I am joining Beth from The Stories Of A To Z for a mantel party she is hosting every Friday. I am really excited about this event because I love to get ideas for my mantel. Beth encourages that we 'shop the house' and that should be no problem...ask The Husband. I have been promising that once I stored away all of the holiday items, I would work on all of the clutter, and the clutter is for the most part, the results of my shopping sprees. So I hope to be inspired to make some pretty vignettes over the next few weeks, or longer, and put that clutter to good use.
The mirror above my mantel is old, I am not sure and neither was the antique store owner. In one of Rachel Ashwell's books, she advises that you will know an old 'looking glass' by the somewhat blurriness and waviness of the glass. The detail at the top pf my mirror is a good sign as well. Since my living room is small, a mirror is nice to give it an open feeling. The oil giclee paintings are from French Garden House. Stop by and see the wonderful items Lidy has for sale. I never leave empty handed. The candle holders are a recent find from a local gift shop and the birds are just part of my flock, turning up here and there...
I usually have more plants around the hearth, but they were getting extremely dried out from the fires everyday, so it looks sort of plain. And I promise to light a fire at the next party. I am not feeling so well, lately, a bit of a cold, some asthma problems, and let me run this one by all of you, who I consider the wisest of friends. I have been waking up with horrible cramps in my toes and feet and last night the cramp settled in my right calf. I can barely walk on the leg. I have heard that the cramping is very common in menopause and wonder if anyone else has this or has heard of it. Last night it was SO bad that I took a muscle relaxant that I have on hand for my back and it helped a lot...but that isn't the answer. So let me hear from you. My imagination is already working overtime. And of course I will talk to my doctor.
This is probably the shortest post I have ever done! But I need a hot bath and then I think I am going to spend the evening in bed with some books and the dogs and some comfort food. Hopefully I will be asleep with a smile on my face when those cramps come. :-)
I love the mirror!
Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Jane
Amy@The LemonCottage is right, the mirror is beautiful!
As for the cramps in your feet, toes and calves, I have heard of that happening but it's not something I get, so I am of no help. Did you try googling it yet?
Hi Jane. Leg cramps! OMG! I HATE THEM! I got them because of cholesterol medication I was taking. Changed the prescription and they went away. I have never heard of them being associated with the big nasty M that we are going thru - UGH!
Uh . . . by the way . . . if you come home one night and that mirror isn't hanging over your fireplace any amore - DON'T come looking for it at my house!
Have a great weekend!!!
Love your birdcage! That is gorgeous! I don't have any answer for your leg cramping, but definitely check it out with your doctor.
I am thrilled that you linked up to the party to show off this gorgeous mantel! I am having some mirror envy right now, I must admit. Thanks also for getting the word out about the party. At least three participants linked today because of you :)!
Enjoy your books and have a restful weekend,
Your mantel looks lovely Jane!
I miss my mantel.
Don't have a mantel in our new home!
Pop over to PINK WEEK Giveaway!
Your mantle looks beautiful. I love those paintings with the birdcage. Lovely!
Oh, Jane, I heard that bananas are good for cramping.
This is very pretty, Jane. I love the bird paintings and your candlestick holders, very pretty. I also love your use of the bridcage. And I love antique mirrors, love the shape too. Have you tried taking pictures at night without flash? That's what I do...Christine
Hello Jane,
Guess what? We have the same mirror...I'm not sure about the age of mine...I have it hanging in the master bedroom at this time. Your mantel looks great and thanks for for joining the party...I did not know about this one. Hope you have a FUN weekend!
I love that mirror! And your fireplace has very pretty etchings and character to it as well. As for the cramping, i've been in menopause for a few years now. I do stretching exercises twice per day down on my yoga mat. Helps to stay stretched. But once in awhile I still get the cramps in my legs.
Janie-Your mirror is beautiful! I love the shape. A good soak in epsom salt might help the muscle cramps--it can't hurt. You sound as if you have a good evening planned. Get some rest and take care :)
Hi Jane, your mantel looks beautiful! Did you climb up and down alot of stairs or on a ladder or step stool putting your Christmas stuff away, or bending down on your knees alot or lifting heavy boxes? I know I have pulled muscles in my toes and feet when I climb alot or kneel too much... hope you feel better soon! xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane,
I wish I had that mirror, it's so pretty! Your mantel looks so nice, I love it all.
Sorry about your leg cramps, maybe a quick trip to the doctor would be a good idea.
Now, go get cozy and rest and let us know how you are doing. okay?
Your mantel looks so great, I do love the Bird Paintings. {a good reminder to get more for the shop! Your mirror is most likely from the very early 1900's, maybe a little older (Victorian) it's hard to tell from a photo.:) So sorry about the leg cramps.xo Lidy
Beautiful! Love that mirror.
