Oh, the weather outside is frightful... Not too original. But the amount of snow we have gotten up here at the lake is pretty uncommon, that combined with some treacherous roads and freezing temps, let's just say that I have been snowbound for the past four days. When we got here on Thursday, it was a nice little sight, seeing the kids ice skating and playing hockey on our little bay. But it's even too cold for the little pip squeaks today. So, I ventured out once to buy ingredients for some crock pot meals and then yesterday came close to begging The Husband to get me out of the house (he forbade me from driving on the icy lake roads). Off we went to the local tavern for a burger and a beer and I was as content as a cat licking her whiskers. Came home and took a warm bath and slept like a baby. Today I froze my ears trying to get pictures for my post!
These look lethal, don't they? Right over the entry to the patio. This is a real sign of the warmer temperatures dropping...
And then there is the beauty of the snow on the trees in the woods. Yesterday we saw four deer in the field just beyond here.
And here is The Husbands arbor with the hibernating clematis, and the dock beyond. You can see where the wind blew the snow clinging to the posts, Stubborn stuff, that is.
And my swing looks like a slice of watermelon. The boxwood is almost buried.
I hadn't realized that it was November since I was last here and I still had a lot of fall things out. So I packed it all away and set the table in the sort of stark, wintry feeling I have. I am using some pretty glass plates over my everyday. A very simple look. The candle is carved from real birch.
The silver plated flatware is an estate sale find and has a monogram on it that we cannot decipher. I think it is a 'B' for... I wasn't planning to do a tablescape so I didn't set out water goblets or wine glasses.
The hemstitch place mats are from Pier I and the napkins are Simply Shabby Chic from Target. I just adore Rachel.
I recently found these dining chair slip covers from Macy's and just love them. I think they are adding to the beachy feel of the lakehouse. And I am looking forward to 'beachy weather', but I will bide my time. My New Years resolution? Live in the moment.
I am joining Susan for Outdoor Wednesday and Susan for Tablescape Thursday. I forgot to download the buttons but you can click on their names or the buttons on my sidebar to visit these ladies and all of the gals joining in. Stay warm!!
Yikes! Looks too cold for me. We have snow here too that fell on Dec. 24. It is too cold for it to melt.
Your table looks great!
I like the look of a lake house in winter - something so 'other' about it. I like the snowy silence that replaces the summer sounds of birds and lapping water, motors and children calling back and forth from the shore.
Enjoy your cosy time at the lake!
Oh Jane,
What gorgeous pics, I love the blueness of the Lakehouse with the snowy effect! And you have a gazebo and arbor? I am so jealous, I love how those look, I think I need Dan to build me one! Your table is set so lovely too, I love white china and so perfect for winter! Our temp read -15 this morning, just too darn cold! But us Northern girls are tough! LOL! Happy week to you my dear friend, stay warm!
Hi Jane, oooh your lakehouse looks so pretty! I hope you are warm inside now... those icicles looks cool! (literally!) I don't think I'd want to swing in that swing right now either though... your table setting is so pretty...I love the old monogrammed silver... Spring is on the way... really... xoxo Julie Marie
It does look so pretty but is scary too. The arbor picture is great. Something about an arbor..looks good in any season.
I would get cabin fever pretty quick though. Burger and a beer, oh ya.
Do you at least have internet there? We don't at our cabin and I start to lose my mind pretty quickly when there.
Okay let's face it. My mind is usually wandering around unattended so it doesn't take much to lose it.
That looks so peaceful. It's sunny and 29 degrees here today. I'm still shivering. (I know, I'm such a little Southern wimp.) Enjoy your snow days!
It's not snowing here but it's very cold. My son's water pipes froze up last night. When it's cold like this I don't want to leave the house. But tomorrow it's back to work. :-( Hugs and stay warm.
Oh My Gosh Jane...
Your home is just beautiful. I love the pics of the icicles. Leathal and Beautiful, isn't that a combination? Sounds like a good book title.
Loved the watermelon slice on the swing, and ofcourse the arbor is so pretty. Is the lake frozen or just covered with snow? I know it is cold there, but it has been awhile since I have been in snow, I only know about the Arizona sun. Yippeee...We have sun and warm rays today.
Grandkids are out riding their bikes today. I still need to go and pick a few lemons from the tree. It is loaded, over loaded to be exact.
