Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Take me out to the ballgame.  Notice this is a blue font?  Well, it's always blue font but it now means more.  GO CUBS!

As first baseman, Anthony Rizzo said, "Chicago needs this."  

I'm so glad to be back on a somewhat timely basis.  If you read my last post, you know I've been struggling with a discipline dilemma as my schedule gets more and more busy.   All of you ladies were so honest in describing your own issues with getting everything done and the pressures we put on ourselves to live up to that sort of expectation.  I really love your support and I hope you continue to read and reflect on some of the areas I want to go to in the future.  I will always post anything and everything about decor, gardening, recipes, good reads, travels, extreme tangents and hysterically insane happenings with The Husband (which are entirely his fault) get the picture.  

So onward and upward to decor.  Back at the lake:  I have a little conversation area in a corner of the Great Room.  Actually it's my favorite little spot as it is smack dab in front of the huge glass windows that looks out at the bay.  As opposed the the sofa and loveseat which are positioned around the fireplace, these are the best seats in the house.  For over twenty years we have had the same settee and glider rockers in this space and we can't imagine giving any of these pieces up.  The rockers are beyond comfy and the camel back settee is still solid, the cushions impeccably firm.  So we decided to upholster these pieces.  The rockers were very simple.  They have seat and back cushions which are attached.  Below you can see the fabric I chose.  

Above you can see the fabric I picked out for the settee.  I'm bringing soft blue and grays into the house but I don't want to be blocked into that color so its subtle.  I can't wait to share pics but we aren't there yet.  

These pieces should be done in  January.  I'm so excited.  

 We have had a little round table in the middle to set our drinks and books on.  I think I've posted it before but I'm too lazy to go back in my posts to find a picture.  Ha....  I painted the table with chalk paint and thought I was very cool and on the game but nothing can deny the table was a simply ugly to begin with.  Outdated and vintage are totally different so the table will be down at the curb should you be in Southwest Michigan in January.  Any who, I received an email that Pier 1was having a sale on ottomans and after looking at coffee tables to  replace said ugly little table, I knew that I had to find something smaller.  Ta Da...there you see it above.  I ordered it in Taupe in light of the patterns I have going on in the furniture fabric.  I love the tufted top and nailhead detail.  It's very sturdy as well.  I've bought furniture from Pier 1 and it hasn't disappointed me.  On smaller items my mindset is: if I can't get it cheaper elsewhere, if it's really original or on clearance, then I'm okay.

Speaking of junk, the last time we were up at the lake I was working away inside and The Husband was cleaning out the garage.  He called me to give him a hand with something.  We still have a dumpster in our driveway which is overflowing.  I helped him carry a few heavy pieces over.  It was in miserable pouring rain and of course I was barefoot.  When I got a close look at the dumpster I nearly collapsed in a puddle.  So many of my treasures, my favorite pieces that had been packed in the garage had been tossed away.  Things that were in perfect condition.  Outdoor candles, glass holders, lights, garland, 4th of July decorations.  Beloved signs and beachy decor pieces.  A beautiful set of glass jars filled with sand to hold votives which were a gift from Pottery Barn.  It was all fine albeit a little wet.  I started to paw at it, tears running down my face in the rain.  The Husband thought I was nuts.  "These are perfect.  Why?  Why were they thrown away?" I cried.  Thankfully no one had come along and taken them so I made trips back and forth to save what I could.  I guess it ended up being my own dumpster diving experience.  I'm just so grateful I was there before the monster was hauled away.  Sheesh, long story!

For all the excitement Saturday night, realizing we were going to the World Series, there is a feeling of being on edge with these final games.  I still think hometown glory and pride can do a tremendous amount of good, win or lose.  There have been so many folks waiting for this moment after 108 years since Chicago was in the World Series.  If you are that old you may remember that.  Okay, Jimmy Fallon said that tonight...shoot me.  

