx Suzanne
Oh Jane...the flowers are wonderful looking! yes, mulch really does make a difference - fabulous! Thought of you last weekend as we drove past Chicago to go to a family wedding in Milwaukee :) Enjoy your weekend...looks like it will be a beautiful one!!
Hvor har du mange skønne blomster.
Tak for kigget.
Jane, love the new shutter color. That Frenchy blue is my favorite color to wear and decorate with! And the flowers - especially the mini petunias - as gorgeous! Linda
I love the shutters as they are and the flowers are so pretty. I did not know you could grow hibiscus there. Enjoy the weekend!
Beautiful! I love your flowers! Happy you are enjoying your summer :)
Jane, Thank you for the wonderful garden tour!
I had a mockingbird in my rose bush in the perenial border. I could not go out to get any roses or other flowers because Mama bird was so aggressive! You were a brave one!
You new garden is perfect for that side of your house! I really like your rock border.
The work outside never ends! Is has been just gorgeous here... only a few days of + 90 degrees with humidity. Tonight I am turning the air conditioning off and sleeping with the windows thrown open! What an unusual treat for July.
Have a wonderful weekend!
xo Yvonne
Hi Jane!
Your flowers look great and I like the new paint color. Subtle but a nice change!
That little storm left us without any phone, tv or internet connections for four days! No blogging.
That wasn't fun!
You have been very busy. I don't see a single weed, Jane!
Your garden and all the flowers look gorgeous! You really have a green thumb.
The chippy flower box is a keeper!!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
I adore all of your beautiful flora touches! Just lovely! Your walkway is so cute!
Look at all your prettiness. You're right, a little sprucing up of that garden bed did make a big difference. How nice to have that birds' nest right there for your viewing pleasure. This year, I had a cardinal's nest right outside my dining room window in my hydrangea tree. I was so excited when I saw that there were eggs and then when they finally hatched. Sadly, there was a horrible incident involving a squirrel though and none of the babies survived :( Gee, that's a depressing end to my comment, isn't it?
Hope you have a good weekend :)
You're sooooo lucky to have such beautiful flowers and cooler temps! We've had consistent triple digits here with no end in sight...along with heat advisories, burn bans, power warnings, you name it. It's too hot to do anything and if I get out, it's either early or late.
Anyway, you've done a beautiful job with your plants. I just love having flowers all around!
Enjoy your weekend ~
I do like the shutters. Perhaps a bit of weather proofing on the window box after a touch up with paint?
Your flowers look so pretty. It's so hot here it's hard to keep them going, and we can only hand water now because of the drought, no sprinklers! Come on Fall I say ;-)
Your hibiscus is such a beautiful color!!
Good to see your shasta daisies, since mine are already finished.
Have a great weekend,
Wonderful temps for gardening in your neck of the woods. I am dealing with plant heat stress right now so we will see what survives the summer in AZ. I love your blue shutters and lovely garden. Thanks for stopping by!
You are one busy lady Jane :)
The summer has a way of doing that to us!
Your flowers are flower beds are lovely!
And how sweet to be able to have those baby birds so close.
We had some in our garage too.
Love both blues on your shutters!
Enjoy the reat of your weekend!
Deborah xo
Everything is looking lovely. I love hibiscus. I have three of them. They come back every year. Not blooming yet. One plant is huge. The other two are quite a bit smaller. I like the more suble blue shutters. I love the chippy planter just the way it is. But, sometimes I do repaint things just so they don't fall apart. Always like them when they get a little bit weathered.
Your place looks so inviting. I love the stones bordering the flower bed, it is such a great look. It almost makes me want to go outside and plant something or at least water the plants I have...l.o.l.
You flowers look beautiful. I love your pots going down the steps of your porch. Very pretty! Love the new shutter color too!
Hi Jane, While my son was visiting me from the chicago area you guys had that awful storm. He had two trees come down and his yard was littered with debris. They were the only neighborhood around that didn't lose power. Love your new flower bed. I also planted a rose climber late Spring on an old trellis. It was just a tiny little thing like yours and it's already three feet tall so maybe next year we will have roses. I planted it on our shed. Hope you are having a fabulous summer. xox
I just live vicariously through your lake pictures and stories. I grew up spending summers living at the lake while my dad drove back and forth to work each day. Good memories. We are starting to dream about a little lake place of our own...or at least one that we can rent for a a couple months at a time. We are getting old...starting to think about retirement in a few years!
Love the shutter color, very welcoming. The flowers are great too, so cheery!
I hope you get some great weather this Summer so you can enjoy your lakehouse.
Everything looks great Jane! Love the shutter color...BOTH of them! lol And your plants look lush and full!
So glad you are having a great summer!
Lou Cinda
Oooh, I love the new colour on the shutters! It's all looking so summery and cheerful. We've not had great weather in the last week - blow us some of that sunshine!
Hi Jane!
Thank you for answering my question about hibiscus in the north. I figured they needed to come in, but wasn't sure.
I love the little window box just as it is.
I hope you are enjoying your weekends at the lake house. Have a great week! La
everything looks so, so beautiful! i love the new bed and that window box! you are such a green thumb, my friend! i truly admire your God-given talent:)
Hi Jane,
Summer has a way of taking us away doesn't it? I love your home, and I love all those pots of plants on your stairs.
That window box made of picket fence is charming.
Thank you for visiting my blog, to answer your question, yes I always aspired to play the violin. So at the ripe old age of 29 I took it up, and continued to play for 5 years. Then I moved and could never locate a teacher that was as imspirational as the one that I had had in Wisconsin. So although I have not played for awhile I did make a lifelong friend in my teacher and now only play for myself and my pup, although I think that I play better than she does. Tell your friend it is never too late, and if she does take the Suzuki method, it is easier for adults, I think at least.
Just love the window box and all of the flowers.
Your garden looks so pretty. I have a ton of weeding to do still and I'm not planting much this year. Too many other things to do. I really love the stones around the garden bed, nice accent!
Janie, Your hibiscus is so pretty and I like how you under-planted the pot with other things. It looks so professionally finished. Glad you're happier with the lighter blue on the shutters. It was a subtle change, but one that made a difference. :-) Stay cool- it's hot in Ohio as well. 115º heat index yesterday- and wouldn't I be out in the yard. Talk about dripping! I took lots of breaks to come into the house to cool off. hugs, Sue
You done a superb work. I really impressed with your new color on the shutters and the color on the steps to your home. Your collection is best for inspiration.
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