Have a beautiful day sweetie. Stay warm and be safe with those darn roads.
Country hugs and much love, Sherry
Oh my goodness...I've been complaining all day because while it was sunny,the high was about 37 degrees. I'll stop complaining now! was 4 degrees here this morning. I am not a lover of winter. The darkness makes me want to hibernate and the cold makes me want to stay inside for the next 3 months. I pray for the January thaw. I hoped you can enjoy this cold snowy wather as much as possible. Living in the moment is a good idea. I cant spend all my winters wishing the time away, it is too valuable to waste like that!
Yikes! I really should quit complaining about our "cold" weather. Holy cow, those icicles look lethal. Actually, isn't that how Ralphie explained breaking his glasses in a Christmas Story? Your pictures really are pretty, but I'm afraid I would not leave the house until June. Try and stay warm sweetie! Hugs, Kathy
it's too freakin cold here too and it's supposed to get colder! yikes! I might have to break out the long johns!
{{{shiver}}} that looks my is pretty, but does it have to be so cold!?
Love that birchwood...and your setting looks great.♥
love the looks so cold...glad hubby got you out for a burger and beer
Those are some iciles~or weapons whatever the case may be!!!Such a pretty wonderland..I love your snow covered gazebo!! Sonia
Stay inside in the warm Jane that is far to much snow and ice for anyone to venture out in, it does look so pretty though and looks like you are all for a warm and cozy supper, enjoy and Happy New year, Kathy.
What beautiful snow honey! Here in California we have no seasons. It was 75 here today...arggghhh. Hope you are having a great weekend! Kori xoxo
Well, you are certainly in style with all that snowy white. Those icecles are something else! I'm sending you warmth from sunny California!
Oh those pictures even feel cold! I love the cold and snow but not when the roads are dangerous. Your table looks beautiful.
Hi Jane ~
Love your snow pics ~ thanks for getting brrrrrr cold for us ! It snowed here today too...but, I stayed inside and warm :o) I love your arbor and gazebo....I have been wishing for some of those myself..I love how they look in the snow !
Happy New Year !
Oh your snow photos are divine! I bet it does get scary on those roads even for those of you that KNOW how to drive on that white stuff! Us southern girls would NEVER venture out on that much! So brave you are. I was telling hubby about you & your lake cottage today & SURPRISE you post about it. I didn't know you went up much during the winter too. So glad to hear from you this weekend. Wishing you a WONDERFUL New Year. I am so glad we found each other when we first started this blogging thing so timidly a little over a year ago. And so glad we have stayed connected so well so often. I feel like I have really gotten to know you this past year. Hugs! Charlene
Wow I am cold just looking at the snaps. Crock pot cooking and staying inside is a good thing but I guess a burger was like a warm breath of freedom to break up the cabin fever. Be careful the ice does not fall on your nose as that is how my friends nose broke. Ouch! Now she has the nose of her dreams thankfully & not a nose like the late Michael Jackson.
goodness, thats alot of snow, sure is pretty thou
Oh, it looks WONDERFUL there! I long for good, deep snow to keep me snowbound at home for a couple of days. The pantry is stocked and I'm all ready...can you send some of that weather in this direction? :)
EEEK! I don't think I would survive that! You definitely need projects when the weather outside is frightful. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Jane I love your snowbound pictures. That beautiful white frosting transforms ordinary objects and scenes, making them so beautiful and yet mysterious too.
I hope that you don't feel too housebound. I can picture you all warm and cozy inside, a fire burning, a good book, and one of those crockpot meals simmering making a heavenly fragrance.
I love the pictures! So beautiful. Looks a bit cold though!
Your table is great as always!
I can totally relate to that weather. We got more snow today and the temps are too low for me with no end in sight!
Your lake house looks lovely. I bet it's a wonderful place to be with family in any season.
Oh it looks so beautiful at your lakehouse. I would love to be snowbound there.
Good idea not to drive on ice. Icy roads are my biggest fear in Winter.
Hope you are enjoying all that winter beauty around you.
Oh Janie, I am shivering just looking at your blog. Wow! You got enough snow, don't you? It looks pretty though but it's looks like the winter when we were still living in Waukegan and decided to move to Florida. Wanna see something warmer? Come see my guest bedroom for kids redecorated. My blog misses you, lol....Christine
Your pictures are gorgeous...for a California girl like me, I'm so envious!