I have to share this Facebook post my very, very sweet sister in law, Mary Jane, wrote about my brother.  He and I were texting throughout the game.  He is not only a longtime Cubs fan but he has a 45+ year career of teaching high school and coaching baseball in southern Indiana.  In fact, he's in the Indiana Hall of Fame.  MJ wrote:

"He was born on the South side of Chicago, and saw his first game at Wrigley Field with his beloved grandpa at age 5.  When he would visit his grandparents in the summer, his grandma would pack him his lunch, and at the age of 11 he would catch the bus and go alone to watch them play.  He would pay .50 for a bleacher seat and be sure to get there early to watch them practice beforehand.  Very few times in our married life have I seen him shed a tear.  Tonight was one of those nights."

Me and my brother, John (2015)  Louisville, KY

I mentioned in my last post that The Husband had tickets for the game and thankfully they were for Saturday, the night the Cubbies won.  As comedian/actor and long time Cubs fan, Bill Murray said...people in Miami, Seattle and such don't get it.  We've waited for this forever.  

 The Husband and our son, Jeff, were there together as well as Kevin but he was in a swankier place with his people from work!!  I have a great video they took from the bleachers but I can't seem to load it.  I'll keep trying.  I was by my lonesome but I had the excitement of a zillion fireworks going off, Milo, totally frightened and trying to crawl under the sofa, and Layla vomiting.  Can I say I'm dreading July 4th?  My saving grace was that my men could not possibly hit the bars in Wrigleyville with the crowds and they were home by midnight with McDonalds.  Yes!

Finally...a HUGE thank you to all of you ladies who congratulated me on my new writing job!  I felt your confidence and it boosted mine.  We have such a great community and I feel something so powerful and real.  I think I'm going to be okay. :)

You can look at the Reporter online at the Reporter.  I will have an article every third week of the month (this is a weekly newspaper).  I will also have feature articles and I'll definitely let you know when that happens.  Again, thanks for your best wishes.

Jane x


Ricki Treleaven said...

LOVE this post about the CUbbies. Although I've never lived in Chicago, I love the Cubs. We're blessed we get to see them play at least a couple of times a year (in person) once in Chicago at least and in Atlanta. (I do not like the Braves like most Alabamians)....

Last night's game about killed me, but we were out pitched as much as I love Jon Lester. Trip kept telling me to chill because it's a series, and not to be so down about it.

I love the adorable little ottoman! :D So cute! Nice to know about Pier 1 furniture because I think they have some of the cutest designs right now.

Take care, and Go Cubs Go!!!


Theresa said...

I was pulling for the Cubs! We were out of town and watched from our hotel room:) SO exciting! Love that ottoman! Great choice! Have a blessed day and happy that you recovered some of your treasures! HUGS!

Unknown said...

Lots of Cub fans in Phoenix! Hope they can play early today before the rain.
I hasn't been to Pier 1 in ages. I like the color scheme you're going for at The Lake Cottage, the Ottoman is adorable.
Your story about your brothers deep love for the Cubs and being in the Hall of Fame is very special and I hope the Cubs Win!
Kathleen in Az

Karen said...

My husband is a Yankees fan forever, but he is THRILLED for the Cubs to be where they are. We're rooting for them!

I will be looking for furniture for our cove cottage this winter. Love your choices with the re-do.

Susie said...

Blondie, I am thrilled for the Cubs. I have always liked the teams of Chicago. I have been in front of Wriggly Field..never seen a game. But I love that part of Chicago.
My SIL threw many things away my daughter would have kept, when they moved she has no idea what all went into the dumpster. I do like the ottoman. I will be looking to read your stories . Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

Summer said...

I love how you say happenings with the husband which are all his fault!☺☺ Sooo funny ♥

Helen Philipps said...

So glad for the Cubs!! And so glad you retrieved those treasures from the dumpster in time!! Your newly upholstered furniture will be lovely.
Helen xox

Unknown said...

Congrats on the World Series! So glad you could rescue your things from the dumpster. I would have been upset about that too! Love the ottoman and the fabric choices. Take care!

Brenda Pruitt said...

