I am not in a fireplace/mantel party...I insist that I am not. And you may be really tired of seeing my fireplace, however I was just so excited to show you this that I joined Susan at Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday. This is my first time joining and I am so excited to see what everyone has to offer. And you can too, by clicking on the highlights.
My lovely daughter Emily went to Milwaukee on Saturday and happened to pop into antique/junk shop. She saw this fireplace screen and fell in love with it. She was sure I would love it too, even though we weren't exactly looking for anything new...
Isn't it beautiful. it is a medium brown, almost the shade of my print here. The scroll work is gorgeous and the fire looks so totally different and beautiful than it did behind the old screen.
This is the 'old screen'. I never had a problem with it before. I think the new one is so much more attractive. Emily paid a whopping $60.00 for this screen. I am in amazement. I could just imagine what Pottery Barn would want for this fireplace screen.
The Husband will be home from Florida tomorrow. It seems like the time has just flown by. It was nice to use my time to work on some crafts, read and do a little extra cleaning. Emily and Abigail have been here and have kept me company. We didn't do as much cooking meals as we had planned on doing, but we did rely on my favorite cookbook of all which you can see below. It is a little dog eared because it is such a favorite of mine! We've had everything from sushi to pizza, salads to tacos. Tomorrow I am avoiding the scale!
The Husband finished up his fundraiser and golfing today in Florida. The highlight it seemed, was running into a bobcat in a wildlife conservatory, which I posted about last Thursday. Well, today he claims he saw a monkey squirrel. I am shaking with laughter as I type this. Could it be true? I asked him if it was a monkey that looked like a squirrel or the other way around. He replied that this was a stupid question. As I said before, I never have adventures like this.
I hope you had a good time visiting and that you have a great start to a wonderful week.
Hi Jane,
Sounds like you've had a wonderful time nesting over there next to your fabulous fireplace & new screen! How your take out menu organizer/cookbook! That cracked me up! Thanks for always coming by & leaving your encouraging sweet comments! You are a doll!
Your daughter has a great eye! I love the new screen, it looks fantastic!
Now that is an awesome fireplace screen! Your previous screen was great also, but the detail in the new one is wonderful.
That is a gorgeous fire screen. I love the way the flames flicker through the scroll work. Now that is my kind of cook book!! Maybe not for every meal though!
Enjoy your week.
Beautiful screen! The fire does look wonderful behind the scrollwork, so warm and cozy. And I love that cookbook - I'm going to have to find that one lol. Kathy
I love your new screen and $60 seems like an incredible bargain for it. It's nice that you got to spend some time with your daughters!
What a gorgeous screen ~ you must have squealed when she brought it home. I absolutely love it!
Hi Jane! I love that screen! And you are right about the fire having a whole different look through it...never even thought about that! Now you've got me thinking I need one, too! lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
Hi Jane,
Your daughter knows what to buy! That fireplace screen is beautiful and really looks great in front of the fire. Sign her up as your personal shopper.
Have a great out for flying monkey squirrels :-)
Hi Jane, oooh, your fireplace screen is just beautiful! It really does make the fire look prettier! It sounds like you have had a busy, fun week... thanks for going on the bike ride with me as well! xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane, what a difference the new (old) screen makes - I love it! Makes me want to go build a fire in our fireplace now! Linda
Your fireside looks so warm and invitingand the new firescreen adds extra charm.
I only wish I had a cookbook like yours.
Take out? Here? In rural Normandy? Does not exist!!
Have a great week.
Enjoyed visiting your blog. Love your mantel. I always have a hard time with them!
Hi Jane,
I love your new screen! What a great addition to that lovely fireplace. Your daughter has a good eye for pretty things and great deals! Hey, I looked on map quest and your about 400 miles from Mackinaw City, about the same as us. Maybe we can meet there sometime. It's only about an hour from Traverse City. Stay warm my dear with your lovely fireplace, we sure can use them now. Hugs, Cindy
Sounds like you had a great time! I wish I could have a fireplace too!
Have a wonderful Monday,
that is a beautiful screen! and an amazing deal too!
Your screen is beautiful! Way to go Emily. :) It does looks just so pretty there with the fire behind it.