Potassium will help leg cramps, and bananas are supposed to help prevent them.
Are you drinking enough water? That was my first thought about the leg cramps. Do you have night sweats and hot flashes? You may be dehydrated, causing the leg cramps. I'm no expert but this menopause is a killer at times. Some nights I just want to scream because I wake up soaking wet, drenched and miserable. Then I strip and then I'm cold. Can't a girl get a break. Think about adding more water to your diet.
Your mantel is beautiful.
Jane, I love that mirror! It's really beautiful. And that birdcage is calling my name. I started getting horrible leg and foot cramps in my sleep about a year ago, and it got to the point where I couldn't straighten my leg or foot for an hour or so. They do come with the M territory. A friend told me to eat a banana a day and it really has helped alot. I hardly ever get leg cramps anymore, but if I skip a couple of "banana days", they come back. Check with your doc, but the bananas sure can't hurt! Kathy
You have such beautiful things. I love the way you arranged them!
Your fireplace mantle is really lovely. I love the prints and the birds. I wonder if you are lacking potassium. I'd try eating a banana before going to bed. Hope your cramps go away. I know how miserable they can be.
I love that mirror and the candlesticks! I've been looking for an oval mirror at the thrifties and no such luck.
Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog. Hope you feel better soon!
Oh this looks so pretty. You have a beautiful large mantel to work with too. What a blessing. The birdcages, birds and candlestick are all beautiful and I love those pictures.
I love the birdcage...everything is so pretty. I get leg cramps when I get dehydrated. I don't like to drink water and I have to make myself do it. You might try pushing fluids for a few days.
Your mantel looks so pretty. Love those paintings.
I have a LOT of cramps-my toes, fingers, legs, stomach, and believe it or not, my chin! They are horrible, and do seem worse at night. I have asked Drs. for years, and they tell me to eat bananas, but it doesn't help. I do take Quinine pills when the cramps are really bad, and they help. I've had many sleepless nights because of cramps, so I know what you are going through, and I am so sorry. Hope it is just a temporary phase for you. Saying prayers that you will feel better soon. laurie
Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a wonderful comment about my mantel. I love your mantel. My husband gets cramps in his legs sometimes and eating bananas really does work. It's the potassium that helps. Our muscles need potassium. :) I hope your cramps subside. Try eating a banana and let us know. I hope you don't mind that I follow along your blog. Come visit me again and you're welcome to follow along too. :)
Hi Jane, I just love the vintage feel of this whole photo. The color on the wall, the woodwork, the accessories, gosh, I've got goosebumps!
What a beautiful mantle. It looks so warm and inviting! I tend to decorate things and then leave them be. I need to learn to change things up a bit every now and then!
As far as the cramping goes, you could be experiencing potassium issues. My advice, eat bananas.
What a beautiful mantel you have (even without the decorations-love the dental moulding). The mirror and art look wonderful too!
Love the mirror ...but I REALLY love your bird cage! Hope you are feeling better soon! Beautiful Mantel.
Your mantle looks beautiful!
Could you be low on Potassium? Runners and bikers eat a banana when they get a cramp for relief. It's worth a try! I hope you get some relief.
Nice mantel. Sorry, don't have any advice. Please take care and hope you're feeling better soon.
Blessings from Lakewood,
Your mantel looks great Jane. Dog gone it, my next house better have a fireplace!:>) I ggogled the leg cramps. Check here,
try the banana and plenty of water - less caffeine first. after a 2-3 days if you still have call your dr. office to "be rid of them!" lol.
ADORE the birdcage, but the whole arrangement is beautiful!!!
Hey Jane,
Your Mantle looks so gorgeous, I love that fireplace!!! The mirror is perfect, what a great find and the bird pics are just charming. Hey girl, I have had that too and I do think it's related to the meno. Hormones shifting and changing and it does kind of suck but don't worry too much I think it is fairly normal. Hugs, Cindy
BUEATIFUL mantel. I love the mirror. Aren't antique mirrors just wonderful?!
A banana a day for the cramps :)
Beautiful just so beautiful, I get so wrapped up in reading your posts that I have to go back and look at the photos. LOL.
Since I am post menopause, I have experienced theses cramps . I was told that it was a lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium. I found that supplements of these minerals would eliminate the cramps and they did! I hope you can find some relief as having experienced these I know how painful.. I would even get knots in the calf of my legs,ouch!
As always I so enjoy visiting you.
Feel better! The mirror is very pretty.
A mantel party sounds like fun :-)
Yours is decorated with some of my favourite things ... love the oil paintings, birdcage and gorgeous vintage mirror.