Happy New Year!
Being snowbound in your lake house sounds like a lot of fun to me. I hope you have some good books to read. It's been uncommonly cold around here.
Hi Jane,
Your photos are absolutely beautiful, what a beautiful serene place to be this time of year.
Your tablescape is also beautiful i adore those candle holders.
And as always I so enjoy what you have written.
hope your week is filled with many blessings,
Hi Jane,
Still catching up with all of my friends blogs.
The snow scenes are beautiful but I can imagine that cabin fever might set in after awhile.
Happy New Year from Normandy
I was wondering where you'd gotten yourself off too!!! It's been a long time, between posting. :-)
Oh I am soooooooooo *jealous* of your photo of falling snow! I simple love it! Wondering if you used a flash, in the twilight, and that's how you got it to show? Or maybe it's just the grand camera you have. Anyway, it's a super shot.
Everything is lovely in your photos. But ice, is worrisome, oh yes! Beeee careful. Even if you are a Youngin! :-)
And now for something different, as "they" say... Will you please be so kind as to come over and see a different side of 'Ol' Auntie'..., on this first Monday in 2010? ,-)
It looks absolutely beautiful, Jane!
We haven't been to the lake, other than a little overnight to check on things, just before Christmas. We want to go for a longer stay next week. Our friends Charla (For the Sake of Time blog) and her husband are at the lake and report seeing lots of Bald Eagles. We always like to be there when the Eagles migrate. Hope the weather holds and they keep the road and parking lot cleared. We have a steep hill to descend to get to our condo!
Hi Jane! Wow, those pictures are great! It looks really cold to this Florida girl. Yikes!
Your table is lovely. I am thinking of doing a winter tablescape for this week or next. Yours is really pretty!
Sending big hugs, Barb ♥
Brrrr! I have goosebumps just looking at your photos! My favorite one is the watermelon swing!
Sending you a warm hug,
Hi Jane! I just love your photos which are so 'real' ... you can tell the angles you had to position yourself in to take them! After 24 years in MN, I must confess the winter weather in Bend, OR is much better - snow and all. Happy New Year.
Wow. Glad I am in NC. My brother and SIL in Dowagiac are snowed in too. Per your question, I don't think there are any families on Diamond Lake left from my childhood. I remember the James, Byers, and thats about all.
That ice looks lethal enough to be a murder weapon! It's cold here, but at least I'm not slipping and sliding on the ice. I too am determined to live in the moment. Mine just doesn't happen to have snow and ice! Loved the way you carried us through your story of your weekend!
We are in the deep freeze here in Illinois. It was below zero when I got up, but we don't have the snow or ice. There is just a dusting left from last week. I hate it...but, it is even cold in Florida this week, so there is no place to hide!
In answer to your question, I bought the trees in the last picture. The bottle brush tree is about 10 inches, the mercury glass set and the carved wooden ones. I also bought some Tokyomilk lip it! Thanks for visiting me!
Sue cold but yet so beautiful Jane! Isn't winter just lovely. Gorgeous dishes too!
Have a blessed week and stay warm. ~Melissa :)
Wow, Jane! What beauty! I too would have cabin fever, I am sure the burger and beer was a good cure! Beautiful pics, friend!
I love your snow pictures. It has been so long since I have been in the snow. I am living vicariously thru you!!
Blessings in this New Year,
Hi Jane,
Great photos of the snow. I am shivering and I am all the way in California. Of course for us ... I put on a coat this morning and was roasting by the time I got to work. Ugh.
Californians don't have a clue about the weather...we think a little spitty rain is weather.
Stay safe, dry and warm. Your snow is beautiful. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year Jane!
I LOVE snow, and your snowy pics are just gorgeous ♥
Now that is a load of SNOW...try to enjoy it! It's not snowing here but it's real COLD...19 that's COLD for us here on the gulf coast!
Hi Jane!
Holy Icicles! That's a whole lot of snow! I love the photo of the swing.
I adore your table always set such pretty tables!
Love and hugs,
You captured your winter magic absolutely beautifully - gorgeous images!
Here's to beautiful YOU and a year filled with whatever makes your heart sing. Thank you for being a blessing in my life. And I really mean that.
