Friday, October 21, 2016


Hey everyone!  I really thought I'd cave and bring up more fall stuff but I haven't.  I'm still thinking I'll have an excuse to go downstairs and take a peek at what I have but I've been neglecting laundry, too, so I haven't been down there much. it a funk?  I have to get in gear.  The holidays are going to be in swing just weeks from now.  As much as I say I'm going to do tons ahead of time, well, that never happens, and at this rate I may only have a Charlie Brown tree with that one lone red ornament.   In fact, the more time I think I have, the more I add to my list of brilliant things to do, and thats a no~no for all of us.   

I sort of feel a surge of energy in the evening, a second wind of sorts.  Maybe its just that ahhhhh feeling that the day is over.  Last week while feeling this way I grabbed my phone during a commercial on TV and under Notes made this list:

Challenges/Goals/Advice to myself

Go to bed day early...get up early
Discipline is the key to success
No whining.  Be tough and get it done
Treat everyone with kindness
No gossip or complaining about others
Stick to calendar
Complete To Do's or make up next day
Don't let fatigue or burn out make you veer off plan
Push on always
Have a me day
Forget stress 

I wasn't sure if this was something I wanted to post.  I feel it's overly ambitious, rigid and somewhat sad.  A bit hilarious, too, I might add. The pressure we put on ourselves often doesn't make sense to others much less ourselves but sometimes I think we need to look at ourselves in the brutal, cold light of day.  I know my faults...a ton of procrastination and lack of discipline.  I'm thinking I'll have to revise this list or maybe, do as so many recommend, make a list of all I've accomplished in a day.  Or a list of my blessings.  And that list will be much, much longer.  I've opened up a bit here and I hope you weigh in.  Do you set up expectations for yourself?  Maybe you just roll with it all.  As we get older and hopefully wiser, does life get easier?  I'm getting all introspective here and that's very un-Blondie~like but we all have our moments.  ;-D

I'm going on two years of writing for what I call 'The Lake Newspaper' but it is actually distributed in thirteen towns and twenty-two lakes in Southwest Michigan.  I should give it more credit than I do.  I love writing and I've said before, my columns are much like my blog, a lot of touching on this and that with recipes and a bit of my own experience in gardening and decorating.  I love how free and fun it can be to write an article that might get people to laugh and maybe try something new and different.  Experiment with a new recipe.  Set a pretty table.  Plant a little herb garden.   I just love what I do. 

I've been working hard for the past few weeks on something but I didn't want to curse anything or create any expectations.  I sure could have used some prayers but finally, I got the great 'news' last week and I've got a job!


I have a true blue professional job as a writer of a column for a regional newspaper here in Chicago.  Actually, the paper serves several towns/villages in suburbs adjacent to the city.  I am beyond thrilled.  I never thought I could sell the idea of a lifestyle column to a paper that has been in circulation for over fifty years, much less get the job as a writer!  There were times when I had to make follow up calls and I thought it was hopeless, but by the grace of God, this editor gave me a chance.  

A large part of my job will be seeking out stories in the community.  I'm thinking I may just change my name to Lois Lane (Ha!).  I will be writing a column and can also submit articles for possible features.  

I had the confidence of many people, including my children.  One of these sweeties had a bit of doubt, "Mom...there are people who have degrees in journalism that can't get writing jobs.  Don't go here."  She had good intentions, didn't want me to be let down.  I felt I had nothing to lose and I think I pushed harder because I don't feel we should have limitations based on preconceived ideas of background, education  or age.  I've done a lot of soul searching in how I want to spend the second half of my life.  My kids are off and running.  The Husband still has his career of over forty years with no sign of giving it up despite threats (gulp).  I think I'm really doing well.  The glass is definitely more than half full.  Wish me luck.

On to the decorating front.  Just some small changes besides apples and pumpkins on the dining table, some little Cinderella pumpkins on the mantel as I shared in my last post, and this vignette on the coffee table.  I've always loved this basket made out of wood and chicken wire and it works so well in autumn as well as winter.  I added some old books, glass candle holders filled with cinnamon scented potpourri and a few candles.  And I finally  found a copy of Bella Grace that everyone has been talking about.  It jumped out at me on a recent trip to Michael's.  I'm savoring it little by little.  