You and your brother favor one another. Read about your job. How exciting! Just wondering: Do they pay? I ask because I'd put myself out there around here and try for something if I knew newspapers were actually paying for "outside" help. But I gotta pay the bills and can't do it for free. Sorry about the hubby throwing things out. Men are just kind of oblivious about things like that, I think.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Great post Jane. While we lived in the Chicago area my ex and I became Cubbie fans. But growing up in Cleveland I was an Indian fan. In fact I went to the parade when they won the World Series. I ditched school and we got on the bus and went to downtown Cleveland and cheered them like everyone else. Of course I got into trouble when I go home, but it was so worth it. So I am cheering for who ever wins - they both are terrific. My son is a Cub fan. I was able to bring him& his wife out to Chicago when working there at a Trade Show. They got on the train and went to Wrigley field. He loved it.

I know exactly how you feel when someone throws your stuff away. I am trying to get rid of a lot of things and it is so hard. I know if I don't and passaway before I am finished my son will get a dumpster and everything will end up in there. So glad that you were able to get your things back. Shame on husband.

Of course I hope that I live long enough to see my granddaughter graduate from high school and then I will be happy.

Try Bono, I think you will like it. It always makes my floors look so good. I need to do them again, once I get my energy up LOL.

Have a great weekend Jane and so glad that things are coming together for you at the Lake House. I think if you find furniture that is comfortable and good, re-cover it. That area sounds like a great area so curl up with a book.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Good luck with your Cubbies.

I have so much on my plate right now and am trying my best not to stress out. I am woman, I am strong, but Lordy, Lordy, I can't wait for the smallest of break.

We all take too much on, don't we?

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yay Cubs!! My hubby is a St. Louis Cardinals fan, but they didn't get into the finals this year so he was happy that the Cubs did. Now we're rooting for the Cubs to win the Series. You and your brother look a lot alike, only you are much, much prettier. :) Glad you saved your treasures from getting hauled off. I like the ottoman and all your fabrics. It's all going to look wonderful. Have a nice week!
xo Cheryl

Anonymous said...

you look so much alike you and your brother, he is very handsome and of course you are a beauty,,you are a busy woman!!

Vee said...

Congrats on the win! I do get it. We are in Red Sox Country and, believe me, when they finally won it was as if the angels sang. I just found a drawer full of newspapers about that win that my husband saved. I'll continue to save them.

Oh my goodness, Jane. I can't believe that you found all those treasures in the nick of time. It was a God thing. So happy for you.

Marigene said...

I always enjoy reading your blog, it is so down to earth, Jane. I know exactly how you felt when you saw what your husband tossed in the dumpster...mine did that to me, just once, when I wasn't around to retrieve one thing. After my screeching when I found out, I doubt he will ever do that, again!
Congrats on the home team all they have to do is win 3 more games!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

I get the cubbies love and the emotion involved. We both live in cities that sometimes get a bad rap, but the people are down to earth, hard working and good hearted Midwesterners who love both their city and their sports teams. It's beautiful how it brings everyone together.

Scribbler said...

I am not really into sports, but the hubs is into it enough for both of us! I guess I would like to see the Cubs win, though, because it has been a long, long time, and I do believe in hanging in there.

Husbands do not have a clue about throwing out perfectly good stuff! I am glad you were able to retrieve some at least. I am pretty sure my son would call an estate agent and try to eke out every dollar if we both croak and leave him with it. He has no emotional attachment to old family things or anything else that does not serve his immediate needs. A friend recently remarked that "kids today do not respect old things." I think that is true.

Your lake house is going to be so pretty!

susan said...

Rooting for your Cub, Jane!
Congratulations on the job. That's really a big deal - you must have wowed them. Dreams really do come true.
Sounds like you're putting in a lot of hours at the lake house. Judging by what you're buying, it's going to beautiful. Of, course I wouldn't expect anything less from you with your eye for decorating.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

I love your fabric choices and colors Jane. Blue really is my fav color, but I have zero of it in my home. Go figure.

As I'm sitting here typing is, I hear the ballgame in the background because of course hubby is watching, along with the rest of the world it seems. I admit I'm not much into sports, but I'm rooting for the Cubs just on principal.

I'm so sorry your hubs threw away your treasures! I hope he learned his lesson! Honestly, if my hubby did that he'd be singing soprano.

(You and your brother look very much alike)


Rita C at Panoply said...

