Not exactly your average holiday picture! As I mentioned in a previous post, we were spending Christmas down in Naples, Florida where my son Kevin (the golf pro) is positioned for the season. His club here in Chicago is closed for the winter as they frown very much on golfing in the snow. He was
sooo excited we were coming to him. So the girls were able to leave leave their boyfriends behind (oh, young love) and I was able to leave my winter wonderland, which wasn't so much of a wonderland the day we left. A blizzard caused a 3 hour delay of our flight but Blondie managed as she can sleep just about anywhere. In fact, I fell asleep on The Husbands shoulder sitting at our gate and when he got up to go for a walk I slumped over on to the shoulder of the man sitting next to me. My kids watched in absolute
embarrassment as the man gently nudged me off him and quickly abandoned his seat.

This is the place we stayed, The Vanderbilt Beach Resort, right on the beach. We had a beautiful suite with 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a living room, dining room and big eat-in kitchen. The balcony off the living room faced east and The Husband and I had coffee every morning just as the sun came up. In the evening we sat on the balcony facing west and watched the sky turn all shades of pink and blue.

This is the happy golfer and doesn't he look happy, still in uniform but relaxing with his family. That just goes to show you, home is where your heart is.

Blondie on the balcony with her favorite guys! This was Christmas day. I simplified things by making two turkey breasts. We had to use store bought gravy and rolls, but I made homemade dressing and Emily made her famous cream cheese and sour cream mashed potatoes. For dessert we had pumpkin pie (traditional) and key lime pie (regional)!

Abby and Jeff looking out at the ocean beyond the trees...

Four smiling kids minus three french hens...

A trip through the everglades. It's amazing that these funky looking roots are alive and well and have bright green leaves way up high over the swamps.

A luncheon feast at a seaside fish shanty complete with crab cakes, blue crab tails and fried gator chunks, all washed down with cold Corona's. Heaven!

Pelicans everywhere. They flew so close to our balcony I think they would have whizzed by close enough to touch if we hadn't had screens. The first time I saw pelicans flying in Mexico I asked the consierge what sort of dinasours they were (a very blonde moment). However son Kevin topped that when his siblings were recounting the animals they saw on a trip to the zoo Christmas Eve. Jeff said "We fed the zebras" to which Kevin replied "So what". Then Jeff said "And we fed the unicorns" to which Kevin replied "Big deal". OH YEAH!! I might add Kevin is also blonde. Score two. Three if you count me sleeping on stangers shoulder in airport.

The Husband and Blondie on the beach.

Time to say goodbye. We walked on sand instead of snow but we brought back memories of a very special Christmas together as a family. My wish to you, my new and dear friends, that you had Christmas in your hearts wherever you were and wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we could keep a bit of it in our hearts everday?
Oh the Vanderbilt Resort! It looks so pretty~and warm!
Yes...it would be wonderful if we all carried Christmas in our hearts all year long!
What a wonderful holiday memory you created with your family! I'm sure it was a wonderful reprieve from the snow, wind and frosty temps in Chicago!
Thank you for yor kind comments, I look forward to getting to know you as well!
Happy New Year, Happy New Dreams!
Hi, Blondie Jane! Thanks for stopping by. Looks like a great Christmas at the beach, I could go for that.
Oh that decoupage thing is SO easy. And I used some Rub N Buff on that S letter, in Spanish Copper. It's a good color to use over black to give it a little more interest & dimension. Just rub it on the edges. I only used the Mod Podge directly over the paper to seal it. Brush it directly on the wood plaque to put the scrapbook paper down, making sure to get the bubbles out & then I went back & put a coat on top. Then the letter was glued into place. Really easy!
Come back & see me soon!
A belated Merry Christmas, Janie! I loved this! And you are right, Christmas and home are where the heart is! So glad you had a good one. :-)
Sheila... who is used to an 80-degree Christmas but would someday love to see a white one (just not here in Florida)! ;-)
The other blonde's unicorn story is pretty funny. :-)
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!! How nice to get away with your family. We had a quiet little dinner at my place, just six of us, and it was a happy way to end a hectic couple of months.
My best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2009!
This looks like deju vu to me, i lived in sarasota, 21 yrs and just moved to charleston, we holidayed on sanibel and my cousin lived in naples, so christmas in Florida is
very familiar to me....hope your enjoying, my daughter lives in chicago, she graduated the art instutite and stayed up there,very happy. best to you please visit our blog. katie
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