All the makings of a perfect Saturday afternoon. Didn't I have a picture of watermelon in my last post? Never mind...we eat it like crazy in the summer. Once again we had gorgeous weather {although now we have a heat advisory and Chicago is going into the triple digits tomorrow}.
We had company this weekend, good friends Craig and Snow and their kids, Luke and Ella. They are a wonderful family and The Husband and Craig go waaaaaaay back...
Grammar school, high school college and...
...the conversation went sort of like this: Craig, "Well, now that we're out of college, what are you going to do?" The Husband, " Well, I was thinking about law school." Craig, "Okay, let's go to law school." They are now successful attorneys.
The Miller's always bring a ton of food and plan our meals. This time it was flank steak marinated in lemon juice, olive oil rosemary and garlic. Craig did all the grilling. We snacked on his homemade barbecue chicken wings before dinner.
Snow had also marinated vegetables to toss on the grill. That was served on garlic toast and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers in a balsamic dressing accompanied it. It was all so good we were whimpering.
Here is a picture of our great friends.
This is four year old Ella posing on the beach. She wants to be a rock star.
She is a doll. She gave me permission to be on my blog.
The Millers left on Sunday and we stayed until today. These 5 day weekends are wiping me out. The Husband is seen here washing his new truck for the third time in 2 weeks. We {me and the truck} are competing for his love. We also worked on a new flower bed after a visit to the friendly farmer for more stones. I think I have had my fill of stone borders, after all, this was supposed to be an English garden.
We are creeping closer to Kevin's wedding. Peggy, the mother of the bride has found her dress. The saleslady at the bridal shop was appalled that she hadn't gotten one yet. Now I am losing sleep over getting my dress. Said saleslady commented that the mother's of the bride and groom are supposed to stand out. Now I am REALLY losing sleep, but do have plans to start shopping Friday and I will be sure to post a picture of the dress when I find it. Wish me luck.
I hope all of you had a wonderful summer weekend. Is the weather sweltering in your neck of the woods? I plan on just hunkering down in the house and getting some cleaning and laundry done. I read a trashy little drugstore novel that Snow loaned me over the weekend, it took two days to read it and it was SO good. Monday I ran up to Rite Aid and bought another, Summer Island. The perfect little beach read. Have a good week and try to survive the heat! :-)
Oh, I just hate to say how great our weather has been for 1 1/2 weeks now. Normally it's high 90s or usually 100s. But we've been mid 80s to mid 90s with no humidity and nice cooling breezes actually making it over the coast range to cool our big valley. I'm probably jinxing it now.
Good food and good times sound heavenly! I hope you get some rest and recuperate so you can go back and do it again! :) So nice to see you enjoying your summer!
Well, we've had triple digits and heat warnings for 19 consecutive days with no end in sight. I can't remember how many days prior to that. It's too hot to do anything but just stay inside...boring!
I'm sure you had a wonderful incredibly nice that they brought food and then cooked. Way to go!
You will find the perfect dress for you. Can't wait to see what you choose. Do you have a particular color in mind?
Take care and stay cool!
Jane, You sound like you had alot of fun with your old friends. I love her name, Snow. How cool is that??? Dan is bringing home our new camper tonight, so we will be off camping this weekend. Yay for us, too! Can you believe this heat, of course you can. We live in the midwest! Have a great time at the lake.
Hey Blondie, you always show the most delicious looking food, cooked, fresh or whatever, it always looks great. We have been in the triple digits (well heat index has) for weeks now. That is that good ole Mississippi weather for ya so we just live with it. It usually is not this bad until on over in August. Try and keep cool.
That's what Summer is all about, Jane! Watermelon, good friends and grilling! :) Those vegetables look so good. What did snow marinate them in? The heat and humidity is hitting us this week. We had two beautiful days last week, perfect breeze, temperature and sun. The worst part is I have no AC in my car right now so my 15 minute drive home seems neverending.
This looks like a wonderful day spent with family and friends!
It always looks like you have so much fun! Good for you. The food looks so yummy:)Isn't it great getting together with old friends? :) Try to keep cool.