That screen is gorgeous! Looks like something out of a decorating magazine for sure! That looks amazing and I love the curls and curves in the design. BEautiful metamorphosis!
Miss Bloomers
The new screen is beautiful - it makes me miss my fireplace even more :)
Your new screen is DIVINE!!!!!!!! What a difference!!!! And $60 was a STEAL! Good job. Enjoy it because it is indeed BEAUTIFUL!!! Have a great week. Charlene
Your new screen is just beautiful. It just looks great! Perfect to set in front of and read a good book. Have a great day!
Hi Jane, your fireplace screen is beautiful but I love the other one also. Oooooo, don't you love a fire in the fireplace? So cozy.
Your post made me smile. I do hope your husband had a nice time while here in Florida. Our weather runs from gorgeous to mildy cool....for me anyway. Ha.
Hugs, Barb ♥
This is beautiful!! So sweet her to think of you when she saw it! I think it is PERFECT! And I think it is so wonderful that you got to spend such special time with your kids! Love that!
Have a great week!
Lou Cinda :)
Emily certainly has "an eye." That fireplace screen is simply beeeeeeeeeeautiful. And I love how it makes the whole fireplace, look even more lovely. Yum, yum, yummmm. :-)
Glad the Husband had "wild life" adventures, along with other fun trip things. -giggles-
Happy February!
Its gorgeous...I love how it looks with the fire behind it!!! good job!
I'm loving your new screen, what a find - can I borrow your daughter please? I need a replacement desperately, mine is literally on its last legs. We did buy one last year and didn't realize that the mesh was not fine enough until a cinder flew out and burned the carpet!! We had to have it repaired by a carpet expert (can't see it). The old one is back since that happened but we do need another soon.
Thanks for the nice comments on my bird photos - they do look pretty in the snow.
Stop by and enter my travel quiz - there'll be a little prize for the winner.
Hi Jane,
Thanks for stopping by. I just loved the victorian shop however I left empty handed. Saving up for our vacation next month! : )
Oh I just love your new looks so pretty! The old one was pretty too but I can see why your daughter liked this one. How sweet of her to get it.
Have a lovely week,
I simply love your fireplace-sitting area. I would be most happy to have that beautiful screen in front of my fireplace - it's lovely!
Thank you for visiting me. I'm trying to get back into blogging after being gone for so long.
Deborah in NC
Good Morning Jane, What a delight to be able to visit and read one of your post.
I love the new fireplace screen, as a matter of fact when I saw the picture it was the first thing my eyes were drawn too, as I have a thing for fireplace screens. lol Don't know why but just enjoy them. I guess it takes all kinds to whirl this world around. lol Just in case, your old one was pretty too, so please save it ! lol
I especially like what your daughter paid for it, great buy, and how sweet of her to think about you. my dear daughter does the same for me.
Also enjoyed reading of your husband's adventure in Florida. Always an enjoyable visit!
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes.
Emily has excellent taste!! The fireplace screen is beautiful and I am so glad that you posted it on Met Monday or I would have missed it. I will be back to read more.
♥, Susan
What a fabulous gift from your daughter, love it. Your fireplace looks totally different!
Have a great week, and many thanks for your kind words.
OMG, LOVE that screen, truly makes a huge difference in an area that didn't look like it needed a change!... great find.
It really does make a difference Jane.
A monkey squirrel? Ya right. Do they serve beverages out on that golf course?
Hi Blondie, Lovely screen and your mantel is beautiful. I really miss not having a fireplace specially with all this freezing weather. Is it ever going to warm up?
Jane-that screen is fabulous! I agree that there wasn't anything wrong with what you had...but, looking at the new! I love it!
The fire does look absolutely beautiful and romantic behind that screen! I'm shaking with laughter myself, Jane. Does he need new glasses, ya think?
Jane, I absolutely love the new fireplace screen. And, true, had I not seen this one in place, your old one would have been very nice. What a great daughter!
I'm so jealous of your husband's Florida trip. It is my dream to return to live in Winter Park. The best place in the USA to live. (shhh...don't tell anyone.) Big huge oaks like the northeast. A cross section of people from all over. And, of course, Disney to visit on a lazy afternoon to walk and talk to people from all over the world.
