This past weekend The Husband and I stayed at a B & B in beautiful Galena, Illinois in celebration of our 23rd wedding anniversary. We also celebrated meeting a fellow blogger and her husband, Cindy from Applestone Cottage,
and Dan. Cindy and I had been in cahoots about meeting for some time since we are two of the few Midwestern bloggers in our little community. So we agreed to meet in historic Galena, Illinois, which is very close to the Illinois/Iowa border, situated on the Mississippi River with the Galena and Illinois rivers running through. It is about a three hour drive for each of us from different directions. Galena was home to our 18th president and 9 time General, Ulysses S. Grant. The town boasts 19th century architecture and 90% of it is on the National Historic Registry. Above is a beautiful B & B, not the one we stayed in, for I neglected to take a picture (see Cindy's post for that) and I thought this one would do. Pretty isn't it?
Here is the room we stayed in Friday night, the biggest in the home. I absolutely loved it for I have stayed in B & B's where I could lie in bed and touch all four walls. I love the big four poster bed. It was high enough to get a nosebleed.
And a gorgeous gas fireplace to keep us snugly all night long, well sort of, but I will explain that later.
Off we went for dinner and settled on a little pub called Benjamins. I had a scrumptious veggie sandwich made with fresh foccacia bread and The Husband had beef brisket.
I wish I could say we sat holding hands and staring into each other's eyes, but the reality is that The Husband watched a basketball game on one of the televisions and I doodled on the paper tablecloth with the crayons provided for bored adults that whine and squirm in their seats.
One glitch at the B & B. The above room became a bit chilly overnight, given that our temps slumped down to the single digits and the only heat in our room was from the fireplace. This particular room was used as a kitchen, separate from the main house and later connected. I actually felt fine the next morning and sat outside the room on a cute wicker filled porch watching the little birds flit from one flocked evergreen to the next. The sun was beginning to warm everything up and I admired the rose garden and all the pretty statuary. But alas, the husband whined and repeated several times, "Jane, it is 60 degrees in here!!" He was adamant about changing rooms so I had to give up the rose garden and little winter birds and move to another room which you can see in the pictures above and below. This room was quite nice and how much time do you spend in the room anyway? I did encounter a problem with the down pillows as I am allergic. My eyes puffed up a bit and I spent most of breakfast sneezing between bites of the gorgeous croissants stuffed with crab meat in a delicate white sauce. That in addition to a delicious apple tart and fresh fruit, all served on Spode china, the Christmas Tree pattern, of course.
We met Cindy and Dan at a restaurant named Vinny Vanucchi's, and if you guessed Italian, you are right. We were a little nervous to say the least about meeting virtual strangers and then being stuck with them all weekend, but they turned out to be the nicest couple and as would have it, we had an absolute blast all weekend. Never a dull moment. Cindy is exactly as she is on her blog, down to earth, funny and cute. Dan is one of the nicest guys I have ever met and he and The Husband hit it off really well. I know a lot of bloggers say that when they meet it is like they have been friends forever, and this was definitely the case here.
So off we went shopping after Cindy and Dan checked in to the B & B. The shopping area was so quaint and festive, done up in all it's holiday finery.
And there was a bit of play fullness in the air. This is one of several snowmen flanking the outside of the shops.
This was a very cool shop that we stopped in. In the store windows were children that at first looked like those mechanical mannequins you sometimes see, but they were real, busy decorating cookies, well, er...actually eating all the decorative candies instead! The Husband bought a large cloche here as he has been wanting me to make a floral arrangement in it for the conference room at his office. This is going to be a lot of fun.
The husbands were directed to go upstairs to a special 'Men Only' room, where they could watch sports on a big screen television and help themselves to cold beverages. Cindy and I, being quite like minded, let them enjoy the Man Cave for about 5 minutes before we disregarded the rules and entered the male domain. Here we are posing with our seat warmers, as of course all females who forcibly enter are required to sit on the hard bleachers.
Back at the ranch, Wendy, the owner of Annie Wiggins (our B & B) was preparing for a progressive dinner which was starting at her home with beverages. A gifted seamstress, she made this beautiful period costume and was quite proud of it.
She posed for a picture in the parlour for me. Look at that fancy bustle!
Later she showed me her sewing room, her favorite place in the house. 
Isn't it wonderful? Look at the bolts of fabric! This really makes me want to sit down and start sewing on that new machine I have that is gathering dust.
After having cocktails in the parlour and joining in on some parlour games with the guests of the progressive dinner, who were quite a nice bunch of people, we headed out for dinner and settled on this restaurant.
Tasteful but casual, I was too busy tucking in to my Pasta Puttanesca to pay much attention to what anyone else was having.