It's so hard to get a good photo of the glass coffee table (Hello area rug!).  Hope you get the picture.  

On the lakehouse front...I have been decorating the guest rooms and started off with bedding.  I think that pretty much captures the style and colors you want to go with.  Funny, the room my daughters shared, or the Gulls Room, has always stayed feminine and that's stayed the same.   I chose this floral  8 piece set from JC Penney.  It was a fantastic deal and once it arrived I was really happy with the quality.  The comforter is super soft.   Isn't it pretty?  I wanted something sort of happy and carefree in this room.  Emily and Abby have accused me of being very old ladylike when it comes to florals but they approved of this.  Funny thing is, I was going to make up all the guest room beds last weekend and then I thought, no one is really going to be here until next spring, why take these things out of the packages to get dusty?  So I washed all the comforters I previously had and made up the beds for now.  And its nice to see the rooms so fresh and clean after the sad, sad state of the house eighteen months ago after the water damage.  Makes me smile from ear to ear.  :-D

 I still can't help but call the other guest room the buoys (boys) room, and I wanted a little bit of nautical.  I found these  comforters (which also come as duvets) at Target.  This one is from the Industrial Shop.  Is this new to any of you guys?  I love it.

This is from the Beekman 1802 Farmhouse line at Target as well.  This fits perfectly with what I want.  I have three twin beds in this room so I mixed them up.  I can't wait to see how everything looks.  I have months to choose the details.  I'm having a ball!

Last weekend was a nice time at the lake in spite of working non stop to continue emptying boxes and the never ending clean up of drywall dust.  As I said, we bought a Swiffer and a Swiffer Wet Jet.   The Wet Jet worked like a charm getting up the  drywall dust and dirt but it sort of pushed regular old dust and dog hair around.  We chose a dark stain for the new wood floors.  My son has them and strongly discouraged us from getting them as they show every little speck.  I'm stubborn but he was right.  A friend stopped by and she said in between a good washing she uses an old fashion rope mop which she sprays with a little Pledge or Endust.  I'm wondering if any of you can pass tips on.  My floors here in the city are a pretty old and not so shiny oak and only look good after a good wash with Murphy's Oil Soap.  I don't mind at all, these floors have made it through endless pets and children that I actually let rollerblade through the house.  Really.  I'm older and fussy now.  At least until those little grandkids want to wreak havoc in the lakehouse (and I'll let them because I'm a softie).  So...weigh in on your method of keeping your wood floors looking good.

No lake this weekend.  The Husband has tickets to the Cubs game Saturday night (Go Cubbies!).  He's going with son Jeff.  He actually gave his tickets to both Jeff and Kevin but Kevin's employer has clubhouse seats.  And poor Abby lives a stone's throw from Wrigley Field and the traffic, noise and general partying is deafening.  She's coming here.  If they win we will have all the fireworks and celebrating but my area is more full on White Sox.  The Northside and Southside are like that but we are united when it comes to a winning team. lol!

Last thing.  Here's a link to get your very own Nasty Woman T shirt.  Get them while they (we) are hot.  They are $25 with 50% going to Planned Parenthood.

That's it for now.  See ya soon!

Jane x


Linda said...

Wow!! What a great visit and I share your thoughts on so many levels!!
I also have great plans about getting up early and slaying the day....but then I lie in bed and dream...and then check out Facebook....and emails....and then drift back to sleep.
I am impressed with your writing skills! You are a GIVEN for this! Please share!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the "job", although you certainly have enough to keep you bust already. Before I forget, I love the bedding pix as well as the "discipline" sign, let alone the things to do list...:)JP

It's me said...

Enjoy the weekend from me Ria x

podso said...

Congratulations on the job!

Kathleen Grace said...

Congratulations on the job! That is wonderful and a perfect fit for you. I just think you should put a link to your articles in the blog so we can read them too!

I wanted to do more decorating for fall, but time has been flying. I just spent a week in Pennsylvania visiting my daughter, so wonderful! But came home and hit the ground running on laundry, projects and just general stuff that backed up. At this point I'm trying to enjoy what I have and plan my Christmas decorating.

Love the bedding you chose for the Lakehouse! I agree, I would wait until the spring opening of the house to get that new stuff out. Think how nice it will be to fluff things up for Spring!