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Yummy. I love watermelon! And zucchini and peppers. One of the things I love about summer is the abundance of all these wonderful fresh fruits and veggies!
I was just thinking earlier today that I hadn't seen a post from you in a while. It is wonderful to have such great friends that feel like extended family....and they cook? OH MY!
I see you are hauling rocks too? My son has been "rocking" it too-his front yard is being terraced-by him. Looks great so far~
It is hot here too, Jane! We are in the upper 80ºs at 7:30 tonight-ugh..and it's not the heat-it is the humidity that does me in.
Hope you have a great week. I am working the rest of the week-ugh- xo Diana
wow,, looks like you have had warm days.We've had warm temps here in Ontario too but no triple digits.What a wonderful weekend,, good food and good friends.Have a good week,
What great fun! Craig's BBQ looked so delicious. Yes, girl our weather here is like is miserable outside.. loved the picture of your hubby washing his book did you read? My daughter got me a kindle for Mother's Day and I've been downloaded free books like crazy.
hugs ~lynne~
Sounds like you had a fun weekend with perfect house guests Jane! They look like lots of fun and the food looks great! All I can say about the weather is... stick a fork in me, I'm done:@)
I know that you will have a great time shopping and you will get the perfect dress. The food looks amazing!
Hi Jane,
You are the picture of summer, lazy days, friends and grilling:-) Mmmm roasted veggies:-)
Sorry about the heat, it seems this year some have it hot some have it cold and there is no medium!
Stay cool:-)
We just love these kinds of get togethers with friends. Dinner sure looked good.
It is exhausting though. I wish we would get a little bit of nice weather here so we could entertain outside. Months of mostly rain are getting to us. We will gladly share.
Yum! Yum! That food on the grill looks delicous!! Fun weekend...
I was the MOG 3 times... shopped & shopped for just the right dress each time. Had 4 -5 in the house to choose from & finally ended up making them... was sewing on beads the night before.. : )
you will find it... it is out there... look at Nordstroms online... they had a lot when I was looking.... have a bunch sent & then return what you don't want to Nordstroms downtown... : )
Wow, that feed sounds great! Nice friends to bring the food.
I can relate to your competition with the truck. My ex-boyfriend had an exercise bike that he worshipped. He used to say to me, don't touch the lifecycle! One day he was sure I had touched it. He was a policeman so I said to him, "Why don't you dust for prints?"
It's going to be 98 here tomorrow. I hate the heat!
Loooking forward to that photo of the dress.
Thanks for visiting me, too!
I just finished painting my little "Girl into the Surf" (she's now on my blog) and am working on a close-up of a pink hibiscus - one that is just opening.
Have a great week,
Sounds like a wonderful time Jane.
I stay in contact with several friends I've known for well over 50 years...childhood, through high school and beyond. It is so much fun to get together and to keep in touch daily through the "net".
I live in the only part of the country that is cold. I think Alaska could be warmer right now!
I had to harvest my lavender in the rain!
You have the dearest friends. Your
lake retreat is filled with fun and charm!
On the dress, I bought my Shimmer Linen at JCrew "on line...on sale"...2 weeks before Chrislyn and Jason's wedding. I know you will find the perfect dress. I look forward to seeing it soon!
Your friends sound like such nice guests. The food that they shared looked so good.
The weather here was wonderful but now we are back to hot and humid.
Good luck on your dress search. When you need a dress, it seems like that's when they are the hardest to find.
That looked like such a great time with friends. Barbeque and lake activities, just perfect. I would buy a dress that looked good on you, more than anything else!
Like you, just struggling to survive in the heat - but unfortunately no nearby lake! Heading to the pool early today for a swim with the granddaughter, before it's just too hot to even be out there in the sun!
Loved the story/pics of your long time friends' visit - I just know people enjoy those weekends but understand it's work for you dear!
Hey, good luck shopping for the dress - whatever you pick will be beautiful with you inside!!!!!
Hugs - Mary
It is miserably hot down here in the South! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends, food looks delicious:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
That steak really looks good on the grill since I am hungry LOL.
