Off we went to lunch shortly after checking in. Look way up...this is the John Hancock building, 100 floors and 1,506 feet high. The Skybar on the top floor is absolutely a must if you visit the city.
We had a little down time in our room, just resting and watching a little TV. I had a great bit of advice from Suzanne from Privet and Holly. She suggested if we did the tea, that we simply enjoy a bit of night life and get appetizers to nibble on rather than dinner. And this was our plan...hence, the super nice lunch at RL. At about 8:30 p.m.. we dressed a bit more formally and went downstairs to the bar area. It was alive with a good many friendly people. and with The Husbands dry but fun personality, conversation flowed with those around us. We had a few "small plates" as they are called; fried calamari and delicious chicken fajita egg rolls. Beautifully presented, too.
All the while, I was looking out the windows at the snow falling. Okay...time for a walk, it was so beautiful. The Husband wasn't so keen but we agreed to walk across the street to The Drake Hotel (once again) and we spent an hour in Coq D' Or, listening to a wonderful singer reminiscent of Frank Sinatra. We loved it. :)
Finally, if all of you are not exhausted by my is my Layla content in peering out the window at the people shoveling, snow blowing and chatting as neighbors do when they are drawn together in a common crisis. And the plows, which she is afraid bark bark bark!!!
Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. Tomorrow is the actual day and I'm celebrating with a visit to the eye doctor. Still praying for the safe arrival of Kevin and Mary Clare's baby girl!
Jane xx
Happy Birthday Jane! You sure know how to write a great birthday post. I felt like I was right there with you guys. Tasting those delicious appetizers, the four o'clock tea at Drake Hotel, the eggs benedict and all the shopping....HOW fun.(I love getting high quality kitchen pots) it looks like a wonderful birthday, I hope you felt special because you sure are!
ps Love that first photo. A slice of real home life.
You, my sweet dear, had a truly perfect birthday- WOW! What a fun time and you did everything I would think perfect for me as well.....even did your proper afternoon know how much I love that!
So glad you enjoyed yourselves.
I looked up our weather today online and all they were showing were pics of Chicago lol - what a MESS, huh?
But, well, I love winter, so if it is going to be winter it should be snowing.
Our full moon in its cloudless sky is breathtaking tonight - def gets colder when there's no clouds.
Happy Birthday again, dear! So delighted with this post--your home pic beginning and ending, and all the wonder of downtown Chicago in between. (I believe I'd have carried my favorite sodas in my suitcase!) :) Strike that. I'm sure I would!
You have a truly fabulous life, darlin', even though it's "real life." :) It speaks volumes that although a few lovely meals out and a wonderful night in a great hotel were lovingly enjoyed and embraced, your "most wanted gifts" were pots for your kitchen. Your heart truly belongs in your home---cooking, gardening, crafting, decorating, blogging (Yay!) and more, plus making your family (and us) feel the warmth. And with snowdrifts like that, too! I'll bet you've already got some stew or soup in mind for the stock pot. You're a very special person, Jane--with such varied qualities, but always warmth--never doubt it!
happy birthday to you, jane!! so glad the trip was great and you got home safely:) and the new g-baby is right around the corner--you must be so excited! who knew milo was so talented-haha!
Happy Birthday!!!... what a great way to spend it.
We've got the same amount of snow... and my back feels it. Ugh. Off now to shovel more.
Happy birthday to you! Sounds like a wonderful way to spend your birthday. Mine is at the end of the month and it's always a holiday since it is also Kuwait's Liberation Day and the day after National Day. :) Sending warm wishes your way. Stay safe! Tammy P.S. That Milo is too cute stretched out over two pieces of furniture and Layla is a little cutie.
Happy Birthday dear Jane! What a wonderful way to celebrate! That snow is SO pretty! The view from your car looks like a postcard:) Have a blessed and beautiful birthday dear friend, HUGS! Today would be a great day for a baby:)
What an amazing birthday you had! The food looks delicious!
What a lovely birthday weekend! You went to all my favorite places so I lived vicariously through it. Lol.
H a p p y B i r t h d a y, Jane!
Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers every day! The baby! The blizzard!
What a perfect birthday get a way!
The original Sur la Table opened in the Pike Place Market just one year after the original Starbucks opened there in 1971. Since then, both places have been an addiction for me! I know what you mean about the crocks filled with gadgets...the $$$$ add up quick!
I can't get my mind off of that first image of the balancing Milo! What a character!
On baby watch in the PacNWest!
Your birthday weekend sounds like it was so much fun! I love the idea of just going shopping for something you really want, too.
Now that weather...I'll pass. :)
It sounds like a wonderful weekend complete with beautiful snow!