After dinner we grabbed an innocent bystander to take a group photo of us.
When we got back to the Inn, Wendy pulled me aside and led me to the dining room where she had the table set for breakfast. I had been admiring her collection of Johnson Brother's Old Britain Castles and so she had set the table with it rather than the the holiday Spode. I was so touched. Cindy has more pictures of her collection. I loved her napkins rings which were fashioned out of silk flowers with the stems bent around the napkin. What a neat idea!
You can see her buffet with some of her pieces on it. The dining room was just beautiful! The following morning, breakfast was french toast stuffed with a cream cheese and orange marmalade filling. Oh, heaven. She is a wonderful cook.
After packing up the next morning, my eyes even more swollen from the down pillows, we headed off to a sports pub to watch the Green Bay packers beat the Chicago Bears. Now how ironic was that? Cindy and Dan from Wisconsin and The Husband and I from Chicago. There was some friendly rivalry but we all remained friends.
During the three hour game, Cindy and I talked non stop. We had so much in common and after 2 days of sharing time and meals, we were best friends. After a bite to eat, we parted ways with a promise to meet up again in the summer. When that happens, I am going to have the room that looks out at the rose garden and little birds and I am going to bring my own pillows!!
I am linking up with Susan who hosts Outdoor Wednesday and Susan from Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday. You can go to their blogs by clicking the icons on my sidebar. Thank you all for visiting. I am off to make my rounds of all the events!
Happy Anniversary!!!!! What a pretty B&B you stayed in. So cozy. And how much fun it must have been to meet a lady blogger too. That is great. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
Hi Jane,
I read Cindy's blog earlier and it sounds as if the two of you (and also the "men") have become good friends. Galena looks like a lovely place to visit with great shopping!
I don't know if I'll ever get to meet any of my blogger pals but maybe one day?
It sounds like you spent a perfect anniversary weekend in Galena! Meeting Cindy and her husband was just icing on your cake! I loved hearing all about it.
Jane--I saw Cindy's pictures too and I am so envious! I know you two had such a good time! Wish I had been with you in this fabulous place!
What a wonderful weekend, all round. And oh B&B's are the best! The only way to stay, when traveling. Well, if they are available anyway. I loved to think about what life was like in those rooms, back then the house was an original home. :-)
So glad you made a wonderful friend, too.
Oh do you know the old Net term for meeting a person you only knew, on line? It's not very pretty but... >,-) It's called a Flesh Meet. Honest. Just ask another old Net person.
Back in the day, Net places were called 'Mailing Lists,' and not so fancy as blogs. But we make lots of friends, just the same. International even.
Mmmmm, Aunt Amelia is wandering down "Memory Lane" here, in your comments. I'll stop! -giggles-
So glad you had such a wonderful time, other than the pillows that is. ,-)
What a beautiful place! So glad you were able to have such a great time together!
Enjoy your Holidays, Chris
Happy Anniversary...what fun...I love Cindy....lucky girl to get to spend time with her...
What a beautiful B&B! I've only gotten to stay in a B&B once and it was a wonderful experience. I'm sure that when the kids are grown, the hubster and I will find some others to try. :) Glad you had such a great time and met a fellow blogger! I've met a few of my online friends over the years and it has always been a terrific experience.
Well the trepidation can be expected when meeting up. So far I have been very lucky.
About 10 years ago I was emailing back and forth with a woman from Manitoba who painted the same Santa patterns that I did. Finally a couple years ago they were coming to B.C. for a wedding and they stayed in our small town one night and came for dinner. We had a great visit and talked for hours.
I have met up with fellow bloggers a couple times and have been very happy with the meetings. Great women but of course that is why we follow them isn't it?
NOT FAIR! I live waaaaaayyyyyy out in So Cal! You guys had WAY TOO MUCH fun! I told Cindy she was giving me a heart attack with all the snow, and the beautiful homes.
Your rooms are just gorgeous. How fun is this? I have never stayed at B&B before, but Girl - you are making me rethink that.
(Hmmmmm . . . I wonder if anyone would let us bring the dogs...NOT!)
What a fun time! Isn't Cindy just the cutest thing? I just adore her.
Thanks for taking us along on your fun trip!
Karen @ Some Days Are Diamonds
Happy 23rd! Looks like you guys had a wonderful trip. That BB looks adorable.
Oh, my goodness, such a romantic place to celebrate an anniversary! I think it's so neat that you got to meet one of your bloggy friends! Looks like you might just be buddies for life! :)
Hi Jane...