Looks like the lawyer men enjoyed theirselves. In my family it's 2 sisters who are lawyers and the conversation is always interesting
ps. our heat index is 110 today so far ( Missouri)
Hi Janie, looks like you all had a great time. The veggies on the grill look so delicious...yummy!
I always compete with Ron's sports car for attention. Haha.
Happy Wednesday,
Barb ♥
Looks like y'all had a great weekend...oh, and that food looks delicious.
It is pretty hard trying to stay cool in this looking forward to fall.
Isn't it fantastic to have just plain fun with old friends...I love that!
I'm so glad the Mother Of The Bride got her dress! *In my day,* the Mother Of The Bride set the tone, as it were.
The Mother Of The Groom did not get the same color dress, as the M-O-T-B did. Etc. Etc.
Don't know about now days. Meaning, don't know if it makes any diff if the M-O-T-B gets to... kind of "set the tone" as all. :-)
Yes, we seem to be into a heat wave, and I am sooooooo glad that we had the wall A/C units in! They are WONDERFUL, and I'd advise anyone without central Air, to do it. :-)
Aunt Amelia
What a wonderful weekend with friends, Jane! I was drooling over the grilled meals. Don't fret about the mother-of-groom dress. I'm sure you will find one to your liking.
Summer novels are so easy to read, huh? I think I may need one for our hammock....
Have another great weekend Jane!
- Susan
Trashy novels are my favorite...even more so in the summer. As you know, my weather is the same as yours only I think a bit hotter with our few ours south of you. It is horrible and I'm only leaving the house when I have to.
Those sound like great guests...bring the food and cook it...they would get a standing invitation!
Jane.. what a fantastic weekend!! I love good friends .. especially those who bring good food!
It's super hot here. sheeesh
Have a great night.
What a wonderful weekend you had with your friends!!! ANd anyone with a name Snow has got to be fun! We have a couple we are friends with like that and it is always the most wonderful time! They bring the food and plan the meals! whoo hoo! Easier on you!
You will find a beautiful dress!Don't worry!
Thank you so very much for your comment !! Yes! Getting inspiration is a good thing... but being our true selves. That is the best!
Have a PRETTY day! Kristin
Hi Jane, It looks like you had good company and good food, how lucky for you! It's very warm in NJ as well, great beach weather! My daughter is getting married August 20th and I just got my "mother of the bride" dress two months ago. I've been working hard to lose some weight so I look dashing in my pretty dress! I'm so excited, we are at 32 days and counting down! Don't stress finding a dress, I looked online and never stepped foot in a store and ordered a dress and I love, love, love it! I also got the dress at a huge discount compared to what the same dress was selling for at Bridal shops. I just finally picked up some pretty shoes yesterday when I took my daughter for her final fitting. Isn't it exciting, I can't wait for the big day and wish you all the best as well. Can't wait to see what you pick for a dress. If you want to see my dress I'd be happy to email you a picture but for now I'm not going to blog it, lol! It's a secret...
Looks like you are really enjoying your summer with wonderful companies. I can't wait to see your mother of the groom dress....Christine
What a fun visit! Don't you just love guests that aren't work? :) The food looks wonderful. I personally think that they need to start a whole new target market in the wedding industry. I was in my 40's when my hubs and I got married. Do you know how hard it was to find an appropriate wedding dress?! I wish you luck...whatever you pick...will be beautiful! :) Can't wait to see it! :)
House guests that bring food and plan menus . . . that is a sweet idea.
Happy hunting for the perfect dress.
Fun time with long time friends. Looks like a fun weekend with delicious food.
Triple digits here for many months now.
Your long weekends sound wonderful!...and shopping for that kind of dress oughta be fun :-) Let us know what you come up with.. nowaday there is so much to choose from.
All friends are precious, but oh the memories shared with old friends! One word, one photo, one song and everyone can be taken back to a moment dear to all of you.
So strange - this did not show up on my blog list as it is supposed to, and I just saw it on someone else's sidebar - very weird!
You'll find the perfect dress - of course you will. Just try to have fun shopping for it and don't let anyone talk you into anything you don't love!