Janie! Are you freezing??? I have never seen ice like that! WOW! Now, I have seen ice, but not that long. It's beautiful, but I think it is cold here at 42 degrees tonight. I was running around trying to get my neighbor's dog to go in his house. They were gone, and he had snuck out. LOL! Now, I'm frozen solid. ;-)
I can't get over these shots! Stay warm!!!
Sheila :-)
Glad you made it back home ok, Janie. It's even freezing here in Ntchez today and it snowed but not enough to stay o nthe ground though. Thanks for coming by, glad you like the room. I just got the rug for it delivered. AJ has not seen the room yet...Christine
Oh my goodness Jane
Those icicles and the swing almost buried in snow!! no wonder your husband is keeping you off the road.. i would too...
Well although it is cold I hope you are enjoying your snowy season!! sort of keeps the Christmas spirit going a bit longer!! have fun xx Julie
WOW!!!! That is a lot of snow! I live in Michigan, so am used to the freezing cold and snow :( We dont have near that much yet though! Those icicles look scary, lol!
Your tablescape is so pretty!!
I so understand not wanting to go out in this weather.... and then in a day or two we get cabin fever. oy! I miss the green grass and all that comes with it... but like you I will wait...
You asked about my shop ... it was just something I put together to sell some jewelry and such..I may just advertise an item or two on my home blog.... Blessings and hugs!
wow! What a beautiful winter wonderland and what a great blog! The pictures of your family are great. I think I should do that too. Celebrating family is the best. They are what makes us who we are. Thank you so much for sharing. By the way, that's a great song!
oh, P.S. lol. I love the birch tree candle holder idea!
I know everyone is laughing at me because I'm complaining about the cold weather her in Florida, but you know, we are not used to it being this cold for this long. I hate to tell you that it is 47 degrees here and I hated that I had to run out to the store. I think what makes it so awful is that we suffer from intense heat and humidity all summer and this is supposed to be our "outside" time. We are 20 degrees colder than is typical for us. This is supposed to be my time for spending the whole day on the beach, not huddled in the house complaining. If I'm going to be cold then give me snow or something else pretty to look at.
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Hey there! Happy New Year. Love love love those pictures! They are beautiful. It has been in the 70's here, can you believe it? It is nice but I have cute boots I am longing to wear! The snow is gorgeous in your pictures. Hope you are doing well!
Happy New Year
Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog. I have not been blogging for awhile, but the between laundry is an idea.
Your lake house looks very cozy and comfortable, but I know what you mean about cabin fever. Just to go out for a burger and a beer is a pleasure.
I really enjoyed catching up on your blog.
Brrrrr! I'm freezing my knickers off just reading this post Jane! It sure is pretty though.
Boy, it does look frightfully cold. I love the change of the seasons...but wished that winter would only last 1/2 as long! I am ready for Spring to start turning ervything green again...yet I see white every where I look too!:)
Lovely table setting. I am glad your hubby got you out for the evening.:)
Stay warm and cuddle up!
These pictures are so pretty! I am getting my house ready for the winter months and trying to think about the theme for this winter. Not there yet but blogland always inspires me!
I just love looking at all the snowy images. It makes it feel more like winter. Lovely.
I love those plates!!! I feel for you with the very cold and the snow...we have that all winter here in is snowing here again today...and the temps are low...supposed to be warming up to above freezing this week sometime....which will not be a good thing for the roads....we are cold...but we are not crazy! lol I love your comment to me about being a plant serial make me smile lady!
Wow, awesome photos! Just can't imagine being that cold. Hope Milo and Layla are keeping warm.
Love your table.
Jane, these pictures are gorgeous and so is the snow! We NEVER get snow and they are predicting some Thursday night here! It has not gotten above 27 degrees this week. An arctic blast they are calling it. Ya' think?
I finally got the post done for my give away from you. Your generosity and kindness meant so much to me....
Please forgive me for taking so long in getting it up, but I have had issues with my blog, my camera, you name it! Hopefully all resolved now....
Thank you much!
Lou Cinda xoxo
Whew, those icicles are crazy! Stay clear of those. Stay warm as well.
Simply wonderful! I suppose only a woman from California who adores snow and ice and anything cold and beautiful, would love something like this! It reminds me of Oregon in the 1940's and I don't even care if that dates me! It was some of the most wonderous days of my life! The icicles hanging off the front porch and the quiet of that wonderland and remembering my first Christmas' on this earth! Thanks for sharing them.