As for the note to yourself, I don't think we should ever stop trying to grow personally. Those are all things that I need too. I try to be cognizant of what I need to change but I recognize I'm not going to reach them all overnight. The older I get the more forgiving of myself I am, but I push forward, trying to be the best version of myself that I can. The day we stop striving for something more is the day we all die inside.

Have a great weekend Jane!

ann said...

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about doing something purposeful everyday, so we seem to be of the same mind, evaluating our daily lives, trying to improve ourselves--giving our days purpose. Your writing job will give you a great sense of purpose. A new grand baby to play with will do that, too. As I grow older, I have become less rigid with myself, living in a more minimalist way, keeping things simple. And it is good to evaluate and make notes. We may not accomplish everything on our list at one time; we may pick one or two things to work on, which is okay. No help on the wood flooring. We installed new flooring in June, choosing a vinyl planking instead that looks so wood real. I wanted hardwood, but living in the country with a dog running in and out wood floors would take a beating.

Your writing job sounds wonderful. You will be so good at it and you will see that having a writing schedule will keep give your days purpose! Enjoy the weekend, Jane. Always a pleasure to read about your life in Chicago. PS bedrooms are my favorite rooms to decorate.

Theresa said...

CONGRATS on the new job! I can't wait to read your articles! I have kept the Fall Decor to just a little this year! A few pillows and fall acorns:) BUT... with that said, I hope to get my energy up for Christmas! I have been watching the Cubs and I am SO jealous that you get to be at the game! I will be cheering and looking for you in the crowd! Have a sweet day dear friend! HUGS!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

How brave of you to follow an even bigger dream - congratulations!

Susie said...

Blondie , Congrats on your new proud of you. I would read your articles on decorating and cooking...and I try not to cook much. LOL. I used to be a very self motivated I need a fire under my backside. Age does indeed change things...our wants , desires and dreams. We do need to learn to let go of the stress we pile on ourselves. Wishing you the best, sweet girl. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Melanie said...

Congrats on your newspaper job - that is so exciting!
I can be a big procrastinator, too. I'm more motivated by deadlines.
Love all the bedding you have picked out.
Haven't even begun to think about Christmas - ugh. How does it always sneak up on us so quickly?!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

You have such a lovely writing style, Jane...of course they wanted to to do a column! Good for you for going for it and getting your dream! Congratulations!
I love all of your ideas for the will be wonderful!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Congrats on the new job! Way to go! Your writing is wonderful, so I know you will be a success. I love your new bedding you've chosen. Shopping for new things is always fun, but takes me forever to choose something since I like Everything! ha!

As for expectations...getting older changes a lot of things, but I'm the world's biggest procrastinator so it's hard for me to get a lot of things crossed off my very long to-do list. My road's paved with good intentions, but it's so easy for me to start the day thinking of all the things I'll do and then I'll sit down with my laptop and the next thing I know a few hours have flown by. Or, I'll hop in my car and go somewhere...maybe that's an escape from the chores, I dunno, but it's fun!

As for the wood floors, I haven't had them in a long time, but when I did...I used a fluffy floor mop and also sprayed it with Pledge and mopped them every day. There was also a liquid something...I don't remember the name...I sprinkled on the mop.

Have a nice weekend. And go Cubs! My hubby is rooting for the Cubs since the Cardinals didn't make the cut.

xo Cheryl

Primitive Stars said...

Afternoon Jane, congrats on the job, you are one busy bee!!! Love the wee white pumpkin, my Bluejay's are out now, will cheer the Cubs on.Blessings Francine.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Jane - so very proud of you and congratulations! I hope that you can share some of your columns with us here! I used to write for my major newspaper but it was just for a year and I was part of a group who contributed every 6 weeks. It was an amazing experience but a lot of 'pressure' at times. I can imagine you are feeling that right now. As women we have so much on our plates that might not seem 'important', like decorating, shopping, preparing meals, organizing, etc. etc. - not to mention all the family 'psychology' that we are in charge of, but it is those things all together that make life rich and wonderful for everyone else. Of course we feel the pressure and keeping up with it all is something we don't give ourselves enough credit for. I think that because some of it falls into the 'not necessary for survival' classification, we just don't get the recognition or help we might need and thus we are always over-extended. Anyway, I just wanted to say, I understand .......Your decorating in your last post is so pretty ( I love your mantel) and your linens for the lake house are wonderful. I am so excited for you that you have two new babies coming, too. The lake house is such a wonderful place for everyone to gather. My new grandson is coming in just two weeks now....Best of luck with your new career - you go girl! Sending hugs xo Karen