What fun...Ella is adorable:)
Fingers crossed you find the perfect dress Jane!
What a fun post...I always enjoy reading about your weekends at the lake...and with good friends...even better (especially when friends bring food). Fun times.
I don't envy you dress shopping, it was torture for me, hopefully you will sail right through the process. I am anxious to see what you will be just perfect.
Enjoy XXOO
Hi Jane, We have had such miserable hot weather lately. I don't know what the weekend will bring because a lot has to do with the temperature. They did move the horseshow to the evening, but the kids are on vacation and I don't know if they will get home in time. My grandson got up at 4:30 and was ready to go on vacation. The only problem it was the day before. He was more then ready. We are trying to stay cool, but it is hard to do. Take care and stay cool. Good luck in your shopping for your dress. Your Missouri Friend.
Sounds like a perfect summer weekend...lazy days, friends, good foods and good books. It has been piping hot here too, let me tell you. And oh my goodness, talk about humid!
5 day weekends wiping you out!? Aren't they supposed to relax you? lol. Your problem is that you're having too much fun, you need a more boring life, like me;>)
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends, that food looks and sounds wonderful!
oh this look wonderful! the watermelon and the grilled veggies, i am so hungry now :o)
have a wonderful weekend
LMTY Arizona looks pretty durn good compared to this weather we came home to!
What a lovely visit with your friends. That bbq looks pretty tempting. Grand time, sweet memories, good laughs ... what more can you ask for.
Happy PS weekend.
yes, it was 102 degrees here today, and it keeps going. Hate this heat...being a northern European gal.Looks like you all had lots of fun. Using the recipe for the flank steak for our next cook-out. Sounds really good!
Try to have a relaxing weekend,
and stay cool,
What a fun time you have at your pretty beach house. So many good friends..good food...beautiful new TRUCK...:))....I am so glad you have such a nice life, are such a sweet lady and you deserve all THE GOOD LIFE.
hugs and kisses, bj
Hi Jane
The grilled marinated vegetables look delicious! We haven't really had barbecue weather lately...lots of rain...
I hope that you manage to find the perfect outfit soon. I am sure that you will look stunning!
Have a great weekend!
Isabelle x
Good morning Jane! Hope you are still sleeping as we write this :) Sounds like you've been a busy girl...that salad Snow made sounds DEVINE! We just got back from vacation...this year we went to a charming little town in Michigan off of lake Huron...darling...only...*gasp* NO AIR! It was a challenging week...and thank goodness we had a lovley lake breeze...and a chilly lake to dip into! (note to self....check for AIR...not so much washer 'n dryer in a cottage!!) Wishing you luck for your will be perfect - you always have a way of falling into something marvelous Jane - no worries :)
Have a super weekend!
Karla & Karrie
Hello Jane....Sounds like your little spot of heaven is just perfect. Our summer has been wonderful....every where we have traveled this summer has been cool and delightful. Currently in Montana.....where it is glorious....this is truly God's country.
It's so much fun having friends over to relax. Yours sound like the perfect houseguests...I can't believe they bring the food AND cook it, too!
We've had crazy weather here, too. It's been very hot all week with thunderstorms this morning.
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Hi Jane Sweetie...
Oh I love it when you share you photos of your company there at the cabin. What a wonderful host and hostess you two are. I enjoyed seeing Cindy and her husband and now another family as well. It is so fun to ride along.
I love seeing the photos of your table settings and your grill. Do those steaks ever smell wonderful. I could smell them clear out here in Phoenix. The veggies cooking looked yummy as well.
Loved the little Princess photos. They are priceless. She was having so much fun.
We are always having triple digits here in the desert, but this humidity we have been having, I definitely do not like. Yesterday we had 41% humidity. That is quite unusual for Phoenix. Yuck...
Thank you for sharing as always. I love coming by to see what you are up to at the Lake House. It is beautiful Jane. Just beautiful. Have a glorious weekend. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry
Hi Jane! I am certainly happy to be homne and catching up on my blogging buds. Looks like y'all are having a great time, in spite of the heat.
I'm melting...
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