I've just been to Cindy's and in all fairness...I thought I'd better come over and hear your side of the story! (wink!) Hehe! Girl, it sounds like ya'll had the time of your lives and I'm just tickled pink for the both of you!!! I think it's just so wonderful to be able to meet "face to face" a blogging friend!!! Ohhh...and the B&B that ya'll stayed at is simply divine! Ohhh yes, I could have really enjoyed myself there! I just adore getting to see all of yours and Cindy's photos of the B&B and of the fun that you had!!! What a fabulous experience and it sounds like Galena was the perfect little town to meet up in!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. I told Cindy that both of you, dear sweet ladies are so beautiful...loved all your photos!!! Well my friend, I know that it's a bit late but I am still going to send you my very best wishes and blessings for a Happy Anniversary...with many more to come!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
I read about this over at Cindy's blog. You guys look so at ease with one another. So nice to meet blog friends. You already know you have a lot in common! That B&B sounds wonderfully accommodating.
Hi Jane,
Oh, this is so nice, great post! Your such a sweetheart and it was such a fun time and I can't wait to do it again! The pics look really good Jane, except me where I look like I closed my eyes, LOL! I hung the ornaments you got me on the tree today and they look really pretty! I just love them! I am so glad you had a pic of Wendy, that looks so neat and that awesome sewing room! Say hi to Al for me and stay warm, it's nasty cold here today! Lucky we got such a nice day Saturday! Hugs, Cindy
Wow - what a great weekend you must have had!
My experience in meeting three bloggers now, is that we have an enormous amount in common and with one in particular, our husbands hit it off too.
I loved this post, Janie! What a special anniversary in a lovely place. I know it was fun, and I loved reading your post in addition to Cindy's!
Sheila :-)
What a fun weekend, great pictures too! Thanks for sharing..
Hi Jane! Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful place to celebrate. It's just lovely. I must admit, I'm with your hubby on this one, a 60 degree room would kill me! What a fun meeting you had with Cindy. I love all of your pictures, you look like you were having the best time. That sewing room is amazing, and so is the costume Wendy made. Such talent! Hopefully DH and I will make it back to Chicago someday (in the SUMMER lol) and we can meet up. I would love that so much!! Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Kathy
okaaaaaay ... I'm feeling a little left out here ...I live in the midwest, heck I live in the burbs ... I'm close to Galena, I like to shop ...I like to eat ... I know Blondie ...I love fried green tomatoes!
sigh ...
anyway ...happy anniversary ...you are a shining beacon in the world of marriages
p.s. we have eaten at FGT
p.s. we've eaten at V.V.'s too
Belated Happy Anniversary Jane - you look so happy together.
I loved reading of your visit to Galena and meeting up with Cindy and Dan - wonderful that you hit if off so well. Always fun meeting bloggers!
No, not Chicago - brrr, much too cold there!!!
Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas Jane.
What a wonderful week-end and how nice that you got to meet Cindy too and spend time together!
Loved your story. Great pictures. I had a great time. Your friends were great. The Husband.
Two of the nicest people in Blogland got to meet. How wonderful is that? I can imagine how much fun you have had. I love the plce where you stayed in, it looks very charming and very quaint. What a nice way to spend an Anniversary.....Christine
Gosh that looks like fun.....I've never spent a weekend with a couple I had never met.....I'm happy to hear it all went well.
I love your blog header! How did you do that?
Looks like just a fabulous time! Happy Anniversary to you both!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
This looks like you had such a nice time, Jane, meeting Cindy & her DH....belated "Happy Anniversary", too!
I have sent a link of your blog to friends who live near enough to enjoy a trip to Galena. I hope they visit there. Thanks for the tour & thank you, too for the kind comments on DH's health. We're taking it one day at a time.
It looks like you had a wonderful Anniversary getaway Jane! Going away to a B&B is my favorite way to celebrate with my husband. They are always so beautiful and romantic:>)
Happy Anniversary, Jane! Husbands do lose some of the romantic pieces that we all wish they'd keep, but your guy made up for it with this trip. (I'm happy for him that his team won.)
Cindy sounds wonderful, and I'm glad you two hit it off so well. That made your trip extra special.
what an amazing weekend! the b&b looks so beautiful, and what a lovely town. happy anniversary!!
What a wonderful Anniversary! I laughed at your dinner alone description. When my husbands starts gazing into my eyes, I think that my eyeliner must be running or I have developed pinkeye. It is so nice that you met Cindy and her husband. The photos were great. I am looking forward to spring when I meet the Big Nut from Family Trees.
XO Sue
Such a fab time...I am so happy for you and jealous!! I love little towns and all their charm. The progressive dinner is soooo neat! Love your room! Thanks for sharing!
How awesome.