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Congrats on the job!!! That's great news! You certainly should be proud of yourself. :) I bet you'll love it! On the wood floors...I just use Bona products on mine. They're dark wood and do show a lot of lighter stuff, but I've had light floors before and they just seemed to show all the dark stuff, so go figure. Ha!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Well look at you!!! That's awesome Jane, and you're going to rock that job. You're in your element and I couldn't be happier for you!!

It's a new season in your life it seems, so I'm not surprised you're going through some introspection. I think Karen hit the nail on the head. There are so many things that we as women do that just get lost in the sauce, and sometimes it may seem like we haven't accomplished much, but we have! It's great to have goals. Life would be really boring and even pointless without them, but we need to accept that not all our goals will be fulfilled, just like our dreams. That's ok though. It's the effort that matters.

You're doing so great! Decorating the lake house, entertaining friends and family, blogging, cooking, gardening...and writing for a newspaper! Are you kidding me?? You're the energizer bunny as far as I'm concerned.

(I love the striped bedding for the boys).


Scribbler said...

I am so proud of you for landing this writing job! You so deserve it. I have always enjoyed your blog for the human interest tone.

You made some superb choices for the lake house, and I can't wait to see what you do with it. I, too, use the WetJet on my hardwood areas. I may paint them white this year, so I am not into babying them.

We are each our own harshest critic, I think. I suppose that is one reason I continue to write my blog, because when I look back, I think, well yeah, I guess I got a few things done this week. At this point, I am not sure what happened last week, so it is always a good thing to have it documented!

NanaDiana said...

Congrats on the new job, Jane. Good for you. I hope it turns out to be just exactly what you hoped for and that it fulfills a dream!

I am much harder on myself than I am on anyone else---ever. I expect too much of myself and often feel I have not done all I could do.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Jane,
You are inspiration to me. I am so proud of you. I am doing the same with my flower business. I am trying to make a go of it. I am not sure if I shared with you my idea. I would like to do a Fresh Flower Subscription. You would purchase a subscription from me to have me deliver fresh cut flowers to (let us say Emily) once a month or week, you would pick, I would deliver a fresh cut bouquet to her from May - September every month or week.

I am so proud of you!! You are amazing my dear. Please keep us posted!!

Go Cubs. :-) I usually say Brewers but I would like to see the Cubs go. :-)

Vee said...

First, congrats on your new column! That is super.

Second, the bedroom linens look great.

Third, it is not my belief that life gets easier, more's the pity.

For those floors...perhaps one of FlyLady's floor tools?

Unknown said...

I love to read the newspaper, especially the Sunday paper. I'm very happy and proud of you, first your blog, then The Lake Newspaper and now a regional one! Yahoo! You have lots to offer and you need to celebrate in a big way! A new chapter begins, Kathleen in Az

Helen said...

When the Playoffs began I picked the Indisns and the Cubs to go all the way! I sure hope my prediction comes true AND then, being the Illinois girl that I am, it's Chicago for the win! Getting older means letting go of so many expectations and as a recently turned 75 ~ I can say it feels good!

Bluebird49 said...

Jane--I've had my fingers crossed for you; I am so glad for your writing job--it'll make you happy, and I think you may find you get even more done around home.! It's always seemed to me that working women in my circle of friends got more done at home 'cause they had to...

Shucks, girl---new babies flying through your little family probably have your mind entering a new stratosphere--of "grandma and grandpa world"!

Oh dear Jane--I trump you SO big on procrastination your head would spin around - except this year it has been more of series of health problems than ever that have caused this house to look like a 12-year-old's room. Fall, blood clots, falls, cataracts, physical therapy, foot problems that have to be addressed now before I can continue with PT. Tooth infections, but still cannot have any surgery until my blood thinner has worked it's magic. (Which it hasn't yet.) :(

Today I got 3 loads of wash done and cooked dinner, and cleaned out some old papers--and I am beat, still. It looks like I have gotten nothing done, yet I feel so tired. I won't beat myself up for it. I'm still alive enough to get some things done, and I am so grateful for it.