Hope you are feeling better Jane ♥
Great mantle!! Love the birdcage. Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Back Porch Blessings,
Beautiful my friend. I love the mirror. My heart did flip flops when I enlarged the picture.. love your flock of birds as I've always heard waking up with cramps is a sign you are low on calcium...Mine use to do this and I started my daily doses of calcium and vitamin D.. no more cramps in the legs or toes. I hope this finds you feeling some better, nothing more painful... hugs ~lynne~
Jane, you did a lovely mantel scape! I love all of your special treasures and how you've combined them in such a pleasing way. Perfection!
I hope you're feeling better soon.
Jane the consensus is you need potassium and calcium.
My mantle is completely empty right now, not even any dust on it. For now.
It is the area I struggle with the most in my home. It never looks right to me. I look forward to seeing what others come up with.
Your mirror reminds me of your header on your blog.
well I say the mantel looks just fine ...
is the medicine working ...
hope so dear
I love the prints with the birdcage. It looks very Springy!
Hi Jane, I love your mantel and the mirror is totally fabulous. Very serene and soothing.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Hugs, Barb ♥
I love the carving on your mantle! So beautiful! Enjoy that long hot bath!
Jane - don't worry about the leg're probably pregnant. LOL Did you just faint? Just kidding, I know those leg cramps are miserable. I had one so bad I did what you did - muscle relaxer but the soreness took days to go away.
Very nice job on your mantel - it looks wonderful. And I hear you on shop the house...I went to an auction today and now I can shop the car! Hope you are feeling much better soon. :) Nancy
~WOW! Jane your mantel is really gorgeous! Love the green color and your mirror. So pretty!
Thank you very much for your kind words about my new healthy life! They meant the world to me. I feel like a new person these days and I'm so beyond blessed and grateful.
Many blessings sweet friend. ~Melissa :)
I hope you feel better very soon. I'm so sorry. I will pray for you.
Love your mantel and all your vintage goodies !
I hope your leg cramps go away - yes, go see the doctor .....
Hugs ~ Kammy
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. The cramps might be caused due to low potassium. I've had that and I was on meds for awhile plus encouraged to eat potassium rich foods ~ bananas, avocados, spinach, etc.
The mirror is gorgeous! I just love mirrors. I'm anxious to see your new decor. I am removing some items, packing them away and rearranging too. Seems a lot of us feel this urge after the holidays.
Take good care of yourself!
Hi Jane, sorry to hear you are not feeling everyone else I think more water, potasium and make sure you don't put the covers over your feet too tight...don't you love all the dr. advise everyone has given..we are a caring bunch don't you the mantle and the mirror, it looks beautiful and inviting...I can't think of a thing new for my mantle, I think I am having a creative block, hope it ends soon, take care....Phyllis
I so wish I had a fireplace. Beautiful mirror and vignette! Thanks for visiting. You are always so kind....
I love your mantle! My kingdom for a mantle! We have a brick fireplace that goes to the ceiling and there is no mantle. I've loved the mantles I've had in past houses. I can't wait to see what you do next! And, who is in your flock of birds! I also have a large flock - maybe we should have a bird party! :-)
My mom gets terrible cramps in her feet and legs and has for years. She is also asthmatic. I wonder if it has something to do with the medications. They used to have quinine OTC which really helped but you can't get it anymore - the gov't. took it off the market. Don't get me started...
Oh, the whale wasn't in front of a shop. There was this little park-like resting area next to a restaurant. That's where he was - just as cute as could be!
Stay warm!
Your mantle is quite lovely and charming. Loving the mirror and the white candles.
Blessings always!
Hi Jane, didn't get a chance to read the other comments, but the leg cramps at night can be from dehydration, if you are on a diuretic or high blood pressure meds. also if your potassium is low. eating a banana a few times a week helps relieve it. Hope this doesn't continue, take care, hope you feel better, and love that mirror!
I sooooo NEED a mantle! Yours is lovely!
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. LOVE the mantel. I can't believe you told hubby you would declutter!!!! I always think I am going to & then I start dragging stuff out. ???? Nesting that's what we're doing. RIGHT? :)
Daddy used to get terrible leg cramps & his doc said his blood pressure medicine depleted his potassium levels. So he took supplements for that. There in lies the eat bannana's since they are high in pottasium or buy the OTC potatsium supplements. Hope that helps! HUGS! Charlene
i looooooooooooove that mirror!
I never heard that, now when my potassium is low this happens to me. Since surgery they had to give me pills for it. Eat lots of bananas! Check with your Doc before taking any potassium pills! They have to do a blood test! Feel better!
Janie, I love this mantlescape, too! Those dark paintings are stunning. I think this one might even be my favorite. Great job!
Sheila :-)
And I love the birdcage, too! :-)
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