Your tablescape is simple and beautiful.
The swing was my favorite picture..and the icicles of course!
:) Hugs to you, Blondie!
Oh my goodness....enjoy the winter sports and quiet time at the lake. Lovely wintery scenes.
Joyce M
I like the warm indoor pictures better. When it comes to winter wonderland and all...I am a wuss!
I love your white table. Very winter...and boy you have it! I remember those days vividly!!
I caught your statement of living in the moment. I am learning to really appreciate that...and not rush my live away!
Happy New Year Jane! Geeesh! It looks a bit cold out - we'd want to bundle up as well! Kids have a delay this morning - so we are starting the new year off with snow as well! Love your table - that birch candle holder is just lovely...and slip covered chairs are the best!
Karla & Karrie
That is a lot of snow! And when it is that darn just complicates things. The snow effect is pretty though. Stay warm...
Living it up at Lakewood,
warm and nice inside.
happy new year.
That looks soooo cold! Thanks for stopping over and following!
do you make a lot of snowmen? I think I would have to stay in side by a fire with some hot chocolate.
They do look lethal- hope you did take them done.
It is nice to be out a day like that as long that you anytime can go inside and get warm.
Maria Berg
Hi Jane,
Wow, that's alot of snow, and those icicles really tell how cold it must be. I love the winter though, especially when I am inside by the fire.
Hi Blondie
Thanks for stopping by even though I haven't really posted since Christmas. Still haven't gotten my computer up and running. It's so frustrating. We are in a deep freeze here in Chitown and expecting snow tonight 8 to 10" I heard. I will soon be very sick of this...
Hope your new years was good and stay warm
Great pics! Those are some nasty-looking icicles!
It's really cold here but we hardly ever get snow. Love your table setting.
I take it the Beach house is not where you always live? Aren't you in Fl? I'm new to your blog so don't really know much yet ;)
I've lit a wood fire tonight and am gonna sit and put my feet up with my knitting. I love all your snowy pics.
Ow wow, those icicles..
I wonder if we will get a January thaw this Christmas decos are frozen in all over..
I get cabin fever too..good to get out for a burger...
When I retired we moved to our summer you think you will do that?
It got too difficult to keep both places, and the taxes were better here. It is very quiet here in the winter. Hardly anyone in my community lives here year round.
It is a beach community..but I am adjusting.
The best is not having to get to Mass early to get a seat. There are always seats! :)
HI Jane, the neighbor building the house is not really a neighbor. It looks close but it's pretty far. From our house, we will have to drive out of the driveway, go to the end of the street and then turn right and then go to the end of the street again to get to that property. It's across the creek which is a big wooded creek. But we do have neighbors in the front of the house but they have big lots, at least an acre each. There is only 1 behind us and she is at the bottom of the hill. She is behind us at one end but both our backyards is the creek. Come back when you have a chance to see my tablescape for my party last 1-2. Hope you are staying warm....Christine
Brrr. I'm cold just looking at all that snow and those icicles! Your table in a wintry white looks great.
Enjoy your time,
Oh, Jane its a beautiful winter wonderland. I agree, those icicles look lethal. Seeing them frozen, makes me feel cold. We are just spoiled here in SoCal, it was 75 today.
Love your table setting too, and I love Target!
Oh, cabin fever! I have about 120 days to go until Spring and the date the second car is able to be driven in the Vermont mountains. As year round residents here, and being a city person, it does become challenging. (oh, that is so pc and not what I really want to say.) A beer and a burger does work wonders and I will have to remember to get myself out for just that.
Oh girl now thats some snow....but you know so long as I have electric I don't mind the white stuff....oh also if I don't have to shovel it ha ha!! I can't belive how you guys got hammered this year...My daughter just got home today from Chicago she's been there for 10 days...said it was hella cold the whole time...
Now you know I read a book one time where someone did kill someone with weapon that way when it melted...hey great case for your hubs to take on ha ha!! Many blessings to you this coming year my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I've never seen icicles that big. All that snow sure is beautiful though. Your silverware looks like my mom's, minus the monogram. I love those slipcovers too.