I loved all the pictures. Would love to visit there myself. It's great you two got together, you can form great friendship with people you meet online.
Merry Christmas!
O, what a beautiful anniversary you had. And, getting to meet a blogger...AWESOME.
Gosh, you two ladies are so so pretty...how I wish I had been in one of those B&B rooms, right next to you...We all could have had an all-night gab and eat fest!!:>)
So glad you had such a good time !
xo bj
Hi Jane, Happy Anniversary to you and hubby. What a wonderful time that must have been with the four of you shopping and watching football! I think the mancave in the store is the best idea I've heard of. The B & B is beautiful and Wendy's dress was so pretty. I loved seeing her sewing room. I have a fairly new sewing machine that hasn't got a lot of use either. Maybe after the holidays I'll get some projects done.
Christmas Hugs,
Hi Jane,
Happy anniversary to you both! Your weekend sounds like it was so much fun. How great that you were able to meet up with Cindy and her hubby! I often wonder if I'm the only one out here in N.Calif who blogs, I'd love to meet a few other women who understand....!!
The little town you stayed in looks like would be the perfect place for a girls weekend! Great fun!
Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful week.
Heidi - Heart and Home
How much fun!!! and soooo down to earth, lol, thats how a romantic getaway would go for me too.
Hello Blondie
Happy Anniversary! Such a beautiful B&B,it looks so romantic and cosy. It would be good if these places didn't have TVs sometimes...
It is lovelty to meet a fellow blogger and get on so well with them. I have a met a few lovely ones including Niki from Nostalgia at the Stone House.
Warm wishes
Isabelle x
What a great trip! The first room at the B&B is my favorite too. :-) I'm so glad you had a chance to meet another blogger and a belated Happy Anniversary!
Looks like you had a ball,nice little place you stayed too!! Now back to real life...ahhhh! Talk soon,Chrissy
Happy Anniversary...late!
I have enjoyed reading yours and Cindy's posts about this fun meeting!
The B&B was just gorgeous.
What fun! I have never stayed at a Bed and Breakfast but it looks so beautiful! Glad you made a new best friend! I will pop over now and checkout Cindys blog! Thanks for sharing! Sherri : )
What fun! I have never stayed at a Bed and Breakfast but it looks so beautiful! Glad you made a new best friend! I will pop over now and checkout Cindys blog! Thanks for sharing! Sherri : )
Thanks for coming by and for the anniversary wished for my fella and i.
Congratulations to you two also!!
Looks like a wonderful stay for you.
barbara jean
sounds really good and yes a lovely BB. Congrats. Great costumes btw too and love that snowman. He makes me laugh.
Fun, fun, fun Janie! Geez, next time I go to Dubuque and go shopping in Galena, I'll think of yours and Cindy's little visit there. Oh what a treat it is to meet up with "like minds." I have had really good connections. Hopefully these girls say the same thing in reference to me-I AM a little crazy and wild, you know! Hope you are having a wonderful time preparing for the holidays. I am tired let me tell you. The head is still spinning every so often, but I feel waaaay better than I did 5 weeks ago.
Take care and Happy Belated Anniversary to you and the hubs...
hugs from Sue
THE best place for romance in the area.......by far......
we do it every year.......our anniversary there.........
we have the same great taste no?
Glad you had such a great time in Galena. Please come back and visit soon! There's lots to see and do. Check out our website for help when planning your next trip. :)
I enjoyed your profile too btw.
Happy Anniversary you two!! Gorgeous couple...: )
Oooh! I LOVE B & Bs. I will definitely have to keep this one on our list of places to go!
What fun to meet a dearfriend. A blessing for both of you!
Meeting blog friends is just the best experience isn't it?? : )
Oh! I laughed out loud at your description of him watchng the game insted of staring into your eyes at dinner! I KNOW all about THAT!! *laugh*
Oh, what a wonderful house! Just popped in to wish you a very peaceful and joyous Christmas with your beloved ones, Jane!!
I found your blog through Twitter and VisitGalenaOrg.
Thought I'd comment as my wife and I and too other couple are big fans of Galena. We go there 4-6 times a year to enjoy the city, the food...and the wine. We are fans of Galena Winery, Durty Gurts (awesome burgers), Market House, Galena Cafe (great diner-style breakfasts), Poopsies...well, just about everything.
We rent a home close to town and usually stay Fridays through Sunday. Its a great place to relax.
I like your blog. Seeing the pictures of Galena makes me feel like I'm standing on Main Street.
Thanks again for posting this.
Hi Janie,
What a nice way to spend your anniversary. The B&B look so cozy and cute and how fun to meet a fellow blogger. I will be checking out Cindy's blog for more photos.