I loved both your choices for bedding. Mama used to have feather pillows that had been sewn with what she called "bed ticking", (also "feather ticking"), and she had slept on a feather mattress when she was a girl. The one for your "boys" room reminds me of the bed ticking "of older times".
I used to love to hear Mama talk of her own mama warming the children's beds during cold spells with hot bricks wrapped up good, and tight, and pushed down --- far at the end of the bed. Mama said they were the "best heating blankets" she ever had! I really love to sit and remember the stories Mama told me --- of having such a "wonderful childhood", yet with no electricity, no indoor plumbing, no they had a "spring well" for butter and milk, etc.,on the farm her daddy worked. I am so grateful for her telling me what life was still like for some in the early 1900's. Days of hard work and nights of quilting if they had enough lantern oil! No one needed sleep aids back then--hard work was a great sleeping "pill".

(I've wandered off topic , as usual.) I hope we get to see at least some samples of your columns in the paper---(which even "real journalists" can find no jobs in these days.) ;)
Blessings, Trudy <3

Sarah said...

Jane, it's late so my comment will be brief. So proud of you!!! Congratulations on the new gig. You will be terrific. Hope you will share some of what you write.
Know you are having fun with the lake house, putting it all back together, making it a home again. Love the Target bedding. I saw it and wished for some twin beds so I could use it. Ha! I may get some of the throw pillows.
As for pulling out the fall stuff....hasn't much happened here either. I was inspired to bring out the velvet pumpkins and my newly acquired needlepoint pumpkins, but I'm slow, ver slow to put out any of my Halloween things. I keep saying tomorrow, but tomorrow comes and goes and still things are in the attic. Not sure what it is, but as a friend said, "Perhaps this is just the year you don't put them out." ;-)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Bravo, Jane! I'm glad you went for it and were successful. We just never know what we are capable of unless we try. I closed a lot of doors last year because I just wasn't ready. I'm a big procrastinator and definitely lack discipline. But I also remind myself that all these things I keep thinking I need to do or really should be doing, aren't necessary after all. I spent many years stressing over work and getting everything done, so am trying to live a more laid back existence now. If the papers you write for are also online, you should share links so we can see what you are writing about. Have fun decorating.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Jane, congratulations on the writing job! You go, girl, right past all the naysayers, and you break that mold!
Love your choices for the lake house. A few things I will offer as my two cents worth of advice on the floor, since I have dark wood stain too (and love it). Don't use Pledge - EVER - you or someone is bound to fall in sock feet and get hurt really bad. Even if you're spraying Pledge on a cloth to wipe other furniture, if the overspray falls onto the floor, it makes it very, very slick. My experience with Murphy's soap (on cabinets only), is that is leaves a build up over time, sort of a tacky residue. I use only vinegar and warm water, and that's it. I use about a 1/4C to 1 Gal water, weekly, on a Libman mop (they're sort of like handi-wipe material, easy to wring out and dry). I dry vacuum first with a wood floor brush attachment. Our current floors are almost 5 years old (refinished after the 25 years), and still look good.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, girl!!! You rock! I am so happy for you. You are a great writer and I hope you have a blast doing this!

Regarding your questions, as I've gotten older, I don't worry as much if I get anything done or not. I have a housekeeper who comes every other Friday, and does a fabulous job cleaning my house, so in between, I don't do a whole lot, unless I want to. I usually just go by how I feel. If I want to decorate, I do. If not, I don't. I don't set very many expectations for myself. I just go with the flow. Of course, I'm 64, quite a bit older than you are, and I pickup my granddaughter from school everyday and stay with her until my daughter gets home from work. That pretty much knocks me out of doing a lot in the afternoons. If I'm going to do something, it has to be done in the mornings.......after we have several cups of coffee, and laze around a while. :)

This is how my floors are done by my housekeeper: Vacuum first. Use the swiffer (dry) and get any dust bunnies. Then use just a slightly damp mop to go over the wood to remove the dirt/dust. My floors are a lighter color, Natural. Never use pledge, endust, or anything like that. It makes them slick. My housekeeper occasionally might use a little Mr. Clean in her water, or some other product. The mop we use is a wide one with a microfiber pad that you use over and over, Mr. Clean brand. You can find them at Dollar General and grocery stores. I love these because they cover a wide swath at the time, and the pad can be laundered and used for a very long time. Oh, they are light weight as well. Our favorite mop in the world!!! I have one for the floors at the lake house too, though they are vinyl in the kitchen and bathrooms, they have a nice sheen. I think you'd really like one. My floors are 15 years old, and still shine like new!