It sounds like the perfect birthday weekend! Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy Birthday TODAY dear friend!... your birthday weekend getaway sounds wonderful!... and lunch at Ralph Laurens!!!... you know I love everything that guy does!... and Sur La Table, one of my favs too!... and you are right about the little "gadgets" in the crocks... no dollar store here that's for sure!... I do have fun browsing though, and buying an occasional spatula or something... your snowstorm really hit hard, and I must admit, although I don't like winter, it looks pretty... I'm with Layla... stay inside and look out!... your photo of your own "secret service man" is too cute!... have a wonderful day, xoxo... Jule Marie
What a dreamy birthday get sounds like it was just about perfect. I loved everything you shared...xoxoxo
Good Morning, A belated Happy Birthday and so glad that you had such an enjoyable one. I am glad I didn't get as much snow as you did. We are to get more tomorrow. I hope that they are wrong. I enjoyed seeing your pictures. I like looking at tall buildings outside, but not looking out from the top. I am afraid of heights. Have a wonderful day. Stay warm and safe. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley
Happiest of Birthdays Sweet Lady.. wishing you many many more in good health and joy.
Jane I enjoyed your photo stroll through Saturday's Birthday celebration. So tomorrow is your BD, I have a friend that celebrates his entire Birthday month! I agree I also prefer Sur la Table. A sauce pan and a stock pot :-)
I enjoy a high tea around Christmas time. In Philadelphia at the Rittenhouse in the Mary Cassett tea room. I once enjoyed tea in New York City at the Plaza when it used to be a gorgeous hotel. Quite a fun very highbrow treat.
Thankfully you arrived back safe and sound in the snow to warm yourselves at home cuddled together recalling all of Saturday's memorable moments.
Thanks for sharing Blondie, Ralph Lauren's restaurant looks handsome inside. Oneday I hope to enjoy it. I love Chicago and have been planting weekend visiting seeds in John's head.
Sending Birthday kisses your way.
Happy, happy Birthday, and many more dear Jane!
Thanks for sharing the details of your Chicago weekend - it all sounded wonderful. Bob knows the Drake well and told me how nice it is.
Wow, tons of snow by looks of it - send us a bit, we haven't had a flake yet this Winter.
How your eye appt. goes well and you celebrate your real 'birth day' in a fun way.
Love from us both -
Mary XX
Wow, that is a lot of snow! Glad you had a happy time of it. (He does look rather Secret Service)
Happy Birthday, Jane! Your weekend in the city sounds wonderful! And wow, you really got hit with a ton of snow! Hope you are staying warm & cozy:)
It looks like you had a wonderful birthday, despite the snow.
Hello Jane,
Happy Birthday.
Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your celebration weekend. You certainly did paint the town white!
So many wonderful treats, the Afternoon Tea sounded particularly fabulous.
We find, as you seemed to do, that even a short break away can seem as if one has been on a long holiday. So much activity packed into a short time and all within a short drive of home. We should have loved this and you certainly sound as if you enjoyed yourselves enormously.
But, the snow drifts sound alarming. We have had a light dusting here, but that is all. Very unusual. Stay warm......put those cooking gifts to good use!
So glad you had such a wonderful time on your birthday, Jane. That is definitely a lot of snow. xo Laura
Happy birthday! What a great celebration. Sounds heavenly. Stay safe and warm with all that snow!!
Happy Birthday! Your Chicago getaway is my favorite way to celebrate. Experiences to remember are even better than gifts that are forgotten, and your weekend sounds like such fun! You got about twice the snow that we did, still, after 12-14 inches it's all a pain. Pretty, but a pain. I don't know about you, but we are supposed to get more tomorrow! Only 44 days 'til Spring...:>)
Happy Birthday! It looked perfect :)
I am soon jealous that you got to go to Ralph Lauren's restaurant! My mom sent me the pictures of the one that just opened in New York recently and I was pissed that we didn't live on that side of the country when it happened. Maybe he'll open one on this side? probably not, but I hope so. The food looked delicious and the decor.... so gorgeous.
Layla reminds me so much of Bubba :)
What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! Such fun. Thanks for sharing about your lunch, dinner, and tea time. Glad you had such a good time! I had no idea you received 22.5 inches of snow. Now that's excessive! It is lovely, though. Soon you will be a nana! Yay!
xo, Beth
What a great Birthday gift and so much fun. What hotel did you stay at? It's been about 8 years since I was in Chicago and RL wasn't there yet. But I loved all the stores on Michigan Ave in the Miracle Mile - great restaurants. I love Rosebuds on Rush. I was so happy when Feline's came to Chicago and I love that store in Boston.
Your lunch and tea time sounds like so much fun.
Yes, pots and pans can get very expensive. Love the Alclad one but only have two when they were on special.
I know you are getting excited about the baby. A little girl - how special. Can I have your address as I have a little gift I want to send to her.
Be careful in the snow and stay nice and warm.
Have a great week dear friend.