Love the fireplace. LOVE!
Hi Jane, your daughter got an incredible find. The screen is beautiful and I'm sure she got a great deal too.
Oh Jane, I am coveting that fireplace screen. It's beautiful! How lucky she found it and that she knew you would love it! Can I send my daughter to you for some training? laurie
I love your favorite cookbook - what a laugh!!! I'm glad you had such a good week.
I love the new screen, but I gotta say I adore the old one as well, I would change them out occasionally and use them both...the fire looks so warm and cozy...When I scrolled down and saw the before pic of the fireplace, I thought wow what a beautiful fireplace, (go figure) thanks for always stopping by when you can and always being so warm and wonderful, kinda like your fireplace...Phyllis
Your new fireplace screen is "gorgeous!!!!!" I would have snatched it up too, even though there isn't room for a screen lol.. hugs ~lynne~
Really like your new fireplace screen! i liked your other one as well... Can I have it??? LOL
I am not tired of your FP...this was the first time I saw it lit and so warm and cozy looking!!~ Love the new screen!
What a sweet daughter...that screen is a beauty, Jane!
I'm soooo jealous...I have been wanting a new's beautiful!
That fireplace screen is beautiful. You've taught your daughter well. I loved the monkey squirrel story too, it sounds like something I'd ask :-)
Have a great week!
That's the most beautiful lacy fireplace screen I've ever seen. I wish it were mine! And I'm very amused by your favourite cookbook. Thanks for calling over and commenting!
G'morn, Jane ~ Both fireplace screens are lovely, I'd have a hard time deciding & probably switch theme off & on throughout the year. Great finds. Beautiful accent to the fireplace.
Pop over for our giveaway ..........
Happy Valentine's ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi Janie!!! OMG! That fireplace screen is to die for! What a sweet daughter to pick that up for you! I cracked up at the monkey-squirrel thing too - never heard of it myself, but I like the name!
Have a great day dear, xoxo - Kim
Isn't funny at times that we don't know we are missing something truly beautiful until it is right in front of us. Your new screen is perfection.
I love your new screen. Its nice to have someone looking out for you on their outings!
Your fireplace screen is great! Right now I have an old iron piece of fence in front of mine. Your husband is so funny:) Nicole's husband is Spanish and was her one day telling me that he saw a couple of 'chipmonkeys' in my front yard. lol Come to find out they were chipmonks. But we had a good laugh. Maybe it is a guy thing;)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
This is an absolutely gorgeous screen, Jane. Perfect for your fireplace!
Hi there - I see you on other blogs (my sister, Life as Lori) and on several other's and thought I'd introduce myself -
First off - your blog header is very beautiful - love all that glitter and glam! And that fireplace mantle is so gorg!
Happy Tuesday -
Hi Jane! That new screen is totally gorgeous! What an elegant addition to your room! The room really looks warm and cozy.
Thanks for coming over for a visit. I do love hearing from my blog friends!
Have a wonderful week!!!
My Desert Cottage
What a gorgeous fire screen. Well worth the $60.
Hi Jane,
I absolutely adore your new fireplace screen. It adds so much beauty to your fire and fireplace. Nice to have such a great daughter with such a great eye too. Love it.
My goodness Jane! You sure have a lot of comments:) Thanks for paying me a visit and leaving your sweet comment. I love your fireplace screen. I think the new one is gorgeous and I will be happy to take the old one:) just kidding... but it is pretty.
I know you will be glad to get your honey home so you can cook:)
Have a blessed day!
The screen is gorgeous! Funny how changing one thing can make you feel all new about the entire room. The old screen was great too, but doesn't compare after you see this one.
Don't you hope we always look that way to our husbands...that no one else can compare? ;-D
What a gorgeous find! Your daughter did great, you have clearly trained her well:>)
Hey I think I may have that same cookbook! :-)
LOVE that fireplace screen... and I can't believe what a bargain your daughter found. Amazing.
She's got good taste, AND good sense, too!
Hi Jane,
Your fireplace and new screen is absolutely beautiful. Don't you just love a nice fire in the cozy!