Love the colors and fabrics for the lake house! And I can totally understand and appreciate the tears of your stuff in the dumpster. I can also appreciate the Cubs love. What a sweet sentiment of your brother and his childhood.

Carla from The River said...

The story about your dumpster dive! That is not easy to find your treasures tossed away!!

I am so happy you shared how your family did at the game. I was thinking of them and you! What a great time for Chicago. I agree, your city needs this win. I am cheering.

I LOVE what you shared about your brother.

Love you lots,

Linda said...

Hi Jane...
I read ALL of your posts...why did I not comment on the last one? Wierd!!
You will be excellent at your new job...fantastic!! Cannot wait to see your name in print!
Your choices for the bedrooms are cottage seems very drab compared to yours! All of the bedroom sets are from the 30's!! And a lot of the tables etc. Not complaining...just wish mine was new and fresh like yours..
We were bummed when our Blue Jays were eliminated...last year they almost won the whole thing! Good luck to your team!
Still recovering from the wedding...seems like it was ages ago now...funny,eh?
We are off to the cottage tomorrow...need to start think about shutting her down for her winters nap...we will have Vivian on Sunday...looking forward to that 💞
I shouldn't babble on here like this...I should just email you! hahaha!!
Enjoy your weekend..
Linda :o)

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

Oh Jane...I love all of your posts but am happy to read about your dumpster rescues:)

Barbara F. said...

Hope the Cubs bring it home, Jane. So excited for you. I congratulated my Chi town peeps on Facebook, but I guess you don't visit there very often. How is Emily doing?

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So happy for all the Cubs fans! It's such an exciting time when your hometown team is doing so well. Glad you were able to rescue your dumpster things. My Mr. would gladly throw everything in the house away except his pillow and his tools, Lol! Oh, and his favorite holey jeans and shirt that I have tried to throw away over and over. Love your upholstery colors and the new furniture. I need to stay out of Pier 1 because every time I go, I am broke for months. I'll be cheering the Cubs on! xx Karen

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

off to visit the Reporter link now : how exciting!!! :)

Meredith said...

Very exciting times for the Cubs, we are a little sad down here in Tampa/Clearwater as Joe used to be our coach!

Vel Criste said...

I shed a tear when I watched the game and FINALLY, the Cubs made it to the world series! The first ever baseball game I ever saw was at Wrigley's and that place is just simply magical! I am no big baseball afficianado, but, definitely a CUBS fan at heart (Cardinals come in close second)! We'll be watching for sure tonight! Writing does run in your family with the poignant write-up your sister made. Wonderful!

As for your house, glad you rescued a lot of good stuff! You need decorative stuff in your lakehouse and of course, not everything new is always good. The old and sentimental ones, the ones that bring back memories are the BEST! Congrats with your writing gig, you deserve it dear, will check it out after this! Have a great halloween, lovin' all the choices your making on your 'new ' digs!

Dewena said...

I'm so happy for all you Cubs fans, my grandson and his wife among them--they just celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary and are loving living in the big city there.

The ottoman is so handsome! Your swatches are beautiful and I will look forward to seeing the finished room.

Congratulations on the new job! I'm so proud of you! That makes at least 2 blog friends who write for newspapers!

Best to you,

Melanie said...

We're so excited that the Cubs are back home tonight - bring on game 3! Brian's in all his Cub's glory right now, having been a huge fan his entire life.

Love the swatches you have picked out for your seating. The ottoman is great, too.

I can't believe all your home decor store had been thrown in the Dumpster! Was it not known what was in the boxes beforehand?

Just FYI, your link to The Reporter isn't working. At least it isn't on my laptop!

Have a great weekend, Jane.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I was such a HUGE cubs fan as an adolescent growing up watching them on WGN :) I am rooting for them!

Poppy said...

Beautiful choices in fabric, Jane; I'm sure they will succeed in the effect that you want. Looking forward to seeing it all on display!

Hope your Cubs do well; I do not follow baseball, but I can understand the excitement a fan can have for their beloved team. The only real time I ever experienced such a sentiment was when Greece won the 2004 European Championship in soccer. It was also the year that Athens hosted the Olympic Games, which were amazing!

Happy weekend,

Stacey said...