Your comforters are nice.

Have fun with your job, and enjoy it. Quit stressing about not meeting items on your list. It doesn't matter. :)

Take care, and be sure to share your articles with us if you can. Maybe you can give us a link to them.

Lynne said...

I find I "get in a bundle" when all the "stuff " starts looming at me . . .
My biggest struggle is to say to "me-self" . . .
It is ok to just sit for awhile
Read a book
Do nothing
Take a nap
I find that I am feeling "most right" when I am getting everything done
on time, perfectly, consistently.
It has been really wonderful for me to tell, "me-self"
to "chill, relax, stop" for a bit.

Congratulations on the writing, coulum, job . . .
All the best . . .
I would love to "read you" . . .
Can you share your articles, name of paper?

Love your cottage comforter looks . . .
Isn't it fun to create, choose, tweak, play with decorating . . .

Lynne said...

One more . . .
I am a Murphy Soap gal for my wood floors . . .
which reminds me . . .

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Jane hello! This post sure contained a lot. I see you are in a funk (your words) but I pose this question to you - could it be that your soul just wants to slow down to be observational to your current situations and enjoy the beauty you are graced with everyday. I think we oftentimes are too hard on ourselves and expect every season to be over productive and goal orientated... you my friend should rejoice in your opportunity at writing a real column and celebrate your talent for being able to have what you longed for. Yes, it is Jane's time to just reflect on how delightful things are and know you are appreciated. Congrats my fellow writer.
Sending love,

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I have to agree with Vera, now is your time. Congratulations on your new position as a writer. I think it is terrific and you will do very well. I always love your posts.

Love the bedding you picked out for the Lake House, it all is very pretty.

Hugs to you dear Jane.


Kit said...

Well how cool is that, congrats on the writing job. That is awesome. I hope you have fun doing it, that is what matters most. I keep lists but only of things that I need to do each day or week. I leave lots of time for relaxing, and doing fun stuff. Like watching lots of football. :) Enjoy your weekend! Kit

Anonymous said...

As a Red Sox fan I feel your pain. I am truly hoping that the Cubs win and then win the Series.

Elaine said...

Congratulations on the job! That is fantastic! I am so excited for you. This is the perfect job for you.

I am a big procrastinator. Not something I like to admit but it's true. I need to catch up on my blog but it can feel overwhelming. Wondering if age has something to do with it. Well, I will blame it on age anyway!

Fall is the best isn't it? I love to decorate this time of year. Love the first photo of your post. Sometimes simple is best.

Anonymous said...

thank you sooooo much for visiting tonight,, I have to confess I read this very post the other night, I haven't been able to comment but now I'm able to,, congratulations!!! You are perfect for the job,, good for you and I am so glad your lake house is ready, what a long process its been for you and I know how much it means to you,, it will be beautiful I just know it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Janie! Oh, I'm so proud of you for getting your writing job! I know it will be a success as we all love your writing style! Don't feel bad - I'm older than you and I have to have a stick of dynamite to get me going sometimes. The other thing that will get me to really cleaning house is to have company coming! :) I too, procrastinate. I tell my hubby I work well under pressure!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Congratulations on the new job and best wishes for all success! Your list isn't sad, it's moving toward goals; a woman without a vision will perish and lists keep us on track.
A magnet on my fridge says, "A year from now what will you wish you had done today?"
Sobering thought, eh?
God's blessings on the work of your hands and heart.

Meredith said...

Congrats to you Jane! That is so exciting. I am so proud of you for following through with your dream my friend. Go Cubs! Although I am still a bit mad at Joe Maddon for leaving us down here in Florida.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Congrats on your new gig, Jane! Love your writing style, so they are lucky to have you! Have fun on your decorating adventure, too!

xinex said...