I wouldn't want to walk under your icicles for fear one would conk me on my already damaged head! LOL
It always looks so peaceful and pretty when it first snows, but then after all the aggravation of driving in both it and ice, I say give me rain any day- Less accidents...
Happy New Year, Janie~ hugs, Sue
Great pictures you have here of the snow. I haven't experienced snow yet. I hope we can visit to the snowy mountains next winter.
Thanks for the visit
I love snow pictures, but not a fan of driving in it. I must say the icicles would deter me from venturing out that exit.
Sounds like you are snug and the family enjoying winter time fun. The white back ground of clear plates really goes with a winter theme.
Pretty blog.
what time is supper ...You know I'm just down the lane
Wow! It's way to cold for me. I thought it was cold in Georgia. We are having the coldest winter we have had in twenty years.
That looks very cold but very beautiful. Good on your husband to want to keep you safe. Take care and stay safe!
Looks like you are snowed in. Enjoyed your photos and your winter table is just what a snowy day calls for. Love that candle in birch bark. I'd like to make some vases like that next fall. Thanks for sharing. Stay warm! ~ Sarah
Hi Jane,
Your photo's are fantastic. They brought back memories of growing up in Mi.
It is sunny and warm (71) today so I am sending some warmth your way.
big hugs,
Grandma x 4-hehe
Jane, Your winter white scenes are beautiful. I happen to be one of those unusual people that love snow. We are going to get snow tonight. But not like yours. However, I must admit, those icicles look pretty scary!
Your table is calm and serene like the landscape. I have estate silver too. I just love it, and I love yours too. Who couldn't love silver!
Love the snow - we are behind in our snowfall for this year! Your lake house seems so cozy as does the little tablescape you set.
Very pretty snow pictures and I like your tablescape.
Thank you for visiting my Wordless Watery Wednesday post. Though the photo was taken in La Porte, we have not lived there in 30 years. And, I have to say, we don't miss that lake effect snow one bit!
GORGEOUS tablescape! What a beautiful home you have! I have to admit, I love the "quiet" that the snow creates when it has blanketed the ground. Everything always seems so still and silent outside this time of year (though we did see 3 deer at my daughter's school this week ~ that was a neat surprise)!
Janie, glad to see I am not the only one with lots of that white stuff! I ♥ your white birch candle holder, very pretty. Thanks for the nice comment.
Beautiful photos of the snow on the lake, which I am sure was the inspiration for your pretty winter white tablescape!
You're stronger than I am! This cold weather we're having is giving me a case of cabin fever...and there's no snow at this time. Had ice early today. Your pics are gorgeous and I love the white of your table setting.
Hi Blondie,
So nice to meet you. Thanks for leaving such a nice comments on my tablescape today. It was very appreciated. Oh my heaven, yall have just a lil bit of snow, to say the least!! Hope you are staying warm up there.
Probably good you aren't out driving around in all that snow, hubby is a smart guy!!
You have 4 beautiful children too.
Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.
Blessings, Nellie
Hi Jane, your lakehouse looks wonderful but yipes is it cold! We are only going to be 5 degrees for a high tomorrow. That's REALLy cold for us! Snowbound is fun, but after a few days I get a little stir crazy! Didn't you love those "little chicks in hats" I just had to use that image!
Have fun and stay warm!
Hi Jane... I posted my Limonchello post and forgot to post the recipe! SO sorry! Its posted now at the end of my post now... Yes get it going now its not too late... especially with all that snow on the ground... it will make you happy to know you have that lemony sunshine brewing in your cupboard for later!
~Rainey Rockin Vegas~
Now that's what I call COLD! Have something to keep those bones warm, Jane.
Stay warm! These pictures are Stunning!
Was wondering where you were, now I can see you're snowed in.......and of course it all looks beautiful. I know though that it grows old quickly and cabin fever sets in! Luckily you have the prettiest 'cabin' so just enjoy it while you can Jane.
Great snow pics - does the ice get thick enough to skate?
WOW, those icicles are dangerous, lol!!! We are still below freezing here but might warm up next week.
Jan. 8... Hope you didn't get any "Visual Whiplash" when I was changing my blog around. :-)
I actually went more toward your blog colors, my Dear. I just realized this.