Merry Christmas
What a fun weekend getaway this was Jane. Love the photos of the interior of the house. Your hostess Wendy's costume is lovely--she really is an accomplished seamstress. So glad you hit it off with Cindy and Dan. It's amazing when you think of how many friendships have started via blogging.
Happy Anniversary, what a lovely place to celebrate. How fun to meet up with Cindy and her husband. What a wonderful place Galena is, I have never been to Illinois, but I have heard such wonderful things about it. I think it is even colder than New England in winter.
Happy Anniversary again.
Hi Jane! I have had so much fun reading about your weekend with Cindy and her hubby! What a beautiful town the two of you chose! And that B&B is gorgeous! I have been fortunate enough to meet some of my fellow bloggers, and it IS like you've known them forever! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family...hugs...Debbie
Oh how fun! Looks like you had a great time. The room is only heated by the fireplace? Wow, that sounds a bit chilly but beautiful at the same time.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with me!!! I loved the photos of the B&B's. Sooooooooo sorry about your allergies. What a bummer! And how exciting you got to meet Cindy & her hubby. When I read you comment you left me about seeing something(Texas) that you had never seen I had thought "wouldn't it be great if Jane could come down to visit" I would LOVE to have you come down so we could explore!!!! Think about it. Thanks for sharing your trip & stories. Hugs my dear friend & Happy Anniversary again. Charlene
Jane you all look wonderful!
You are so pretty!
What a lovely and scenic B&B. It sounds like you had a great time on your Anniversary. Fun!
~Enjoy the season! ~Melissa :)
Hi Janie! Would you believe that I am in another trip again? We're in New Orleans right now to catch and early flight tomorrow for California for my niece's graduation and will be back on Monday. Thanks for coming by. Did you see my tablescape yesterday? Hope you have a nice weekend...Christine
Jane - what a fun time! That B&B looks delightful, the shops look darling & eating...well...SOLD! We'll mark Galena down as a must-stop some day!
Oh Jane...what an amazing way to celebrate your Anniversary! What gorgeous B&B, I'm so happy that you and the hubby had a wonderful time!
How delightful that you also got to meet a fellow blogger!!
Love and hugs,
Wow...how fun was that! Our 26th anniversary was yesterday! :)
Happy Anniversary my dear friend!! What a delightful place to celebrate. Not only making memories but new friendships. Both you girls are beautiful! Looks like you both a wonderful time..hugs ~lynne~
Just checking in to say that I hope you had a great day, and that I am thinking of you always.
XO Sue
what a nice time you had! Love the snowman picture! Merry Christmas! Love, Dana and Daisy
Hi Jane,
Happy Anniversary! And Merry Almost Christmas! I'm so glad you, Cindy, and your guys had such a special time together. The b&b looked wonderful, and the food sounded great!
I always enjoy your posts. You really have a way of making your readers feel comfortable and involved. Now I have to dash over to Cindy's and see her photos and read her comments on your time together.
Hope your Christmas and New Years are the best ever!
Warmest regards,
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Very pretty place you stayed in!
How fun Jane, sounds like you all had a great time! Well with the exception of the down pillows you were allergic to.
But the B&B looked like a great place, and the tablesetting where you had breakfast was really pretty too!!
Thanks for sharing your trip!!
Hi again, Janie, and Happy Pink Saturday! :-)
This really is a beautiful post. I would love to go there for a visit. That dining room is amazing. So glad it was such a lovely time for you. You deserve it, my friend.
Sending you big Pink Saturday hugs...
Sheila :-)
What a wonderful meeting! I think Cindy is a fellow-Wisconsinite. I love it when cyber-souls touch!
Goregeous B&B! My Aunt & Uncle live in Naperville. Is that anywhere near you? I laughed when I saw the date 2/14/86 is the day my son was born!
LiBBy BuTTons
I just love this post (and somehow missed it. Eek! Sorry about that...) and devoured every bit of it! I can tell this little trip would have been right up my alley!!
I love that the Inn owner set the table with the dishes you admired...I just love those special touches that you get when you stay somewhere quaint and family-owned.
A happy belated anniversary, and I hope your holidays are merry!! I can't believe December is almost over, and a year that has totally flown by. Wow.
Thank you for being a huge part of my 2009. I cherish my "visits" with you, even if they are just on the computer. :-) You have brought beauty to my life. Here's to HEALTH, happiness and thrifty adventures in 2010!
xo, Laura
Happpppppppy Anniversary! I had so much fun with you at the B&B The rooms, the dining setting, the food! How fun to spend so much time with Cindy! I just enjoyed this so so much!
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