I like your goals, Janie. Good luck in achieving them. And wow, I am really impressed on you getting a new job! Though I am not really surprised because you are an excellent writer. Congratulations! The beddings you picked are really pretty. Good choice!...Christine

Lorrie said...

Congratulations on the writing job, Jane. I know how hard it is to break into a writing gig. If your columns are like your blog, you'll be a great success.
On the making of goals and setting high expectations for myself that sometimes (often) collapse, I think I'm an expert. It takes energy and purpose to live intentionally, but it can be so rewarding as long as we don't beat ourselves up when things don't happen as planned. That's just life.
Go boldly forward!

Maggie said...

Hi Jane,
We've been away on vacation so I'm only now catching up with my blogging pals.
Congratulations on your new job, it's going to be great!
Love the new bed linens, the lake house must be looking amazing now thanks to all your hard work not to mention your great taste in decorating.
The decision quote is fab, I should have that on my craft room wall to keep me focused!

Maria Elena said...

What a wonderful post, Jane. First, congratulations on your writing job! You are going to be awesome! You are a great writer and I know you will do very well. I know how you feel about not getting things done. I have been the same way lately. Maybe is the season change, I don't know, but I need to get myself in gear. :) Love the bedding you picked up for the lake house. So glad you are over all the repairs and you are now moving into the fun part of decorating your home. I know it will be beautiful when it is all finished. Take care and have a great week. xxx Maria

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your being a little too hard on yourself. I do the same... Congratulations on the job! You are a very talented lady with so much to share. I think you should be very proud of yourself for everything you have done (raised children, grandkids, wife, home, blog, etc.) You'll do great! keep us posted, Silvana

Lisa said...

Congrats! Congrats! Jane!!! It's your turn so give it all you've got Girl! Love all the colors and fabric you are using in the lake house. They are perfectly nautical! Don't stress or over do with the boxes and dust. It will all be done when it's done.;-)

Karen said...

Congratulations on the Job! I am the editor and occasional writer for a small publication for our Town. You will LOVE the creative outlet... good for you!

And OH, I gotta get one of those t-shirts-LOL!

JoAnne said...

Wow Jane - I'm so happy and excited for you getting writing job! You are an excellent writer. It's just like having a conversation with you over coffee. You'll have to share some of your columns with us. The bedding you have picked out is perfect for a lake house. I know you will make it all so comfy and inviting. I'm trying not to stress about the holidays too but it is an uphill battle!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Jane, congratulations! So exciting, a little scary at first, but you are going to kill it. It is such a blessing to be able to do what we love, and have a gift for. {When I first got the job writing for a magazine about antiques, I thought for sure that they made a mistake, and I would throw up, I was pretty nervous! Now? I love it and take all the photographs, too. And it's not half as hard as I thought it would be.} You are going to win over their readers with your charming, lovely style of writing, and soon you will be "famous"... Love it, sweetie.

Please email me a copy of your first published column, I would love to read it.

Xo Lidy

Ricki Treleaven said...

I'm a lifelong Cubs fan. We try to make it to Chicago at least once a season, and we had season tickets in the cactus league when we lived in Scottsdale. When I had my surgery in May, Trip bought me a subscription to all the Cubs regular season games so i could watch them. We have reservations (my daughter and I) for this weekend in Chicago (she's interviewing as a doctoral candidate at Northwestern) but we're having difficulty finding World Series tickets we can afford. We are so sad! One of the reasons Shanley's applying to Northwestern for her PhD is because of her love for Chicago and the Cubs!

Congratulations on your job. How exciting! I would love to read your articles. Are they available online???


Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Congrats Jane. You are a wonderful writer and it is so fitting for you. My husband and I are not into baseball. Your bedding choices is lovely. How fun to be able to do this. By all means, do have fun! Love, Linda

Helen Philipps said...

Just catching up here and wanted to say congratulations too! Your new job sounds perfect! I love how you write, Jane, you have a great style and am sure your articles and features will be very popular x
Helen xox

Kit said...

So exciting for your town!! I am watching the game right now. I hope the Cubs win the series. I remember when we lived in Denver and we finally won the Super Bowl with John Elway. The town's mood was was incredible! Happy Halloween. Kit