Your question to your husband gave me a good me, I get that response from The Italian ALL the time with an added head shake and eye roll! lol
Sweet Friend, please pardon my atrocious blog manners as of late, I need a few more hours added to each day!
Love and hugs,
What a perfect fireplsce screen and what a perfect daughter to surprise you with it!
I also love your take out organizer! My menus are never in one place, so it is a great idea...but not as funny as a squirrel monkey! :)
A Monkey Sqirrel?? Hmmmm...
I think your new screen is fantastic. What a difference. Your old screen is nice, sort of like mine, but the new one is ...just great! Now I am looking at mine with a critical eye! heh heh! No, wait, I am getting a house full of carpet on Thursday...NO NEW SCREEN for me!
Your daughter did GOOD! I give her an A+. What a sweet daughter you have!
Jane it is so beautiful!
The fire looks so warm and very inviting behind it. It just glows.
It really is a lovely find a wonderful addition to the already gorgeous room. Love it!
~Blessings, ~Melissa :)
Ooh I love it :) I want a screen for my fireplace too but I haven't wanted to pay the money for it yet, I spent a little too much around the holidays so I should wait!
It's pouring with rain today so I'm staying home and staying cozy :) Have a fun day.
That fireplace screen is GORGEOUS! How wonderful that your daughter found it and brought it home for you!
Happy Birthday!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!! :O)
Love the fireplace is perfect for your fireplace.
I, too, rely on the old cookbook entitled "Making Reservations" (LOL) when left to my own devices.
How very pretty!! I love the scroll work on it.
What a sweet daughter you have!
Love this screen. I've been looking for one just like it!!
I love the firplace screen. It looks so romantic and cozy. What a steal for $60.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments on my kitchen.
I like both screens!
I hope your husband had some good weather here in FL, it's been a cold winter here!
Oh I love that fireplace screen Janie! I just love wrought iron and that's what it looks like but I really like the scrolls. So many surprises can really be seen in FL, lol! I am glad Alan got to witness some. Happy birthday, my dear friend! Did you have a fun day? I emailed you this morning and did not get a chance to visit your blog till now cause I was out shopping with 2 friends all day today, and then I had to find places to put all the stuff away and that took a while, lol....Christine
Hi Jane
Well I love that new fireplace screen!! Lovely Emily!! Even the fire seems happier and brighter to be in such good company!!
Mise is right!! Your favourite cookbook is a winner!! hehe xx Julie
Good Morning Jane,
I was so thinking of you when I saw the British Castle dishes. I am off to Eau Claire today for work but then I stop and do a wee bit of shopping. Hope all is well in the windy city! Hugs, Cindy
We think that your question was perfectly reasonable Jane!! Too funny! Tell him the blog world needs to know the answer :)
LOVE that fireplace screen - wow! What a difference it makes!
Fabulous find indeed!
Hi Jane...Oh my gosh that screen is just amazing! So is the price...what a buy. (I have a weakness for wrought iron) I think it makes the room look incredibly beautiful and gives it a New Orleans look. Must have been meant just for you.
So Feb 3 is your birthday? Sounds like it was nice and how sweet of your daughter to make a cake. Today is my son's birthday. He was two weeks late and I thought he'd never come! Anyway, happy belated birthday to you. We must be on the same wavelength tonight - the second I arrived here on your blog a message from YOU popped up!
xoxo Nancy
That screen is divine! I would love to curl up with a good book and read next to your beautiful fireplace! p.s. thank you for your kind comments on my bathroom.
I adore the screen and I'm uber jealous of the fireplace!
Your daughter did good!!
I love both fireplace screens, but the new one does have some great scroll work. Either way, a fireplace is always pretty, with a crackling fire on a cold winter night :)
It sounds like you figured out what to do with your time, while your husband was gone. I just love that cookbook. I need one of those.
Have a blessed day.
That is the most gorgeous fire screen I've seen in blogs today. All the other comments are right; your daughter has fine taste for design. It would be better if it were partnered with hand forged iron fireplace accessories like log baskets and tool sets.
By the way, why don't you add more iron home decor in your home? Judging from the first photo, I think your house would benefit a lot from them. I can definitely see an iron wall sconce above that sofa chair.
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