Hey Popular Blondie - you have so many comments here that I hope there is room for one more! You are a genius...skip the stockings and hang the gifts on the mantle....I LOVE that! My gift wrapping is superb and a lot better normally than the gift inside so I always hate to see them opened. Stay warm and cover those ears. :) Nancy
Jane....the snowbabie is just one I kept from my daughter. I used to have so many more, but when we moved here...I simplified....really, I did!
I didn't even open my carton with all my snowmen this year...maybe next! Wow, girl, you are popular...115 comments!!! That is amazing.
Blondie, thank you for coming over to my new blog and leaving such a nice comment,I really appreciate it. Boy the ice coming off that roof is amazing, Being a Calif girl I don't see that here unless we go to the mountains. Kathysue
Enjoy a little snow break, snuggle up, stay warm, and have the best time. Isn't it amazing that a little frozen water can stop the world at times, not to mention the havoc it can create.
Happy Twirls
How pretty your lake house property looks! We're freezing here in FL with record breaking temps too! Snow flurries even forecasted for tonight!
Your tablescape is lovely with the clear plates over the white!
Oh your cabin looks so dreamy in the snow. Lovely tablescape. laurie
Wish we had just a tenth of that snow. Any snow! But I don't think I could live in it all the time. To answer your question about the mashed potatoes, yes, straight evaporated milk. No other kind. Add butter, salt and pepper. Try it. It makes them so creamy and delicious!
Jane - I would be in PURE HEAVEN!!! OMG! Love it!
By the way - that "feathery" tree you liked outside my studio window . . . it's a PALM TREE! LOL. Far from feathery - there is nothing soft about them! But you did give me a good giggle. :)
OK, so I am going to gaze over and over and your post and Cindy's post and just kind of close my eyes and pretend I am there . . . with the deer . . . and a fire in the fireplace . . . and a good book . . . and a soft afghan . . . a nice glass of wine . . . oh, OK and my husband too . . . (hehehe)
Have a great weekend!
Hugs! Karen
Brrrrr, those icicles!!
Your table looks so nice and simple. I love the white plates.
I've been housebound for 4 days! I think I may just escape to the grocery store in a little bit to purchase tickets for a bridal show my daughter and I are going to tomorrow. Your pictures are so pretty. I love Chicago! Pretty table too!
I love the muffled quiet of snow... I hope you guys are staying warm, and will have many relaxing meals together.
Hi Jane,
I'm glad I read such a sweet comment from you earlier. You are always so kind to me.
I hope all is well with you and the freezing temps. Brrr...Yikes!
Stay warm my friend! ~Melissa :)
wow I can't believe how much snow you have!! crazy! Those are awesome pics you took!
Thanks so much for coming by my site! I was just thinking about you earlier today & then there you were w/ your comment! :o)
Stay warm over there & I hope no pipes freeze or anything like that!
brrr..I am freezing, just looking at your photos...and I LOVE favorite season.
Your table looks awesome. I am so on the lookout for some pretty, vintage, monogramed silverware.
Hope you can go get a burger and a beer often enuf to make you enjoy your winter time at your lake...
xo bj
Love the snow pics. Everything looks so pretty with a fresh layer of snow on it. Thanks for visiting my blog! I don't live in Chicago. I live in Michigan about 30 minutes east of Lansing. Love your gazebo and arbor.
Wow! That weather looks like our's feels (without the mess)
Love your crisp white tablescape -- perfect for the new start of January!
Hi Janie! Wow! Anamazing amount of snow! You'd laugh if you saw what brings us to a screeching halt here! lol I love that candle! And your place setting is so pretty...simple and wintery! Stay warm, my friend!!...hugs...Debbie
Hello Jane, thanks for sharing with us all these beautiful photos!
Have a fantastic new week!
Hi Jane, just checking in again. I hope you've gotten shoveled out there at the lake. Still very cold here in NC but no new snow. I'm glad since we don't have much snow removal equipment either! Hope you're doing well.
Yes I know by looking at your beautiful winter pictures we have a ways to go before spring!:( Hope you are having a great New Year! I'm counting the days till warmer weather!
Yikes, that's alot more snow and ice than we've had. The gazebo shot is "gorgeous".. love your tablescape darling. Would love to pull up a chair and have a nice long chat...hugs ~lynne~
Hi Janie, next time we go to Chicago, we will eat at a Japanese Restaurant (our treat!) and I'll teach you how to use chopsticks. Thanks for coming by....Christine
Happy Birthday!!!
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