Hi Jane. Your lakehouse is going to be amazing! The colors you're picking are so current but mix well with other colors too. That's the fun way to decorate. I can picture sitting in those chairs by the window. Sounds wonderful.

We don't watch baseball at all and I know we are missing out a little. We are all about college football here. Don't get between my husband and his Texas Aggies.


Stacey said...

Hey Jane, that link to the reporter doesn't work.

baili said...

Hi dear
you both make a wonderful couple

glad you shared your current tasks and adventures .
wishing you best of luck for everything you chose to do

June said...

I always, always love reading your brain Jane! Congratulations on your writing will be awesome!!!! I'm a huge self-doubter so I know how easy it would be to question, but you will be so GREAT!
My husband would have been SO dead if I would have gone out and seen a dumpster full of my stuff!
I'm thrilled about your Cubs!!!
sending hugs...

Decor To Adore said...

I love all your decorating choices for the lake house! Have a wonderful weekend.

Cindy said...

Getting caught up reading your last three blog posts Jane. Love your new fabrics for the reupolstery project and congratulations on the writing job! You rock girlfriend!
And the new grandchildren coming soon.
It's late, I will email you.
Hopefully we can get together in December.
I need something to look forward to so much
Love ya,

donna baker said...

Jane, first, thank you for stopping by my blog to leave a comment. We do have so much in common; like many of the same things. I really enjoyed reading your posts, even the sidebar. I do hope the Cubs win, but even going as far as they have is exciting. Kids, grandkids, decorating, cooking, town and country... our lives.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Jane, How bout those Cubs!!! My hubby and I are fans too and it's been non stop all things Cubs here. Congrats on your job. You are so talented and will be amazing.
Love the ottoman. What a treasure. Beautiful photo of you and your brother.
Have a great week. xoxo

Bluebird49 said...

Hey Girl--how I can see you--like Scarlet O'Hara, digging down into that dumpster, crying--with dirt underneath your nails--"They'll never take my things away from me again!" and then..."I'll think about it another day!" ;)

We just finished the Series..or watching it anyway...and I thought of you and your family the whole time, and how youall must be screaming and yelling---and yes, crying,too. (The men because they won, and the women because it's finally over!) :)

Jane, something is wrong with my computer not working right, because I didn't get any e-mail from your blog saying you had a new post---this is several days since the last! And I could tell I was not getting and even sending all my e-mails, either. I don't know how to figure it out even.

I'm so thankful you'll soon be done enough with The Lake House by January that we can peeks!
Love you! Trudy

Lynne said...

TO THE BEAUTIFUL B'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Just popping in to say CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CUBS! The best World Series ever in my humble opinion.

We have GREAT PASSION for the game and it's history here on 34. I have dear friends who are fans of The Tribe who could not be devastated because of the history that surrounded this series.

We watched Jon Lester from childhood as he is the same age as Jay. In high school, you couldn't sit behind home plate any time Jon pitched due to the scouts with their radar guns. Jay and Jonathan were drafted the same year. Jonathan to the Red Sox, Jay to The Reds. Jay played two years of college ball which led him to his true passion, since childhood, sports broadcasting.

My favorite memory from the series was actually a little blurb on the radio . . . It was the very first news brief on our clock radio when we rose on the morning of the first series game in Chicago . . . "Chicago fans have been advised not to bring remains to sprinkle on the field." I am guessing that some fans ignored Wrigley's request.

I completely understand about the passion of game. I refuse to fix a dent in our entry way from a young son's disobedient swing of a bat . . . although it has been painted over a few times.

Baseball is life!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Glad you found your belongings before they were thrown away! They must have been just clearing everything out. I like the choices you are making for the lakehouse...the ottoman is beautiful!
The last game of the series was a classic, for sure!

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

A big congratulations on the Cubs winning! I know how you feel about finding out your things have been thrown out…my husband did the same thing when we were moving. Good for you for retrieving your treasures. :)

Art and Sand said...

I cried through the story about your brother and made Steve listen to me read it to him - crying again.

There is so much ugliness and hate in the news right now (which is why I am avoiding it) and stories about the Cubs and their fans are much needed.