That was a gorgeous post. Loved the shopping pics and LOVED the hubby shot as a secret service man! Woo hoo! My hub loves Sur La Table, we visit it regularly in StL. The food looked amazing. We have had so little snow, I miss it and your pictures helped. What a heavy looking wet snow! The Pepsi price was OUTRAGEOUS.
Happy birthday!!
Birthday wishes Jane. Wonderful warm post, great secret service shot, what fun shopping. Enjoy the fur babys, so sweet.Blessings Francine.
Happy birthday! It sounds like you had the perfect birthday weekend. I've always liked Ralph Lauren, too. His restaurant looks elegant and classy, just as one would expect. I love Sur La Table! Such a cool store with so much kitchen stuff to look at and drool over. What brand of saute pan did you end up getting? I have nice Cuisinart pots and pans but my favorite is my Le Creuset pan. Good thing I won it in a blog giveaway because I doubt if I could afford one! ;-) Hope your eye dr. appointment goes well. I go next week.
Your birthday sounds delicious in every way.
Did you know Suzanne of Privet and Holly is in this months Artful Blogging?
It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, Jane! You certainly got a lot into one day! : ) Mmmm, your eggs benedict look delicious. I haven't had them in years. We used to go to brunch to a place that always offered them and that was my "go to" meal.
Happy belated was wonderful!!!! You lucky devil...we got that much snow too, then another ten yesterday...ugh!...:)JP
What a nice birthday you had. I love RL but have only been there once, when it first opened. We stayed at the Peninsula upstairs from RL. It was a work function because I'd never have been able to afford a $500 plus a night room. At least you had decent weather on Friday. Now we have to wait for the big thaw. Happy Belated Birthday!
Hi Jane,
I will be contacting you as my tour guide the next time I visit Chicago. What a great time. :-))
A great post! Thank you and I am so glad you had a great Birthday!!
What a perfect birthday celebration! It sounds like it was so much fun! You're totally making me hungry with all that food talk...devon-shire cream, lemon curd, etc. Yum! And that snow! I can't believe the height of the snowbanks! Yowza! Be careful and stay warm. Love the pic of Milo's balancing act. Lol!
You do more in one day than I do in a week, so either you're the energizer bunny or I'm very, very lazy :).
Love the places you visited Jane. Sur la table, Lauren's restaurant and the Drake hotel to listen to music. Sounds like a near perfect day to me (if you had gotten a massage that would have made it perfect) ;)
I look at all that snow and I'm so grateful we are down south now!
Hi Jane,
Happy Birthday. I love going into Chicago to celebrate almost anything and It looks like your birthday week end was great. Great place to stay, great food and fun. Yep we are getting more snow as I type this. Just what we need a few more inches on top of the 19 from Saturday and Sunday. Ughhhhh I want summer!!
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday from me, Jane, and I wish you a wonderful year ahead. It sounds like you are adding to the family which is the true meaning of joy. Someone new to love. I've had tea at the Drake and it is nice. What a good idea to make lunch the main meal of the day. I didn't know Ralph Lauren had restaurants so I am out of the loop. I haven't been to State Street since Marshall Field's went out of business. Next spring I'll check out Bloomingdales.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful weekend with hubby. Afternoon tea, it's been so long since I went to afternoon tea. A favorite thing to do.
We had the snow too! 2 feet plus and then another 16 inches yesterday. They call it a Winter pattern. I am snow fatigued.
Happy belated birthday Jane. Wonderful pictures, I am so jealous of that snow, I love a true winter. Your birthday treats sound perfect, I'm glad you had a great time. xx Nancy
What a super birthday treat, great food, great company & excellent prezzies.
How about spouting to replace spewing? Much more elegant as befits RL!
Happy Belated Birthday!! It sounds like y'all had a fabulous time! The snow looks so gorgeous!
I was thinking about you every time the news mentioned your blizzard. So glad that you got to experience a wonderful birthday, get home safely, and have a great post for us about all of it !:)
Sounds like THE perfect birthday!!!!! I loved every sentence and every photo!!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! I enjoyed your "tour" of Chicago.
Sounds like your
"getaway" to DT
Chicago was the
perfect way and
place to celebrate
YOU, Jane!!!
Hope your next
365 day trip around
the sun is full of
much joy....
xo Suzanne
Happy Be-lated Birthday, Jane! We almost shared a b-day -- mine was the 3rd, but I'm way older than you! We have never been to Chicago, but it is on our bucket list. It looks like you had a super-fun celebration.
I cannot imagine doing day-to-day things in all that snow! Wish I could send you a bit of our sunshine and warm temps!
Happy Birthday Jane! What a wonderful celebration. The room, appetizers, tea, breakfast and shopping.
What more could a girl ask for!! Glad you had fun. Now I'm off to catch up on more of your posts!!
I LOVE Ralph Lauren's restaurant. I went in teh fall and sat outside...I'm thinking I need to go back SO I can enjoy the ambiance inside!!
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